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随着全国高等院校大力推进课程思政,在线上教学过程中如何引入思政元素,已成为目前各大高校亟待解决的问题。为了提高动物解剖及组织胚胎学线上课程思政质量,笔者针对思政教学素材资源匮乏的问题,通过分析线上教学的特点,探讨了适合动物解剖及组织胚胎学课程思政教学素材资源库的建设方案,阐述了动物解剖及组织胚胎学课程思政教学素材资源库建设的意义和基本原则,尝试在超星学习通平台构建以“理想信念”“职业道德”和“个人发展”为一级元素指标的动物解剖及组织胚胎学课程思政元素结构体系,并对该资源库建设包含的具体内容进行详细论证。  相似文献   

为了提高学生对动物解剖与组织胚胎学课程的学习效果,结合教学过程中积累的经验,将翻转课堂教学模式引入教学中,探究基于微课的动物解剖与组织胚胎学翻转课堂教学模式,提出具体实施方案及授课流程,在教学过程中进行初步应用,并评估该教学方法的有效性和可接受性。  相似文献   

课程思政是高校落实立德树人教育根本任务的有效途径。《动物解剖与组织胚胎学》是高等院校动物医学等相关学科领域的专业基础课之一。本文通过剖析《动物解剖与组织胚胎学》课程中的思政元素案例,以期为专业教育与思政教育的有效结合提供新思路,推动新农科背景下专业课程思政的建设。  相似文献   

中国畜牧兽医学会动物解剖及组织胚胎学分会第七届学术讨论会于7月26~29日在南宁市召开,会议由广西农业大学牧医系解剖组胚教研室具体筹备。参加会议人数112人,其中有台湾学者4人,广西农大党委书记马继汇、副院长甘桂滨、广西畜牧兽医学会理事长梁兆彦和广西农大牧医系系主任王振权都到会祝贺并讲了话。会议期间,台湾李良玉教授介绍了台湾牧医专业教学情况,其他代表就动物解剖及组织胚胎学的教学和  相似文献   

中国畜牧兽医学会动物解剖组织胚胎学研究会第六次学术讨论会及第二届理事会于1990年8月16—19日在四川成都举行。参加会议的有来自全国高等和中等农业院校从事家畜解剖组织胚胎学教学和科研工作  相似文献   

结合高职高专教育人才培养目标,以信阳农业高等专科学校畜牧兽医专业为例,从优化教学内容、丰富教学方法与手段、加强实验实训力度和改革课程考核方式四个方面探索了提高动物解剖与组织胚胎学教学质量的方法。  相似文献   

UMU平台是在移动互联网环境下利用手机等移动智能设备开展课堂内外互动教学的学习平台。主要阐述了UMU移动平台在《动物解剖与组织胚胎学》教学中的应用情况及教学成效。  相似文献   

<正>河北省考区办咨询电话:0311-858192226.执业兽医资格考试内容包括哪些学科?执业兽医资格考试学科包括动物解剖与组织胚胎学、动物生理学、动物生物化学、兽医药  相似文献   

中国畜牧兽医学会动物解剖及组织胚胎学第三次学术会议于1983年8月26日至30日在北京召开。中国农学会秘书长李怀尧、中国畜牧兽医学会副理事长于船教授、北京农业大学校长安民、兽医系主任孔繁瑶教授等领导同志亲自到会看望全体代表,并在开幕式上讲了话。  相似文献   

基础兽医学教研室作为安徽科技学院成立最早的基层教学组织,经过多年的建设发展,现已形成以动物解剖与组织胚胎学、动物生理学、兽医药理学与毒理学、动物病理学以及生物统计学等5个课程组为支撑的先进基层教学组织.教研室团队师资力量雄厚,在教学、科研、社会服务、文化传承方面特色鲜明,为我校高水平应用型本科建设与硕士学位点创建工作提供了强有力的支撑,为地方培育应用型人才与推动经济社会发展贡献了力量.  相似文献   

随着计算机信息技术的发展,多媒体辅助教学在教学领域中的应用也越来越广泛。家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学属于形态学领域的基础学科,该学科具有内容多和图片多的特点,运用多媒体教学方法讲授,能使文字与图片有机地结合,且形象具体、图文并茂,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Embryology belongs to the basic sciences and is usually an integral part of the anatomy. The subject is traditionally taught by visual inspection of embryonic tissue slides stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) to expose the dynamics of tissue histology as development proceeds. While combining in situ hybridization for gene expression analysis and immunostaining for protein expression analysis is an established technique for embryology research, the implementation of this tool in embryology teaching has not been described. The present study was conducted to assess the use of an online multi-colour gene expression analysis technique, alongside histological sections and diagrams, to improve students' understanding of embryology. The participants of this study were bachelor's students of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Khartoum. The method was also evaluated by distributing questionnaire items to Veterinary students via Google forms; subsequently, their responses were analysed qualitatively. The majority of students stated that the new technique was beneficial for their learning of embryology. The multi-colour images proved a more effective means for learning embryology than the traditional H&E image. Results from the students strengthen the belief in applying the multi-colour technique for better embryology course learning.  相似文献   

