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Summary The wheat area in developing countries, including China, is around 100 million ha. To address the needs of these very diverse wheat growing areas, CIMMYT has defined 12 wheat mega-environments (ME). A ME is defined as broad, not necessarily continuous often transcontinental area with similar biotic and abiotic stresses, cropping systems and consumer preferences. The factors describing each ME are presented.CIMMYT's breeding methodology is centered around the development of widely adapted germplasm with high and stable yield across a wide range of environments. Segregating populations are alternating screened in two diverse environments in Mexico. One key requirement is that all germplasm is tested under near optimum conditions for its yield potential. The second one is multi-locational testing of advanced lines at sites that represent a given ME (key locations) and careful screening of germplasm for tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses specific to that environment. This methodology has permitted the pyramiding of a large number of multiple resistance genes for use against a wide spectrum of diseases and tolerance to abiotic stresses within each ME. In addition, the widespread testing of lines allows the identification of traits which are beneficial in several environments. Data from international nurseries are used to further delineate environments within an ME. This approach has proven to be successful since around 70% of the spring wheat area in developing countries (excluding China) is planted to varieties derived directly or indirectly from CIMMYT germplasm. The performance of the bread wheat cultivar Pastor in international trials is given as an example for a wide adaptation.  相似文献   

A population of 112 F1-derived doubled haploid lines was produced from a reciprocal cross of Brassica juncea. The parents differed for seed quality, seed color and many agronomic traits. A detailed RFLP linkage map of this population, comprising 316 loci, had been constructed, and was used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seed yield and yield components, viz. siliqua length, number of seeds per siliqua, number of siliques per main raceme and 1000-seed weight. Stable and significant QTLs were identified for all these yield components except seed yield. For yield components, a selection index based on combined phenotypic and molecular data (QTL effects) could double up the efficiency of selection compared to the expected genetic advance by phenotypic selection. Selection indices for high seed yield, based on the phenotypic data of yield and yield components, could only improve the efficiency of selection by 4% of the genetic advance that can be expected from direct phenotypic selection for yield alone. Inclusion of molecular data together with the phenotypic data of yield components in the selection indices did not improve the efficiency of selection for higher seed yield. This is probably due to often negative relationships among the yield components. Most of the QTLs for yield components were compensating each other, probably due to linkage, pleiotropy or developmentally induced relationships among them. The breeding strategy for B. juncea and challenges to marker assisted selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Ceccarelli  Salvatore 《Euphytica》1994,77(3):205-219
Summary Breeding has been very successful in generating cultivars that in favorable environments, and together with large use of fertilizer and chemical control of weeds, pest and diseases, have increased agricultural production several fold. Today the environmental impact of high input agriculture in more favorable environments causes growing concern. By contrast, the impact of breeding in marginal environments has been elusive. The paper discusses evidence showing that the use of breeding principles developed for, and successfully applied, in favorable environments may be the main reason for the lack of breeding progress in marginal environments. Very little breeding work has actually been done in marginal environments, although the theory of correlated responses to selection indicates that selection conducted in good environments or in well-managed experiment stations is not expected to be very efficient when genotype by environment interactions of a cross-over type exist. The assumptions that heritability is higher under good conditions and that there is a carry-over effect of high yield potential are not supported by experimental evidence. If the target environment is below the cross-over point, selection has to be conducted for specific adaptation to that environment. The concept of wide adaptation has more a geographical than an environmental meaning, and it reduces genetic diversity and increases genetic vulnerability. Eventually the issue of genetic heterogeneity versus genetic uniformity is discussed in relation to specific adaptation to marginal environments.  相似文献   

J.R. Witcombe  D.S. Virk 《Euphytica》2001,122(3):451-462
In the breeding of self-pollinating crops, crossing creates variation upon which selection is exerted. If the value of crosses cannot be predicted then this uncertainty means that many crosses need to be made. However, since there is a limit to the capacity of a breeding programme, more numerous crosses result in each cross having a small population size, fewer progenies in later generations and a lower probability of recovering good genotypes from each cross. Published theory on the optimum number of crosses in a plant breeding programme, for a predominantly self-pollinating crop, usually assumes that all crosses are equal value. This overestimates the number of crosses required. When the optimum size of a population in a favourable cross is considered, theory predicts that very large populations are desirable. The required population size is even larger if linkage of loci controlling different traits is also considered. Hence, in an inbreeding crop, one possible strategy is to select a small number of crosses that are considered favourable and produce large populations from them to increase the probability of recovering superior genotypes. In an out breeding crop, the analogy is a few composites with large population sizes. This low-cross-number strategy is ideally suited to the particular constraints and advantages of participatory plant breeding. Such an approach, although not essential, may still be advantageous in classical breeding. When a breeding programme is based on few crosses, which parents are chosen is crucial and farmer participatory methods are highly effective in narrowing the choice. Modified bulk population breeding methods, and recurrent selection are desirable strategies in the participatory plant breeding of self-pollinating crops when combined with a low-cross-number approach. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

