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Parcelization and shifting landownership are critical forces reshaping forested ecosystems in the USA and elsewhere. These forces create a mosaic of new and long-time landowners as well as differences in residency. Using survey data (n = 879) of landowners in Massachusetts and Vermont, USA, we begin the process of sorting out time (i.e., length of landownership) and distance (i.e., distance of primary residence from forest holding), and their relationships to motivations for continued landownership and management. Both time and distance, and their interaction were significant in explaining three motivations for landownership: enjoyment, production, and protection as well as the number of neighbors with which respondents were acquainted. Distance is the statistically more important factor—negatively related to all dependent variables, but time and its interaction with distance offer the more useful insights for intervention.
David B. KittredgeEmail:

We investigated genetic parameters for juvenile to mature growth and stem forking in black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] in order to obtain reliable estimates for supporting eastern Canadian tree breeding strategies. The study was based on data collected from two series of progeny tests of black spruce in New Brunswick (NB) including 285 open-pollinated families and more than 57,000 individual trees. Height (HT), diameter at breast height (DBH), and stem forking (SF) were periodically measured between ages 5 and 35 years. Results showed that tree volume (V), HT and DBH were highly genetically controlled, with average individual narrow-sense heritability (\(h_{i}^{2}\)) estimates of 0.29, 0.29 and 0.21, and family mean heritability (\(h_{F}^{2}\)) estimates of 0.82, 0.85 and 0.77, respectively. SF had low \(h_{i}^{2}\) (= 0.06 on average) but had moderate \(h_{F}^{2}\) (= 0.56), indicating family selection might effectively reduce SF. Both \(h_{i}^{2}\) and \(h_{F}^{2}\) increased with age and then stabilized or declined, being the highest around ages 15–20 years for all traits. The type-B genetic correlation (\(r_{B}\)) estimates were moderate to high for all the traits, suggesting negligible genotype × environment interactions. Strong age–age genetic correlation estimates were found for growth traits, implying the potential for practicing early selection. Age–age genetic correlation estimates were moderate for SF (= 0.72). Trait–trait genetic correlation estimates were strong and positive among growth traits, but between growth traits and SF they were mostly negligible albeit positive. Overall, results suggest that genetic selection will be effective for growth traits but much less so for reducing stem forking in New Brunswick’s black spruce.  相似文献   


Height and diameter distributions between improved and unimproved (checklot) seedlots for white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] and black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP] were compared using the two-parameter Weibull function. Individual tree height at age 5–15 years and diameter at breast height at age 15 years that were collected from two series of large-plot realized gain tests were used for this purpose. For both species, improved seedlots did not significantly (α=0.05) change the shape parameter of the distributions relative to their checklots, suggesting that an overall shape value will be adequate to predict tree size distributions of various improved seedlots. The most important finding was that seedlot influenced the scale parameter (related to the range of the distribution) significantly, but from a practical viewpoint, only those scale values of the higher rated seedlots (i.e. seedlots collected from a rogued seed orchard or superior families) were significantly higher (α=0.05) than those of the respective unimproved seedlot. The changes in scale value of the alternative improved seedlots relative to the checklot (ΔScale) were comparable in magnitude to the respective realized genetic gains, suggesting that tree improvement effects on the scale value can be adjusted by realized genetic gains. The results also suggest that site and age significantly affected the scale value; in general, ΔScale became larger at earlier ages or on better sites. The findings reported here will be used in the development of yield functions for genetically improved white and black spruce in New Brunswick.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of management history on the availability of decayed downed wood and the use of downed wood as a regeneration substrate in mixed-species stands in the Acadian Forest of Maine. Regeneration of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.), balsam fir (Abies balsamea L. Mill), and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) was quantified. Treatments included variants of selection cutting, commercial clearcutting (unregulated harvesting), and no harvesting for >50 years (reference). Area of wood substrate (wood ≥ Decay Class III and ≥10 cm on at least one end) was less in the commercial clearcut than in the reference; other treatments were not differentiated. Spruce and hemlock seedlings were found at higher densities on wood than paired forest floor plots of equal area, regardless of treatment. Conversely, fir and maple were less abundant on wood than forest floor plots in reference and selection treatments, but more or equally abundant on wood than forest floor plots in the commercial clearcut. These findings suggest that silvicultural treatment affects both the availability of decayed downed wood and seedling-substrate relationships, and that forest management in the Acadian Region should consider availability of downed woody material.  相似文献   

