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村落景观在山岳型风景区中的角色   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
扎根于山岳型风景区中的村落景观是风景区不可或缺的一部分。在风景区发展过程中,村落景观是风景区资源的重要组成部分。保护与利用好村落景观不但可以为风景区锦上添花,而且对风景区的发展和保护具有不可估量的意义。笔者叙述了村落在风景区中的现状情况,分析了村落景观在风景区中发展的作用,阐明了对风景区中村落景观的合理开发与利用对风景区发展的积极意义,本着对风景区景观的保护与利用的原则,最终提出对风景区村落景观的合理利用的措施,对以后的风景区村落景观的发展抛砖引玉,使村落景观得到更好的保护和利用。  相似文献   

研究旨在完善苔藓植物景观适宜性评价方法,为提升公园苔藓植物景观空间布局质量提供理论支撑。通过主成分分析法得到各级指标的贡献率及综合得分,苔藓植物群落类型适宜性由高到低表现为树生群落>石生群落>土生群落;各指标对苔藓景观适宜性的影响由强到弱表现为景观适宜性>社会适宜性>生态适宜性;丛集型+交织型+平伏型、平伏型+交织型、丛集型+交织型、倾斜型+平伏型+交织型组合形式的苔藓植物群落适宜性好,交织型、丛集型+交织型、倾斜型+交织型的组合形式的苔藓植物群落适宜性差。合理掌握景观适宜、生态适宜和社会适宜三者间的均衡统一,是苔藓植物景观保护与营建的关键所在,在设计中多采用适宜性好的苔藓群落配植形式。  相似文献   

为探究藜麦在北京浅山区的适应性及最佳播期,笔者以‘陇藜1号’为研究对象,开展从3月底至7月中旬共计8个播期的比较试验。结果表明:‘陇藜1号’在北京浅山区的最适播期为5月下旬,全生育期104天,株高153.6 cm,千粒重3.14 g,产量1781.25 kg/hm2,转色后可观赏18天,成熟时麦穗和茎秆都呈红色,全田景观效果好。与‘陇藜1号’生育日数相当的早熟型品种可于5月下旬在昌平延寿镇,乃至昌平、门头沟、密云、怀柔、平谷等海拔300 m左右、年平均气温与年平均积温与本试验点相近的浅山区示范种植。  相似文献   

City is a spatial synthesis which consists of various buildings and urban opening space.With the developing of the urbanization,the urban planning will directly influence the sustainable development of a city,and the optimization of the urban zone pattern is the main section of the urban planning.The urban opening space is the main part of the urban landscape with important eco-function.Due to its flexibility,the urban opening space is becoming the object of the urban landscape pattern.In this study,some ecological problems during urban development were discussed,and a series of strategies of urban opening space pattern optimization have been put forward based on landscape planning theories.  相似文献   

Through the examples of urban wetland parks construction at home and abroad, the importance of urban wetland parks is expounded in this paper, and the special landscape characteristics of the urban wetland parks accepted by the public and the urban constructor are analyzed, including the natural, ecological and economical characteristics. The natural characteristics include rich and multiple landscapes, biological diversity, remarkable ecological benefits and comprehensive functions. The social characteristics include clear recreational character, rich historical culture connotations and prominent education functions. Then, aiming at the facts existed in the landscape construction of the urban wetland parks in our country, including neglect of the characters and conditions of the region, formalized landscape design, urbanized recreational activities, neglect of other living things, species invasion and neglect of the educational functions in landscape construction and so on. It proposes that the landscape construction of urban wetland parks should follow the important principles as to protect strictly and restore the biology diversity, control the human disturbance, the construction should be based on ecology theories as the instruction, the recreational activities should have their themes and the architecture construction should be natural and ecological and so on. Finally, the thesis discusses the landscape construction concept design and the landscape district construction in the urban wetland parks. It hopes that it can give some promotions to the landscape construction of urban wetland parks through this research.  相似文献   

The urban green landscape in Chongqing was analyzed from the view of landscape ecology. It was believed that the urban green landscape was developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still some problems existed, including mainly: (1) the structure of green landscape was unreasonable, (2) the quality of green patches was low, and (3) the function of green corridors was incomplete. It is pointed out that in some urban regions there were lack of green patches, furthermore, some patches were isolated from each other due to lack of green corridors. In the last, taking account of the foundational theory about patch and corridor, some aspects for the design of urban green landscape in Chongqing were proposed: connecting the river and road green corridors and increasing the green patches at the ecological strategic points.  相似文献   

