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农业生态系统温室气体排放研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生态系统排放中主要的温室气体有二氧化碳(CO2)、氧化亚氮(N2O)、甲烷(CH4)。温度、水分、肥料、植被、光照、耕作制度和气候因子等影响着农业生态系统温室气体的排放量。通过静态箱法和动态箱法等,可以估算农业生态系统温室气体呼吸通量及总量。  相似文献   

Many papers on measurements of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission in rice paddies during a rice cropping season have been published. During a non-cropping season between Nov. and Apr., we investigated direct and indirect GHGs emissions in rice paddies. The indirect GHGs emission was evaluated as the amount of dissolved gases leaching from the paddy fields. Water management practices for the experiment were (1) continuous flooding (CF) and (2) non-flooding (NF). Although the direct CO2 emission in the CF treatment was remained nearly zero during the non-cropping period, direct CO2 emission in the NF treatment was continuously observed throughout the non-cropping period. The concentration of dissolved N2O in the NF treatment was below the detection limit of the instrument during the non-cropping period except immediately after the flooding and before the drainage. The concentration of dissolved N2O kept approximately 2 µg L?1 during the non-cropping period in the CF treatment. The direct CH4 emission and dissolved CH4 were not observed during the non-cropping period. Total gas emission in the NF treatment was 10 times as large as that in the CF treatment. Direct CO2 emission accounted for more than 90 % of the total emission in both treatments.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Technological and socioeconomic interventions accompanied by climate warming strongly dictate farming practices, lending a direct impact over future irrigation water...  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Optimization of land-use practices of rice cultivation for the mitigation of the most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture methane (CH4) and...  相似文献   

Paddy and water environment are closely related to each other in Asia. Developing agriculture by way of construction of farmland irrigation works has long been the principal objective of policies in Taiwan. Owing to significant temporal and spatial difference in rainfalls, natural river runoff has hardly corresponded with irrigation requirements. The cultivation of rice paddies and upland crops are practiced according to the state of the water sources, and cultivation patterns and irrigation systems are framed by placing the same importance on the role of irrigation and drainage management. In this article, the characteristics of paddy irrigation in Taiwan, distinguishable from the western arid farming, have been categorized and will be reviewed in terms of irrigation development, agricultural water utilization, equitable distribution management, farmland consolidation, and the Irrigation Association with its role as that of a public juridical body.Dr. Tsai is the Chief of Irrigation and Engineering Division, Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C, and also serves as the president of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineers (CSAE), the Vice-President of the International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering, the vice-president of International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Chinese Taipei Committee, Managing Supervisor of Chinese Water Resources Management Society. He has an M.Sc. diploma in agricultural engineering from the National Taiwan University and in 1990 he received his Ph.D. degree in natural science and technology from Okayama University, Japan.  相似文献   

The effect of controlled irrigation and drainage on N leaching losses from paddy fields was investigated by controlling root zone soil water content and water table depth using a lysimeter equipped with an automatic water table control system. Three treatments that combined irrigation and drainage managements were implemented: controlled irrigation (CI) + controlled water table depth 1 (CWT1), CI + controlled water table depth 2 (CWT2), and flooding irrigation (FI) + actual field water table depth (FWT). Controlled irrigation and drainage had significant environmental effects on the reduction of NH4 +–N and NO3 ?–N leaching losses from paddy fields by decreasing water leakage. The NH4 +–N leaching losses from CI + CWT1 and CI + CWT2 were 3.68 and 4.45 kg ha?1, respectively, which significantly reduced by 59.2 and 50.7 % compared with FI + FWT (9.02 kg ha?1). The NO3 ?–N leaching losses from CI + CWT1 and CI + CWT2 were 0.88 and 0.43 kg ha?1 with a significant reduction of 45.2 and 73.2 %, respectively, compared with FI + FWT (1.61 kg ha?1). The application of CI + CWT1 can be a pollution-controlled water management method of reducing N leaching losses from paddy fields.  相似文献   

