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This paper focuses on irrigation schemes under rotational water supply in arid and semiarid regions. It presents a methodology for developing plans for optimum allocation of land area and water, considering performance measures such as productivity, equity and adequacy. These irrigation schemes are characterized by limited water supply and heterogeneity in soils, crops, climate and water distribution network, etc. The methodology proposed in this paper, therefore, uses a previously developed simulation–optimization model (Area and Water Allocation Model, AWAM) that considers the heterogeneity of the irrigation scheme in the allocation process, and modifies this to take account of equity and adequacy of supply to irrigated areas. The AWAM model has four phases to be executed separately for each set of irrigation interval over the irrigation season: 1. generation of irrigation strategies for each crop–soil–region combination (CSR unit), 2. preparation of irrigation programmes for each irrigation strategy, 3. selection of specified number of irrigation programmes for each CSR unit and 4. optimum allocation of land area and water to different parts of the irrigation scheme (allocation units) for maximizing productivity. In the modified AWAM model, the adequacy is included at Phase-2 (by including only the irrigation programmes for full irrigation of each CSR unit) and equity is included at Phase-4 (by including the constraints for equity). The paper briefly discusses the applicability of the modified AWAM model for a case study of Nazare medium irrigation scheme in Southern India. The results of the case study indicated that the performance measures of productivity, equity and adequacy conflict with each other.  相似文献   

The combined use of remote sensing and a distributed hydrological model have demonstrated the improved understanding of the entire water balance in an area where data are scarcely available. Water use and crop water productivity were assessed in the Upper Bhima catchment in southern India using an innovative integration of remotely sensed evapotranspiration and a process-based hydrological model. The remote sensing based Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) was used to derive an 8 month time series of observed actual evapotranspiration from October 2004 to May 2005. This dataset was then used in the calibration of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). This hydrological model was calibrated by changing 34 parameters to minimize the difference between simulated and observed actual evapotranspiration. The calibration efficiency was assessed with four different performance indicators. The calibrated model was used to derive a monthly basin water balance and to assess crop water productivity and crop water use for the irrigation year 2004-2005. It was found that evapotranspiration is the largest water loss in the catchment and total evaporative depletion was 38,172 Mm3 (835 mm). Of the total evaporative depletion 42% can be considered as non-beneficial and could be diverted to other beneficial utilization. Simulated crop water productivities for sugarcane, sorghum and winter wheat are relatively high at 2.9 kg/m3, 1.3 kg/m3 and 1.3 kg/m3, respectively. The frequency distributions of crop water productivity are characterised by low coefficient of variation, yielding limited scope for improvement in the agricultural areas under the current cropping systems. Further improvements in water productivity may however be achieved by shifting the crop base from sugarcane to a dual crop and introducing a fallow period from March to May or by converting non-productive rangelands to bio fuel production or other agricultural land uses.  相似文献   

在地表起伏地区,由于受到坡度、坡向等的影响,地表能量通量表现出与水平地表不一样的特征,为了定量表征起伏地表条件下的蒸散格局,以位于陕甘宁交界区的华池县、庆城县、镇原县、西峰区和合水县为研究区,从能量平衡原理入手,对各能量通量进行了量化计算,并着重考虑了蒸散的能量来源即地表净辐射的地形效应;同时,针对研究区地表特征,确定了土壤热通量的计算方案和感热通量的参数化方案,如零平面位移、动量粗糙长度、热量粗糙长度、动量和热量的稳定度校正项等算法;在此基础上,计算了研究区的瞬时蒸散,计算结果表明采用的蒸散遥感估算方案  相似文献   

Water productivity in agriculture needs to be improved significantly in the coming decades to secure food supply to a growing world population. To assess on a global scale where water productivity can be improved and what the causes are for not reaching its potential, the current levels must be understood. This paper describes the development and validation of a WATer PROductivity (WATPRO) model for wheat that is based on remote sensing-derived input data sets, and that can be applied at local to global scales. The model is a combination of Monteith's theoretical framework for dry matter production in plants and an energy balance model to assess actual evapotranspiration. It is shown that by combining both approaches, the evaporative fraction and the atmospheric transmissivity, two parameters which are usually difficult to estimate spatially, can be omitted. Water productivity can then be assessed from four spatial variables: broadband surface albedo, the vegetation index NDVI, the extraterrestrial radiation and air temperature. A sensitivity analysis revealed that WATPRO is most sensitive to changes in NDVI and least sensitive to changes in air temperature. The WATPRO model was applied at 39 locations where water productivity was measured under experimental conditions. The correlation between measured and modelled water productivity was low, and this can be mainly attributed to differences in scales and in the experimental and modelling periods. A comparison with measurements from farmer's fields in areas surrounded by other wheat fields located in Sirsa District, NW India, showed an improved correlation. Although not a validation, a comparison with SEBAL-derived water productivity in the same region in India proved that WATPRO can spatially predict water productivity with the same spatial variation.  相似文献   

