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The pledge of stock rights is a method for measuring the external horizontal connections of enterprises, which is more suitable to represent the city network compared with the vertical connections of enterprises. Meanwhile, it is greatly significant to express the relationships of regional spaces. The paper characterizes and explores the evolution of urban spatial structure with complex network research methods to enrich the relevant works on city networks in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2011 to 2017. The results are as follows: First, from 2011 to 2017, the pledge of stock rights among cities was enhanced significantly, and the trend of the city networks' characteristics become strengthened and more complicated. Second, cities in the Yangtze River Delta have relatively high connection values, however, cities in the western area are holding peripheral positions within the city network. Third, due to the advantages of economic agglomeration and radiation, the provincial capital have become the core nodes in the city network. Fourth, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Nanjing have dominant positions within city networks in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Particularly, Shanghai, as one of the leading financial centers in China, has a growing influence on other cities and gradually evolved into a regional growth pole city and the first core city.  相似文献   

论长江经济带农业绿色发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄国勤 《中国农学通报》2021,37(30):154-164
长江经济带发展是中国正在实施的五大区域协调发展战略之一。“生态优先、绿色发展”、“共抓大保护、不搞大开发”已成为长江经济带发展的主旋律和鲜明导向。长江经济带农业在中国农业及整个经济发展战略中占有极其重要的战略地位和举足轻重的作用。推动长江经济带农业绿色发展,已成为长江经济带绿色发展的重要内容和有力抓手,是全国上下共同面临的紧迫任务。当前,长江经济带农业绿色发展面临着诸多问题与挑战,如资源浪费、生态破坏、环境污染、灾害频发和农业生态系统退化等。为实现长江经济带农业绿色发展,应针对上述问题采取以下对策与措施:(1)充分利用耕地,全年绿色覆盖;(2)减少化肥施用,扩大生物养地;(3)加强绿色防控,实施生态减灾;(4)发展循环农业,“废物”再生利用;(5)实行“九良”配套,实现综合发展,即将良田、良制、良种、良法、良物、良境、良品、良策、良才相互协调和配合,共同推动长江经济带农业综合发展、全面发展、绿色发展、高质量发展和可持续发展。  相似文献   

长江经济带是中国经济社会发展水平较高的战略发展区域,现代化的农业生产方式为农业土地的可持续利用带来严重的压力,本研究旨在为长江经济带高质量、绿色发展提供科学依据、数据支撑与合理建议。本研究基于能值分析方法,通过对长江经济带2010—2018年投入产出项目计算并构建能值效率指标体系,对该地区农业投入产出的能值结构和效率进行深入研究。结果表明,长江经济带在2010—2018年间总能值投入和总能值产出均呈上升趋势,总能值产出始终低于投入,不可更新工业辅助能投入占比较高,农业土地利用结构不合理,资源利用效率较低,农业系统到2018年已发展为轻度不可持续状态,其中在这9年间对农业可持续状况影响最大的因素是投入结构。因此长江经济带需要积极调整农业投入结构,减小对外界辅助能值尤其是不可更新工业辅助能的依赖,提高资源利用效率,才能最终实现农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Most scientific attention on port studies centers on deep sea ports, especially container ports. In this paper, in contrast, attention is focused on the spatial–temporal development of inland waterway ports on the Midstream Yangtze River from 2001 to 2013. The aim of this study is to assess two relevant and complementary questions of the hinterland evolution: its geographical extent and the coordination relationship with the inland port. To conduct the study, it was necessary to first identify the boundaries of the ports' hinterlands within the given timeframe. Then, the coupling coordination degree model was introduced to explore the underlying relationship between the port service and hinterland economy. Furthermore, to better depict the intricate economic characteristics of the hinterland, the development stage theory was applied in the models. The results highlight the emergence of a discontinuous hinterland at Wuhan Port and its reinforcement of primacy with respect to fierce hinterland rivalry. It also demonstrates that an interplay between major ports and their corresponding hinterlands evolves from the transitional stage, characterized by lagging port service, to the multi‐stage, wherein the supply of ports partly outstrips hinterland demand.  相似文献   