BLUP for phenotypic selection in plant breeding and variety testing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is a standard method for estimating random effects of a mixed model. This method was originally developed in animal breeding for estimation of breeding values and is now widely used in many areas of research. It does not, however, seem to have gained the same popularity in plant breeding and variety testing as it has in animal breeding. In plants, application of mixed models with random genetic effects has up until recently been mainly restricted to the estimation of genetic and non-genetic components of variance, whereas estimation of genotypic values is mostly based on a model with fixed effects. This paper reviews recent developments in the application of BLUP in plant breeding and variety testing. These include the use of pedigree information to model and exploit genetic correlation among relatives and the use of flexible variance–covariance structures for genotype-by-environment interaction. We demonstrate that BLUP has good predictive accuracy compared to other procedures. While pedigree information is often included via the so-called numerator relationship matrix $({\user2{A}})Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is a standard method for estimating random effects of a mixed model. This method was originally developed in animal breeding for estimation of breeding values and is now widely used in many areas of research. It does not, however, seem to have gained the same popularity in plant breeding and variety testing as it has in animal breeding. In plants, application of mixed models with random genetic effects has up until recently been mainly restricted to the estimation of genetic and non-genetic components of variance, whereas estimation of genotypic values is mostly based on a model with fixed effects. This paper reviews recent developments in the application of BLUP in plant breeding and variety testing. These include the use of pedigree information to model and exploit genetic correlation among relatives and the use of flexible variance–covariance structures for genotype-by-environment interaction. We demonstrate that BLUP has good predictive accuracy compared to other procedures. While pedigree information is often included via the so-called numerator relationship matrix , we stress that it is frequently straightforward to exploit the same information by a simple mixed model without explicit reference to the -matrix. This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang K?hler (University of Giessen, Germany) on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

分子标记技术及其在作物育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
论文综述了分子标记的基本类型及其在作物遗传育种中的应用,分析了应用过程中存在的问题,提出了解决的方法,并讨论了其应用前景。  相似文献   

小麦超高产育种主要指标的探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
超高产小麦育种是"十五"期间的主要育种目标.选育超高产品种是提高小麦单产的关键.本文就小麦超高产育种的主要指标进行探讨,超高产育种的主要模式应建立在一定穗数的基础上,着重提高每穗粒数和千粒重,主攻穗粒重.  相似文献   

Summary Pepino (Solanum muricatum), a vegetatively propagated plant from the Andean region used for its edible fruits, has been identified as a potential crop for greenhouse cultivation in Mediterranean regions. However, attempts for introducing it have been unsuccessful, either because of the low yield, poor fruit quality, or both. Screening of germplasm under Mediterranean conditions showed that sources of variation for high yield existed in the cultivated genepool and that wild species S. caripense and S. tabanoense could contribute to a considerable improvement of soluble solids content (SSC) of pepino. Progenies obtained after crossing genetically distant (AFLP-based) parental clones were heterotic for yield, and allowed the selection of clones with an improved combination of yield and SSC. As a result of this intraspecific programme, two new improved cultivars (‘Turia’ and ‘Valencia’), which outperform the rest of cultivars available, have been selected for cultivation in Mediterranean conditions. The interspecific programme involved the selection of clones with high yield and SSC in backcross generations. The results show that introgression of genes from the wild species can contribute to improve the SSC of pepino. The backcross programme is in an advanced stage and new cultivars derived from the interspecific crosses are expected to be released in a near future. New prospects for the future in pepino breeding include the genetic transformation, the establishment of a genetic map, and the use of the genomic information from related Solanaceae important crops. All the information obtained is illustrative for the breeding for adaptation of vegetatively propagated crops.  相似文献   

