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Two unselected herds of purebred Hereford and Angus cattle were created and their progeny evaluated during a 4-yr period (1964 to 1967) for 168-d postweaning gain when they were fed either a high- or medium-energy diet. Birth weight and 200-d adjusted weaning weight also were measured and the importance of sire x diet interactions for postweaning gain examined. Year effects were significant (P less than .001) for all traits in Herefords and for postweaning gain in Angus. Postweaning gain of both breeds increased in successive years, but no trend was observed for birth and 200-d weights. Bulls were heavier than heifers (P less than .05) for all three traits in both breeds. Hereford and Angus calves receiving the high-energy diet gained more (P less than .001) than their contemporaries fed the medium-energy diet. Sire differences were significant for birth weight in Herefords and for all three traits in Angus. Sire x diet interactions were not significant for postweaning gain in either breed. Genetic correlations were calculated by two methods: the two-way ANOVA approach using sire and sire x diet interaction variance components and the one-way ANOVA approach in which gains by progeny of each sire on each diet were considered to be two distinct traits. The genetic correlations for gain in Herefords could not be estimated by either method because of negative sire variance component estimates. The genetic correlations for gain in Angus were 1.08 for the two-way ANOVA method and 1.43 +/- .64 for the one-way ANOVA method. These results indicate that sires ranked the same based on progeny performance when fed either diet.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the ontogeny of serum IGF-I (SI) concentrations and its relationship to animal performance in a 140-d postweaning feeding trial. Ninety-eight progeny representing six sires (three high and three low feed conversion) and two sexes (43 bulls and 55 heifers) with ad libitum access to feed were allocated by sire and sex to monitor individual weights and pen feed consumption. Blood serum samples were obtained at the beginning of test (average age of 230 d) and every 28 d thereafter until each animal reached a fat thickness (estimated by sonoray) of 8.9 mm. Individual serum samples were acid-ethanol extracted and measured for IGF-I peptide by heterologous RIA. Serum IGF-I concentrations differed (P less than .10) between high (H) and low (L) feed conversion progeny groups at the end of the first 28-d period (125.12 vs 89.52 ng/ml) and tended to differ at the conclusion of the second 28-d period (P less than .15). Weight gains of H and L groups tended to differ in the second and third 28-d periods (P = .11 and .10, respectively). Serum IGF-I concentrations differed (P less than .05) between bulls and heifers for the first through fourth 28-d periods (P less than .01, P less than .05, P less than .10 and P less than .01, respectively). Phenotypic correlations indicated that pens with higher mean SI concentrations at the beginning of the test consumed less feed and had lower cumulative feed:gain ratios.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Postweaning growth and early reproductive traits in heifers whose potential for milk production differed were studied during the years 1976 through 1979. Data were collected on 230 heifers raised by greater than or equal to 3-yr-old Hereford dams. Heifers were comprised of the following breed groups: Hereford (HH), Angus-Hereford (AH), 25% Simmental-75% Hereford (1S3H) and Simmental-Hereford (SH). Postweaning growth rate during a 140-d period was greatest for SH heifers (.75 kg/d), intermediate for AH and 1S3H groups (.70 and .68 kg/d, respectively) and slowest for HH heifers (.64 kg/d). At 1 yr of age, SH heifers were heavier, taller and had larger pelvic areas than all other groups (P less than .01). Least-squares means for yearling weight, hip height and pelvic area for HH, AH, 1S3H and SH heifers were 283, 303, 298 and 317 kg; 111, 112, 114 and 118 cm, and 132, 136, 139 and 148 cm2, respectively. Ninety-one percent of the heifers reached puberty by the end of the breeding period. Crossbred heifers reached puberty at younger ages and had higher pregnancy rates than HH heifers (P less than .01). Least-squares means for pubertal age, weight and height for HH, AH, 1S3H and SH breed groups were, respectively, 407, 371, 382 and 368 d; 300, 302, 305 and 313 kg, and 115, 114, 117 and 119 cm. Percentage of heifers reaching puberty by 14 mo of age was 64, 99, 85 and 94 for HH, AH, 1S3H and SH, respectively. Respective pregnancy rates were 59, 90, 77 and 86%, but were not significantly different among breed groups when only heifers reaching puberty by the end of the breeding period were studied. No differences among breed groups were found for date of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Data from 1,909 purebred, F1, backcross and F2 and F3 inter se combinations of Angus and Hereford were used to estimate average individual, maternal and grandmaternal genetic effects, individual and maternal heterosis, dominance and epistatic genetic effects. Models for evaluating heterosis and epistatic or recombination effects were discussed. Average individual effects indicate that Angus, compared with Hereford, had calves that were born earlier, had lighter birth weights, lower pre- and postweaning gains and lower pregnancy rates. Angus also produced lighter weight carcasses with more fat cover and marbling. Maternal effects of Angus were in the direction of reduced birth weight, greater calving ease, higher preweaning but lower postweaning growth rate and increased fatness when contrasted with Hereford. There was a tendency for opposite direction of maternal and grandmaternal effects for traits influenced by preweaning maternal environment. When additive X additive effects were ignored, total heterosis was significant for earlier day born, heavier birth weight, preweaning and postweaning gain, and heavier and fatter carcasses. Heterosis retained in F3 inter se vs F1 generation crosses indicated that net epistatic effects were relatively negligible for date of calving, birth weight, weaning gain and fat cover. There was a greater reduction of heterosis effects than expected from dominance alone for survival, pregnancy and marbling score. Loss of heterosis in F3 was less than expected for postweaning gain, carcass weight and rib eye area. Except for survival, pregnancy and marbling, these deviations from dominance expectations, or lack of them, are favorable for F3 composite populations.  相似文献   