Since China's reform and opening up, public infrastructure investments have significantly improved. These investments drive China's long-term economic growth. Based on panel data of 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta from 2006 to 2017, the simultaneous equation models (SEMs) are constructed to explore the regional impact and spillover effect of infrastructures with resolving endogenous problems. Public infrastructure investment remains to have a systemic effect on household income, urban population, and land prices in certain regions. In certain region, the estimated coefficients of public infrastructure investment are consistent with expectations and significant, which are 0.523, 0.142, and 0.781 with three-stage least squares method. And the endogenous variables also affect public infrastructure investment. But, the coefficient of the spatial term is −0.019, negative and not significant. The cross-regional spillover effect of public infrastructure investment is nonsignificant using the generalized spatial three-stage least squares method.  相似文献   

Science and technology parks (STPs) are established to promote the firm innovation performance via agglomeration economy and government support in China. On-site qualified firms obtain government R&D funding as a type of government support, and they are offered differential innovation service caused by the differential capabilities of sub-parks which scatter throughout a single city. It is debatable whether those government supports at firm and sub-park levels can promote firm innovation capabilities. This study takes Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone, Shanghai as an example. It applies a Tobit regression model to analyse the databases of Zhangjiang Annual Sampling Survey of Firms 2015 and Zhangjiang Development Report 2015. We find out at the firm level, government R&D funding has a significant and positive influence on firms' innovation, but government R&D funding generates a crowing-out effect the innovation performance of on-site firms with more R&D investment themselves. At the sub-park level, innovation service agencies of sub-parks do not exert an important role in influencing firms' innovation, and they even have negative moderating effects on the relationship between firm R&D investment and firm innovation performance. It reflects the mismatch between innovation service of STPs and firms' needs in China.  相似文献   

肥料是影响作物产量和农业碳排放的主要因子之一。研究基于减少单位产量碳足迹,探讨主要肥料的合理用量。对浏阳4个合作社中黄瓜、苦瓜、豆角、莴笋、苋菜、茄子等8种蔬菜生产进行3年定点调查,并对相关数据进行统计分析。结果表明:每季蔬菜生产氮肥、磷肥、钾肥、厩肥施用量依次为:0、327.2、0、48936 kg/hm2,可使单位产量碳足迹减少85.85%,产量提高24.11%。因此,浏阳发展高效低碳蔬菜种植产业关键施肥技术在于减少氮肥与钾肥的使用,控制磷肥的用量,增施厩肥。  相似文献   

Ping Gao  Yajun Liu 《Growth and change》2020,51(4):1611-1630
This paper advances understanding of the process and mechanism of endogenous inclusive development of information and communications technology (ICT) solutions. We present a case of a bottom of the pyramid (BoP) community in a rural area in China, which has achieved sustainable furniture e-commerce development independently. The case study demonstrates that e-commerce development in a disadvantaged area can start from a seed business model targeting a niche market with simple products, which will incur low costs and low skill requirements for entrepreneurs, and is thus able to scale up within local BoP community. In the second stage, BoP entrepreneurs must engage in intensive learning from the seed entrepreneur and other early movers to gain the required capabilities for operating the seed business model. In the last stage, BoP entrepreneurs need to focus on business model innovation and scoping, and form a local value chain and ecosystem for e-commerce development. Throughout the e-commerce development process, a seed entrepreneur plays specific critical roles at each stage. Practical implications for the BoP community to take advantage of ICT innovation to achieve sustainable development are given.  相似文献   

