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The short-term effects of selection cutting of different intensities on the forest structure and species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Fujian Province were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that selection cutting of low and medium intensities caused little variation in the forest structure. After cutting, the dominant species retained their leading status in the community. However, the community structure changed significantly following selection cutting of high and extra-high intensities;the status of the dominant species of the community declined dramatically. Some tree species began to disappear from the sampling plots. Except for extra-high intensity cutting, the diversity of tree species did not change significantly for the other three cutting intensities. However, the evenness of the stands was very different among the four kinds of cutting plots. For low and medium intensity selection cutting, the evenness declined slightly. For extra-high intensity selection cutting, the evenness increased to some extent,which might be due to a more even distribution of tree species after cutting. Cutting operations resulted in some adverse reactions to development of arborous species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest, particularly serious damage to the forest canopy. But the rational selection cuttings, which may benefit the restoration and maintenance of species diversity over a long period and may come about from the variations in environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

The structure and tree species diversity of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Okinawa Island, Japan, were studied. Enumeration of the six sampling plots revealed an average density of 5,580 individuals with DBH≧3.0 cm/ha, having an average basal area of 55 m2. The large-size trees of DBH≧20 cm contributed 10% of the total individuals, and 49% of the total basal area. The forest showed a high diversity of tree species, which is comparable to some tropical rain forests. A total of 54 over-story species of 24 families and a total of 63 understory species of 26 families were identified in the six sampling plots. Fagaceae and Theaceae were the most important families;Castanopsis sieboldii, Schima wallichii andDistylium racemosum were the most important species. The diversity index and equitability index of species were 4.15 and 0.72 for the overstory plots, and 4.72 and 0.79 for the understory subplots, respectively. The diversity index for the overstory was significantly correlated to the total basal area of trees over 20 cm DBH (p<0.05) and the importance value ofC. sieboldii (p<0.001), while for understory, the diversity index was not correlated to the structural parameters (allp>0.16). The size distribution pattern and age structure indicated differences in regeneration strategies for canopy dominants. In population dynamics of the succession process,C. sieboldii andD. racemosum were self-maintaining types, andS. wallichii was a gap- or opening-dependent type. This study was made possible by support from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Sciences, Sports and Culture, which provided a Monbusho scholarship to X.N. Xu.  相似文献   

不同采伐强度对闽西常绿阔叶林林分结构稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用多样性分析方法和改进后的 M.Godron 稳定性测定方法研究常绿阔叶林5种不同强度采伐(弱度9.8%、中度24.5%,强度46.8%和极强度72.3%和皆伐)作业10 a后林分结构稳定性.结果表明,择伐林地林分处于稳定状态,随着择伐强度的增强,林分的稳定性开始逐渐降低.皆伐林地林分处于不稳定状态.对于常绿阔叶林的科学经营,从稳定性出发,应尽量采取择伐方式,尤其是中低强度的择伐方式.  相似文献   

万佛山丹霞地貌区常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨丹霞地貌区常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性,通过对物种丰富度指数、物种相对多度模型、物种多样性指数和物种均匀度指数的测度,对区域内16个常绿阔叶林群落进行分析,并与中亚热带典型地区森林群落物种多样性比较。结果表明,万佛山常绿阔叶林群落具有较高的物种丰富度,物种多样性在层次中的变化趋势为灌层〉乔层〉草层;万佛山常绿阔叶林生物多样性在中亚热带常绿阔叶林生态系统中具有普遍的意义。  相似文献   

采用样地调查法,对日本冲绳岛北部的亚热带常绿阔叶林的林分结构,树种组成以及土壤特性等进行了调查分析。结果表明,该亚热带林具有林冠低矮、小径木多等特点。林分的平均林冠高度仅10m,平均立木密度达5400株·hm2(≥3.0cmDBH),其中胸径小于10cm的立木占64%。林分胸高断面积为54.4m2·hm-2。30个调查样地共出现树种数(≥3.0cmDBH)达80种,分属31个科。根据树种的重要值,Castanopsis sieboldii和Schima wallichii分别为优势树种和亚优势树种。树种多样性指数(H’)平均达3.63,均衡度指数(J’)为0.71,丰富度指数(S’)为4.72。这些多样性指数都随着优势树种重要值的增加而显著降低。土壤养分测定结果表明,该森林的土壤肥力低,异质性大,并可能存在Al毒害。由相关分析知,林分密度和优势树高均与土壤pH值呈显著正相关关系;多样性指数则与土壤交换性K ,Ca2 以及Ca2 /Al3 比呈显著的正相关,而与土壤有机碳,全氮和磷呈显著的负相关。这些结果说明土壤性质是影响冲绳亚热带常绿阔叶林林分结构和树种组成多样性的重要因素。图3表4参38。  相似文献   

