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Cone‐rod dystrophy is a progressive inherited retinal degenerative disorder that occurs in humans and dogs. The deletion in the nephronophthisis 4 (NPHP4) gene was established as a causative mutation in standard wire‐haired Dachshunds. We analyzed all varieties of Dachshunds from the Czech Republic and five other dog breeds and found that the deletion in the NPHP4 (in heterozygous state) is present not only in standard‐, but also in miniature wire‐haired Dachshunds, but not in other varieties of Dachshunds or in other breeds.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was designed to explore possible breed differences in a basic behavioral phenotype in dogs. It measured paw use during food-retrieval from a cylindrical, hollow, rubber toy to assess motor laterality (pawedness) in 4 breeds of dogs selected for their morphological differences: 45 greyhounds (males n = 23/females n = 22), 47 whippets (15/32), 46 pugs (15/31), and 45 boxers (17/28). A laterality index was calculated from the use of individual paws to restrain the toy during feeding. An association was found between sex and the laterality index (P = 0.035), reflecting a significant bias for left-paw use by entire male dogs and right-paw use by entire female dogs but no sex difference was found in the mean strength of laterality. No significant association was found between age and the laterality index. No breed difference was found in the laterality index (P = 0.423) or the absolute strength of laterality (i.e., the laterality index without direction, P = 0.259). However, important breed differences in the use of the test device emerged. The frequency of simultaneous use of both paws was lowest in pugs (P < 0.0001). In addition, both brachycephalic breeds (pugs and boxers) took less time than the dolichocephalic breeds (the whippets and greyhounds) to complete the criteria of 100 paw-use scores that was set for the laterality test. The absence of breed differences in the laterality index for paw use suggests that the task is a reliable measure of motor laterality in dogs during a food-retrieval task.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) are important for terminating glutamatergic neurotransmission and protect central nervous system (CNS) neurons from glutamatergic excitotoxicity. We selected these genes as targets that may relate to canine behavioral traits. After screening four EAAT genes (glutamate transporter-1; GLT-1, excitatory amino acid transporter 4; EAAT4, excitatory amino acid carrier; EAAC1, glutamate/aspartate transporter; GLAST) for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we identified two silent SNPs (C129T and T471C) in the GLT-1 gene. We genotyped 193 dogs of 5 breeds and found significant variation among breeds in these two SNPs in GLT-1. The C129T polymorphism was not observed in Malteses and Miniature Schnauzers. These results suggest that polymorphisms in the GLT-1 gene may be useful markers for examining how the genetic background relates to the behavioral traits of dogs.  相似文献   

种群是用以实现某些特定目标而开展品种保持、培育和繁殖的基础群。种群在自然选择中是以“优胜劣汰”为规律,在人工选择中是以“高产、优质、高效、低耗”为准则。有人仍片面地认为,只要能繁殖的犬就可作为种犬,没有认识到种群在繁育工作中的地位,从而使一些低品质犬充斥到种群中,给繁育工作造成了较大的损失,这应引起业内人士的高度重视。  相似文献   

Objective— To develop a standard method of measurement for femoral angles and report values for normal Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers.
Study Design— Retrospective evaluation of canine pelvis and femoral radiographs.
Sample Population— Radiographs of Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers (n=100 for each breed).
Methods— Anatomic lateral distal and proximal femoral angle, mechanical lateral distal and proximal femoral angle, and femoral angle of inclination were measured from radiographs.
Results— For the 4 breeds (Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers, respectively) anatomic lateral distal femoral angles were 97°, 97°, 94°, and 98°; mechanical lateral distal femoral angles were 100°, 100°, 97°, and 100°; anatomic lateral proximal femoral angles were 103°, 98°, 101°, and 96°; mechanical lateral proximal femoral angles were 100°, 95°, 97°, and 93°; and inclination angles were 134°, 134°, 132°, and 137°. Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Rottweilers had significantly higher values for both anatomic and mechanical lateral distal femoral angle than German Shepherds. Anatomic and mechanical lateral proximal angles were greatest for Labrador Retrievers and lowest for Rottweilers.
Conclusion— Anatomic and mechanical femoral joint angles vary between breeds of dogs.
Clinical Relevance— Values for femoral joint angles may be clinically useful for angular limb deformity diagnosis, treatment, and assessment.  相似文献   

昆明的秋天是温和的、柔媚的,月季花随处开着,叶子花妩媚而娇嫩,空气中弥漫着各种花香,仿佛春天一般,可谓“春城无处不飞花”。湛蓝而高远的天空,几朵白云悠闲地飘着。一场热烈而精彩的全犬种展评暨训练比赛正在位于昆明市北郊的公安部昆明警犬基地赛场等候着养犬爱犬之人。这一天是2009年10月17日,也是一年一度的由中国工作犬管理协会主办,公安部昆明警犬基地、中国工作犬管理协会昆明办事处承办的犬的盛会。  相似文献   

