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1. Dried poultry manure (DPM) collected from 1‐d to 3‐week‐old chicks, reared in electrical battery brooders, incorporated at a level of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% in a chick starter diet, was recycled four times.

2. There was a linear decrease in body weight and efficiency of food utilisation with each percentage increase in DPM.

3. The amount of dried droppings recovered as a percentage of food consumed was proportional to the amount of DPM included in the diet and remained fairly constant during the recycling.

4. Body weights and efficiency of food utilisation were substantially the same during the first three recycling periods but declined significantly during the fourth period.

5. Mortality was negligible and all chicks appeared healthy and vigorous.

6. Chicks fed on 10% DPM in an isocaloric and isonitrogenous (protein‐N) diet grew and utilised food as well as those fed on the basal diet; chicks fed on 20% DPM did not consume enough to meet their requirements.  相似文献   

Sixty 7‐d‐old male broiler chicks were housed in individual metabolism cages and offered one of six purified diets for 14 d. The diets were formulated to have the same ME contents but had different nitrogenous supplements: diet A, was the basal diet, containing PRG essential amino acid (EAA) mixture equivalent to 15 g N/kg; B, basal+12% glutamic acid (GA); C, basal plus EAA mixture equivalent to EAA content of 20.09% DPM; D, basal + EAA+12% GA; E, basal + 20.09% autoclaved DPM; F, basal + 20.09% unautoclaved DPM. The rank order of final body weights at 21 d of chicks fed on these diets were D(292 g) > B(258 g), (F254 g), E(253 g) > C(206 g) > A(180 g), (P<0.05). Chicks fed on diet C had better food conversion efficiencies (FCE) than those fed on diet A (0.449 and 0.374 respectively) and D was better than B (0.592 and 0.533 respectively).

In a second experiment, carried out under field trial conditions using commercial‐type diets formulated to contain DPM, 24 groups, each of about 40 male or female broiler chicks, were given diets containing 0% (P) or 5% (Q) DPM from 1 d of age for 4 weeks. From 4 to 8 weeks one of three diets with 0% (R), 5% (S) or 10% (T) DPM was fed according to a 2 (sexes) x 2 x 3 factorial design. Between o and 4 weeks feeding DPM had no significant effect on body weight or food consumption, but birds fed diet Q had an improved FCE (P<0.05). Between 4 and 8 weeks birds fed on S and T were heavier than the controls at 6 weeks, but this increase was not significant at 8 weeks (P> 0.05). Food consumption was not affected, but the FCE improved with increasing inclusion of DPM. At 8 weeks of age birds fed on Q, were heavier than birds fed on diet P.  相似文献   

1. The effect on food consumption by pullets when dried poultry manure (DPM) replaced part of dietary groundnut cake depended on the strain of the birds: in two of the three hybrids food consumption was not affected when up to 100 g DPM/kg was fed.

2. Increases in food consumption were accompanied by increases in egg production.

3. The food required per dozen eggs was improved by up to 100 g dietary DPM/kg and variation in the sizes of eggs laid depended on the hybrid.

4. Concentrations of DPM up to 100 g/kg did not affect the water‐soluble nitrogen content of the egg but the crude albumen nitrogen content was depressed at concentrations of 80 g/kg or above.

5. Feeding DPM to laying pullets depressed body weight.  相似文献   

1. Light‐weight (Babcock B300) and medium‐weight (Warren‐SSL) hens were offered diets, containing 0, 100 or 200 g dried poultry manure (DPM) and 11.49, 11.12 or 10.83 MJ metabolisable energy/kg respectively, between 18 and 70 weeks of age. The true protein, metabolisable energy, calcium and phosphorus contents of the DPM, from caged layer hens, were used in the diet formulation.

2. The hen‐housed laying performance of hens offered the DPM‐containing diets was significantly better for number of eggs laid and total egg mass produced but the performance of the control groups was lower than would normally be expected of those stocks. The reason for the lower rate of lay and higher mortality of hens fed on the control diet was not identified. The amount of food consumed increased as the energy content of the diet decreased and the efficiency of food conversion (EFC) of the lightweight strain was reduced; there was no significant effect on the EFC of the medium‐weight hens.

