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The effect on spore germmation and germ tube growth of Diplodia pinea produced by (+)- α-pinene, (?)-β-pinene, (+)-Δ3-carene, (?)-limonene, β-phellandrene, and terpinolene was determined over a range of vapour concentrations. Spore germination was most inhibited by A3-carene; germ tube growth was inhibited by all these monoterpenes except (?)-limonenc and ß-phellandrene. In contrast to the low toxicity of (?)-limonene, (+)-limonene (not known to be present in Pinus radiata cortical oleoresin) was extremely toxic to both spore germination and germ tube growth. The results arc discussed in rotation to an earlier observation that trees free of dieback in the field had high levels of certain monoterpenes.  相似文献   

Journal of Pest Science - Native to the northeast USA, highbush blueberry is a crop domesticated for close to 100 years and that has been selected mainly for high yields and bigger fruit....  相似文献   

A series of p-menthane monoterpenes was investigated to confirm any correlation between their bioactivity (effect on seed germination and termite mortality) and chemical structure. The germination percentages of Brassica rapa seeds at a concentration of 0.1 mg/Petri dish of (+)-pulegone, isopulegol, piperitone, (?)-dihydrocarveol, terpinen-4-ol and (?)-menthol were found to be 21.6, 27.3, 27.3, 29.1, 42.9 and 43.4, respectively. The lethal concentration 50 values of carvacrol, (+)-pulegone, thymol, (?)-menthol and (?)-terpinen-4-ol for termites (Reticulitermes speratus) were 0.34, 0.50, 0.65, 0.92 and 1.26 (mg/Petri dish), respectively. Of all the compounds tested, phenols produced the highest levels of termite mortality, with ketones and alcohols also showing bioactivity. An assessment of the bioactivity revealed that the presence of a phenol group was effective for termite mortality, with a carbonyl group also showing strong bioactivity. The presence of an alcohol or isopropyl group in a ring also contributed to the bioactivity, whereas the presence of an isopropenyl group at the same position, however, exhibited an inhibitory effect on seed germination. In conclusion, the bioactivity of the p-menthane monoterpenoids was dependent upon the presence and position of certain functional groups and the degree of saturation in the functional group of the side chain.  相似文献   

Variations in the compositions of low boiling point (LBP) monoterpenes in needle samples from 99 sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) and 100 kuromatsu (Pinus thunbergii) trees were investigated using a headspace technique. Considerable variations in the proportions of monoterpenes were revealed in both species. In sugi, the proportions of sabinene and α-pinene in the total LBP monoterpenes, ranging from 8.8% to 73.3% and from 14.5% to 73.3%, respectively, showed enormous variations among nine monoterpenes. The proportions of 3-carene and limonene, ranging from 0.1% to 29.5% and from 0.2% to 20.4%, respectively, also showed very specific variations. In kuromatsu, the proportions of β-pinene and α-pinene in the total LBP monoterpenes, ranging from 26.5% to 66.3% and from 18.7% to 46.9%, respectively, showed considerable variations among ten monoterpenes. The proportions of myrcene and 1,8-cineole, ranging from 0.9% to 18.5% and from 0.8% to 12.3%, respectively, also showed specific variations. Part of this article was presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, April, 2000, and the 13th Annual Meeting of the Chugoku Shikoku Branch of the Japan Wood Research Society, Okayama, September 2001  相似文献   

Dothiorella gregaria对蔷薇科等寄主致病性测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对5科13属16种木本植物接种Dothiorella gregaria Sacc.表明,该菌具有广泛的寄主谱,对蔷薇科大多数寄主树木具有较强的致病性。桃、枸子、樱桃、杜梨、核桃为Ⅰ类易感群体,杨树、苹果树、贴梗海棠、枇杷、水榆为Ⅱ类易感群体,石楠、山楂为免疫树种,其余为Ⅲ类易感群体。对苹果和猕猴桃的果实致病性极强。  相似文献   


