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Four earthen ponds (250 m2 each) were stocked each with 250 small catfish (W0=39g). In treatment A, African catfish. Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), were raised in monoculture, while in treatment B catfish were raised in polyculture with an additional 125 male Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) (W0=44g). Feeding of cottonseed cake was at about 4% of catfish body weight day?1. Daily feed quantities, however, were averaged over all four ponds so that each pond received the same amount of cottonseed cake. Rearing time was 118 days. In treatment A, catfish grew to an average weight of 200g. In treatment B, catfish reached 158g and tilapia 185g, Extrapolated marketable fish production was strikingly similar in all four ponds (around 4.8 t ha?1 year?1). No synergistic effect was obtained by stocking microphagous tilapia, although the feeding of cottonseed cake enhanced dense algal blooms in all ponds. Catfish did not appear to exploit the tilapia recruits, as an indirect pathway of algae cropping.  相似文献   

Twelve production trials were analysed retrospectively, covering three different rearing methods in which Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), were fed with combinations or cottonseed cake and brewery waste. Highest extrapolated net pond productions, including tilapia recruits, were obtained in tilapia fingerling rearing (W0 <10 g; 11.8 t ha?1 year?1). Stocking African catfish, as police-fish (0.2 catfish m?2) in mixed tilapia (W0 > 90 g) culture was effective in controlling tilapia recruitment, but net pond production was low (4.1 t ha?1 year?1). Hand-sexing of male tilapias (W0 > 90 g) only limited recruitment but resulted in a significantly higher net pond production (8.6 t ha?1 year?1) than in mixed culture. Extrapolated marketable production in the treatment stocked with hand-sexed tilapia males (tilapia only) was also higher than the extrapolated marketable production in the mixed culture treatment (tilapia and catfish combined), although this difference was not significant. Extrapolated net pond production and extrapolated net tilapia production were both significantly correlated to the daily feeding rate of cottonseed cake but not to the daily feeding rate of brewery waste. The high relative FCRs of the feed mixture were probably due to the brewery waste.  相似文献   

Two cottonseed cake feeding strategies were tested in pond culture of hand-sexed male Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). (W0 > 80 g), with the objective of making better use of the algal blooms which develop when cottonseed cake is applied to a pond. In the conventional ‘progressive feeding strategy’, the daily amount of cottonseed cake was adjusted monthly for the total tilapia bioweight estimated from sampling, assuming that cottonseed cake primarily acted as a tilapia feed. In the ‘linear feeding strategy’, ponds received a fixed daily amount of cottonseed cake throughout the trial, based on the hypothesis that tilapia would cover their nutritional requirements mostly by grazing the algae. Each feeding strategy was tested at two feeding levels. Mean daily feeding rate R in the progressive feeding strategy averaged 48.6 (low feeding level) and 102.5 kg ha?1 day?1 (high feeding level), and 49.8 and 82.9 kg ha?1 day?1 in the linear feeding strategy. Significantly better growth rates and feed conversion rates were obtained in the progressive feeding strategy. Average extrapolated net pond production was highest at Rpr=6% body weight day?1 (10.61 ha?1, year?1). It was concluded that cottonseed cake contributed to tilapia growth mainly directly as a tilapia feed rather than indirectly as a pond fertilizer via algal production. Finally, the appropriateness of the metabolic feeding rate Rmb(BW0.8 day?1) was discussed, compared with the progressive feeding rate Rpr (%BW day?1). (BW denotes body weight). A practical, two-step linear feeding method was proposed for cottonseed cake as a ‘rule of thumb’ that is workable in the field.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with tilapia-catfish polyculture at the Lagdo Fisheries Station in northern Cameroon. The objectives were: 1. To estimate the effect of supplementary cottonseed cake on net pond production in ponds already receiving dried cattle manure as basic treatment: and 2. To study the performance of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). in recruitment control of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Recruitment control is essential in obtaining large tilapia sizes demanded in the market. Cottonseed cake, the most important agricultural by-product in the region, is expensive. Dried cattle manure may be collected free from corrals deserted by pastoral ethnic groups. Three treatments were tested in duplo in six earthen ponds of 525 m2 each; treatment A. daily application of dried cattle manure only (266 kg ha?1 day?1); treatment B, daily manure + cottonseed at a nominal daily rate of 3% of tilapia biomass: treatment C, daily manure + cottonseed cake at 6% of tilapia biomass. Stocking densities per pond were 250 male Nile tilapia (mean Wo 222 g), 150 female tilapia (W0= 202 g), 30 ‘large’ African catfish (Wo= 198 g); and 30 ‘small’ catfish (W0= 52 g). Mean fish densities were 0.76 tilapia m?2 and 0.11 catfish m?2. Application of dried manure and cottonseed cake was 6 days per week, and the culture period was 100 days. Fish were sampled every month and feeding rates were adjusted accordingly. Dissolved oxygen content and algal turbidity (Secchi disc) were measured once a week. Extrapolated net pond productions, including recruits, were: -0.41 ha?1 year?1 (treatment A); 4.8 t ha?1 year?1 (treatment B) and 6.5 t ha?1 year?1 (treatment C). Differences between treatments B and C were not significant(P < 0.05). Fertilization with dried cattle manure only (zero cottonseed cake) led to a negative net pond production in treatment A (negative net tilapia production but slightly positive net catfish production). Dried manure at the given application rate did not contribute sufficient nutrients to maintain the stocked fish biomass via enhanced natural production, while pond biomass was high for such an extensive system (manure only). Best fish growth was observed in treatment C (male tilapia, 0.9 gday?1: large catfish, 6.9 g day?1) although differences between treatments B and C were not significant. Growth of male and female was not significantly different, but growth rates of tilapia and catfish were significantly different (P & lt; 0.05). Average yields of tilapia recruits in treatment B (1539 kg ha?1 year?1) and C (1829 kg ha?1year?1) were about four times the average yield of recruits in treatment A (468 kg ha?1 year?1) but differences between treatments A, B and C were not significant. It was sugcess, or the reproductive efficiency of tilapia in treatment A could have been lower as a result of that treatment. However, clouds of up-swimming fry appeared to be at least as numerous in the replicate ponds of treatment A as in the ponds of treatments B and C.  相似文献   

