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Yield and water productivity of potatoes grown in 4.32 m2 lysimeters were measured in coarse sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam and imposed to full (FI), deficit (DI), and partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation strategies. PRD and DI as water-saving irrigation treatments received 65% of FI after tuber bulking and lasted for 6 weeks until final harvest. Analysis across the soil textures showed that fresh yields were not significant between the irrigation treatments. However, the same analysis across the irrigation treatments revealed that the effect of soil texture was significant on the fresh yield and loamy sand produced significantly higher fresh yield than the other two soils, probably because of higher leaf area index, higher photosynthesis rates, and “stay-green” effect late in the growing season. More analysis showed that there was a significant interaction between the irrigation treatments and soil textures that the highest fresh yield was obtained under FI in loamy sand. Furthermore, analysis across the soil textures showed that water productivities, WP (kg ha−1 fresh tuber yield mm−1 ET) were not significantly different between the irrigation treatments. However, across the irrigation treatments, the soil textures were significantly different. This showed that the interaction between irrigation treatments and soil textures was significant that the highest significant WP was obtained under DI in sandy loam. While PRD and DI treatments increased WP by, respectively, 11 and 5% in coarse sand and 28 and 36% in sandy loam relative to FI, they decreased WP in loamy sand by 15 and 13%. The reduced WP in loamy sand was due to nearly 28% fresh tuber yield loss in PRD and DI relative to FI even though ET was reduced by 9 and 11% in these irrigation treatments. This study showed that different soils will affect water-saving irrigation strategies that are worth knowing for suitable agricultural water management. So, under non-limited water resources conditions, loamy sand produces the highest yield under full irrigation but water-saving irrigations (PRD and DI) are not recommended due to considerable loss (28%) in yield. However, under restricted water resources, it is recommended to apply water-saving irrigations in sandy loam and coarse sand to achieve the highest water productivity.  相似文献   

An autonomous weighing lysimeter system is explained in detail for quantifying water use for a wide range of species and plant sizes in greenhouse and outdoor environments. Complete computer programs for managing these systems are provided. The system is scalable and based on the direct measurement of mass using hermetically sealed and temperature compensated S-type load cells. It is designed for measurement of single plants growing in low bulk density substrates in containers suspended from above. With light substrates matched to load cell capacity, accuracies up to 0.25 g kg−1 measured (0.025%) can be achieved. An example of programming versatility for the study of long term deficit irrigation on shrub and tree growth is reviewed. A single value in the program regulates adjustable rates of controlled implementation of water stress that can be sustained once the desired level is achieved. Details and examples of mechanical components are provided along with solutions to issues that arose over time. A web page for complete programs written in EDLOG and CRBasic for 16 lysimeter systems is provided for reference for discussions of key programming components. The system is amendable to any crop that can be grown in low bulk density substrates where the emphasis is on transpiration and plant size, while root volume or extent is of minimum concern.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to determine the effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of field grown eggplants. A total of 8 irrigation treatments (four each year), which received different amounts of irrigation water, were evaluated. In 2008, deficit irrigation was applied at full vegetative growth (WS-V), pre-flowering (WS-F) and fruit ripening (WS-R), while in 2009 deficit irrigation was applied during the whole growing season at 80 (WS-80), 60 (WS-60) and 40% (WS-40) of field capacity. Deficit-irrigated treatments were in both years compared to a well irrigated control. Regular readings of soil water content (SWC) in 2008 and 2009 showed that average soil water deficit (SWD) in the control was around 30% of total available water (TAW) while in deficit-irrigated treatments it varied between 50 and 75% of TAW. In 2008, deficit irrigation reduced fruit fresh yield by 35, 25 and 33% in WS-V, WS-F and WS-R treatments, respectively, when compared to the control (33.0 t ha−1). However, the reduction in fresh yield in response to deficit irrigation was compensated by an increase in fruit mean weight. Results obtained in 2009 showed that fruit fresh yield in the control was 33.7 t ha−1, while it was 12, 39 and 60% less in WS-80, WS-60 and WS-40 treatments, respectively. On the other hand, fruit dry matter content and water productivity were found to increase significantly in both years in deficit-irrigated treatments. Applying deficit irrigation for 2 weeks prior to flowering (WS-F) resulted in water saving of the same magnitude of the WS-80 treatment, with the least yield reduction, making more water available to irrigate other crops, and thereby considered optimal strategies for drip-irrigated eggplants in the semi-arid climate of the central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.  相似文献   

