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Little is known about the molecular mechanisms of taste perception in animals, particularly the initial events of taste signaling. A large and diverse family of seven transmembrane domain proteins was identified from the Drosophila genome database with a computer algorithm that identifies proteins on the basis of structure. Eighteen of 19 genes examined were expressed in the Drosophila labellum, a gustatory organ of the proboscis. Expression was not detected in a variety of other tissues. The genes were not expressed in the labellum of a Drosophila mutant, pox-neuro70, in which taste neurons are eliminated. Tissue specificity of expression of these genes, along with their structural similarity, supports the possibility that the family encodes a large and divergent family of taste receptors.  相似文献   

The leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase flagellin-sensing 2 gene(MdFLS2; Gene ID: MDP0000254112) was cloned from Royal Gala apple(Malus×domestica Borkh.). This gene contained a complete open reading frame of 3 474 bp that encoded 1 158 amino acids. The phylogenetic tree indicated that Prunus persica FLS2 exhibited the highest sequence similarity to MdFLS2. The PlantCare database suggests that the promoter sequence of MdFLS2 contains several typical cis-acting elements, including ethylene-, gibberellin-, salicylic acid-, and drought-responsive elements. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that MdFLS2 was widely expressed in the different tissues of the apple and most highly expressed in the leaves. Furthermore, MdFLS2 was significantly induced by the flagellin elicitor peptide flg22. Treatment of the apple seedling leaves with flg22 resulted in an increase in leaf callose levels with increased treatment duration. An increase in the production of O~(2–) along with the expression of disease-related genes was also observed. An oxidative burst was detected in the treated seedlings, but not in the control seedlings, indicating that flg22 had stimulated the expression of the MdFLS2 gene and its downstream target genes. Furthermore, the ectopic expression of MdFLS2 complemented the function of the Arabidopsis fls2 mutant and conferred enhanced flg22 tolerance to the transgenic Arabidopsis, suggesting that MdFLS2 acts as a positive regulator in the response to pathogens in apple.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR及RACE法,克隆得到了棉铃虫酰基辅酶AA9去饱和酶cDNA全序列.根据序列分析发现该基因全长为2931 bp,编码区长度为1062 bp,编码353个氨基酸残基,相对分子质量为40.66 kD.发育表达模式结果表明,酰基辅酶A△9去饱和酶基因在5龄初期转录水平较高;饥饿和保幼激素对其转录有明显的抑制作...  相似文献   

Six alleles of the self-incompatibility gene (S) in Russian-bred apple varieties are identified with the use of molecular DNA marking methods. An S genotype is established for a number of varieties. The most frequent alleles of the S gene of those studied during the investigation are revealed.  相似文献   

Drosophila males modulate the interpulse intervals produced during their courtship songs. These song cycles, which are altered by mutations in the clock gene period, exhibit a species-specific variation that facilitates mating. We have used chimeric period gene constructs from Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans in germline transformation experiments to map the genetic control of their song rhythm difference to a small segment of the amino acid encoding information within this gene.  相似文献   

The tastes of sugars (sweet) and glutamate (umami) are thought to be detected by T1r receptors expressed in taste cells. Molecular genetics and heterologous expression implicate T1r2 plus T1r3 as a sweet-responsive receptor,and T1r1 plus T1r3,as well as a truncated form of the type 4 metabotropic glutamate receptor (taste-mGluR4),as umami-responsive receptors. Here,we show that mice lacking T1r3 showed no preference for artificial sweeteners and had diminished but not abolished behavioral and nerve responses to sugars and umami compounds. These results indicate that T1r3-independent sweet- and umami-responsive receptors and/or pathways exist in taste cells.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定油棕(Elaeis guineensis)脱落酸(ABA)受体PYR/PYL/RCARs (PYL)基因家族成员,分析其表达特性,为探究ABA信号通路在油棕果肉成熟过程中的功能研究提供理论依据。【方法】以拟南芥和水稻的PYL蛋白氨基酸序列作为参考序列,通过BLASTp比对及保守结构域预测分析从油棕基因组中鉴定出PYL基因家族成员,利用生物信息学软件对其染色体定位、基因结构、启动子顺式作用元件及编码蛋白的理化性质、保守结构域、进化关系进行分析,并采用实时荧光定量PCR对PYL家族基因在不同组织、不同发育期果实及外源ABA处理下的表达特性进行检测。【结果】从油棕基因组中共鉴定出12个油棕PYL基因家族成员(EgPYL1~EgPYL112),分布在8条染色体和1个Scaffolds上,含有1~3个外显子,开放阅读框(ORF)为564~765 bp,编码187~254个氨基酸,蛋白分子量为20.95~28.33 kD,等电点(pI)为5.26~7.95,不稳定指数为32.67~52.87,脂溶指数为73.87~87.60,总平均亲水性为-0.68~-0.17。12个PYL家族蛋白均含有特征结构域PYR/PYL/RCAR,分为3个亚族。EgPYL1和EgPYL6基因具有共线性,EgPYL4、EgPYL5、EgPYL9和EgPYL11基因具有共线性。EgPYLs基因的启动子上含有大量植物激素响应元件、逆境胁迫响应元件和光响应元件。EgPYLs基因在根、茎尖、叶、花和果肉中均有表达,但表达量差异较明显。EgPYL7、EgPYL8和EgPYL9基因的表达量随果肉成熟度增加逐渐升高,在23周达峰值。11个Eg PYLs基因均受外源ABA诱导表达。【结论】大多数PYL基因家族成员参与油棕对ABA的响应,且部分成员(如EgPYL7、EgPYL8和EgPYL9)在油棕果实发育中发挥重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

