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We explored the effects of a purported ‘reverse keystone species’, the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) using a long-term, large-scale dataset. Specifically, we identify whether this aggressive bird affects the landscape distribution patterns of other avifauna, by displacing them into, or restricting their distribution to, less productive areas, and in so doing, adheres to ‘isoleg theory’. We sought to determine the effect of abundance of the Noisy Miner on the abundance of other birds (individual species and groups), and determine whether that effect was consistent with varying site productivity, using a negative binomial distribution with a logarithmic link function, and an offset variable to account for variations in search effort. Relationships between abundance of Noisy Miners and habitat variables were examined using a Poisson distribution with a logarithmic link function scaled for extra-variation (quasi-Poisson regression). We demonstrate that when Noisy Miner abundance is low, many small passerine species are more abundant on high productivity sites. However, as Noisy Miner abundance increases, small passerine abundance decreases, with this decrease most apparent on productive sites. The same patterns were not evident for birds considered ‘non-competitors’ of the Noisy Miner. We identify that both site productivity and vegetation structure influence the abundance of the Noisy Miner. We reveal that the species increasingly tolerates ‘less desirable’ habitat attributes with increasing site productivity. The preference of the Noisy Miner for productive areas is likely to have deleterious impacts on the long-term survival and reproductive success of other Australian woodland bird species, many of which have already undergone severe declines.  相似文献   

Traditional agricultural mosaic landscapes are likely to undergo dramatic changes through either intensification or abandonment of land use. Both developmental trends may negatively affect the vascular plant species richness of such landscapes. Therefore, sustainable land-use systems need to be developed to maintain and re-establish species richness at various spatial scales. To evaluate the sustainability of specific land-use systems, we need approaches for the effective assessment of the present species richness and models that can predict the effects on species richness as realistically as possible. In this context, we present a methodology to estimate and predict vascular plant species richness at the local and the regional scale. In our approach, the major determinants of vascular plant species richness within the study area are taken into consideration: These are according to Duelli's mosaic concept the number of habitat types and of habitat patches within area units. Furthermore, it is based on the relative frequencies of species within habitat types. Our approach comprises six steps: (i) the determination of present habitat patterns within an observation area, (ii) the creation of a land-use scenario with simulated habitat patterns, (iii) the determination of species frequencies within habitat types of this area, (iv) a grouping of habitat-specific species, (v) the estimation of the probabilities for all species (or habitat specialists) to occur, either in stepwise, exponentially enlarged landscape tracts (local scale), or in the entire observation area (regional scale), and (vi) the validation of the estimated species numbers. The approach will be exemplified using data from the municipal district of Erda, Lahn-Dill Highlands, Germany. The current species numbers to be expected on the basis of probability calculations were compared with those recorded on the basis of extensive field work. This comparison shows that, on the basis of our simple calculations, the current local plant species richness can be predicted well, with a slight underestimation. This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Environmental changes produce discontinuities in suitable habitat. However, drawing inference into the effects of these changes on contemporary genetic patterns is often...  相似文献   

Two hundred years of landscape changes were studied on a 3,760 ha area of central Corsica (France) representing a typical Mediterranean environment. Different historical sources, including an accurate land-cover map from 1774 and statistics on land cover from 1848 and 1913, were used. Three additional maps (1960, 1975 and 1990) were drawn, and a complete fire history from 1957 to 1997 was created. Forests expanded slowly by a border effect. Forest expansion was more rapid in unburnt sites (0.59% per year) than in burnt sites (0.23% per year), mostly because the initial amount of forests was greater. Because of the border effect, the combination of past landscape pattern and short distance colonization abilities of forest species may have allowed the shrublands to persist in some places after land abandonment. This persistence may explain the pattern of fire in the landscape, since shrubland burn more readily than forests.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of the detectability of the field pattern and the associated linear elements in the Kempenland (Belgium) using SPOT multispectral imagery. The SPOT images are edge-enhanced in order to put the ecological infrastructure in a clearer image display. The detectability is investigated in relation to the size and the shape of the land blocks. The influence on the detectability on SPOT images of the kinds of linear elements, bordering the land blocks, is investigated as well. The use of edge-enhanced SPOT images for (ecological) network analysis (connectivity and circuitry) is also discussed.  相似文献   


Seagrasses are submerged marine plants that have been declining globally at increasing rates. Natural resource managers rely on monitoring programs to detect and understand changes in these ecosystems. Technological advancements are allowing for the development of patch-level seagrass maps, which can be used to explore seagrass meadow spatial patterns.