This analysis employs a spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) decision support system to examine costs and benefits of sequestering (protecting) carbon in forests through pest management. We analyzed 24 alternative spruce budworm protection scenarios for outbreaks on Prince Albert Forest Management Area (PAFMA) in Saskatchewan and Crown License 1 in New Brunswick. Scenarios included two outbreak severities (moderate and severe), three protection frequencies (very aggressive—protecting every year of the outbreak; aggressive—protecting the peak 3 years of outbreak; and semi-aggressive—protecting every second year of outbreak), and four protection program sizes (10,000 ha, 25,000 ha, 100,000 ha, or 150,000 ha). Under a severe outbreak, the largest (150,000 ha), very aggressive protection scenario provided the highest net CO2 protected at 24.95 million metric tons (Mt) in PAFMA and 29.19 Mt in License 1. This protection scenario also provided the highest net present value at $64.23 M and $91.36 M in PAFMA and License 1, respectively. On the other hand, benefit/cost ratios were maximized under the smallest (10,000 ha) protection size at 11.90 and 15.37 using the aggressive and semi-aggressive protection frequencies in PAFMA and License 1, respectively. Finally, the discounted cost per ton of CO2 protected was minimized at $0.48 and $0.37 using the smallest aggressive and semi-aggressive protection frequencies in PAFMA and License 1, respectively. The comparable costs and benefits from the moderate outbreak scenarios were similar, but generally less than, the severe outbreak scenarios. These results provide forest managers with important information needed to justify such carbon sequestration programs on economic grounds.  相似文献   

Jack pine seedlots collected from a seedling seed orchard owned by J.D. Irving Limited (JDISSO) were compared in a block-plot genetic gain test on four sites in New Brunswick, Canada. Three seedlots representing different genetic quality of the orchard were included: before rogueing (UNR), following the first rogueing (1STR), and following the second rogueing (2NDR). Two stand seedlots were included to represent an average unimproved commercial seedlot (UC) for comparison. Individual tree growth and stem straightness were recorded up to age 15 (one-third rotation age). For individual tree growth, there was no strong evidence of better performance of the UNR over the UC, but the 1STR and 2NDR grew much faster. For volume per hectare, all the JDISSO seedlots outperformed the UC. The realized gains per hectare were higher than those on individual tree basis, but both increased with rogueing time and decreased with age. Improvement in stem straightness was also significant for all the orchard seedlots. The realized genetic gains were generally comparable to the respective predicted ones from the family tests. Analyses of individual sites indicated that the realized gain varied greatly with site, especially for growth traits. Deploying good seedlots to better sites would result in more volume gains. Overall, results of this study indicate the efficiency of the seed orchard procedure for jack pine.  相似文献   

Quantitative models of crown structure have been developed for several conifer species, but these studies have rarely simultaneously fit the models across multiple species. This study used extensive crown structure data for the five primary conifer species in Maine to test for species differences in maximum branch diameter profile, branch density, and relative branch diameter distribution. The species included balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill], northern white-cedar [Thuja occidentalis (L.)], eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.], eastern white pine [Pinus strobus (L.)], and red spruce [Picea rubens (Sarg.)]. After accounting for key covariates, significant species differences were found in all crown structural attributes examined in this study. Profiles for the mean tree indicated that northern white-cedar had the smallest maximum branch diameters throughout the crown and white pine had the largest, except near the base of the crown where the species switched in rank. The density of live branches in a crown had the widest range of variation of the examined crown structural attributes. Red spruce had a significantly higher density of primary branches than the other conifers, particularly in the upper crown. The relative branch diameter distribution indicated that balsam fir had a distribution more skewed towards larger relative branch sizes, while eastern hemlock and red spruce had distributions shifted towards smaller relative branches. This study highlights the range of variability in key crown structural attributes due to inherent species differences, but indicates that models fit across multiple species can perform quite well as the amount of explained variation was relatively high.  相似文献   

