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The amount of water used by any crop largely depends on the extent to which the soil water depletion from the root zone is being recharged by appropriate depth of irrigation. To test this hypothesis a field study was carried out in November–March of 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 on a sandy loam (Aeric haplaquept) to quantify the effect of depth of irrigation applied through micro-sprinklers on onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb yield (BY) and water use patterns. Seven irrigation treatments consisted of six amounts of sprinkler applied water relative to compensate crop (Kc) and pan (Kp) coefficient-based predicted evapotranspiration loss from crop field (ETp) (i) 160% of ETp (1.6ETp); (ii) 1.4ETp; (iii) 1.2ETp; (iv) 1.0ETp; (v) 0.8ETp; (vi) 0.6ETp; (vii) 40 mm of surface applied water whenever cumulative pan evaporation equals to 33 mm. Water use efficiency (WUE), net evapotranspiration efficiency (WUEET) and irrigation water use efficiency (WUEI) were computed. Marginal water use efficiency (MWUE) and elasticity of water productivity (EWP) of onion were calculated using the relationship between BY and measured actual evapotranspiration (ETc). Yield increased with increasing sprinkler-applied water from 0.6 to 1.4ETp. Relative to the yield obtained at 0.6ETp, yield at 1.0ETp increased by 23–25% while at 1.4ETp it was only 3–9% greater than that at 1.0ETp. In contrast, yield at 1.6ETp was 9–12% less than that at 1.4ETp. Maximum WUE (7.21 kg m−3) and WUEET (13.87 kg m−3) were obtained under 1.0ETp. However, the highest WUEI (3.83 kg m−3) was obtained with 1.2ETp. The ETc associated with the highest WUE was 20% less than that required to obtain the highest yields. This study confirmed that critical levels of ETc needed to obtain maximum BYs, or WUE, could be obtained more precisely from the knowledge of MWUE and EWP.  相似文献   

The experiment aimed at evaluating the yield and quality response of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) to applied irrigation water and nitrogen by drip irrigation method during the spring and autumn cultivation periods of 2007. Irrigation water was applied based on a ratio of Class A pan evaporation (kcp = 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25) with 7 days interval. Also, the effect of four nitrogen levels (0 kg ha−1, 150 kg ha−1, 200 kg ha−1 and 250 kg ha−1) was compared with each treatment. The seasonal evapotranspiration in the treatments varied from 233 mm to 328 mm during the spring period and from 276 mm to 344 mm during the autumn period. The highest broccoli yield was obtained in the spring period as 11.02 t ha−1 and in the autumn period as 4.55 t ha−1. In general, there were statistical differences along nitrogen does with respect to yield and yield components while there were no statistically significant differences in the yield and yield components among irrigation regimes. Both yield and yield parameters in the spring period were found to be higher than that of the autumn period due to the low temperature and high rainy days in autumn. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) ranged from 3.78 kg m−3 to 14.61 kg m−3 during the spring period and from 1.89 kg m−3 to 5.93 kg m−3 during the autumn period. On the other hand, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) changed as 37.32-73.13% and 13.08-22.46% for spring and autumn season, respectively.  相似文献   

A field study (1999-2000 to 2001-2002) was carried out to optimize the irrigation frequency and suitable water application methods for cauliflower with a view to increase curd yield (CY) and water use efficiency (WUE). Check Basin (CB), Each Furrow (EF) and Alternate Furrow (AF) methods were tested with three irrigation frequencies depending on the attainment of soil matric potential (Ψm) value at 0.2 m depth as: −0.03 MPa (F1), −0.05 MPa (F2) and −0.07 MPa (F3). Maximum CY was recorded under F1 and decreased by 10.4 and 31.4%, respectively under F2 and F3 frequencies. In contrast, WUE decreased by 9.3% from F3 to F1. Highest CY and WUE obtained under CB followed by EF and AF methods. Furrow application methods saved 12-24% irrigation water over CB method. Maximum soil water stress coefficient (Ks) recorded at curd development stage in comparison to other stages. Both seasonal evapotranspiration (ETa) and yield-moisture stress index (Kys) recorded positive linear relationships with CY. Present study shows a crop response factor of 0.822 for cauliflower. In this region, cauliflower should be irrigated with check basin method at an interval of 8-10 days.  相似文献   