黑龙江省主要阔叶树种绿枝扦插试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在带岭林科所落叶松种子园大棚内进行了10个树种、3个采条时期、3种插穗处理和15种基质1350个组合的绿枝扦插试验。结果表明,同一树种的不同采条时期、不同插穗处理、不同基质和不同树种的同一采条时期、同一插穗处理、同一基质的生根效果不同,并有明显的交互作用。各树种最佳组合的生根率:刺五加80%、五味子70%、紫椴40%、花楸30%、水曲柳20%、黄菠萝20%、山槐20%、山梨10%、春榆10%、胡桃楸0。  相似文献   

围绕武夷山群落结构特征、主要生态功能以及与其他区域常绿阔叶林的比较进行研究表明:①对武夷山常绿阔叶林的群落特征调查主要集中在米槠林、甜槠林、丝栗栲林、青冈林和木荷林等5种森林群落类型,其中关于甜槠林群落结构特征的报道较多;②有关武夷山常绿阔叶林生态功能的研究主要集中在土壤特征和群落特征调查方面,在土壤特征调查方面主要研究了土壤的生化和理化性质,在群落调查方面主要回答了物种组成、多样性分析、种间联结性、生物量等问题,土壤和群落特征调查方面发表的文献占文献总数量的90%以上,而气候和水文方面的报道较少。  相似文献   



Selective logging followed by natural regeneration is rarely employed for restocking subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in East Asia compared with the use of clear-cutting.


To clarify the succession of these forests, the effects of selective logging on stand structure, species diversity, and community similarity were studied in a mature and regenerating forest in Okinawa, Japan.


Four study plots were established, and trees ≥1.2 m height were identified by species name, tree height, and diameter at breast height.


The results showed that the species composition of regenerating forest was similar to mature forest; however, the former had a greater species density and Shannon–Wiener index than the latter. Castanopsis sieboldii and Distylium racemosum, the predominant trees in the mature forest, continued to dominate the regenerating forest, with a broad layer distribution. High Sørensen and Jaccard community similarity indices for mature and regenerating forest indicated that the regeneration occurred in a progressive succession.


The similar species composition and stand structure for both mature and regenerating forest, and the higher species diversity for the latter, provided no evidence of forest degeneration and suggested that the regenerating forest may develop into a stand similar to preselective logging forest.  相似文献   

Three Pinus tabulaeformis populations which experienced tending, shelterwood cutting, and closed tending were separately investigated to study the effects of these three forest practices on the age structures, static life tables, survivorship curves, and species diversities of P. tabulaeformis populations in Huanglongshan Mountain. Time sequence model was adopted to predict the dynamic population numbers of different P. tabulaeformis populations with different forest practices. The results revealed that the three populations are essentially identical in population structure, their young and old individuals make up a small proportion and their mid-aged individuals make up a large proportion and consequentially P. tabulaeformis populations generally stand stable. In the P. tabulaeformis communities with three tending practices, the highest species abundance index appears with tending and shelterwood cutting and the highest evenness index and species diversity appears with closed tending. The P. tabulaeformis populations with tending and shelterwood cutting practices belong to one developmental type and the P. tabulaeformis populations with closed tending practices belong to a stable type. It indicated that in the future, closed tending as the major practice and tending and shelterwood cutting as the supporting practices should be applied for P. tabulaeformis populations in Huanglongshan Mountain so that the communities will develop continuously. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2006, 26(5): 1,007–1,013 [译自: 西北植物学报]  相似文献   

