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The pre-weaning production of ewes and lambs in spring on pastures grazed during the previous autumn and early winter by either weaner sheep, adult sheep, or cattle was investigated together with estimating the benefits of pre- and post-lambing drenches to ewes. These treatments were compared with one in which parasitism was uncontrolled in ewes lambing on pastures grazed previously by untreated weaner sheep, and another where parasitism was suppressed by 2-weekly drenching of the weaner sheep and also of the ewes and their lambs. Prior grazing by cattle effectively eliminated infection of pastures with intestinal Trichostrongylus and Nematodirus spp, but less so for Ostertagia spp. Worthwhile reductions in contamination were also achieved by grazing by adult sheep compared with grazing by undrenched weaners. Despite differences in the parasitological status of the pastures, there were no indications that pre-weaning growth rates of lambs were affected. However, wool growth in ewes was reduced by 10 to 20% by parasite infection. Wool growth of ewes on pastures grazed by cattle during the pre-experimental period exceeded that on any other treatment, and was significantly greater than that of ewes on pastures grazed by undrenched weaners. There was no production benefit in giving a pre-lambing drench to ewes on plots contaminated by weaners, or in giving the additional post-lambing drench to ewes grazing on plots contaminated by weaners, adult sheep or cattle.  相似文献   

An alternative control option for heartwater (Cowdria ruminantium infection) is the establishment and maintenance of endemic stability which would lessen the existing dependence on acaricides. In an endemically stable state, animals become infected by vaccination or natural challenge at an early age, following which the immunity so created is boosted by continuing tick challenge. In this study, growth rates, health and hematological parameters were monitored at regular intervals for lambs born to two matched groups of ewes until weaning at 4 mo of age. One group of ewes was infected multiple times with Cowdria ruminantium; the other group remained uninfected. The overall mean leucocyte count of lambs born to infected ewes was significantly lower than that of lambs born to uninfected ewes (P=0.04). However, there were few other significant differences in the other hematological data between the two groups. The mean birth weight of single lambs born to uninfected ewes (4.6 kg) was significantly higher than the mean birth weight of single lambs born to infected ewes (4.4 kg) (P=0.02). Trends in milk consumption and growth rates were similar for the two groups, with few significant differences detected. Likewise, there were no significant differences in the incidences of health problems or pre-weaning mortalities between the two groups of lambs. The results of this study indicate that there is no detectable effect on productivity of pre-weaning lambs when their dams are carriers of C. ruminantium--a situation likely to occur in an endemically stable state. Hence, maintenance of endemic stability would be a suitable control option for heartwater.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to conduct an exploratory study of the lactation curve in order to characterize the productive potential of Pantaneiro ewes and lambs. Fifty ewes were bred using four rams in two different mating seasons. The ewes were kept with their lambs on pasture of Brachiaria brizantha. Ewe body score, ewe weight, and lamb weight were evaluated. Milk sampling was performed every week. In the morning for milk collections, the ewes were treated with 1 UI of oxytocin (intramuscular) for complete milking. Lambs were separated from the ewes for 4 h and milk collections were performed. The total milk production over 24 h was estimated by multiplying the production of this period (4 h) by 6. The data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure (P?<?0.05) in SAS. Milk production data were fitted to the curve using the incomplete gamma function of Wood, and lamb growth data were fitted using the Gompertiz equation. The average milk production of the ewes was 1.03 kg/day?1. Younger ewes had the lowest milk production (18?=?798?±?330, 24?=?1001?±?440, 36?=?1100?±?490, and 48?=?1106?±?490 g/day?1). Ewe body score at lambing affected initial milk production (1.0?=?816?±?660, 1.5?=?1089?±?105, and 2.0?=?1424?±?1600 g/day?1). Lambs were weaned with an average weight of 20.3 kg. Daily weight gain from birth to weaning was 181 g. Locally adapted Pantaneiro ewes showed a linear decreasing lactation curve, with reduced production from the second week of lactation. Overall, evaluation of the dairy production and lamb performance revealed great variation, denoting potential for selection.  相似文献   

