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In the dry areas, water, not land, is the most limiting resource for improved agricultural production. Maximizing water productivity, and not yield per unit of land, is therefore a better strategy for dry farming systems. Under such conditions, more efficient water management techniques must be adopted. Supplemental irrigation (SI) is a highly efficient practice with great potential for increasing agricultural production and improving livelihoods in the dry rainfed areas. In the drier environments, most of the rainwater is lost by evaporation; therefore the rainwater productivity is extremely low. Water harvesting can improve agriculture by directing and concentrating rainwater through runoff to the plants and other beneficial uses. It was found that over 50% of lost water can be recovered at a very little cost. However, socioeconomic and environmental benefits of this practice are far more important than increasing agricultural water productivity. This paper highlights the major research findings regarding improving water productivity in the dry rainfed region of West Asia and North Africa. It shows that substantial and sustainable improvements in water productivity can only be achieved through integrated farm resources management. On-farm water-productive techniques if coupled with improved irrigation management options, better crop selection and appropriate cultural practices, improved genetic make-up, and timely socioeconomic interventions will help to achieve this objective. Conventional water management guidelines should be revised to ensure maximum water productivity instead of land productivity.  相似文献   

The successful application of postharvest regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) over ten consecutive years (from season 1999/2000 to season 2007/2008) confirms the sustainability of this strategy for producing ‘Algerie’ loquat. Postharvest RDI consisting in a reduction of watering (between 45 and 80% depending on the season) from early June until the end of August, improved loquat profitability by increasing fruit value and by reducing water consumption with respect to fully irrigated trees (control). The increase in fruit value in RDI trees was due to a consistent improvement in harvest earliness as a result of an earlier blooming. Water savings of around 20% did not diminish yield nor fruit quality. Water use efficiency in RDI trees rose by over 30%. Water productivity reached 9.5 € m−3 of water applied in RDI trees versus 6.6 € m−3 in control trees. The most noticeable effect of RDI on vegetative growth was a significant and progressive decline in trunk growth. The canopy volume seems to be strongly influenced by pruning and no significant effects were detected in this parameter. Our results confirm the suitability of RDI in loquat and the economic benefits of saving water during the summer.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted over two seasons (2005-06 and 2006-07) using six durum wheat genotypes varying in grain carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) but similar in phenology. Experimental sites at Tel Hadya, Breda, Muslmieh and Yahmoul across rainfall zones in Northern Syria were used. The main objective of this study is to relate the wheat yields of the different genotypes with Δ and other plant traits.Plant growth was monitored throughout the growing season. Δ was measured for every plot in the grain (ΔG) and the 4th fully expanded leaf (ΔL). Also, ash and protein contents of grain were analyzed. Soil water content throughout the growing season was measured at some sites to calculate water use.Yield variability between sites was mostly due to rainfall, with variability between cultivars within a site being due to season. ΔL was higher, with no stress evident at this stage, compared with ΔG. ΔL, ranging from 19.97 to 22.76‰, was lower at the drier sites and higher at the wettest site, which changed to the opposites for ΔG ranging from 12.88 to 16.62‰. Positive correlations were found between Δ and yields of grain and biomass. The stronger correlations were at the drier sites, whilst at the wettest site there was no significant relationship. ΔL for the different genotypes was more stable between sites and seasons than ΔG. Water use efficiency did not differ between genotypes, unlike Δ. Δ was also correlated to grain ash and protein content. This suggests to use these cheap and easily obtainable plant traits as surrogate if Δ was unavailable.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of full irrigation (FI), deficit irrigation (DI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on plant biomass, irrigation water productivity (IWP), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of tomato, and soil microbial C/N ratio. The plants were grown in pots with roots split equally between two soil compartments in a climate-controlled glasshouse. During early fruiting stage, plants were exposed to FI, DI, and PRD treatments. In FI, both soil compartments were irrigated daily to a volumetric soil water content of 18%; in PRD, only one soil compartment was irrigated to 18% while the other was allowed to dry to ca. 7-8%, then the irrigation was shifted; in DI, the same amount of water used for the PRD plants was equally split to the two soil compartments. The results showed that, the FI treatment produced significantly higher dry biomasses of leaves, stems, and fresh weight of fruit and water productivity of aboveground dry biomass production than either DI or PRD, however, fruit IWP in DI was 25% higher than that of FI, and harvest index in DI and PRD were 50% and 22% higher than FI, respectively, for the 26% and 23% less water used in the DI and PRD, respectively, than the FI treatment. The DI treatment caused the smallest losses of N and highest N use efficiency by fruit. Both DI and PRD caused a significant increase in the soil microbial C/N ratio, meaning ratio of fungal biomass was high at low soil water contents. The result indicates that more work is needed to link the aboveground N uptake and the underground microbially mediated N transformation under different water-saving irrigation regimes.  相似文献   