Population increase and the improvement of living standards brought about by development will result in a sharp increase in food demand during the next decades. Most of this increase will be met by the products of irrigated agriculture. At the same time, the water input per unit irrigated area will have to be reduced in response to water scarcity and environmental concerns. Water productivity is projected to increase through gains in crop yield and reductions in irrigation water. In order to meet these projections, irrigation systems will have to be modernized and optimised. Water productivity can be defined in a number of ways, although it always represents the output of a given activity (in economic terms, if possible) divided by some expression of water input. Five expressions for this indicator were identified, using different approaches to water input. A hydrological analysis of water productivity poses a number of questions on the choice of the water input expression. In fact, when adopting a basin-wide perspective, irrigation return flows often can not be considered as net water losses. A number of irrigation modernization and optimization measures are discussed in the paper. Particular attention was paid to the improvement of irrigation management, which shows much better economic return than the improvement of the irrigation structures. The hydrological effects of these improvements may be deceiving, since they will be accompanied by larger crop evapotranspiration and even increased cropping intensity. As a consequence, less water will be available for alternative uses.  相似文献   

Crop consumptive water use and productivity are key elements to understand basin water management performance. This article presents a simplified approach to map rice (Oryza sativa L.) water consumption, yield, and water productivity (WP) in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) by combining remotely sensed imagery, national census and meteorological data. The statistical rice cropped area and production data were synthesized to calculate district-level land productivity, which is then further extrapolated to pixel-level values using MODIS NDVI product based on a crop dominance map. The water consumption by actual evapotranspiration is estimated with Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) model taking meteorological data and MODIS land surface temperature products as inputs. WP maps are then generated by dividing the rice productivity map with the seasonal actual evapotranspiration (ET) map. The average rice yields for Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh in the basin are 2.60, 2.53, 3.54 and 2.75 tons/ha, respectively. The average rice ET is 416 mm, accounting for only 68.2% of potential ET. The average WP of rice is 0.74 kg/m3. The WP generally varies with the trends of yield variation. A comparative analysis of ET, yield, rainfall and WP maps indicates greater scope for improvement of the downstream areas of the Ganges basin. The method proposed is simple, with satisfactory accuracy, and can be easily applied elsewhere.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to assess the irrigation performance of the Salihli Right Bank, Salihli Left Bank, Ahmetli, Gokkaya, Turgutlu, Mesir, Sarikiz, Gediz, Menemen Right Bank and Menemen Left Bank Water User Associations (WUAs) in the Lower Gediz Basin in western Turkey, using remote sensing techniques. To reach this aim the performance of the irrigation system for the 2004 irrigation season was determined according to five indicators, namely overall consumed ratio (ep), relative water supply (RWS), depleted fraction (DF), crop water deficit (CWD) and relative evapotranspiration (RET). Potential and actual evapotranspiration parameters used in determining these indicators were estimated according to the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) method using NOAA-16 satellite images.Seasonal averages of these indicators ranged from 0.59 to 2.26 for ep, 0.47-1.66 for RWS, 0.43-1.31 for DF, 180.5-269.5 mm month−1 for CWD, and 0.61-0.74 for RET. According to the seasonal average values of all the performance indicators, the irrigation performance of all WUAs was usually poor. The performance indicators showed that less irrigation water was supplied to WUAs than was needed. It was concluded that proximity to the source could be an advantage in obtaining water, and that when water was insufficient, groundwater in the crop root area could be used.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to contribute to the development of a combined approach to evaluate irrigated areas based on: (1) irrigation performance analysis intended to assess the productive impacts of irrigation practices and infrastructures, and (2) water accounting focused on the hydrological impacts of water use. Ador-Simulation, a combined model that simulates irrigation, water delivery, and crop growth and production was applied in a surface irrigated area (1213 ha) located in the Bear River Irrigation Project, Utah, U.S.A.. A soil survey, a campaign of on-farm irrigation evaluations and an analysis of the database from the Bear River Canal Company and other resources were performed in order to obtain the data required to simulate the water flows of the study area in 2008. Net land productivity (581 US$ ha−1) was 20% lower than the potential value, whereas on-farm irrigation efficiency (IE) averaged only 60%. According to the water accounting, water use amounted to 14.24 Mm3, 86% of which was consumed through evapotranspiration or otherwise non-recoverable. Gross water productivity over depleted water reached 0.132 US$ m−3. In addition, two strategies for increasing farm productivity were analyzed. These strategies intended to improve water management and infrastructures raised on-farm IE to 90% reducing the gap between current and potential productivities by about 50%. Water diverted to the project was reduced by 2.64 Mm3. An analysis based on IE could lead to think that this volume would be saved. However, the water accounting showed that actually only 0.91 Mm3 would be available for alternative uses. These results provide insights to support the decision-making processes of farmers, water user associations, river basin authorities and policy makers. Water accounting overcomes the limitations and hydrological misunderstandings of traditional analysis based on irrigation efficiency to assess irrigated areas in the context of water scarcity and competitive agricultural markets.  相似文献   