骡鸡是乌骨鸡(♂)与珍珠鸡(♀)通过人工受精产生的远缘杂交体,成年骡鸡的性腺发育不完全,不能从外形上区分雌雄性别.笔者根据已知禽类CHD基因序列设计了3条引物,采用特异性PCR扩增CHD基因片段.结果表明,3条引物对已知性别的成年珍珠鸡和乌骨鸡检测结果一致;同时,对2种鸡的鸡胚性别也进行了相应的检测,其结果与剖检结果相符,表明本研究建立的特异性PCR方法可以用于成年鸡和鸡胚的性别鉴定.在此基础上,用此方法鉴定骡鸡及其鸡胚性别,其结果表明骡鸡雌雄性别比例均衡,这与雄性骡鸡占较大比例的报道不一致.这一方法还适合鸡胚或1日龄鸡的性别鉴定.  相似文献   

【目的】赤霉病(Fusarium head blight,FHB)是世界范围内严重危害小麦生产的病害之一。十倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum)具有优良的赤霉病抗性,普通小麦-十倍体长穗偃麦草衍生新品种西农509、西农511和西农529在田间展现出较强的赤霉病抗性。本文旨在对这3个品种的赤霉病抗性基因进行分子鉴别,为它们在小麦赤霉病抗性遗传改良中的应用提供理论依据。【方法】通过赤霉病菌(Fusarium graminearum)人工接种鉴定,明确3个小麦新品种对赤霉病的抗性水平。利用偃麦草E组染色体(臂)第1—7同源群的特异引物对3个普通小麦-十倍体长穗偃麦草衍生新品种及其主要亲本小偃693、小偃597和十倍体长穗偃麦草进行分子鉴定,确定其长穗偃麦草的遗传区段。利用与长穗偃麦草7EL染色体上抗赤霉病基因Fhb7紧密连锁的标记对实验材料进行分析,明确该抗性基因与Fhb7的关系。【结果】鉴定结果表明,西农509、西农529和西农511的赤霉病抗性与中抗对照品种扬麦158的抗性水平相当,表现为中抗。105个长穗偃麦草E基因组特异标记中有7个在3个新品种中均能扩增出长穗偃麦草的特异条带,其中5个标记定位于7EL染色体臂上,2个标记定位于7ES染色体臂上。利用97个定位于7E染色体的特异标记进一步对小偃693、小偃597和3个新品种的遗传片段进行鉴别,结果表明20个标记能在5个长穗偃麦草衍生品种(系)扩增出稳定的十倍体长穗偃麦草的特异条带,其中包括与Fhb7紧密连锁的Xsdau K8、Xsdau K144、Xsdau K27、Xsdau K99、Xcfa2040和Xsdau K116等6个标记(7EL 149.00—7EL 153.77),即表明该区段源自于十倍体长穗偃麦草,跨距约89 c M。然而,已报道的7EL染色体臂末端与Fhb7两侧紧密连锁的分子标记Xsdau K60(7EL 153.77)、Xmag1932(7EL 154.70)、Xcfa2240(7EL 156.27)、Xsdau K66(7EL 158.02)、Xsdau K71(7EL 158.97)和Xsews19(7EL 160.00)等在3个新品种及小偃597中均没检出长穗偃麦草的特异条带。【结论】普通小麦-十倍体长穗偃麦草衍生新品种西农509、西农511和西农529具有较好的赤霉病抗性,携带来自于十倍体长穗偃麦草7E染色体的遗传区段,然而该抗赤霉病基因不同于Fhb7。  相似文献   

Restriction of maternal dietary sodium on or before embryonic day 8 reduced taste responses of the chorda tympani nerve to sodium chloride in the offspring. The response attenuation was substantial; responses to sodium chloride in the offspring of deprived rats were approximately 40 percent of those in control animals. Instituting the low sodium diet at embryonic day 10 or later did not produce functional changes. Thus, a sensitive period for the gustatory system exists, and the abrupt transition from maximal environmental susceptibility to no susceptibility occurs during a 2-day prenatal period. Moreover, events important in determining the developmental fate of taste membrane components occur before the initial formation of taste buds.  相似文献   

