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The present work was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Trichogramma evanescens (Westwood) in controlling the European grape berry moth Lobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.) in two vineyards, in El-Beheira and El-Gharbia Governorates, northern Egypt during the 2004 and 2005 seasons. T. evanescens was mass produced on Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) eggs in National Research Center in Egypt. The horizontal and vertical searching activity of T. evanescens was studied to determine the proper way of distributing the Trichogramma cards in vineyards in 2004. Field experiments were also conducted to evaluate inundative releases of T. evanescens to control L. botrana on large scale in 2005. Parasitism by T. evanescens on L. botrana eggs was greatly affected with the horizontal or vertical distance from the release points. Parasitism reached over 97% and reduction percents of infestation were caused by the pest reached 96.8% in treated plots. A significant increase in the crop was achieved in treated plots. The results showed that the release cards should be distributed in every three grape rows and on height 130–170 cm to obtain good parasitism rates. T. evanescens could be a potential candidate for biological control of L. botrana in vineyards.  相似文献   

松褐天牛交尾产卵行为和卵期、孵化率测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
松褐天牛 Monochamus alternatus Hope成虫交尾 ,雌雄均无专一性 ,既能一雄多雌 ,也能一雌多雄 ;交尾次数对产卵量和卵的孵化率无显著影响 ;成虫对产卵场所的树种和树性有显著的偏嗜性选择行为。据测定 ,在 6月下旬至 7月下旬平均卵期 4.0 4天 ,卵的孵化率为 85 .76%。  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for wood and growth traits in two 19-yr-old clonal trials and a 40-yr-old full-sib progeny trial of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. In the clonal trials high (>0.4) broad-sense heritabilities were found for wood density traits, lignin content, number of internal cracks, growth traits, spiral grain and number of resin canals. Moderate (0.2–0.4) heritabilities were found for tracheid lumen diameter and cell wall thickness, microfibril angle and tracheid length, while low heritabilities (<0.2) were found for pulp yield, fibre strength, wood stiffness and wood colour. Lignin content and pulp yield showed low genetic variation, whereas the genotypic coefficient of variation for most other traits ranged between 5 and 15%. Most traits showed low levels of genotype by environment interaction. Among the wood properties, latewood proportion, earlywood density and ring density showed significant, adverse correlations with volume in both clonal trials.  相似文献   

对8个葛种质的植物学性状、营养成分和产量进行研究,以评价葛根饲用价值。结果表明:桃江粉葛与湘葛2号葛蔓较长,江西野葛和桃江粉葛的叶较大。湘葛3号、桃江野葛1和桃江野葛2的茎皮色为褐色,其它5种为黄褐色。江西粉葛、湘葛3号和桃江野葛1的叶形是近圆形,江西野葛和桃江粉葛是卵圆形,其它3种是菱形。湘葛2号和桃江粉葛的叶面皱纹较少。8个葛种质的叶柄色全是绿色。葛根中粗纤维的含量最高,其次是粗蛋白、灰分、粗脂肪、钙、磷。其中,湘葛2号中粗纤维和钙的含量较高,桃江野葛1的粗蛋白含量较高,湘葛3号的灰分和粗脂肪含量较高,桃江粉葛的磷含量较高。产量最高的是江西野葛。  相似文献   

Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) are species used worldwide for the biological control of Lepidopteran pests, notably through inundative releases on millions of hectares. The optimal use of Trichogramma parasitoids in crop protection requires an accurate knowledge of their biology. More specifically, the importance of age factor in parasitoids during the time they forage in crops for host eggs (after initial release) and how the aging of host eggs could impact parasitoid biological traits may be important for overall efficiency in terms of crop protection. In this context, the importance of parasitoid female and host egg ages on parasitism rate and the development of offspring was studied in laboratory conditions on Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and the eggs of the pest Lobesia botrana Denis and Schiffermüller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Host eggs tested were 1–2- and 3–4-day-old, while the ages of T. cacoeciae adult females varied from 1-day-old to 4-day-old post-emergence. When L.?botrana eggs were 3–4-day-old, they were less parasitized by T. cacoeciae than 1–2-day-old eggs, and this was not linked to the age of T. cacoeciae females. The age of parasitoid females has an effect on parasitism, as 1-day-old females produced fewer parasitized eggs than 2, 3, and 4-day-old females. For the total number of L. botrana eggs killed by T. cacoeciae, the two factors did not show significant effects. When L. botrana eggs were 1–2-day-old, parasitoid emergence increased according to the age of parasitoid females with the highest success observed for 3-day-old females. The lowest emergence rates were obtained with T. cacoeciae females 1-day-old. The development time was also longer with the young 1-day-old parasitoid females. This study demonstrated that both the aging of parasitoids and host eggs play a role in the subsequent development of parasitoid offspring. The importance of these results in the context of biological control programs involving Trichogramma parasitoids is discussed.  相似文献   

为了进一步研究云南省主栽的三大良种核桃——漾濞泡核桃、三台核桃和细香核桃的品质特点,对其单果质量、果实整齐度、缝合线、果尖、壳面、出仁率、壳皮厚度、内褶壁、隔膜、种仁仁色等种实特征与果实品质进行了观测与评价。结果表明:漾濞泡核桃种仁颜色浅黄,风味香而微涩,内质细脆,油性大,品质优良,是果油兼优的优良品种;三台核桃种仁颜色浅黄,风味香而微甜,内质细脆,油性中等,也是果油兼优的优良品种;细香核桃种仁颜色浅黄,仁味香纯而微涩,内质细脆,油性大,坚果较小,外观较差,但丰产性好,坚果出仁率及果仁含油率均较高,适宜用作加工品种。  相似文献   

A total of 360 bark-to-bark-through-pith wood strips were sampled at breast height from 180 trees in 30 open-pollinated families from two rotation-aged genetic trials to study inheritance, age-age genetic correlation, and early selection efficiency for wood quality traits in radiata pine. Wood strips were evaluated by SilviScan® and annual pattern and genetic parameters for growth, wood density, microfibril angle (MFA), and stiffness (modulus of elasticity: MOE) for early to rotation ages were estimated. Annual ring growth was the largest between ages 2–5 years from pith, and decreased linearly to ages 9–10. Annual growth was similar and consistent at later ages. Wood density was the lowest near the pith, increased steadily to age 11–15 years, then was relatively stable after these ages. MFA was highest (35°) near the pith and reduced to about 10° at age 10–15 years. MFA was almost unchanged at later ages. MOE increased from about 2.5 GPa near the pith to about 20 GPa at ages 11–15 years. MOE was relatively unchanged at later ages. Wood density and MOE were inversely related to MFA. Heritability increased from zero near the pith and stabilised at ages 4 or 5 for all four growth and wood quality traits (DBH, density, MFA and MOE). Across age classes, heritability was the highest for area-weighted density and MFA, lowest for DBH, and intermediate for MOE. Age-age genetic correlations were high for the four traits studied. The genetic correlation reached 0.8 after age 7 for most traits. Early selection for density, MFA and MOE were very effective. Selection at age 7–8 has similar effectiveness as selection conducted at rotation age for MFA and MOE and at least 80% effective for wood density.  相似文献   

[目的]了解桄榔居群土壤养分与桄榔粉品质的关系,为今后栽培管理、科学施肥提供参考依据.[方法]选取广西龙州县3个具有代表性桄榔居群为研究对象,提取桄榔粉,分别测定桄榔粉品质指标和土壤养分,并对两者关系进行相关分析、冗余分析和逐步回归分析.[结果]3个桄榔居群的土壤养分含量整体不高,土壤全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷、...  相似文献   

森林食品不同于一般的农产品,它特指遵循森林可持续经营原则,符合生态环境保护发展要求,以特定的方式生产,以无公害林产品标准为基础,以绿色产品(AA级)、有机食品为发展方向,经认可允许使用"森林食品"标志,安全、优质的食用类林产品及其初级加工产品.其中马蹄笋就属于这类产品.  相似文献   

