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鲑鱼传染性胰脏坏死病(infctious pancreatic necrosis in trout,IPN)是鲑科鱼类的一种高度传染性的急性病毒疾病。该病主要病症是胰脏坏死。该病于1940年首次发现于加拿大的鲑科鱼,目前已遍及欧洲、亚洲和美洲等。  相似文献   

Clark和Soriano曾报导了一些有趣的工作。他们描述了IHN病毒及两种其它鱼类的病毒(SVC和VHS)在非鱼类细胞培养物中的复制现象。这些病毒能在人体两倍体细胞株WI—38,在BHK/21以及一种或多种爬行类动物的细胞系中杂制,并产生CPE。SVS和VHS病毒在BHK/21细胞中复制的最适温度与在变温脊椎动物细胞培养物中测得的结果相一致。作者们指出,  相似文献   

为规避活病毒作参考物质存在的生物安全风险,本研究利用毕赤酵母表达系统表达了传染性造血器官坏死病病毒(IHNV)的糖蛋白来制备参考蛋白,作为IHNV免疫学检测参考物质。本研究选用IHNV糖蛋白基因(IHNV-G)为目的基因,根据Gen Bank中IHNV全基因序列设计特异性引物,以IHNV-uk株病毒核酸为模板,通过RT-PCR获得糖蛋白基因片段,将其克隆至真核表达载体p PICZαA,转入毕赤酵母感受态细胞GS115中,使外源基因与酵母基因融合,通过1%甲醇诱导表达外源蛋白,SDS-PAGE分析显示获得可溶性表达蛋白,分子量大于70 ku。经Western Blot和ELISA分析,该表达产物可以被IHNV多抗特异性识别。0.1531 mg的重组蛋白与0.3125TCID50 IHNV在ELISA实验中反应原性相当,–20°C可稳定保存2个月,说明其在一定程度上可替代病毒作为参考物质。该研究为IHNV ELISA检测试剂盒的开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

熊权鑫  朱玲  汪开毓  杨倩  贺扬  王二龙 《水产学报》2018,42(7):1132-1139
为明确引起四川石棉某养殖场饲养的虹鳟患病死亡的病原体,实验对自然发病虹鳟进行大体病变观察并对其病原体进行分离,通过人工感染实验及多重RT-PCR鉴定确定病原体WZ160509,并对病原体的主要结构蛋白VP2进行扩增分析,同时对病变组织进行组织病理学观察。结果显示,患病鱼主要临床症状表现为体表发黑,腹部膨大,挤压腹部可见肛门喷射淡黄色黏液便;剖检可见肝脏、肾脏苍白;肠道内无食物,内积黄色黏液。将患病虹鳟组织匀浆液无菌接种虹鳟鱼生殖腺细胞系(rainbow trout gonad cell line,RTG-2)细胞,盲传3代均出现典型的细胞病变。人工感染实验显示死亡率高达90%,并出现与自然患病鱼相同的症状。多重RT-PCR检测发现,自然发病鱼、人工感染鱼以及病变RTG-2细胞均为传染性胰腺坏死病病毒(infectious pancreatic necrosis virus,IPNV)阳性,其主要结构蛋白VP2基因与美国分离株基因组1型聚为一支,且同源性分析表明,WZ160509-VP2与IPNV-VP2(AY026345)的同源性最高,序列一致性为95.8%。组织病理学观察显示,患病鱼胰腺细胞空泡变性,坏死;肝细胞空泡变性,坏死;肾小球轻度炎症,毛细血管通透性增加,肾小囊腔内有红色絮状蛋白类物质渗出,肾小管上皮细胞空泡变性。研究表明,从该养殖场患病虹鳟中分离到的病毒为IPNV。  相似文献   

刘荭 《水产学报》2004,28(6):695-702
从GenBank中查找出乙型野田村病毒组中海水鱼类各病毒的序列,并用Sequencher多重序列比较软件将其分到条纹踢神经坏死病毒(striped jack nervous necrosis virus,SJNNV)组、条纹星鲽神经坏死病毒(barfin flounder nervous necrosis virus,BFNNV)组、红点石斑鱼神经坏死病毒(redspotted grouper nervous necrosis virus,RGNNV)组和虎斑东方纯神经坏死病毒(tiger puffer nervous necrosis virus,TPNNV)组4个基因型的组别中。用DNAsis序列比较软件比较同一基因型各基因序列之间的同源性,均在815%以上;不同基因型之间序列的同源性,均在66%以下。结合Premier引物设计软件和Sequencher序列多重比较软件,设计了4对引物,采用逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT—PCR)来鉴别这4个不同的基因型。对从深圳口岸进境的产地为台湾的海水鱼苗和广东、福建两省养殖的主要海水鱼类进行检疫和监测,结果在进境的海水鱼苗中检出有RGNNV基因型的VNNV,在福建和广东省养殖的石斑鱼成鱼和鱼苗的病鱼体内均检测到RGNNV基因型的VNNV,对上述扩增产物基因序列进行比较,相似性均在96.5%以上,推导出的氨基酸序列与玛拉巴石斑鱼神经坏死病毒(MNNV)序列相似性均为100%。  相似文献   