This study investigated the role of monoterpenes, a group of chemicals known to be involved in plant defence, in the susceptibility of Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.] plants derived from both cuttings and seedlings to attack by the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.). Results showed that, given the choice, weevils prefer to feed on the shoots of seedlings than of cuttings and that this preference continued over a period of 6 days, although the overall level of feeding declined. This observation was associated with a higher level of monoterpenes in the shoots from cuttings than in those from seedlings. When the weevils were restricted to the stems and given no choice, levels of damage to the bark were similar in both plant types.  相似文献   

Variations in the composition of low boiling point (LBP) monoterpenes emitted from needle samples of 150 hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtuse) trees (30 strains, each with five clones) native to Shimane Prefecture, Japan, were investigated using a headspace technique. The assays revealed considerable proportional variations especially in the amount of sabinene, which ranged from 24% to 78% of the total LBP monoterpenes. The proportions of α-pinene, myrcene, and limonene negatively correlated with that of sabinene overall. In particular, the proportion of limonene showed clear negative correlation with that of sabinene (r = −0.98). Differences in the proportion of sabinene among five clones in each strain were less than 15% in 22 out of 30 strains, indicating that monoterpene composition is constitutively steady in most strains. In a few strains, however, considerable variation in the composition was observed among clones.  相似文献   

Fomes annosus was cultivated subject to vapours of monoterpenes. Three monoterpenes were tested separately: α-pinene, β-pinene and 3-carene. The terpenes inhibited the dry matter production of the fungus but extracellular phenol oxidase activity was increased, particularly when the fungus was exposed to vapours of β-pinene and 3-carene.  相似文献   

Journal of Pest Science - The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, is an oligophagous pest of cruciferous crops worldwide. Host plants of the DBM possess epicuticular wax, but thick wax is...  相似文献   

Sources of variation in yields (as a fraction of leaf weight) of 1,8-cineole, -pinene, -pinene and limonene in the leaf oils of young Petford Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees were studied. The oil yields of leaves up to 5 months of age were significantly affected by physiological changes associated with leaf maturation. The extent of these changes depends on genotype and on external influences such as soil moisture conditions. Prolonged drought stress reduced oil production in young leaves but did not affect greatly the equilibrium reached between synthesis and removal of oils at leaf maturity. Waterlogging prolonged peak oil production.Trends in oil yields with time differed markedly between individual trees. Although genotypic variation was great, there was detectable variation attributable to site, season and year. A relationship between seasonal patterns and climatic factors could not be established. Part of the observed variation in oil yields with time was attributable to variability in leaf maturity.The relative superiority in oil-yielding capacity of certain individuals in each experiment was maintained throughout, despite substantial variation from non-genetic sources. This consistency in ranking is of advantage to tree breeders wishing to make selections amongst plantations of differing age, on different sites and at different times of the year. However, even with careful sampling controls, absolute values will vary substantially and progeny testing will be necessary to further assess the potential of the initial selections.  相似文献   

Gremmeniella abietina was able to survive in vitro for four weeks at average temperatures less than 30° C. At higher temperatures, survival time was inversely proportional to temperature. The fungus survived for 23–28 months inside asymptomatic trees. Freezing, or freezing and thawing, of inoculated trees, may have promoted symptom development.  相似文献   

为了明确蜜源-糖醋液各成分对绿盲蝽的引诱效果,利用Y-型嗅觉测定仪进行了绿盲蝽对寄主植物及蜜源-糖醋液各个组分的趋性研究,结果显示:雄虫对蜜源-糖醋液没有明显的趋性(P=0.44),而雌虫有明显的趋性(P0.01);蜜源-糖醋液及其组分枣蜜、冰乙酸、酸醇混合物均能引起雌虫的趋性反应,红糖并没有明显的效果,而无水乙醇对绿盲蝽有极显著的趋避性(P=0.007 6);蜜源-糖醋液对雌虫的引诱作用要高于具花枣枝(P0.05)和苜蓿(P0.05)。  相似文献   

