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选用3个菠菜品种,设置N.0.1和0.3.g/kg2个施氮水平进行盆栽试验。在不同时期采样测定叶片内、外源硝酸还原酶活性、硝态氮代谢/贮存库大小,以及加入外源硝态氮培养后叶片硝酸还原酶活性的变化,探讨菠菜叶片的硝态氮还原与叶柄硝态氮含量的关系。结果表明,叶片内源硝酸还原酶活性、内源/外源硝酸还原酶活性比值、叶片的硝态氮代谢库大小及代谢/贮存库比值与叶柄硝态氮含量呈相反趋势。加入外源硝态氮培养后叶片硝酸还原酶活性的增加程度与叶柄硝态氮含量相一致。叶片内源硝酸还原酶活性高低及其发挥程度,叶片硝态氮代谢库大小及硝态氮在代谢、贮存库中的分配是造成品种间叶柄硝态氮含量高低差异的重要原因。  相似文献   

从溶解氧、温度、水力停留时间、pH值、C/N五个方面对一株好氧反硝化菌脱除生活污水处理过程中好氧出水中亚硝态氮的效果进行了研究讨论。从实验数据得出,当DO为2.5.温度为30℃,HRT为7h,pH为8,C/N比为6时,出水中亚硝态氮含量达到最低值。  相似文献   

玉米对土壤深层标记硝态氮的利用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用将15N标记的硝态氮注射于土壤剖面110cm处的田间微区试验法,在施氮和不施氮两种条件下研究玉米对深层累积硝态氮的利用程度。结果表明,对于试验土壤在施氮和不施氮的条件下,玉米对注射于土壤剖面110cm处15N标记的硝态氮的回收率分别为11.9%和6.7%;土壤耕层施用氮肥促进了玉米中下层根系的发育,提高了对深层标记NO3--N的回收率;在偏旱气候年份,土壤深层110cm处标记的硝态氮没有发生明显向下迁移,仅以标记区域为中心向上和向下扩散了20cm左右。研究结果还表明,通过植物利用土壤深层累积NO3--N,避免硝态氮进一步向浅层地下水迁移具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

冬小麦对铵态氮和硝态氮的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在陕西省永寿县和河南省洛阳市分别设置了11和7处大田试验,分5层采集0~100 cm土壤样品并测定其起始硝态氮含量。永寿试验设7个处理,分别为不施氮,硝态氮、铵态氮品种、硝态氮与铵态氮2∶1组合各2个处理;洛阳试验设6个处理(硝态氮肥只有1个品种),施氮处理均施N 150 kg hm-2,研究小麦对铵态氮和硝态氮肥响应的差异及其与不同深度土层硝态氮累积量的关系。试验表明,同一形态不同氮肥品种之间的增产差异显著低于不同形态之间的差异。比较不同形态氮肥的小麦产量、增产量和增产率的平均值,硝态氮肥最高,硝态氮、铵态氮组合次之,铵态氮最低。氮肥增产量和增产率随土壤累积硝态氮量增加而显著下降;累积量越低,氮肥增产效果越突出,硝态氮的效果也越显著。由此可见,土壤累积的硝态氮量是决定氮肥肥效的主要因子,也是决定不同形态氮素效果的主要因子。只有在硝态氮累积量低的土壤上,氮肥才能充分发挥作用,硝态氮也才能表现出明显的优势。  相似文献   

不同水氮用量对日光温室黄瓜季硝态氮淋失的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
于2010年3~7月,在河北省辛集市马庄农场研究了不同水氮用量对黄瓜季硝态氮淋失的影响,结果表明,通过调节不同生育阶段灌水量使黄瓜全生育期土壤含水量保持在18.7%~22.1%,不仅可以满足黄瓜生长发育对土壤水分的要求,而且可以减少用水量30%。不同处理中以节水灌溉、习惯施氮处理(W2N1)土壤硝态氮含量最高,习惯灌水、减量施氮处理(W1N2)最低。全生育期内,土体95cm深度硝态氮淋失量与土壤含水量、土壤硝态氮含量均呈正相关,其中以初瓜期和盛瓜期相关性系数最高。与农民习惯水氮处理(W1N1)相比,节水减氮处理(W2N2)在节水30%减施氮25%的情况下,可以显著降低黄瓜季土壤硝态氮淋失量,整个生育期降低淋失量35.0%。3年连续试验结果表明,节水减氮处理(W2N2)与习惯水氮处理(W1N1)间黄瓜产量结果差异不显著,说明河北省温室大棚蔬菜生产,目前农民习惯施氮和灌水量有很大的节水节肥空间,根据蔬菜不同生育期需肥量和土壤含水量来合理分配水、氮可取得明显的节水节氮效果。  相似文献   