In the dry areas, water, not land, is the most limiting resource for improved agricultural production. Maximizing water productivity, and not yield per unit of land, is therefore a better strategy for dry farming systems. Under such conditions, more efficient water management techniques must be adopted. Supplemental irrigation (SI) is a highly efficient practice with great potential for increasing agricultural production and improving livelihoods in the dry rainfed areas. In the drier environments, most of the rainwater is lost by evaporation; therefore the rainwater productivity is extremely low. Water harvesting can improve agriculture by directing and concentrating rainwater through runoff to the plants and other beneficial uses. It was found that over 50% of lost water can be recovered at a very little cost. However, socioeconomic and environmental benefits of this practice are far more important than increasing agricultural water productivity. This paper highlights the major research findings regarding improving water productivity in the dry rainfed region of West Asia and North Africa. It shows that substantial and sustainable improvements in water productivity can only be achieved through integrated farm resources management. On-farm water-productive techniques if coupled with improved irrigation management options, better crop selection and appropriate cultural practices, improved genetic make-up, and timely socioeconomic interventions will help to achieve this objective. Conventional water management guidelines should be revised to ensure maximum water productivity instead of land productivity.  相似文献   

Complete knowledge of all components of the water balance is essential to optimize water use in irrigated agriculture. However, most water balance components are very difficult to measure in terms of the required time interval and due to the complexity of the processes. An unsaturated zone model is a useful tool for predicting the effects of agricultural management on crop water use and can be used to optimize agricultural practices in view of minimizing the agricultural water use. For the irrigated areas in Minqin County of northwest China, the physically based one-dimensional agro-hydrological model SWAP (Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant) for water movement and crop growth was applied to reveal all the components of the water balance at multiple sites. This model has a varying level of abstraction referring to simulated processes in time and space. A combination of field, meteorological and aerial data was used as input to the model. Inverse modeling of evapotranspiration (ET) fluxes was followed to calibrate the soil hydraulic functions by using the parameter estimation package PEST. Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) was used to estimate actual ET fluxes from NOAA AVHRR satellite images. Simulations were carried out for 15 different sites in Minqin County by using wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as a test crop, but only three sites were selected for model calibration and evaluation. The period of simulation for the whole wheat growing season was from 1 April 2004 to 30 July 2004 and detailed analyses were performed for all sites. SWAP simulated soil water dynamics well and the distributed SWAP model is a useful tool to analyze all water balance components.  相似文献   

To improve water saving and conservation in irrigated agriculture, a range of field evaluation experiments was carried out with various furrow irrigation treatments in cotton fields to estimate the possibilities of improving furrow irrigation performances under conditions of Central Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. The research consisted in comparing surge and continuous-flow in long furrows and adopting alternate-furrow irrigation. The best results were achieved with surge-flow irrigation applied to alternate furrows. Field data allowed the calibration of a surface irrigation model that was used to identify alternative management issues. Results identified the need to better adjust inflow rates to soil infiltration conditions, cut-off times to the soil water deficits and improving irrigation scheduling. The best irrigation water productivity (0.61 kg m−3) was achieved with surge-flow on alternate furrows, which reduced irrigation water use by 44% (390 mm) and led to high application efficiency, near 85%. Results demonstrated the possibility for applying deficit irrigation in this region.  相似文献   

