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Equine Welfare and Carriage Horse Companies have been recently highlighted as matters of public concern, although little data exists to describe working conditions, municipal regulations, and veterinary attention. In light of the current pandemic of unwanted horses in this country, it is prudent for the veterinary community to identify objective measurements of satisfactory equine welfare in the carriage horse industry to regulate and maintain working horses in sound conditions. Retrospective data from a carriage company in South Carolina was collected from 2009 to 2012. Variables included days in work, hours and/or tours worked, veterinary charges, management practices, and environmental conditions. City veterinary reports were also reviewed for all five local carriage companies. The average number of days in work per animal ranged from 163 to 188 per year. On average, each animal performed 4.6 hour long tours per working day, resulting in an average 865 tours per year. Each animal cost on average $2.00 per day in veterinary costs, and $0.84 of each animal's tour went toward veterinary bills. Welfare among carriage horses is a subject on which equine veterinarians should be well versed; not only to answer questions from clientele but also to promote good working and living conditions for these animals in an effort to stem the number of unwanted horses in America. The carriage company reported in detail here provides acceptable welfare for their animals. Prospective studies are needed to collect objective, evidence-based data regarding stress levels in the animals.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is an endemic disease in Latin America, caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira. It is considered one of the main causes responsible for the negative economic impact on global livestock by causing reproductive problems. The research aimed to determine the prevalence of leptospirosis in cattle, sheep, and goats at consorted rearing in the micro-region of Teresina, Piauí state, northeastern Brazil, as well as to identify prevalent serovars and risk factors associated with seroprevalence. Serum samples were analyzed in 336 sheep, 292 goats, and 253 cattle using microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Overall, 378 samples were positive to MAT, with seroprevalence of 42.9%. The prevalences in cattle, sheep, and goats were 50.5, 40.5, and 34.6%, respectively. All herds presented at least one seropositive animal; the Hardjo/Wolffi serovar association was the most common in cattle and Icterohaemorrhagiae in goats and sheep. Beef production (OR?=?4.9), cattle herd over 35 animals (OR?=?4.0), feeding on pasture (OR?=?6.4), weir and/or stream as water source (OR?=?2.1), and no veterinary services (OR?=?2.9) were risk factors for cattle infection. For sheep, intensive management system (OR?=?5.3), suspended slatted facilities (OR?=?2.2), more than 20 sheep in reproductive age (OR?=?1.9), and absence of deworming (OR?=?3.5) were the risk factors, while for goats, the identified risk factors were sheep herd over 52 animals (OR?=?1.9) and no veterinary services (OR?=?1.8). We conclude that the infection was spreading in consorted herds in this region. Thus, it would be interesting and important to conduct educative activities to farmers on the economic impacts of this disease and the need of preventive and control strategies mainly focused on sanitary measures and animal handling.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study shows the absence of the world’s most common bacterial zoonoses caused by Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis in cattle, goats and dogs...  相似文献   

Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious systemic hemorrhagic viral disease of pigs. Wild boar plays a crucial role in the epidemiology of CSF. Between 2010 and 2014, samples were collected nationwide from 6,654 wild boars hunted in South Korea. Anti-CSF antibodies were identified in 0.59% (39 of 6,654) of the wild boar samples using a virus neutralization test and were primarily detected in wild boars living close to the demilitarized zone and the area of the Taebaek Mountains surroundings. The CSF virus (subgroup 2.1b) was isolated from two wild boars captured in a nearby border area. The criteria used to define high-risk areas for targeted CSF surveillance in South Korea should be further expanded to include other regions nationwide.  相似文献   