The effects of high temperature stress and supplemental irrigation on seed yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of canola (Brassica napus L.) were studied in a field experiment conducted for 2 years. The experiment was a randomized complete block design arranged in split plot, conducted at Agricultural Research Station of Gonbad, Iran. It was arranged in two conditions, i.e. supplemental irrigation and rainfed. Two cultivars of canola (Hyola401 and RGS003) as subplots were grown at five sowing dates as main plots. The sowing dates were 9 November, 6 December, 5 January, 4 February and 6 March in 2005-2006 and 6 November, 6 December, 5 January, 4 February and 6 March in 2006-2007, to have a wide range of environmental conditions around flowering and seed filling periods, and to coincide reproductive stages of the crop with high temperature stress. Seed yield was improved due to field management practices, such as supplemental irrigation and optimum sowing date. Supplemental irrigation was an efficient practice to mitigate water stress, and to increase aboveground dry matter and seed yield. There was a strongly negative relationship between seed yield and air temperature during reproductive stages. Delay in sowing led to more rapid developmental of canola, decreased aboveground dry matter, leaf area index (LAI), harvest index (HI), WUE, and seed yield. Achieving a high aboveground dry matter was an essential prerequisite for high reproductive growth and a high seed yield. Greater seed yield and WUE at first sowing date were associated with greater LAI and aboveground dry matter, and lower temperatures during reproductive stages. The results support the view that WUE can be used as an indirect selection criterion for seed yield in genotypic selection.  相似文献   

Using AquaCrop to derive deficit irrigation schedules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Straightforward guidelines for deficit irrigation (DI) can help in increasing crop water productivity in agriculture. To elaborate such guidelines, crop models assist in assessing the conjunctive effect of different environmental stresses on crop yield. We use the AquaCrop model to simulate crop development for long series of historical climate data. Subsequently we carry out a frequency analysis on the simulated intermediate biomass levels at the start of the critical growth stage, during which irrigation will be applied. From the start of the critical growth stage onwards, we simulate dry weather conditions and derive optimal frequencies (time interval of a fixed net application depth) of irrigation to avoid drought stress during the sensitive growth stages and to guarantee maximum water productivity. By summarizing these results in easy readable charts, they become appropriate for policy, extension and farmer level use. We illustrate the procedure to derive DI schedules with an example of quinoa in Bolivia. If applied to other crops and regions, the presented methodology can be an illustrative decision support tool for sustainable agriculture based on DI.  相似文献   