Besides phenotypic data from field trials and molecular data from lab experiments, modern plant breeding programs generate a wide variety of data, for instance pedigree, randomization, geostatistical or climate data. Due to the lack of an integrated database system, breeders generally exploit only part of these data for selection decisions or retrieve only part of the information present in the data. Most approaches in genomics, however, develop their full power only when they are based on analyses of large numbers of genotypes from multiple crosses and current as well as past generations. We have developed a flexible data management and -analyses system for storage and quality control of plant breeding data. It is implemented using the PostgreSQL database management system and linked to the R software environment for integrated statistical analyses of phenotypic and genomic data. The database structure is capable of managing the following types of data observed in breeding programs of all major crops: (a) germplasm data of any species including pedigree data, (b) phenotypic data of any trait and trait complexity, (c) trial management data for any field and trial design, (d) molecular marker data for all common types of markers, as well as (e) project and study management data.  相似文献   

菊芋株型在高产育种中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验通过在苏北滨海盐土上的试验研究菊芋株型在菊芋选育中的作用。结果如下:1)在2007年和2008年,南芋1号鲜产量和干产量比对照青芋2号和野生种高,2007年与2008年试验结果没有显著差异,而2007年与2008年品种间鲜产量及干产量差异显著; 2)南芋1号以植株生长势强,主茎粗,分枝多,茎干高,在盐土上植株生长势强,青芋2号有效分枝基本没有,茎秆细,开花多,在盐土上植株生长势弱,而野生品种茎秆较南芋1号细,分枝少,在盐土上植株生长势一般,茎干高度低于南芋1号;3)2007年和2008年块茎产量显著高于分枝数少的品种块茎产量,而各品种在2007年和2008年间互相差异不显著;4)分枝数与地上部生物产量、分枝数与块茎鲜重产量及分枝数与块茎干重产量的相关性分析显示其R2均达极显著水平。菊芋育种应注重选育分枝多的株型。  相似文献   

马铃薯川芋6号鲜薯产量高,较脱毒川芋56[1]及脱毒米拉增产显著;具有株矮,生育期适中;抗病毒PVX、PVY,抗晚疫病;大中薯率高,休眠期较长,耐贮;鲜薯块茎干物质含量较高,维生素C含量高,还原糖含量低,食味优等优良特性。并适应性广,是鲜薯加工和食用兼用型品种,2004年通过四川省品种审定,并被列为四川省主要推广品种。  相似文献   

The multilocular trait is generally considered as a desirable agricultural trait for the high‐yield breeding of Brassica crops and has attracted considerable attention. The siliques of multilocular plants contain more chambers and seeds than those of bilocular rapeseed varieties and, thus, have a higher yield. Furthermore, multilocular plants are precious germplasm resources for the breeding of Brassica crops. In this article, we provide a summary of researches regarding the multilocular trait in rapeseed, including its natural germplasms, silique morphology, genetic models, and regulatory mechanisms. The study will highlight the potential of multilocular rapeseed for high‐yield breeding.  相似文献   

Cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) is an important forage crop in the USA for stocker cattle (Bos sp.) production, thus making forage yield an important breeding objective for the crop. However, little information is known about the repeatability for forage yield in this crop. The objectives of this research were to: (i) estimate variance components for forage yield from long‐term variety trials, (ii) estimate the repeatability for forage yield and (iii) relate this to breeding strategies for increased forage yield in rye. Trials were conducted over 14 years where 97 USA open‐pollinated varieties (OPVs) were evaluated. Repeatability ranged from 0.57 to 0.86 when the data were analysed by year for the 3 years with significant genotype main effects. Possible explanations for the lack of significant genotype main effects are discussed. Practical implications of these findings indicate that the development of improved cultivars with greater forage yield will require improved methods of selection based on family performance rather than the current methods based primarily on single plant visual selection.  相似文献   