Cage‐pond integration system is a new model for enhancing productivity of pond aquaculture system. A field trial was conducted using African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in cages and carps in earthen ponds. There were four treatments replicated five times: (1) carps in ponds without cage, (2) tilapia at 30 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (3) catfish at 100 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (4) tilapia and catfish at 30 and 100 fish m?3, respectively, in separate cages and carps in open pond. The carps were stocked at 1 fish m?2. The cage occupied about 3% of the pond area. The caged tilapia and catfish were fed and the control ponds were fertilized. Results showed that the combined extrapolated net yield was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the catfish, tilapia and carps integration system (9.4 ± 1.6 t ha?1 year?1) than in the carp polyculture (3.3 ± 0.7 t ha?1 year?1). The net return from the tilapia and carps (6860 US$ ha?1 year?1) and catfish, tilapia and carps integration systems (6668 US$ ha?1 year?1) was significantly higher than in the carp polyculture (1709 US$ ha?1 year?1) (P < 0.05). This experiment demonstrated that the cage‐pond integration of African catfish and Nile tilapia with carps is the best technology to increase production; whereas integration of tilapia and carp for profitability.  相似文献   

Aquaculture development in Kenya has been hampered by lack of targeted feeds. Chemical fertilizers can enhance natural food production and thus indirectly provide protein to complement energy-rich cereal brans used as feed. Consequently, an experiment was conducted at Sagana Fish Farm in central Kenya to realize least-cost combinations of rice bran and fertilizer. Twelve 800 m2 (0.08 ha) ponds were stocked with juvenile (32 g) Oreochromis niloticus L. at 2 m−2 and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) (fingerlings of 4.6 g) at 0.2 m−2. Four treatments, calculated to approximate isonitrogenous conditions, were applied in triplicate as follows: (1) urea and diammonium phosphate (DAP) to provide 16 kg of N ha−1 week−1 and 4 kg of P ha−1 week−1; (2) urea and DAP applied to give 8 kg of N ha−1 week−1 and 2 kg of P ha−1 week−1, plus rice bran fed at 60 kg ha−1 day−1; (3) rice bran fed at 120 kg ha−1 day−1; (4) rice bran as in treatment 3 and fertilizer as in treatment 2. Ponds were sampled monthly to measure fish growth, and drained completely after 20 weeks. A partial economic analysis indicated minimal net profits of K.Sh. 18 851 (US$ 251), K.Sh. 9895 (US$ 132), K.Sh. 3299 (US$ 44) and K.Sh. 7015 (US$ 94) for treatments 1–4, respectively, because of high feed and seed costs.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relative merits of tilapiine fishes, especially Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Clarias gariepinus Burchell, are compared with respect to their suitability for aquaculture in Africa. Reproductive, nutritional and production data are drawn where possible from work carried out under African conditions.
In view of the fact that African aquaculture is insignificant in terms of worldwide production and in terms of local fish consumption it is suggested that a broader view of species choice might be adopted in relation to aquaculture projects.
The African catfish, by virtue of its suitable reproductive strategy, its nutritional efficiency and its ability to breath atmospheric oxygen, clearly represents an excellent candidate for aquaculture in Africa.  相似文献   