This study examines whether there are any beneficial effects of magnetic treatment of different irrigation water types on water productivity and yield of snow pea, celery and pea plants. Replicated pot experiments involving magnetically treated and non-magnetically treated potable water (tap water), recycled water and saline water (500 ppm and 1000 ppm NaCl for snow peas; 1500 ppm and 3000 ppm for celery and peas) were conducted in glasshouse under controlled environmental conditions during April 2007 to December 2008 period at University of Western Sydney, Richmond Campus (Australia). A magnetic treatment device with its magnetic field in the range of 3.5-136 mT was used for the magnetic treatment of irrigation water. The analysis of the data collected during the study suggests that the effects of magnetic treatment varied with plant type and the type of irrigation water used, and there were statistically significant increases in plant yield and water productivity (kg of fresh or dry produce per kL of water used). In particular, the magnetic treatment of recycled water and 3000 ppm saline water respectively increased celery yield by 12% and 23% and water productivity by 12% and 24%. For snow peas, there were 7.8%, 5.9% and 6.0% increases in pod yield with magnetically treated potable water, recycled water and 1000 ppm saline water, respectively. The water productivity of snow peas increased by 12%, 7.5% and 13% respectively for magnetically treated potable water, recycled water and 1000 ppm saline water. On the other hand, there was no beneficial effect of magnetically treated irrigation water on the yield and water productivity of peas. There was also non-significant effect of magnetic treatment of water on the total water used by any of the three types of vegetable plants tested in this study. As to soil properties after plant harvest, the use of magnetically treated irrigation water reduced soil pH but increased soil EC and available P in celery and snow pea. Overall, the results indicate some beneficial effect of magnetically treated irrigation water, particularly for saline water and recycled water, on the yield and water productivity of celery and snow pea plants under controlled environmental conditions. While the findings of this glasshouse study are interesting, the potential of the magnetic treatment of irrigation water for crop production needs to be further tested under field conditions to demonstrate clearly its beneficial effects on the yield and water productivity.  相似文献   

The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most water stressed areas in the world. The water consumption of winter wheat accounts for more than 50% of the total water consumption in this region. An accurate estimate of the evapotranspiration (ET) and crop water productivity (CWP) at regional scale is therefore key to the practice of water-saving agriculture in NCP. In this research, the ET and CWP of winter wheat in 83 counties during October 2003 to June 2004 in NCP were estimated using the remote sensing data. The daily ET was calculated using SEBAL model with NOAA remote sensing data in 17 non-cloud days whereas the reference daily crop ET was estimated using meteorological data based on Hargreaves approach. The daily ET and the total ET over the entire growing season of winter wheat were obtained using crop coefficient interpolation approach. The calculated average and maximum water consumption of winter wheat in these 83 counties were 424 and 475 mm, respectively. The calculated daily ET from SEBAL model showed good match with the observed data collected in a Lysimeter. The error of ET estimation over the entire growing stage of winter wheat was approximately 4.3%. The highest CWP across this region was 1.67 kg m−3, and the lowest was less than 0.5 kg m−3. We observed a close linear relationship between CWP and yield. We also observed that the continuing increase of ET leads to a peaking and subsequent decline of CWP, which suggests that the higher water consumption does not necessarily lead to a higher yield.  相似文献   

An application of the FAO56 approach to calculate actual evapotranspiration (AET) and soil moisture is reported, implemented by means of the HIDROMORE computerized tool, which performs spatially distributed calculations of hydrological parameters at watershed scale. The paper describes the application and validation of the model over 1 year in an area located in the central sector of the Duero Basin (Spain), where there is a network of 23 stations for continuous measurement of soil moisture (REMEDHUS; Soil Moisture Measurement Stations Network) distributed over an area of around 1300 km2. The application integrated a series of Landsat 7 ETM+ images of 2002, from which the NDVI series (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and the map of land covers/uses were derived. Validation consisted of the use of the REMEDHUS soil moisture series and their comparison with the series resulting from the application. Two simulations were performed, with soil parameters values at the surface (0-5 cm depth) and at the mean of the profile scale (0-100 cm depth). The behaviour of the simulated soil moisture was described by means of its correlation with the measured soil moisture (determination coefficient, R2 = 0.67 for the surface values and 0.81 for the mean profile values), and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), resulting in a range of it for the 23 stations between 0.010 and 0.061 cm3 cm−3. The application afforded an underestimation of the soil moisture content, which suggests the need for a redefinition of the limits of the plant available water used in the calculation. The results showed that HIDROMORE is an efficient tool for the characterization of hydrological parameters at global scale in the study zone. The combination of the FAO56 methodology and remote sensing techniques was efficient in the spatially distributed simulation of soil moisture.  相似文献   