Field water supply (FWS) combines the three sources of water used by a crop for evapotranspiration (ET), and consists of available soil water at planting (ASWP), rainfall, and irrigation. Examining the grain yield and FWS relationship (Yg:FWS) may provide insight into the reported variability in crop water production functions such as water productivity (WP) and irrigation water productivity (IWP). Since water is most productive when entirely consumed in ET, diversion of FWS into non-ET losses such as drainage and excessive soil water evaporation results in declines in WP and IWP. The objective of this experiment was to examine the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships of grain sorghum grown under a range of irrigation treatments (0, 25, 50, and 100% replacement of ET), beginning soil water contents, evaporative demands, in the Amarillo, Pullman, and Ulysses soils of the Great Plains. The purpose was to determine the amount of FWS beyond which declines in WP and IWP began to occur due to non-ET losses as indicated by a change in the slope and intercept of the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships. Large amounts of non-ET irrigation application losses occurred in the finer-textured soils in the T-100 irrigation treatment. In both years, the T-100 irrigation application amounts and ASWP resulted in a FWS ranging from 750 to 870 mm which exceeded the maximum ET requirement of 530-630 mm and which reduced WP and IWP. Piecewise regression analysis of the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships for the crops in the Pullman and Ulysses soils identified the knot point, or change in slope and intercept, in the FWS where both WP and IWP tended to be optimized. This was about 500 mm in both soils, and involved the utilization of about 250 mm in ASWP, irrigation applications averaging about 250 mm, and about 60-130 mm remaining in the soil at harvest. For the coarser-textured Amarillo soil, the yield response to increasing FWS was linear, because non-ET application losses such as drainage gradually increased with the irrigation application amount. The linear Yg response in the sandy Amarillo soil and the piecewise Yg responses in the clay and silt loams of the Pullman and Ulysses soils to FWS also reflected the difference in water-holding capacities of the soils that affected the amount of available water as irrigation increased. Irrigating without considering FWS resulted in non-ET irrigation application losses and declines in WP and IWP.  相似文献   

A field study (1999-2000 to 2001-2002) was carried out to optimize the irrigation frequency and suitable water application methods for cauliflower with a view to increase curd yield (CY) and water use efficiency (WUE). Check Basin (CB), Each Furrow (EF) and Alternate Furrow (AF) methods were tested with three irrigation frequencies depending on the attainment of soil matric potential (Ψm) value at 0.2 m depth as: −0.03 MPa (F1), −0.05 MPa (F2) and −0.07 MPa (F3). Maximum CY was recorded under F1 and decreased by 10.4 and 31.4%, respectively under F2 and F3 frequencies. In contrast, WUE decreased by 9.3% from F3 to F1. Highest CY and WUE obtained under CB followed by EF and AF methods. Furrow application methods saved 12-24% irrigation water over CB method. Maximum soil water stress coefficient (Ks) recorded at curd development stage in comparison to other stages. Both seasonal evapotranspiration (ETa) and yield-moisture stress index (Kys) recorded positive linear relationships with CY. Present study shows a crop response factor of 0.822 for cauliflower. In this region, cauliflower should be irrigated with check basin method at an interval of 8-10 days.  相似文献   

Non-point agrarian contamination makes its allocation to a specific territory difficult. This first part of the study seeks to analyze contamination resulting from water use in 54,438 ha of Bardenas irrigation district included in the Arba basin (BID-Arba). To this end, water balances were carried out in BID-Arba by means of measuring or estimating the main inputs, outputs and water storage between 1 April 2004 and 30 September 2006. Also, the spatial-temporal variability in water use was analyzed.The semester error balances were acceptable (between 11% and −6%), which permits the attribution of the mass of pollutants exported in drainage to the irrigation area evaluated, the objective of the second part of the study. Irrigation efficiency (IE) in BID-Arba was high (90%) despite the fact that Irrigation Sub-District VII (ISD-VII), with considerable flood irrigation drainage (27%), and ISD-XI with considerable losses due to evaporation and wind drift in sprinkler irrigation systems (15%), brought down the average (IEVII = 73%; IEXI = 83%). Irrigation management was inadequate as there was a water deficit (WD) of 9%, partly affected by the 2005 drought (WDApr-05/Sep-05 = 21%) and the low irrigation doses applied in ISD-XI (WDXI = 12%).To sum up, intense re-use of water caused a water use index (percentage of water used by the crops) of 85% which surpassed 90% in periods of drought. Nevertheless, irrigation management should be improved in order to annul the water deficit and to maximize the productivity of the agrarian system.  相似文献   