本研究以培养新农科背景下畜牧兽医行业一线急需的应用型人才为目标,结合动物解剖学课程特点,构建了“一中心、二平台、三路径、多环节”(123X)课程教学模式,以学生综合能力培养为中心,利用线上教学平台和线下实验实习平台,采用线上虚拟仿真项目与课程网络资源结合、线下实体解剖、解剖协会第二课堂三路径,通过思政融入课程、虚拟仿真实验融入实验教学等多环节,激发学生学习积极性和主动性,培养学生综合能力,形成了具有推广示范效应的动物解剖学课程教学典型经验。  相似文献   

In Korea, there are 10 veterinary schools and about 500 new veterinarians are produced annually. Veterinary education is 6‐year‐system composed of pre‐veterinary (2 yrs) and veterinary course (4 yrs). Total of 28 to 33 subjects are taught in professional curriculum, including 21 of 23 subjects recommended by the World Veterinary Association (WVA) as minimum requirements for veterinary education. Only economics and botany are excluded. Currently, 6648 veterinarians are active in the profession in Korea; about 31% of these in clinical practice and 69% in non‐clinical areas. Korea has 3.5 million pets, 10.4 million livestocks, 105 million chickens, and 0.5 million other animals. In general, 630 livestock units (LU) are covered by each veterinarian. With improvement of economic status and life style change, the number and variety of species of companion animals are expanding, accordingly. Also the importance of molecular biology is recognized and included in the professional curriculum. In these changing times, it is believed that gross anatomy, histology and embryology are essential integral component of found in veterinary education. But the teaching hours of histology, embryology and gross anatomy have reduced 15% during last 5 years due to new subjects. Total teaching hours in professional curriculum is about 4100 hours (pre‐clinical 29%, paraclinical 32%, clinical course 38%). Average 200 hours are allocated for gross anatomy, histology and embryology lecture and average 250 hours for laboratory practice. The number of students per class ranges 40–80 depending on schools. The ratio of male and female students is 6–4, and the teaching faculty and students 1–22. The Korean Association of Veterinary Anatomists (KAVA) recommend one cow, five dogs, two pigs, five goats and 20 chickens per 20 students to be used for the dissection. The students are evaluated using various types of exam such as assignments, written and oral tests. Recently some schools are beginning to adopt block lectures and/or PBL.  相似文献   

The morphological picture of Sertoli cells was studied in view of development. The testicular tissue of rams was studied from the 80th to the 140th day of intrauterine development and the testes of ram-lambs were studied from the 1st to the 40th day from birth; further, the testes were studied in adult rams. The development and differentiation of Sertoli cell precursors were examined, including their change into differentiated mature Sertoli cells. The electron-microscopic picture of these cells was described with special emphasis on those morphological changes in cells which are closely related with their functional activity during the development of the testes. The findings obtained so far in this field are incomplete and concern mainly laboratory animals and man. The results of the study extend the theoretical knowledge in the fields of histology, embryology, physiology, endocrinology and andrology. At the same time, they may serve as starting material for the study of the control of spermatogenesis under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

动物科学专业培养具备动物科学方面的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,具有从事动物科学研究能力的高级专业技术人才。动物繁殖学是一门重要的专业基础课程。通过改革和探索教材编排模式、理论教学模式、实验教学模式、实习教学模式,并充分利用现有实践教学资源,以期建立《动物繁殖学》开放式的教学体系,充分调动学生的积极性,强化学生的综合素质和能力,提高课程的教学效果和质量。  相似文献   

动物解剖学实验是以剖解动物为主体的一门实验课程,动物剖解过程中生物安全问题不容忽视。根据多年来从事动物解剖学实验教学的切身经验,从多个方面提出了控制生物安全事故发生的有效措施,以期能够杜绝动物解剖学实验过程中生物安全事故的发生。  相似文献   

由于信息技术的快速发展和动物医学专业需求的变化,动物解剖学教学在内容和方法方面发生了重大变化。动物医学专业教育已从被动和以教师为中心向积极、以临床为基础和以学生为中心转变。本文在“学为中心”背景下分析各种教学模式在动物解剖学教学中的作用和有效性。  相似文献   

随着我国兽药行业的蓬勃发展,动物药学专业应运而生。兽医药事管理学是动物药学专业的重要课程之一,教学目的是使学生能充分掌握、理解我国兽医药事管理法律法规,熟悉兽药研制、生产、流通和使用等各环节质量保证和控制的相关法律法规程序,明确兽药的安全有效与法制化管理的关系。但因我国在该方面起步较晚,该课程设置、教材建设及师资队伍建设等方面都还处在探索阶段,就动物药学学科建设及兽医药事管理教学现状及展望等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在生命科学研究领域,实验动物和动物实验起着非常重要的作用,为了提高本科生动物实验技能的训练,以适应就业岗位的需要,结合澳大利亚高校教学方法,对吉林农业科技学院动物科技学院相关专业实验动物技术课程进行理论和实验教学内容及方法的调整与改进,在教学理念方面强调“以学生本”,理论教学采用小组合作式和以问题为导向的教学模式;实验教学以项目法结合教师科研以提高学生动物实验技能为目的,多种教学方法相互融合以提高教学效果,旨在提高该校本科生动物实验技能,提高科技创新能力及就业竞争力。  相似文献   

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