使用采样液SEMP-Tris保存人工感染HHNBV(WSSV的一个分离株)的中国对虾组织,然后分别用酚抽提法、玻璃乳(Glass Milk)回收法、硝酸纤维素膜结合法和煮沸-乙醇沉淀法提取DNA。应用HHNBV引物对提取的DNA进行PCR扩增,使用琼脂糖凝胶电泳对扩增产物进行鉴定和检测。通过比较表明,煮沸-乙醇沉淀法是一种最快速、简便的从采样液SEMP-Tris保存的病虾组织中制备PCR模板的方法  相似文献   

急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)是对虾养殖过程中最常见、最严重的疾病,给对虾养殖造成重大经济损失。AHPND病原种类多、基因型复杂,现有的针对不同病原的检测技术目标导向较弱、检测成本高、时间消耗长,对虾健康养殖亟待开发AHPND的精准快速诊断技术。本研究针对AHPND病原体携带编码一种二元毒素pirA和pirB大型质粒的遗传共性,基于pirA和pirB基因设计特异性引物并建立微流控荧光定量PCR检测方法。该方法对致病基因pirA和pirB特异性强、灵敏度高,最低检测限分别为5.43×100和4.31×101 copies/μL,样品平均检测时间为26min左右。为进一步评估该方法在实际应用中的准确性,以含有pirA和pirB毒性质粒的副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)进行人工感染实验。结果表明,感染后的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)鳃丝、肝胰腺、肠道和肌肉等组织随时间的推迟均能检测到pirA和pirB;从感染2h的结果来看,pirB比pirA检出率更高。此外,致病因子pirA和pirB比toxR...  相似文献   

斑节对虾白斑综合症病毒部分基因组文库及核酸探针检测法   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
邓敏 《水产学报》2000,24(2):161-166
通过分离纯化白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)粒子,抽提病毒DNA。用限制性内切酶EcoRⅠ或SalⅠ酶切后,克隆入质粒pBluescriptⅡKS中,从而建立了WSSV部分基因组文库。估计WSSV基因组DNA在165kb以上。将WSSV EcoRⅠ克隆片段标记制备为探针。进行Southern杂交、打点杂交和原位杂交,其结果证明了克隆片段对WSSV特异,并为检测WSSV提供了方法。通过对部分基因组文库序列  相似文献   

利用非放射性标记物地高辛(DIG),通过PCR方法制备了对虾传染性皮下及造血组织坏死病毒(IHHNV)DNA探针,探针长度705bp,标记产量为20ng/μL。通过核酸探针斑点杂交检测方法对此探针特异性及灵敏度进行验证,结果表明,该探针具有较高的灵敏度和较强的特异性,检测IHHNV DNA的检出灵敏度为24.8pg,可检出26.6ng患病对虾组织DNA中的IHHNV,与250.4ng健康虾组织DNA、202.5ng健康虾匀浆液,白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)DNA和肝胰腺细小病毒(HPV)DNA均不发生交叉反应。本方法可应用于健康亲虾、苗种的培育和无特定病原(SPF)对虾种群的选育及IHHNV流行病学调查,并具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Fish diseases can be caused by a variety of diverse organisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa, and pose a universal threat to the ornamental fish industry and aquaculture. The lack of rapid, accurate and reliable means by which fish pathogens can be detected and identified has been one of the main limitations in fish pathogen diagnosis and fish disease management and has consequently stimulated the search for alternative diagnostic techniques. Here, we describe a method based on multiplex and broad-range PCR amplification combined with DNA array hybridization for the simultaneous detection and identification of all cyprinid herpesviruses (CyHV-1, CyHV-2 and CyHV-3) and some of the most important fish pathogenic Flavobacterium species, including F. branchiophilum, F. columnare and F. psychrophilum. For virus identification, the DNA polymerase and helicase genes were targeted. For bacterial identification, the ribosomal RNA gene was used. The developed methodology permitted 100% specificity for the identification of the target species. Detection sensitivity was equivalent to 10 viral genomes or less than a picogram of bacterial DNA. The utility and power of the array for sensitive pathogen detection and identification in complex samples such as infected tissue is demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