Climate change has become a global issue influencing human survival and development while low‐carbon is the inevitable choice. As the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China has become an important force that influences the cooperation of climate change. China is a large agricultural country, and the rural carbon emissions have been gradually increasing. We consider rural neighborhood as an important space for the use of low‐carbon ideas to address climate change. There is no specific assessment system for a rural neighborhood. The studies of rural neighborhood low‐carbon mainly focus on the method of calculation carbon emissions. However, only quantifying rural carbon emissions is insufficient. In this paper, a low‐carbon evaluation indicator system has been proposed for rural neighborhood and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation has been applied to get the low‐carbon degree. Considering the influence and feedback inside the indicator system, Analytic Network Process was applied to get the weights. Furthermore, a case study was carried out for the using of the proposed method in an eco‐village of China. Our practice has proved that the system is easy to operate in rural neighborhood.  相似文献   

Agricultural e‐commerce clusters are new phenomena that have emerged in rural China. In examining the case of Shuyang County in Jiangsu Province, this paper puts forward an integrated model revealing the formation mechanism of agricultural e‐commerce clusters. The paper shows that the formation of agricultural e‐commerce clusters involves four processes of technology introduction, technology diffusion, quality crisis, and industrial agglomeration based on elements such as industry bases, e‐commerce platforms, network facilities, logistics services, entrepreneurial talent, local government, and market demand. Rural social networks and imitation behaviors promote technology diffusion by reducing the cost of technology introduction, and industrial agglomeration is found in the economies showing a deepening of labor divisions and geographic agglomeration. Throughout the formation process, a quality crisis may occur due to a race to the bottom and the opportunistic behaviors of local farmers. This work suggests that regional e‐commerce development is a systematic project. Governments of developing countries should not only realize the positive impacts of e‐commerce for the development of the agricultural industry but also recognize the premise and logic of how e‐commerce can play a prominent role.  相似文献   

Based on panel data of innovation inputs and outputs in 53 cities of the three major Chinese urban agglomerations (UAs) spanning the 2001–2015 period, this study examines the influence of the spatial spillover effect among cities on innovation efficiency in UAs using the SFA method and a spatial econometric model. Three main conclusions can be draw from the empirical results. First, the innovation efficiency in the three UAs has increased over the research period, but there is enormous potential for improvement. Second, owing to the close socioeconomic linkages and the flow of innovation resources, there is a significantly positive spatial spillover effect between cities on innovation efficiency in the three UAs. In other words, innovation efficiency in a local city was positively influenced by the other cities in the UA. Particularly, the innovation efficiency in a local city is influenced by factors related to not only the city itself but also other cities in the UA. Third, as the geographical distance increases, the spillover effect on innovation efficiency shows nonlinear variations, indicating that the excessive expansion in UAs may not be attributed to innovation development.  相似文献   

A large number of regional crop trials have demonstrated the ubiquitous existence of genotype × environment interactions (G×E), which make it complicated to select superior cultivars and identify the ideal testing sites. The GGE (genotype main effect plus genotype × environment interaction) biplot is the most powerful statistical and graphical displaying tool available for regional crop trial dataset analysis. The objective of the present study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the biplot in evaluating the high and stable yields of candidate cultivars simultaneously, and in delineating the most adaptive planting region, analyzing trial location discrimination ability and representativeness, and identifying the ideal cultivar and trial locations. The lint cotton yield dataset with nine experimental genotypes and 17 test locations (three replicates in each) was collected from the national cotton regional trial in the Yangtze River Valley (YaRV) in 2012. The results showed that: (1) the effects of genotype (G), environment (E), and genotype × environment interaction (G×E) were significant (P < 0.01) for lint cotton yield. Differences among environments accounted for 78.7% of the treatment total variation in the sum of squares, whereas the genotype main effect accounted for 8.7%, and the genotype × environment interaction accounted for 12.6%. (2) The “ideal cultivar” and “ideal location” view of the HA-GGE biplot identified Zhongcj408 (G2) and Nannon12 (G9) as the best ideal genotypes; Cixi in Zhejiang Province and Jiangling in Hubei Province were the most ideal locations.(3) The “which-won-where” view of the biplot outlined the adaptive planting region for each experimental cultivar. (4) The “similarity among locations” view clustered the trial locations into four groups, among of which the two outlier locations, Shehong (SH) and Chengdu (QBJ), located in Shichuan Basin in the upper reaches of YaRV, were clustered in one group, whereas the Nanyang (NY) of Henan Province at the northern edge of YaRV was singled out as a sole group. Such location clustering results implied an apparent association with the geographical environment.  相似文献   