Prevalence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies was measured in serum samples randomly collected from dairy (40 cows from four farms) and beef cattle (120 animals from 12 farms) from the municipality of Santarém, Pará State, Brazil, calculated by using the Win Episcope 2.0 statistical program. The presence of anti-N. caninum antibodies was determined by indirect immunofluorescence-antibody test with a cut-off value of 1:100. We found that 13 farms (81.25%) showed infection rates above 10%, which indicates widespread distribution of N. caninum in the region. The frequency per animal was 19%. No difference was observed between the prevalence values in dairy and beef animals or between farms, which was probably due to the small number of dairy farms examined. The results confirm, for the first time, the presence of anti-N. caninum antibodies in cattle from Pará State and the necessity to further investigate the epidemiology of N. caninum in the Amazon region.  相似文献   

The livestock industry produces a large amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) that cause global warming. A high percentage of GHG emissions are derived from cattle and has been suggested to be a factor in global warming. With the global increase in the consumption of livestock products, the number of farm animals has increased. In addition, the reduction in productivity and reproductive capacity of cattle has resulted in accelerated GHG emissions. In a high-temperature environment, the pregnancy rate decreases, leading to an increase in animals that do not contribute to production. Consequently, GHG emission per unit product increases, thereby accelerating global warming. To reduce this environmental impact, it is important to improve the breeding efficiency of cattle by the use of reproductive technology and, thus, reduce the number of non-productive animals. Thus, reproductive biology plays a major role in mitigating global warming related to the livestock industry.  相似文献   

1. Differences in “ fear”, head shaking and production traits were found among lines of chickens maintained in individual 0–46 × 0.30 × 0.46 m cages.

2. The differences among lines for “ fear “ and head shaking were consistent across three ages.

3. Although differences in “ fear “ and head shaking existed among lines for which there were large differences in production traits, the relationships within lines of production traits with modest “ fearfulness “ and head shaking were not important.  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate incidence risk, cumulative mortality and case fatality rate within herds affected by bovine anaemia associated with Theileria orientalis infection (TABA), in New Zealand during the early phase of the epidemic (August 2012–September 2013).

METHODS: A mixed methods approach was utilised to integrate data from various sources, including a detailed questionnaire carried out on 18 dairy farms which had experienced cases of TABA; a brief telephone survey of an additional 139 case farms; and data extracted from a Ministry for Primary Industries database for a further 42 case farms. The subsequent analysis determined incidence risk, cumulative mortality and case fatality rates for beef and dairy herds.

RESULTS: Data were analysed from 196/263 (74%) known case farms at the date of closing the questionnaires. These farms contained 99,505 cattle; 2,847 animals were reported with clinical disease, and a further 590 animals were recorded as having died from TABA. The within-herd incidence risk, cumulative mortality and case fatality rate were consistent between the three data sources, did not differ between beef and dairy herds, and were estimated to be 0.97 (inter-quartile range (IQR) 0.36–2.07)%, 0.23 (IQR 0.00–0.66)% and 16.67 (IQR 0.00–33.33)%, respectively. There was substantial variability in the level of impact, with 22 farms severely affected (incidence risk >5% and cumulative mortality >5%).

CONCLUSIONS: The mixed methods approach was effective in dealing with the disparate data sources. The inclusion of the majority of farms known to be affected at the time the questionnaires were performed implies that the information is likely to be representative. The collective outputs of the analyses represent the best estimate available of within-herd measures of disease frequency in the early phase of the epidemic in New Zealand. The limitations of the data imply that their primary application may be to inform the design of subsequent structured observational field studies.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The results of this study provide information on the impact of TABA on cattle farms during the emergence and early spread of the disease, as well as for generating hypotheses on causal mechanisms and risk factors that may influence the course of disease.  相似文献   

