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Qualitative and quantitative analyses of betalain pigments in 10 cultivars/lines of prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) fruit grown in Mexico were conducted with reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) coupled with electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Betacyanins and betaxanthins were identified by comparison with the UV/vis and mass spectrometric characteristics as well as the retention times of semisynthesized reference betaxanthins. Data revealed that the ratio and concentration of betalain pigments are responsible for the color in the different cultivars, showing the highest betalains content in the fruit of purple colored Camuesa (O. robusta Wendl.) (8.1 mg/g dry fruit), which is comparable to that found in red beet Beta vulgaris L. ssp. Var. Pablo) (8.6 mg/g dry tissue). Yellow betalains were absent in Reyna (O. alba-carpa) prickly pear cultivar. A total of 24 known/unknown betalains were present in the prickly pear fruit samples studied, including 18 betaxanthins and 6 betacyanins. Our results indicate that prickly pear cultivars can be considered as a potential source of yellow and red natural colorants.  相似文献   

梨果肉与种子中钙与内源激素含量变化关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为明确果肉与种子中钙含量与内源激素间的关系,以黄花梨为材料进行了研究。通过高效液相色谱法与原子吸收光度法对果肉与种子中的内源激素及钙含量进行定期检测,结果表明,在梨果实发育进程中,果肉、种子中的钙含量分别呈下降与上升的趋势,果实膨大期为果肉钙迅速下降,而种子钙迅速上升的关键时期,此时果肉与种子中GA3含量达到峰值。相关性分析表明,果肉钙与果肉IAA含量的相关系数为0.77,种子钙与种子IAA含量的相关系数为-0.73,果肉钙与果肉ZR含量的相关系数为0.72,果肉钙与果肉ABA含量相关系数为0.77。果肉与种子中钙的积累应该是多种激素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Betalain pigments are bioavailable phytochemicals recently acknowledged as natural radical scavengers. This work, which extends previous research on the postabsorbitive fate of dietary betalains, investigated the distribution of betanin and indicaxanthin in red blood cells (RBCs) isolated from healthy volunteers (n = 8), before and during the 1-8 h interval after a cactus pear fruit meal, and the potential antioxidative activity of the pigments in these cells. A peak concentration of indicaxanthin (1.03 +/- 0.2 microM) was observed in RBCs isolated at 3 h after fruit feeding, whereas the concentration at 5 h was about half, and even smaller amounts were measured at 8 h. Indicaxanthin was not detected at 1 h. Betanin (30.0 +/- 5.2 nM) was found only in RBCs isolated at 3 h from fruit feeding. In comparison with homologous RBCs before fruit ingestion, a significant delay (P < 0.05) of the onset of an ex vivo cumene hydroperoxide (cumOOH)-induced hemolysis was evident in the RBCs isolated at 3 h (33.0 +/- 4.5 min) and at 5 h (16.0 +/- 2.0 min). Neither vitamins C and E nor GSH was modified in the RBCs at any time point. Blood collected from the same volunteers after a 12-h fasting was incubated with the purified betalains in the range of 5-25 microM, to enrich the erythrocytes with either betanin or indicaxanthin, and then the cells were exposed to cumOOH. When compared to the relevant nonenriched cells, the betalain-enriched erythrocytes exhibited an enhanced resistance to the cumOOH-induced hemolysis, which was positively correlated (r (2) = 0.99) to the amount of the incorporated compound. On a micromolar basis, betanin and indicaxanthin showed a comparable effectiveness. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that human RBCs incorporate dietary betalains and support the concept that these phytochemicals may offer antioxidative protection to the cells.  相似文献   

Biothiols, taurine, and flavonols, as well as tocopherols and carotenoids have been assessed in the edible pulp of Sicilian red (Sanguigna), yellow (Surfarina), and white (Muscaredda) cultivars of cactus pear. The yellow cultivar has the highest level of reduced glutathione (GSH, 8.1 +/- 0.78 mg/100 g pulp), whereas the white cultivar showed the highest amount of cysteine (1.21 +/- 0.12 mg/100 g pulp). Taurine accounted for 11.7 +/- 1.0 mg/100 g in the yellow pulp, while lower levels were measured in the others. With the exception of kaempferol in the yellow cultivar (2.7 +/- 0.2 microg/100 g pulp), the edible pulp of cactus pear was not a source of flavonols. Very low amounts of lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E and carotenoids were measured in all cultivars. As a consequence of industrial processing, a total loss of GSH and beta-carotene and a net decrease of vitamin C and cysteine were revealed in the fruit juice, whereas betalains, taurine, and vitamin E appeared to be less susceptible to degradation.  相似文献   