钼对冬小麦硝态氮代谢的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用全硝态氮霍格兰营养液为培养基质,在供应0(缺钼)、0.78(适钼)、2.74mol/L(高钼)3种钼浓度下培养小麦.,分期测定其体内NO3--N、NH4+-N、全N、吸氮量及硝酸还原酶活性.(NRA).,研究钼对小麦NO3--N代谢的影响。结果表明.,NRA受硝酸盐代谢库和贮存库之间的调节而不断变化.,但任何情况下钼对NRA都有明显影响。培养初期适钼处理NRA最高.,高钼次之.,缺钼最低.;培养后期由于缺钼处理的NO3--N浓度高于施钼处理.,NRA随之增至最高。植株内NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度之和在不同测定时间大致稳定.,NO3--N浓度高时则NH4+-N浓度低.,反之亦然.,两者之间存在一定的负相关关系。稳定情况与钼供应有关.,适钼条件下培养开始时高的NH4+-N与低的NO3--N浓度明显对应.,之后两者浓度接近.;缺钼条件下与此类似.,但NO3--N浓度变化不大.,NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度之和最高.;高钼条件下NH4+-N浓度一直高于NO3--N。作物由溶液吸收的NO3--N与作物的吸氮量一致.,适钼时最多.,高钼次之.,缺钼最少。从适钼时作物体内NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度之和最低.,而吸氮量又最高可以看出.,合适的钼供应不但有利于NO3--N的吸收和向NH4+-N转化.,也有利NH4+-N向有机氮转  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验,以番茄为指示植物,研究不同施氮模式:农民习惯施肥(N—hmxer)、减施化肥氮26%(74%N-farmer)、减施化肥氮26%结合调节土壤C/N(74%N—farmer+S)、减施化肥氮26%结合调节土壤C/N和采用滴灌(74%N-farmer+S+D)、减施化肥氮45%结合调节土壤C/N和采用滴灌(55%N-farmer+S+D)的集成模式对设施番茄氮素吸收利用及土壤硝态氮累积的影响。结果表明。55%N-farmer+S+D模式下番茄产量最高为108349kg·hm^-2,产投比最高为26.1;与N—farmer模式相比,74%N-farmer、74%N—farmer+S、74%N-farmer+S+D和55%N—farmer+S+D模式的氮素利用率和氮素农学利用效率均有增加,其中55%N—farmer+S+D模式的氮素当季利用率为9.56%,氮素农学效率为43.67kg·kg^-1,均显著高于N—farmer模式(P〈0.05);氮肥生理利用效率在各施氮模式间没有显著差异,55%N-farmer+S+D模式的效率最高为598.06kg·kg^-1;55%N-farmer+S+D模式的氮素果实生产效率和收获指数分别为493.81kg·kg^-1和53.84%,均高于N—farmer模式。氮平衡结果表明,N—farmer模式的表观损失最高,55%N-farmer+S+D模式显著低于N—farmer模式;相同土壤剖面中不同模式硝态氮含量随番茄生育进程均呈先增高后降低的趋势;番茄盛果期和拉秧期,74%N—farmer+S、74%N—farmer+S+D和55%N-farmer+S+D模式在0~100cm剖面累积的硝态氮含量均低于N—farmer模式,拉秧期N—farmer模式累积的硝态氮含量最高达705.24kg·hm^-2,74%N-farmer+S+D模式累积的硝态氮含量最低为453.75kg·hm^-2;番茄在3个不同生育期,土壤硝态氮多累积在0—40cm土层,硝态氮的相对累积量约为50%。综合以上分析结果,集成模式55%N—farmer+S+D具有明显优势,能够提高氮肥的吸收和利用效率,减少土壤硝态氮的残留。  相似文献   