不同水质膜下滴灌棉田盐分空间变异特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为评价不同水质膜下滴灌棉田土壤盐分空间分布及变异性,采用EM38-MK2型电磁感应仪对微咸及淡水滴灌田块进行盐分调查。解译模型获得的土壤含盐质量比描述性统计特征表明,微咸水滴灌的积盐程度高于淡水滴灌,但其变异系数相对较小。采用GS+软件拟合最优半方差函数模型,微咸水处理为指数模型,淡水处理为高斯模型,均表现为强的空间相关性;微咸水处理变程大于淡水处理,增加了土壤盐分的空间相依性。Kriging空间插值及变异分析表明,淡水滴灌棉田土壤盐分微域及全域空间变异程度强于微咸水滴灌,二者均存在影响棉花出苗的盐斑。建议用水紧张时,可基于EM38-MK2型电磁感应仪的盐分调查结果,重点淋洗盐斑集中分布区域,以节水增产。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to simulate water and nitrogen transfers under two furrow irrigation technologies (every furrow irrigation (EFI) and alternative furrow irrigation (AFI)) on Chromic Luvisol in Sofia region, Bulgaria. A bi-dimensional water and solutes transport modeling approach, HYDRUS-2D model [Simunek, J., Sejna, M., Van Genuchten, M.T., 1999. The HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS-2D codes for estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic and solutes transport parameters. Agron Abstr. 357] is adopted in order to consider the technology of irrigation and fertilization. The model is calibrated in six steps using detailed data observed in two cropped lysimeters. The data consist of water and nitrogen (N) profiles below ridge and furrow bed, precipitation, drainage and water/N uptake by plant. Hydrological components of the soil are derived from laboratory: water retention data (step (i)) and adjusted to field conditions when EFI is approximated by one-dimensional (step (ii)). Then a two-dimensional water flow is adopted in model simulations for parameter calibration and verification, under EFI (step (iii)) and under AFI technology (step (iv)). This model calibration and validation is then used to calibrate the solute transport parameters, that is the aim of step (v) and step (vi). EFI and particularly AFI technologies points out the necessary 2D model using for the N transfer simulation under specific fertilizer applications. Thus, this calibrated model allows predicting the impact of furrow irrigation practices and distribution uniformity on drainage and nitrogen leaching under the studied conditions.  相似文献   

With the availability of irrigation water, supplemental irrigation in winter-grown crops, such as lentil, wheat, and barley, has been intensely practiced to prevent crop yield losses due to the incidence of intermittent drought stress. In the crop growing seasons of 2006-2007 and 2008-2009, a study was conducted to determine the effect of supplemental irrigations on Canola (Brassica napus L. cv. Elvis F1) under the semiarid climatic conditions of the Harran plain, Sanliurfa, Turkey. A sprinkler irrigation system was used to irrigate the study plots. The irrigation treatments included 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 (full irrigation) of Class-A pan evaporation amounts. The full irrigation treatment during both years consisted of 250 and 225 mm, respectively. In turn, crop water use values during the same years and treatments were 462 and 449 mm. In general, plant height and 1000 seed weight ranged from 140 to 165 cm and from 2.5 to 3.3 g, respectively, and these variables significantly differed among irrigation treatments (p < 0.05). Crop yield and above ground biomass measurements were affected by irrigation treatments and varied from 1094 to 3943 kg ha−1 and from 6746 to 18,311 kg ha−1, respectively (p < 0.05). Similarly, harvest index values were affected (p < 0.05) and ranged from 0.16 to 0.23 on average. The water use efficiency obtained in the different treatments indicated a strong positive relationship between crop yield and irrigation. Overall, our results indicate that supplemental irrigation substantially increased canola yield; however, for an optimum yield, full irrigation is suggested.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of irrigation modernization on water conservation, using the Riegos del Alto Aragón (RAA) irrigation project (NE Spain, 123354 ha) as a case study. A conceptual approach, based on water accounting and water productivity, has been used. Traditional surface irrigation systems and modern sprinkler systems currently occupy 73% and 27% of the irrigated area, respectively. Virtually all the irrigated area is devoted to field crops. Nowadays, farmers are investing on irrigation modernization by switching from surface to sprinkler irrigation because of the lack of labour and the reduction of net incomes as a consequence of reduction in European subsidies, among other factors. At the RAA project, modern sprinkler systems present higher crop yields and more intense cropping patterns than traditional surface irrigation systems. Crop evapotranspiration and non-beneficial evapotranspiration (mainly wind drift and evaporation loses, WDEL) per unit area are higher in sprinkler irrigated than in surface irrigated areas. Our results indicate that irrigation modernization will increase water depletion and water use. Farmers will achieve higher productivity and better working conditions. Likewise, the expected decreases in RAA irrigation return flows will lead to improvements in the quality of the receiving water bodies. However, water productivity computed over water depletion will not vary with irrigation modernization due to the typical linear relationship between yield and evapotranspiration and to the effect of WDEL on the regional water balance. Future variations in crop and energy prices might change the conclusions on economic productivity.  相似文献   