The effect of casein content and Ca concentration on Fe, Zn, and Ca dialyzability was assessed using a response surface design. Tested casein levels were 5.31-13.75 g/L (34.8-90.2% of total protein). Whey protein was added to complete 15.25 g/L total protein. Calcium levels were adjusted with calcium citrate within a range between 417.4 and 804.9 mg/L. Through the experimental design utilized, we found that of both assessed factors, only the casein content significantly influenced Fe and Zn dialyzability. Protein composition did not influence calcium dialyzability, and calcium concentration did not affect either Fe or Zn dialyzability. No effect of casein-Ca on iron, zinc, and calcium dialyzability was found. According to these results, whey-dominant formulas are less prone to hamper mineral availability, and are therefore suitable in order to improve iron and zinc availability.  相似文献   

This study assesses the influence of saccharides in the rhizodeposition on the phosphate solubilizing ability of rhizosphere bacteria. Water‐soluble rhizodeposits were analyzed of 14C‐labeled pea plants (Pisum sativum, cv. ‘Grapis’) which were grown at two different levels of P‐nutrition. The sugars produced were fed in vitro either as single compounds or as synthetic mixtures to three bacterial strains and the ability of the bacteria to mobilize Ca3(PO4)2 was measured. The relative glucose proportion of pea exudates decreased under P deficiency while the content of galactose, ribose, xylose and fucose increased. In vitro feeding of single sugars and sugar mixtures showed that the ability of Pseudomonas fluorescens (PsIA12) to dissolve tertiary calcium phosphate was lower with pentoses and the mixed sugars of the P‐deficient plants than with glucose. On the other hand, the shifted sugar pattern observed under P deficiency increased the phosphate mobilization ability of Pantoea agglomerans (D5/23) and Azospirillum sp. (CC 322) considerably. This observation can only partly be explained by the acidification of the nutrient medium. Bacteria also produced different carboxylic anions depending on sugar supply. In addition to low‐molecular mono‐, di‐, and tricarboxylic acids which are known as P‐solubilizing substances, sugar acids also played an important role in cultures D 5/23 and CC 322.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and calcium on copper bioavailability to the springtail Folsomia candida was determined by assessing uptake kinetics upon copper exposure for 15 days in simplified soil solutions. A slight bioaccumulation of copper was observed in all treatments and controls. The effect of exposure concentration and calcium level on copper accumulation was not significant. Although pH and time slightly but significantly affected copper concentrations in the body, copper uptake rates were not significantly different from zero. This suggests that copper uptake in F. candida exposed to sub-lethal copper concentrations in soil pore water is not affected by pH and calcium.  相似文献   


Soil samples, dried and in field moisture condition, respectively, were extracted by 0.01M calcium chloride (CaCl2) at two different soil:extractant ratios (1:2 and 1:10), and analysed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP), by ion Chromatograph, and by two different molybdenum blue methods for content of phosphorus (P). There was a good relationship between the methods, although the different methods gave quite different P values. Phosphorus detected by the molybdenum blue methods included not only orthophosphates, and the values were influenced by method‐dependent factors like effect of temperature. The difference is important when studying the complex of P cycle in soil and its plant availability and stresses the need for a reliable method of detecting low amounts of orthophosphates in soil extracts. Plant samples, collected at the same times as the soil samples, were digested in concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and the P content determined by ICP. Linear regressions were performed with plant P as dependent on extractable P according to different methods. The degree of explanation is generally between 0.6 and 0.9, without indicating any method as superior in predicting plant availability of P.  相似文献   

The degradation and transformation of p-nitrophenol (PNP) was evaluated with as-prepared iron oxides (γ-FeOOH, Fe3O4, and α-Fe2O3) as catalyst. Results showed that α-Fe2O3 exhibited higher catalytic activity than the other two samples for reduction transformation and oxidative degradation of PNP. α-Fe2O3 showed higher surface-bound Fe(II) contents in the presence of oxalic acid and stronger affinity to PNP, leading to an increase in PNP reductive transformation. And α-Fe2O3 could effectively adsorb visible light and hinder the recombination of charge carriers, resulting in higher oxidative degradation activity. p-Aminophenol (PAP), as the main reduction transformation product of PNP, could be removed further by oxidative degradation in the reaction system itself. A possible mechanism was suggested for the comprehensive effect of PNP degradation during the reaction process.  相似文献   