Irrigation management strategy invites the quantification of crop response to irrigation frequencies. Conventionally, mulches increase the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) to a great extent by augmenting the water status in the root zone profile. A field study was carried out during the winter season (November-March) of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 at the Central Research Farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Latitude 22°58′N, Longitude 88°31′E and altitude 9.75 m amsl), Gayeshpur, India, to evaluate the effect of irrigation frequencies and mulches on evapotranspiration rate from tomato crop field as well as leaf area index (LAI), fruit yield and WUE of the crop. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design where three irrigation treatments {rainfed (RF); CPE50 and CPE25 where irrigation was given at 50 and 25 mm of cumulative pan evaporation (CPE)} were kept in the main plots and the subplots contained four mulch managements {no mulch (NM), rice straw mulch (RSM), white polyethylene mulch (WPM) and black polyethylene mulch (BPM)}. Under CPE25, tomato crop recorded significantly higher leaf area index (LAI) over CPE50 and rainfed condition. LAI value under BPM was 9-30% more over other mulches. Maximum variation of LAI among different treatments was recorded at 60 days after transplanting (DAT). Fruit yield under CPE25 was 39.4 Mg ha−1; a reduction of 7 and 30% has been obtained under CPE50 and RF condition. The use of mulch increased 23-57% yield in comparison to NM condition. Actual evapotranspiration rate (ETR) was 1.82 mm day−1 under CPE25 and declined by 15 and 31% under CPE50 and RF condition, respectively. The variation of ETR among different mulches became more prominent under maximum water stressed (RF) condition, whereas the variation was negligible under CPE25 frequency. Irrespective of mulching WUE was highest under moderately wet (CPE50) soil environment. Among different mulches, BPM was responsible for attaining the highest WUE value (25.1 kg m−3), which declined by 22, 21 and 39% under WPM, RSM and NM, respectively.  相似文献   

Soil water and phosphorus availabilities play crucial role in yield and water use pattern of pulse crops. A field experiment with rajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a test crop was carried out during the winter seasons of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 on a sandy loam soil (Aeric Haplaquept) in eastern India. In the main plots, irrigation was applied when the cumulative pan evaporation reached: (i) 33 mm (CPE33), (ii) 44 mm (CPE44) and (iii) 66 mm (CPE66). In sub-plots, four levels of phosphate fertilizer were applied at: (i) 0 (P0); (ii) 30 (P30); 60 (P60) and 90 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P90). Irrespective of crop growth stage, the highest leaf area index (LAI), biomass, grain yield and water use efficiency were obtained under the combination of CPE33-P90. Magnitude of these parameters, in general, decreased with the decrease in irrigation frequency and phosphate levels. With the advancement of crop growing period, cumulative actual evapotranspiration (CAET) increased linearly. Best matching between CAET and cumulative pan evaporation data was recorded under CPE33-P90 treatments. A linear relationship with high coefficient of determination was obtained between total biomass and CAET. Present study showed that crop response factor (ky) of the crop was 1.91.  相似文献   