Canine heartworm has been known to exist in the Americas for more than 150 years (1847), and the first South American report was published approximately 30 years later (1875). The first human case was reported in 1887 and the first feline case in 1921. Coincidently, these two reports were from Brazil, where most surveys of the disease during the past two decades have been conducted in dogs. Feline cases are seldom found in the South American literature, although feline heartworm disease has been reported in Venezuela and Brazil. The prevalence in Mexico seems to be stable over the past 10 years (7.3-7.5%). Only 5 of the 13 South American countries have reported on canine heartworm infection prevalence. In Argentina, the national prevalence ranges from 3.5 to 12.7%; however, there was a much higher prevalence (17.7 and 23.5%) reported for two sections of Buenos Aires. In Lima, Peru, the prevalence is 4.35%, and Colombia reports 3.8-4.8% of dogs are infected. No infections were detected in 1056 dogs sampled in Chile. In Brazil, the national prevalence has declined from 7.9% in 1988 to 2% in 2001. The downward trend observed for canine heartworm in Brazil suggests that multiple pressures may be affecting the nematode transmission, including a possible decrease in mosquito vector population due to better control programs, reduction of transmission due to effective chemoprophylaxis, reduction of microfilaremic dog populations with the off-label use of injectable ivermectin, or reduction of the reproductive capacity of worms from tetracyclines used to control ehrlichiosis. Survey of a large population of captured mosquitoes indicated the most frequent species captured were vectors of heartworms (Aedes taeniorhynchus (73.9%), Aedes scapularis (20%) and Culex quinquefasciatus (2.5%), suggesting that the composition of the mosquito population is not a critical factor in the decrease in heartworm infections in dogs in South America.  相似文献   

In cattle, sequestration of copper (Cu) occurs during the clotting process so that serum Cu concentrations are markedly lower than plasma Cu. It has been suggested that all of the Cu lost during clotting is caeruloplasmin (CP). This study used paired samples from 125 cattle to assess whether this assumption was correct. The regression equations for plasma CP activity against plasma Cu concentration and serum CP against serum Cu had significantly different intercepts suggesting that at zero CP activity the amount of Cu remaining was dependent on sample type. Furthermore, the difference between serum and plasma Cu was unrelated to Cu status, whereas the difference between serum and plasma CP was related to Cu status. The regression equation for the loss of CP activity against change in Cu concentration had an intercept that was different from zero, indicating that a reduction in Cu concentration could occur even if CP activity was unaffected by clotting.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and characteristics of Johne’s disease (JD) lesions in Ugandan cattle slaughtered at two of the main abattoirs in Kampala. Ileocaecal junction and the associated lymph nodes of 1,022 cattle were examined for gross and microscopic lesions, followed by Ziehl Neelsen staining of the tissues bearing lesions. Confirmation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection was done in some of the tissues using culture and IS900 PCR. The lesions were then described, characterised and tabulated. Characteristic Johne’s disease granulomas were found in 4.7% of the samples examined, derived from Zebu, Ankole longhorn, Friesian breeds of cattle and their crosses. Lesions were found both in the lymph nodes and ileocaecal junction mucosa. The lesions tended to be more severe in the lymph node than in the mucosa. There were also some unique and atypical lesions found in association with Johne’s disease granulomas. The diagnostic values of various gross lesions and criteria of lesion classifications and diagnosis are revisited and discussed based on the findings of this study. The prevalence of Johne’s disease lesions among slaughtered cattle in Kampala’s two abattoirs indicates that the disease is well established in the cattle population in the country. The diverse manifestations in lesions of JD need to be considered when making histological diagnosis in tissues where the disease is suspected.  相似文献   

A sporadic wasting syndrome affecting beef cattle herds parasitized by Eurytrema coelomaticum is described in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. The disease was characterized by progressive weight loss, poor body condition despite plenty of good quality forage available, and death. Annual losses ranged from 1 to 3%. The clinical course of the disease varied from 2 to 10 months after the onset of the first clinical signs. At necropsy, one of the three distinct following patterns of lesions were observed: the pancreas was of normal size and color; small, shrunken, white and markedly and diffusely firm (fibrosis); or slightly enlarged and dark with a shriveled capsular surface. Myriads of leaf-shaped trematodes of the genus Eurytrema were packed inside multiple dilated ducts with thickened, whitish fibrous walls, or the flukes were embedded in the remaining pancreatic parenchyma. Microscopic findings included extensive loss of the pancreatic parenchyma with replacement fibrosis, intralesional flukes and eggs, and ductal hyperplasia. Inflammatory reaction varied from absent to severe with the presence of a granulomatous reaction around the trematode eggs. One affected animal had high plasma amylase concentration (1580U/L) suggesting exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Glucose blood levels were not significantly increased. We suggest that diffuse and marked fibrosis of the pancreas induced by the presence of large amounts of pancreatic flukes is the cause of the sporadic cases of chronic wasting and death of cattle in this geographic area.  相似文献   


