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Prevalences and intensities of excretion of faecal stages of Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Eimeria spp., Strongyloides papillosus and strongyles were determined in a German upland area in German Angus (GA) and German Simmental (GS) suckler of beef cattle herds covering two winter housing periods and the grazing season between them. Influences of the housing systems applied (maintenance on deep litter with (DL+) and without run-out (DL--), on slatted floor (SF) or by winter run-out yarding (WO)), breed differences and genetic influences by the sire were determined by statistical analyses; levels of IgG antibodies to E. bovis antigen were measured by ELISA. G. duodenalis was observed with a maximum prevalence of 38% in 4 weeks old calves, a cumulative incidence of 58% 9 weeks after birth and with generally low intensities. C. parvum infections were relatively rare with cumulative incidences of 20--25% in week 5 after birth. Highest prevalences were associated with housing system DL-- and a long-lasting calving period. Cumulative incidence of Eimeria spp. was almost 100%. E. bovis predominated by far followed by E. ellipsoidalis/zuernii. Mean maximum intensity of 1000 OpG occurred in week 7 after birth. Up to an age of the calves of 7 weeks >75% of all oocysts belonged to E. bovis. Prevalences and excretion intensities were lowest under the housing conditions SF and WO. Maternal antibodies in calves to E. bovis antigen were directly and inversely correlated with mean OpG values in GA and GS calves, respectively. S. papillosus was common with a cumulative incidence of 53% 9 weeks after birth and occurred independent of the housing system. Mean strongyle egg prevalence was 50% with 50--100 EpG by means throughout the grazing season. Egg excretion intensity in the early months of grazings was correlated with the age of the calves at turnout to pasture. Under the conditions of housing system DL-- GA calves could better control S. papillosus infections than GS calves whereas the latter were generally more effective in controlling the protozoa. Results of ANCOVA suggest significant paternal influences on S. papillosus infections in both breeds and on the protozoal infections in GA calves. The former could be disclosed independent of the housing system whereas environmental factors played an important role in the latter cases.  相似文献   

Myocardia were histologically examined for the presence of pathomorphological processes in 143 pigs of varying age groups (one, three, seven to nine, and 24 months). Some of them had been slaughtered in clinically intact condition. Others had died of non-cardial diseases. Numerous alterations were recorded, with the following among them being more suitable than others for quantitative assessment and thus objective appraisal of the myocardium: inflammatory infiltrations, granular or hyaline disintegration of fibres, fibre necrosis, dystrophic calcification of fibres, degenerative fat infiltration, and sarcosporidiosis. These parameters were increasingly detectable along with growing age of animals. Inflammatory infiltrations were among the most common findings from pigs for slaughter, aged seven to nine months (40.4 percent of myocardial samples or 58 percent of hearts), followed by muscle fibre necroses (26.4 or 42.0 percent). Most of these disorders were but slightly manifest and were considered to be indicators of catabolic or reparative processes in the myocardium. Attention should be given to them, whenever it comes to pigs with cardiac or circulatory disturbances.  相似文献   