Demographic characteristics and genetic trends in birth weight and pre- and postweaning ADG were examined in a population of Hereford cattle (Line 1). Line 1 was founded largely from two paternal half-sib sires and has been selected for postweaning growth. There were pedigree records on 951 members of the base population that predated 1935, when data collection began. Numbers of records analyzed using mixed-model methodology were 4,716 birth weight, 4,427 preweaning ADG, and 3,579 postweaning ADG. Birth weight and preweaning ADG were considered to have direct and maternal genetic components. Inbreeding accumulated rapidly from 1935 to 1960 and more slowly (.22%/yr) thereafter. Any reduction in additive genetic variance due to inbreeding and selection may have been offset by a concurrent reduction in generation interval that was observed as time progressed. Expected selection differential for 365-d weight, averaged over sexes, was 31.2 kg per generation. For birth weight, annual genetic trends in direct and maternal effects were 42 +/- 3 g and 15 +/- 3 g, respectively. Annual direct and maternal genetic trends for preweaning ADG were .70 +/- .06 g/d and .63 +/- .06 g/d, respectively. Direct response in postweaning ADG was linear and equal to 5.3 +/- .6 g.d-1.yr-1. As a result, estimated breeding values of birth weight, 200-d weight, and 365-d weight increased by 3.2 kg, 14.5 kg, and 62.4 kg, respectively, from 1935 to 1989. Selection within Line 1 was effective in increasing genetic potential for growth over 13 generations. No selection plateau was observed in any of the traits examined.  相似文献   

In order to estimate genetic parameters, abattoir carcass data on 1,713 Angus and 1,007 Hereford steers and heifers were combined with yearling live-animal ultrasound measurements on 8,196 Angus and 3,405 Hereford individuals from seedstock herds. Abattoir measures included carcass weight (CWT), percentage of retail beefyield (RBY), near-infrared measured intramuscular fat percentage (CIMF), preslaughter scanned eye muscle area (CEMA), and subcutaneous fat depth at the 12th rib (CRIB) and at the P8 site (CP8). Ultrasound scans on yearling animals included 12th-rib fat depth (SRIB), rump fat depth at the P8 site (SP8), eye muscle area (SEMA), and percentage of intramuscular fat (SIMF). Records on CWT were adjusted to 650-d slaughter age, and the remaining abattoir traits were adjusted to 300-kg CWT. Scan data were analyzed treating records on males and females as different traits. Multivariate analyses were performed on a variety of trait combinations using animal model and REML algorithm. Heritability (h2) estimates for CWT, RBY, CIMF, CP8, CRIB, and CEMA were .31, .68, .43, .44, .28, and .26, respectively, for Angus and .54, .36, .36, .08, .27, .38, respectively, for Hereford. Pooled across sexes, h2 estimates for SIMF, SP8, SRIB, and SEMA were .33, .55, .51, and .42, respectively, for Angus and .20, .31, .18, and .38, respectively, for Hereford. Genetic correlations (r(g)) between the same pair of carcass traits measured at yearling through scanning and directly at the abattoir were moderate to strongly positive, suggesting that selection using yearling ultrasound measurements of seedstock cattle should result in predictable genetic improvement for abattoir carcass characteristics. Estimates of r(g) between the scanned fat measurements and RBY were negative, ranging from -.85 for Angus heifers to -.05 for Hereford heifers. Also, the estimates of r(g) between SEMA and the fat records measured at the abattoir were negative and ranged from -.94 in Hereford heifers to -.02 in Angus heifers.  相似文献   