通过天目山国家级自然保护区30年间的森林景观格局变化分析,对保护区美学质量动态变化特征进行了初步研究,结果表明:1)保护区由常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、针叶林、竹林、水域和其它等6类景观类型组成。阔叶林为优势景观,面积比例维持在80%以上,是形成保护区优美景色的最主要因素。而且该景观类型斑块破碎度低,结合度和聚集度高,具有宏观美。2)常绿阔叶林的面积比例逐年下降,平均斑块面积、结合度和聚集度也随之降低;而落叶阔叶林各指标变化与之相反,并在2004年开始超过了常绿阔叶林成为主导景观类型,丰富了保护区的季相变化,显著提升了秋季美景度。3)竹林面积扩张了近3倍,但是斑块破碎度较高,没有形成壮阔的竹海景观,而且极易入侵阔叶林,造成阔叶林生态系统稳定性和美景度的下降,所以采取人为砍伐对其扩张进行了控制。4)景区道路、旅游基础设施、农家乐等面积增长了50%,由于缺少专业的设计和统一规划,建筑物景观与当地的森林景观没有形成很好的融合,美学质量不高。  相似文献   

Trees in farming systems can improve fertility of soils through mineralization of N in their litter. This study was to determine the quality parameters (i.e., chemical composition) of organic residues that are associated with N mineralization in soils under submerged and aerobic conditions, and to demonstrate that aeration conditions should be taken into account in categorization of organic residues as N sources in farming systems. Incubation experiments were conducted in Aeric Paleaquult soil under submerged and Oxic Paleustult soil under aerobic conditions. Treatments included litter and some fresh materials from trees as well as rice straw available in farming systems of Northeast Thailand. S. grandiflora and L. leucocephala (32 g kg−1 N) had the highest net N mineralization in both conditions. Some lower-quality (< 20 g kg−1 N) residues did exhibit low net N mineralization during the 16-week period under submerged conditions, but displayed almost no net N mineralization in aerobic conditions. Under submerged conditions, their net N mineralization was higher and more rapid. The nitrogen content of the residues was the most important factor controlling N mineralization under both conditions. Polyphenols exerted the highest negative influence on N mineralization in aerobic conditions, but exhibited no negative effect in submerged conditions. In categorizing organic residues for their effective use in soil fertility management, soil aeration conditions, as well as other environmental factors, should be taken into consideration in addition to residue quality.  相似文献   

森林食品马蹄竹笋生产技术产品质量要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林食品不同于一般的农产品,它特指遵循森林可持续经营原则,符合生态环境保护发展要求,以特定的方式生产,以无公害林产品标准为基础,以绿色产品(AA级)、有机食品为发展方向,经认可允许使用"森林食品"标志,安全、优质的食用类林产品及其初级加工产品。其中马蹄笋就属于这类产品。  相似文献   

  • ? Juvenile wood quality in Pinus radiata is affected by factors such as low density, stiffness, and high microfibril angle, spiral grain, and shrinkage. Adverse genetic correlations between growth and wood quality traits remain as one of the main constraints in radiata pine advanced generation selection breeding program.
  • ? Juvenile wood property data for this study were available from two progeny tests aged 7 and 6 y. We estimated the genetic correlations between stiffness, density, microfibril angle, spiral grain, shrinkage in the juvenile core and DBH growth in radiata pine, and) to evaluated various selection scenarios to deal with multiple objective traits.
  • ? Negative genetic correlations were found for modulus of elasticity (MoE) and density with microfibril angle, spiral grain, shrinkage, and DBH. We observed low to moderate unfavourable genetic correlations between all wood quality traits and DBH growth.
  • ? These low to moderate genetic correlations suggest that there may be some genotypes which have high DBH growth performance while also having high wood stiffness and density, and that the adverse correlation between DBH and MoE may not entirely prohibit the improvement of both traits. Results indicate that, in the short term, the optimal strategy is index selection using economic weights for breeding objective traits (MAI and stiffness) in radiata pine.
  • ? In the long-term, simultaneously purging of the adverse genetic correlation and optimizing index selection may be the best selection strategy in multiple-trait selection breeding programs with adverse genetic correlations.
  •   相似文献   