施肥与灌水对硝态氮在土壤中残留的影响   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
通过田间试验研究不同施氮量与灌水量对春玉米和冬小麦田土壤中硝态氮分布与累积的影响,结果表明,春玉米收获后0~2 m土壤中累积硝态氮185.7~748.0 kg/hm2,其中1 m以上占57.9%~70.1%。由于施用氮肥而增加的硝态氮占施N量的1.8%(N 112.5 kg/hm2),50.7%(N 225 kg/hm2),56.7%(N 337.5 kg/hm2)和77.0%(N450 kg/hm2)。不施N和施N 112.5 kg/hm2时春玉米田土壤剖面没有明显累积峰;施N等于或高于225 kg/hm2时在60~80 cm土层有明显累积峰,施氮量高的峰值较高;施N 450 kg/hm2时在120~140 cm深度出现另一个累积高峰。冬小麦收获后土壤0~2 m硝态氮累积量为74.9~328.8 kg/hm2,其中1m以上占67.8%~90.7%。由于施用氮肥而增加的硝态氮占施N量的19.5%(N 112.5 kg/hm2),35.6%(N 225 kg/hm2),58.9%(N 337.5 kg/hm2)和56.4%(N 450 kg/hm2)。冬小麦田收获后土壤深层(1~2 m)没有明显的硝态氮累积,即使施氮量高达450 kg/hm2时也只在表层40 cm以上累积较多。不论是春玉米还是冬小麦,当生育期施氮量大于225 kg/hm2时0~2 m土层均有明显的硝态氮累积,施氮量高的累积量较高。施氮量是造成土壤中硝酸盐累积的主要因素,灌水量对春玉米田硝态氮的向下迁移有显著影响。  相似文献   

酸性土壤中亚硝态氮提取方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴沈艳  温腾  张金波  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2018,50(2):341-346
亚硝态氮NO_2~-N是土壤硝化和反硝化过程中很重要的一种中间产物,与土壤中含氮气体的产生密切相关。NO_2~-N在土壤中的转化极其迅速,尤其在强酸性条件下NO_2~-N极不稳定,2 mol/L KCl溶液提取过程中会大量发生分解。为了更准确地研究酸性土壤中的NO_2~-N变化,必须选择合适的提取剂,以实现土壤中NO_2~-N的高效提取。本文采用15N标记方法,系统比较了不同方法提取土壤NO_2~-N和NH_4~+-N的回收率,提出了改进措施。结果显示:调节强酸性土壤初始pH为6.0和8.0处理,经2 mol/L KCl溶液提取,提取液的pH分别保持在4.8和5.8左右,显著高于对照(3.8)。pH与振荡时间对酸性土壤NO_2~-N和NH_4~+-N的回收率存在显著的交互影响。振荡时间30 min以内,pH 6.0和pH 8.0处理,NO_2~-N的回收率最高;而振荡时间为30 min时,未调节pH和pH 6.0处理NH_4~+-N的回收率最高。综合考虑,提取土壤无机氮时,土壤/KCl悬浮液的pH保持在5.0~6.0,振荡时间30 min,能同时满足对土壤NO_2~-N和NH_4~+-N的提取。对于强酸性土壤(pH6.0),本研究推荐使用KCl溶液和pH 8.4的缓冲液混合溶液(KCl溶液/缓冲液比为4/1)作为提取液(土/液比为1/5)。对于pH在7.5以上的土壤样品,推荐使用KCl溶液和pH 7.5的缓冲液混合溶液(KCl溶液/缓冲液比为4/1)作为提取液(土/液比为1/5)。对于pH在6.0~7.5的土壤样品,可以直接使用2 mol/L KCl溶液提取。  相似文献   