The response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to 14 irrigation treatments in a sub-humid environment (Bursa, Turkey) was studied in the field for two seasons. A rainfed (non-irrigated) treatment as the control and 13 irrigation treatments with full and 12 different deficit irrigations were applied to the hybrid Sanbro (Novartis Seed Company) planted on clay soil, at three critical development stages: heading (H), flowering (F) and milk ripening (M). The yield increased with irrigation water amount, and the highest seed yield (3.95 t ha−1) and oil yield (1.78 t ha−1) were obtained from the HFM treatment (full irrigation at three stages); 82.9 and 85.4% increases, respectively, compared to the control. Evapotranspiration (ET) increased with increased amounts of irrigation water supplied. The highest seasonal ET (average of 652 mm) was estimated at the HFM treatment. Additionally, yield response factor (k y) was separately calculated for each, two and total growth stages, and k y was found to be 0.8382, 0.9159 (the highest value) and 0.7708 (the lowest value) for the total growing season, heading, and flowering-milk ripening combination stages, respectively. It is concluded that HFM irrigation is the best choice for maximum yield under the local conditions, but these irrigation schemes must be re-considered in areas where water resources are more limited. In the case of more restricted irrigation, the limitation of irrigation water at the flowering period should be avoided; as the highest water use efficiency (WUE) (7.80 kg ha−1 mm−1) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) (10.19 kg ha−1 mm−1) were obtained from the F treatment.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted at Japan International Research Center for Agriculture Science (JIRCAS), Okinawa Subtropical Station, Ishigaki, Japan with three multiple water application and two single water applications to study the effects of them on tomato yield, soil water content and water use efficiency. Multiple water application is a technique use to add the required amount of water during irrigation in multiple equal parts a day instead of one complete set (single water application) during the irrigation event. The multiple water application treatments were the day time (DT), day-night time (DNT) and night time (NT) while the single water application treatments were morning time (MT) and evening time (ET). In multiple water irrigation treatments the water was added to the soil into three equal parts. The supplied irrigation water was the same for all treatments and gradually increased with plant age to cover the crop water requirement during the growing season.The results revealed that multiple water application increased tomato yield by 5% over the highest yield of single water application. The DT treatment increased tomato yield by 5% and 15% compared to ET and MT treatments, respectively. For multiple water application, the DT was the best irrigation timing because it increases the tomato yield by 8% and 12% compared to DNT and NT, respectively. ET irrigation was better than MT irrigation for single water application. Multiple water application led to an increased in soil water content compared to single water application. By applying the same amount of water for all treatments, the DT treatment increased water use efficiency by 5-15% compared to ET and MT treatments of single water application. In conclusion, multiple water application is better than single water application and by choosing the proper irrigation timing, higher tomato yield resulting from efficient water management can be obtained.  相似文献   

Soil water supply is the main limiting factor to crop production across the Loess Plateau, China. A 2-year field experiment was conducted at the Changwu agro-ecosystem research station to evaluate various water management practices for achieving favorable grain yield (GY) with high water use efficiency (WUE) of spring maize (Zea mays L.). Four practices were examined: a rain-fed (RF) system as the control; supplementary irrigation (SI); film mulching (FM); and straw mulching (SM) (in 2008 only). The soil profile water storage (W) and the crop evapotranspiration (ET) levels were studied during the maize growing season, and the GY as well as the WUE were also compared. The results showed that mean soil water storage in the top 200 cm of the profile was significantly (P < 0.05) increased in the SI (380 mm in 2007, 411 mm in 2008) and SM (414 mm in 2008) compared to the FM (361 mm in 2007, 381 mm in 2008) and RF (360 mm in 2007, 384 mm in 2008) treatments. The soil water content was lower at the end of growing season than before planting in the 60-140 cm part of the profile in both the RF and FM treatments. Cumulative ET and average crop coefficiency (Kc) throughout the whole maize growing season were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the SI (ET, 501 mm in 2007, 431 mm in 2008; Kc, 1.0 in 2007, 0.9 in 2008) treatment than in the other treatments. Both FM and SI significantly improved the GY. The WUE were increased significantly (23-25%; P < 0.05) under the FM treatment. It was concluded that both SI and FM are beneficial for improving the yield of spring maize on the Loess Plateau. However, FM is preferable because of the shortage of available water in the area.  相似文献   

