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The animal rights movement is a serious challenge to current agricultural practices. Agriculture's response, in part, depends on how successfully it can mobilize its natural constituency, farmers. However, theories of the mainstream press suggest that the mainstream press generally covers events, rarely reports or adopts the perspective of alternative movements, rarely includes mobilizing information, and suggests that routine social structures can, should, and will contain the movement. Hence, current theory indicates that the mainstream press does not act to mobilize the general public. However, very little research has examined how specialized presses, such as the farm press, respond to movements. The study reported here was based on an analysis of 406 articles from ten farm magazines. The findings suggest that the farm press acted more as an advocacy press than does the mainstream press. Collectively, the farm press articles included as many positions pieces and stories explaining animal rights as an issue as they did event stories. The articles reported, and countered, the positions of the animal rights movement; suggested that routine social structures might not contain the animal rights movement; called for agriculture to mobilize; and included specific recommendations concerning how agriculture should mobilize.Ann Reisner is an assistant professor of agricultural communications and a fellow at the Program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her primary interest area is agriculture, communications, and values and she has written numerous research articles in this area. She is also co-editor of this special issue on communications.  相似文献   

Neural communications: experiment and theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

竞争情报的搜集与整理是竞争情报活动的基础,直接关系着整个竞争情报研究的决策。竞争情报的搜集方法有很多。在网络环境下,通过因特网和网络数据库以及光盘数据库获得信息显得尤其重要。竞争情报的整理是对有用信息的筛选和有序化的过程。竞争情报的分析研究是竞争情报发挥决策支持作用的关键过程,包括定标比超方法、SWOT分析法、专利分析法、财务分析方法。  相似文献   

Lemur social behavior and primate intelligence   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Our human intellect has resulted from an enormous leap in capacity above the level of monkeys and apes. Earlier, though, Old and New World monkeys' intelligence outdistanced that of other mammals, including the prosimian primates. This first great advance in intelligence probably was selected through interspecific competition on the large continents. However, even at this early stage, primate social life provided the evolutionary context of primate intelligence. Two arguments support this conclusion. One is ontogenetic: modern monkeys learn so much of their social behavior, and learn their behavior toward food and toward other species through social example. The second is phylogenetic: some prosimians, the social lemurs, have evolved the usual primate type of society and social learning without the capacity to manipulate objects as monkeys do. It thus seems likely that the rudiments of primate society preceded the growth of primate intelligence, made it possible, and determined its nature.  相似文献   

The Hermes satellite, a joint Canadian-American program, has been used to provide a communication channel between radio telescopes in West Virginia and Ontario, for very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI). This system makes possible instantaneous correlation of the data as well as a sensitivity substantially better than that of earlier VLBI systems, by virtue of a broader observational bandwidth. With the use of a geostationary communications satellite it is possible to eliminate the tape recorders and the most troublesome part of the postobservational data processing. A further possibility is the development of a phase-coherent interferometer.  相似文献   

本文就初学者利用FOXBASE关系型数据库编写财务应用程序时,容易出现的一些问题和错误,从语法、变量、结构、中间步骤及程序运行等几方面加以指正说明。  相似文献   

委婉语是人类语言使用过程中的一种普遍现象。它不仅普遍存在于各种语言之中 ,并且浸透到政治、经济、文化和日常生活的各个方面。当作者、言者感到以直率的话语表达会给对方造成某种程度的怀疑、拒绝甚至厌恶时 ,为了避免双方尴尬 ,往往会通过遣词造句 ,用隐约闪烁、委婉含蓄的话语把欲表达的内容表达出来 ,以达到轻松、自由地交流思想感情。1 委婉语是语言文化中不可分割的一部分  委婉语作为一种常见的语言现象 ,早就引起人们的注意和重视。我国明代学者陆容在其《菽园杂记》中写道 :“民间俗讳 ,各处有之 ,而吴中为甚。如舟行讳翻 ,…  相似文献   

Sex control, science, and society   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A Etzioni 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,161(846):1107-1112

我国县域工业化的内涵、发展路径与战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文探讨了县域经济、县域工业化的理论内涵;分析了推动县域工业化的内在动力;从资源开发、中心城市带动、农业产业化推动、产业集群聚集、外向经济推进、"一县一业"主导,产业转型等方面,探讨了县域工业发展途径和模式;从优化产业布局、推动增长方式转变、推动产业集群发展等方面,提出了加快县域工业化发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

建立国家战略石油储备和企业石油储备的建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了建立我国国家战略石油储备和建设企业石油储备的必要性,分别从石油储备的功能、储备规模、基地布局、资金筹措、基地运作、政策保障等几方面,提出了建立我国国家战略石油储备和企业石油储备的具体措施和建议。  相似文献   

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