喷硼对梨果硼、钙含量及石细胞形成相关酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄花梨为试验材料,分别于幼果期、膨大期和成熟期进行叶面喷施硼酸,研究外源硼对梨果实硼和钙含量、石细胞含量及相关酶活性的影响。结果表明:1)从叶面喷硼对果实吸收硼的短期效果来看,果实发育的不同时期叶面喷施硼酸均促进果实对硼的吸收,其各处理的促进效果顺序为幼果期果实膨大期果实成熟期,不同时期叶面喷施硼酸均提高了果肉中水溶态硼、半束缚态硼和束缚态硼的含量; 2)幼果期喷硼提高了梨果实的钙含量,而果实膨大期和成熟期喷硼降低了果实内的钙含量,但各时期喷硼处理均提高梨果肉细胞壁内的钙含量; 3)不同时期叶面喷施硼酸降低了梨果石细胞含量,果实过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶和苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性也低于对照,且幼果期处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

Cereals are introduced to infants between the ages of 4 and 6 months to supplement breast milk and follow-on formula. Our objectives were to examine the content and in vitro availability of Fe, Ca, and Zn from five commercially available infant cereals mixed with water or follow-on formula before and after dephytinization. We estimated the bioaccessibility by measuring the soluble or dialyzable mineral fraction resulting from in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of the sample. For most infant cereals analyzed, dephytinization increased the in vitro availability of iron and zinc. This finding was especially dramatic among infant cereals mixed with follow-on formula rather than with water. However, the liquid used for reconstitution did not always show a significant (p < 0.05) interaction with phytase addition and in vitro mineral availability. The results of this study indicate that adding follow-on formula to infant cereals does not improve the bioaccessibility of iron, calcium, and zinc, despite the increase in mineral content it implies. Results obtained also showed that mineral solubility and dialyzability do not always follow parallel trends.  相似文献   

The effect of added organic acids on the calcium availability of vegetables was investigated using the dialysis profiles obtained from an in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion with continuous-flow dialysis method. Citric acid was the most effective enhancer followed by tartaric, malic, and ascorbic acids. For amaranth, which has a low calcium availability (5.4%), a significant increase of availability was observed with increasing concentrations of all acids studied. With the continuous-flow dialysis approach, organic acids could be observed to promote the dialyzability even at an elevated intestinal pH. An enhancement effect from added organic acids was not clearly observed for Chinese kale, which itself contains a high amount of available calcium (52.9%).  相似文献   

The present study was to demonstrate the efficiency of antioxidant of bamboo leaves (AOB) on the reduction of acrylamide during thermal processing and to summarize the optimal level of AOB applied in potato-based products. Potato crisps and French fries were immersed into different contents of AOB solution, and the frying processing parameters were optimized. The acrylamide content was determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The sensory evaluation was performed in double blind manner. Our results showed that nearly 74.1% and 76.1% of acrylamide in potato crisps and French fries was reduced when the AOB addition ratio was 0.1% and 0.01% (w/w), respectively. The maximum inhibitory rate was achieved when the immersion time was designed as 60 s. Sensory evaluation results showed that the crispness and flavor of potato crisps and French fries processed by AOB solution had no significant difference compared to normal potato matrixes (P > 0.05) when the AOB addition ratio was <0.5% (w/w). These results suggested that AOB could significantly reduce acrylamide formation in potato-based foods and keep original crispness and flavor of potato matrixes. This study could be regarded as a pioneer contribution on the reduction of acrylamide in various foods by natural antioxidants.  相似文献   

An on-line method to detect and quantify antioxidant species in complex extracts has been developed as a combination of conventional HPLC separation and a postcolumn reaction with phosphomolybdenum reagent at acidic pH. Sample analytes were chromatographed by HPLC, and the postcolumn formation of a phosphate/Mo(V) complex was detected at 598 nm with an on-line absorbance detector. An optimized instrumental system was set up using pure alpha-tocopherol, and it was successfully tested with complex food extracts including lettuce, tomato, red pepper, and soybean seed, where several tocopherols and carotenoids were identified. A potential application of this detection method to quantitatively determine different antioxidants was considered, and a specific application to the determination of tocopherols was developed. The new method was characterized with respect to linearity interval, repeatability, and reproducibility, the quantitative results obtained were validated by comparison with a conventional HPLC method with fluorometric detection, and it was applied to the determination of tocopherols in different foods. The results suggest that the proposed on-line HPLC method can be a powerful instrument for the detection, purification, and characterization of natural antioxidants.  相似文献   

