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<正>随着茧丝绸行业的复苏,蚕茧价格大幅回升,蚕农实实在在地享受到了因茧价提高而带来的丰厚利益,广大蚕农养蚕积极性大大提高,普遍增植桑树,养蚕积极性空前高涨。要获得好收成就必须重视养蚕前的准备工作。  相似文献   

1种公鸡的营养 供给专用的公鸡饲料配方,从营养上根据种公鸡的营养需要供给适宜的营养浓度的饲料。首先公鸡日粮中的粗蛋白质和代谢能应低于母鸡的水平。种公鸡日粮中粗蛋白质水平不低于11%。代谢能2640千卡/千克时,就能取得较多采精量。另外,肉种鸡每天饲料摄取量控制在140克以下。  相似文献   

在生产实践当中,部分从事艾维茵父母代肉种鸡饲养的人员,尤其是初养者,往往掌握不好各阶段饲料量的确定方法,笔者多年来从事该品种鸡的饲养工作,现将点滴经验提供给大家参考.  相似文献   

岭南黄父母代种鸡的饲养郭况彦(广东省农科院畜牧研究所广州510640)岭南黄鸡是广东省农科院畜牧研究所研究培育的新品种。根据广东省的不同地区和对鸡种的长速要求,培育出了不同的配套系列(包括:中快型、中速型、中小型和矮小型)。这些配套系列具有一个共同的...  相似文献   

一 种鸡的选择 1 种公鸡的选择和调教 对拟留种的公鸡要进行五次选留。一周龄时,选留健壮、头大、眼睛明亮有神、鸣声响亮的公雏。四周龄时,选留生长良好的、体况健康的、毛色符合本品种特征公鸡。  相似文献   

提高种鸡人工授精受精率的操作事项   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘平 《中国家禽》2001,23(24):27-27
靖江市家畜改良站在1997~2000年间,年饲养父母代罗曼蛋鸡5000套,(开放式、笼养)种鸡实行人工授精,种蛋受精率从最初的82.8%上升到95.7%,现将有关“小经验”介绍如下,以供参考。1认真准备器具1.1将吸头磨钝使用前,要逐个检查吸头。若吸头过尖要将其磨钝、磨光滑。1.2严格清洗、消毒玻璃器具如采精杯、贮精杯在严格清洗后置于100℃~150℃的干燥箱中消毒烘干;塑料器具如微量加样器的吸头在彻底清洗后,高压消毒,然后置于50℃~60℃的干燥箱中干燥后备用。2采精要做到“两轻、两快、两固定…  相似文献   

沙门氏菌和弯曲杆菌一直是世界范围内导致食源性疾病的主要病原菌,这两者与禽类产品密切相关。 沙门氏菌污染的水平取决于时间、地域、群体和环境,并随着它们的不同而有很大的差异,有研究者认为,当活禽以3%-4%的沙门氏菌的阳性率进入车间加工时,加工后的污染率可达20%-35%,因此可见,控制交叉污染是克服沙门氏菌污染的主要措施。但是,由于加工步骤的复杂性和加工自动化的特性,使得控制交叉污染有较大难度,所以,如果病原在农场养殖的过程中就被控制,这样就没有沙门氏菌病原进入车间,更没有交叉污染了。但事实上,绝大部分的食品安全措施是在车间中执行的。  相似文献   

一 采精1 选择优良的种公鸡群种公鸡发育到20周龄时,挑选个体发育良好、符合标准体重、腹部柔软、按摩时有性反应的公鸡留作种用,在采精前1~2周投入单笼,按种公鸡的管理要求进行饲养,每天光照时间为14~15小时。1周后,按操作要求对种公鸡进行采精训练,每天1~2次,连续3~5天即可。  相似文献   

地方鸡种的保存与利用应与时俱进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡刚安 《中国家禽》2001,23(21):6-6
2001年9月20~22日全在广州市江丰实业有限公司召开,此源的保护与利用。我国是世界上禽种质禽产品消费形势日渐升温,部分优际已成为WTO成员,我国禽种资源全国家禽质量性状遗传研究理事会此次会议的中心议题是中国禽种资种资源十分丰富的国家随着国内优优质鸡生产企业的迅速壮大,中国实源保护与利用工作的重要性与战略性,已不明而喻。  相似文献   

