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稻麦轮作田改为菜地后生化指标的变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
本文初步分析比较了位于长江三角洲嘉兴市的3种主要土壤类型漏水型水稻土、爽水型水稻土和囊水型水稻土由稻-麦(油菜)轮作田改为多年连作保护地菜田后一些生物化学指标的变化。结果表明:由稻麦轮作田改为蔬菜露地和大棚蔬菜保护地后都可引起土壤的酸化,pH下降程度随土壤类型不同而有别,其中漏水型水稻土和爽水型水稻土由稻麦轮作田改为大棚蔬菜保护地后pH下降最为强烈,分别下降1.96和1.87个单位。与稻-麦(油菜)轮作土壤相比,蔬菜露地和大棚蔬菜保护地土壤脱氢酶活性都显著降低,其中后者降低程度远大于前者;土壤转化酶和中性磷酸酶活性都有不同程度的降低。这些结果说明由稻麦轮作田改为多年连作蔬菜露地和大棚蔬菜保护地后引起土壤微生物活性的下降,从而影响土壤生物化学过程,进而影响土壤的健康质量。  相似文献   

保护地菜田与稻麦轮作田土壤微生物学特征的比较   总被引:45,自引:6,他引:45  
比较分析了位于长江三角洲嘉兴市的三类主要水稻土(漏水型水稻土、爽水型水稻土和囊水型水稻土)由稻麦(或油菜)轮作改为多年连作露地蔬菜和大棚蔬菜后一些土壤微生物学特征的变化,以衡量土壤质量演变的趋势。结果表明,与稻麦(油)轮作土壤相比,蔬菜地土壤微生物区系发生了极大的变化,细菌数量显著减少,真菌和放线菌数量却显著增加;硝化细菌和反硝化细菌数量随土壤类型不同呈不同的变化。多年连作露地蔬菜和蔬菜大棚保护地土壤中微生物生物量碳和总磷脂(TPL)含量显著低于稻麦轮作土壤,土壤中脱氢酶活性也显著低于稻麦轮作土壤。Biolog分析表明,蔬菜大棚保护地土壤中微生物能利用的碳源显著少于露地蔬菜和稻麦轮作土壤,而后两者间无显著差异。说明由稻麦(油)轮作改为多年连作大棚蔬菜后土壤微生物群落结构、功能的多样性明显下降,土壤质量的稳定性和可持续利用性土壤的长期生产力也将大大降低。土壤微生物数量、活性及群落结构和功能多样性的下降主要与蔬菜栽培特别是大棚蔬菜栽培的旱作与稻麦水旱轮作的生态环境条件的变化和前者的过量施用精有机肥和高效NPK复合肥导致的土壤氮、磷富集、有机质下降、次生盐渍化和酸化有关。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲水改旱蔬菜地土壤特性演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以广东省博罗县为例,选取52个由水稻田改为蔬菜种植的蔬菜地土壤样品,并以每个蔬菜地附近相同土壤类型的水稻田土壤样品为对照,研究了水稻田改为蔬菜地后土壤特性的变化.结果显示,水稻田改为蔬菜地后,土壤pH值有所提高,有机质、全氮呈下降趋势;土壤碱解氮、全磷、有效磷和速效钾显著增加,尤其是有效磷负荷累积明显,平均达到了98.02 mg/kg,土壤有效Cu含量下降,有效B和Mo含量均表现出增加的趋势,平均含量均低于全国临界值,有效Mn和zn含量虽有所升高且平均值高于临界值,但仍有32.69%和26.93%的样品含量低于临界值,有效Fe的含量下降较为明显.部分蔬菜地土壤出现次生盐渍化现象,土壤盐分、硝态氮累积明显,土壤全盐与土壤硝态氮,土壤硝态氮与蔬菜硝酸盐含量之间存在极显著的正相关关系;不合理施肥和长期高强度连作是造成露天蔬菜地土壤养分失衡和土壤次生盐渍化的主要原因.因此,实施科学的平衡施肥制度和合理的耕作管理措施是保持土壤养分平衡,提高蔬菜产量和品质的关键.  相似文献   

