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Working at pressures of up to 2000 atmospheres, more than ten times higher than in previous gas chromatography, we used the solvent power of dense gases to enable migration of chromatographic substances of molecular weights as high as 400,000. Carotenoids, corticol steroids, sterols, nucleosides, amino acids, carbohydrates, and several polymers have been caused to migrate, separated, and detected in NH(3) and CO(2) carrier gases at temperatures of 140 degrees and 40 degrees C, just above the respective critical points. Previously such compounds either defied separation by gas chromatography or had to be chromatographed as their more volatile derivatives.  相似文献   

Optically gated recording and nonvolatile readout in a digital volume holographic data storage system that uses a pair of mutually incoherent light sources during recording and only one for readout were demonstrated recently. This approach used stoichiometric lithium niobate, which after post-growth processing gave rise to an at least two orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over the best materials reported previously. It is also shown that by adding certain dopants (iron and manganese) to near-stoichiometric lithium niobate, the dark storage time and gating efficiency can be increased compared with previous work. The underlying physical mechanisms of gated recording and the effectiveness of the gating process responsible for this manifold improved performance are discussed, and bipolarons and small polarons are identified as the responsible photorefractive species.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱技术(HPLC)建立了一种同时快速测定烟叶中草酸、苹果酸、乳酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸等非挥发性有机酸的方法。采用磷酸溶液,80 ℃水浴30 min,提取烟叶样品中的非挥发性有机酸,回收率可达到85.37%以上;采用Ultimate,AQ–C18 反相色谱柱,在215 nm波长下,以0.02 mol/L KH2PO4 溶液(pH3.0)和甲醇作为流动相,可较好地分离和测定初烤烟叶中的非挥发性有机酸含量,相对标准偏差为0.58%~1.99%,最低检出限为0.03~0.80 g/mL。  相似文献   

Effects of molecular memory and bursting on fluctuations in gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many cellular components are present in such low numbers per cell that random births and deaths of individual molecules can cause substantial "noise" in concentrations. But biochemical events do not necessarily occur in single steps of individual molecules. Some processes are greatly randomized when synthesis or degradation occurs in large bursts of many molecules during a short time interval. Conversely, each birth or death of a macromolecule could involve several small steps, creating a memory between individual events. We present a generalized theory for stochastic gene expression, formulating the variance in protein abundance in terms of the randomness of the individual gene expression events. We show that common types of molecular mechanisms can produce gestation and senescence periods that reduce noise without requiring higher abundances, shorter lifetimes, or any concentration-dependent control loops. We also show that most single-cell experimental methods cannot distinguish between qualitatively different stochastic principles, although this in turn makes such methods better suited for identifying which components introduce fluctuations. Characterizing the random events that give rise to noise in concentrations instead requires dynamic measurements with single-molecule resolution.  相似文献   

列举了图书馆数字资源远程访问的主流技术及其优缺点,指出了图书馆应根据具体技术条件和用户情况采取相应的技术构建访问系统,介绍了解放军医学图书馆采用反向代理技术构建的数字资源远程访问系统。  相似文献   

  目的  传统深度学习模型因参数和计算量过大不适用于边缘部署,在网络边缘的植物病害自动识别是实现长时间大范围低成本作物监测的迫切需求。  方法  联合使用多种模型压缩方法,得到可部署于算力有限的嵌入式系统的轻量级深度卷积神经网络,在边缘节点实现植物病害智能识别。模型压缩分2个阶段:第1阶段利用基于L1范数的通道剪枝方法,压缩MobileNet模型;第2阶段将模拟学习与量化相结合,在模型量化的同时恢复识别精度,得到高精度轻量级的端模型。  结果  在PlantVillage数据集58类植物病害的实验结果表明:通道剪枝将MobileNet压缩了3.6~14.3倍,量化又将模型的参数精度由32 bit降低至8 bit。整体压缩率达到了14.4~57.2倍,识别准确率仅降低0.24%~1.65%。与通道剪枝后无模拟学习训练、通道剪枝结合量化后无模拟学习训练这2种压缩方法相比,具有更高的模型压缩率和识别准确率。  结论  联合使用多种模型压缩方法可以少量的精度损失深度压缩人工智能模型,可为农林业提供面向边缘计算的植物病害识别模型。图3表2参23  相似文献   