Dietary histidine requirement of fry African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (2.57 ± 0.02 cm; 0.22 ± 0.03 g) was quantified by feeding casein–gelatin-based isonitrogenous (40% crude protein) and isocaloric (17.90 kJ g−1 gross energy) amino acid test diets with graded levels of histidine (0.25%, 0.30%, 0.35%, 0.40%, 0.45% and 0.50% dry diet) in eighteen 80 L indoor circular aqua-coloured troughs provided with the flow-through system for 12 weeks. Maximum absolute weight gain (2.66), best feed conversion ratio (1.29), highest protein efficiency ratio (1.94), protein retention efficiency (34%) and energy retention efficiency (70.4%) were achieved at 0.40% dietary histidine. Broken-line and non-linear regression models were adopted to assess dietary histidine requirement for C. gariepinus . When analysed using broken-line regression model these parameters were also best at 0.40% dietary histidine corresponding to 1.0% protein, respectively, whereas using second-degree polynomial regression analysis, histidine requirement was obtained at 0.42%, 0.41%, 0.40%, 0.41% and 0.41% of dry diet, corresponding to 1.05%, 1.02%, 1.0%, 1.02% and 1.02% protein respectively. Based on the broken-line and second-degree polynomial regression analyses of the growth and nutrient retention data, optimum histidine requirement of fry C. gariepinus was found to be in the range of 0.40–0.42% dry diet, corresponding to 1.0–1.05% of dietary protein.  相似文献   

Abstract. The development stage and number of seed (eggs and fry) removed from individual incubating Oreochromis niloticus (L.) broodfish at 10-day interharvest intervals (IHI) was compared with the harvest of free-swimming fry from undisturbed fish held in a tank within the same system. Spawning synchrony and productivity were compared for (1) total exchange of females for ‘conditioned’ females after each harvest, (2) exchange of only spawned females, and (3) return of females back into the spawning tank. Improved synchrony and seed production were positively related to removal of eggs and fry from incubating females and could have important implications for broodstock management in commercial hatcheries. Allowing fish to remain undisturbed in clear water tanks may lead to inhibition of spawning activity related to the formation of hierarchies. Individual weight loss by females during incubation was correlated with stage of seed harvested and thus with timing of spawning during the interharvest interval.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper examines the digestibility of different feed mixtures by three species of fish: carp, Cyprinus carpio L., tilapia, Oreochromis aureus × O. niloticus , and African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Protein from poultry sources was digested better by tilapia than by carp or catfish, but no significant difference was found in the case of protein mainly from fish meal. Carp showed the best ability to digest fats, followed by catfish, with tilapia having the least ability. Tilapia digested carbohydrate better than the other two species, however, whether from wheat or corn sources. The same pattern applies to the digestibility of energy.  相似文献   

Semi-purified diets containing 39% crude protein and 5% lipid were used to identify the qualitative requirement of African cattish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), for niacin and to characterize the pathologies associated with a deficiency of this vitamin. After 48 days of feeding, C. gariepinus supplied with the unsupplemented diet had developed severe deficiency symptoms and were subsequently withdrawn from the growth study. Niacin deficiency was characterized by feed refusal, listlessness, weight loss, poor feed utilization and high mortality. The skin overlaying the lateral line of the deficient fish became haemorrhagic and this clinical sign was accompanied by severe anaemia. After 126 days of feeding, fish fed diets containing 17.0 mg niacin kg?1 had also developed a dermopathy. but without anaemia or high mortality. The feeding of diets containing less than 33.1 mg niacin kg?1 resulted in suboptimal feed efficiency and poor protein utilisation. Allometric analysis of proximate composition indicated that carcass moisture, protein and ash were influenced by fish size, and not by dietary niacin content. However, significantly more lipid per unit of weight gain was deposited in the carcasses of fish fed the unsupplemented diet than in fish fed diets containing 17.0mgkg?1. The indicators used in the present study could not be applied to accurately determine a value for niacin requirement. However, until a more accurate assessment is performed, it is recommended that diets for C. gariepinus contain not less than 33.1 mg nicotinic acid kg?1 feed.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to promote the successful supply and satisfactory survival of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), it is advocated that the fish be reared in hatcheries until they begin air breathing. Research conducted over a number of years to develop culture technology for intensive hatchery rearing to the stage of air breathing is brought together here as an overview. In particular, the definition of early development stages is considered as well as induced spawning, egg incubation, larval rearing and fry rearing.  相似文献   

