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【目的】利用微胶囊技术以果胶、壳聚糖为壁材对姜黄素进行包被处理,制备双层包被微胶囊,通过形态特征、机械强度、包埋率等分析确定最佳制备条件,并对其进行体外人工胃肠道耐受性研究。【方法】以8%果胶、不同浓度姜黄素(3.5、4.0、4.5、5.0和5.5 mg/mL)、氯化钙(CaCl2)溶液(0.3、0.4、0.5和0.6 mol/L)及不同配比姜黄素与果胶溶液(3∶7、2∶8、1∶9(V/V))为第一层包被,筛选果胶姜黄素微胶囊的最佳制备条件;以不同pH(4.2、4.6、5.0、5.4和5.8)的0.8%壳聚糖为第二层包被,筛选制备果胶/壳聚糖姜黄素微胶囊的最佳条件。以筛选的最佳条件制备3组微胶囊(T1、T2和T3),并对其外貌形态、机械强度、包埋率、载药量及体外人工胃肠道耐受性进行评价。【结果】当以8%果胶、4.5 mg/mL姜黄素、姜黄素与果胶配比为1∶9(V/V)、0.5 mol/L CaCl2为第一层包被条件时制得的果胶姜黄素微胶囊包埋率达98%;以pH为4.6、5.0和5.4的0.8%壳聚糖为第二层包被条件时制备的微胶囊大小均匀、形状...  相似文献   

本试验对嗜热链球菌微胶囊的冻干保护剂进行了筛选,对冻干工艺进行了优化,并对冻干嗜热链球菌微胶囊对胃液、肠液和贮存等胁迫作用的抵抗力进行了研究。结果显示:(1)最优的复合冻干保护剂为甘油2%,脱脂乳6%,抗坏血酸0.6%,海藻糖9%|存活率为80%|(2)添加冻干保护剂的微胶囊经模拟胃液处理150 min后,存活率为61%|未添加保护剂的微胶囊存活率为51%|(3)在模拟肠液中,添加冻干保护剂的微胶囊完全释放仅需60 min,而菌液对照组需要120 min才能释放完全|(4)4 ℃条件下贮存60 d后,嗜热链球菌冻干微胶囊存活率为77%,未冻干微胶囊存活率为62%|(5)冻干微胶囊分别在-20、4、20、37 ℃贮存60 d后,活菌数仍能达到108 cfu/g以上。试验结果表明,添加适宜的冻干保护剂可以提高嗜热链球菌微胶囊的性能,增强嗜热链球菌对胃液、肠液和贮存等体内外不良环境的抗性。[关键词] 冻干|益生菌|微胶囊  相似文献   

本研究以果胶、壳聚糖为壁材,乳酸片球菌和菊粉为壁芯,运用挤压法制备果胶/壳聚糖合生元微胶囊(PC(PA-I)MCs),并以包埋率、颗粒形态、机械强度、体外胃肠道耐受性及贮藏性能等为考核指标,研究合生元微胶囊包被工艺。试验分为3组,分别为游离状态的乳酸片球菌组(PA)、单独包埋乳酸片球菌制得的微胶囊组(PC(PA)MCs),菊粉与乳酸片球菌一同包埋制得的合生元微胶囊组(PC(PA-I)MCs)。结果表明,当果胶的质量浓度为5 g/100 mL、菊粉添加量为25 mg/mL、壳聚糖质量浓度为0.8 g/100 mL时,PC(PA-I)MCs组的微胶囊外观、粒径、机械强度和包埋率较好;通过体外人工胃肠道耐受性试验发现,PC(PA-I)MCs组在体外人工胃液中比较稳定(P<0.05),在体外人工肠液中30 min开始迅速释放,到2 h后微胶囊基本完全崩解。通过4周的储藏试验比较发现,PA组乳酸片球菌在冷藏和常温下,菌体存活率下降明显,而添加菊粉的PC(PA-I)MCs组菌体存活率下降幅度较小,且PC(PA-I)MCs组的菌体存活率高于PC(PA)MCs组(P>0.05);室温条件下PC(PA-I)MCs组的菌体存活率高于PC(PA)MCs组(P>0.05)。综上所述,以菊粉为益生元的果胶/壳聚糖微胶囊对乳酸片球菌有较好的包埋效果。  相似文献   