为探究赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)Toll样受体9基因(toll–like receptor 9,ScTLR9)的结构特性及其参与免疫应答草鱼呼肠弧病毒(grass carp reovirus,GCRV)感染时的表达特性,采用RACE技术克隆Sc TLR9基因c DNA全长序列,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术比较分析ScTLR9免疫应答GCRV的表达特性。结果显示:ScTLR9的cDNA全长为3 687 bp,编码1 059个氨基酸,有17个富含亮氨酸重复序列(leucine rich repeats,LRRs)结构域。ScTLR9在被检测的9个组织中均有表达,在中肾和头肾中的表达量最高;感染GCRV后,基因TLR9在赤眼鳟和草鱼头肾中的表达量均上调,在赤眼鳟头肾中的表达量于感染后12 h达到峰值,推测TLR9参与了赤眼鳟抗GCRV的免疫应答,且在抗GCRV入侵免疫反应中赤眼鳟较草鱼的免疫应答更为迅速。  相似文献   

Interleukin-3 (IL-3) binds to its receptor with high and low affinities, induces tyrosine phosphorylation, and promotes the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells. A binding component of the IL-3 receptor was cloned. Fibroblasts transfected with the complementary DNA bound IL-3 with a low affinity [dissociation constant (Kd) of 17.9 +/- 3.6 nM]. No consensus sequence for a tyrosine kinase was present in the cytoplasmic domain. Thus, additional components are required for a functional high affinity IL-3 receptor. A sequence comparison of the IL-3 receptor with other cytokine receptors (erythropoietin, IL-4, IL-6, and the beta chain IL-2 receptor) revealed a common motif of a distinct receptor gene family.  相似文献   

鹌鹑性别鉴定的分子标记方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用PCR方法扩增北京白羽蛋用鹌鹑基因组中性别基因CHD相关片段,探讨鹌鹑性别的分子标记方法。通过特异引物2550F/2718R,对3对已知性别和14只未知性别鹌鹑性别基因片段进行特异性扩增。结果表明,这对引物从雄性鹌鹑中扩增出1条片段,从雌性鹌鹑中扩增出2条片段,可以对鹌鹑的性别作出准确鉴定。该方法可以应用于初生鹌鹑的性别筛选,降低饲养成本,提高经济效益。对2条片段进行克隆测序,片段长度分别为613和446bp。  相似文献   

鸸鹋性别鉴定的分子标记方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验建立了平胸总目鸟类鸸鹋的快速、简单、准确的性别鉴定方法。利用非伤害性取样方法,从鸸鹋羽毛中提取了基因组DNA,经18对与性别相连锁引物组合的筛选,最终筛选出1对有效引物,对3对已知性别鸸鹋及60只未知性别鸸鹋的基因组DNA进行特异性扩增。结果表明,这对引物组合在雄性鸸鹋中未扩增出片段,而在雌性鸸鹋中扩增出1条片段,其片段长度为536bp。由此可知,这对引物组合可以对鸸鹋性别作出准确鉴定。  相似文献   

The bithorax complex in Drosophila melanogaster is a cluster of homeotic genes that specify developmental pathways for many of the body segments of the fly. The DNA of the bithorax complex has been isolated, and a region of 195,000 base pairs that covers the left half of the complex is described here. The lesions associated with many of the bithorax complex mutants have been identified, and most are due to DNA rearrangements. Most of the spontaneous mutants have insertions of a particular mobile element named "gypsy." This element affects the functions of sequences removed from the site of insertion. Mutant lesions for a given phenotypic class are distributed over large DNA distances of up to 73,000 base pairs.  相似文献   

从贵州威宁县染病马铃薯植株中分离得到马铃薯X病毒贵州分离物(PVX-GZ),采用RT-PCR扩增并克隆了该分离物的外壳蛋白基因(CP).经测序,该CP基因长714 bp,编码237个氨基酸残基,分子量25.2 ku;与19种已报道的PVX各地分离物的同源性相比,其核苷酸和氨基酸序列分别在78.6%~97.5%和84.8%~99.6%之间,其中,与两种典型的PVX X3株系(荷兰分离物X3和英国分离物UK3)的基因序列同源性达97.1%以上.结合寄主鉴别结果,判断该分离物属PVX的X3株系.  相似文献   

利用 PCR-SSCP技术对高繁殖力绵羊品种湖羊雌激素受体(estrogen receptor,ESR)基因第一外显子的部分序列进行单核苷酸多态性研究。结果表明,湖羊ESR基因中存在 3 种基因型 AA,BB,AB,且A等位基因频率为0.554,B 等位基因频率为0.446。经测序,BB型与AA型相比在外显子 1 第 363 位发生 1 处C→G的碱基突变。据产羔数统计,AB 基因型和 BB 基因型的湖羊产羔数分别比 AA 基因型多0.98只(P<0.01)、1.47只(P<0.01)。说明ESR基因可能是控制湖羊多羔性能的一个主效基因或与之存在紧密遗传连锁的一个标记。  相似文献   

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