In the Bolivian Altiplano, the yields of rainfed quinoa are relatively low and highly unstable. We use a validated crop water productivity model to examine the potential of closing quinoa yield gaps in this region. We simulate the expectable yields under rainfed cultivation and under different deficit irrigation (DI) strategies using the AquaCrop model for the Northern, Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano. Simulated DI scenarios include a reference strategy avoiding stomatal closure during all sensitive growth stages and allowing drought stress during the tolerant growth stages (DI0) and various restrictive deficit irrigation strategies (DIi) representing cases when water resources are limited. We obtain a logistic crop water production function for quinoa by plotting the seasonal actual evapotranspiration versus total grain yield. Due to the large scatter, this function only indicatively provides expectable yields. From the scenario analysis, we derive yield probability curves for the 3 agro-climatic regions. DI, without restriction in irrigation water during the drought sensitive growth stages, is able to close the yield gaps in the Northern, Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano, and would guarantee a high and stable level of water productivity (WP). The yields of quinoa under rainfed cultivation during dry years are only 1.1, 0.5 and 0.2 Mg ha−1 in the Northern, Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano, whereas under DI0 they are 2.2, 1.6 and 1.5 Mg ha−1, respectively. Under limited water availability for irrigation, these stable yield levels decrease, most drastically in the Southern Bolivian Altiplano. Below a minimum water availability of 600 m3 per ha and 700 m3 per ha in the Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano, respectively, the application of DI for quinoa is not significantly effective and should be avoided to save valuable resources. The yield probability curves we derive can serve as input for stochastic economic analysis of DI of quinoa in the Bolivian Altiplano.  相似文献   

灌水量与施肥量是影响作物生长的两大重要因素,传统的灌溉与施肥方式下,农田水肥利用效率低,不利于农业可持续发展,而适宜的灌水与施肥能够显著优化作物生长。水氮耦合技术通过合理调控作物在不同生育期的水肥需求,达到节水优质高产的目的。本文首先介绍了水氮耦合技术发展概况,阐述了水氮耦合技术的研究意义,同时也明确了该技术在经济作物栽培中的应用效果与发展前景。最后对水氮耦合技术存在的问题进行了深入思考。  相似文献   

Field water supply (FWS) combines the three sources of water used by a crop for evapotranspiration (ET), and consists of available soil water at planting (ASWP), rainfall, and irrigation. Examining the grain yield and FWS relationship (Yg:FWS) may provide insight into the reported variability in crop water production functions such as water productivity (WP) and irrigation water productivity (IWP). Since water is most productive when entirely consumed in ET, diversion of FWS into non-ET losses such as drainage and excessive soil water evaporation results in declines in WP and IWP. The objective of this experiment was to examine the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships of grain sorghum grown under a range of irrigation treatments (0, 25, 50, and 100% replacement of ET), beginning soil water contents, evaporative demands, in the Amarillo, Pullman, and Ulysses soils of the Great Plains. The purpose was to determine the amount of FWS beyond which declines in WP and IWP began to occur due to non-ET losses as indicated by a change in the slope and intercept of the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships. Large amounts of non-ET irrigation application losses occurred in the finer-textured soils in the T-100 irrigation treatment. In both years, the T-100 irrigation application amounts and ASWP resulted in a FWS ranging from 750 to 870 mm which exceeded the maximum ET requirement of 530-630 mm and which reduced WP and IWP. Piecewise regression analysis of the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships for the crops in the Pullman and Ulysses soils identified the knot point, or change in slope and intercept, in the FWS where both WP and IWP tended to be optimized. This was about 500 mm in both soils, and involved the utilization of about 250 mm in ASWP, irrigation applications averaging about 250 mm, and about 60-130 mm remaining in the soil at harvest. For the coarser-textured Amarillo soil, the yield response to increasing FWS was linear, because non-ET application losses such as drainage gradually increased with the irrigation application amount. The linear Yg response in the sandy Amarillo soil and the piecewise Yg responses in the clay and silt loams of the Pullman and Ulysses soils to FWS also reflected the difference in water-holding capacities of the soils that affected the amount of available water as irrigation increased. Irrigating without considering FWS resulted in non-ET irrigation application losses and declines in WP and IWP.  相似文献   