This study examined riparian forest and instream large wood characteristics in a 2.7 km reach of the West Branch of the Sheepscot River in Maine in order to increase our basic knowledge of these components in a system that is known to have undergone multiple land conversion. The West Branch is approximately 40 km long, drains a 132 km2 watershed and is vitally important to the remnant population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and other native species. The riparian forest is comprised of relatively small trees with a mean DBH of 21 cm (SD ± 10.92) with 56% of the trees having a DBH <20 cm. Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and red maple (Acer rubrum) are the most common species (54%), and 75% of all trees are short-lived, small diameter species. These data suggest the riparian forest in the West Branch Sheepscot River is dominated by young forest stands, a legacy of land use. During a survey conducted in 2005, 210 pieces of large woody debris (LWD) were identified in the study reach; an average of 78 pieces km−1. The total volume of pieces was 8.5 m3 or 3.2 m3 km−1 (LWD in this study is defined as pieces ≥10 cm in diameter and >2 m in length). The mean diameter of LWD was 17 cm with 75% of all pieces having a diameter <20 cm. Most pieces were oriented parallel or nearly parallel to the channel and did not appear to influence channel morphology. In contrast, larger pieces were more often in perpendicular or nearly perpendicular orientations, and were more likely to have a pool-forming function. Overall, the reach has low levels of stable large wood, which do not have a major influence on stream habitats.  相似文献   

In 1989, the first recorded outbreak of hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria (Guen.)) occurred in New Brunswick, Canada. Data were collected from ten plots established in an area infested from 1992–1994, to assess impacts of hemlock looper. Ocular and branch sample assessments of current defoliation and ocular assessments of total defoliation (all age classes of foliage) were conducted for balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.), white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.). Stand response was assessed and related to cumulative defoliation. Ocular assessments were found to accurately estimate defoliation, which was significantly related to tree mortality. Ninety-two percent of balsam fir trees that had cumulative defoliation >90% died. Mortality of balsam fir was significantly (p < 0.05) related to tree size, in both lightly and severely defoliated plots; trees with DBH <11 cm sustained 22–48% higher mortality than larger trees. Mortality of balsam fir, in terms of both percent stems/ha and m3/ha merchantable volume, increased exponentially in relation to three estimates of cumulative (summed) plot mean defoliation. The strongest relationships (r2 = 0.75–0.79) were between mortality and the ocular defoliation assessment for 1990–1993 foliage. Tree mortality caused by the looper outbreak ranged from 4–14% stems/ha in lightly defoliated and from 32–100% in severely defoliated plots; merchantable volume killed was 3–14 m3/ha and 51–119 m3/ha, respectively. Relationships between mortality and defoliation were similar when defoliation was assessed for 1987–1993 and 1990–1993 foliage age classes.  相似文献   

A majority of beech forests across Maine first experienced beech bark disease (BBD) from 1935 to 1960 when sap feeding by an introduced beech scale insect, Cryptococcus fagisuga, allowed lethal fungal infections primarily by Neonectria ditissima and/or Neonectria faginata. Beech stands along the Maine–Quebec border in northern Maine were excluded from this initial killing phase presumably due to cold winter temperatures that inhibited scale survival. However, a sharp increase in beech mortality after 2002 occurred in previously uninfected border stands and stands long affected by BBD. Beech mortality averaged 50% across northern Maine during 2003–2006. To identify plausible stresses that could explain the mortality, a dendropathological study was conducted from 2005 to 2006 in northern Maine that quantified temporal and spatial relationships between possible stressors with beech mortality and growth decline. Nineteen sets of high‐ and low‐mortality plots were located randomly across four bioregions. Increment cores were taken from both beech trees (n = 565) and associated tree species (n = 450). A growth change index of increments was used to evaluate beech responses to biotic and climatic stresses. A prolonged period of relatively mild winters without temperatures lethal to scale insect (Neonectria was found infecting weakened trees across the region. Drought, beech scale and Neonectria are plausible explanations for the episode of high beech mortality in northern Maine. This is the first report of a major killing phase of beech within the BBD ‘aftermath’ forests.  相似文献   