郑州市道路绿化带景观多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用景观生态学方法,初步分析了郑州市道路绿化带景观多样性指数、景观优势度指数、景观均匀度指数等景观生态建设指标,探讨了4种景观类型:植物群落组成、种数、层次、色彩在郑州市道路绿化带上的应用以及对道路绿化带的影响。结果表明:从植物群落生活型组成上看,郑州市各道路绿化带植物景观多样性差异不大,整体组成单一,类型较少;从种数上看,景观多样性指数最高,说明不同地段道路绿化带植物种数差别较大;从层次上看,多样性指数偏低,说明不同地段道路绿化带层次差别不大;从色彩上看,多样性指数偏高,说明不同路段绿化带色彩上差异较大,而且色彩的景观优势度最大,说明道路绿化带中某一类色彩占有优势。  相似文献   

基于乡村景观意象的休闲农庄景观规划设计研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前中国东北地区休闲农庄景观定位方向尚不清晰明确,乡村景观意象规划还在起步阶段。在总结前人对乡村景观意象的理论研究的基础上,归纳出乡村景观意象的概念与基本特征。结合哈尔滨市哈南新城寒地休闲农庄规划设计项目对乡村景观意象进行了新的解读,提出了寒地乡村景观意象的内容与特征要素,并根据寒地乡村的基本特点,探讨了具有满族风情的寒地休闲农庄景观规划设计方法,为寒地乡村发展地域特色性乡村旅游建设提供规划设计实践参考,推动景观意象角度上的探索与开拓。  相似文献   

重庆岩溶山区脆弱生态环境与不同尺度土地整理模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据重庆岩溶山区生态环境脆弱特征,以实现岩溶山地土地资源可持续利用为目标,以自然条件的可能性、经济的可行性以及体制的可容性为依据,提出基于生态恢复与重建的不同尺度土地开发整理模式思路,为当前开展岩溶地区土地整理工作,实现岩溶区土地资源可持续利用提供参考  相似文献   

邯郸市绿地景观的文脉解读与传承   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:文章初步分析了邯郸市绿地景观中的文脉体现现状,探讨该地域文脉的内涵及其在绿地中的解读与传承方式,指出其中的优势与不足。并提出与时俱进的理念和整体性规划建议,以期为当前的绿地系统规划中文脉传承问题提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

植被景观指数随复合地形因子分异的变化规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨地表粗糙长度和地形起伏度空间分异对武夷山自然遗产地植被景观格局性质的影响,利用ArcGIS 9.0和景观指数软件分析各地表粗糙长度和起伏度带上的景观指数。结果表明:景观的面积、斑块数量、景观多样性指标、优势度指标随着地表粗糙长度指数的增加,而呈现“增加-减少-增加”的趋势,在粗糙长度为7的级别上达到最大值;破碎度指数、景观面积周长比分维数值随粗糙长度的增加,呈现先减少后增加的“U”型曲线;景观面积指标、景观斑块数量、景观破碎度、景观多样性指标、景观优势度随着起伏度的增加而呈递减趋势,只有景观斑块的面积周长比的分维数在800 m  相似文献   

:In accordance with the problems, occurred in the mountainous city's construction, especially the crises such as the destruction of ecological and humanistic environment, the loss of traditional culture and characteristics and the disorder of urban structure, this paper discusses the distinctive landscape characteristic of mountainous city thoroughly.  相似文献   

河南省信阳市园林植物多样性及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在大量实地调查及文献查阅的基础上,对河南省信阳市园林植物多样性特点进行了分析研究。结果表明:(1)信阳市园林植物种类丰富,共有98科251属545种,其中裸子植物7科18属54种,被子植物91科233属491种。在被子植物中,双子叶植物83科209属446种,单子叶植物8科24属45种。按生活型分类,木本植物451种,草本植物94种。(2)信阳市园林植物类型主要属于温带成分,亚热带分布类型也有一定数量,有明显的过渡性特征。这与其自然地理位置处在北亚热带向暖温过渡地区相一致。(3)在信阳市园林植物种中,自然区系种类仅占约1/4,非自然区系成分占绝对优势。 应考虑栽培驯化当地自然区系种类,以丰富园林景观和增强园林植物的适应性。同时加大藤本和草本植物所占的比例,均衡种植不同的生活型,以形成丰富多样的园林景观。  相似文献   

充满情趣化的设计能有效地活跃景观与大众之间的互动形式,使大众的景观体验达到物质享受和精神家园维护,即表象和内涵的双向兼备。针对当代城市环境景观建设中情趣内涵及表达的缺失,提出城市环境的景观重构策略,并在解读景观重构、情趣等概念的基础上,探讨情趣化设计的原则和策略。在遵循大众文化崛起的背景下,要强化情趣化设计的解决方式,将“大众审美-景观重构-情趣化设计”贯穿为一体,提升大众在城市环境景观体验中的亲和感与认同感。  相似文献   