苏欣悦  王晋峰  程晓梅  孙楠  蒯雁  范志勇  徐明岗 《土壤》2023,55(6):1380-1388
对云南省典型县域宾川县烟田土壤pH和养分含量40年的变化进行定量分析,明确烟田土壤肥力演变特征,进一步为烟区土壤养分管理及平衡施肥提供科学依据。通过数据收集和野外采样,分析宾川县1982、2012、2018、2022年4个时期烟田耕层土壤养分变化,运用土壤综合评价法,克里格插值定量评价了土壤综合肥力指数(IFI)及其时空变异特征。近40年来(1982—2022),宾川县烟田土壤pH(7.13~6.23)和有机质含量(35.30~27.71 g/kg)呈下降趋势,有效磷(12.11~50.71 mg/kg)和速效钾含量(158.66~321.03 mg/kg)呈上升趋势,碱解氮含量(119.03~117.00 mg/kg)无显著变化。IFI(0.49~0.62)呈上升趋势,均值由1982年的0.49(Ⅲ)增加至2022年的0.62(Ⅱ),其中平川镇、拉乌彝族乡、州城镇及宾居镇IFI增加幅度最大,当前高肥力区域主要分布于县东北部和南部,低肥力区域分布于西北部。此外,主成分分析表明影响烟田土壤肥力的主要内在因素由有机质变为速效钾。经过40年耕种管理,宾川县烟田肥力自西向东、自北向南逐渐增加,但养分指标非均衡性和肥力空间不均匀性增加,应稳定氮肥钾肥,减少磷肥施用。  相似文献   

太湖地区典型水稻土大时间尺度下的肥力质量演变   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2004年通过调查与第2次土壤普查(1982年)相对应地块的土壤性状,对太湖流域江苏省武进地区典型水稻土土壤肥力变化趋势及原因进行分析.结果表明:从1982年到2004年,该研究区主要的6类水稻土共198个取样点的有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾显著上升,而pH和CEC显著下降.各亚类水稻土,除小粉土和沙土肥力质量指数有较大幅度提高外,其他类型水稻土肥力质量指数增加不大.各亚类水稻土土壤肥力单因子质量指数变化趋向一致,即1982年各亚类土壤速效钾的单因子质量为最低,其中速效钾单质量指数最小的小粉土为1.48;2004年pH值的质量指数则为最小值,其中pH质量指数最小的白土仅为1.73;同时,各水稻土CEC单质量指数由第2次土壤普查时的2.91~3.0显著下降为2004年的2.14~2.93.因此土壤酸化并伴随盐基离子的淋失是限制研究区水稻土土壤肥力质量的关键因素.  相似文献   

不同林龄人工林对退化生态系统土壤肥力质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择黄土高原地区典型人工林为研究对象,以土壤容重、质地、有机质、养分、矿质全量等为指标,对不同恢复时期人工林改良土壤的效应进行了研究,并采用新复极差法分析了有机质及养分含量的差异显著性,最后应用综合指数法进行检验。结果表明:(1)沙棘林中中龄林土壤肥力质量最高,过熟林较低,幼林最低;(2)油松成林和刺槐成林各项肥力指标与其中幼林和撂荒地都呈极显著性差异;(3)同龄刺槐林土壤肥力质量高于油松林。  相似文献   

塑料大棚设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以上海郊区规模化设施蔬菜园艺场为研究对象,监测了不同种植年限和不同种植模式的塑料大棚设施菜地土壤的主要理化性状,筛选了设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化特征指标,分析了不同深度土壤特征指标的变化规律。结果表明,与露天菜地相比,设施菜地土壤酸化、盐渍化、养分累积明显,田间最大持水量和土壤呼吸速率降低;各类种植年限和种植模式的设施菜地表层土壤(0~20 cm)可溶性盐分、硝态氮和全磷含量分别达到4.18 g·kg~(-1)、121.8 mg·kg~(-1)和1.38 g·kg~(-1),分别为对应露天菜地的2.9倍、1.7倍和1.6倍。综合考虑设施菜地和露天菜地土壤主要理化性状的显著性以及设施菜地土壤对作物的障碍影响和对环境的污染风险,选择p H值、可溶性盐分、硝态氮和全磷作为设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化特征指标,并采用土壤相对质量评价法进行评价。设施菜地土壤p H值随着深度的增加而升高,可溶性盐分、硝态氮和全磷则随着深度的增加而递减,其中硝态氮相对质量指数达到3.06;随着设施菜地种植年限的增加,土壤p H值逐步降低,硝态氮、全磷和可溶性盐分逐步累积,其中4~6年棚龄的p H值和可溶性盐分相对质量指数最高,7~9年棚龄的硝态氮相对质量指数最高,10年以上棚龄的全磷相对质量指数最高,茄果连作模式的可溶性盐分和硝态氮相对质量指数最高,叶菜连作模式的全磷相对质量指数最高。  相似文献   