As silvicultural capital becomes limited, allocation of funds to high quality sites becomes critical and sites with low productivity potential should be avoided. Data collected from 31 plots located in 12 plantations established between 1930 and 1982 throughout central Maine were used to develop a soil-based rule to identify sites having a low productivity potential for European larch in Maine, thereby removing them from consideration for plantation establishment. Stepwise regression and discriminant analyses identified several variables that were associated with site index at an index age of 20 years breast height (SI20): solum thickness, B horizon clay content, and B horizon exchangeable K. Using these variables, a classification rule was developed to classify sites into 2 categories (poor, average SI20=14.7 m; and good, average SI20=17.7 m). Cross-validation demonstrated that the classification functions correctly identified 88% of the poor sites and 81% of the good sites.  相似文献   

Cuttings of two similar hybrid poplar clones were planted on a drum-chopped, chip-harvested clearcut in eastern Maine. The site had never been previously cleared for agriculture. The coarse loamy glacial till soils were acid (pH < 5.0) and moist—moderately well—to somewhat poorly drained. Control, lime (L), L nitrogen (N), L phosphorus (P), LNP, and LNP potassium (K) treatments were established. Competing woody vegetation was mowed once per year for the first three years on half the area. Each mowed treatment produced significantly greater hybrid poplar biomass than the corresponding unmowed treatment. After 10 years, the mowed+LNPK treatment attained the greatest total biomass, 45 Mgha-1, while the unmowed control attained the least, 2 Mgha-1. On mowed plots, L produced 4 times the biomass of control: 32 vs 8 Mgha-1. Unmowed plots with L and N produced about as much hybrid poplar biomass as the mowed control (8 Mgha-1). Mowing and L each improved survival as well as growth.Deceased  相似文献   

森林是“地球之肺”,森林资源的重要性不言而喻。日本、美国和瑞典3国不仅森林覆盖率高,而且森林法发展历史悠久,其成功经验值得借鉴。文中总结3国森林法基本架构,结合我国社会经济和林业发展现状,提出关于我国《森林法》修改的几点建议:明确可持续发展的立法精神、制定《国有林经营管理法》、构建森林计划体系、加强公众参与。  相似文献   

美国林木种苗培育技术现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
美国林木苗圃在种苗培育上有着较好的技术和经验, 作者以1992年掌握的美国种苗信息为基础, 对20年后美国林木苗圃主要育苗技术情况进行分析和综述。其中主要介绍美国东南部和西北部地区近15个林木种苗生产相关企业及研究所的实用技术和技术推广情况, 讨论美国林木种苗行业协会和技术推广专家在育苗技术推广中的作用和形式, 提出了技术创新、苗圃分类经营、政府引导和产学研紧密结合等建议, 以期为我国的林木种苗产业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

作者于2010年8月9-11日对美国印第安纳州Kokomo市公园和游憩部4位专员进行了访谈,内容涉及公园和游憩部的组织机构、公园和游憩总体规划的内容和实施、公园设计、公园管理以及游憩规划专项设置,对公园和游憩部的职能进行了总结,探讨了其对我国相关机构的启示。    相似文献   

Vertical distribution of leaf area largely governs both tree structure and function. Models of this important tree attribute have been constructed for several commercially important conifers. However, a limited number of studies have compared alternative modeling techniques and inherent species differences. This study used several existing datasets for the five primary conifer species in Maine, namely balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.], northern white-cedar [Thuja occidentalis (L.)], eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.], eastern white pine [Pinus strobus (L.)], and red spruce [Picea rubens (Sarg.)] to examine species variation in total and vertical distribution of projected leaf area at the individual branch- and tree-levels. In addition, multiple methods for modeling the vertical distribution of leaf area were examined across the species. For a given branch diameter and location within the crown, eastern hemlock branches held the greatest amount of leaf area, followed by balsam fir, northern white-cedar, white pine, and red spruce. At the tree-level, eastern white pine held the greatest amount of leaf area followed by eastern hemlock, balsam fir, red spruce, and northern white-cedar for a given tree size. Across species, the two-parameter, right-truncated Weibull distribution performed the best for predicting vertical distribution of leaf area when compared to the four-parameter beta and Johnson's SB distributions (reduction of root mean square error of 1.7–21.1%). Northern white-cedar had a relative distribution of leaf area distinctly different than other species in this study with a mode shifted towards the upper crown. In contrast to red spruce and white pine, the mode of the relative distribution of leaf area for balsam fir and eastern hemlock occurred lower in the crown. Results of this study suggest that differences in total and vertical distribution of leaf area exist between species, but significant amounts of their variation are largely accounted for by bole and crown size.  相似文献   