The effects of high temperature stress and supplemental irrigation on seed yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of canola (Brassica napus L.) were studied in a field experiment conducted for 2 years. The experiment was a randomized complete block design arranged in split plot, conducted at Agricultural Research Station of Gonbad, Iran. It was arranged in two conditions, i.e. supplemental irrigation and rainfed. Two cultivars of canola (Hyola401 and RGS003) as subplots were grown at five sowing dates as main plots. The sowing dates were 9 November, 6 December, 5 January, 4 February and 6 March in 2005-2006 and 6 November, 6 December, 5 January, 4 February and 6 March in 2006-2007, to have a wide range of environmental conditions around flowering and seed filling periods, and to coincide reproductive stages of the crop with high temperature stress. Seed yield was improved due to field management practices, such as supplemental irrigation and optimum sowing date. Supplemental irrigation was an efficient practice to mitigate water stress, and to increase aboveground dry matter and seed yield. There was a strongly negative relationship between seed yield and air temperature during reproductive stages. Delay in sowing led to more rapid developmental of canola, decreased aboveground dry matter, leaf area index (LAI), harvest index (HI), WUE, and seed yield. Achieving a high aboveground dry matter was an essential prerequisite for high reproductive growth and a high seed yield. Greater seed yield and WUE at first sowing date were associated with greater LAI and aboveground dry matter, and lower temperatures during reproductive stages. The results support the view that WUE can be used as an indirect selection criterion for seed yield in genotypic selection.  相似文献   

The effects of pre-anthesis water deficit and cycle length were examined in Papaver somniferum L., cultivated for alkaloid production, in two locations in southern Spain. The vegetative period was shortened by extending the photoperiod through supplemental lighting in the field, while water deficit in pre-anthesis was induced by avoiding irrigations and installing rain shelters. The treatments were: IN (irrigated-normal photoperiod), IL (irrigated-hastened flowering), DN (water deficit in pre-anthesis-normal photoperiod) and DL (water deficit in pre-anthesis and hastened flowering). The artificial photoperiod hastened the flowering by 15 and 21 days, for irrigated and deficit treatments respectively. Seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) ranged from 398 (DN) to 505 mm (IN). There was evidence of root water uptake deeper than 1.5 m. Stomatal conductance was reduced (16%) during water stress, and did not recover in post-anthesis after resuming irrigation. Head yields (capsule + seeds + 7 cm stem) ranged between 3.8 and 4.3 t ha−1; water deficit and short vegetative period both reduced the biomass accumulated, although the effect on yields in these treatments was counterbalanced by a higher harvest index. Early flowering had a detrimental effect on alkaloid concentration in the capsule. Alkaloids yield ranged between 27 and 37 kg ha−1. Water use efficiency (WUE) ranged between 0.78 and 0.96 kg m−3 ET for yield and between 63.4 and 73.7 g m−3 ET for alkaloids. Water stress increased slightly the Water Use Efficiency. A shorter vegetative phase had no effect on WUE for biomass or yield, but decreased the WUE for alkaloids production.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out in order to determine the effect of deficit irrigation regimes on grain yield and seasonal evapotranspiration of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Thrace Region of Turkey. The field trials were conducted on a loam Entisol soil, on Dincer, the most popular variety in the research area. A randomised complete block design with three replications was used. Combination of four well-known growth stages of the plant, namely vegetative (Va), late vegetative (Vb), flowering (F) and yield formation (Y) were considered to form a total of 16 (including rain fed) irrigation treatments. The effect of irrigation and water stress at any stage of development on grain yield per hectare and 1000 kernels weight was evaluated. Results showed that safflower was significantly affected by water stress during the sensitive late vegetative stage. The highest yield was obtained in VaVbFY treatment. Seasonal irrigation water use and evapotranspiration were 501 and 721 mm, respectively, for the non-stressed treatment. Safflower grain yield of this treatment was 5.22 Mg ha−1 and weight of 1000 kernels was 55 g. The seasonal yield-water response factor value was 0.87. The total water use efficiency was 7.2 kg ha−1 mm−1. Irrigation schedule of the non-stressed treatment may be as follows: the first irrigation is at the vegetative stage, when after 40-50 days from sowing/elongation and branching stage, that is the end of May; the second irrigation is at the late vegetative stage, after 70-80 days from sowing/heading stage, that is in the middle of June; the third irrigation is at the flowering stage, approximately 50% level, that is the first half of July; and the fourth irrigation is at the yield formation stage, seed filling, that is the last week of July.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested, whether soil wetness and phosphorus status could regulate the evapotranspiration rate (ETR), which is of special interest in the lower Gangetic Plain. Rajmash was grown during November-February of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 on a sandy loam soil, and was irrigated when cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) attained the value of 33 mm (CPE33); 44 mm (CPE44) and 66 mm (CPE66). Four levels of phosphate application were 0 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P0); 30 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P30); 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P60) and 90 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P90). Seed yield under CPE33 was 1.37 Mg ha−1 and reduced by 18% and 35%, respectively under CPE44 and CPE66. Continuous increasing trend in yield was recorded with an increase in phosphate level (PL). Irrespective of growth stages, similar trends were recorded for leaf area index (LAI). Maximum variation in LAI among the treatments was recorded at 60 days after sowing. On average, actual ETR was 1.37 mm day−1 under CPE33 and declined by 13% and 16% under CPE44 and CPE66, respectively. Variation in ETR under different PL was highest under CPE33 and lowest under CPE44. Except P90, irrespective of PL, highest value of water use efficiency (WUE) was obtained under CPE44. However, magnitude of net evapotranspiration efficiency (WUEET) and irrigation efficiency (WUEI) attained the highest level under CPE33 regime. All water use indices showed an increasing trend with the increase in phosphate level from 0 to 90 kg ha−1. Impact of phosphorus on various parameters was pronounced under CPE33.  相似文献   