Cow size, reproductive traits and calf performance through weaning were evaluated in a range environment for Simmental (S) x Hereford (H) and Angus (A) x H crosses in two-breed rotations and straightbred H. Data were grouped into seven dam breed categories: straightbred Hereford (H), crossbred F1 S x H cows (SH), S x H cows of low percentage H (SHS), S x H cows of high percentage H (HSH), F1 A x H cows (AH), A x H cows of low percentage H (AHA) and A x H cows of high percentage H (HAH). Straightbred H, SH, AH, SHS and AHA cows were mated to H bulls, HSH cows were mated to S bulls and HAH cows were mated to A bulls. Cows in the SHS and AHA groups ranged from 1/4 to 3/8 H and their calves from 5/8 to 11/16 H. Cows within the HSH and HAH groups ranged from 5/8 to 3/4 H and their calves from 5/16 to 3/8 H. Cow age ranged from 3 to 10 yr. Simmental-cross cows were heavier and taller and produced heavier calves at birth and weaning than A-cross. Pregnancy rate, calf birth date and percentage of difficult births did not vary significantly among dam breed groups. Within the A x H and S x H rotations, dam breed group rankings for calf birth weight were inverse to rankings for proportion of H in the breed makeup of the calf.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Postweaning growth and carcass characters of 110 steers from a complete two-breed diallel of the Devon and Hereford breeds were examined under two environments. Additive and nonadditive effects were estimated using linear contrasts for several growth and carcass traits. Steers from each of the four breed groups were grown postweaning to slaughter in high- and low-nutrition environments. Weights were recorded every 2 mo. At slaughter, hot carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, kidney and channel fat, and subcutaneous fat at nine sites were measured. Heterosis for postweaning growth rate was 3.9% (P less than .01) and for slaughter weight 5.0% (P less than .01). Within the low-nutrition environment during periods of slow and fast growth, the Devons and Herefords performed differently. The growth rate of the steers differed in the two environments; however, heterosis for slaughter weight was of the same magnitude in both environments. No differences existed between the straightbreds or between the reciprocal crosses for slaughter weight. Crossbred carcasses were 7.4% heavier (P less than .01) than the straightbred carcasses; however, this effect was removed after adjustment for differences in slaughter weight. Heterosis for longissimus muscle area and carcass fatness were not significant after adjusting for carcass weight. Additive differences occurred for carcass traits. Devon carcasses had more kidney and channel fat (P less than .05) at a constant hot carcass weight and differences occurred in the partitioning of fat within the subcutaneous depot. No significant maternal effects were observed for the carcass traits measured. Crossbreeding increased carcass weight without altering composition, and relative performance was not affected by the diverse environments.  相似文献   

Relationships between estimated growth curve parameters of dams and performance traits of their progeny were studied in Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn herds, each divided into four inbred and two noninbred lines. Growth curve parameters were calculated from the growth function Yt=A(1-Be-Kt), where Yt was weight at age t, A was estimated mature weight, B was an estimate related to early life weight changes and provided for a Y-intercept term and K was estimated general rate of maturing. Least-squares analyses of progeny variables were calculated separately for each breed and sex. Line differences did not influence any of the progeny variables except weaning type score of Shorthorn males (P less than .01). Birth year exerted a curvilinear effect on birth weights of Angus female progeny (P less than .01), a linear influence on 205-d weights of Shorthorn male progeny (P less than .05) and a curvilinear effect on weaning type scores of Angus and Shorthorn male progeny (P less than .01). Regression coefficients on weaning age indicated that calves born earlier in the calving season had lighter birth weights and that older calves at weaning received higher type scores. Inbreeding of the progeny negatively influenced (P less than .05) birth weights of Angus male and Hereford female progeny. Hereford male and Shorthorn female 205-d weights were negatively affected (P less than .05) by inbreeding, while weaning type scores of Shorthorn female progeny were negatively influenced (P less than .001) by inbreeding. Regression coefficients of all progeny variables on inbreeding in all analyses indicated negative trends.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Correlated responses to selection for yearling (AS1 herd) or 18-month weight (AS2 herd) wereevaluated against a control (AC0 herd) in a progeny test herd using 2294 calves born in 1975–1988. A sample of privately-owned Angus bulls, available by artificial insemination (AI), were compared with them for eight liveweight or gain traits up to 18 months, with four carcass traits on steers. Cows of known pedigree in the progeny test herd were also evaluated for seven maternal traits. Other correlated responses were evaluated directly in the ACO and selection herds (three puberty traits, daily food intake, cow weight, and survival and reproduction traits).Realised genetic correlations to selection for yearling weight (AS1 herd) averaged 6% higher (forgrowth and carcass traits) than published paternal half-sib estimates, whilst those with 18-month weight (AS2 herd) were about 10% lower than with yearling weight. The sign of maternal genetic effects for live weights up to weaning varied among selection herds. Realised genetic correlations with selection weight averaged 0.51 (carcass fat depth), 0.93 (food intake), 0.16 (scrotal circumference in bulls), 0. 18 (age at puberty) and 0.37 (weight at puberty in heifers), 0.38 (cow weight, AS I herd) and 0.92 (cow weight, AS2 herd). The selection herd differences from control were not significant for cow or calf mortality or reproductive traits (6501 mating records), but tended to be negative for cow and calf death rates, and variable for overall reproductive rate.  相似文献   