Research on crop response to deficit irrigation is important to reduce agricultural water use in areas where water is a limited resource. Two field experiments were conducted on a loam soil in northeast Spain to characterize the response of maize (Zea mays L.) to deficit irrigation under surface irrigation. The growing season was divided into three phases: vegetative, flowering and grain filling. The irrigation treatments consisted of all possible combinations of full irrigation or limited irrigation in the three phases. Limited irrigation was applied by increasing the interval between irrigations. Soil water status, crop growth, above-ground biomass, yield and its components were measured. Results showed that flowering was the most sensitive stage to water deficit, with reductions in biomass, yield and harvest index. Average grain yield of treatments with deficit irrigation around flowering (691 g m−2) was significantly lower than that of the well-irrigated treatments (1069 g m(2). Yield reduction was mainly due to a lower number of grains per square metre. Deficit irrigation or higher interval between irrigations during the grain filling phase did not significantly affect crop growth and yield. It was possible to maintain relatively high yields in maize if small water deficits caused by increasing the interval between irrigations were limited to periods other than the flowering stage. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) was higher in treatments fully irrigated around flowering.  相似文献   

This study was conducted over 2 years (2007 and 2008) to establish the optimal combinations between irrigation frequency and rate for drip-irrigated maize using water production functions and water use-yield relationships. A field experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block split plot design with four irrigation frequencies (F1, F2, F3 and F4, irrigation events once every 1, 2, 3 or 4 days, respectively) and three drip irrigation rates (I1: 1.00, I2: 0.80, and I3: 0.60 of the estimated evapotranspiration, ET) as the main and split plots, respectively. Our results show that yield variables and water use efficiencies (WUEs) increased with increasing irrigation frequency and rate, with non-significant differences between F1 and F2 in yield variables and between I1 and I2 in WUEs. Moreover, the combination between various irrigation frequencies and rates had an important effect on yield variables and WUEs, with the highest values being found for F1I2 and F2I1 and the lowest for F3I3 and F4I3. The F1I3 treatment had grain yield and yield components values similar to those obtained for the F3I2 and F4I1 treatments and WUEs values similar to those obtained for the F2I1 and F2I2 treatments. Seasonal yield response factors (ky) were 1.81 and 1.86 in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Production functions of yield versus seasonal crop ET were linear for all combinations of irrigation frequency and rate and for all irrigation frequency treatments with the exception of the F1 treatment, which instead showed a second order relationship. The relationship between WUE and grain yield was best represented by a power equation. In conclusion, we identified the optimal coupling combinations between irrigation frequency and water application rate to achieve the maximum yield and WUEs under either sufficient (F2I1) or limited irrigation (F1I3) water supplies.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effect of soil water deficit (SWD) during fruit development and ripening, on yield and quality of processing tomato under deficit irrigation in the Mediterranean climate, an open-field experiment was carried out in two sites differing from soil and climatic characteristics, in Sicily, South Italy. Six irrigation treatments were studied: no irrigation following plant establishment (NI); 100% (F = full) or 50% (D = deficit) ETc restoration with long-season irrigation (L) or short-season irrigation up to 1st fruit set (S); and long-season irrigation with 100% ETc restoration up to beginning of flowering, then 50% ETc restoration (LFD). The greatest effect of increasing SWD was the rise in fruit firmness, total solids and soluble solids (SS). A negative trend in response to increasing SWD was observed for fruit yield and size. Tough yield and SS were negatively correlated, the final SS yield under the LD regime was close to that of LF, and 47% water was saved. However, SS seems to be more environmental sensitive than SWD, since it varied more between sites than within site. The variations between sites in fruit quality response to deficit irrigation demonstrate that not only SWD but also soil and climatic characteristics influence the quality traits of the crop.  相似文献   