利用室内模拟试验,研究了壳聚糖和高岭土单独及复合作用对铜绿微囊藻的去除效果。以250mL烧杯作为试验容器,纯种藻为试验用藻,以叶绿素a和浊度表征藻液浓度的变化。结果表明,单独使用高岭土除藻效率较低,增加高岭土用量难以提高藻的去除率;单独使用壳聚糖对藻的去除效果较好,但是藻的絮凝沉降速度较慢。壳聚糖-高岭土复合体可以明显加快藻类的沉降速率,改善除藻效果。  相似文献   

通过模拟培养试验,研究了不同Nd3+初始浓度条件下铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)的生长及生理变化。结果表明,相对BG11培养基(Nd3+初始浓度为0 mg.L-1),低初始Nd3+浓度(0.01、0.05、0.1、0.5、1 mg.L-1)条件下,随着Nd3+浓度的增加,藻细胞中叶绿素a含量、可溶性蛋白含量和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均呈增加趋势,促进了铜绿微囊藻生长;在Nd3+初始浓度为5 mg.L-1和10mg.L-1时,藻细胞丙二醛(MDA)含量急剧增加,CAT活性下降,藻细胞清除活性氧(ROS)能力下降,抗氧化防御体系被破坏,膜脂过氧化严重,严重抑制藻细胞生长,在初始Nd3+浓度50 mg.L-1胁迫下,铜绿微囊藻无法生长。藻细胞超微结构表明,过量的Nd3+破坏了藻细胞内的类囊体结构,胞内脂质体含量增加,细胞膜变粗糙甚至变形破碎,对藻细胞造成不可逆伤害。  相似文献   

氢自养反硝化修复地下水中的硝酸盐污染以其清洁、环保又经济而受到广泛重视。利用全自动恒温振荡仪,以NaHCO3为碳源驯化氢自养反硝化细菌,并对影响氢自养反硝化速率的因素进行了研究。结果表明,以NaHCO3作为唯一的无机碳源,不仅可以高效驯化氢自养反硝化细菌,而且可以控制体系的pH值,效果优于单独以CO2或以CO2和NaHCO3共同为碳源的系统;当单独以NaHCO3为碳源时,其浓度为2g·L-1时可以满足氢自养反硝化细菌的生长,并使体系pH保持在8.5±0.2;当初始NO3--N浓度〈135.6mg·L-1时,反硝化速率随着NO3--N浓度的升高而增大,当NO3--N浓度过高时(〉135.6mg·L-1),会抑制氢自养反硝化的进行;当pH在6.0~9.0时,氢自养反硝化可以进行,但其最适pH为7.0~8.0,而当pH〈6.0或pH〉9.0时,反硝化基本停滞;温度为35℃时反硝化速率最大,为2.83mg·L-·1h-1,当温度为15℃时,有明显的亚硝酸盐积累。  相似文献   


The single‐year response of soil inorganic nitrogen (N) content and indices of red raspberry (Rubus ideaus L.) yield, vigor, and N status to rate and source of fertilizer N were determined. Twenty‐nine trials were conducted in commercial plantings from 1994 to 1996. Treatments were 0, 55, or 110 kg N ha?1 as ammonium nitrate or 55 kg N ha?1 as a slow‐release fertilizer product containing 60% polycoated sulfur‐coated urea and 40% urea. Soil nitrate (NO3) content frequently increased during the growing season, indicating that soil N supply was nonlimiting. The plant indices were generally insensitive to fertilizer‐N rate under these high‐N fertility conditions. Soil nitrate content measured after berry harvest was frequently excessive even at the recommended N rate and can be used to identify fields with excess N fertility. The slow‐release N fertilizer provided limited benefits compared with use of ammonium nitrate.  相似文献   