To obtain information both about the prevalence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Danish cattle and pigs as well as the possible influence of different management systems on the occurrence and intensity of infection, we conducted an epidemiological survey comprising 50 randomly selected dairy and sow herds, respectively. Each herd was visited once for the collection of faecal samples and registration of basic management parameters. Faecal samples were collected from three different age groups of animals, i.e. 5 sows/cows, 10 nursing piglets/calves less than 1 month, and 10 weaner pigs 8-45 kg/calves 1-12 months. The faecal samples were purified and the number of (oo)cysts quantified. The study revealed an age-specific herd prevalence of Cryptosporidium of 16, 31 and 100% for sows, piglets and weaners, respectively, and of 14, 96 and 84% for cows, young calves and older calves, respectively. For Giardia the age-specific herd prevalence was 18, 22 and 84% for the sows, piglets and weaners, while for cattle herds the prevalence was 60, 82 and 100% for cows, young calves and older calves, correspondingly. The (oo)cyst excretion levels varied considerably both within and between herds for all age groups. Risk factors were evaluated by using proportional odds models with (oo)cyst excretion levels divided into four categories as response. Among the numerous risk factors examined, only a few were demonstrated to have a statistically significant influence, e.g. the use of an empty period in the calf pen between introduction of calves for both parasites had a protective effect in young calves. For weaners, use of straw in the pen and high pressure cleaning between batches of weaners had a preventive effect against higher Cryptosporidium oocyst excretion levels.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study was conducted to identify the morphological development of eyes and head of Jersey cattle at different ages. A total of 48 healthy Jersey cattle, 1 to 58 months of age, were included in the study. Ophthalmologic examinations were performed to identify healthy cattle to form the age groups: GI (1- to 11-month-old), GII (16- to 24-month-old) and GIII (25- to 58-month-old). The animals were physically restrained and examined by transcorneal ultrasound of both eyes; the axial length (AxL), corneal thickness (CO), lenticular thickness (L), depth of the anterior (AC) and vitreous (VC) chambers were evaluated. The cranial measurements obtained included the total, cranial, and nasal lengths and widths. Subsequently, the cephalic index (CI) was calculated. The AxL (GI: 2.83 cm; GII: 3.16 cm; GIII: 3.24 cm), AC (GI: 0.44 cm; GII: 0.53 cm; GIII: 0.53 cm), L (GI: 0.88 cm; GII: 1.01 cm; GIII: 1.04 cm) and VC (GI: 1.44 cm; GII: 1.55 cm; GIII: 1.59 cm) increased (p ≤ .001) according to age, but the CO (GI: 0.07 cm; GII: 0.08 cm; GIII: 0.08 cm) (p > .05) did not. The total length (GI: 30.83 cm; GII: 43.29 cm; GIII: 44.15 cm), cranial length (GI: 18.11 cm; GII: 23.82 cm; GIII: 22.69 cm), nasal length (GI: 12.72 cm; GII: 19.47 cm; GIII: 21.46 cm) and nasal width (GI: 26.22 cm; GII: 33.82 cm; GIII: 34.00 cm) increased (p < .001), and the CI (GI: 85.66 cm; GII: 78.15 cm; GIII: 77.02 cm) decreased (p < .001). The AxL correlated positively (p < .001) with the cranial length and width and negatively with the CI (p > .05). The ocular biometry of Jersey cattle correlates with their cranial measurements at different ages. With increasing age, the eyes and the head grow, establishing growth curves similar to those of other mammals.  相似文献   

附红细胞体病是由立克次氏体引起的一种散在的热性、溶血性人畜共患病,不同的虫体寄生于不同的宿主,具有相对的特异性。猪附红细胞体病是由猪附红细胞体寄生于猪红细胞而引起的一种血液传染病。该病2001年度曾大面积流行,2002年度在我县几乎没有本病发生,而2003年3月份以来笔者先后诊治两群猪红细胞体病,现将具体诊疗情况报告如下。2003年3月26日,我县郭家园村某养猪场场主来诉:该场三天前从某县购进三元杂交猪78头,体重40kg左右,其中有3头猪,精神差不吃食,当时按感冒处理,用药3天不见效果,病猪反而增加到11头。我们进行了临床诊断和采样实…  相似文献   

合理的猪群结构、猪群组成及其周转是猪场均衡生产和提高效率的关键因素。目前,母猪批次化生产技术在猪场实施的过程中,各种参数的制定、各类猪群存栏数及占栏数的计算依据不清晰,容易出现错误。文中的研究以600头基础母猪、7 d为一个生产周期猪场为例,详细地阐述了生产参数的制定、不同猪群的存栏数和占栏数的计算依据和过程,以期为猪场设计人员的猪场设计与建设和养猪生产者生产工艺的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Neutralizing antibody titers to four bovine rotavirus strains, representing three serotypes, were measured in 160 sera from cattle of different age groups. Age-specific seroprevalence analysis revealed serotype 6, represented by bovine rotavirus (BRV) NCDV, as the predominant rotavirus serotype infecting German cattle and serotype 10, represented by BRV V1005, as the least prominent. Infections with serotype 8, represented by BRV 678, occurred with intermediate frequency. Antibodies of young calves distinguished between NCDV and UK virus, two serotype 6 BRV strains differing in VP4 antigen.  相似文献   

