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To elucidate the water cycle in lowland forests of the Mekong River basin, our research group established four experimental watersheds in the Stung Chinit River basin in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. The drainage areas of these experimental watersheds ranged from small (4 km2) to mesoscale (3,659 km2). Here, we present the first preliminary results of our rainfall-discharge observations and analyses of temporal variations of stable isotope ratios in rainfall, stream water, and groundwater. This paper focuses on the following three main topics: annual rainfall, discharge, and water balance; stormflow generation and dominant flow pathways; and flow regimes and stream water residence times. All stream water residence times (τ = 1.7–7.5 months) for the four experimental watersheds were shorter than the residence time of the groundwater (τ = 9.4 months) through the soil and regolith layers, implying that the stream waters consisted of not only the groundwater-flow component, but also younger-aged flow components such as saturation-excess overland flow. The smallest (4 km2; O Toek Loork) watershed had longer residence time (τ = 7.5 months) than the three larger watersheds (126–3,659 km2; τ = 1.7–3.9 months). This may suggest differing contributions of the groundwater and younger-aged flow components in the stream water in each watershed. Our approach of multi-scale watershed observation might better contribute to the needs of physically based models and aid in predictions for ungauged basins.  相似文献   

Three potato cultivars (Russet Burbank, Norchip, and Gemchip) grown with nitrogen applied at three rates were stored at two temperature regimes (Treatment 1: 13 months at 10 CTreatment 2: 1 month at 10 C; followed by a 1 C decrease per week until tubers were 4 C; followed by 6 months at 4 C; followed by a 1 C increase per week until tubers were 10 C; followed by 3 months at 10 C). Tuber chemical components and potato chip appearance were measured at harvest and after 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, and 13 months; these measurements were performed within 24 hours of the time potatoes were removed from storage. Sugar responses (tuber glucose, fructose, sucrose) and potato chip appearance were affected by cultivar over time in both years and storage temperatures. Russet Burbank tubers displayed a significantly higher glucose forming potential and produced darker appearing chips, regardless of storage temperature or time in storage, compared to Norchip and Gemchip. Potatoes receiving a cold-storage treatment contained less sugar and produced lighter appearing chips after 12 months storage compared to tubers stored at a constant 10 C for 12 months. The linear association between tuber chemical components and potato chip appearance varied with storage temperature.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted beginning in 1969 to determine the chipability of several cultivars of potato (Solarium tuberosum) grown under similar cultural regimes at different locations throughout Ohio. The experiment included 19 cultivars and 11 locations. The tubers from a particular location were harvested and transported to the laboratory where a portion was chipped and other portions were stored at 40,45,50, and 55°F for 3 and 6 months and subsequently chipped. The chips were analyzed for color both objectively using the Agtron M-30-A and subjectively using the PC/SFA color chart. In addition, specific gravity and count were also determined before storage. Not all cultivars were included for the duration of the experiment as they proved consistently superior or inferior in the early stages of the experiment or they were unavailable. Also, not all locations were included each year due to non-availability of acreage. The data indicate that there was a high degree of variability among cultivars and growers. They also indicate considerable variability among years of production although good cultivars were rated highest within seasons. Most notable was the variability among locations; the variation from one location to another was often as great as that among cultivars. Storage difference was pronounced as expected due to temperature regimes.  相似文献   

This study examined the capability of remotely sensed information gained using the terra moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) to explain forest soil moisture. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was used for the analysis. Nine years (2000–2008) of monthly MODIS NDVI and LST data from a 2,694.4 km2 watershed consisting of forest-dominant areas in South Korea were compared with SWAT simulated soil moisture. Before the analysis, the SWAT model was calibrated and verified using 9 years of daily streamflow at three gauging stations and 6 years (2003–2008) of daily measured soil moisture at three locations within the watershed. The average Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency during the streamflow calibration and validation was 0.72 and 0.70, respectively. The SWAT soil moisture showed a higher correlation with MODIS LST during the forest leaf growing period (March–June) and with MODIS NDVI during the leaf falling period (September–December). Low correlation was observed in the year of frequent rains, regardless of the leaf periods.  相似文献   

Natural bamboo fibers have excellent properties suggesting that there is a good potential for them to be used in textiles; however, they have not received the attention that they deserve owing to their coarse and stiff quality. Therefore, a chemical method for extraction and modification of natural bamboo fibers for textile end uses were developed and optimized in this paper. The quality of natural bamboo fibers were characterized by their chemical composition, linear density, and tenacity. Experimental results show that the modified bamboo fibers are finer, with significant lower content of noncellulosic substances. The processing parameters are optimized as: 20 g/l NaOH, 3 g/l Na5P3O10, 5 g/l Na2SO3, 3 g/l penetrating agent, with a fiber to liquid ratio of 1:10, at 100 °C for 2 h, and the bamboo fiber thus produced has cellulose amount of 73.25 %, fineness of 3.26 tex, average length of 44.5 mm, breaking elongation of 2.8 % and tenacity of 2.41 cN/dtex. The result of this study may offer a possibility of developing natural bamboo fibers into practical applications in textiles.  相似文献   