The optimum nitrogen requirement along with nitrogen uptake efficiency of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) for obtaining plants of a high phenotypic quality was studied in this research using hydroponic culture. 20 days old seedlings were transferred in nutrient solution containing all the essential macro and micro nutrients. Plants were subjected to three treatments of nitrate viz. 0.05 mM, 0.1 mM and 0.5 mM by dissolving it in the nutrient solution. Plants grown in nutrient solution devoid of nitrate were treated as control. Plants grown in 0.5 mM nitrate conc. attained more height compared to other low nitrogen treatments (0.1 mM and 0.05 mM). Similarly plants of 0.5 mM nitrate treatments possessed more number of lateral roots, surface area of leaves, dry weight of plants and chlorophyll content compared to other low nitrogen treatments. Specific activity of nitrate reductase in plants treated with 0.5 mM concentration was found nearly 3 times higher than that of control plants; similarly, specific activity of nitrite reductase in 0.5 mM treated plants was also high compared to other low nitrogen treatments followed by control. The results of the present investigation therefore indicate that nitrogen uptake efficiency as revealed by the activities of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase was high in 0.5 mM nitrate treatment. It also shows that 0.5 mM nitrate is optimum nitrogen concentration for the growth of finger millet in hydroponic condition.  相似文献   

The origin of highly acidic (pH<4.5) barren soils in the Klamath Mountains of northern California was examined. Soil parent material was mica schist that contained an average of 2,700 mg N kg−1, which corresponds to 7.1 Mg N ha−1 contained in a 10-cm thickness of bedrock. In situ soil solutions were dominated by H+, labile-monomeric Al3+ and NO3, indicating that the barren area soils were nitrogen saturated—more mineral nitrogen available than required by biota. Leaching of excess NO3 has resulted in removal of nutrient cations and soil acidification. Nitrogen release rates from organic matter free soil ranged from 0.0163 to 0.0321 mg N kg−1 d−1. Nitrogen release rate from fresh ground rock was 0.0465 mg N kg−1 d−1. This study demonstrates that geologic nitrogen may represent a large and reactive nitrogen pool that can contribute significantly to soil acidification.  相似文献   


This article presents the effects of nitrate/ammonium (NO3 ?/NH4 +), applied at different proportions to the root media with or without 5 mmol bicarbonate (HCO3 ?), on the yield and chemical composition of tomato fruit. Tomato plants were grown hydroponically (pH 6.9) in glasshouse conditions. The yield of fruit fresh matter from four clusters obtained from plants grown on the medium with NH4 + was about 25% lower than from the plants grown on the medium containing NO3 ? as the nitrogen (N) source. Supplying NO3 ?/NH4 + at a ratio of 4:1 increased the fruit yield by about 20% in comparison with the value recorded for NO3 ??plants. The enrichment of the medium with HCO3 ? stimulated the bearing, while the result depended on the ratio of NO3 ?/NH4 +. A combined treatment of HCO3 ? with NO3 ? or NH4 + in the medium increased yields by about 28% and 11%, respectively, in comparison to plants cultivated without HCO3 ?. The application of NO3 ?/NH4 + at ratios of 4:1 and 1:1 with HCO3 ? increased the respective yields by about 16% and 10% in comparison with plants grown without HCO3 ?. Modifications in the composition of the media affected the accumulation of organic solutions in the fruit. The NH4 + nutrition effected a 20% decrease in the accumulation of reducing sugars in the fruit in comparison to the fruit of plants grown in media with NO3 ?. In the cultivation of plants in media with various NO3 ?/NH4 + proportions the intermediate values of the reduced sugar concentrations were recorded in comparison with the values obtained for NO3 ??plants and NH4 +?plants. The enrichment of media with HCO3 ? increased the concentration of sugars in fruit from about 28% (for NO3 ??plants) to about 10% (for NH4 +?plants).