Saline groundwater is often found at shallow depth in irrigated areas of arid and semi-arid regions and is associated with problems of soil salinisation and land degradation. The conventional solution is to maintain a deeper water-table through provision of engineered drainage disposal systems, but the sustainability of such systems is disputed. This shallow groundwater should, however, be seen as a valuable resource, which can be utilised via capillary rise (i.e. sub-irrigation). In this way, it is possible to meet part of the crop water requirement, even where the groundwater is saline, thus decreasing the need for irrigation water and simultaneously alleviating the problem of disposing of saline drainage effluent. Management of conditions within the root zone can be achieved by means of a controlled drainage system.A series of lysimeter experiments have permitted a detailed investigation of capillary upward flow from a water-table controlled at shallow depth (1.0 m) under conditions of moderately high (5 mm/day) evaporative demand and with different levels of salinity. Experiments were conducted on a wheat crop grown in a sandy loam soil. Groundwater salinity was held at values from 2 to 8 dS/m while supplementary (deficit) irrigation was applied at the surface with salinity in the range 1-4 dS/m.Our experiments show that increased salinity decreased total water uptake by the crop, but in most treatments wheat still extracted 40% of its requirement from the groundwater, similar to the proportion reported for non-saline conditions. Yield depression was limited to 30% of maximum when the irrigation water was of relatively good quality (1 and 2 dS/m) even with saline groundwater (up to 6 dS/m). Crop water productivity (grain yield basis) was around 0.35 kg/m3 over a wide range of salinity conditions when calculated conventionally on the basis of total water use, but was generally above 1.0 kg/m3 if calculated on the basis of irrigation input only.  相似文献   

The Central Asian countries face high water scarcity due to aridity and desertification but excess water is often applied to the main irrigated crops. This over-irrigation contributes to aggravate water scarcity problems. Improved water saving irrigation is therefore required, mainly through appropriate irrigation scheduling. To provide for it, after being previously calibrated and validated for cotton in the Fergana region, the irrigation scheduling simulation model ISAREG was explored to simulate improved irrigation scheduling alternatives. Results show that using the present irrigation scheduling a large part of the applied water, averaging 20%, percolates out of the root zone. Several irrigation strategies were analyzed, including full irrigation and various levels of deficit irrigation. The analysis focused a three-year period when experiments for calibration and validation of the model were carried out, and a longer period of 33 years that provided for an analysis considering the probabilities of the demand for irrigation water. The first concerned a wet period while the second includes a variety of climatic demand conditions that provided for analyzing alternative schedules for average, high and very high climatic demand. Results have shown the importance of the groundwater contribution, mainly when deficit irrigation is applied. Analyzing several deficit irrigation strategies through the respective potential water saving, relative yield losses, water productivity and economic water productivity, it could be concluded that relative mild deficits may be adopted. Contrarily, the adoption of high water deficit that produce high water savings would lead to yield losses that may be economically not acceptable.  相似文献   

亏缺灌溉对成龄库尔勒香梨产量与根系生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了亏缺灌溉对成龄库尔勒香梨树营养生长、果实生长与吸收根系分布的影响。香梨的生育中期,设计了4种土壤水分亏缺(灌前土壤水势下限):轻度胁迫(-100 kPa)、中度胁迫(-200 kPa)、重度胁迫(-300 kPa)和对照(-50 kPa)。灌溉系统为地表滴灌。试验结果表明,亏缺灌溉显著地减少了夏季剪枝量,提高了果实产量。充分灌溉条件下,香梨树根长密度从树行由内向外呈递减趋势,滴灌促进了湿润体内的吸收根系的发育;距树行0.5 m,根长密度随着深度的增加而减少;距树行1 m至1.5 m,根长密度随着深度的增加而增加;距树行2 m的非灌溉区,根长密度在垂直方向上变化不显著。为适应滴灌湿润体内水分胁迫,香梨树在湿润体内及非灌溉区的吸收根系的分布均发生了显著的调整。适度水分胁迫下的根长密度增加对香梨产量有促进作用。  相似文献   

为了明确灌后复水(降水)对土壤中水氮分布的影响以及选择合理的灌施方式,通过室内模型试验,研究了在蓄水多坑肥灌条件下不同降水量(30.624,37.334,43.56 mm)所对应单坑不同复水量(140.1,228.7,400.5 mm)和不同复水时间(灌后1,5,10 d)对土壤水氮运移的影响.研究结果表明:复水后土壤含水率增大,复水量为228.7 mm及以上时,30~80 cm深度范围内土壤含水率均达到田间持水率的80%以上,且复水量越大或复水时间间隔越短,复水后水分分布越均匀;硝态氮在湿润锋处积累明显,复水后坑壁附近土壤硝态氮质量浓度降低,硝态氮质量浓度峰值向远处推进,复水量越大或复水时间间隔越短,硝态氮推进越远且向深处迁移越明显;复水后铵态氮质量分数在近坑处降低,在距坑较远处增加,但变化幅度均不大,复水量越大,或复水时间间隔越短,对铵态氮质量浓度影响越大,复水后土壤铵态氮分布越均匀.  相似文献   