The increasing scarcity of water for irrigation is becoming the most important problem for producing forage in all arid and semi-arid regions. Pearl millet is a key crop in these regions which needs relatively less water than other crops. In this research, a field study was conducted to identify the best combination of irrigation and nitrogen (N) management to achieve acceptable pearl millet forage both in quantity and quality aspects. Pearl millet was subjected to four irrigation treatments with interaction of N fertilizer (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha−1). The irrigation treatments were 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of total available soil water (I40, I60, I80 and I100, respectively). The results showed that increasing moisture stress (from I40 to I100) resulted in progressively less total dry matter (TDM), leaf area index (LAI), and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUzE), while water use efficiency (WUE) and the percentage of crude protein (CP%) increased. The highest TDM and LAI were found to be 21.45 t ha−1 and 8.65, in I40 treatment, respectively. TDM, WUE, CP% and profit responses to N rates were positive. The maximum WUE of 4.19 kg DM/m3 was achieved at I100 with 150 kg N ha−1. The results of this research indicate that the maximum profit of forage production was obtained in plots which were fully irrigated (I40) and received 225 kg N ha−1. However, in the situation which water is often limited and not available, application of 150 kg N ha−1 can produce high forage quality and guaranty acceptable benefits for farmers.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to determine the effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of field grown eggplants. A total of 8 irrigation treatments (four each year), which received different amounts of irrigation water, were evaluated. In 2008, deficit irrigation was applied at full vegetative growth (WS-V), pre-flowering (WS-F) and fruit ripening (WS-R), while in 2009 deficit irrigation was applied during the whole growing season at 80 (WS-80), 60 (WS-60) and 40% (WS-40) of field capacity. Deficit-irrigated treatments were in both years compared to a well irrigated control. Regular readings of soil water content (SWC) in 2008 and 2009 showed that average soil water deficit (SWD) in the control was around 30% of total available water (TAW) while in deficit-irrigated treatments it varied between 50 and 75% of TAW. In 2008, deficit irrigation reduced fruit fresh yield by 35, 25 and 33% in WS-V, WS-F and WS-R treatments, respectively, when compared to the control (33.0 t ha−1). However, the reduction in fresh yield in response to deficit irrigation was compensated by an increase in fruit mean weight. Results obtained in 2009 showed that fruit fresh yield in the control was 33.7 t ha−1, while it was 12, 39 and 60% less in WS-80, WS-60 and WS-40 treatments, respectively. On the other hand, fruit dry matter content and water productivity were found to increase significantly in both years in deficit-irrigated treatments. Applying deficit irrigation for 2 weeks prior to flowering (WS-F) resulted in water saving of the same magnitude of the WS-80 treatment, with the least yield reduction, making more water available to irrigate other crops, and thereby considered optimal strategies for drip-irrigated eggplants in the semi-arid climate of the central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.  相似文献   