Precision irrigation management and scheduling, as well as developing site- and cultivar-specific crop coefficient (Kc), and yield response factor to water deficit (ky) are very important parameters for efficient use of limited water resources. This study investigated the effect of deficit irrigation, applied at different growth stages of peanut with sprinkler irrigation in sandy soil, on field peanut evapotranspiration (ETc), yield and yield components, and water use efficiencies (IWUE and WUE). Also, yield response factor to water deficit (ky), and site- and cultivar-specific Kc were developed. Four treatments were imposed to deficit irrigation during late vegetative and early flowering, late flowering and early pegging, pegging, and pod formation growth stages of peanut, and compared with full irrigation in the course of the season (control). A soil water balance equation was used to estimate crop evapotranspiration (ETc). The results revealed that maximum seasonal ETc was 488 mm recorded with full irrigation treatment. The maximum value of Kc (0.96) occurred at the fifth week after sowing, this value was less than the generic values listed in FAO-33 and -56 (1.03 and 1.15), respectively. Dry kernels yield among treatments differed by 41.4%. Deficit irrigation significantly affected yields, where kernels yield decreased by 28, 39, 36, and 41% in deficit-irrigated late vegetative and early flowering, late flowering and early pegging, pegging, and pod formation growth stages, respectively, compared with full irrigation treatment. Peanut yields increased linearly with seasonal ETc (R2 = 0.94) and ETc/ETp (R2 = 0.92) (ETp = ETc with no water stress). The yield response factor (ky), which indicates the relative reduction in yield to relative reduction in ETc, averaged 2.9, was higher than the 0.7 value reported by Doorenbos and Kassam [Doorenbos, J., Kassam, A.H., 1979. Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 33, Rome, Italy, 193 pp.], the high ky value reflects the great sensitivity of peanut (cv. Giza 5) to water deficit. WUE values varied considerably with deficit irrigation treatments, averaging 6.1 and 4.5 kg ha−1 mm−1 (dry-mass basis) for pods and kernels, respectively. Differences in WUE between the driest and wettest treatment were 31.3 and 31.3% for pods and kernels, respectively. Deficit irrigation treatments, however, impacted IWUE much more than WUE. Differences in IWUE between the driest and wettest treatment were 33.9 and 33.9% for pods and kernels, respectively. The results revealed that better management of available soil water in the root zone in the course of the season, as well as daily and seasonal accurate estimation of ETc can be an effective way for best irrigation scheduling and water allocation, maximizing yield, and optimizing economic return.  相似文献   

Canopy water use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Canopy water use efficiency (W), the ratio of crop productivity to evapotranspiration (ET), is critical in determining the production and water use for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the North China Plain, where winter wheat is a major crop and rainfall is scarce and variable. With the eddy covariance (EC) technique, we estimated canopy W of winter wheat at gross primary productivity (WG) and net ecosystem productivity (WN) levels from revival to maturing in three seasons of 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 at Yucheng Agro-ecosystem Station. Meanwhile we also measured the biomass-based water use efficiency (WB). Our results indicate that WG, WN and WB showed the similar seasonal variation. Before jointing (revival-jointing), WG, WN and WB were obviously lower with the values of 2.09-3.54 g C kg−1, −0.71 to 0.06 g C kg−1 and 1.37-4.03 g kg−1, respectively. After jointing (jointing-heading), the winter wheat began to grow vigorously, and WG, WN and WB significantly increased to 5.26-6.78 g C kg−1, 1.47-1.86 g C kg−1 and 6.41-7.03 g kg−1, respectively. The maximums of WG, WN and WB occurred around the stage of heading. Thereafter, WG, WN and WB began to decrease. During the observed periods, three levels of productivity: GPP, NEP and aboveground biomass (AGB) all had fairly linear relationships with ET. The slopes of GPP-ET, NEP-ET and AGB-ET were 4.67-6.12 g C kg−1, 1.50-2.08 g C kg−1 and 6.87-11.02 g kg−1, respectively. Generally, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and daytime vapor pressure deficit (D) had negative effects on WG, WN and WB except for on some cloudy days with low PAR and D. In many cases, WG, WN and WB showed the similar patterns. While there were still some obvious differences between them besides in magnitude, such as their significantly different responses to PAR and D on cloudy and moist days.  相似文献   