M. A. Faluyi 《Euphytica》1990,50(3):197-201
Summary Three maturity groups of soybeans (Glycine max L.) were used to investigate the relationship between dry-matter accumulation (DMA) and grain yield (GY), and the prospects for selection of high seed yielding strains among the existing soybean cultivars in a tropical environment. The positive and significant association between DMA and GY (r=0.888***) indicated that selection for high DMA could give gains in GY. However, the higher harvest index (HI=37.5%) for the low seed yielding early maturing genotypes than the more vegetatively endowed and higher seed producing late maturity group, is an indication that excessive DMA could be disadvantageous. Total seed yield per land area for the three maturity groups of soybeans showed that the genotypes with high harvest index and low seed yield could be as good as those ones with high seed and dry-matter yields with low harvest index. The high coefficient of variation which ranged between 18.1 and 59.8% and the heritability estimations which also ranged from 34.4 to 82.2% are indicative of the presence of substantial genetic diversity and there are good prospects for the improvement of the crop through selection.  相似文献   

Summary A method for comparing locations as selection sites based upon their abilities to predict yield and disease reaction over a target region is proposed. The probability of coincidence in selection for a site is defined as the probability for a line selected at the site to be selected at other sites within the region. The probability of divergence in rejection is defined as that associated with regional selection of a line given that is discarded by the site where selection is being conducted. The ideal selection site would maximize the probability of coincidence in selection and minimize the probability of divergence in rejection. The method is illustrated using a set of data from the rice yield nurseries of the International Rice Testing Program for Latin America planted under the rainfed conditions of Central América and México during the period 1978–1984. Five locations were compared for their predictive ability in selecting for the rainfed rice growing region, based on yield and disease reaction. Selection for yield was defined as performance superior to the best check in each location. Selection for disease reaction was based on an index derived from the Standard Evaluation System for Rice for diseases of regional importance. Locations varies 10–15 percent in their selection coincidence with the region for both yield and disease selection criteria applied independently.  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of exotic germplasm is one way to broaden genetic variation in breeding populations. This approach has recently been adopted in Sweden and Finland, where experimental barley populations has been established for research and pre-breeding purposes. The aim of the project is threefold: (1) to increase overall genetic diversity of Nordic barley breeding material; (2) to develop breeding material which possesses a high level of resistance for various barley diseases; and (3) to study effects of exotic germplasm on adaptation and agronomic performance. Both the Finnish and the Swedish barley populations include the same exotic material i.e. unadapted landraces from different parts of Asia and wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) accessions. Locally adapted high-yielding barley lines were included in the populations. The establishment of these populations involved six crossing generations in order to promote recombination and enhance the break-up of linkage blocks. The paper discusses the third aim of the project. Studies on agronomic performance and adaptation showed that (1) agronomically valuable genotypes can be constructed through recombination using exotic germplasm for Nordic conditions, (2) that incorporation of exotic material is most successful when made in a local genetic base and (3) that exotic germplasm has an effect on adaptation.  相似文献   

高产抗寒杂交稻新组合"金优554"的选育研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金优554系安顺市农科所用金23A作母本,自育恢复系安恢554作父本组配选育的高产、优质、适应性广、抗寒性强的中迟熟杂交水稻新组合.该组合在2001~2002年两年的贵州省杂稻迟熟A组区试中,平均较对照汕优63增产11.2%,在2002年的生产试验中,平均较对照增产21.9%.株高101.4cm,有效穗18.0万左右/667m2,穗实粒数125.2粒,全生育期145.2~152.5d,抗寒性较强,中抗稻瘟病、纹枯病.经稻米品质分析,该组合是适宜食品加工型的优质专用型稻米.2003年7月通过贵州省农作物品种审定委员会审定.该组合适于贵州海拔400~1 300m稻区作一季中稻种植.  相似文献   

H. Tan 《Euphytica》1978,27(2):521-528
Summary A study using yield data from seedlings from controlled pollinations and clones derived from them, revealed that, for clones, promising parents can be selected in the first year of tapping and, for seedlings, in the second year. It should be noted that secondary characters (e.g. vigour on tapping, resistance to wind, diseases and dryness) will assume importance for parental assessment only when information on these become available, after several years of tapping. Correlation studies between GCA estimates for seedling and clonal yields support an earlier finding that the former can be used as a criterion for selection of parents.  相似文献   

The use of risk aversion in plant breeding; Concept and application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Variance analysis is used to measure stability (inter-temporal) and adaptability (over space) components of variance with multilocation-multiyear sorghum yield data from India. Adaptability and stability were highly correlated. Only the stability component is relevant for farmers in their adoption decision. Measures of farmer's risk aversion are used to rank genotypes according to preferences which take account both of yield and stability. Since yield differences were large and risk aversion moderate, preference based rankings did not differ markedly from yield based rankings.  相似文献   

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