The emissions of volatile organic compounds from air-dried, conventionally dried, and high-temperaturedried sugi wood were compared by gas chromatographymass spectrometry. Terpenes were clearly the main compound group in the air-dried wood samples, whereas acetic acid was only detected in the high-temperature-dried wood samples, indicating that considerable changes occurred in the volatile compound emission profile during hightemperature processing. The most abundant compounds in the air-dried wood and conventionally dried wood were δ-cadinene, α-muurolene, and β-cadinene (sesquiterpenes) for all specimens, and a-pinene and D-limonene (monoterpenes) for conventionally dried wood and air-dried wood. In contrast, acetic acid was detected only in the hightemperature-dried wood. Sensory evaluation of volatile organic compounds was performed by 18 male university students. Volatile compounds of air-dried wood and conventionally dried wood were assessed as being significantly more soothing than those from high-temperature-dried wood. This study was presented in part at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Hiroshima, August 2007  相似文献   

采用Y-型嗅觉仪测定了绿盲蝽Lygus lucorum Meyer-Dur对不同处理寄主植物挥发物的行为反应。结果表明:几种寄主植物对绿盲蝽雌虫都有明显的引诱作用,由强到弱的排列顺序是黄豆、棉花、苜蓿、具花枣枝和辣椒。与纯净空气相比,黄豆接虫26头时对绿盲蝽雌虫具有超显著的引诱作用,但接虫60头时对绿盲蝽雌虫产生了显著的驱避作用;与健康黄豆植株相比,在黄豆接虫26头时,对绿盲蝽雌虫产生明显的引诱作用,但在黄豆接虫34头时,对绿盲蝽雌虫产生极显著地驱避作用。  相似文献   



Parasites can induce strong effects on their host’s growth, not only as a result of host resource exploitation (growth loss) but also with a potential adaptive value for host (tolerance response) and themselves (increased transmission).


We assessed these three types of phenotypic changes in oak seedlings infected by powdery mildew.


A manipulative field experiment with three levels of parasite inoculum was designed in order to tease apart infection from genetic effects on oak growth. Seedlings were monitored during 3 years for height growth, phenology and infection.


Powdery mildew infection induced both significant growth loss and qualitative changes in plant architecture. The most striking and unexpected change was increased growth polycyclism in infected seedlings. This benefitted both the host as a form of compensation for infection-caused height loss, and the pathogen, by increasing sporulation.


The study highlights the effect of parasites in the expression of plant phenotypic traits, such as phenology and ultimately tree architecture. Both host tolerance and parasitic manipulation may be involved in the observed changes in growth patterns. These results suggest a complex interplay between development and defence in trees and emphasize the need to better assess tolerance mechanisms when considering the defence strategies of trees against pathogens.  相似文献   

Coniferous trees have both constitutive and inducible defences that deter or kill herbivores and pathogens. We investigated constitutive and induced monoterpene responses of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) to a number of damage types: a fungal associate of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins), Grosmannia clavigera (Robinson-Jeffrey & R.W. Davidson); two phytohormones, methyl jasmonate (MJ) and methyl salicylate (MS); simulated herbivory; and mechanical wounding. We only included the fungal, MJ and mechanical wounding treatments in the field experiments while all treatments were part of the greenhouse studies. We focused on both constitutive and induced responses between juvenile and mature jack pine trees and differences in defences between phloem and needles. We found that phytohormone applications and fungal inoculation resulted in the greatest increase in monoterpenes in both juvenile and mature trees. Additionally, damage types differentially affected the proportions of individual monoterpenes: MJ-treated mature trees had higher myrcene and β-pinene than fungal-inoculated mature trees, while needles of juveniles inoculated with the fungus contained higher limonene than MJ- or MS-treated juveniles. Although the constitutive monoterpenes were higher in the phloem of juveniles than mature jack pine trees, the phloem of mature trees had a much higher magnitude of induction. Further, induced monoterpene concentrations in juveniles were higher in phloem than in needles. There was no difference in monoterpene concentration between phytohormone applications and G. clavigera inoculation in mature trees, while in juvenile trees MJ was different from both G. clavigera and simulated herbivory in needle monoterpenes, but there was no difference between phytohormone applications and simulated herbivory in the phloem.  相似文献   

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