Dogs can be grouped into two distinct types of breed based on the predisposition to chondrodystrophy, namely, non-chondrodystrophic (NCD) and chondrodystrophic (CD). In addition to a different process of endochondral ossification, NCD and CD breeds have different characteristics of intravertebral disc (IVD) degeneration and IVD degenerative diseases. The anatomy, physiology, histopathology, and biochemical and biomechanical characteristics of the healthy and degenerated IVD are discussed in the first part of this two-part review. This second part describes the similarities and differences in the histopathological and biochemical characteristics of IVD degeneration in CD and NCD canine breeds and discusses relevant aetiological factors of IVD degeneration.  相似文献   

Background: Hyperuricosuria is a condition that predisposes dogs to urate urolithiasis. A mutation that causes canine hyperuricosuria was previously identified in 3 unrelated dog breeds. The occurrence of the mutation in additional breeds was not determined. Hypothesis/Objectives: Identify additional breeds that have the hyperuricosuria mutation and estimate the mutant allele frequency in those breeds. Animals: Three thousand five hundred and thirty dogs from 127 different breeds were screened for the hyperuricosuria mutation. Methods: DNA samples were genotyped by pyrosequencing and allele‐specific polymerase chain reaction methods. Results: Mutant allele frequencies that range from 0.001 to 0.15 were identified in the American Staffordshire Terrier, Australian Shepherd, German Shepherd Dog, Giant Schnauzer, Parson (Jack) Russell Terrier, Labrador Retriever, Large Munsterlander, Pomeranian, South African Boerboel, and Weimaraner breeds. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: The hyperuricosuria mutation has been identified in several unrelated dog breeds. The mutant allele frequencies vary among breeds and can be used to determine an appropriate breeding plan for each breed. A DNA test is available and may be used by breeders to decrease the mutant allele frequency in breeds that carry the mutation. In addition, veterinarians may use the test as a diagnostic tool to identify the cause of urate urolithiasis.  相似文献   

Serum and urinary markers of bone turnover may be of value in animals as noninvasive tools for determining the response of the skeleton to disease and injury. Although normal values for bone markers have been reported for the Beagle, concerns remain that breed to breed differences will complicate the interpretation of bone marker data in dogs. To explore this, we examined serum bone markers in two breeds of vastly different size, Pomeranians and Irish Wolfhounds. Our hypothesis was that serum concentrations of bone markers are similar in toy and giant dog breeds and fall within the same range as those reported for Beagles. Bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP) and carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP), respectively markers of bone formation and bone resorption, were measured in age matched Pomeranians (n=14) and Irish Wolfhounds (n=14). No statistically significant differences between the mean BALP and mean ICTP serum concentrations from Pomeranians and Irish Wolfhounds were found. All BALP and ICTP concentrations were within the reference range reported for Beagles. The results of this study suggest that serum BALP and ICTP concentrations in giant and toy breeds are the same as in Beagles and that these assays may be used for dogs of all sizes.  相似文献   

Sixty-three cases of benign and malignant canine mammary tumors were analyzed to define the alteration of exons 5-8 for the p53 tumor suppressor gene using polymerase chain reaction direct sequence analysis with paraffin-embedded tissues. Four missense mutations were found in 38 benign mammary tumors (11%), and five missense (one tumor had two missense mutations) and one nonsense mutations were found in 25 mammary carcinomas (20%). These data suggest that the p53 gene alterations might be initiated at an early stage of canine mammary carcinogenesis and p53 mutations might be associated with malignancy. However, there was no evidence of any relationship between the p53 alterations and the histologic types of tumors or breeds of dogs.  相似文献   

Relationships between blood pressure and haemorrheological factors were examined in three groups of dogs characterised by different levels of blood pressure. The groups used were sight hounds (high pressure), retrievers (low pressure) and a mixed group with intermediate pressure. The three groups had different levels of haematocrit and blood viscosity at both high and low shear rates, with the sight hounds showing the highest and retrievers showing the lowest levels for each of the parameters. The plasma viscosities did not differ significantly between the groups. Blood pressure and blood viscosity or haematocrit were not correlated within dog groups, but when the dog groups were considered together, significant positive correlations existed between pressure and viscosity and pressure and haematocrit.  相似文献   