It is apparent that antibiotics are useful in differentiating different stages in the formation of memory. Puromycin gave the first indication that very early memory can be established and survive, for a short period at least, in spite of inhibition of protein synthesis (12). Injection of actinomycin D indicates that RNA synthesis is not essential during this early stage (13). The duration of this early period seems to vary with the inhibiting agent; with puromycin memory was notably degraded in less than an hour, but with actinomycin D or with acetoxycycloheximide it persisted for several hours or more. The fixation or consolidation of memory involves whatever processes give permanence to memory. These processes are disrupted when electroconvulsive shock is administered shortly after a learning experience, presumably because of the interference with organized patterns of neuronal electrical activity. Memory acquired in the presence of antibiotics appears to proceed to a stage beyond that based purely on electrical activity because the memory persists beyond the period usually reported as sensitive to electroconvulsive shock. Further work should show whether this stage is truly insensitive to electroconvulsive shock. Memory acquired in the presence of puromycin does not seem to achieve any durable consolidation. In contrast, memory acquired in the presence of or immediately before injection of acetoxycycloheximide does appear to initiate the later stages of consolidation, as permanent memory. reappears some days after the initial stages have become ineffective in controlling performance. Finally, puromycin has provided evidence of the enlarged area of the neocortex which participates as memory matures. Puromycin also indicates the time required for this maturation process. Since antibiotics have also been useful in studying learning and memory in goldfish (14), this approach seems to have general applicability in defining various stages in the process of memory formation. The initial purpose of these investigations was to determine the molecular basis of the "memory trace" This goal still remains distant, although there are some indications that protein synthesizing systems are involved. This objective, though of enormous interest, is to be regarded as only a necessary first step. Whether new proteins or some other molecules cause the changes in synapses thought to underlie memory, this knowledge of itself will contribute only a beginning to our understanding of the events which account for the functioning of the brain. A determination of the composition of computer components would provide very little information towards unraveling their function. As the experiments proceeded, however, information of a more general nature was being obtained. The identification of different stages of consolidation show how injections of antibiotics can supplement electroconvulsive shock as a way of disrupting the establishment of memory and how it can supplement ablation in destroying memory already laid down in a permanent mode. Applied to larger animals the localization of various regions sensitive or insensitive to the action of the drugs should become more definitive. We hope that such experiments will contribute increasingly to the general problem of brain function.  相似文献   

We experimentally demonstrate emission of two quantum-mechanically correlated light pulses with a time delay that is coherently controlled via temporal storage of photonic states in an ensemble of rubidium atoms. The experiment is based on Raman scattering, which produces correlated pairs of spin-flipped atoms and photons, followed by coherent conversion of the atomic states into a different photon beam after a controllable delay. This resonant nonlinear optical process is a promising technique for potential applications in quantum communication.  相似文献   

基于混合法的基本思想,提出了用于群桩沉降非线性计算的近似混合法。近似混合法通过构造单桩沉降荷载曲线的插值函数以及采用相互作用系数考虑群桩之间的弹性影响,避免了因各桩离散成许多单元而导致土体柔度矩阵[δs]集成的费时,从而可进行多桩数群桩的非线性计算而不受微机内存和运算速度的限制。算例证明,本法与混合法的计算结果非常吻合。  相似文献   

Continuous random network models representing amorphous solid water have been constructed. The x-ray and neutron scattering predictions for one type of model agree quite well with experimental results.  相似文献   

离散数学是信息与计算科学专业必修的专业基础课程,从该专业学生学习离散数学注重与学科的结合的重要性,离散数学的内容选用,教学方法以及如何开展教学等多个方面探讨了离散数学课程教学的改进离散数学教学模式。  相似文献   

略论我国农业开放存取期刊发展策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过分析国内外农业OA期刊发展现状,指出我国农业科技期刊存在出版与传播手段不适合开放存取环境的需要,网络化服务程度不高、难以适应OA期刊发展的要求,农业科技期刊影响力不高、边缘化迹象明显等问题。提出由学会牵头制订策略和技术方案、争取国家政策和财政支持,构建农业OA期刊国家平台和地方网站,采用OA期刊模式、创新经营运作方式,加大OA期刊宣传力度等发展策略。  相似文献   

The uncatalyzed edge growth of carbon nanotubes was investigated by first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. At experimental temperatures the open end of single-walled nanotubes closed spontaneously into a graphitic dome, which may explain why these nanotubes do not grow in the absence of transition metal catalysts. On the other hand, chemical bonding between the edges of adjacent coaxial tubes ("lip-lip" interactions) trapped the end of a double-walled nanotube in a metastable energy minimum, thus preventing dome closure. These calculations show that this end geometry exhibits a high degree of chemical activity and easily accommodates incoming carbon fragments, supporting a model of growth by chemisorption from the vapor phase.  相似文献   

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