通过微胶囊技术对益生菌进行保护,可以在一定范围内延长益生菌制剂的保存期,并尽量减少其通过胃肠道时的损失。介绍了不同益生菌的微胶囊化制备方法及微胶囊技术在益生菌保护中的应用,探讨了微胶囊技术中存在的问题,并对微胶囊技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

益生菌对人体具有保健功效,在乳制品中的应用日趋广泛,但制品中益生菌的存活率很低。微胶囊包埋是保护益生菌免受外界环境侵害的常用方法,综述了益生菌的微胶囊包埋技术及在生产中的应用。  相似文献   

微胶囊包埋技术在益生菌制品中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
益生菌对人体具有保健功效,在乳制品中的应用日益广泛,但制品中益生菌的存活率很低,微胶囊包埋是保护益生菌免受外界环境侵害的常用方法。本文综述了益生菌的微胶囊包埋技术及在生产中的应用。  相似文献   

酸碱-酶结合法从麦麸中提取出膳食纤维,得出最佳提取工艺:淀粉酶0.5%,60℃,1%NaOH,碱解100 min.以活化的嗜酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus)与可溶性膳食纤维作为芯材,不溶性膳食纤维与海藻酸钠、明胶作为壁材制成微胶囊,进行崩解耐受性试验.结果表明,壁材(不溶性膳食纤维0.5 g 3%明胶:2%海藻酸钠=1:1):芯材(50%可溶性膳食纤维:嗜酸乳杆菌菌液=1:1)按1:1的比例制成的微胶囊可明显提高益生菌(嗜酸乳杆菌)的存活能力和活性.  相似文献   

益生菌及其益生作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

植物精油具有良好的抑菌、抗炎、抗氧化特性,在畜禽饲料中添加使用具有安全、高效、毒副作用小、残留量低等优点,在成为饲用抗生素替代品方面有较高的开发潜力和研究价值。介绍了植物精油的理化特性,综述了植物精油微胶囊化工艺和制备方法及植物精油在畜禽养殖业中的应用研究进展,以期为畜禽用植物精油微胶囊制剂的研究与开发及植物精油在畜禽生产中的科学应用提供参考。  相似文献   

市售伊维菌素制剂存在生物利用度低,释药峰谷浓度差异大等问题,本文以明胶为囊材,采用单凝聚法制备伊维菌素长效注射微胶囊油混悬剂。以微胶囊的粒径、载药量和包封率为制备工艺的优化指标,采用分光光度法测定微胶囊内药物含量及包封率。结果显示:最佳工艺制备的微胶囊的平均包封率为63.2%,载药量为18.3%,微胶囊的正圆度高、表面平滑,粒径分布在20~50 μm,药物呈缓慢持续释放,体外累计释放率18 h为30.0%,44 h后仅为51.0%。伊维菌素微胶囊制剂可大大增加体内留存时间,提高生物利用度,缓释效果显著。  相似文献   

Two strains of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus acidophilus T-135 and Lactobacillus plantarum 4/97) were selected in order to study their inhibitory properties against frequent udder pathogens (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Salmonella enteritidis and Bacillus pumilus), their production of organic acids as well as their ability to survive on the teat skin, the teat duct mucosa and in a lipoid emulsion. Both strains inhibited the tested pathogenic microbes and survived on the investigated surfaces and in an emulsion for more than 6 hours and 11 days, respectively.  相似文献   

Microencapsulation provides a physical barrier to the Lactobacillus against the harsh environmental conditions and gastrointestinal passage thereby increasing the number of viable cells reaching the small intestine,and it is also beneficial to storage,processing and transportation.Spray drying is a common technology used in microencapsulation process because it is a continuous and rapid process with low cost and high reproducibility.However,it can cause a decrease in microorganism numbers and activity due to high inlet and exit air temperatures and evaporation rates during the process,which has strict requirement for Lactobacillus in the selection of wall materials and preparation parameters.This article reviewed the research progress of spray drying for microencapsulated Lactobacillus,which contained the selection of microcapsule wall material,technological parameter and the evaluation method of microencapsulated Lactobacillus.It could provide the theoretical basis of preparation for microencapsulated Lactobacillus and its industrial production.  相似文献   