We performed an analysis of the vocalization of 161 ewes and 50 male lambs that were pastured day and night. The vocalization structures of the phonetic notations of the opened-mouth from closed mouth /ηaee/ and /ηnaeee/ and closed-mouth /ηηηη/ of ewes, and the opened-mouth from closed-mouth /ηeee/ and /ηneeee/ and closed-mouth /ηηηη/ of male lambs were studied in terms of their audio characteristics. The items subject to analysis included duration of each vocalization, fundamental frequency, sound pressure and first formant (F1), second formant (F2), and third formant (F3). Among the male lambs, the duration of each call type showed significant differences depending on the behavior types or the target types, and the closed-mouth to open-mouth sounds, /ηeee/ and /ηneeee/ showed a tendency to be longer than the closed-mouth sound of /ηηηη/. A significant correlation ( r  = 0.9, P  < 0.05) was observed between the fundamental frequency and F1 with the /ηeee/ type of call of the male lambs when the vocalization was targeted toward the stockperson. When the ewes' behavior pattern was grazing and moving and the calling target was an ewe, the sound pressure significantly differed between /ηηηη/ and /ηnaeee/ ( P  < 0.05). From the analysis of the call durations, the fundamental frequencies, the sound pressures and formants, and the particular characteristics in sound structure were shown to vary according to the vocalization conditions and the situations, and where the animals were placed, even within the same call types.  相似文献   

Colostrum production by ewes and the amounts ingested by lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies involving 49 ewes which were well nourished during the last eight weeks of pregnancy indicated that ewe weight loss during pregnancy and lamb birth weights followed the recognised pattern and were within acceptable "normal" limits. Colostrum production ranged from 1238 to 4593 g per ewe during the 48 h following the first suckling and there was evidence that production levels were related to demand by the lambs. Colostrum consumption by individual lambs was related to litter size. The smaller the litter size the greater was the amount ingested during the first 48 h of life. No clear relationship was established between the amount of colostrum consumed and the level of immunoglobulin in a lamb's circulation. Possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Effects of a controlled-release albendazole capsule (CRC) on nematode parasitism and production of Merino ewes and lambs were Investigated in a replicated grazing experiment between August 1986 and July 1989. The experiment was conducted on a site where the naturally occurring parasites were benzimidazole-resistant, with double the recommended dose of oxfendazole reducing faecal egg counts of Trichostrongylus colubriformis by less than 50%. Two CRC treatments were compared with a minimal treatment control and the widely-used strategic control program, Wormkill.
Egg counts and worm burdens of major parasite species of ewes and of lambs before and after weaning were significantly reduced by use of the CRC in ewes before lambing or in lambs at weaning. These parasitological effects were reflected in increased productivity of CRC ewes and lambs. Ewes given CRCs lost less weight and grew more wool during lactation than ewes given Wormkill or control treatments, while their lambs gained more weight and had heavier fleeces than lambs from Wormkill or control treatments. Where lambs were weaned by removing ewes from the lambing paddock, administration of the CRC at weaning to lambs whose dams had also been treated with the CRC did not result in improved production when compared with lambs from ewes dosed with CRCs and treated after weaning according to the Wormkill program. Some possible uses for the CRC in ewes and lambs were identified.  相似文献   

Five thousand oocysts of each of two species of coccidia, Eimeria crandallis and E ovinoidalis or 30,000 infective larvae of Nematodirus battus, given as single infections to three- to five-week-old lambs, caused only transient diarrhoea and had no effect on growth. Lambs infected first with coccidia and two weeks later with N battus suffered severe diarrhoea, weight loss and some deaths. Simultaneous administration of the coccidia and the nematodes increased the clinical severity of the syndrome and increased the numbers of nematode eggs produced.  相似文献   

The effects of anthelmintics treatments in controlling gastrointestinal nematodes in breeding ewes in a semi-arid area of Kenya were determined. The study carried out during two breeding seasons, between June 2000 and December 2001 where albendazole was administered to groups of ewes, 2 weeks before mating, 3 weeks to lambing and mid lactation indicated significantly lower nematode egg counts in treated than untreated groups of ewes. In the first breeding season, reduced rainfall resulted in pasture scarcity and weight loss in both groups of ewes through out the gestation period, but losses were higher for the untreated group. In the second season, both groups of ewes showed a steady increase in weight gain during the gestation period and post-partum, but weight gains were higher in the treated group. In lambs, weight gains at 6 weeks were higher for treated ewes than control groups, in both breeding seasons. The results of this trial indicate that anthelmintic treatments in breeding ewes in the study area are beneficial in reducing gastrointestinal nematode infections and improving performance of the ewes and their lambs. In addition to the treatments, breeding ewes should be given feed supplementation particularly during periods of pasture scarcity.  相似文献   