Our research questions involved comparing lacunarity, a measure of landscape configuration, for seagrass to assess cross-site differences in areal coverage and spatial patterns through time. We also discussed how lacunarity could help natural resource managers with monitoring program development and restoration decisions and evaluation.


We assessed lacunarity of seagrass meadows for various box sizes (0.0001 ha to 400.4 ha) around Cat Island and Ship Island, Mississippi (USA). For Cat Island, we used seagrass data from 2011 to 2014. For Ship Island, we used seagrass data for seven dates between 1963 and 2014.


Cat Island, which had more continuous seagrass meadows, had lower lacunarity (i.e., denser coverage) compared to Ship Island, which had patchier seagrass beds. For Ship Island, we found a signal of disturbance and path toward recovery from Hurricane Camille in 1969. Finally, we highlighted how lacunarity curves could be used as one of multiple considerations for designing monitoring programs, which are commonly used for seagrass monitoring.


Lacunarity can help quantify spatial pattern dynamics, but more importantly, it can assist with natural resource management by defining fragmentation and potential scales for monitoring. This approach could be applied to other environments, especially other coastal ecosystems.




The patch-mosaic model is lauded for its conceptual simplicity and ease with which conventional landscape metrics can be computed from categorical maps, yet many argue it is inconsistent with ecological theory. Gradient surface models (GSMs) are an alternative for representing landscapes, but adoption of surface metrics for analyzing spatial patterns in GSMs is hindered by several factors including a lack of meaningful interpretations.


We investigate the performance and applicability of surface metrics across a range of ecoregions and scales to strengthen theoretical foundations for their adoption in landscape ecology.


We examine metric clustering across scales and ecoregions, test correlations with patch-based metrics, and provide ecological interpretations for a variety of surface metrics with respect to forest cover to support the basis for selecting surface metrics for ecological analyses.


We identify several factors complicating the interpretation of surface metrics from a landscape perspective. First, not all surface metrics are appropriate for landscape analyses. Second, true analogs between surface metrics and patch-based, landscape metrics are rare. Researchers should focus instead on how surface measures can uniquely measure spatial patterns. Lastly, scale dependencies exist for surface metrics, but relationships between metrics do not appear to change considerably with scale.


Incorporating gradient surfaces into landscape ecological analyses is challenging, and many surface metrics may not have patch analogs or be ecologically relevant. For this reason, surface metrics should be considered in terms of the set of pattern elements they represent that can then be linked to landscape characteristics.

Movements of bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) were studied in a farmland mosaic in Poland. Distances crossed by animals in short-time periods are significantly longer in heterogenous than in homogenous habitats. In long-time and large-spatial scales, a significant portion of the animals in a population travel among habitat elements of the mosaic, reducing the degree of isolation of patch populations and decreasing the probability of local extinction.  相似文献   


Urbanization is a substantial force shaping the genetic and demographic structure of natural populations. Urban development and major highways can limit animal movements, and thus gene flow, even in highly mobile species. Characterizing varying species responses to human activity and fragmentation is important for maintaining genetic continuity in wild animals and for preserving biodiversity. As one of the only common and wide-ranging large wild herbivores in much of urban North America, deer play an important ecological role in urban ecosystems, yet the genetic impacts of development on deer are not well known.


We assessed genetic connectivity for mule deer to understand their genetic response to habitat fragmentation, due to development and highway barriers, in an increasingly urbanized landscape.


Using non-invasive sampling across a broad region of southern California, we investigated genetic structure among several natural areas that were separated by major highways and applied least-cost path modelling to determine if landscape context and highway attributes influence genetic distance for mule deer.