动物园动物体内寄生虫的调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了摸清我市龙沙公园内展出的野生观赏动物寄生虫的感染情况 ,1991年以来随机对齐齐哈尔市龙沙公园的 33种 2 2 5头 (只 )的不同动物进行了以肠道寄生虫为主的 (不包括皮肤寄生虫 )调查 ,基本查清了感染情况 ,对临床治疗、动物管理和人员防护将起到协助作用。报告如下。1 普查方法1.1 蠕虫学常规粪检法收集虫卵。饱和食盐浮集法、反复洗涤沉淀法等 ,对肠道寄生原虫除直接涂片碘着色观察外 ,并用铁苏木素染色法 ,制成标本保存 ,以便鉴定虫体。1.2 用蠕虫学剖检对尸体进行虫体收集。1.3 对临床检查寄生虫阳性的动物进行驱虫 ,对驱出的虫…  相似文献   

The authors present preliminary results of the coprological examination of calves in large-capacity calf-houses. In a new large-capacity calf-house in the Benesov district in the Central-Bohemian region, 200 samples of faeces were examined according to Breza (1957) and further examinations were performed regularly in a group of 42 calves from the age of 0.5 to 6 months. The tests revealed 13 species of endoparasites, including eight species of coccidia: Eimeria auburnensis, E. alabamensis. E. bovis, E. cylindrica, E. elliposidalis, E. subspherica, E. zuernii, Isospora spp., and five species of helminths: Strongyloides papillosus, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Trichocephalus ovis, Cooperia spp., and Ascaris suum. The following conclusions were derived from these findings: 1. The calves may carry the germs of coccidia and helminths on their hooves already during transportation to the new calf-house; 2. twelve- to twenty-day-old calves, coming to the calf-houses, are often already attacked by several species of coccidia and helminths; 3. the number of parasite species increases and the extensity of invasion rises with age; 4. it has been demonstrated that the invasion process of eight species of coccidia and five species of worms can take place under the conditions of modern calf-house; 5, stronglyloidosis, oesophagostomosis, and trichocephalosis can be treated as typical stable helminthoses; 6. some other speceis of helminths and coccidia occur in calves after transition to green forage with which they are probably carried to the calf-house.  相似文献   