3. The inclusion of DPM in the diets had no effect on albumen quality or on the incidence of hair‐cracked, cracked or broken eggs. However, with both strains of hens, shell weight and shell thickness were poorer when 100 or 200 g DPM/kg diets were fed.  相似文献   

在配制家禽饲料时并不总是有玉米可供应用,或只能以高价购买玉米。这就向人们提出了一个问题,能否用人类不常食用的粟米替代玉米作为家禽日粮的能量饲料?  相似文献   

Larvae of the house fly (Musca domestica) grew and developed normally in fresh poultry manure where the proper environmental conditions were maintained. A temperature of 27 °C and a moisture content ranging from 60 to 75% in fresh poultry manure was determined to be optimum for larval development. A moisture content of 80% or greater created anaerobic problems for larvae.

Optimum production of house fly pupae was obtained by inoculating 0.50 to 0.75 g of fly eggs per kg of fresh poultry manure. Five to eleven days were required for the eggs to be converted to pupae depending on the environmental conditions. After digestion, the poultry manure, was reduced to about half and was granular in texture. The digested residue readily dried, had less odour and contained approximately 15% protein.  相似文献   

  1. A DiagNose II electronic nose (e-nose) system was tested to evaluate the performance of such systems in the detection of the Salmonella enterica pathogen in poultry manure.

  2. To build a database, poultry manure samples were collected from 7 broiler houses, samples were homogenised, and subdivided into 4 portions. One portion was left as is; the other three portions were artificially infected with S. enterica.

  3. An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed and validated using the developed database.

  4. In order to test the performance of DiagNose II and the ANN model, 16 manure samples were collected from 6 different broiler houses and tested using these two systems.

  5. The results showed that DiagNose II was able to classify manure samples correctly as infected or non-infected based on the ANN model developed with a 94% level of accuracy.


Three experiments were carried out using male broiler chicks from 1 to 3 weeks of age. The birds were housed in individual metabolism cages at 1 week of age, having previously been in tiered brooders.

In experiment 1, 36 birds were offered one of six experimental diets based on glucose‐ and cellulose‐diluted commercial broiler mash. The six diets were supplemented with graded levels of triammonium citrate (TAC) at the expense of cellulose such that diet 1B contained no TAC and diet 1F contained 6.4% TAC. In experiment 2, 72 birds were offered one of six diets, similar to those used in experiment 1 with the exception that they were supplemented with graded levels of diammonium hydrogen citrate (DAHC). In experiment 3, 72 birds were offered one of six diets which were based on the same diluted broiler mash but which had been supplemented with graded levels of autoclaved dried poultry manure (ADPM) at the expense of glucose. Diet 3B contained no ADPM whereas diet 3F contained 20% ADPM.

All birds were weighed at 2 and 3 weeks of age and their food consumptions over these periods were recorded. Their growth was compared with that of birds fed the undiluted commercial broiler food.

All birds of experiment 1 (TAC‐supplemented diets) and experiment 2 (DAHC‐supplemented diets) showed significantly poorer growth rates than the control birds. However, birds of experiment 3 (ADPM‐supplemented diets) grew as well as the control birds.  相似文献   

本文综述了家禽日粮中添加非蛋白氮(NPN)的效果,并分析影响使用效果的主要因素。家禽利用非蛋白氮的机理目前尚无定论,本文推测可能存在3种机制:利用非蛋白氮合成非必需氨基酸(NEAA)、代谢产物负反馈抑制原理和微生物转化利用。家禽日粮中添加非蛋白氮效果很不稳定,影响因素复杂,实际生产中难以把握,现阶段不宜推广使用。  相似文献   

1. About 3000 medium‐weight hybrid chicks were used in a factorial experiment involving two “chick” treatments: diets containing 0 and 50 g dried poultry manure (DPM)/kg; three “grower” treatments, diets with and without 50 g DPM/kg given ad libitum and regulated amounts of the diet with DPM; five “layer” treatments: diets with 0, 100 or 200 g DPM/kg given ad libitum and regulated amounts of diets containing 110 and 220 g DPM/kg and two shapes of layer cages: deep (conventional) and shallow.

2. Chick diets had no significant effects on rearing or subsequent laying performance.

3. Food‐regulated pullets were 7% lighter than pullets given the DPM diet ad libitum at 18 weeks but consumed 12.5% less food; growing treatments had no significant effect on subsequent egg production.