通过调查了不同时期择伐后形成的长白山北坡天然次生林的群落特性,研究了28年恢复期间乔木种多样性的变化动态。结果表明:(1)天然次生林内林分的乔木种丰富度S变化较小,始终保持在18-22;(2)在次生林内更新层、演替层及林分的Simpson指数D变化趋势基本类似,主林层在受到干扰后的前15年恢复期Simpson指数D缓慢减小,第15年以后变化比较小;(3)天然次生林的多样性指数变化较小,Shannon-Wiener指数(H)变化幅度始终保持在原始林的H±10%以内。图3表1参14。  相似文献   

通过对石家庄山区石包垴核桃楸林中调查所涉及到的27种植物的数量特征进行分析,发现核桃楸、细叶苔草、全叶紫堇等植物的重要值较高,在群落中占据明显优势。运用物种丰富度指数(S)、Shannon-Wie-ner多样性指数(H)、Sinpson多样性指数(D)、Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw、Jsi)指标,研究了该区的物种多样性,结果表明:丰富度指数和多样性指数均表现为:草本层>乔灌层,均匀度指数表现为:乔灌层(Jsw)>草本层(Jsw)。研究中对天然林和人工林物种多样性进行了比较,结果为草本层:天然林>人工林,乔灌层:人工林>天然林,总体多样性指数为:天然林>人工林。瑙基耶尔(Raunkiaer,1934)生活型谱分析结果为:地面芽植物为44.44%,占居优势地位,隐芽植物次之,为33.33%,高位芽植物和1年生草本植物较少,无地上芽植物。  相似文献   

不同森林类型物种多样性及影响因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数对雾灵山不同森林类型灌木层和草本层的物种多样性进行了研究,并在此基础上用逐步回归方法研究影响森林物种多样性的主要因子。结果表明,在不同森林类型中灌木层和草本层物种多样性由高到低依次为:针阔混交林>落叶阔叶林>针叶林;多数森林类型草本层丰富度指数和多样性指数均高于灌木层,而均匀度指数则相反。影响灌木层物种多样性的主要因子包括林龄、郁闭度和坡向,影响草本层物种多样性的主要因子包括林分公顷株数、郁闭度和土层厚度。  相似文献   

基于1 hm2的固定样地数据,对粤北南雄小流坑—青嶂山保护区亚热带常绿阔叶林的物种多样性及优势植物种群的年龄、高度结构等特征进行了分析,以探讨森林群落的稳定性与演替进程.结果表明,样地中出现胸径≥1.0 cm的植物38科58属74种,个体总数1621株,建群种为木荷(Schima su-perba)和红锥(Castanopsis hystrix),重要值分别为16.56和12.00;优势种为赤皮青冈(Cyclobalanopsis gilva)、黄樟(Cinnamomum porrectum)、华润楠(Machilus chinensis)、青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca);群落优势科为山茶科、壳斗科、樟科、茜草科;群落整体上处于稳定阶段,其中木荷和青冈为稳定至早衰种群,红锥和赤皮青冈为基本稳定种群,华润楠为稳定种群,黄樟为衰老种群;各植物种群高度结构各具特色,其中木荷、华润楠和青冈对整个群落的高度结构影响较大.  相似文献   

应用样方调查法,研究分析了广东潮安凤凰山省级自然保护区内2片保护状态较好的次生林群落的植物组成和物种多样性特点.在两个面积为1200 m2的调查样方内,共记录了112种维管植物,隶属于48科77属.次生林优势科为茜草科、山茶科和樟科.乔木层优势种为阿丁枫(Altingia chinensis)、尖叶假蚊母树(Disty...  相似文献   

IntroductionMorerecently,Thehumanl1asshowedagreatinterestli1studiesonpatternsofchangesinspeciesdiversityduriI1gprocessofsuccession,ThedistuIbal1ceofI1umanactivitiesornaturedisastershasagreatbopactonspeciesdiversity.PlantsPeciescomprisingapost-disturbancecommunityderhefromavarietyofsources-winddispersedseed,buriedpropagulesandresproutingsurvivorsl1'l.TheirulthatecontributiontotheserialflorarenectSacomplexinteractionofinitialabundance,includingdistuthanceintCnsity,proPagatCavailability,andc…  相似文献   