乳酸菌微胶囊技术是将核心菌体包覆于胃不溶、肠溶性的安全、特殊壁材中,可增加菌体对不良环境(胃液、胆盐等)的抵抗力,使其顺利到达肠道以发挥益生作用,且利于储存、加工和运输。利用喷雾干燥技术进行微胶囊制备具有包被速率快、生产成本低、适用于连续化生产等优点,但由于其存在较高进出口风温度及快速脱水过程,对于饲用乳酸菌的微胶囊制备在壁材物质及制备参数等方面具有严格的要求。为此,作者从工艺过程、壁材选择、工艺参数选择及其产品效果分析等方面,对近年来喷雾干燥技术在乳酸菌微胶囊制备方面进行了综述,以期为推动乳酸菌微胶囊制剂的研制及其在动物生产中的应用提供依据。  相似文献   

【目的】试验旨在研究植物乳杆菌GX20200417-1菌株的生物学特性及体外抑菌活性,探讨其在生产中应用的可能性。【方法】将植物乳杆菌GX20200417-1菌株接种至不同pH和含不同浓度胆盐的PBS,以及人工胃肠液中,使用菌落计数分析其对酸、胆盐和人工胃肠液的耐受性。使用牛津杯法检测GX20200417-1菌株对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌及沙门氏菌的抑菌能力;通过与霉菌毒素共培养后使用ELISA方法研究GX20200417-1菌株对霉菌毒素的降解能力,并饲喂小鼠进行安全性试验。【结果】植物乳杆菌GX20200417-1菌株能够耐受pH 2.0及0.3%胆盐,并在人工胃肠液中有至少1×104 CFU/mL的活菌数;GX20200417-1菌株发酵上清液对大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌均有明显的抑制作用,对玉米赤霉素及黄曲霉毒素均有降解作用,但对呕吐毒素无降解作用;灌服GX20200417-1菌株后小鼠安全、无毒副作用。【结论】植物乳杆菌GX20200417-1菌株具有优良的益生特性,在畜禽生产中有一定的开发潜力。  相似文献   

Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG (LGG) has been studied extensively as a probiotic in humans. However, the ability of an organism to survive passage through the intestinal tract and exert beneficial effects cannot be directly extrapolated between species. This study evaluated the ability of LGG to survive gastrointestinal transit in dogs and assessed whether oral administration of LGG is safe, in order to determine whether studies evaluating the efficacy of LGG in the treatment of canine disease are indicated. Dogs were divided into 5 groups receiving doses of 0 (control group, n = 4), 1 x 10(9) (group 1, n = 8), 1 x 10(10) (group 2, n = 8), 5 x 10(10) (group 3, n = 8) and 5 x 10(11) (group 4, n = 4) colony forming units per day, orally, for 5 days. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was detected in the feces of 4/8 dogs in groups 1 and 2, 5/8 dogs in group 3, 4/4 dogs in group 4, and 0/4 dogs in the control group. Fecal colonization was significantly greater in group 4 than in any other group (P < 0.001). Differences between groups 1, 2, and 3 were not significant. No adverse effects were noted. Fecal colonization of LGG in dogs is somewhat variable; however, clinical studies are indicated to evaluate this organism in the treatment and prevention of canine disease.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the potential effects of an oral treatment by a newly isolated probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum TN8 strain on trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS)‐induced colitis in Wistar rats. Thus, 18 rats were divided into three groups (n = 6 per group): group 1 (control) – rats not receiving TNBS application; group 2 – rats receiving an intrarectal TNBS infusion (100 mg/kg TNBS dissolved in ethanol); and group 3 – rats treated with intragastrical TN8 strain once per day (for 5 days before TNBS induction). The performance and the effects of the probiotic treatment were evaluated using a series of histological, biophysical and biochemical analyses. The results have shown that the treatment with the L. plantarum TN8 strain improves the body weight and reduces the diarrhoea, colonic mucosal inflammation and colon shortening. TN8‐treated rats showed a significant decrease in the total cholesterol content from 1.86 (for group 2) to 1.32 mmol/l and in triglyceride (TG) content from 2.09 (for group 2) to 1.23 mmol/l. Furthermore, the findings revealed that the high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol contents increased from 0.95 to 1.02 mmol/l. The histological studies have confirmed that the architecture of the liver and kidney tissues of the TN8‐treated rats were found to be improved. Overall, the results suggest that the L. plantarum TN8 presents promising perspectives for the development of safe and cost‐effective agents for the prevention or alleviation of several intestinal pathologies.  相似文献   