We observed significant yet variable differentiation between subregions. We show that genetic structure corresponds with highway boundaries in certain habitat patches, and that particular landscape configurations more greatly limit gene flow between patches.


As a large and highly mobile species generally considered to be well adapted to human activity, mule deer nonetheless showed genetic impacts of intensive urbanization. Because of this potential vulnerability, mule deer and other ungulates may require further consideration for effective habitat management and maintenance of landscape connectivity in human-dominated landscapes.


Jansson  G.  Angelstam  P. 《Landscape Ecology》1999,14(3):283-290
We assessed the habitat patch occupancy of a deciduous-mixed forest specialist, the long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus), in a 1000 km2 conifer dominated landscape in relation to two landscape parameters, namely proportion and isolation of suitable habitat. Data from five consecutive spring seasons were used and within habitat variation controlled for. The occurrence of long-tailed tits was positively related to the amount of habitat within 1 km2 (p=0.0007) and negatively related to the distance between habitat patches (p<0.0001). When combined, the two variables explained >78% of the variation in local patch occupancy. There were distinct thresholds in these landscape variables for the probability of local long-tailed tit presence. In the model the probability increased from 0.1 to 0.8 when interpatch distance decreased from 500 to 100 m with 5% total habitat coverage. With a total proportion of 15% suitable habitat, the same probability jump occurred when interpatch distance changed from 900 to 500 m. The general importance of defined measurements and quantified threshold levels for species conservation and landscape management is discussed.  相似文献   

Recycling sludge as a soil amendment has become a viable option for sludge disposal. However, such application can lead to soil pollution because of its enrichment in contaminants, especially heavy metals. To identify an effective means to ensure the ecological safety of sewage sludge landscape utilization, a glasshouse experiment was conducted by mixing sewage sludge at 0%, 15%, 30%, 60%, and 100% (V/V) amendment ratios to landscape soils and planting five common landscape plants (Aphelandra ruellia, Syngonium podophyllum, Schefflera odorata, Alocasia macrorrhiza, and Dianella ensifolia). Sludge amendment significantly improved fertility and moisture retention capacity of soil, but dramatically increased the contents of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn. Compared with lateritic red soil (CK), sludge amended-soils increased the relative growth rate of landscape plants and enhanced their nutrient uptake and heavy metals accumulation. A rate of 30% or less of sludge application showed positive growth effects for all five landscape plants, and did not cause potential ecological risks of heavy metals to landscape soils. However, rates of 60% or higher posed very high potential ecological risk in multiple metals, particularly in Cd. Interestingly, S. odorata, A. ruellia and A. macrorrhiza could alleviate the ecological risks of Cd, Cu and Zn, respectively, and these results were confirmed by data of relative changes in heavy metal contents in post-experiment soil. Our results suggest that attention to reducing the environmental risks of heavy metals in sludge utilization as landscape soil-amendments should not only be paid to controlling the application dosage of sludge but also to planting suitable plant species.  相似文献   

All the remnants of native vegetation in a 1680 km2 area of the central wheatbelt of Western Australia were assessed for use by two species of kangaroo (Western grey kangaroo Macropus fuliginosus and euro M. robustus). Use was determined from faecal pellet density. Densities over large areas (100 km2) varied with the amount of residual native vegetation in the area. The less the vegetation the lower was the faecal density, indicating that increased separation between remnants has led, over the 50–70 years since fragmentation, to lower kangaroo densities.The densities of kangaroos in 152 individual remnants of >2 ha were examined in relation to their physical attributes (e.g. area, edge length, distance to nearest remnant, presence of linkages and the vegetation types present), and to an index of isolation from human disturbance. Few remnants <2 ha were used by kangaroos.Canonical discriminant analysis showed that separation of remnants without kangaroos from those with kangaroos was associated with many of the attributes. Of these, the numbers of vegetation types and their proportions and the degree of isolation from human disturbance were of greatest importance. Regression analyses were done to obtain predictors of densities within remnants grouped according to the kangaroo species using the remnants. These showed that the importance of attributes differed for different groupings. Isolation from human disturbance was the most important factor for remnants that had either species, but not for the larger ones that had both species. For euros, density increased with the rank of the linkage to other remnants and decreased with the percentage of the remnant in open woodland. For Western grey kangaroos, rank for distance to nearest remnant was significant. Since the study area is representative of a much larger area, the findings should have wide applicability.  相似文献   