Soil solarisation together with the application of animal manure has been described as an alternative process for control of Phytophthora capsici root rot in pepper crops. A mixture of fresh sheep manure and dry chicken litter (SCM) and a semi-composted mixture of horse manure and chicken litter (HCM) were applied at 5.1 kg m−2 (dry weight) under plastic sheets to reduce Phytophthora inoculum survival rate and disease incidence. Non-solarised (C) and solarised (S) soils were used as control treatments. Mean NH3 concentration increased in SCM during biodisinfestation process (14.8 mg NH3 m−3) compared with HCM (9.1 mg NH3 m−3), accounted for the higher organic N content and potential N mineralisation. The higher NH3 concentration in SCM could have contributed to reduce the inoculum survival rate (30.6% and 75.0% in SCM and HCM plots, respectively). Inoculum survival rate was not reduced in S (94.4%) as temperature was below 33 °C throughout the experimental period. After biodisinfestation treatment, N2O and CO2 emissions tended to be higher in SCM, despite high spatial variability. Cumulative N2O emissions were 1.31 and 0.42 g N2O-N m−2 in SCM and HCM after 43 days. The larger N application and organic N mineralisation rate on fresh manure amended soils might have contributed to higher N2O emissions during and after soil biodisinfestation by denitrification and nitrification, respectively. Cumulative CO2 emission averaged 211.0 and 159.9 g CO2-C m−2 in SCM and HCM, respectively. The soluble organic C, more abundant in fresh manure, might have favoured soil respiration in SCM. Disease incidence decreased in SCM and HCM plots (disease incidence, 2%-8%) in relation to solarised soils (42%) after 4 months. Microbial suppressiveness might have contributed to minimise Phytophthora disease incidence in SCM and HCM plots. Pepper fruit yield increased with manure amendment in SCM and HCM, which averaged 4.6 and 4.3 kg m−2, respectively. Further research will be necessary to guarantee an effective Phytophthora biodisinfestation by fitting manure N and organic matter applications, improving crop yield and reducing greenhouse gas pollution.  相似文献   

To quantify the change in the binding forms and the availability of heavy metals Cd and Cr in paddy soil under non-flooding controlled irrigation (NFI), field experiments were conducted with flooding irrigation (FI) as control. The multi-wetting–drying condition in NFI fields enhanced the transformation of Cd and Cr in surface soil from oxidizable (B3) to acid-soluble (B1) form, and inhibited the transformation of Cd and Cr from reducible (B2) to B1 form. The B1 form Cd in NFI soil was lower, but B1 form Cr was higher than in FI soil. Thus, B3 form may play a more important role in determining the solubility of Cr than B2 in paddy soil, but it is just reverse for the metal of Cd. As a result, NFI led to higher crop uptake of Cd and Cr, but lower Cd and Cr content in the 0–20-cm surface soil and less accumulation of Cd and Cr in 40–60-cm deep soil compared with FI. It indicates that NFI results in higher bioavailability and crop uptakes, and may led to high risks in food safety in short period. But in long term, NFI will result in lower accumulation of Cd and Cr in soils, and should eventually lower the crop uptakes of Cd and Cr.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is the main cause of soil degradation in northern Vietnam. In this study, soil erosion was measured in 2 m2 field plots, a 19.1-ha sub-watershed, and a 248.9-ha main watershed in Tam Quan commune, Tam Duong district, northern Vietnam during 2 years, i.e., 2004–2005. The main watershed includes lowland paddy fields, and is representative for watersheds in the northern Vietnamese landscape. Soil erosion was measured for eight events, at all the three scales to increase our understanding of erosional processes and to assess the effects of paddy fields within the main watershed. The results show that total discharge and sediment yield in both sub-watershed and main watershed were much lower than those in the field plots. Total discharge per unit area in the main watershed was higher than in the sub-watershed, because during the growing season, the paddies are filled with water and any rainfall on them therefore becomes runoff. Sediment yield in the main watershed fluctuated, depending on the soil erosion contribution from many sub-watersheds. Annual rainfalls in 2004 and 2005 were 1,172 and 1,560 mm, respectively, resulting in corresponding total discharges of 54 and 332 mm and total soil losses of 163 and 1,722 kg ha?1 year?1. High runoff volumes occurred in July, August, and September, but April, June, the last 10 days of September and October, were the susceptible periods for soil erosion in the study area because of low plant cover and many agricultural activities during these periods.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the application of rice husk biochar on selected soil physical properties, rice growth, including root extension, and methane (CH4) emissions from paddy field soil. Three replication experiments were conducted using outdoor pot experiments utilizing commercial rice husk biochar mixed with paddy soil at a rate of 0 (control), 2, and 4 % (weight biochar/weight soil) in which the rice was cultivated for 100 days under a continuously flooded condition. The physical properties of soils were analyzed before and after the growing periods. Some parameters of rice growth and CH4 emissions of paddy soils were monitored weekly during the experiment. Root extension was also analyzed after harvesting. The experiments showed that the application of rice husk biochar improved the physical properties of paddy soils. It led to a decrease in bulk density and an increase in saturated hydraulic conductivity, including the total pore volume as well as the available soil water content. The shoot height of rice plants was significantly higher in soil amended with 4 % biochar than that in the control soil. However, other plant growth parameters and root extension were only slightly affected by the application. It was also found that amending soil with biochar led to a reduction of the total CH4 emissions by 45.2 and 54.9 % for an application rate of 2 and 4 %, respectively, compared with the control. Our results showed that the higher the application rate, the stronger the effect of biochar was observed. More research is still necessary for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Drought condition in many places leads to the imperative use of greywater for irrigation. There is a serious concern on the impact of such prolonged uses on soil sustainability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term impacts of greywater irrigation on soil electrical conductivity (EC) and other soil quality parameters in field conditions. Six locations were monitored in this study where home gardens have been irrigated with treated greywater for 2 years. Results showed a general reduction in EC levels of soil samples along all depth intervals at all locations. The average soil EC before greywater irrigation was 0.97 dS/m and decreased to 0.41 dS/m, which may be due to the use of greywater as well as the rainwater effect. The reduction in soil EC and irrigation water quantity shows positive correlation (correlation coefficient r = 0.64). Calcium precipitation might also have a major role in soil EC reduction. Soil calcium content was 81 mg L?1 before using treated greywater and decreased to 43 mg L?1 after 2 years of treated greywater usage, which might have been caused by calcium carbonates (CaCO3) precipitation. The results of other soil chemical analyses clearly show that using treated greywater for irrigation has reduced the concentration of organic matters, K, Cd, Pb, P, Mg, Cl, Na, exchangeable sodium percentage, and sodium adsorption ratio after 2 years of application. Zn concentration increased from 11 to 15 mg L?1, and soil pH became slightly higher from 7.6 to 7.8.  相似文献   