适合马铃薯晚疫病菌生长的培养基改良试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans引起的晚疫病是全球第一大作物病害,对马铃薯生产危害非常严重。在对该病菌的研究中确定适宜的培养基是比较关键的一环。本文采用完全随机设计,将晚疫病菌接种到黑麦与胡萝卜不同混合比例的5种培养基上,通过隔日调查的方法,比较其菌落生长直径的大小和产孢量的多少,以此作为衡量5种培养基培养效果的指标。研究结果表明:黑麦与胡萝卜的比例为1:1时,晚疫病菌的菌落生长速度最快,产孢量最多,培养效果最好。因此,可以利用这种培养基来培养马铃薯晚疫病菌,这对开展晚疫病菌的进一步研究具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

为准确测定出油菜中维生素C的含量,在国标基础上,建立了一种高效、准确测定新鲜油菜维生素C含量的方法。结果表明:维生素C在测定范围内峰面积与标准液浓度线性关系良好,相关系数为0.9999。油菜维生素C含量测定的回收率为97.97%~101.40%,相对标准偏差RSD仅为1.84%,说明用该方法重现性良好,具有快速准确、稳定可靠等特点。贮藏温度越低,维生素C降解的速度越慢,用液氮贮藏样品更有利于维生素C的保存和精准鉴定;利用液氮冷冻并研磨样品更有利于样品中维生素C的提取,测得油菜中维生素C含量与仅均质化处理相比平均增加了约16%;液氮中贮藏的样品在不同时间下测定其维生素C含量并无显著变化,测得维生素C含量的RSD均小于2%。利用此方法可以测定较长时间保存样品中的维生素C,可满足高通量、高准确率的要求,有利于油菜的菜用营养和育种研究。  相似文献   

Suitable and practicable best management practices (BMPs) need to be developed due to steadily increasing agricultural land development, intensified fertilization practices, and increased soil erosion and pollutant loads from cultivated areas. The soil and water assessment tool model was used to evaluate the present and future proper BMP scenarios for Chungju dam watershed (6,642 km2) of South Korea, which includes rice paddy and upland crop areas. The present (1981–2010) and future (2040s and 2080s) BMPs of streambank stabilization, building recharge structures, conservation tillage, and terrace and contour farming were examined individually in terms of reducing nonpoint source pollution loads by applying MIROC3.2 HiRes A1B and B1 scenarios. Streambank stabilization achieved the highest reductions in sediment and T-N, and slope terracing was a highly effective BMP for sediment and T-P removal in both present and future climate conditions.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - The Soil and Water Assessment Tool model was applied to assess the potential climate change impact on snowmelt and the non-point source pollution discharges in a...  相似文献   

Laminated or coated fabrics are technical textile products and are defined as materials composed of two or more layers; at least one of them is a textile fabric and one or more polymer film. The presence of film layer changes all fabric’s properties and behaviour during its deformation. The goal of this research is to propose a new method for evaluation the influence of structural stability of coated fabrics and laminates on their shear stiffness. Seven commercial coated fabrics and laminates with woven or knitted base layer are used in this test. The shear behaviors of coated and laminated fabrics are analyzed during the uniaxial tension of parallelepiped shape specimens whose top and bottom edges are cut with pitch of 16 degrees. The extension test of such type specimens is carried out using a Zwick tension machine. The behaviour of the coated fabrics and laminates during shearing are evaluated from strain-stress curves and the results are presented.  相似文献   

索氏抽提测定含油量的方法改良及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对索氏抽提法测定含油量的方法进行了改良,在原索氏抽提装置上加装了恒温冷凝水系统,将冷凝水温度改为恒温15℃。改良后的索氏抽提法与原方法相比,测定结果的准确度和灵敏度显著提高,有效消除了因季节、气候等因素引起的温度变化所带来的测定值差异。2007年至2010年加拿大谷物委员会组织36家国际权威油料检测实验室开展国际油料品质比对检测,结果显示,本实验室检测结果|Z|值均小于2,且采用改良索氏抽提法后,测定结果的Z比分数由-1.98~-0.12减小到-0.60~0.20,相对偏差由-2.5%~-0.38%减小到-1.24%~0.24%,实现了含油量检测结果的国际接轨。  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of corona plasma process on the dyeability and certain physical properties of woolen fabric were investigated. For this purpose, acid and 1.2 metal complex dyes, which are the most applicable dyes in the wool market were used. The patterns were examined to assess their dyeability, wettability, pilling resistance, alkali solubility, and strength values. The surface morphology and chemical structures were tested by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and alkali solubility analyses and also scanned by electron microscopy. Hydrophility indexes of the dyes that were used were determined. With the results of the experiments, their hydrophobic index is of vital importance, which is a factor for plasma efficiency on color depth. By using plasma treatment on woolen fabric, it is achievable to get a product with high hydrophility and pilling resistance values, dyeability, and less burdened dyeing bath.  相似文献   