Our research illustrates how a landscape mosaic changes in association with a mixed natural-anthropogenic disturbance history. Our study area is the Northwest Wisconsin (USA) Sand Plain (NWSP), a region with a rich disturbance history including fire, insects and clearcut forestry. We integrated historic airphotos from 1938, 1960, 1980 and 1998 within a GIS to describe change among four landcover classes describing a canopy-closure gradient: closed forests, woodlands, savannas and “open barrens”. Our work addresses two literature needs: empirical studies of mixed-disturbance landscapes, and nonforest habitats within a forest matrix. Our analysis shows that: the area of open barrens fluctuated, woodlands and savannas declined severely and closed forests increased through time. Falling median patch sizes and other landscape metrics suggest that the woodlands are becoming more fragmented. The landcover transitions driving this change vary according to time and place. The dominant transitions are toward closed forests from all classes, and transitions toward open barrens are also consistently important. The woodlands, savannas and open barrens habitats are mostly comprised of transient patches, persisting for less than 20 years. This contrasts with closed forests that often persist for 40 plus years. These changes are consistent with the disturbance regime that is shifting from fire- to forestry-dominance. Our results show a trend towards landscape simplification, manifest as losses of intermediate-density habitats (woodland and savanna) and shrinking patch sizes. The transient nature of the nonforest habitats shows that disturbance resulting in total or partial canopy removal will be vital for their conservation at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Patterns of land ownership and forest cover are related in complex and ecologically significant ways. Using a Geographic Information System and regression analysis, we tested for spatial relationships between the structure of land ownership and forest cover across 66 watersheds in the state of Oregon (USA), Coast Range mountains. We found that in these watersheds (1) forest cover diversity increased with land ownership diversity, (2) size of forest patches increased with size of land ownership patches, and (3) connectivity of forest cover increased with connectivity of land ownership. Land ownership structure explained between 29% and 40% of the variability of forest cover structure across these watersheds. Driving this relationship are unique associations among particular ownership classes and various forest cover classes. The USDA Forest Service and the USDI Bureau of Land Management were associated with mature forest cover; private industry was associated with young forest cover; nonindustrial private forest owners were associated with a wide diversity of cover classes. Watersheds with mixed ownership appear to provide greater forest cover diversity, whereas watersheds with concentrated ownership provide less diverse but more connected forest cover. Results suggest that land ownership patterns are strongly correlated with forest cover patterns. Therefore, understanding landscape structure requires consideration of land ownership institutions, dynamics, and patterns.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of habitat fragmentation, measured as forest stand size and isolation, on the distribution of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). Squirrel density was surveyed during four years in 46 forest stands (0.1–500 ha) in a forest landscape in south-central Sweden. The only factor that significantly influenced a density index was the proportion of spruce within a habitat fragment. Neither fragment size nor degree of isolation were significant. Furthermore, none of the interactions with year were significant, suggesting the same pattern in all four years. Thus, the effect of habitat fragmentation in this study seems to be only pure habitat loss, i.e. halving the proportion of preferred habitat in the landscape should result in a halving of the red squirrel population. Therefore, the landscape can be viewed as functionally continuous for the squirrels, although the preferred habitat was divided into fragments. The most likely explanation for the difference between this study and other studies on squirrels that found effects due to habitat fragmentation is a combination of shorter distances and less hostile surroundings in our study area. To identify landscape effects requires multiple studies because single studies usually consider only one landscape.  相似文献   