With the current water shortage in East Africa improving crop water use is vital especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia. To understand the response of barley to water and to simulate the biomass and grain yield of barley under various water inputs and planting dates, we tested the FAO AquaCrop model versions 3.0 using independent data sets during the cropping seasons of 2006, 2008 and 2009 at Mekelle site in northern Ethiopia. We found that the model is valid to simulate the barley biomass and grain yield under various planting dates in the study site. AquaCrop model can be used in the evaluation of optimal planting time. Out of the tested planting dates, planting on July 4 (early sowing) was found to maximize barley biomass, grain and water use efficiency. The model can also be used in the evaluation of irrigation strategies. Barley showed slightly lower performance under mild water stress condition compared to full irrigation condition. However, the model has indicated the possibility of obtaining more biomass and grain yield from a relatively larger barley field under (deficit irrigation) mild stress condition.  相似文献   

In the semi-arid region of Tigray, Northen Ethiopia a two season experiment was conducted to measure evapotranspiration, estimate yield response to water stress and derive the crop coefficient of teff using the single crop coefficient approach with simple, locally made lysimeters and field plots. During the experiment we also estimated the water productivity of teff taking into account long-term rainfall probability scenarios and different levels of farmers’ skills. During the experimental seasons (2008 and 2009), the average potential evapotranspiration of teff ranged from 260 to 317 mm. The total seasonal water requirement of teff was found to lower in contrast to the assumptions of regional agronomists that teff water requirement is comparable to that of wheat and barley (375 mm). The average single crop coefficient values (kc) for the initial, mid and late season stages of teff were 0.8-1, 0.95-1.1 and 0.4-0.5, respectively. The seasonal yield response to water stress was 1.04, which indicates that teff exhibits a moderately sensitive and linear response to water stress. The results suggest that teff is likely to give significantly higher grain yield when a nearly optimal water supply is provided. The study showed that, in locations where standard equipment is not affordably available, indicative (rough) crop evapotranspiration values can be obtained by using field plots and employing locally made lysimeters. The difference in economic water productivity (EWP) and the crop water productivity (CWP) for teff were assessed under very wet, wet, normal, dry and very dry scenarios. In addition two groups of farmers were evaluated, a moderately (I) and a highly skilled (II) group. The results showed that higher EWP and CWP were obtained under very wet scenario than very dry scenario. There was also a 22% increase in EWP and CWP under group II compared to group I farmers. The increase was due to a 22% reduction in unwanted water losses achieved through use of improved technology and better irrigation skills. Both EWP and CWP can be used to evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity (IWP) for a given climate, crop and soil type, and skill and technology level of the farmer. For special crops like teff extra criteria may be needed in order to properly evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity. During the experimental seasons, a high IWP for teff was attained when about 90% of the optimal water need of the crop was met. IWP can be used as an indicator as how much supplementary irrigation has to be applied in relation to the rainfall and other sources of water supply in order to assure greatest yield from a total area. However, the supplemental irrigation requirement of the crops may vary with season due to seasonal rainfall variability.  相似文献   

Sap flow meters based on the stem heat balance method were used to measure the mass flow rates or water use in young potted tea (Camellia sinensis L.) plants of clones AHP S15/10 and BBK35. The meters were constructed on site and installed onto the stem or branch sections of field growing plants in an experiment originally designed to study the effects of plant population density and drought on the productivity and water use of young tea clones. The objective of the study was to use the SHB method as a first attempt to use sap flow meters for determining the water use of young tea growing in the field under well watered conditions in Tanzania. The results are reported and recommendation made for further work on using the technique.  相似文献   