Excessive amounts of irrigation water and fertilizers are often utilized for early potato cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. Given that water is expensive and limited in the semi-arid areas and that fertilizers above a threshold level often prove inefficacious for production purposes but still risk nitrate and phosphorous pollution of groundwater, it is crucial to provide an adequate irrigation and fertilization management. With the aim of achieving an appropriate combination of irrigation water and nutrient application in cultivation management of a potato crop in a Mediterranean environment, a 2-year experiment was conducted in Sicily (South Italy). The combined effects of 3 levels of irrigation (irrigation only at plant emergence, 50% and 100% of the maximum evapotranspiration - ETM) and 3 levels of mineral fertilization (low: 50, 25 and 75 kg ha−1, medium: 100, 50 and 150 kg ha−1 and high: 300, 100 and 450 kg ha−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) were studied on the tuber yield and yield components, on both water irrigation and fertilizer productivity and on the plant source/sink (canopy/tubers dry weight) ratio. The results show a marked interaction between level of irrigation and level of fertilization on tuber yield, on Irrigation Water Productivity and on fertilizer productivity of the potato crop. We found that the treatments based on 50% ETM and a medium level of fertilization represent a valid compromise in early potato cultivation management. Compared to the high combination levels of irrigation and fertilization, this treatment entails a negligible reduction in tuber yield to save 90 mm ha−1 year−1 of irrigation water and 200, 50 and 300 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, with notable economic savings for farmers compared to the spendings that are usually made.  相似文献   

The primary objective of an irrigation organization is to provide efficient and effective management of water resources to achieve enhanced agricultural production. Performance assessment studies provide a tool to evaluate and promote this objective. The study examines the existing planning procedures and assesses irrigation performance of four Water User Associations (WUAs) located in Osh Province, Kyrgyzstan. Performance was evaluated using indicators of adequacy, efficiency, dependability and equity. Indicators were calculated for each irrigation season over the period 2003 to 2007. In general, all WUAs were found to be strong in terms of adequacy and efficiency standards. However, performance with respect to dependability and equity was poor. The results suggest that more effort is needed to improve temporal uniformity and equity in water distribution. In order to achieve this, estimations of irrigation requirements by WUA managers needs to be improved and mechanisms developed to request water in quantities, which are needed to maintain equity across the WUA outlets and among water users. The study concludes that the establishment of WUAs in Kyrgyzstan has helped to address the problem of water distribution and allocation among a large number of farmers. However, further training of farmers and managers is required to build their capacity to share water and ensure equity among users particularly during periods of less than optimal water supply. The findings of this research suggest that application of a pre-determined set of indicators can be a useful and cost effective tool to measure the performance of WUAs. This is particularly important for Central Asia where the performance of the recently established and state initiated WUAs to replace former collective farms is now a key element in future sustainable water management. The study identified uncertainties in the estimation of WUA water demands based on previous methods and suggests more attention and care required in calculating water requirements.  相似文献   