任婕  陈传明 《中国农学通报》2015,31(22):206-212
为全面了解武夷山自然保护区的植被景观格局现状,借助地理信息系统ArcGIS和景观结构分析软件Fragstats,提取福建武夷山国家级自然保护区植被景观斑块的数量、面积和周长等信息,选取分维数、破碎度、聚集度、均匀度和多样性等景观格局指数,从植被景观的斑块特征和景观的空间异质性2个方面对福建武夷山国家级自然保护区植被景观格局进行研究。结果表明:(1)研究区有灌丛、针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、竹林、针叶林、中山草甸、人工植被、阔叶矮曲林和落叶阔叶林等9种植被景观类型,各景观类型的斑块数、面积和周长分布极不均匀,针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林是研究区的主导景观类型。(2)在植被景观类型水平上,选取分维数、破碎度和聚集度进行景观异质性研究,针阔混交林的分维数最大,为1.1678,边界形状最不规则;人工植被的破碎度最大,为0.0503,受到人类活动影响最大;各植被景观类型的聚集度都在95%以上。(3)在植被景观水平上,选取分维数、破碎度、聚集度、均匀度和多样性指数等5个指标分析景观异质性,其值分别为1.1479、0.6298、98.1909%、0.6629、1.4565;研究区各景观形状较规则,破碎度小,聚集度高,各景观空间分布不均匀,总体多样性水平较低。该研究结果可以为自然保护区的植被景观格局的整体规划和生态环境的保护提供基础数据支持。  相似文献   

Taking indicators the case of an university campus runoff quality in Main Urban Area of Chongqing, three kinds of stormwater runoff quality were monitored, where indicators included pH, suspended Solids(TSS), chemical oxygen demand(COD), ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus(TP), and so on. The results show that the average concentration of stormwater runoff pollutants exceed the fifth level of the environmental quality standards for China except TP, SS concentration of runoff can reach 1 730 mg/L, COD and NH3-N concentration of runoff can reach 76.25 mg/L and 3.67 mg/L; First flush takes effect evidently, and SS、COD、NH3-N first flush concentrations of concrete road surface were 2330mg/L, 106.4mg/L, 5.64mg/L. First flush concentrations were equivalent to 2-4 times of Event Mean Concentrations(EMCs),and the highest concentration value of pollutants appeared when runoff produced 10~15 minutes later。Comparison on runoff quality of three different rainfall intensity, higher intensity was positively correlated with TSS, COD, NH3-N, and TP concentrations,among which rainfall intensity taked greatest effect on runoff pollutants concentration of large slope road.  相似文献   

The laggard status of rural human settlement environment of mountain region in Yunnan Province affected the balanced development between city and countryside, so accelerating its construction is the urgent need of rural development. In this paper, the characteristics and realistic influence of traditional pattern of rural human settlement environment construction in Yunnan mountain region are expounded. Moreover, it puts forward the construction pattern, which depends on the development of small towns by analyzing the connection among natural environment characteristics, society and economy innovation and the pattern of human settlement environment construction. At last, several advices are brought forward for the actual action of rural human settlement environment construction in future.  相似文献   

通过实地取样,选取植被景观特征指标,分析普陀山旅游植被景观特征与地理因子的关系。结果表明,在自然地理因子中,海拔和植被景观特征关系最为密切。在人文地理因子中,游径宽度和旅游影响系数相关系数达到0.584,同时和植被层盖度、景观重要值形成极显著相关,说明植被景观受人为活动影响较大。植被层盖度、景观重要值、物种多样性、群落结构比和耐阴种比值之间多呈显著正相关,说明它们之间有着较为一致的生态反映,而耐阴种比值和伴人种比值与其他植被景观特征值的相关性很小,说明这2个指标作为植被生态环境质量评价的因子,在本研究区域不能很好地反映植被景观特征。  相似文献   

By combining with the local chronicles,poems,travel notes and image data and combing the landscape space types of Xiqiao Mountain Scenic Spot,the typical space was summarized as follows:the space of Neo Confucianism education advocating nature,the space of landscape sightseeing with spaciousness and profundity alternation and the space of religious sacrifice with the unity of heaven and man.A preliminary study on the landscape spatial characteristics of Xiqiao Mountain enriches the research on the landscape characteristics of south of the five ridges scenic spot.  相似文献   

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