At time of weaning, the immune system in piglets is not fully mature resulting in reduced growth and increased mortality. Early-weaned pigs transported to a segregated early weaning (SEW) facility have enhanced performance and gut development compared to conventional (CONV) pigs which may be due, in part, to decreased pathogen challenge. To gain further insight into SEW enhanced performance and gut development, gut samples from pigs weaned at 19+/-2 days were assessed during the post-weaning (PW) period. The numbers of cells expressing CD2, CD4, CD8, and CD172 (the 74-22-15 (SWC3) antibody is now known to be specific for CD172), MHC class II, and CD25 were quantified using immunohistochemistry. Additionally, samples of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were evaluated for the production of neutral, acidic, and sulfuric mucins from goblet cells and morphological measurements were also made. No effects due to the management systems alone were observed for any of the parameters. However, there were interactive effects of age/time post-weaning and management system on the immune cells as well as on the mucin secreting goblet cells. There were no differences in gut morphology between SEW and CONV reared pigs.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the effect of cow genetic group, nutritional level and their interaction on some economically important traits of dual-purpose herds managed under field conditions. Nine herds were monitored during a production cycle in Yucatan, Mexico. Herds were grouped into four nutritional levels (NL) based on the metabolizable energy (ME) apparently available on pasture, nutritional management, and milk production. Cows were classified into three genetic groups (GG): low (≤25%), middle (25–75%) and high (≥75%) graded for Bos taurus inheritance. Total milk sold (TMS), days in milk (DIM), TMS adjusted to DIM within each NL (TMSA), body condition score (BCS) at calving, changes of BCS during lactation (CBCS), calf weaning weight (WW), age at weaning (AW), kg of calf weaned per cow (KWC) and calf mortality were studied. The statistical model included the fixed effects of NL, GG, month of calving (MC), parity number (PN) and BCS at calving and GG × NL interaction. The effects of NL, GG, MC, PN and GG × NL were significant (p < 0.05) for TMS, KWC. As expected, TMS increased with NL from 562.4 ± 106 kg for NL1 to 2366.3 ± 100.1 kg for NL4. KWC was greatest for NL2 (138.6 kg) followed by NL1 (135 kg); the lowest KWC corresponded to NL4 (96.0 kg) (p < 0.05). TMS values for the middle (1727 ± 94.7 kg) and the high graded GG (1603.5 ± 83.5 kg) were twice those for the low graded GG cows (828.5 ± 95 kg) (p < 0.05). KWC was also higher for the middle graded group (152.8 kg) than for the low or (104 kg) or the high graded GG (118 kg) (p < 0.05). With better nutrition cows of all GG improved their milk performance but not the calf traits. CBCS was negative for all GG. The highest BCS lost was for cows in NL1 and NL2 and for cows in the high graded GG (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

This observational study aimed to determine MRSA prevalence using strain‐specific real‐time PCR at the pig level, stratified by age groupings, within a pig enterprise. A total of 658 samples were collected from individual pigs (n = 618) and the piggery environment (n = 40), distributed amongst five different pig age groups. Presumptive MRSA isolates were confirmed by the presence of mecA, and MALDI‐TOF was performed for species verification. All isolates were tested against 18 different antimicrobials. MRSA was isolated from 75.2% (95% CI 71.8–78.6) of samples collected from pigs, and 71% of the MRSA isolates from this source were identified as community‐associated (CA)‐MRSA ST93, while the remainder were livestock‐associated (LA)‐MRSA ST398. Amongst environmental isolates, 80% (CI 64.3–95.7) were ST93 and the remainder ST398. All MRSA isolates from pigs and the environment were susceptible to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, linezolid, mupirocin, rifampicin, sulfamethoxazole–trimethoprim, teicoplanin and vancomycin. Phenotypic rates of resistance were penicillin (100%), clindamycin (97.6%), erythromycin (96.3%), ceftiofur (93.7%), chloramphenicol (81.2%), tetracycline (63.1%) and amoxicillin–clavulanate (63.9%). A low prevalence of resistance (9.2%) was observed against neomycin and quinupristin–dalfopristin. The probability of MRSA carriage in dry sows (42.2%) was found to be significantly lower (p < .001) when compared to other age groups: farrowing sows (76.8%, RR1.82), weaners (97.8%, RR 2.32), growers (94.2%, RR 2.23) and finishers (98.3%, RR 2.33). Amongst different production age groups, a significant difference was also found in antimicrobial resistance for amoxicillin–clavulanate, neomycin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline. Using the RT‐PCR assay adopted in this study, filtering of highly prevalent ST93 and non‐ST93 isolates was performed at high throughput and low cost. In conclusion, this study found that weaner pigs presented a higher risk for CA‐MRSA and antimicrobial resistance compared to other age groups. These findings have major implications for how investigations of MRSA outbreaks should be approached under the One‐Health context.  相似文献   

Coccidiosis in swine: dose and age response to Isospora suis.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Coccidiosis is a disease of the young piglet due to infection with Isospora suis and is characterized by diarrhea which is nonresponsive to antibacterial therapy. There is variable morbidity and mortality. Piglets develop a more severe clinical illness and enteritis when infected with I. suis at one to three days of age than when infected at two weeks of age. Microscopic lesions range from villous atrophy and mild erosion to severe fibrinonecrotic enteritis.  相似文献   

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