赵贺  王绪奎  刘绍贵  高飞  李鹏  李其胜  李辉信  焦加国 《土壤》2020,52(6):1230-1238
为明确江苏稻麦轮作区土壤质量状况,本研究基于2008—2015年期间江苏省稻麦轮作区10 681个测土配方施肥样点的数据,通过相关性和主成分分析筛选了江苏省稻麦轮作区的最小数据集(minimum data set, MDS),并对土壤质量进行评价。结果表明:基于水稻产量分析,江苏省稻麦轮作区的最小数据集包括有机质、有效磷、速效钾、有效铁和有效硼。基于最小数据集得出的江苏省土壤质量指数(SQI-MDS)范围在0.136~1.000之间(均值0.674),整体处于"良Ⅱ"等级,与基于全量数据集得出的土壤质量指数(SQI-TDS)之间呈极显著正相关关系(R2=0.720),这说明最小数据集能够较好地代替全量数据集指标。江苏省稻麦轮作区土壤质量存在空间异质性,里下河农业区土壤质量最高,其次是太湖农业区,再者是宁镇扬、沿江、沿海和徐淮农业区。江苏省六大农业区的最小数据集存在差异性,这说明不同农业区主要的限制因素存在差异。整体来看,有机质、钾元素和微量元素是江苏省六大农业区主要肥力限制因子。  相似文献   

[目的]准确评价有机肥料提高农田土壤肥力的效果,是正确选择土壤培肥措施的基础.通过比较两种土壤肥力质量综合指数的计算方法评价有机肥培肥效果的可行性.[方法]3年田间定位试验(2015—2017)在长江中下游的红壤双季稻田进行.共设7个处理:不施肥(CK),等氮磷钾投入量下的单施化肥(CF)和一半化肥氮配施一半的牛粪(+...  相似文献   

水稻秸秆还田年限对稻麦轮作田土壤碳氮固存的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为明确连续秸秆还田对农田土壤碳氮固存的影响,该文于扬州大学试验场展开研究。田间试验布置于2010年,设置秸秆不还田(NR),秸秆还田1a(SR1),秸秆还田2a(SR2),秸秆还田3a(SR3),秸秆还田4a(SR4),秸秆还田5a(SR5),秸秆还田6a(SR6),秸秆还田7a(SR7),秸秆还田8a(SR8)9个处理。于2018年小麦收获后取样,测定分析了土壤容重、有机碳和全氮含量,计算碳氮比、层化率、土壤有机碳和全氮储量(等质量法)。结果表明,随着秸秆还田年限的增加,各土层有机碳和全氮含量逐渐提高,但增幅逐渐减小。0~5 cm土层土壤碳氮比在短期内(≤3 a)随着秸秆还田年限增加而显著提高,但是对其他土层和年限的无显著影响。随着秸秆还田年限增加,表层0~5 cm与其他层次有机碳和碳氮比层化率先增长后下降,全氮层化率则先下降后上升。秸秆还田处理0~20 cm土壤有机碳和全氮储量分别较NR提高6.23%~27.85%和6.04%~25.66%,各土层碳氮储量均随着秸秆还田年限的增加而提高,但是当还田年限6a其增幅明显降低。综上所述,秸秆还田具有良好的碳氮固存效应,但是当秸秆还田年限6a,土壤碳氮固存量的增幅明显降低,可适当减少还田量。  相似文献   

