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该文以1990年建立的耕作制定位试验田紫色水稻土为研究对象,分析了冬水田(FPF)、水旱轮作(CR)和垄作免耕(RNT)3种耕作方式对土壤团聚体组成和有机质的影响。结果表明,垄作免耕减少了对土壤大团聚体的破坏,在0~10 cm土层,垄作免耕大团聚体含量分别是冬水田和水旱轮作的1.48和1.32倍,微团聚体含量则显著降低;在 >10~20 cm土层有相同的趋势。3种耕作条件下,有机碳和氮在团聚体中的分布模式类似,均有向大团聚体富集的趋势,但垄作免耕条件下土壤有机碳和氮质量分数显著高于冬水田和水旱轮作。对土壤颗粒有机质(POM)的分析结果表明,垄作免耕0~10 cm土层轻质组分(LF)的质量分数(1.92 g/kg)与水旱轮作(1.70 g/kg)差异不显著,但显著高于冬水田(1.42 g/kg)。冬水田、水旱轮作和垄作免耕的0~10 cm土层,团聚体内总颗粒有机质(total iPOM)质量分数分别为0.96,1.12,2.14 g/kg;垄作免耕土壤团聚体内细颗粒有机质(fine iPOM)分别为冬水田和水旱轮作土壤的3.02和2.46倍,占总POM差异的57%和66%。垄作免耕土壤团聚体内粗颗粒有机质(coarse iPOM)分别为冬水田和水旱轮作土壤的1.56和1.40倍,占总POM差异的18%和19%。在>10~20 cm土层有相似的趋势,但在>10~20 cm层土壤粗iPOM的差异对总POM差异的贡献较0~10 cm层大。垄作免耕减少了对大团聚体的破坏并促进微团聚体向大团聚体团聚;降低了团聚体的周转速率,促进了细iPOM的固定,利于紫色水稻土对碳的固定和积累。  相似文献   

Farming practices, including tillage, cover cropping and residue management can have profound effects on the efficiency of irrigation practices. The effects of three field management practices (FMPs) standard tillage and winter-fallow (ST), standard tillage and winter-cover crop (STCC), and no-till and winter-fallow (NT) and two field lengths (122 and 366 m) on runoff and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were investigated in a furrow-irrigated cropping system over two years. The residue cover was 40, 32 and 11% in 2007, and 58, 61 and 11% in 2008 for STCC, NT and ST, respectively. Furrow irrigation experiments were conducted prior to crop planting following the cover crop. The inflow was kept constant across all treatments, and infiltration and runoff were estimated using a volume balance model (VBM). The DOC concentration tended to increase with increasing field length, but did not differ among the FMPs. A threefold increase in field length increased infiltration by 40%, and decreased runoff by 60-90% and DOC export by 65-83%. In both years, infiltration was highest in STCC. In NT, infiltration was lowest in 2007, which was likely due to soil sealing, and intermediate among the three FMPs in 2008 perhaps due to the increase in residue cover in the second year. The DOC budget analysis showed that fields and FMPs acted as DOC sinks exporting less DOC than was applied in the irrigation water. The results suggest that longer furrows and STCC were greater DOC sinks compared to ST and shorter field practices. The VBM, as applied in this study to estimate infiltration and runoff, could be used to predict optimal field length to minimize runoff and promote DOC adsorption to soil within the constraints of water quality and availability and soil conditions.  相似文献   

以公主岭市长期(10 a)保护性耕作定位试验为研究对象,分析与传统耕作模式相比的几种保护性耕作模式对黑土固碳效应的影响。共设4种耕作模式,即秋翻秋耙匀垄、秋灭茬匀垄、全面旋耕深松和宽窄行交替休闲(又叫松带、苗带交替休闲)(后3种视为保护性耕作)。结果表明,经过10 a的耕作试验,不同的耕作模式对土壤有机碳有显著的影响。表层0~20 cm秋翻秋耙匀垄和秋灭茬匀垄模式的土壤有机碳含量最低,深层30~50 cm全面旋耕深松模式的土壤有机碳质量分数显著低于其他耕作模式13.49%~25.14%;0~50 cm耕层  相似文献   