Abstract. Methods that can be used to determine the distribution of metal species in soil solution are critically reviewed and assessed. They are divided into two groups: those that can provide free ion activity, and those that measure labile species in solution. Ion selective electrodes have long been regarded as a promising technique, but there are practical problems in performing accurate measurements and only the Cu electrode has been used routinely. The Donnan membrane technique is capable of measuring the free ion activity of many metals, but adequate sensitivity can be a problem. Although resin competition methods are versatile, care must be exercised to avoid perturbing the solution excessively. Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) measures labile species, so the approximation involved in interpretation as simple inorganic species, from which free ion activities can be derived, should be recognized. Diffusive gradients in thin-films also measures labile species, but it is applicable to a much wider range of metals than ASV. It requires larger volumes of solution, but it can be used directly on the whole soil where it also measures the metal that can be rapidly supplied to solution. Other techniques such as permeable liquid membranes have yet to be used for measurements on soil solution. All of these methods have strength and weaknesses, and measure different aspects of speciation. Knowledge of the availability of the metals to biota is likely to be best advanced by the critical use of one or more of these speciation methods with a thorough understanding of exactly what is being measured.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2000,14(2):165-175
A commonly observed preferential association was quantified between mature native mesquite (Prosopis articulata) trees and the seedlings of six cactus species (Pachycereus pringlei, Opuntia cholla, Lophocereus schottii, Machaerocereus gummosus, Lemaireocereus thurberi, Mammilaria sp.) in a previously-disturbed area of the Sonoran Desert of Baja California, Mexico. We hypothesized that, in addition to more favorable edaphic factors, the inoculum potential of beneficial vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi was higher, and therefore, more favorable for cactus seedling establishment under the mesquite tree canopy (UC) compared to adjacent barren areas (BAs) away from the trees. In the greenhouse inoculum potential assays, VAM fungi were detected in onion (Allium cepa) trap plants from all soil samples regardless of collection site, but cardon cactus (P. pringlei) trap seedlings formed no VAM even after 6.5 months. Test soils were further used to preinoculate new onion seedlings transplanted into pots, to serve as nurse plants to inoculate adjacent cardon seedlings by vegetative transfer. After 15 months, cardon seedlings did develop slight VAM colonization, confined exclusively to the outermost cortical layers. Examination of test soils for spores or root fragments revealed very few to none, and spore production on onion trap plant roots was also sparse even though colonization was high. Analysis of UC and BA soils revealed that the water holding capacity, nutrient content, cation exchange capacity, total carbon, and total nitrogen contents of the UC soils were all higher than those of the BA soils. Since the VAM inoculum density in this study was not different between sites under and away from the mesquite tree canopy, we concluded that VAM inoculum density is not the primary factor for the establishment of cactus seedlings and that edaphic factors probably play a more important role. Our results suggest, however, that VAM inoculum potential in these hot desert soils, although relatively low, is probably maintained in the upper layers by means of hyphal fragments rather than spores.  相似文献   

五九香梨贮藏期间挥发性化合物和理化性状的变化(英)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用高效液相色谱法测定贮藏期间五九香梨的糖和有机酸的组成及变化,采用固相微萃取方式(SPME)进行萃取,并结合气相色谱和质谱(GC/MS)分析检测梨果实中的挥发性香气成分。得出以下主要结论:果糖是五九香梨的主要糖类,其次是葡萄糖和蔗糖。随着贮藏期的延长,果糖先有增加的趋势,在贮藏的第三个月内,果糖含量处于最高,而蔗糖和葡萄糖减少趋势不明显。五九香梨果实中的主要有机酸是苹果酸和柠檬酸,整个贮藏期间,柠檬酸和酒石酸含量处于上升趋势,苹果酸和奎宁酸含量在第一、二月贮藏期间增加,而后开始下降;莽草酸含量在贮藏期第一到第三阶段上升,而后略下降;琥珀酸含量在第一到第二阶段变化不明显,接着有上升的趋势,在第三阶段含量达到最高,第四和第五阶段略低于第三阶段;乙酸含量变化不明显。梨果实的硬度略有下降,贮藏的前3个月,可溶性固形物含量有上升的趋势,随后开始缓慢下降。五九香梨的主要香气成分化合物有乙酸己酯 (49.35%),乙酸丁酯 (19.56%),己酸乙酯 (5.16%),丁酸乙酯 (4.92%),乙酸乙酯 (1.08%),(E,Z)-2,4-癸二烯酸乙酯 (0.84%)等。在整个贮藏期间,部分香气成分随着贮藏期的延长而略有增加,尤其是酯类化合物。结果显示:果实硬度、可溶性固形物、糖、有机酸和香气的组成与变化对五九香梨果实的品质都有一定的影响。  相似文献   


A rapid and efficient method has been developed for the determination of exchangeable calcium in various soil solutions utilizing the Orion calcium liquid ion‐exchange electrode. Also, a relatively important ammonium ion selectivity constant has been calculated.  相似文献   

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