为探讨稻田改为设施蔬菜地后长期施用有机肥对土壤养分均衡供应的影响,于2021年收获后采集南京市郊区种植历史为13和18年的露天有机菜地土壤和设施有机菜地耕层(0~15 cm)和犁底层(15~30 cm)土壤,同时采集毗邻稻田作为基准,空间替代时间,对土壤理化性质、养分特性和碳氮磷化学计量特征变化规律进行分析。结果表明,稻田转为设施有机菜地后,除碳库活度指数(AI)外,土壤溶解有机碳(DOC)、活性有机碳(AOC)、碳库指数(CPI)、碳库管理指数(CPMI)均呈“∧”形的先升后降趋势。各处理间耕层土壤MBC无显著差异。设施有机菜地的土壤氮磷钾累积量、碳氮比、碳磷比和氮磷比均显著高于露天有机菜地土壤。18年设施有机菜地耕层土壤碳氮比、碳磷比和氮磷比分别较露天菜地高7.32%、23.22%和18.57%,犁底层差异不显著。相关分析表明,不同活性有机碳组分与养分计量比间的关系强度存在差异,其中土壤碳氮比受有机碳总量的影响较大,土壤氮磷比受活性有机碳组分的作用更显著,土壤碳磷比同时受到土壤有机碳质量、数量、碳库管理指数的综合影响。研究表明,长期施用有机肥对土壤养分累积的改善作用受时间限制,且在养分平衡供应的调控效果较弱。  相似文献   

Soil solarization practice, in which soil is covered with plastic mulch film and exposed to high temperature prior to crop cultivation, is expected to be an effective method for reducing weeds and pathogenic microorganisms without using agricultural chemicals. Although the production of nitrous oxide (N2O), a major greenhouse gas, is enhanced in fertilized soil covered with plastic mulch films, its transport route to the atmosphere has not been sufficiently elucidated to date. In this study, we investigated the N2O evolution from plastic-mulch-film-covered agricultural soil. In a horticultural field where ridge soil was covered with a plastic mulch film after fertilization, we observed significant N2O flux from the soil surface of the unfertilized furrow between the ridges, indicating the horizontal diffusion of N2O from the ridge soil covered with the mulch film to the adjacent furrow soil surface. On the other hand, the measurement of the permeance (permeation coefficient) of the plastic mulch film for gaseous N2O by laboratory experiment revealed that N2O gradually permeated the mulch film; the permeance increased exponentially with an increase in ambient temperature, indicating possible N2O emission by permeation through the mulch film under field conditions. In winter, the amount of N2O emission by permeation through the mulch film was estimated to be lower than that emitted from the furrow soil surface, and it was lower than that in summer. On the other hand, it was estimated to be much higher in summer owing to the higher permeance of the film at high temperatures.  相似文献   

淮南市土地利用程度变化过程的时空演化特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
土地利用变化研究中存在重格局轻过程、重模拟轻度量的现象,缺乏对序列快照间土地利用单元演化过程的时空模式的探查和度量研究。该文以土地利用变化的序列时空数据为研究对象,以时空栅格为建模手段,以土地利用程度累积变化度为时空过程的基本度量工具,对淮南市土地利用变化过程的时空模式进行分析。结果表明:2008—2017年间研究区的土地利用程度的剧烈变化在特定尺度下呈现显著的时空聚集性特征;同时土地利用程度的平缓变化也呈现出较为显著的时空聚集性特征;介于二者之间的较为剧烈的土地利用程度变化的时空聚集性不显著,表明研究时段人类干扰活动具有明显的时空异质性。进一步研究发现,3种土地利用程度在距离交通网络较近的范围内(300和600 m范围内)均呈现聚集性,而在更远的距离上(900 m范围内)趋于随机分布,表明交通网络对土地利用变化具有较强烈的影响;在距离交通网络的不同空间尺度上,土地利用程度的剧烈变化和平缓变化在较小的空间尺度上时空聚集性呈现显著性,而较为剧烈的土地利用程度变化在多个尺度上的时空聚集性都不显著,表明交通网络对土地利用程度时空变化的影响存在尺度差异,且较为极端的土地利用变化过程更容易呈现时空聚集性。  相似文献   