用地高辛标记的PCR-ELISA技术快速检测转基因鱼   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
取含有小鼠重金属螯合蛋白(mMT)基因启动子及人生长激素(hGH)基因的鱼样品,以Qiagene核酸纯化技术对鱼组织DNA进行纯化。常规PCR检测显示,mMT启动基因和hGH基因的PCR产物分别为240bp和130bp,与设计相符。PCR产物的核酸测序结果证实其扩增产物具特异性。地高辛-PCR(Dig-PCR)标记反应显示,2个基因均产生1条Dig标记的特异产物带。Dig-PCR-ELISA检测敏感性试验显示,对mMT启动子和hGH基因的检测敏感性可达10^-3,与常规PCR结合琼脂糖胶电泳检测方法相比,检测敏感性可提高至100-1000倍。试验证明,针对mMT和hGH基因所建立的Dig-PCR-ELISA技术特异可靠。  相似文献   

The present study describes a simple method of extraction of white spot syndrome viral DNA (WSSV) from infected shrimp for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of WSSV. The DNA preparation using this method was found to be free from the host DNA, RNA and protein, and is suitable for different PCR protocols such as single‐step PCR, nested PCR and single‐tube semi‐nested PCR. This method of extraction has worked successfully for extracting the WSSV‐DNA from different organs (haemolymph, eyestalk, carapace, head muscle, heart, gills, appendages, heptopancreas, stomach, intestine, abdominal muscle and tail muscle) of WSSV‐infected adult shrimp, and WSSV‐infected larvae and postlarvae.  相似文献   

Carp oedema virus (CEV) and koi herpes virus (KHV) are of major concern to common carp breeders and koi enthusiasts worldwide. The viruses cause diseases that exhibit similar external signs; thus, it is difficult to distinguish between them clinically. In this study, we developed and optimized rapid and accurate single‐ and multiplex isothermal diagnostic tools, based on recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), for detection and differentiation of CEV and KHV. The assays were combined with a lateral flow dipstick to enable visual detection of amplification products and simplify post‐amplification analysis. Both CEV‐ and KHV‐RPA assays were specific for their target virus. The lower detection limits of the assays were similar to those of established diagnostic PCR tests for the viruses. A sample preparation method was optimized to eliminate the need for total DNA extraction from fish tissues. The estimated time to perform these RPA assays, from receiving the sample to having a result, is 50 min, compared to 10 and 7 hr for CEV‐ and KHV‐PCR tests, respectively. The assays can be performed in field situations to improve screening of fish and reduce spread of these viruses and thereby enhance the common carp and koi industries.  相似文献   

Intensive salmon smolt production normally includes reduced water flow and hyperoxygenation (added oxygen) of remaining water. There is little information on how different water quality parameters influence the fish health and the susceptibility to infectious diseases. The current experiment was carried out to evaluate if the combination of hyperoxygenation and reduced water flow (hyperoxic) can act as a chronic stressor to salmon in freshwater (FW) in such a way that it increases the susceptibility to IPN virus (IPNV) following seawater transfer. In FW, after 22 days of hyperoxic exposure plasma ion, TBARS and cortisol were measured. The cortisol levels were significantly (p = 0.011) higher in the hyperoxic group compared to controls maintained under normal oxygen saturation and water flow (normoxic), indicating chronic stress. Hyperoxygenation in FW caused decreased plasma [Cl] compared to the normoxic group (p = 0.037), while [K+] tended to be higher in the hyperoxic group (p = 0.088). No significant differences were observed in plasma [Na+], total osmolality, TBARS or hematocrit, but there was a tendency towards a lower hct in the hyperoxic compared to the normoxic group. In SW the mortality was higher in the hyperoxic group challenged with IPNV (34%) compared to the normoxic group challenged with IPNV (20%) (p = 0.02), and no mortality was observed in the PBS injected fish. The challenged fish showed an overall increase in plasma cortisol day 8, 10, 12 and 14 post-challenge (p = 0.015, p = 0.000, p = 0.046 and p = 0.022 respectively). After SW transfer and challenge, plasma [K+] was elevated in both challenged groups, but no consistent trends were found for plasma [Cl], [Na+] or total osmolality during the SW phase. There were no significant differences in the gene expression level of IFN 1, Mx and IL 1β prior to challenge, suggesting that the basic expression level of these genes were not affected by hyperoxygenation. IPNV was detected in kidney and pylorus, by immunohistochemistry, cell culture, and RT-PCR in head kidney. This experiment indicates that chronic stress induced by a combination of low water flow and hyperoxygenation increases the susceptibility to IPNV challenge.  相似文献   

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