Using group-level and household-level data collected in 2006-2007 in two districts in Hubei Province of China, we investigate social capital and water source variables and assess the factors influencing the formation of a sub-group, which is a sub-set of the original water user group (WUG). We use a probit model and regression analysis to examine the impact of sub-group formation on the adoption of alternate wetting and drying (AWD). Results show that when social capital is strong, farmers tend not to form sub-groups because strong social capital can prevent overuse of water. However, when social capital in a group is weak, farmers need to avoid overuse of water by forming a sub-group. Therefore, if farmers in the group of weak social capital are physically constrained and thus fail to form a sub-group, overuse of water is more likely. Such failure occurs when the existence of many water sources physically prevents farmers from forming a sub-group. We also found that when social capital is strong, farmers adopt the AWD practice even without forming a sub-group.  相似文献   

Adoption of more uniform sprinkler systems involves a trade off between increased capital expenditure on equipment and the benefits associated with reduced water application when application is uniform. An empirical analysis of the economics of lettuce production, grown using sprinkler systems under the windy conditions of the Swan Coastal plain in Western Australia is presented, where the yield response to water exhibits eventual declining marginal productivity. A range of sprinkler designs that have been field-tested for performance were examined. The optimal per-crop water application for the least efficient system was up to double the application rate of the most efficient system. However, the economic analysis demonstrates that there are clear incentives for adopting more water-efficient systems despite the higher capital cost, because of the yield depressing effect of over-watering. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates substantially poorer incentives for improving irrigation efficiency when yield relationships follow a Mitscherlich functional form.
Donna BrennanEmail:

After measuring root morphological indices, such as the length, diameter, volume density, surface area and tip number of both living and dead roots on the ridge and slope under alternate furrow irrigation (AFI) and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI, control treatment) using Minirhizotrons, the responses of root morphology and distribution in maize to AFI were analyzed. Results show that root morphological indices of living or dead roots were lower on the ridge than on the slope under AFI, whereas root morphological indices of living or dead roots were higher on the ridge than on the slope under CFI. Compared to CFI, AFI significantly increased root tip number and surface area of fine roots (with the diameter of ≤2.5 × 10−1 mm) and promoted roots to deeper soil on the slope, and then simulated root water uptake. AFI only decreased the grain yield by 0.9%, but increased water use efficiency on seed yield by 8.3%. Thus AFI promoted root growth and metabolism on the slope, increased the effective absorption area of root system and improved water use efficiency without significant reduction of grain yield.  相似文献   

苹果幼树生理特性和水分生产率对水肥的响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明半干旱地区苹果幼树水肥精准管理模式,研究了苹果幼树生理特性和水分生产率对不同水肥的响应机制,试验设置4个灌水水平,其灌水上下限分别为田间持水率的75%~85%(W1)、65%~75%(W2)、55%~65%(W3)、45%~55%(W4)和3个施肥水平(N-P2O5-K2O),即高肥:0.6-0.6-0.2 g/kg干土(F1)、中肥:0.4-0.4-0.2 g/kg干土(F2)、低肥:0.2-0.2-0.2 g/kg干土(F3)。结果表明:苹果叶片相对含水率和饱和含水率以及叶绿素SPAD值均可以反映土壤水分的亏缺状况;叶片脯氨酸含量最高和最低分别为F1W4和F3W1处理(F1W4比F3W1增加440.8%),丙二醛含量最高和最低分别为F3W4和F1W1处理(F3W4比F1W1增加167%);叶片水分利用效率(WUE)最大值出现在F2W2处理,与F1W1相比,其净光合速率Pn、蒸腾速率Tr、气孔导度Gs分别减小了18.8%、29.1%、23.2%,但WUE却增加了14.2%;水分生产率(CWP)最大值也基本上出现在F2W2处理,与F1W1相比,虽然其干物质质量减少了5.2%,但耗水量却减少了16.4%,CWP增加了13.4%;叶片水分利用效率在一定程度上能够反映其水分生产率,F2W2处理为节水、节肥的最佳水肥耦合模式。  相似文献   

