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Real estate exploitations have high risk and its exploitation environment is quite uncertain. The traditional investment value methods, such as the net present value and discount cash flow methods, usually undervalue the real estate value. In this paper the real option pricing theories and methods are applied to discuss real estate investment value under uncertainty. This method provides a new approach for real estate items.  相似文献   

This paper discusses mainly how to use the method of systematic clustering to subdivide the markets of the real estates and choose target markets. Then a method for solving this problem was put forward.  相似文献   

The authors determine the index system and the index weight of capability of real estate by applying Delphi method and AHP method, and found the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of capability of real estate. They creates the model of capability Vs. price based on value engineering theory. The authors analysis detailedly deciding method of capability Vs. price of real estate combined with a practice example and application. The method adapts to a house as well as the type of the house. The method resolves the problem which capability Vs. price of real estate was only described by qualitatively for ages, which supplies theory basis to developer and consumer.  相似文献   

As the real estate industry in P. R. China developed rapidly in recent years and the housing price constantly rose, the Tail Part of Real Estate (TPRE) became a new investment option for shrewd investors due to its huge profit possibilities. We appraise the investment values of different TPREs and provide the investor with scientific decision making support regarding the selection of TPREs. We introduce the TPRE concept and analyze the causes and factors influencing TPRE formation. We construct a mathematical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to analyze the investment options for TPREs. We provide an example showing how to analyze the TPRE investment choices using our method provided herein. It could be a good reference for the investors in choosing a TPRE for investment.  相似文献   

Through analysis of basic assumptions and limitations of the conventional real estate investment decision method, in this paper, its unconformity to the investment environment, which includes a great number of uncertain elements, is pointed out. By analyzing the real option and the price formula, the pattern of real option in real estate investment decision is put forward and this breaks through the limitations of the conventional investment decision method and makes the decision scientifically and reasonably, moreover, it has some directive significance to investment administration work of real estate corporation.  相似文献   

Although it is not long since the Chinese real estate appraisal agencies appeared in China, they have been developing quickly. With the increase of real estate appraisal portfolio, the number of real estate appraisal agencies in the market also increases. However, because of the loose management in this field, there are many operation that are not standard and not allowed by the operating rules. This paper tackles this problem on the basis of the special relationship between real estate appraisal agencies and banks, analyzes the present situation in this field in detail and puts forward the strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

The government plays an important role in modern economic life. The administration by Internet is ranked first among the IT highway's five application areas. The author of this paper introduced the status of China's real estate administration by Internet, analyzed the problems existed and constructed a framework of real estate administration by Internet, which will facilitate China's real estate administration and modernization.  相似文献   

When the market comparison approach is operated in real estate appraisal, the puzzle, how to select the most similar instances in many comparable instances, is confronted. In this paper, how to apply the fuzzy pattern recognition to solve the puzzle is explored. This paper has threefold: 1) to review and introduce some conceptions about the fuzzy pattern; 2) to discuss how to establish the fuzzy pattern recognition's model for selecting comparable instances and 3) an example is used in the model to testify it's reliability and scientific nature.  相似文献   

From the view of economic early warning, the authors summarize the developing actuality and particular flow and methods combined with the living study to Guiyang and explaining its unique advantages. This system and its theory can be used widely to the other cities or regions of China in implementing and studying the real estate early warning system.  相似文献   

In this paper, primarily, the real estate mortgage reform by the Central Bank of China is introduced. The influence of the reform on Chongqing Real estate enterprises by analyzing the problems existed in real estate development in Chongqing is expounded. To decrease the influence, the developer and the government should make efforts together. For the developers, they can find more ways to finance the projects, optimize the products supply system and strengthen the risk-resisting abilities. For the government, it should find all the ways to create a suitable external environment for the real estate market.  相似文献   

In this paper,the functions of project management company in real estate development are discussed, which include control procedures at different stages from the planning, designing, construction to the finished stage, the project's market orientation and sales planning and their optimization.  相似文献   

为了解决当前中国在城市房屋拆迁征收与农村土地征收中的制度与政策差异导致在不动产征收过程中出现的一系列问题。运用伦理学和法理学的系统分析方法,对中国城乡分割的不动产拆迁与征收相关法律进行了研究。结果表明:(1)当前中国不动产拆迁与征收制度主要存在集体土地所有权主体弱化、城乡土地用益物权征收与补偿标准不一致、征收公共目的性依据不足、补偿标准理论依据欠缺、征收补偿程序缺乏司法救济等问题;(2)现行中国财产权法律保障体系为城乡统一的不动产拆迁与征收制度构建提供了坚实的产权法理基础、补偿标准同一化基础与现实基础;(3)通过不动产物权权能构成与性质完善、不动产拆迁与征收程序等法律规范和补偿评估标准的改革。建立城乡统一的不动产拆迁与征收制度,可以充分有效的保障被征收人的核心利益,从制度上解决土地征收与房屋拆迁中的激烈矛盾和现实问题。  相似文献   

In China, the spare commercial housing area is continuously increasing at present. But most people don't satisfy their present living conditions, they want to enlarge the housing areas and to ameliorate their living environment. So there has a contradiction between the people's living level and their requirement. In this paper the whole process marketing strategy system of real estate was put forward to solve the problem. That is, a series of marketing strategies such as pricing strategy, promotion strategy etc were suggested.  相似文献   

In order to increase the early decision-making accuracy of the real estate development and lower the overall risk of real estate investment, this paper explored the locations for projects of real estate development in the aspects of theoretical methods and technical levels. The evaluation system of housing project sites was established. It constructed the set model for real estate development projects and studied the concrete operation of the model in practice with a prac- tical example with the rough set theory. The test results showed that the method can reduce impacts from the experience and subjective awareness of decision-makers and increase the accuracy of location decisions.  相似文献   

Customer Relationship Managment is a kind of new-type management mechanisms that aims at improving the relation between the enterprise and customer and increasing the customer's loyalty and satisfaction.This thesis begins with the connotation of CRM and explains the structure of CRM system.Then the thesis lays particular emphasis on describing CRM application in real estate enterprises under the environment of e-commerce in terms of enterprise's key competitiveness.It is pointed out that a comprehensive appraisal from multiple angles should be carried out to evaluate the CRM system.  相似文献   

福建茶业品牌生态系统的指标构建与评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探索福建茶业品牌经营的适宜策略,基于品牌生态学视角勾勒福建茶叶品牌生态系统的关键指标体系,运用层次分析法确定各指标要素的权重水平,从而判断出福建品牌茶业发展的关键路径与要素倚重。研究表明,产品资质及企业运作是茶叶品牌发展的关键要素,其中安全性指标和企业的品牌管理能力及市场拓展力对于茶叶品牌的竞争力提升最为重要。此外,茶农的安全生产及政府的市场管理力度、茶业协会的行业规范力度都对茶叶品牌的市场成长发挥重要影响。而就消费市场而言,必须注重消费者品牌忠诚度的培育以及依据目标市场的总体经济发展状况与文化消费习惯进行茶叶品牌经营。  相似文献   

Although the commercial real estate in our country has made a great progress in these years,the vacancy rate is very high.It is not only a loss to the developer,but also a waste to the social resources.As keen competition between the commercial real estate developers is on coming,the market orientation will be decisive.The Analytic Hierarchy Process(or AHP) is a qualitative and quantitative analysis method,the application of which to the business orientation can make our item more easily to succeed.In this paper,the AHP is applied to the market orientation of an item in Shenzhen.It is hoped that this will contribute to raising the decision accuracy,by formatting pair wise comparative matrixes according to the rate of contribution the variant factors applied to the target.  相似文献   

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