    Fady  B.  Ducci  F.  Aleta  N.  Becquey  J.  Diaz Vazquez  R.  Fernandez Lopez  F.  Jay-Allemand  C.  Lefèvre  F.  Ninot  A.  Panetsos  K.  Paris  P.  Pisanelli  A.  Rumpf  H. 《New Forests》2003,25(3):211-225
    Adaptive and wood quality trait data were collected and analyzed on commercially available Juglans regia and J. regia×J. nigra provenances and progenies planted across Europe in a multi-site network. A total of 19 seed sources, replicated 35 times per site, were planted at 13 sites from 5 European countries, encompassing the potential distribution area of timber production plantation sites. The following traits were evaluated: survival, height, diameter at breast height, stem form, apical dominance, vegetative budbreak, along with biotic and abiotic damage. Mean values were significantly different both among provenances/progenies and sites. Most common damage was late spring and early autumn frost. Bud break ranking was significantly correlated with provenance and progeny origin. Although J. regia is fast growing, southern European early budbreak plant material should not be planted under most middle European conditions where late spring frost can be expected, as it has a significant negative impact on architectural (and thus wood quality) traits. Hybrid J. regia×J. nigra progeny performed better than J. regia provenances/progenies for most traits measured. Differences were significantly in favor of hybrids at sites with medium to low fertility, although some locally selected seed sources tended to perform as well as hybrids on high fertility sites.  相似文献   

    The value of eucalyptus oil for medicinal purposes is based largely on its cineole content. The prime commercial species for cineole production in Australia is Eucalyptus polybractea (blue mallee). Despite the long history of blue mallee harvesting in Australia, there has been little research on the establishment of plantations of the species or on the efficacy of short-rotation coppice cultivation with respect to the consistency of oil yield and quality from rotation to rotation. This study aims to assess if subsequent coppice oil traits reflect sapling traits and if the coppice oil traits under short-rotation cultivation are consistent from one rotation to the next. A trial plantation was established in a key eucalyptus oil harvesting district in Victoria. Firstly, the oil-related traits of 20 saplings harvested 3.5 years after planting were compared with those of their subsequent coppice harvested after 12 months regrowth. Despite the expected differences in total biomass, the oil-related traits of blue mallee saplings were mostly well reflected in their subsequent coppice. Total above ground biomass and foliar oil concentration were significantly related between saplings and coppice, and cineole proportion showed a Pearson's correlation of 0.93 between harvests. Nevertheless, the mean foliar oil concentration in the coppice was 148 mg g−1 dw compared with 107 in the saplings, and the coppice foliage, on average, showed significantly reduced cineole with a mean of 87% in the saplings (maximum of 95.6%) compared to a mean of only 80% in the coppice (maximum of 87.0%). Secondly, the oil traits of 20 coppice plants from one 12-month harvest rotation to the next were compared. Again, total above ground biomass, foliar oil concentration and cineole proportion were significantly related between the harvests, with cineole proportion having a Pearson's correlation of 0.90 between rotations. The coppice between rotations were remarkably consistent in terms of biomass and oil traits and indeed mean coppice cineole yields were 28.6 and 29.7 g in rotations 1 and 2, respectively. The results support the screening of key oil-related traits in saplings for the selection of elite genotypes for plantations, and the use of short-rotation cultivation of the plantations for continued oil harvesting. Furthermore, no relationship was observed between biomass and oil concentration in the blue mallee saplings or coppice, suggesting selection gains in a given key oil trait will not result in losses in another.  相似文献   