4. Hens housed in shallow cages laid 10.3 eggs/bird‐housed more than those in deep cages, produced 3.8% greater egg mass, consumed 2.7% less food and produced fewer damaged (cracked, broken and hair‐cracked) eggs (P< 0.001).

5. DPM‐containing layer diets had no adverse effects on egg production, or mortality; with 100 g DPM/kg efficiency of food conversion (EFC) was better than with 0 or 200 g/kg (P< 0.001).

6. Reduction of the energy intake of L110R and L220R hens with diets containing 110 and 220 g DPM/kg by 8.2 and 9.0% respectively, reduced the number of eggs laid/hen‐housed by 6 and 10.7 but improved the EFG (P< 0.001); there was no significant interaction between cage shape and energy regulation.  相似文献   

一、畜禽粪污资源化利用技术模式的研究河南省确山县规模养殖场户数量629个,其中养猪场户405个,养牛场户94个,养羊场户98个,养禽场户32个,大、中、小型规模均有,各自情况不同。在畜禽粪污资源化利用项目实施中,确山县坚持“整县推进,全量收集,除臭肥化,综合处理,种养结合,循环利用”的原则,通过畜禽粪污的场内“小”循环利用、种养基地内“中”循环利用和市场化社会化“大”循环利用,达到畜禽粪污全部资源化利用的目的。  相似文献   

1. The composition of 106 vitamin supplements used in about 85% of the Spanish poultry production diets were studied. Vitamin supplements were grouped by production classes and, for broilers and pullets, also by feeding periods. 2. Four vitamins (niacin, alpha-tocopherol, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin) comprised over 87% of the vitamin supplements by weight (choline excluded), whereas alpha-tocopherol and retinol represented from 51% to 60% of the total vitamin cost. 3. The highest and lowest vitamin supplementation rates were for broilers in the starter and withdrawal periods (106 and 44 mg/kg, respectively) and the mean values for breeders, pullets and layers were 104, 58, and 48 mg/kg, respectively. 4. Supplements with higher vitamin contents showed less variability in their composition. Retinol, cholecalciferol, riboflavin and pantothenic acid showed the lowest variability within supplements (6% to 36% CV), whereas alpha-tocopherol, menadione, thiamin and biotin showed the highest (40% to 224% CV). 5. Vitamin supplementation rates were compared with requirements, taking into account the dietary contribution. In general, vitamin fortification exceeded the NRC recommendations, using a high safety margin for some vitamins such as vitamin A (from 2.6 to 7.8) and for some poultry classes such as breeders (3.2).  相似文献   

本文就低蛋白日粮在禽类生产中的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

1. Six hundred and seventy‐two light‐hybrid pullets aged 6 weeks were allocated to eight experimental treatments and cage‐reared to 18 weeks of age when they were transferred to single‐bird battery cages and fed on a common layer diet.

2. In the 6‐ to 12‐week period four dietary treatments were applied: a diet containing about 160 g crude protein (CP)/kg with or without 50 g dried poultry manure (DPM)/kg (diets 2 and 1 respectively) and a diet containing about 140 g CP/kg with or without 50 g DPM/kg (diets 4 and 3). In the 12‐ to 18‐week period two additional diets were fed: diets 1 and 3 supplemented with 10 g urea/kg (diets 5 and 6 respectively). Diets containing DPM were formulated to utilise the CP, energy, calcium and 50% of the phosphorus content of DPM.

3. Pullets fed on diets 1, 2 and 5 (high‐protein) were significantly heavier at 18 weeks than those fed on diets 3, 4 and 6 (low‐protein). In the laying period total estimated egg weight, food intake and conversion were significantly greater, and the age at first egg was significantly less (2.4 d).

4. Dietary DPM had no significant effect on the 18‐week body weight but food consumption was significantly less and conversion was significantly improved. There were no significant effects on subsequent laying performance. Dietary urea caused no significant effects on rearing or laying performance.  相似文献   

Female broiler chicks were offered semi‐purified diets containing crystalline essential amino acids, including proline, supplemented with various nitrogen sources. Individual final body weights, food consumption and food conversion efficiencies (FCE) were measured.