Based on recent needs to accurately understand fire regimes and post-fire vegetation resilience at a supra-level for carbon cycle studies, this article focusses on the coupled history of fire and vegetation pattern for 40 years on a fire-prone area in central Corsica (France). This area has been submitted since the beginning of the 20th century to land abandonment and the remaining land management has been largely controlled by frequent fires. Our objectives were to rebuild vegetation and fire maps in order to determine the factors which have driven the spatial and temporal distribution of fires on the area, what were the feed backs on the vegetation dynamics, and the long-term consequences of this inter-relationship. The results show a stable but high frequency of small fires, coupled with forest expansion over the study period. The results particularly illustrate the spatial distribution of fires according to topography and vegetation, leading to a strong contrast between areas never burnt and areas which have been burnt up to 7 times. Fires, when occuring, affect on average 9 to 12% of the S, SE and SW facing slopes (compared to only 2 to 5% for the N facing slopes), spread recurrently over ridge tops, affect all the vegetation types but reburn preferentially shrublands and grasslands. As these fire-proning parameters have also been shown to decrease the regeneration capacity of forests, this study highlights the needs in spatial studies (both in terms of fire spread and vegetation dynamic) to accurately apprehend vegetation dynamic and functionning in fire-prone areas.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Cadmium (Cd) is a metal pollutant that accumulates in cultivated soils and has detrimental consequences in terms of food safety. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) can be characterised as having a high capacity to accumulate Cd in its tissues. An analysis of Cd tolerance and Cd accumulation was carried out using two varieties of lettuce (‘Divina’ and ‘Melina’). A wide range of CdCl2 concentrations was used (0.0, 0.1, 0.6, 3.0, and 15.0 µM CdCl2). The lowest concentration (0.1 µM CdCl2) stimulated growth, while the two highest concentrations resulted in a reduction in biomass. Cadmium concentrations were found to be twice as high in roots as in shoots. ‘Divina’ displayed lower concentrations of Cd than ‘Melina’ in nearly all treatments. A strong negative correlation was observed between Cd concentration and Cd tolerance in the roots and shoots (R2 > 0.87) of both ‘Melina’ and ‘Divina’. Lettuce grown in the presence of 15.0 µM CdCl2 had leaf Cd concentrations that were 100-fold higher than the legal maximum level for vegetable products marketed for human consumption, but showed no symptoms of dehydration, chlorosis, or necrosis. This result represents an important alert for lettuce consumers and growers.  相似文献   

Many organisms persist in fragmented habitat where movement between patches is essential for long-term demographic and genetic stability. In the absence of direct observation of movement, connectivity or isolation metrics are useful to characterize potential patch-level connectivity. However, multiple metrics exist at varying levels of complexity, and empirical data on species distribution are rarely used to compare performance of metrics. We compared 12 connectivity metrics of varying degrees of complexity to determine which metric best predicts the distribution of prairie dog colonies along an urban gradient of 385 isolated habitat patches in Denver, Colorado, USA. We found that a modified version of the incidence function model including area-weighting of patches and a cost-weighted distance surface best predicted occupancy, where we assumed roads were fairly impermeable to movement, and low-lying drainages provided dispersal corridors. We also found this result to be robust to a range of cost weight parameters. Our results suggest that metrics should incorporate both patch area and the composition of the surrounding matrix. These results provide guidance for improved landscape habitat modeling in fragmented landscapes and can help identify target habitat for conservation and management of prairie dogs in urban systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we test the hypothesis that landscape changes in a region of Northern Portugal (Minho) in the last 40 years could be predicted from socioeconomic and political history. The major predicted changes were related to agricultural abandonment and afforestation. We further predicted that these changes contributed to increased fire risk. Analysis of aerial photography for the years 1958, 1968, 1983 and 1995 in a study area of 3700 ha revealed a significant decline in agricultural areas and low shrublands and an increase in tall shrublands and forests. This represented a 20–40% increase in fuel accumulation at a landscape level, suggesting that the abandonment of farming activities is a major driving force of increasing fire occurrence in the region. With one exception, all the predictions were partly or totally confirmed. This study confirms that socioeconomic factors might explain a significant part of the variation in landscape composition across time, in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

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