In cold, semi-arid areas, the options for crop diversification are limited by climate and by the water supply available. Growing irrigated crops outside the main season is not easy, because of climatic and market constraints. We carried out an experiment in Albacete, Central Spain, to measure the water use (evapotranspiration, ET) of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) planted in late summer and harvested at the end of fall. A weighing lysimeter was used to measure the seasonal ET under sprinkler irrigation. Consumptive use reached 359 mm for a period of 109 days after transplanting. The crop coefficient (Kc) for broccoli was obtained and compared to the standard recommendations for normal planting dates. Dual crop coefficient computations of the lysimeter ET data indicated that evaporation represented 31% of seasonal ET. An analysis of the variation in daily Kc values at a time of full cover suggested that the use of a grass lysimeter as a reference ET (ETo) was superior to using the ASCE Penman-Monteith (ASCE PM) equation at hourly time steps, which in turn caused less variability in Kc than when using the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (FAO-56 PM) equation at daily time steps for the ETo calculation. An additional experiment aimed at evaluating the yield response to applied irrigation water by the drip method (seven treatments, from 59 to 108% of ETc) generated a production function that gave maximum yields of near 12 t ha−1 at an irrigation level of 345 mm, and a water use efficiency of 3.37 kg m−3. It is concluded that growing broccoli in the fall season is a viable alternative for crop diversification, as the lower yields obtained here may be more than compensated for by the higher produce prices in autumn, at a time of the year where irrigation water demand for other crops is very low.  相似文献   

Scarcity and competition for water are matters of increasing concern, as are potential shortages of food. These issues intersect both within the agricultural sector and across all water using sectors. Irrigation is by far the largest user of water in most water-scarce countries, and is under pressure to reduce utilisation (to release water to other sectors, including the environment) and use water more productively to meet demands for food and fibre.The terminology for such intra- and inter-sectoral analysis must be unambiguous across sectors so that interventions and their impacts are properly understood. Such terminology, based on previous work and debate, is set out. Implications for a better understanding of the scope for improved productivity of water in agriculture are traced, and some examples are given using data from recent research submissions, demonstrating the benefits of precise water accounting.  相似文献   

The factor limiting the increase in winter wheat yield was not the deficiency of light radiation but the low radiation use efficiency (RUE). In 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, an experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Station of Shandong Agricultural University to study the effects of irrigation and different planting patterns on the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) capture ratio, PAR utilization, and winter wheat yield. In this experiment, winter wheat was planted in four patterns as follows: uniform row planting (U; row spacing, 30 cm), “20 + 40” wide-narrow row planting (W), “20 + 40” furrow planting (F), and “20 + 40” bed planting (B), which are very popular in North China. The results showed that under different irrigation regimes, there was no significant difference (less than 15.93%) between any of the planting patterns with respect to the amount of PAR intercepted by the winter wheat canopies. However, significant differences were observed between different planting patterns with respect to the amount of PAR intercepted by plants that were 60-80 cm above the ground surface (53.35-225.16%). This result was mainly due to the changes in the vertical distributions of leaf area index (LAI). As a result, the effects of the planting patterns on RUE and the winter wheat yield were due the vertical distribution of PAR in the winter wheat canopies. During the late winter wheat growing season, irrespective of the applied irrigation, the RUE in case of F was higher than that in case of U, W, and B by 0.05-0.09, 0.04-0.08, and 0.02-0.12 g/mol, respectively, and the yield was higher by 238.39-693.46, 160.02-685.96, and 308.98-699.06 kg/ha, respectively. Only under the fully irrigated conditions, the RUE and winter wheat yield significantly (LSD; P < 0.05) increased in case of B. This experiment showed that in North China, where the water shortage is the highest, application of planting pattern B should be restricted. Instead, F should be used in combination with deficit irrigation to increase the RUE and grain yield of winter wheat.  相似文献   