The effect of extenders was studied on the cryopreservation of sperm from African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). The following six basic extenders were tested: fructose, glucose, sucrose, NaCl, KCl solutions and the artificial seminal plasma of the African catfish. Each of these extenders was tested both with and without buffer systems (i.e. NaHCO3-CO2 and Tris-HCl) by using 10% dimethyl-sulphoxide (DMSO) as a cryoprotectant. The two-step freezing was carried out in a programmable freezer by using the following freezing rates: (1) 4 °C min–1 between 3 and –4 °C; (2) and 11 °C min–1 between –4 and –80 °C. The best post-thaw motility (25%) was achieved with 333 mmol L–1 fructose solution and NaHCO3 buffer. The fertilization experiments were carried out with unbuffered fructose and glucose extenders using various amounts of sperm and two fertilization methods: (1) dry and (2) wet. The best fertilization rates were achieved with 75 μL of sperm and wet fertilization with glucose extender, or 100 μL of sperm and dry fertilization in case of fructose – both methods fertilized 96% of all eggs.  相似文献   

On‐farm fish production experiments were conducted for 240 days to investigate the effect of stocking density on growth, yield and economic benefits of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in monoculture and polyculture with African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Low stocking density (LSD), medium stocking density (MSD) and high stocking density (HSD) of 30 000, 60 000 and 90 000 fish ha?1 respectively, were tested. O. niloticus cultured in polyculture attained significantly higher mean weight gain than those cultured in monoculture. O. niloticus and C. gariepinus raised together in polyculture attained significantly higher net annual yield than O. niloticus cultured alone in monoculture. Profitability analysis using partial enterprise budgets revealed that polyculture is a more profitable system than monoculture. The highest growth, yield and economic benefits were achieved at HSD and MSD than at LSD with no significant difference between HSD and MSD. Results demonstrate that farmers can achieve the highest net yield and economic benefits by culturing O. niloticus and C. gariepinus in polyculture at HSD and MSD, preferably MSD for economic reasons.  相似文献   

Streptococcus dysgalactiae is an emerging fish pathogen that is responsible for outbreaks of disease on fish farms around the world. Recently, this bacterium was associated with an outbreak at a Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), farm in Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity, best genotyping method and aspects of molecular epidemiology of S. dysgalactiae infections in Nile tilapia farms in Brazil. Twenty‐one isolates from four farms located in different Brazilian states were characterized genetically using pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), ERIC‐PCR, REP‐PCR and sodA gene sequencing. The discriminatory power of the different typing methods was compared using Simpson's index of diversity. Identical sodA gene sequences were obtained from all isolates, and ERIC‐PCR and REP‐PCR were unable to discriminate among the isolates. PFGE typing detected three different genetic patterns between the 21 strains evaluated; thus, it was the best genotyping method for use with this pathogen. The strains from Ceará State were genetically divergent from those from Alagoas State. The S. dysgalactiae isolates analysed in this study constituted a genetically diverse population with a clear association between geographical origin and genotype.  相似文献   

Aquaculture International - The current study evaluated the biosafety of oxytetracycline (OTC) exposure for 30&nbsp;days in monosex Oreochromis niloticus fries. The fries were exposed to OTC...  相似文献   