In practice, protection against ovine ostertagiasis in sheep-management systems is generally achieved by anthelmintic treatment and pasture switching. This paper uses a network model to describe the dynamics of the life-cycle of the parasite when ewes and lambs commence spring grazing on pasture which is contaminated. The model enables the efficacy of several recognised control strategies, involving various frequencies of drug application, to be assessed in regulating the adult worm burden of the lamb. The results indicate that dosing ewes at lambing does not provide adequate control. If lambs only are dosed 6 times between May and September significant control is achieved. Combining ewe and lamb treatments only marginally enhances the level of control obtained by the treatment of lambs alone. However, the most effective method of control was to dose lambs 3 times in May–June and on moving lambs to clean pasture at weaning.  相似文献   

Effects on udder development and colostrum production of changing the level of ewe nutrition were investigated. Udder weights at term were derived from their linear dimensions and yields of colostrum were obtained by hand milking on three occasions between one and 18 hours after birth. The linear dimensions of the udder increased progressively in all animals between 100 days of gestation and term (about 145 days), but udder development was retarded significantly within three days of the onset of underfeeding at 105 days of gestation. Underfeeding reduced the total yield of colostrum during the first 18 hours after birth by decreasing the prenatal accumulation of colostrum and its subsequent rates of secretion. Improving the ewe's nutrition from one hour after birth tended to increase the secretion rates of colostrum between 10 and 18 hours. Refeeding previously underfed ewes to high levels from about five days before birth had no effect on udder growth but did increase the prenatal accumulation of colostrum and its subsequent rates of secretion to levels which, when corrected for differences in udder weight, were similar to those of ewes which were fed well throughout. Calculations revealed that by ignoring udder growth the Agricultural Research Council recommendations for the energy requirements of pregnant ewes underestimate the cost of tissue synthesis during the last four weeks of pregnancy by about 100 per cent.  相似文献   

In a replicated trial, parasitological and antibody responses of grazing weaner Merino sheep were assessed following vaccination with gut membrane proteins prepared from adult worms of the gastrointestinal nematode, Haemonchus contortus. Each vaccinated animal received 100 microg native H11 and 100 microg native H-gal-GP combined together in 5mg Quil A administered intramuscularly on days 0, 34, 80 and 127. Control animals received 5mg Quil A alone on the same days. Vaccinated and unvaccinated control animals grazed pastures contaminated with the parasite from day 34 of the trial, and levels of parasitism were monitored by worm-egg counts (WECs) in faeces and packed cell volumes (PCVs) in blood. The level of larval contamination on pasture was estimated from the worm counts of tracer sheep introduced monthly to the paddocks. WECs and anaemia were significantly reduced in vaccinated animals, and, in contrast to vaccinates, all control sheep required salvage treatment with anthelmintic. By the last 2 months of the trial, pastures grazed by vaccinated animals had significantly lower contamination with H. contortus larvae. Vaccinated animals had high levels of vaccine antigen-specific IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies in plasma, whereas those responses in the control sheep were very low. IgG1 titres in the vaccinated group, but not IgG2 titres, were inversely correlated with worm-egg counts. The levels of systemic IgA and IgE remained low but increased in both groups towards the end of the experiment most probably from exposure to the natural infection from pasture. The results showed that H11 and H-gal-GP behaved like "hidden" antigens producing high levels of protection that were probably mediated through mechanisms involving antibodies, and in particular, IgG1. It was concluded that if similar protective effects could be obtained with recombinant versions of the proteins present in either H11 or H-gal-GP, then the prospects for a commercial Haemonchus vaccine were real.  相似文献   