The reported study aimed at developing an integrated management strategy for irrigation water and fertilizers in case of wheat crop in a sub-tropical sub-humid region. Field experiments were conducted on wheat crop (cultivar Sonalika) during the years 2002–2003, 2003–2004 and 2004–2005. Each experiment included four fertilizer treatments and three irrigation treatments during the wheat growth period. During the experiment, the irrigation treatments considered were I1 = 10% maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of available soil water (ASW); I2 = 40% MAD of ASW; I3 = 60% MAD of ASW. The fertilizer treatments considered in the experiments were F1 = control treatment with N:P2O5:K2O as 0:0:0 kg ha−1, F2 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 80:40:40 kg ha−1; F3 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 120:60:60 kg ha−1 and F4 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 160:80:80 kg ha−1. In this study CERES-wheat crop growth model of the DSSAT v4.0 was used to simulate the growth, development and yield of wheat crop using soil, daily weather and management inputs, to aid farmers and decision makers in developing strategies for effective management of inputs. The results of the investigation revealed that magnitudes of grain yield, straw yield and maximum LAI of wheat crop were higher in low volume high frequency irrigation (I1) than the high volume low frequency irrigation (I3). The grain yield, straw yield and maximum LAI increased with increase in fertilization rate for the wheat crop. The results also revealed that increase in level of fertilization increased water use efficiency (WUE) considerably. However, WUE of the I2 irrigation schedule was comparatively higher than the I1 and I3 irrigation schedules due to higher grain yield per unit use of water. Therefore, irrigation schedule with 40% maximum allowable depletion of available soil water (I2) could safely be maintained during the non-critical stages to save water without sacrificing the crop yield. Increase in level of fertilization increases the WUE but it will cause environmental problem beyond certain limit. The calibrated CERES-wheat model could predict the grain yield, straw yield and maximum LAI of wheat crop with considerable accuracy and therefore can be recommended for decision-making in similar regions.  相似文献   

A research has been carried out to determine the effects of nutrition systems and irrigation programs on soilless grown tomato plants under polyethylene covered unheated greenhouse conditions. Two nutrition systems (open and closed) and three irrigation programs (high, medium and low) based on integrated indoor solar radiation triggering thresholds (1 MJ m−2 [0.4 mm], 2 MJ m−2 [0.8 mm] and 4 MJ m−2 [1.6 mm]) in both nutrition systems have been tested. Applied and discharged nutrient solution, evapotranspiration, total and marketable yield have been measured and water use efficiency has been calculated. The highest total yield has been obtained from the open system with respectively 11% and 7.2% increases in autumn and spring. Applied nutrient solution volume and seasonal ET have been modified between 47.8-180.4 l plant−1 and 41.7-145.5 l plant−1 respectively during both growing seasons. As average of two growing seasons, respectively 826.5 and 330.6 m3 ha−1 nutrient solutions have been discharged from the greenhouse in the open and closed systems. WUE of treatments varied between 33-55 kg m−3 in autumn and 26-35 kg m−3 in spring. Highest WUE values have been determined in 4 MJ m−2 and in the closed system in both growing seasons. Results showed that the closed system and infrequent irrigations increased water use efficiency while decreasing yield and discharged nutrient solution.  相似文献   

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