Brucellosis, caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella, is a contagious disease that causes economic loss to owners of domestic animals due to loss of progeny and milk yield. Because cattle, sheep, goats, and to a lesser extent pigs are considered to be the source of human brucellosis, serological tests have been used to screen domestic animals for antibodies against Brucella. Although the serological tests helped to eradicate brucellosis in many countries, serological tests are not always adequate to detect latent carriers of Brucella. Therefore, the use of the skin delayed‐type hypersensitivity (SDTH) test, which is independent of circulating antibodies, might improve the diagnosis of brucellosis. In the literature, however, there are conflicting reports as to the value of the SDTH test for the diagnosis of brucellosis. Some studies consider the test unreliable, whereas others advocate its use because it detects brucellosis earlier than serological tests. The objectives of this study were therefore to assess the characteristics of the SDTH test, to select a Brucella strain that will yield a suitable brucellin for use in the field, and to determine whether the use of serological tests in combination with the SDTH test improves the detection of brucellosis. The results of this study clearly show that the SDTH test detects latent carriers of Brucella and confirms brucellosis in cattle with ambiguous serological test results. Brucellins prepared from smooth or mucoid strains of Brucella are better suited for use in the field than brucellins prepared from rough strains because they detect brucellosis in cattle with acute as well as chronic infection. The SDTH test is highly specific (99.3% specificity), and repeated testing of naive cattle or cattle infected with microorganisms that serologically cross‐react with Brucella does not sensitize cattle to subsequent SDTH tests. However, it is possible that some naive cattle may serologically react to the injection of brucellin. The effect of these serological reactions on the sero‐diagnosis of brucellosis is limited, because cattle may only now and then react serologically either with the serum agglutination test (SAT) or the complement fixation test (CFT). Nevertheless, cattle infected with microorganisms that serologically cross‐react with Brucella may test seropositive for brucellosis 4 to 7 weeks after injection of brucellin, depending on the cross‐reacting microorganism. The value of the SDTH test for the diagnosis of brucellosis was demonstrated after an outbreak of brucellosis. When the SDTH test was used in combination with SAT and CFT at diagnostic threshold ≥2 mm or ≥1 mm (increase in skinfold thickness), respectively, 39/44 (88%) or 42/44 (95%) of the infected cattle were detected compared with only 27/44 (61%) when SAT and CFT were used. When cattle in areas of low prevalence or in areas free from brucellosis are tested with the SDTH test an increase ≥2 mm in skinfold thickness should be considered indicative of infection. When the control and eradication of brucellosis is based on test‐and‐slaughter, an increase of ≥1 mm in skinfold thickness should be considered indicative of infection. Repeated serological testing complemented with the SDTH test in this programme will shorten the quarantine (movement control) period of a suspect herd, limiting the financial loss incurred during outbreaks of the disease. Consequently, since the SDTH test usually does not interfere with the serological diagnosis and can safely be used to establish the infection status of cattle in a suspect herd, it is opportune to consider adding the SDTH test to the procedure currently used to diagnose brucellosis in individual animals.  相似文献   