Forty ewes were allocated into one of four groups (n = 10) and were treated with albendazole (ALB) (3.8 mg kg(-1)) before lambing (group A), with ALB before and after lambing (group B), with moxidectin (MXD) (0.2 mg kg(-1)) before lambing (group C) or were untreated controls (group D). Counts of nematode eggs in faeces and coprocultures were carried out during the study, as well as ewes' milk yield measurements and lamb weighings. Pre-treatment mean eggs per gram (epg) counts were 640, 715, 625 and 630 for groups A, B, C and D, respectively (P > 0.05); respective counts 21 days after treatment were 5, 0, 0 and 690 epg, whilst 70 days after treatment they were 380, 145, 40 and 1120 epg. Mean lactation milk yield was 3527.5, 3893.5, 3786.4 and 3285.9 ml for groups A, B, C and D, respectively; no significant difference was evident among the four groups in milk yield collected during the suckling period, although subsequently, group B or C ewes yielded significantly more milk than controls (P < 0.05). Mean birthweight of lambs were 3.56, 3.45, 3.59 and 3.26 kg for groups A, B, C and D, respectively (P = 0.045); subsequently, lambs from treated ewes were significantly heavier than lambs from control animals (P < 0.001). We conclude that anti-parasitic treatment during the last month of pregnancy contributed to an increased birthweight of lambs of treated ewes, whilst the cumulative effect of two doses of ALB or the long persistent efficacy of MXD provided a longer protection of animals against new parasitic infections and contributed to a lactation persistence.  相似文献   

Lambs born in pens with slatted floor were brought out at 2–5 weeks of age on pastures heavily grazed by sheep the previous years. About 16 days later the oocyst output of the lambs rapidly increased to high levels. Lambs on pastures which never had been grazed by sheep earlier, had moderate oocyst counts.Between 11 and 25 days after the beginning of grazing there were significantly more lambs with diarrhoea on permanent pastures compared with pastures never grazed by sheep earlier.It was found that lambs were heavily infected during the first 2 days on permanent pastures.Thirteen housed lambs were given 10–50 g of soil from a permanent pasture as a water suspension by a stomach tube. Fifteen days later there was a steep rise in the oocyst output in most of them, and 11 of the 13 lambs developed diarrhoea and 2 died. None of 10 lambs given uninfected soil and none of 12 untreated controls showed diarrhoea and the oocyst output remained on a moderate level.It is concluded that oocysts which have survived the winter in the pasture are the main source of infection with Eimeria spp. in lambs with this kind of management. Soil-eating is the most likely source of infection during the first days on pasture.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate whether Cu, alone or in combination with Mo, reduces the Se status of sheep. Thirty-six Hampshire ewes were separated prior to mating into four treatment groups of nine sheep each. The four groups consisted of 1) basal (alfalfa hay or legume-grass low-moisture silage, corn, oats), 2) basal plus 10 mg Cu/kg diet, 3) basal plus 10 mg Mo/kg and 4) basal plus Cu and Mo (each 10 mg/kg). Copper and Mo were added to both ewe and lamb diets. Treatments continued until lambs were weaned at 10 wk postpartum. The basal ewe diet contained, in mg/kg, 5.6 Cu, .05 Se and 1.0 Mo. The basal lamb diet contained, in mg/kg, 6.1 Cu, .07 Se and less than 1.0 Mo. Sulfur concentrations in the ewe and lamb diets were .24% and .20%, respectively. Copper supplements increased, and Mo supplements decreased, the concentration of Cu in the livers of ewes and lambs (P less than .05). Despite this, there were no effects of treatment on Se concentration or glutathione peroxidase activity in blood or tissues. Selenium levels in plasma of all ewes declined throughout pregnancy and lactation, indicating that .05 mg/kg Se was insufficient for the maintenance of Se status during pregnancy in Hampshire ewes. Copper and Se levels (mg/kg fresh weight) in the liver of lambs at weaning for Treatments 1 through 4 were 48 and .13, 158 and .10, 11 and .11, and 136 and .13, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


A Mastitis control programme is essentially a biological regulatory system involving the three essential components of any control mechanism:
  • A signal from a detector indicating departure from normality

  • The interpretation of the signal (diagnosis)

  • A feed-back signal to the origin of the detection signal indicating corrective action.


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