2008—2018年长江中下游小麦区试品系品质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解长江中下游小麦品质育种进展,对2008—2018年本区域参试的130个品系(182份样品)的品质测试数据进行分析,并根据不同品质分类标准评价了该区域小麦品质改良现状。结果表明,2008—2018年130个小麦区试品系的容重为786±16.07 g/L,粗蛋白含量12.79%±0.93%,湿面筋含量26.14%±2.77%,沉降值为34.65±10.43 mL,吸水率为56.62%±3.83%,稳定时间为4.03±2.82 min,最大抗延阻力为289.55±123.01 E.U,延伸性为154.55±19.11 mm,此外,变异系数最高的为稳定时间69.98%、最低的为容重2.04%。年度间比较发现,容重、粗蛋白含量和吸水率起伏较大,湿面筋含量保持平稳,沉降值、稳定时间、最大抗延阻力和延伸性呈现先增加后降低趋势。根据国家品质评价体系,2008—2018年长江中下游小麦区试品系中,存在较多同一品系各项指标间强、中、弱筋相互交错的现象,达标品系中,强筋、中强筋较少,中筋、弱筋较多。总体而言,长江中下游小麦品质育种趋向中弱筋。  相似文献   

While the spatial distribution of foreign aid has aroused a widespread academic interest, the existing research is limited mainly to the transnational level and lacks an analysis of aid allocation within a single recipient country. Moreover, more attention is paid to the factors influencing the aid allocation than to the interactions among different aid allocation stakeholders. To fill the research blank, this paper proposes a “three-party relationship model” to analyze the spatial allocation of aid within a recipient county, and uses the case of Japan's aid to China to validate the model. We find most of the aid has been allocated to the economic infrastructure, over time, and the key aid sector has shifted from economic infrastructure to social infrastructure and general environmental protection; The allocation characteristics of total aid and key aid sectors are various; The spatial allocation pattern of aid reflects an interaction between the donor (Japan) and the recipient country (China). The degree of importance of each aid allocation stakeholder is different at different stages of the total life cycle of aid, and the aid allocation stakeholder relationship in the three-party relationship model may be constantly reshaped during the allocation processes of aid in space.  相似文献   

利用2004~2005年长江上游国家区试部分组别的杂交中稻组合在不同地域种植的全生育期与经度、纬度和海拔资料,对杂交中稻组合在长江上游不同地域种植全生育期的预测方法进行了研究。结果表明,杂交中稻全生育期与种植所在地的经度、纬度及海拔呈极显著线性关系,并建立了全生育期变异值(△Y)与经度(X1)、纬度(X2)、海拔(X3)变异值关系的回归模型:△Y=-2.59+1.324X1+1.288X2+0.025X3,R2=0.8398,F=202.76,P=0.0000。经模型检测,390个杂交组合点次的预测误差变幅为0~7d,其中累积偏差5d以下的保证率高达96.41%,相对误差0.22%~2.22%,RMSE值0.19%~0.48%。应用该模型,只要已知某一杂交中稻品种在已知经度、纬度、海拔的某地种植的全生育期,就可较准确地预测该组合在已知经度、纬度、海拔的其他地区种植的全生育期。  相似文献   

Regional technology characters (TCs) are studied in this paper to find whether innovation in Chinese cities leads to technology converging, or technology divergence, in both the intra-city and inter-city scales, with which regional economic development strength may be better explained. Based on a literature review on the subject, a two-dimensional research framework and relevant technical lens are designed to clarify TC in cities composed of parameters on Technology Strength (TS) versus Technology Angle (TA). By applying Principle Component Analysis, a technical lens is made possible based on extracted parameters on three integrated technology dimensions for measuring TSs and TAs over 117 Chinese sample cities with invention patent data covering 21 technology field between 2005/2006 and 2015/2016. Technology convergence versus divergence are examined for 28/24 sample cities beyond average score, and the research findings indicate that technology divergence in Chinese cities can be confirmed at the inter-city level, even partially at the intra-city level. This finding holds for most sample cities with fairly large and modest TSs, while intra-city technology converging is significant, especially for larger sized TS samples, however they also differ on different dimensions. This may imply that urban economic development in China is technical based and differentiated.  相似文献   