Malate and citrate are the main constituents of carboxylates in tomato fruit. The form of nitrogen applied to the medium did not significantly affect the concentration of carboxylates in fruit. Significant differences in carboxylate concentrations appeared in fruit grown on media enriched with HCO3 ? ions. In comparison with the cultivation without HCO3 ?, increases in the accumulation of carboxylates varied from about 22% to 30% depending on the form of the applied nitrogen. The concentration of amino acids in the fruit of plants grown with NH4 + exceeded that in NO3 ??plants by about 55%. In the plants grown on media of modified NO3 ?/NH4 + proportions, the concentration of amino acids in fruits were positively correlated with the level of NH4 + in the medium. The enrichment of media with HCO3 ? stimulated a further increase in amino acid concentration in fruit by about 9% in NO3 ? plants and about 21% in NH4 + plants compared with the respective control (without HCO3 ?).  相似文献   


Impatiens (Impatiens wallerana Hook. f.) is the most important annual bedding plant in the United States, based on wholesale dollar volume. Production of high-quality plants requires optimization of the nutrition regimen during growth, especially the total nitrogen (N) concentration and the ratio of N sources. The objective was to determine the N concentration and the nitrate (NO3 ??N):ammonium (NH4 +?N) ratio of N source that optimized bedding-plant impatiens growth and flower development. Four N concentrations (3.5, 7, 10.5, and 14 mmol N · L?1) were used in factorial combination with four ratios of NO3 ??N:NH4 +?N (4:0, 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3). Application of treatments was made for 30 d. Then for 10 d only deionized water was applied to reduce salt buildup. Substrate pH was lowest (4.9) with the NH4 +?N source and electrical conductivity (EC) highest, but never > 2.4 dS m?1. Nitrogen concentration and N source displayed an interaction for most growth parameters. Shoot fresh and dry weights and flower bud number were maximized at the 1:3 NO3 ??N:NH4 +?N ratio with a N concentration of 10.5 mmol L?1. However, plant diameter, leaf number, and leaf chlorophyll content responded quadratically to N form ratio, with the 1:1 ratio optimum at a concentration of 10.5 mmol N· L?1.  相似文献   

铜绿微囊藻对漂浮栽培植物去除氮磷效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同季节的漂浮栽培植物大漂(Pistia stratiotes Linn.)和冬牧70(Secale cereale L.)为研究对象,研究了铜绿微囊藻对两种植物去除氮磷效应的影响。结果表明,总氮(TN)的去除效率由高往低依次为:铜绿微囊藻+大漂82%铜绿微囊藻76%大漂68%对照CK 23%;铜绿微囊藻+冬牧70 79%冬牧70 65%铜绿微囊藻61%对照CK 11%;TP的去除效率由高往低依次为:铜绿微囊藻+大漂83%铜绿微囊藻79%大漂68%对照CK 26%;铜绿微囊藻+冬牧70 77%冬牧70 68%铜绿微囊藻63%对照CK18%。因此,铜绿微囊藻对富营养化水体中的氮磷有较好的吸收去除作用,特别是当藻类与植物相结合修复富营养化水体时可以有效提高水体中氮磷的去除效率,但是重要的前提条件是两者之间并无明显的克生作用存在。  相似文献   

不同施氮水平对春玉米氮素利用及土壤硝态氮残留的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过量施用氮肥造成的环境问题日益严重,氮肥合理使用成为了人们研究的热点。通过研究不同施氮水平对春玉米氮素利用及土壤硝态氮残留的影响,为氮肥的合理利用提供依据。通过在北京市通州区农业技术推广站进行田间小区试验,研究了不同施氮量(0、50、100、200和300kg·hm^-2)对春玉米产量及氮素利用效率、氮平衡和土壤硝态氮累积量的影响。结果表明:(1)春玉米在施氮量为200kg·hm^-2时达到最高产量,为9006.4kg.hm^-2,不同氮肥水平的氮肥利用率在19.7%-25.8%之间,在100kg·hm^-2时的利用效率最高,达到25.8%。(2)作物吸氮量随输入量的增加而增加,氮盈余主要以土壤残留为主,表观损失在氮盈余中的比例虽小,但随施氮量的增加而增加的趋势更加明显。(3)硝态氮在180cm土层中的累积量随氮素输入量的增加而显著增加,在300kg·hm^-2时达到最高值,为195kg·hm^-2,在施氮水平为100kg·hm^-2时作物生长的需要就基本上能够得到满足,而在高施氮水平下(200和300kg·hm^-2)时土壤中的硝态氮出现富集现象,对环境形成一定的威胁。  相似文献   

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