Understanding the major causes of growth variation is crucial for the success of fish farming since its reduction contributes to maximize production efficiency, reduce food waste and improve water quality. The growth variation observed in aquaculture has been associated with the establishment of social hierarchies. However, some studies suggest that this variation may not be mainly a consequence of social hierarchies but mainly a result of inherent (genetic) differences. This study investigates the magnitude of individual responses, independently of group effects (fish housed individually), in growth efficiency and feeding behaviour of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Despite the low variation in initial body weight (6.5%) and cumulative feed consumption (7.5%) over the experimental period, catfish exhibited high variation in final body weight (18.1%), specific growth rate (17.2%) and feed conversion ratio (27.9%), suggesting that individual variation in growth efficiency is important in determining growth rate. This individual variation may be related with individual differences in protein/fat deposition since faster growing fish deposited more protein and less fat than slower growing fish. Pronounced individual differences in feeding behaviour (reaction towards feed and time spent eating) were also observed and correlated with individual differences in growth efficiency. Fast eaters were the fast growers. We suggest that the growth variation observed in African catfish may be inherent and that the use of grading to increase uniformity should be further investigated.  相似文献   

A major problem in tilapia aquaculture is the frequent reproduction of female fish, leading to increased competition for supplemented food and stunted somatic growth. The feasibility of using photoperiod manipulation to arrest the reproductive performance of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus was therefore examined. Newly hatched O. niloticus were reared in the laboratory under 12L:12D photoperiod at 28 °C. Fish (230–340 g) were maintained under 6L:6D, 12L:12D and 14L:10D photoperiod at 28 °C during the course of this study. Effect of photoperiod manipulation on reproductive parameters of fecundity, gamete quality, offspring viability and overall reproductive success were evaluated. Steroid levels (estradiol-17β, E2; testosterone, T) during the spawning cycles of fish were analyzed on days 1 and 3 postspawning and at 3-day intervals thereafter. A total of 72 female fish from each photoperiod treatment were investigated the changing pattern of E2, T and GSI with fish that have spawned once, twice and three times. Fish exposed to 12L:12D and 14L:10D photoperiod spawned successfully throughout the study. Whereas the spawning of fish exposed to 6L:6D photoperiod was arrested after three to four spawning cycles. The arrestment of spawning in fish exposed to 6L:6D photoperiod was paralleled by a significant decrease in plasma levels of E2 (P<0.05). By contrast, there was no major difference in T levels among the treatments. These findings suggest that photoperiod manipulation can be used to arrest the spawning in tilapia O. niloticus. The utility of this in controlling the problem of overcrowding due to excess offspring in tilapia aquaculture is applicable.  相似文献   

One of the challenges that Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are still facing is the risk that in RAS fish grow less than in flow-through systems due to the accumulation of substances originating from feed, fish or bacteria associated with the water re-use. The present study investigated whether RAS with high and low accumulation levels of these substances affect feed intake and growth of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, African catfish Clarias gariepinus, and European eel Anguilla Anguilla. One-hundred and twenty individuals of each species were used (start body weights: Nile tilapia 264.8 ± 8.3 g; African catfish 253.2 ± 2.1 g and European eel 66.6 ± 1.3 g). For a period of 39 days, growth and feed intake were compared between high and low accumulation RAS. HIGH accumulation RAS was designed for maximal accumulation of substances in the water by operating the system at nearly-closed conditions (30 L/kg feed/d), using mature biofilters and high feed loads; and (2) LOW accumulation RAS was designed to be a proxy for flow-through systems by operating at high water exchange rates (1500 L/kg feed/d), new biofilters and low feed load. HIGH accumulation RAS induced a reduction in feed intake (42%) and growth (83%) of Nile tilapia, as compared to systems that are a proxy for flow-through conditions. This effect was not observed in European eel and African catfish. The cause of this reduced feed intake and growth rate of Nile tilapia is still unclear and should be addressed in further studies.  相似文献   

The present study investigated a non‐invasive method based on macroscopic morphological features of male Clarias gariepinus for the assessment of sexual maturity stage. As African catfish cannot be stripped for semen as in most other fish species; they have to be killed to obtain semen from the testes. This method could be used to ensure that males used to obtain sperm are sexually mature to increase the concentration and quality of mature sperm for egg fertilization in the production of C. gariepinus. Morphological features including the length and width of the urogenital papillae (UGP), an external secondary sexual characteristic of C. gariepinus (n = 89) were measured and calculated as a percentage of total body length. The urogenital papillae length (LUGP) and width (WUGP) index of each fish were used and compared with the macroscopic and microscopic maturity stage of the testes. The results revealed that although positive, a significant correlation does not exist between the LUGP or WUGP and maturity stage of the testes. Therefore, although this procedure would be valuable as an initial non‐invasive assessment of maturity, it does not provide an accurate or reliable indication of the maturity stage of the fish.  相似文献   

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