周玲 《饲料广角》2004,(17):43-43
“天下难事必做于易,天下大事必做于细”,我们每一件事的成功需要从细节做起,一个人的成功也需要从细节做起,一个企业的成功同样需要从细节做起。每一件事都由一连串细节组成。一个管弦乐队正是有多个各司其职的专业高手,才能演奏出美妙的音乐。在我们企业内部,强调着一个理念,做好千万件小事才能去做大事,才能做好大事。我们近20年来,特别重视管理过程中的细微之处,始终将一股关注执行细节积极执着的精神,从领导身上不断地传播到每一个员工身上。我们通过不断关注工作中的细节实现了对整个企业持续不断的改善,从而获得了很大成效。我们的生…  相似文献   

This study aimed to (i) assess the prevalence of cytological endometritis (CYTO) diagnosed at artificial insemination (AI); (ii) evaluate the effect of CYTO on the pregnancy outcome of the same AI sample; and (iii) determine the risk factors associated with CYTO diagnosed at AI in repeat breeder (RB) dairy cows. We analysed the productive and reproductive performances of 146 RB Holstein‐Friesian cows. To obtain a CYTO sample at AI, we used the cytotape technique. Generalized mixed effect models were computed to find the risk factors associated with the pregnancy and CYTO outcome. Based on ≥1% PMN cut‐off point, the CYTO prevalence at AI in RB cows was 25.3%. The overall pregnancy at AI was 44.2%. The conception rate in CYTO‐positive (n = 37) RB cows was 29.7% versus 49.5% for CYTO‐negative (n = 109) cows. A RB cow diagnosed CYTO positive at AI had 0.47 [odds ratio (OR)] odds to become pregnant in comparison with a CYTO‐negative cow. Cows that produced more milk than their counterparts in this study had increased odds (OR = 1.01) to be CYTO positive at AI. A novel risk factor positively associated with CYTO diagnosed at AI in RB cows was the level of daily milk urea (OR = 1.11). To conclude, CYTO at the moment of AI had a significantly negative effect on the pregnancy outcome in RB dairy cows. However, as only one of fourth of RB cows is affected with CYTO at AI, it may not be considered a key element associated with the RB syndrome.  相似文献   

This study compared two types of controlled internal drug release (CIDR)-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol for treatment of repeat breeder dairy cows. In the first trial of the experiment, 55 repeat breeder cows were randomly assigned to the following two treatments. (1) In the EB group, a CIDR device was inserted into the cows, and then the cows were administered an injection of 1 mg estradiol benzoate (EB) plus 50 mg progesterone (P4; Day 0). On Day 7, they were given an injection of PGF(2alpha) and the CIDR device was removed. The cows were given an injection of 1 mg EB on Day 8 and were subjected to TAI 30 h later (n=27). (2) In the gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) group, a CIDR device was inserted into the cows, and then the cows were administered an injection of 250 microg gonadorelin (GnRH; Day 0). On Day 7, they were given an injection of PGF(2alpha) and the CIDR device was removed. The cows were given an injection of 250 microg GnRH on Day 9 and were subjected to TAI 17 h later (n=28). In the second trial, 41 repeat breeder cows that were confirmed as not pregnant in the first trial were randomly assigned to the same two treatments used in the first trial (an EB group of 20 cows and a GnRH group of 21 cows). The ovaries of 15 cows from each group were examined by transrectal ultrasonography in order to observe the changes in ovarian structures, and blood samples were collected for analysis of serum P4 concentrations. The pregnancy rates following TAI in the first (18.5 vs. 32.1%) and second (40.0 vs. 38.1%) trials and the combined rates (27.7 vs. 34.7%) did not differ between the EB and GnRH groups. The proportions of cows with follicular wave emergence within 7 days did not differ between the EB (12/15) and GnRH groups (13/15). The interval to wave emergence was shorter (P<0.01) in the GnRH group than in the EB group, but there was no difference in the mean diameters of dominant follicles on Day 7 between the groups. Moreover, the proportions of cows with synchronized ovulation following a second EB or GnRH treatment did not differ between the groups. In conclusion, treatment with either EB or GnRH in a CIDR-based TAI protocol results in synchronous follicular wave emergence, follicular development, synchronous ovulation, and similar pregnancy rates for TAI in repeat breeder cows.  相似文献   

陈宽维 《中国家禽》2001,23(21):5-6
2001年9月20~22日全在广州市江丰实业有限公司召开,此源的保护与利用。我国是世界上禽种质禽产品消费形势日渐升温,部分优际已成为WTO成员,我国禽种资源全国家禽质量性状遗传研究理事会此次会议的中心议题是中国禽种资种资源十分丰富的国家随着国内优优质鸡生产企业的迅速壮大,中国实源保护与利用工作的重要性与战略性,已不明而喻。  相似文献   

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