The vasovagal tonus index (VVTI), a time-domain indicator of heart rate variability, was measured in 92 dogs of six breeds (German shepherd dogs, labrador retrievers, cocker spaniels, boxers, bulldogs and cavalier King Charles spaniels). There was a significant difference in VVTI between the six breeds (P = 0.003). Brachycephalic dogs had a higher VVTI than other types of dog (P < 0.005), and when comparing individual breeds brachycephalic breeds tended to have a higher VVTI than non-brachycephalic breeds, although the difference was not always significant. The VVTI was negatively correlated with heart rate (P < 0.01) and dogs suffering from congestive heart failure had a lower VVTI than other dogs, whether compared within or between breeds (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Objectives : Studies in many species indicate that variation of spermatozoan head morphology is a sensitive biomarker for abnormal chromatin structure and resultant clinical fertility. This preliminary study evaluated spermatozoan head morphometry in different dog breeds and assessed whether morphometric parameters could reflect spermatozoan DNA fragmentation in dogs. Methods : Spermatozoan morphometry and DNA quality (measured by TUNEL flow cytometry) were assessed in semen from 11 dogs of three Italian breeds (Cirneco dell’Etna, Piccolo Levriero Italiano and Segugio Maremmano). Results : Morphometric data showed that Segugio dogs had significantly larger (33·67%) spermatozoa and that Piccolo Levrieros had a higher incidence of long (46·75%) and elliptical spermatozoan heads (11·5%) when compared with the samples from other breeds. Moreover, the predominance of elliptical spermatozoa in one dog (23%) was significantly related to the percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA (12·6%), whereas in another dog, where no more than 1% of spermatozoa was elliptical, only 0·36% of spermatozoa had damaged DNA. It is noteworthy that the breeding record of the former dog in the previous 12 months showed poor fertility and fecundity. Clinical Significance : These data suggest that spermatozoan head morphometry could be breed related and that there is a significant correlation between DNA fragmentation and elliptical spermatozoa in individual animals. This finding, albeit limited in our study to a single case, is possibly related to clinical infertility.  相似文献   

In this study, previously unreported cohort characteristics and seizure patterns for canine epilepsy were identified from a series of UK-based epileptic dogs containing 1260 cases from 79 known pedigree breeds and a group of crossbreed dogs.  相似文献   

In the present study quantitative computed tomography was used to analyze the absorption density in different localisations of the brain parenchyma comparatively in five different dog breeds. The breeds German Shepherd Dog, Dachshund, Boxer, Labrador Retriever and Miniature Poodle were chosen as representatives of different skull shapes and sizes. The mean absorption density for the German Shepherd Dog was 35.8 HU in the cerebellum, 28.5 - 34.8 HU in several locations of the cerebrum, 39.6 HU in the brain stem and 40.8 HU in the hypophyseal region. In the Dachshund, the mean density was 33.8 HU (cerebellum), 34.3 - 44.2 HU (several locations of the cerebrum), 33.3 HU (brain stem) and 38.6 HU (hypophyseal region). The Boxer showed a mean density of 38.7 HU in the cerebellum, 30.2 - 40.8 HU in several locations of the cerebrum, 35.6 HU in the brain stem and 33.1 HU in the hypophyseal region. The mean absorption density in the Labrador Retriever was 37.2 HU in the cerebellum, 29.4 - 32.9 HU (several locations of the cerebrum), 34.7 HU in the brain stem and 47.5 HU in the hypophyseal region. In the Miniature Poodle the mean density was 33.6 HU (cerebellum), 34.9 - 45.5 HU (several locations of the cerebrum), 32.7 HU (brain stem) and 32.4 HU (hypophyseal region). The study showed that the absorption density of the cerebrum, the brain stem and of the hypophyseal region partly were influenced by the different dog breeds. In the cerebellum no difference of density could be seen in the different breeds. The standardised values for the data of absorption densities of the brain parenchyma are the base for further examinations of dogs with clinical CNS diseases.  相似文献   

In this last part the preparation of the patient for the ERG is shown. Anesthesia, positioning, and retrobulbar injection technique are discussed. The protocol for recording the ERG is presented. The dog is dark adapted for 30 minutes. The level of adaptation is examined using a single flash of dim red light at various times. Rods and cones are stimulated separately by scotopically balanced red and blue flashes. After a single flash of bright white light the rods and cones are studied with flicker trains at 5, 12.5, 15 and 30 Hz. During dark adaptation the maximum b-wave amplitude increased from 13.8 +/- 8.4 microV to 49.3 +/- 16.3 microV. Bright white light stimuli resulted in b-wave amplitudes of 167.7 +/- 75.3 microV. There were always 6 oscillatory potentials visible on the b-wave. Scotopically balanced stimuli produced b-waves of 104 microV (red) and 116 microV (blue). It was found that older dogs had reduced b-wave amplitudes and longer peak times than younger dogs. The most common artefacts in electroretinography are discussed.  相似文献   

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