Key message

Detailed measures of growth pattern and structural heterogeneity applied in this study helped to quantify the immediate effects of various thinning regimes on forest structure and the resulting alterations in tree size as well as observed longer term stand dynamics.


Forest management, stand structure, and tree growth are highly inter-correlated. Prior analyses, however, have resulted in mixed outcomes with limited success in revealing ecological mechanisms.


The study aimed at evaluating the relationship between forest structure and stand dynamics by applying several sophisticated measures of growth pattern and structural heterogeneity.


Data from a controlled and fully stem-mapped commercial thinning experiment with seven contrasting treatments including a non-thinned control at six locations across the Acadian Forest of Maine, USA, was used. Stand-level attributes examined included tree size and growth heterogeneity, spatial tree distribution, and growth dominance.


Thinning generally reduced stand structural heterogeneity compared to the non-thinned control. In addition, the spatial arrangement of trees changed from fully random (non-thinned control) to a more clustered (removal of dominant and co-dominant individuals) or regular distribution (removal of intermediate and suppressed individuals). Overall, stand growth exhibited increasing (non-thinned control, removal of intermediate and suppressed individuals) or decreasing growth dominance of large trees (removal of co-dominant competitors). Forwarder trails increased basal area growth of individual trees up to a distance from the trail of approximately 5 m.


Findings of this study validate an earlier insight according to which interactions between management practices, forest structure, and tree growth form a permanent feedback loop.

Arid and semi-arid lands are becoming increasingly important for food and fiber production worldwide. Windbreak and shelterbelts can improve the productivity of such lands, but their establishment can be difficult and/or expensive. This study examined the survival and growth of Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) propagated in four different container sizes, then outplanted at three planting sites in either fall 1994 or spring 1995. Trees were planted in plots prepared with three treatments (v-ditch and weed barrier, singly and in combination), along with an undisturbed control. Generally, more intensive site preparation and larger stock size was associated with greater survival. While some such stock size and treatment combinations showed high mortality at 28 days, subsequent mortality through six growing seasons was relatively low. Stock size and site preparation did not strongly impact height after six growing seasons.  相似文献   

The structure of eight Quercus gambelii (Gambel's oak) communities in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, USA were examined. Belt transects were used to estimate the density and basal area of the trees and the density of juvenile woody plants. In addition, diameter size-class distributions of Q. gambelii were examined to determine community development. The communities were estimated to be 109–137 years old and mid to late-successional. Total tree density was 3586–6480 plants/ha, with Q. gambelii having a relative density of 94–100%. Total basal area was 20.1–42.0 m2/ha, with Q. gambelii relative basal area 82–100%. The density and basal area of all other species present was low. Quercus gambelii juvenile density ranged from 1760 to 9160 plants/ha. Juveniles of all other species found were zero to 847 plants/ha. Based on Weibull analyses, all of the diameter size-class distributions of Q. gambelii were unimodal. There were few or no individuals in the smallest (1–5 cm) diameter size-classes, suggesting that recruitment of small Q. gambelii plants into the adult population may be below the replacement rate for these stands. Pooled size-class distributions for the other species were non-normal with most individuals in the smallest diameter size-classes. Low light levels below the canopy, a lack of canopy gaps, or browsing by Cervus elaphus (elk = red deer) may be the primary causes of poor recruitment because there were large numbers of Q. gambelii juveniles, but these individuals are not entering the small-tree size-class in any of the communities.  相似文献   

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