China has long been experiencing intense land use/cover changes (LUCC). Undesirable land use/cover changes have resulted in widespread land degradation. This study examines the temporal and spatial dynamics of land use change and land degradation as evident from land use survey datasets (1991–2001). Six prominent land degradation processes were identified, namely: desertification, secondary salinisation, loss of agricultural use, deforestation, grassland degradation and loss of wetland. Rates of conversion were calculated and distribution patterns were mapped with the aid of GIS. The results showed that these land use changes have affected the wider environment and accelerated land degradation. It provided a more complete and up‐to‐date picture of China's land degradation which helps to develop improved conservation policies that combat land degradation and promote sustainable land management. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Excess phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils contributes to eutrophication in water bodies. Samples (n=60) were taken from sites where rice paddies have been converted to vegetable fields for 0, < 10, 10-20, and > 20 years and analyzed for five inorganic P (Pi) fractions, three organic P (Po) fractions, and several soil parameters to investigate how land use conversion affects Pi and Po fractions in a peri-urban area of China with soils characteristic of many agricultural areas of Asia. Significant increases of 33, 281, 293, and 438 mg kg-1 were found for soluble and loosely bound Pi (SL-Pi), aluminum-bound Pi (Al-Pi), calcium-bound Pi (Ca-Pi), and iron-bound Pi (Fe-Pi), respectively, after conversion from rice paddies to vegetable fields. Most of the increase in Pi was in the form of Fe-Pi, which increased from 8% of total P (TP) on paddy soil to 31% on the soil with > 20-year vegetable cultivation, followed by Al-Pi, which increased from 2% to 19% of TP. For Po fractions, there was no significant change in P concentrations. The conversion of land use from paddy fields to high intensity vegetable fields was causing significant changes in soil P fractions. Management practices were causing a buildup of soil P, primarily in the Fe-Pi fraction, followed by Ca-Pi and Al-Pi fractions. If current trends continue, a 30%-70% increase in TP could be expected in the next 20 years. Farmers in the area should reduce P application and use to maximize P uptake.  相似文献   



The impacts of different land use practices on soil quality were assessed by measuring soil attributes and using factor analysis in coastal tidal lands. The study provided relevant references for coastal exploitation, land management and related researches in other countries and regions.

Materials and methods

Measured soil attributes include physical indicators [bulk density (ρ b), total porosity (? t) and water-holding capacity (WHC)], chemical indicators [pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total nitrogen (TN), soil organic matter (SOM), available N, available P and available K] and biological indicators (urease activity, catalase activity and phosphatase activity), and 60 soil samples were collected within five land use types [(1) intertidal soils, (2) reclaimed tidal flat soils, (3) farmland soils, (4) suburban vegetable soils, (5) industrial area soils) in Jianggang village of Dongtai county, Jiangsu province of China.

Results and discussion

The results from the investigation indicated that selected soil properties reduced to three factors for 0–20-cm soil depth; “Soil fertility status” (factor 1), “Soil physical status” (factor 2) and “Soil salinity status” (factor 3). For the first factor, the measured soil attributes with higher loadings were TN and SOM, which represented soil fertility feature, and for the second and third factors, the measured soil attributes with higher loadings were ρ b and available K as well as EC, which reflected soil physical properties and soil salinity feature, respectively.


Changes in different land use types due to plants (corn, wheat and green vegetable) and application of fertilizers were characterized by promoted soil quality, including improvements in chemical properties (increasing SOM concentration, TN and nutrient available to plants; decreasing EC), improvements in soil physical properties (decreasing ρ b; increasing ? t and WHC) and enhancements in soil enzyme activities. Judging from the soil quality indices, the soil quality was affected by different land use practices and decreased in sequence of suburban vegetable soils, farmland soils, industrial area soils, reclaimed tidal flat soils and intertidal soils in the study area.  相似文献   

基于变化向量的耕地利用方式变化下耕地质量评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
耕地利用方式变化下耕地质量的变化研究意义重大。该文以浙江省耕地质量监测试点松阳县为例,以变化向量凸显耕地利用方式变化,探讨基于变化向量的耕地利用方式变化下耕地质量变化的快速评价方法。充分考虑各特征向量之间的联系以及不同意义不同量纲元素间的共同作用问题,选择典型相关分析CCA(canonical correlation analysis)构建变化向量;采用CCA为基础的多元变化检测MAD(multivariate alteration detection)最大限度的消除相关性影响,以方差最大的形式凸显耕地利用方式变化下耕地质量的变化;选择基于高斯混合模型(GMM)的期望最大化算法(EM)快速评价耕地利用方式变化下耕地质量的变化情况。重点分析基于快速评价的耕地利用方式变化下耕地质量变化区域的空间分布及其和传统因素法的对比分析。结果表明:基于变化向量法得到的耕地质量变化结果与传统的因素法在监测耕地质量水平不变的吻合度在80%~100%以上,耕地质量水平提高的吻合度在16.6%~50%,耕地质量水平下降的吻合度在66.7%~100%。提出的基于变化向量法的耕地质量变化评价模型能对耕地利用方式变化下耕地的质量变化做出正确的评价,评价方法科学、合理、易操作推广,为合理优化配置耕地利用方式提供定量数据支撑。  相似文献   