Aloe barbadensis Miller, known as Aloe Vera, requires limited irrigation depending on the capacity of the soil to retain humidity, since it is a CAM species and thus naturally adapted to conditions of dryness and high temperatures. Therefore, we postulated that plants of Aloe Vera plants under conditions of water deficit should improve their water use efficiency (WUE) by performing osmotic adjustment (OA) with a temporal correlation between WUE and OA. The objective of the investigation was to determine the effect of water restriction on the WUE and OA of A. barbadensis under different water treatments. 18-month old Aloe Vera plants were cultivated in pots with a soil substrate that was a mixture of equal parts of sand and organic matter with 18% of FC and 9% of permanent wilting point. To determine the effects of the soil humidity on plant WUE and OA, four treatments were arranged in a complete random design with four repetitions; these were 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of FC, which correspond to an evatranspiration of 11.4, 9.6, 4.0 and 1.7 L per plant, respectively. The water treatments were maintained by frequent irrigation. The following variables were determined: dry matter, leaf water potential, relative water content (RWC), amount of gel produced, sap flow, proline content, soluble and total sugars and oligo and polyfructans. Aloe Vera increased WUE with increasing water deficit; the sap flow rate decreased with water restrictions, and the plants performed osmotic adjustment by increasing the synthesis of proline, soluble and total sugars as well as the amounts of oligo and polyfructans, mainly polymers of β-(2 → 6) kestotriose, changing from the inulin type to the neofructan type. The plants most and less irrigated (100% and 25% of FC) were the groups with lowest WUE. The plants irrigated with 75% of FC presented the best WUE in terms of dry mass and amount of gel produced by a litre of supplied water.  相似文献   

The analysis of long-term irrigation performance series is a valuable tool to improve irrigation management and efficiency. This work focuses in the assessment of irrigation performance indices along years 1995-2008, and the cause-effect relationships with irrigation modernization works taking place in the 4000 ha surface-irrigated La Violada Irrigation District (VID). Irrigation management was poor, as shown by the low mean seasonal irrigation consumptive use coefficient (ICUC = 51%) and the high relative water deficit (RWD = 20%) and drainage fraction (DRF = 54%). April had the poorest irrigation performance because corn (with low water demand in this month) was irrigated to promote its emergence, whereas winter grains (with high water demands in this month) were not fully irrigated in water-scarce years. Corn, highly sensitive to water stress, was the crop with best irrigation performance because it was preferentially irrigated to minimize yield losses. The construction of a new elevated canal that decreased seepage and drainage fractions, the entrance in operation of six internal reservoirs that would increase irrigation scheduling flexibility, and the on-going transformation from surface to sprinkler irrigation systems are critical changes in VID that should lead to improved ICUC, lower RWD and lower DRF. The implications of these modernization works on the conservation of water quantity and quality within and outside VID is further discussed.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to determine the effects of water stress imposed at different development stages on grain yield, seasonal evapotranspiration, crop-water relationships, yield response to water and water use efficiency of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) for winter and summer sowing. The field trials were conducted on a loam Entisol soil in Thrace Region in Turkey, using Dincer, the most popular safflower variety in the research area. A randomised complete block design with three replications was used. Three known growth stages of the plant were considered and a total of 8 (including rainfed) irrigation treatments were applied. The effect of irrigation or water stress at any stage of development on grain yield per hectare and 1000 kernel weight, was evaluated. Results of this study showed that safflower was significantly affected by water shortage in the soil profile due to omitted irrigation during the sensitive vegetative stage. The highest yield was observed in the fully irrigated control and was higher for winter sowing than for summer sowing. Evapotranspiration calculated for non-stressed production was 728 and 673 mm for winter and summer sowing, respectively. Safflower grain yield of the fully irrigated treatments was 4.05 and 3.74 t ha−1 for winter and summer season, respectively. The seasonal yield response factor was 0.97 and 0.81 for winter and summer sowing, respectively. The highest total water use efficiency was obtained in the treatment irrigated only at vegetative stage while the lowest value was observed when the crop was irrigated only at yield stage. As conclusions: (i) winter sowing is suggested; (ii) if deficit irrigation is to apply at only one or two stages, Y stage or Y and F stages should be omitted, respectively.  相似文献   

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