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从病原菌种类及危害症状、病情发生规律、抗病性鉴定方法、抗性机制与抗性遗传规律、防治措施等方面综述了玉米穗粒腐病的研究进展,结合生物学发展现状,提出生物技术在玉米抗穗粒腐病育种中的应用策略。  相似文献   

A quantum self organizing feature map neural network (QSOM) method is introduced for water quality prediction in activated sludge wastewater treatment processes which includes uncertainty of microbial activity and complexity of biochemical reactions and strong lagging of parameters. This approach quantizes the inlet water quality data corresponding outlet water in abnormal state and makes the quantized data sample as the input of QSOM. The correlation coefficient of the quantum inputs and its weights are calculated as the best inputs matching of network by using quantum gates to update the weights in learning the rules. The experiments illustrate the efficiency of this prediction approach by using operational data of Chongqing Jiguanshi wastewater treatment plant.  相似文献   

Recent researches on the Yangtze River and the Jialing River water in Chongqing section of the Three Gorges Reservoir indicate that the pH value is relatively high and the CODMnconcentration is more than 4.5 mg/L in most of the time. Especially the proportion of dissolved molecule organic is high, as well as the high turbidity during the summer flood period. And the organic contamination is relatively serious. The fuzzy weighted water quality coefficient and hierarchical cluster analysis methods are applied to evaluate and sort the characteristic qualities of two-river water sources. During the research period, the results show that the Yangtze River water source quality is characterized by high turbidity and polluted of summer stage, middle temperature and micro-polluted of spring-autumn stage and low temperature and micro-polluted of winter stage. The Jialing River water source quality is characterized by low turbidity stage, high alga-polluted of early spring stage and high temperature and polluted of winter stage. Due to the various water qualities of two-river water sources at different periods, it is hard to meet the requirement of Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749-2006) by using traditional water treatment technologies. So the research on enhanced treatment is necessary.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic approach is applied to energy utility of wasterater treatment process, definition and calculation of pollutants' chemical energy would be primary. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, the concept of pollutants' chemical enthalpy advanced, and criterion for calculating chemical enthalpy is integrated, and enthalpy calculation method of complex organic substances established too in this paper. Then enthalpy was coulped with traditional water quality index-COD. Energy analysis conclusions of various processes in wastewater treatment and different classification energy can be comparable through the study, energy index becomes easy to be linked up with traditonal water quality mensuration.  相似文献   

It is reasonable to expect that compliance with grassland fertilization recommendations in the long run results in optimal soil fertility, and subsequent herbage quality. Here, we evaluate the development of soil, herbage and manure characteristics and their relation over the last decades. We hypothesized that herbage and manure quality are related with soil fertility. We used a large database with results of soil tests, spring forage quality characteristics, and manure analyses, which were made on demand of dairy farmers. We considered the Netherlands as a whole and three selected regions with contrasting soil types (sandy soil, riverine clay, and peaty marine clay). Effects of soil fertility on herbage quality were evident when comparing farms. Farms higher in soil P and K generally have correspondingly higher contents in forage. On average, soil fertility and herbage characteristics were within or just above the agronomical optimal range during the last decades. Herbage crude protein content decreased in all regions during last two decades, which is likely an effect of legislative measures on decreasing the application of N. Selenium (Se) and sulphur (S) contents increased sharply on sandy soils, likely because of increased use of Se and S containing fertilizers. Manure composition did not differ between soil types. In conclusion, at farm level, the element composition of herbage reflected the soil fertility status. The contents of S, P, K, Na, Mg, and Ca in the herbage were all significantly influenced by soil fertility characteristics. Our results emphasize the importance of maintaining soil fertility for high quality roughage production.  相似文献   

To provide objective and comprehensive evaluation of surface water environmental quality for management and engineering projects a Fuzzy-AHP evaluation model is introduced. Level 1 is comprised of several current evaluation systems. On level 2 variable fuzzy set is introduced to evaluate the accurate grade. The model is applied to evaluate Jialing River (Ciqikou section) and evaluation result is grade III which is reasonable and reliable. The model is well-developed and physically grounded makes use of information of monitoring data more scientifically and comprehensively and provides an alternative evaluation method for water quality assessment.  相似文献   