Land use change (LUC) alters soil structure and, consequently, the functions and services provided by these soils. Conversion from extensive pasture to sugarcane is one of the largest land transitions in Brazil as a result of the growth of the domestic and global demands of bioenergy. However, the impacts of sugarcane expansion on the soil structure under extensive pasture remains unclear, especially when considering changes at the microscale. We investigated whether LUC for sugarcane cultivation impacted soil microstructure quality. Undisturbed soil samples were taken from two soil layers (0–10 and 10–20 cm) under three contrasting land uses (native vegetation—NV, pasture—PA and sugarcane—SC) in three different locations in the central-southern Brazil. Oriented thin sections (30 μm) were used for micromorphological analysis. The total area of pores decreased following the LUC in the following order: NV > PA > SC in both soil layers. The area of large complex packing pores (>0.01 mm²) also decreased with the LUC sequence: NV>PA>SC. Qualitative and semi-quantitative micromorphological analysis confirmed porosity reduction was driven by the decrease in complex packing pores and that biological features decreased in the same LUC sequence as the quantitative parameters. Therefore, LUC for sugarcane expansion reduced microscale soil porosity, irrespectively of soil type and site-specific conditions, indicating that the adoption of more sustainable management practices is imperative to preserve soil structure and sustain soil functions in Brazilian sugarcane fields.  相似文献   


Temporal changes in the scores of selected soil fertility indices were studied over six years in three different cases of organic crop rotation located in southern, eastern and central Norway. The cropping history and the initial scores of fertility indices prior to conversion to organic cropping differed between the sites. Crop yields, regarded as an overall, integrating fertility indicator, were in all rotations highly variable with few consistent temporal trends following the first year after conversion. On the site in eastern Norway, where conversion followed several years of all-arable crop rotations, earthworm number and biomass and soil physical properties improved, whereas the system was apparently degrading with regard to P and K trade balances and contents in soil. On the other two sites, the picture was less clear. On the southern site, which had a relatively fertile soil before conversion, the contents of soil organic matter and K decreased during the six-year period, but the scores of other fertility indices showed no trends. On the site in central Norway, there were positive trends for earthworm-related indices such as worm biomass and tubular biopores, and negative trends for soil porosity. The results, especially those from the eastern site, illustrate the general difficulty in drawing conclusions about overall fertility or sustainability when partial indicators show divergent trends. Consequently, the study gave no unambiguous support to the initial working hypothesis that organic farming increases inherent overall soil fertility, but rather showed that the effect varied among indicators and depended on status of the cases at conversion. It is concluded that indicators are probably better used as tools to learn about and improve system components than as absolute measures of sustainability.  相似文献   

基于土地利用视角的土地利用总体规划质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用总体规划是一项全局性和战略性的工作, 其质量好坏, 不仅关系着土地资源能否得到合理利用, 还关系着经济社会的可持续发展。本研究从土地利用视角出发, 建立了土地利用与规划效果之间的经验联系, 提出由土地利用形态、土地利用结构、土地利用行为、土地利用程度、土地利用功能和土地利用布局6方面内容所组成的分析体系。在此基础上综合评价规划质量, 并以四川省乐山市金口河区为例, 对其新近编制完成的县级土地利用总体规划质量进行了评判。结果表明, 该规划的质量等级为优, 符合土地利用目标要求, 能够促进区域土地资源的优化配置。本研究旨在利用此种方法, 为土地利用总体规划管理实践提供一定的方法支撑, 切实提高规划的编制质量和实施效果。  相似文献   

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