本文对近10年来以乳酸杆菌作为鸡用益生菌的应用效果进行了综述,添加乳酸杆菌能显著提高肉鸡生长速度5%-10%(占统计数73%L2/3的试验能显著提高饲料效率,但幅度相差较大(从2.5%到30%)。多数报道认为能提高机体免疫力、抑制病,原菌的致病性,降低鸡的死亡率。乳酸杆菌对产蛋鸡生产性能的影响较稳定。  相似文献   

A high viability of probiotics in food product, with a living cells threshold of 107/cfu/g (colony‐forming units/g) is a challenge to achieve in food production. Spray drying is an efficient and economic industrial method for probiotic bacterial preservation and its application in food products. In this study, the survival of free and spray‐dried cells of potential probiotic strain Lactobacillus plantarum 564 after production and during 8 weeks of storage of soft acid coagulated goat cheese was investigated, as well as compositional and sensory quality of cheese. Total bacterial count of spray‐dried Lb. plantarum 564 cells were maintained at the high level of 8.82 log/cfu/g in cheese after 8 weeks of storage, while free‐cell number decreased to 6.9 log/cfu/g. However, the chemical composition, pH values and sensory evaluation between control cheese (C1 sample made with commercial starter culture) and treated cheese samples (C2 and C3, made with the same starter, with the addition of free and spray‐dried Lb. plantarum 564 cells, respectively) did not significantly differ. High viability of potential probiotic bacteria and acceptable sensory properties indicate that spray‐dried Lb. plantarum 564 strain could be successfully used in the production of soft acid coagulated goat cheeses.  相似文献   

The health of poultry is closely related to how the animals are raised, and the gut microbiota plays a key role in the fulfillment of their productive potential. Lactobacillus spp. are bacteria present in the natural microbiota of poultry that, when employed as probiotic agents, should present several characteristics. This study aims at performing the in vitro probiotic isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus spp. Isolates were obtained from ceca content of healthy turkeys through the isolation and identification of morphological, molecular, and physiologic characteristics. They were identified through Gram staining, catalase and hydrogen peroxide production tests, gas production tests during glucose fermentation, and hydrogen sulfide production during the triple sugar iron test. The samples were identified molecularly through polymerase chain reaction tests and were subjected to genetic sequencing. The assessment of the probiotic potential was conducted through artificial gastric juice tolerance and bile salt tolerance tests. A hydrophobicity test was used as an indirect method of assessing an isolate’s probable ability to adhere to the intestinal mucosa. In addition, other analyses were performed, such as multiplication potential tests, Salmonella Heildelberg antagonism assays, hydrogen peroxide production tests, and antibiograms, as well as an assessment of the genes responsible for resistance to antimicrobial agents in Integron C. In conclusion, we identified, through morphologic, physiologic, pathogen antagonism, and antimicrobial resistance tests, 11 strains of Lactobacillus spp. belonging to species L. reuteri (9), L. johnsonii (1), and L. frumenti (1) that showed potential as probiotic candidates for in vivo application.  相似文献   

植物乳杆菌来源广泛,作为益生菌家族的一员,其具有调节肠道菌群平衡、参与机体免疫应答和降低胆固醇水平等多种益生功能,在食品工业中有着广泛应用。本文综述了植物乳杆菌的益生功能机制并列举了代表性菌株,对植物乳杆菌在乳品领域的应用发展限制因素进行阐述,同时提出了目前的常见解决方法,为植物乳杆菌在实际中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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