IntroductionAgestructureoftrees,whichreflcctsrcge11eratio11processandvelocity,meansquantityoftreesdividingbyage.Broad-leavedKoreanpineforestwastl1etypicalzol1alvegetationofChangbaiMountaininNortheastO1ina,anditwastheprimarygymnospermconununitysurvivedaftertheQuatemaryGlacierPeriod.Alotofcommunityinf`)r-mationaccumulatCdinthestr-uctllreofforeststandsa11dgrowingprocessofindividualtrees.So,athoroughstUdyonagestructureanditsdistributiol1ofbroad-leavedKore-anpine.forestwouldprovidetl1eoretical…  相似文献   

Based on a vast of field investigation on stamps inTilia broad-leaved Korean pine forest on northern slope of Changbai Mountain, age structure of some major species were studied in this paper. The results showed that Korean pine population was composed of grouped patches with different ages. There were not strict intervals among the dominated generations, and the curve of age structure often had two or more peaks. The distribution of broad-leaved species in natural Korean pine forest was grouped or scattered, and age distribution was also uneven-aged. There existed close relation between quality of broad-leaved species and Korean pine. So, it shaped multi-storied and uneven-aged mixed forest. The model of age structure and growth demonstrated their passive correlation, but growth became slow when woods had reached old age. The study was funded by the Opened Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. (Reponsible Editor: Chai Rulhai)  相似文献   

根据中山陵风景名胜区森林景观建设的需求和遭受松材线虫病危害,严重影响着森林景观的现状,在遭受松材线虫病危害的松林及杂阔林内应用“林下补阔技术”,引进了若槠、香樟、石楠、大叶女贞、木荷、海桐、乐昌含笑和深山含笑等常绿阔叶树种,进行常绿阔叶树与松树、常绿阔叶树与落叶阔叶树异龄复层混交,以形成较稳定的含常绿树种成分的复层混交森林群落,增加树种的多样性,丰富森林绿景,改善林相结构,进一步提高森林生态系统的稳定性和景观质量。并为风景林林相改造研究出了常绿阔叶树种深山含笑、乐晶含笑异地扩大繁殖播种育苗技术,为林相改造提供了造林新树种。  相似文献   

Regeneration of tree species associated with canopy gaps in broad-leaved Korean pine forests was investigated. Species diversity in gaps and under closed canopy was compared, the relationship between biodiversity and gap structure was analyzed. Results indicate that there were significant differences between tree species diversity in gaps and that under canopy (p<0.01). In terms of Shannon-Wiener index, evenness index, and abundance index, the biodiversity in gap community were higher than those under forest canopy in regeneration layer. In terms of Simpson’s dominance index, the dominance of certain species in the regeneration layer increased from gaps to closed canopy (p<0.01). In contrast, trends of biodiversity changes of succession layer in gaps and under closed canopy were opposite. Tree species diversity of different layers reacted directly to the change of gap size class. For example, Shannon-Wiener index and abundance index is higher and Simpson’s dominance index is the lowest in succession layer of medium-size gap (100–250 m2) in the broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains. Shannon-Wiener index reached the highest in a size of ≥250 m2 and <100 m2, reached the lowest in a size of 200–250 m2 in the regeneration layer. Simpson’s dominance index reached its maximum when the gap size was between 200 and 250 m2. Generally, species of different layers reacted differently to the changes of gap size classes. The gap size class with more seedlings did not correspond to size class containing more medium-size trees. Tree species diversity indices in the two layers behaved reciprocally during the development process of forest gaps. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(12): 2,236–2,240 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(12): 2,236–2,240]  相似文献   

Species diversity and stability of natural secondary communities in different layers with different cutting intensities 10 years later were investigated by calculating Marglef Richness index (R), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H), Simpson diversity index (P), and Pielou Evenness index (J). Results show that the values of R, H and P among different layers are listed in a decreasing order: the shrub layer > the arbor layer > the herb layer, all the three indices values reach the maximum under medium selective cutting intensity after 10 years. The J value of the shrub layer shows a concave parabolic change with the increase in cutting intensity; it shows a linear increase for the arbor layer, whereas the J value of the herb layer shows an opposite change pattern. The values of R at different cutting intensities had high significant difference, but other indices had not significant difference. The stability of communities at different cutting intensities after 10 years is non-cutting> low selective cutting intensity > medium selective cutting intensity > high selective cutting intensity > extra-high intensity > clear cutting. The stability of communities at different cutting intensities after 10 years shows that the greater cutting intensities, the worse the stability is.  相似文献   

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