Single trait selection was practiced in three lines of Hereford cattle at two locations. Bulls were selected within sire families for increased weaning weight (WW) in the WW line (WWL), for postweaning gain (PG) in the PG line (PGL) and at random in the control line (CTL). Data include the performance of 2,467 calves produced from 1967 to 1981. Environmental effects were estimated from CTL (method I) and from multiple regression procedures (method II). Phenotypic and environmental time trends were negative for WW and generally were positive for PG. Estimated genetic gains for WW in WWL were 1.07 +/- .51 kg/yr in bulls and .62 +/- .36 kg/yr in heifers using method I and .50 +/- .31 kg/yr in bulls and .10 +/- .17 kg/yr in heifers using method II. Corresponding values for PG in PGL were .85 +/- .40 and 1.03 +/- .24 kg/yr in bulls and .30 +/- .28 and .37 +/- .12 kg in heifers. Correlated genetic gains for WW in PGL were larger than direct WW gains, whereas genetic gains for PG in WWL were smaller than direct PG gains. From method I, estimates of realized heritability (h2R) for WW were .31 +/- .18 in bulls and .22 +/- .13 in heifers. For PG, h2R was .31 +/- .13 in bulls and .06 +/- .12 in heifers. Using method II, h2R for WW was .09 +/- .08 in bulls and .02 +/- .07 in heifers. Corresponding values for PG were .29 +/- .10 and .11 +/- .08. Joint estimates of the realized genetic correlation between WW and PG were .69 +/- .18 and .46 +/- .31 for methods I and II, respectively. Variation in selection response was evaluated using quasi-replicates. Results of this study indicate that selection for PG improved both WW and PG faster than selection for WW.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted to evaluate the interactions of castration, feeding length, and dietary CP on growth and carcass characteristics of male cattle (bulls and steers) that vary in expression of muscular hypertrophy. Crossbred cows were bred by AI to Hereford, Limousin, or Piedmontese bulls, which represented genotypes with normal, moderate, and hypermuscularity, respectively, but with similar mature weights. Male calves (131 in yr 1 and 120 in yr 2) were placed in pens with individual electronic feeding gates. Calves were fed growing diets until they reached 386 kg BW and then were individually switched to finishing diets for 90 or 132 d. Interactions were observed among sire breed, gender, and feeding length on carcass composition. Bulls were more efficient than steers in producing live weight gain. Length of finishing period accounted for a larger source of variation than gender for weight characteristics, whereas gender was the larger source of variation for carcass composition. Concentration or degradability of dietary CP influenced rate of gain from weaning to 386 kg. Interactions resulting from varying management on carcass characteristics among calves of different sire breeds indicate that unique strategies may be beneficial for the production of meat from these breeds.  相似文献   

Thirty years and 23 yr of life history data from a Hereford herd in Arizona and an Angus herd in Wyoming, respectively, were analyzed. Longevity averaged 4.21 +/- .06 for years from first calving to disposal (FST), 7.40 +/- .06 for years from birth to disposal (AGE) and 3.46 +/- .06 for lifetime number of calves weaned (NUM) in Herefords and 4.49 +/- .13 (FST), 6.68 +/- .12 (AGE) and 3.66 +/- .11 (NUM) in Angus. In the Hereford herd, heritability estimates for traits measuring longevity, estimated from daughter-dam regression and paternal half-sib analyses, ranged from .16 to .26. In the Angus herd, heritability estimates from daughter-dam regression ranged from .03 to .05. In the Hereford herd, genetic correlations of birth weight and weaning weight with longevity, from daughter-dam regression, were negative and generally of low magnitude, whereas genetic correlations between weaning condition score and longevity were positive and moderate. Analogous estimates from paternal half-sib analyses all were positive and moderate to high. Phenotypic correlations between early life traits and longevity traits in Herefords all were near zero. In the Angus herd, curves for age-specific survivorship and age-specific survival rate varied markedly among sires. This study suggested the existence of moderate genetic variation for longevity traits in beef cattle. None of the traits expressed early in life that were examined would, however, be reliable predictors of genetic or phenotypic merit for longevity.  相似文献   