室内办公环境品质直接影响办公室中人员的工作效率和健康,需要进行有效地控制和优化,以保证其舒适性、低能耗和健康的要求。以某办公室为对象,研究了室内环境品质各参数和控制量之间的关系,建立了室内环境品质双线性模型。利用实验数据进行了模型验证,结果表明:模型输出能较好拟合实际情况;并基于模型预测方法进行室内环境品质控制,通过夏季工况仿真实验证明了提出方法比传统控制方式具有更小的稳态误差和较小的超调性,且更加节能。  相似文献   

A coking plant extended many times, and its capacity of the cooling water system is not match with it, the consumption of new water is much more than that used by others in the same industry. The water system renovation is addressed for an extended coking plant. The installation of two 600 m3/h cooling towers and restoration the existing two cooling towers are to promote the cooling capacity so that the amount of discharge and feed could be reduced. At the same time, the pipe net for waste water reutilisation is installed, by which part of the waste water is reused as supplement water for quenching hot coke and the other was piped to ironworks for reuse. With the field test, the water consumption per ton of coke production is cut down from 9.03 m3 to 3.21 m3. And the annual water saving is more than 6×106 m3. Furthermore, the electric consumption is reduced by 2×106 kWh and about 3×106 yuan of annual running cost is saved.  相似文献   

Car interior noise induced by windshield wiper system is tested for four different types of cars under high and low wiping speeds,and sound samples for subjective annoyance study are prepared. Grouped pair-wise comparison is adopted for the subjective evaluation test. The characteristic of subjective values and relation of four psychoacoustic parameters to the subjective annoyance are analyzed in two wiping speeds and various wiping patterns. The results indicate that the annoyance caused by wiper noise at high speed is higher than that at low speed,and downwards wiping noise is more annoying than upwards wiping noise. The work concluded that the subjective annoyance of noise from wiper system could be described by binaural loudness and fluctuation.  相似文献   

为了详细计算池塘循环水养殖模式养殖面积和净化面积合理的配比关系,使养殖废水中氮、磷等富营养化物质的分级利用和水资源的循环使用更加合理。通过参照水生植物对养殖尾水中污染物的吸收能力和养殖鱼类的产排污系数,再结合淡水池塘养殖过程中水质管理的一般规律,给出了淡水池塘循环水养殖模式中养殖池塘面积和净化池塘面积之间配比关系的计算方法。以养殖草鱼为例,通过该计算方法,结果表明:以总氮的去除为例,养殖池塘和净化池塘的基本面积比为15:1;按养殖池塘所排放的污染物浓度计算,一亩净化池塘可以净化7.5亩养殖池塘;按养殖鱼类的产排污系数计算,一亩净化池塘可以净化27.8亩养殖池塘。不同的养殖产量、不同的养殖品种都会影响到净化池塘和养殖池塘面积比例,通过提高净化池塘的净化能力则可以减少净化池塘的使用面积,从而提高养殖效益。利用该计算方法来解释此前相关的研究实例,也证明是可行的。该计算模型的构建为今后在池塘循环水养殖模式构建中降低经济成本,为最终实现生态效益对经济效益的补偿提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

水肥配合对小麦品质影响的回归分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦籽粒的品质除了受本身基因型的影响,还受栽培措施的影响。其中,水分和肥料是主要影响因素,水肥措施常可以改变小麦的品质状况。为探讨水分与化肥、有机肥相互搭配对小麦粉品质的影响,在中等肥力土壤上进行研究,采用双重筛选逐步回归分析方法,对影响小麦品质指标项目的六个水肥因子进行分析,剔除不显著因子,保留显著因子,建立7个最优回归模型。结果表明,7个因变量均入选,模型回测拟合结果较好。  相似文献   

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