研究旨在筛选对邯郸市乡村河道水体净化效果较好的生态浮岛植物组合模式,主要研究静态条件下,多种植物进行不同组合搭配的生态浮岛对乡村河道水体的净化效果,选取水葫芦、再力花、美人蕉、慈姑、水芹作为供试植物,比较5种组合对水体中COD、TP、NH4+-N等污染物的去除效率。经过38d试验,结果表明:水芹+慈姑+美人蕉+水葫芦、美人蕉+再力花+水葫芦对COD去除率较高,分别为35.5%、31.2%;水芹+慈姑+美人蕉+水葫芦、美人蕉+再力花+水葫芦对TP去除率较高,分别为81.6%、77.3%;水芹+慈姑+美人蕉+水葫芦、水葫芦+再力花+美人蕉+水芹对NH4+-N去除率较高,分别为55.4%、53.9%;混合植物型生态浮岛对乡村河道水体的净化有显著效果。  相似文献   

The excessive expansion of road transportation often has an impact on the quality of regional habitats. This paper attempts to assess the impact of road transportation on regional habitat quality in economically developed areas. A kernel density analysis was used to characterise the road transportation development in Jiangsu Province from 2000 to 2015. An Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) habitat quality model was applied to assess changes in habitat quality. Furthermore, a fixed-effect regression model was utilised to examine the impact of road transportation development in Jiangsu Province on habitat quality. The analysis indicates that the average kernel density of road transportation in the province increased from 0.109 to 0.551 km/km2 while the habitat quality decreased from 0.51 to 0.48. The development of road transportation in Jiangsu Province has had a serious negative impact on the quality of the habitat. For every 1-ha increase in land area for road use, the habitat quality index will decrease by 0.066; for every 1 km/km2 increase in road transportation kernel density, the habitat quality index will decline by 0.121.  相似文献   

中国山洪灾害的区域差异性研究 ——以湖南和陕西为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国山洪灾害区域差异性比较明显,尤其南北差异显著。湖南和陕西是中国山洪灾害比较严重的省份。对湖南和陕西省山洪灾害进行深入调查和研究,结果表明湖南省的山洪灾害主要是溪河洪水灾害和滑坡灾害,其分布范围与湖南暴雨中心的分布范围基本一致;陕西省3种类型的山洪灾害均比较发育,主要分布在陕南地区,陕南各类型山洪灾害均占到全省灾害总数的一半以上。  相似文献   

Abstract: Tropes of borderlessness are pervasive both in discourses concerning the spread of HIV/AIDS and the Growth Triangle, a transnational economic zone that ideally binds together the Indonesian island of Batam, the Malaysian province of Johor and Singapore. This paper considers how the emergence of HIV as a problem in the Growth Triangle, and on Batam in particular, has been framed as a problem to be addressed in context of the nation‐state rather than as a transnational problem that demands cooperation across borders. In conjunction with this, it focuses on further attempts to create boundaries around HIV, through the identification of risk groups, the localisation of prostitutes and the distribution of condoms. The paper focuses particular attention on the relationship between Batam and Singapore, and how non‐governmental organisations and governments have dealt with HIV/AIDS issues in both places. Furthermore, it problematises these activities by paying ethnographic attention to other forms of cultural and economic logics that often are odds with prevention models. This raises important questions concerning, most specifically, the problems of HIV prevention and cross‐border cooperation, and, more generally, the regulation and formation of new kinds of borders in a ‘borderless world’.  相似文献   

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