Single trait selection was practiced in three lines of Hereford cattle derived from a common base population. Selection was practiced on males only within sire families for increased weaning weight (WW) in the WW line (WWL), for postweaning gain (PG) in the PG line (PGL) and at random in the control line (CTL). Females were culled on the basis of age or reproductive failure. Progeny of selected bulls were produced in two herds from 1970 through 1981. The data consisted of records on 2,467 progeny of 125 sires and 922 dams. Generations of selection to produce the 1981 calf crop were 1.96, 1.85 and 1.80 for WWL, PGL and CTL, respectively. For calves born in 1981, mean cumulative selection differentials (CSD) were 54.5 kg in WWL and 37.8 kg in PGL. Corresponding values in standard deviation units (SDU) were 2.31 and 1.68, respectively. Secondary selection differentials were 25 to 40% as large as selection differentials for the primary traits. Unintentional selection in the CTL in 1981 was 16.2 kg or .68 SDU for WW and .2 kg or .01 SDU for PG, respectively. Regressions of CSD on year were 4.1 kg or .17 SDU in WWL and 3.2 kg or .14 SDU in PGL. Realized selection differentials were approximately 88% of the potential selection differentials in both lines. Inbreeding coefficients of dam and calves in 1981 were 2.0 and 3.5% in WWL, 2.1 and 3.5% in PGL and 2.9 and 5.8% in CTL.  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic covariance functions for growth of Angus cattle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Estimates of covariance functions and genetic parameters were obtained for growth of Angus cattle from birth to 820 days of age. Data comprised 84 533 records on 20 731 animals in 43 herds, with a high proportion of animals with 4 or more weights recorded. Changes in weights were modelled through random regression on orthogonal polynomials of age at recording. A total of 11 combinations of quadratic, cubic, quartic and quintic polynomials to model direct and maternal genetic effects and permanent environmental effects were considered. Results showed good agreement for all models at ages with many records, but differed at the highest ages and at very early ages with few weights available. Cubic polynomials appeared to be most problematic. The order of polynomial fit for permanent environmental effects of the animal dominated estimates of phenotypic variances and mean squares for residual errors. A model fitting a quartic polynomial for these effects and quadratic polynomials for the other random effects, appeared to be the best compromise between detailedness of the model which could be supported by the data, plausibility of results, and fit, measured as mean square error.  相似文献   

放牧条件下安格斯、海福特肉牛重复超排的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对放牧条件下饲养的安格斯牛和海福特牛进行时间间隔仅为 2 8天的重复超排处理。结果两个品种牛的两次处理效果之间差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )但第二次超排获得的头均可用胚数均略高于第一次 (安格斯牛 :7.71Vs6 .5 7,海福特牛 :11.14Vs7.86 )。A1、A2、H1和H2四个小组结果表明 :海福特牛对该重复超排方案反应较稳定 ,效果明显好于安格斯牛。说明缩短重复超排时间间隔是可行的。  相似文献   

Data for this linecrossing study were the postweaning growth and weight records of calves born from 1967 through 1975. The records consisted of 264 bull (M) and 263 heifer (F) straightline (SL) calves; 108 M and 100 F two-line rotational cross (2W) calves; 130 M and 102 F three-line rotational cross (3W) calves and 58 M and 51 F synthetic variety (SV) calves, all in the Hereford breed. Average inbreeding percentages of calves and dams in Lines 1, 4, 6 and 10 were 24, 28, 34 and 28; respectively. The M calves were fed a growing-fattening diet for 196 d after a 14-d period of adjustment to postweaning environment. The F calves were fed to gain approximately .5 kg daily during winter from weaning to about 12 mo of age and were then grazed on native pasture until about 18 mo of age. For M, average percentage increases over SL by 2W, 3W and SV combined over three generations were respectively, 9.0, 11.0, 11.6 for initial weight; 5.9, 8.1, 8.8 for 140-d weight; 4.8, 7.2, 7.7 for final 196-d weight and 1.5, 4.2, 4.7 for 196-d gain. All above estimates of increased weight or gain over SL were significant except for 196-d gain in 2W. For F, average percentage increases over SL by 2W, 3W and SV, respectively, were 9.0, 10.9, 11.3 for initial weight; 8.2, 9.2, 8.4 for 12-mo weight; 7.5, 7.7, 9.1 for 18-mo weight; 5.2, 5.3, 5.7 for 18-mo score. All these estimated increases over SL were significant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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