Puddling and recurring intermittent irrigation, common praxis in wet rice cultivation, modify the soil structure and therewith cause a temporal variation of the infiltration properties. This study attempts to evaluate the temporal variation of the infiltration rates of plough pan (vertical infiltration) and paddy fields’ surrounding bunds (bund infiltration) by analyzing (i) the infiltration rate as a function of time, (ii) the relationship between ponding water depth and infiltration rate, and (iii) the influence of cultivation age on vertical water loss and cross-flow through bunds. Two experimental fields with respective cultivation ages of 30 (A) and 7 (B) years were investigated. The results revealed that the time series of vertical infiltration rate (IR v) was with time consistency and the persistency of the bund infiltration was uncertain. The mean infiltration rate into the plough pan of A and B was 3.34 and 1.01 cm d?1, respectively. A total water depth of 230 and 85 cm would be, respectively, lost in A and B through the plough pan during rice growing season. The correlation coefficient between ponding water depth and IR v was ?0.48 and ?0.81 in A and B, respectively, demonstrating that the dynamic IR v in the old paddy field was less affected by the drying and wetting cycles. It is concluded that rice paddies which have been taken into cultivation since only a few decades may contribute to water losses. Maintenance of equilibrium condition between ponding and drying stages and careful preparation of bunds may reduce water loss.  相似文献   


Water management methods regulate water temperature in paddy fields, which affects rice growth and the environment. To understand the effect of irrigation conditions on water temperature in a paddy field, water temperature distribution under 42 different irrigation models including the use of ICT water management, which enables remote and automatic irrigation, was simulated using a physical model of heat balance. The following results were obtained: (1) Irrigation water temperature had a more significant effect on paddy water temperature close to the inlet. As the distance from the inlet increased, the water temperature converged to an equilibrium, which was determined by meteorological conditions and changes in water depth. (2) Increasing the irrigation rate with higher irrigation water amount increased the extent and magnitude of the effects of the irrigation water temperature. (3) When total irrigation water amount was the same, increasing the irrigation rate decreased the time-averaged temperature gradient effect over time across the paddy field. (4) Irrigation during the lowest and highest paddy water temperatures effectively decreased and increased the equilibrium water temperature, respectively. The results indicate that irrigation management can be used to alter and control water temperature in paddy fields, and showed the potential of ICT water management in enhancing the effect of water management in paddy fields. Our results demonstrated that a numerical simulation using a physical model for water temperature distribution is useful for revealing effective water management techniques under various irrigation methods and meteorological conditions.