    【目的】对不同品种的涩柿果实鲜食品质进行综合评价,评选出综合性状优良的涩柿品种,通过对比六倍体和九倍体涩柿的鲜食品质,探讨倍性对柿果实品质的影响,旨在为柿良种选育和柿产业发展提供参考。【方法】采用CO2脱涩法,对95个涩柿品种的硬果进行处理,然后对各品种果实的脱涩难度及口感风味进行评价。在此基础上,筛选易脱涩且口感风味佳的品种,分别对其果实鲜食特性,即表型指标、内在营养指标以及耐储性等指标进行综合比较。【结果】果实易脱涩的品种68个,较易脱涩的品种21个,难脱涩的品种6个,且不同品种涩柿果实经脱涩后鲜食的口感风味具有丰富的多样性。筛选出具有代表性的品种6个,包括3个中国六倍体品种‘三原鸡心黄’‘七月早’‘中柿1号’,以及3个日本九倍体品种‘平核无’‘大平核’和‘刀根早生’。3个九倍体品种的果形指数较小,果型属于扁果形,且其果皮色泽较为亮丽,外观指标整体优于六倍体品种。6个品种果实经脱涩处理后可溶性固形物含量均有所下降,其中‘中柿1号’果实的可溶性固形物、总酚、黄酮等有效成分的含量最高,但其最不易脱涩,且易褐化,耐储性最差。3个九倍体品种在果实总酚、黄酮和单宁含量方...  相似文献   

    We studied the effect of genotypes of planting stocks regarding the variation of the modulus of elasticity of tree trunks on standing trees (trunk-MOE), tree height (TH), and diameter at breast height (DBH) in a 19-year-old Japanese cedar plantation made with root cuttings. Trunk-MOE was assessed nondestructively using a tree-bending method. Genotypes of individual trees were detected using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. RAPD analysis revealed that the sampled plantation consisted of 14 genotypes. Genotypic effects on DBH and TH were unclear, and there was no significant difference among genotypes. This result indicated that an acquired variation should have more influence than an inherited variation on DBH and TH. For trunk-MOE, there were significant differences among the four largest genotypes at the 5% level. However the coefficient of variation in trunk-MOE of each genotype ranged from 7.5% to 26.8%. It seems reasonable to assume that the wide variation in trunk-MOE in a sampled plantation may depend on the environmental effect within a clone as well as on the genetic origin of clones. We therefore conclude that the use of multiple planting stocks from different cuttings for which the wood quality is unknown contributed strongly to the wide variation in trunk-MOE in the plantation of Japanese cedar.  相似文献   

    We evaluated eight-year-old seedlings in a black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) progeny test for two quantitative and two qualitative traits. We also used 12 microsatellite markers to genotype the 328 progeny and their maternal parents. Seedling family growth and quality was evaluated based on the progeny test map. These values were compared to family growth and quality after seedlings were genotyped and reassigned to families by parentage assignment software. After genotyping and parentage analysis, about 80 % of the offspring were assigned to the same half-sib family indicated on the planting map. Considerable differences were observed between the ranks of half-sib families based on the planting-map versus the ranks of the families based on the exclusion/assignment of progeny to their family based on genotypes. Analysis of the data without genotypic assignment of progeny to their correct family revealed that the family effect for height was significant, as was family effect for diameter. After seedlings were reassigned to half-sib families based on genotypic information, neither the family effect for height nor the family effect for diameter was significant. The efficiency of the mixed model ANOVA, as measured by Akaike Information Criterion improved by about 30 % after genotyping and exclusion/reassignment of progeny. These results show that genotyping progeny can have a significant effect on the rank of families and potential selection of individuals from a progeny trial, the quality of data analysis, and the efficiency and efficacy of breeding operations.  相似文献   

    Meng Ji  Guangze Jin  Zhili Liu 《林业研究》2021,42(6):2459-2471
    Investigating the effects of ontogenetic stage and leaf age on leaf traits is important for understanding the utilization and distribution of resources in the p...  相似文献   

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