基于PVDF压电传感器的水滴冲击力检测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水滴冲击力是衡量喷头性能的重要技术指标。水滴撞击土壤表面产生的冲击会冲蚀土壤,引起板结,影响入渗,损伤作物。设计一种水滴冲击力自动检测系统和水滴自动发生试验装置,实现对水滴冲击力的自动测量。系统选用PVDF压电传感器作为力检测元件,采用USB7333高速数据采集卡,利用LabWindows/CVI编写数据采集与处理程序,获取水滴冲击力检测数据。试验实现了在水滴频率、大小稳定控制试验条件下,对不同水滴大小冲击力的动态测量。结果表明:PVDF压电传感器对水滴冲击力检测具有良好的动态响应特性;水滴冲击力与传感器输出电压具有良好的线性关系,拟合程度达0.936,系统测量误差小于10%。利用该系统测定水滴冲击力,解决了传统人工测量的不稳定问题。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 2 years to investigate the effects of deficit irrigation, nitrogen and plant growth minerals on seed cotton yield, water productivity and yield response factor. The treatment comprises six levels of deficit irrigation (Etc 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 and 0.5) and four levels of nitrogen (80, 120, 160 and 200 kg N ha−1). These were treatments superimposed with and without plant growth mineral spray. Furrow irrigation treatments were also kept. Cotton variety Ankur-651 Bt was grown during 2006 and 2007 cotton season. Drip irrigation at 1.0 Etc saved 26.9% water and produced 43.1% higher seed cotton yield over conventional furrow irrigation (1.0 Etc). Imposing irrigation deficit of 0.8 Etc caused significant reduction in seed cotton yield to the tune of 9.3% of the maximum yield. Further increase in deficit irrigation from 0.7 Etc to 0.5 Etc significantly decreased seed cotton yield over its subsequent higher irrigation level. Decline in the yield under deficit irrigation was associated with reduction in number of bolls plant−1 and boll weight. Nitrogen at 200 kg ha−1 significantly increased mean seed cotton yield by 36.3% over 80 kg N ha−1. Seed cotton yield tended to increase linearly up to 200 kg N ha−1 with drip Etc 0.8 to drip Etc 1.0. With drip Etc 0.6-0.5, N up to 160 kg ha−1 provided the highest yield, thereafter it had declined. Foliar spray of plant growth mineral (PGM) brought about significant improvement in seed cotton yield by 14.1% over control. The water productivity ranged from 0.331 to 0.491 kg m−3 at different irrigation and N levels. On pooled basis, crop yield response factor of 0.87 was calculated at 20% irrigation deficit.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to determine the effects of water stress imposed at different development stages on grain yield, seasonal evapotranspiration, crop-water relationships, yield response to water and water use efficiency of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) for winter and summer sowing. The field trials were conducted on a loam Entisol soil in Thrace Region in Turkey, using Dincer, the most popular safflower variety in the research area. A randomised complete block design with three replications was used. Three known growth stages of the plant were considered and a total of 8 (including rainfed) irrigation treatments were applied. The effect of irrigation or water stress at any stage of development on grain yield per hectare and 1000 kernel weight, was evaluated. Results of this study showed that safflower was significantly affected by water shortage in the soil profile due to omitted irrigation during the sensitive vegetative stage. The highest yield was observed in the fully irrigated control and was higher for winter sowing than for summer sowing. Evapotranspiration calculated for non-stressed production was 728 and 673 mm for winter and summer sowing, respectively. Safflower grain yield of the fully irrigated treatments was 4.05 and 3.74 t ha−1 for winter and summer season, respectively. The seasonal yield response factor was 0.97 and 0.81 for winter and summer sowing, respectively. The highest total water use efficiency was obtained in the treatment irrigated only at vegetative stage while the lowest value was observed when the crop was irrigated only at yield stage. As conclusions: (i) winter sowing is suggested; (ii) if deficit irrigation is to apply at only one or two stages, Y stage or Y and F stages should be omitted, respectively.  相似文献   

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