Rabies is a growing problem in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. This study investigated dog ecology, vaccination coverage and rabies neutralising antibody levels in 203 randomly selected dogs within a local municipality in the former Transkei area. Responses to vaccination were also evaluated in 80 of these dogs. The population was remarkably uniform in size, breed and condition. Slightly over 1/5th of the population was between 6 weeks and 1 year of age, while very few dogs reached 10 years or older. According to owner responses, the Animal Health Technicians achieved a total vaccination coverage of 65% of owned dogs over several years, but only 56% within the previous 12 months. Only 32% of dogs had adequate circulating rabies virus neutralisation antibodies (> or = 0.5IU/l). After vaccination, 83% had seroconverted to this level. The magnitude of seroconversion was independent of body condition or age. This study proposes a different approach to vaccination strategies than those currently employed in certain areas of the province.  相似文献   

High reproductive performance is required for successful management of dairy farms. After calving, especially endometritis is one of the main reasons for reproductive failure. However, subclinical endometritis remains undetected in many cases and causes a high financial loss. To elucidate the cellular processes in the endometrium, the acquisition of the gene expression will provide helpful information. In the literature, numerous cytokines and enzymes were discussed to play important roles in preparing the endometrium for implantation. This review gives an overview about our present understanding of the functions of cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 (COX-1/COX-2), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), haptoglobin as well as the interleukins 1 and 6 (IL-1/IL-6). Their role is not only to regulate certain physiological processes in the bovine reproductive tract, but to act also as inflammatory mediators in infectious diseases. A better understanding of cellular processes may help to improve identification and treatment of postpartum reproductive failure.  相似文献   

Evidence for a temporary suppression of egg production in gastro-intestinal nematodes of sheep and cattle following anthelmintic treatment is reviewed and the possible relevance of this phenomenon to the appropriate sampling time in the faecal egg count reduction test is discussed. The results of this review suggest that if such suppressive effects do occur in sheep nematodes, then they are unlikely to be of much practical significance and that little benefit would be derived from extending the post-treatment sampling interval beyond 10 days. For cattle nematodes, however, the issues are less readily obvious but indicate, at least when testing for resistance to persistent anthelmintics, that adoption of a longer post-treatment interval might be advisable.  相似文献   

Beef traders’ and consumers’ perceptions on the development of a natural pasture-fed beef (NPB) brand by smallholder cattle producers were investigated. In total, 18 meat traders (five abattoirs and 13 beef retailers) and 155 beef consumers were interviewed using structured questionnaires. All meat traders had the potential but were not willing to support the development of a NPB brand citing smallholder farmers’ limited ability to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle. Consumers (81%) were prepared to purchase NPB upon availability on the market but were not willing (80%) to pay a brand premium. Logistic regression model results showed that consumers’ willingness to buy NPB and pay a premium were influenced (P < 0.05) by gender, household size, income source, meat preference, meat consumption frequency, money spent on beef, frequency of beef purchases and consumption. Overall, beef traders and consumers held positive impressions regarding the development of a NPB brand by smallholder cattle producers but were not willing to support its development. Positive impressions held by value chain partners on the development of a NPB brand provide a basis for advancing development of a NPB brand. Initial efforts should enhance farmers’ capacity to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to carry out a seroepidemiological study of anti-T. gondii and anti-N. caninum antibodies in serum samples from sheep intended for human consumption in the Rondônia state, in the Western Brazilian Amazon, and identify possible risk factors associated with seropositivity. The analysis of the 616 sheep serum samples revealed animal-level seroprevalence of T. gondii in the order of 52.4 % and of N. caninum of 60.6 %. Prevalence of co-infections was 33.4 %. The herd-level seroprevalence was 100 % for both the parasites. Applying of multivariate logistic regression analysis, test of the association between seroprevalence of T. gondii infection and the potential predictors showed that feed, fetal malformation, abortion, neurological problems (lambs), presence of rodents were the significant (P < 0.05) predictors. The variables presence of rodents, cats, wild animals and main activity showed statistical association (P < 0.05) with the seroprevalence of N. caninum. Due to the high prevalence of T. gondii and N. caninum found in this study, the absence of specific slaughterhouses for sheep and raw or undercooked sheep meat for human consumption we concluded that sheep can represent an important source of infection for humans.  相似文献   

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