There are several avenues by which promising bioactive natural products can be produced in sufficient quantities to enable lead optimization and medicinal chemistry studies. The total synthesis of natural products is an important, but sometimes difficult, approach and requires the development of innovative synthetic methodologies to simplify the synthesis of complex molecules. Various classes of natural product alkaloids are both common and widely distributed in plants, bacteria, fungi, insects and marine organisms. This mini-review will discuss the scope, mechanistic insights and enantioselectivity aspects of selected examples of recently developed one-pot methods that have been published in 2009 for the synthesis of substituted piperidines, quinolizidines, pyrrolidines, hexahydropyrrolizines, octahydroindolizines and γ-lactams. In addition, progress on the synthesis of β-carboline (manzamine) alkaloids will also be discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Theory suggests that biodiversity can act as a buffer against disturbances and environmental variability via two major mechanisms: Firstly, a stabilising effect by decreasing the temporal variance in ecosystem functioning due to compensatory processes; and secondly, a performance enhancing effect by raising the level of community response through the selection of better performing species. Empirical evidence for the stabilizing effect of biodiversity is readily available, whereas experimental confirmation of the performance-enhancing effect of biodiversity is sparse. RESULTS: Here, we test the effect of different environmental regimes (constant versus fluctuating temperature) on bacterial biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relations. We show that positive effects of species richness on ecosystem functioning are enhanced by stronger temperature fluctuations due to the increased performance of individual species. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide evidence for the performance enhancing effect and suggest that selection towards functionally dominant species is likely to benefit the maintenance of ecosystem functioning under more variable conditions.  相似文献   

An oil/water separation cotton fabric with high separation efficiency has been successfully developed by combining mussel-inspired one-step copolymerization approach and Michael addition reaction. The cotton fabric was first coated with the adhesive polydopamine (PDA) film by simple immersion in an aqueous solution of dopamine at pH of 8.5. Then n-dodecyl mercaptan (NDM) was conjugated with PDA film through Michael addition reaction at ambient temperature. The chemical structure, surface topography, and surface wettability of the fabric were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy, and contact angle experiments, respectively. The results showed that as-prepared cotton fabric had highly hydrophobicity with the water contact angle of 145° and superoleophilicity with the oil contact angle of 0°. It exhibited desirable property of oil/water separation, and it had excellent potential to be used in practical applications and has created a new field for oil/water separation.  相似文献   

为建立一种小麦对全蚀病抗性的快速评价方法,将催芽2d的小麦种子置于垫有湿滤纸的培养皿中,在每个种子根中部接一个直径3mm的禾顶囊壳小麦变种的菌碟,25℃下室内培养5d,量取根上病斑的长度,利用病斑的平均长度确定小麦品种的抗病性以及病原菌致病力的强弱。用已知抗性的品种和已知致病力的菌株对该方法进行检验,得到了相符合的结果;用该方法对多个菌株的致病力进行测定,所得结果与盆栽法测定的结果有较高的相关性。表明该方法可用于小麦对全蚀病抗性的评价,具有快速、简便等优点。用该方法对58株全蚀病菌的致病力和53个小麦品种的抗病性进行了测试。结果显示,菌株间致病力有明显差异;小麦品种抗性水平普遍较低,中抗品种仅占13.2%,其余均为感病品种。  相似文献   

龙须草叶面积测定方法的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对人工栽培的不同生长时间龙须草的叶面积测定方法进行了研究.利用LI-3000叶面积仪和生产上常用的长宽法进行比较分析,求得用长宽法测量龙须草叶面积的矫正系数K=0.67,经过相关分析,认为所得K值是值得推荐的.  相似文献   

A rapid method for estimating glycoalkaloid levels in potato tubers has been developed. It is basically a screening technique whereby large numbers of samples can be assigned to categories of alkaloid level such as very low, low, medium and high. The elapsed time is typically four hours and the per sample time 12 to 15 minutes when large numbers are run. Weighed tuber samples are cut up and blended with a volume (ml) of extracting solution equal to the weight of the sample in g. After blending for four minutes, a portion of the extract is poured on to a fluted filter. An aliquot of the filtrate is treated with an antimony trichloride reagent and the color is read at 550 nm after 15 min.  相似文献   

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