Yield and water productivity of potatoes grown in 4.32 m2 lysimeters were measured in coarse sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam and imposed to full (FI), deficit (DI), and partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation strategies. PRD and DI as water-saving irrigation treatments received 65% of FI after tuber bulking and lasted for 6 weeks until final harvest. Analysis across the soil textures showed that fresh yields were not significant between the irrigation treatments. However, the same analysis across the irrigation treatments revealed that the effect of soil texture was significant on the fresh yield and loamy sand produced significantly higher fresh yield than the other two soils, probably because of higher leaf area index, higher photosynthesis rates, and “stay-green” effect late in the growing season. More analysis showed that there was a significant interaction between the irrigation treatments and soil textures that the highest fresh yield was obtained under FI in loamy sand. Furthermore, analysis across the soil textures showed that water productivities, WP (kg ha−1 fresh tuber yield mm−1 ET) were not significantly different between the irrigation treatments. However, across the irrigation treatments, the soil textures were significantly different. This showed that the interaction between irrigation treatments and soil textures was significant that the highest significant WP was obtained under DI in sandy loam. While PRD and DI treatments increased WP by, respectively, 11 and 5% in coarse sand and 28 and 36% in sandy loam relative to FI, they decreased WP in loamy sand by 15 and 13%. The reduced WP in loamy sand was due to nearly 28% fresh tuber yield loss in PRD and DI relative to FI even though ET was reduced by 9 and 11% in these irrigation treatments. This study showed that different soils will affect water-saving irrigation strategies that are worth knowing for suitable agricultural water management. So, under non-limited water resources conditions, loamy sand produces the highest yield under full irrigation but water-saving irrigations (PRD and DI) are not recommended due to considerable loss (28%) in yield. However, under restricted water resources, it is recommended to apply water-saving irrigations in sandy loam and coarse sand to achieve the highest water productivity.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of water depletion in the irrigated land of Khorezm, a region located in Central Asia in the lower floodplains of the Amu Darya River, were mapped and monitored by means of MODIS land products. Land cover and land use were classified by using a recursive partitioning and regression tree with 250 m MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series. Seasonal actual evapotranspiration (ETact) was obtained by applying the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) to 1 km daily MODIS data. Elements of the SEBAL based METRIC model (Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution and with Internalized Calibration) were adopted and modified. The upstream–downstream difference in irrigation was reflected by analyzing agricultural land use and amounts of depleted water (ETact) using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The validity of the MODIS albedo and emissivity used for modeling ETact was assessed with data extracted from literature. The r 2 value of 0.6 indicated a moderate but significant association between ETact and class-A-pan evaporation. Deviations of ETact from the 10-day reference evapotranspiration of wheat and cotton were found to be explainable. In Khorezm, seasonal maximum values superior to 1,200 and 1,000 mm ETact were estimated for rice and cotton fields, respectively. Spatio-temporal comparisons of agricultural land use with seasonal ETact disclosed unequal water consumption in Khorezm. Seasonal ETact on agricultural land decreased with increasing distance to the water intake points of the irrigation system (972–712 mm). Free MODIS data provided reliable, exhaustive, and consistent information on water use relevant for decision support in Central Asian water management.  相似文献   

Based on a simulation model reflecting physical and economic conditions typically found in rice irrigation systems in Asia, the irrigation performance implications of alternative water distribution rules for dry season irrigation are evaluated under varying degrees of water shortage. The rules examined reflect differing water distribution strategies designed either to maximize conveyance efficiency, economic efficiency, or equity; or to achieve a balance between efficiency and equity objectives. Irrigation performance is evaluated using several efficiency measures reflecting the physical, agronomic and economic productivity of water, and one measure of equity. Economic efficiency and equity among farmers within the portion of the irrigation system that is on in any given season are shown to be complementary, and not competing objectives. Economic efficiency and equity among all farmers within the command area of the irrigation system are largely complementary strategies at the lower levels of water shortage, but with increasing shortage, significant tradeoffs develop between these objectives. An operational rule for water distribution under a goal of maximizing economic efficiency is developed, and the data requirements for its implementation are shown to be modest. Under the model's assumed conditions of dry season rice production dependent solely on surface irrigation for water, the distribution strategy designed to maximize conveyance efficiency results in only modestly lower levels of economic efficiency and equity than could be achieved by the strategy designed to maximize economic efficiency.  相似文献   

Improvement of irrigation management in areas subjected to periods of water scarcity requires good knowledge of system performance over long time periods. We have conducted a study aimed at characterizing the behaviour of an irrigated area encompassing over 7000 ha in Southern Spain, since its inception in 1991. Detailed cropping pattern and plot water use records allowed the assessment of irrigation scheme performance using a simulation model that computed maximum irrigation requirements for every plot during the first 15 years of system operations. The ratio of irrigation water used to maximum irrigation requirements (Annual Relative Irrigation Supply, ARIS) was well below 1 and oscillated around 0.6 in the 12 years that there were no water supply restrictions in the district. The ARIS values varied among crops, however, from values between 0.2 and 0.3 for sunflower and wheat, to values approaching 1 for cotton and sugar beet. Farmer interviews revealed some of the causes for the low irrigation water usage which were mainly associated with the attempt to balance profitability and stability, and with the lack of incentives to achieve maximum yields in crops subsidized by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union. The response to water scarcity was also documented through interviews and demonstrated that the change in crop choice is the primary reaction to an anticipated constraint in water supply. Water productivity (value of production divided by the volume of irrigation water delivered; WP) in the district was moderate and highly variable (around 2€ m−3) and did not increase with time. Irrigation water productivity (increase in production value due to irrigation divided by irrigation water delivered) was much lower (0.65€ m−3) and also, it did not increase with time. The lack of improvement in WP, the low irrigation water usage, and the changes in cropping patterns over the first 15 years of operation indicate that performance trends in irrigated agriculture are determined by a complex mix of technical, economic, and socio-cultural factors, as those that characterized the behaviour of the Genil-Cabra irrigation scheme.  相似文献   

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