In the first experiment 70 1‐d‐old chicks were given one of seven diets for 21 d; basal (1A) or basal plus: 12% l‐glutamic acid (1B), 17.05% monoammonium citrate (1C), 9.23% diammonium citrate (1D), 6.61% triammonium citrate (TAC) (1E), 2.45% urea (1F) or 4.05% triammonium phosphate and 12.56% calcium lactate (1G). Using body weight at 21 d and FGE as measures of the effectiveness of the various nitrogen sources the orders were 1E (171 g), 1B (154 g) > 1D (131 g), 1G (123 g), 1F (118 g) >basal (89 g) >1C (66 g), (P < 0.05) and 1B (0.456), 1E (0.420) >1G (0.346), 1F (0.329), 1D (0.319) > basal (0.269) > 1C (0.192), (P < 0.05), respectively.

In the second experiment 70 7‐d‐old chicks were offered one of seven diets for 14 d; basal (2A) or basal plus 12% l‐glutamic acid (2B), 8.0% l‐glutamic acid and 2.21% TAC (2C), 4.0% L‐glutamic acid and 4.42% TAC (2D), 6.61% TAC (2E), 3.43% uric acid (2F) or 20.09% dried autoclaved poultry manure (2G). When the final body weights at 21 d and FCE were placed into a rank order, the degrees of effectiveness were: 2C (250 g), 2B (245 g), 2D (244 g), 2G (240 g) > 2E (206 g) > basal (165 g), 2F (150 g) (P < 0.045) and 2B (0.471), 2G (0.451), 2C (0.445), 2D (0.436) >2E (0.399) > basal (0.314) >2F (0.243) (P < 0.05), respectively. The results for diets 2B, 2C, 2D and 2E appear to indicate that 4% glutamic acid is required for maximal chick growth with these crystalline amino acid diets.  相似文献   

油脂是一种重要的家禽高能饲料原料,在整个饲料配方成本中占有很重要的比例,因此,准确评价油脂的代谢能值就显得尤为重要。油脂代谢能值的评定受诸多因素影响,导致油脂代谢能评定结果变异较大,油脂也成为代谢能最难评定的饲料原料之一。本文论述了影响油脂代谢能值评定的因素和评定方法对油脂代谢能测定结果的影响,以期为今后评定家禽油脂代谢能提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,黑色小茴香(Nigella sativa L.)、大蒜粉在家禽饲料中的使用已得到相当大的重视,这主要是因为它们具有较高的营养和治疗价值。它们的作用方式和对家禽的健康和生产性能的作用是什么?  相似文献   

刘桂芹 《中国家禽》2003,25(7):28-29
家禽全价日粮的配合旨在提高饲料的利用率,而影响其利用率的因素有许多方面,主要包括:制定合理的饲养标准;合理搭配饲料原料、开辟非常规资源;平衡营养使各养分之间配比协调;通过添加微量物质以提高营养物质的消化利用效率等等。1制定合理的饲养标准对某种特定动物所需要的各种营养物质的定额就是饲养标准,饲养标准也即动物饲养的准则。它既全面满足动物营养需要又能合理利用原料。但它是普遍性的指导原则,不可能对所有影响因素都加以考虑,所以日本已对家禽饲养标准进行了修订,提出了更符合鸡体生长需要的标准:①在计算能量需求量时已由原来…  相似文献   

陈继发 《饲料研究》2021,(3):135-139
蒙脱石(smectite,SM)是一种由颗粒极细的铝硅酸盐构成的层状黏土,具有吸附重金属、霉菌毒素、病原菌、细菌毒素和维护胃肠道黏膜及防治腹泻等功能.研究表明,SM能够缓解多种环境毒物对动物健康和生产造成的不利影响.饲粮中适量添加SM能提高畜禽生长和生产性能、提升畜产品品质、改善机体健康状况.文章简述SM的理化特性、主...  相似文献   

玉米DDGS(玉米酒糟)是燃料乙醇厂用玉米籽实与精选酵母、酶等混合发酵生产燃料乙醇后,剩余的发酵残留物经干燥形成的产物.每100公斤玉米可以生产34.4kg乙醇和31.6kgDDGS.2006~2007年度美国DDGS产量约为700万t,预计到2010年美国DDGS产量将达到3000万t;我国2006年玉米DDGS的产量达到274万t,2007年的产量大约为354万t.  相似文献   

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