Paddy and Water Environment - Radiocesium released from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011 was accumulated in paddy fields within 5 cm of the surface soil layer. In order...  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - In order to investigate the radiation utilization efficiency and soil temperature with different irrigation methods in cold region and black glebe, northeast, China,...  相似文献   

Climate change can have a serious impact on water resources. The main agricultural product in southern Taiwan is rice, the planting of which consumes far more water than other crops. This makes agriculture in Taiwan especially vulnerable to climate change. In this study, we used the generalized watershed loading functions (GWLF) hydrological model to simulate the discharge of the Kaoping River under climate change scenarios A2 and B2 as released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We discussed the potential impact of climate change on water resources based on the results of GWLF simulations carried out using rainfall and temperature data from five general circulation models (GCMs). The simulation results indicate that river discharge in the wet season increases significantly, and decreases in the dry season. The discharge variations from using the various GCMs as inputs fall within the range of ?26 to +15 % for the dry season and ?10 to +82 % for the wet season. The variation in available water will seriously impact the first period rice farming (the period between the beginning of January and the end of May) in southern Taiwan. Consequently, effective reduction in conveyance loss in the irrigation canal systems and proper fallowing of paddy fields will be the main challenges to Taiwan’s agricultural sector for alleviating the impact of climate change. For further decision making, we show the effects of adapting to climate change by various degrees of the following two methods: fallowing paddy fields to various degrees and reducing conveyance loss in irrigation canal systems.  相似文献   

Paddy fields are subjected to fluctuating water regimes as a result of the alternate drying and wetting water management, which often incurs a sensitive change in N2O emissions from paddy soils. However, how the soil moisture regulates the emission of N2O from paddy soil remains uncertain. In this study, three incubation experiments were designed to study the effects of constant and fluctuating soil moisture on N2O emission and the sources of N2O emission from paddy soil. Results showed that the N2O emission from paddy soil at 100 % WHC (water-holding capacity) was higher than that at 40, 65, 80, 120, and 160 % WHC, indicating that 100 % WHC was the optimum soil moisture content for N2O emission under the incubation experiment. Small peak of N2O flux appeared when the soil moisture content from 250 % WHC decreased near to 100 % WHC, lower than that triggered by nitrogen (N) fertilization, which was mainly owing to the low NH4 + concentration at this period. Nitrification dominated the emissions of N2O from paddy soil at 250 % WHC (54.96 %), higher than that of nitrification-coupled denitrification (6.74 %) and denitrification (38.3 %). The contribution of denitrification to N2O emissions (44.10 %) was equivalent to that of nitrification (44.45 %) in soil at 100 % WHC, which was higher than that of 250 % WHC treatment. In conclusion, the finding suggested that the peak of N2O in paddy soils during midseason aeration could be attributed to the occurrence of optimum soil moisture under sufficient N availability, favorable for the production and accumulation of N2O.  相似文献   


In the North Nile Delta of Egypt, the impacts of overplanting paddy rice on water delivery performance have not been discussed quantitatively. Further, the amount of water that could have been saved if farmers would follow the planned area is unknown. In this study, water delivery performance was assessed by comparison of actual paddy rice planting and the government’s planned conditions. For both conditions, performance indicators relating to adequacy, equity, and dependability were analyzed across six locations in conjunction with the branch canal water level in 2013 and 2014. Based on the difference between the actual water supply and planned water demand, the amount of water that could have been saved for downstream uses was calculated. The average adequacy for the investigation period was good at one location, fair at 2 locations, and poor at 3 locations in both years. Further, adequacy under both actual and planned conditions was poor in late July at all locations. The planned adequacy and dependability downstream and equity among locations improved compared to the actual condition in both years. Under the condition that paddy rice area is the upper limit planned by the government, about 12.3% and 9.6% of water could be potentially saved in each year. The difference between actual and planned water delivery performance is caused by the branch canal’s low water level. Control of overplanting paddy rice and coordination of water distribution among water user associations would improve stable water level in the canal and, eventually, water delivery performance.


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