A better understanding of soil carbon( C) distribution within aggregate fractions is essential to evaluating the potential of no-till for sustaining productivity and protecting the environment. A metaanalysis on 744 comparisons from 34 studies was conducted to determine the effects of three different tillage treatments( conventional mouldbould ploughing tillage( CT),reduced tillage( RT) and no tillage( NT)) on water-stable aggregate size distribution,soil C concentration in aggregate fractions.The meta-analysis indicates that compared with CT treatment, NT/RT significantly( P 0. 05)increases macro-aggregate above 20 cm by 20. 9%-82. 2%( 2. 00 mm) and 5. 9%-19. 1%( 0. 25-2.00 mm),whereas NT/RT significantly reduces micro-aggregate and silt clay fractions above 20 cm.NT/RT significantly( P 0. 05) increases the SOC in macro-aggregate( 0. 25 mm) and microaggregate( 0. 25 mm) size classes above 20 cm soil depth compared with CT. The results suggest that soil sampling depth should be considered to evaluate the influence of tillage systems on the distribution of soil aggregate,and the content of aggregate-associated C content.  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change allows a country that emits C above agreed-upon limits to purchase C offsets from an entity that uses biological means to absorb or reduce greenhouse emissions. The CDM is currently offered for afforestation and reforestation projects, but may apply subsequently to sequestration in agricultural soils. Additionally, markets outside of the Protocol are developing for soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in agro-systems can be altered as a consequence of treated sewage effluent (TSE) irrigation. The present study evaluated the effects of TSE irrigation over 16 months on N concentrations in sugarcane (leaves, stalks and juice), total soil carbon (TC), total soil nitrogen (TN), NO3-N in soil and nitrate (NO3) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil solution. The soil was classified as an Oxisol and samplings were carried out during the first productive crop cycle, from February 2005 (before planting) to September 2006 (after sugarcane harvest and 16 months of TSE irrigation). The experiment was arranged in a complete block design with five treatments and four replicates. Irrigated plots received 50% of the recommended mineral N fertilization and 100% (T100), 125% (T125), 150% (T150) and 200% (T200) of crop water demand. No mineral N and irrigation were applied to the control plots. TSE irrigation enhanced sugarcane yield but resulted in total-N inputs (804-1622 kg N ha−1) greater than exported N (463-597 kg N ha−1). Hence, throughout the irrigation period, high NO3 concentrations (up to 388 mg L−1 at T200) and DOC (up to 142 mg L−1 at T100) were measured in soil solution below the root zone, indicating the potential of groundwater contamination. TSE irrigation did not change soil TC and TN.  相似文献   

Establishing and implementing management practices that limit N leaching from agricultural and horticultural land is a priority internationally. Movement of N through soil to surface and ground waters can degrade aquatic systems and compromise water used for drinking, industry and recreation. Reported annual rates of N leaching from turfgrass range from 0 to 160 kg N ha−1 year−1, representing up to 30% of applied N. Irrigation rate, fertiliser regime and turfgrass growth phase influence the amounts of N leached. Nitrogen losses tend to be low (<5% of applied fertiliser N) from established turfgrass that is not over-irrigated, and has received N fertiliser at 200–300 kg N ha−1 year−1. Efficient irrigation management is critical for efficient N use. Irrigation scheduling that does not cause water to move beyond the active rooting zone decreases the amount of N leached from established turfgrass, without being detrimental to, and in some instances enhancing, turfgrass growth and quality. Applying N fertilisers at rates and frequencies that match N requirements decreases N leaching from established turfgrass. Soil disturbance, such as during preparation of areas for planting turfgrass, can increase N leaching. Therefore, the main strategies for minimising N leaching from turfgrass are (i) optimise irrigation regimes, and (ii) ensure N is applied at rates and frequencies that match turfgrass demand. These strategies are particularly important during turfgrass establishment. Further work is required on turfgrass-soil N cycling and partitioning of N applied to turfgrass. Research needs to be conducted for a broad range of turfgrass species, turfgrass ages, soil types and climates.  相似文献   

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