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The cloned P1 sequence of PVYO was transferred in sense orientation into the potato cultivar Pito usingAgrobacteriummediated transformation. Sixteen of the putatively transformed plants (NPTII positive) were assayed for PVYO resistance. No PVYO was detected in four plants, representing two lines, 21 days after two sap-inoculations and 35 days after graft-inoculation, and the plants remained symptomless, whereas other tested plants showed mosaic symptoms and had high PVY titers similar to those of the control plants. No line was resistant to PVYN and potato viruses A and X. Southern analysis confirmed the presence of the transgene(s) in the two PVYO-resistant and one susceptible line examined, but no signal was detected in nontransformed Pito. These results suggest a high level of protection against PVYO in potato transformed with P1 sequence of PVYO.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is a major cause of yield and quality loss in potato crops worldwide. Recently, populations of PVY strains have shifted dramatically toward recombinant strains such as PVYNTN and PVYN:O. A 2010 to 2016 survey of PVY strains in commercial fields of New Brunswick (NB), Canada, and five field trials tracking PVY spread in NB and Manitoba, were conducted to study the current status of PVY strains and their relative rates of spread. In NB, PVYO dropped from 82% of infections in 2010 to 14% in 2016, replaced mostly by PVYNTN (64%) and PVYN:O (22%).In field trials with Russet Burbank and Gold rush varieties, PVYNTN spread most effectively compared to PVYN:O and PVYO. Strain-specific PVY spread varied with the potato variety, possibly due to selective PVYO resistance in Goldrush, mostly expressed at the plant-to-plant transmission level with little difference in transduction to tubers in infected plants. Relevance of in-field differences in spread of strains to changes in regional PVY populations, and potential mechanisms responsible, are discussed.  相似文献   

In surveys for the tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y (PVYN) in potato, two isolates (I-136 and I-L56) were obtained that shared properties with both the PVYN and the common (PVYO) strain groups. The isolates produced veinal necrosis on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and mild symptoms on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Jemseg, typical of PVYN but their symptoms on some other indicator species such asCapsicum frutescens L.,Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste & Reyn.),Physalis angulata L.,P. floridana Rybd. were more typical of PVYO. Their serological properties were also more typical of PVYO in that they reacted with a PVYO-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) in ELISA and they failed to react with four PVYN-specific MAbs. The possible taxonomic position of these isolates is discussed.  相似文献   

Resistance to the potato viruses X (PVX), Y (PVY) and A (PVA) was examined in the potato cv Allegany released by Cornell University in 1990. Standard potato cultivars from North America and Europe were included for characterization of the resistance response. Allegany was extremely resistant to a strain group 3 isolate of PVX and reacted with hypersensitivity to an ordinary strain isolate of PVY (PVYo). However, Allegany was susceptible to an isolate of PVY causing necrosis in tobacco (PVYN), and to an isolate of PVA. No symptoms appeared following infection with PVYN and PVA. Identification of existing virus strain groups in a geographic area is an important aspect of predicting cultivar response to inoculation in the field.  相似文献   

Field tests at three sites over a period of three to four years have shown that PVYo spread in New Brunswick starts in mid-to late July when plants reach maximum height. Some 62 different genera or species of aphids were collected in experimental plots. Only seven of these were known vector species. Of the colonizing species, the alate green peach aphid,Myzus persicae (Sulzer), seems to be the most important vector. However, because it is not always present when disease spread starts, non-colonizing aphids are probably responsible for the early spread of PVYo. Five of these species of aphids were tested in the laboratory to determine their vector efficiency. A list of potential vectors is presented. The impact of these findings on the management of PVYo is discussed.  相似文献   

The status of the Potato virus Y (PVY) in Swiss seed potato production was investigated in the years 2003 and 2008 by analysing 385 leaf samples of field-grown, suspicious potato plants collected in four representative seed control fields. Serological investigations by ELISA showed that in c. 84% of the PVY-positive samples in both years, viruses belonging to the PVYN group were found. All 124 serologically positive PVY samples collected in 2003 and a selection of 81 isolates of 2008 were further typified by molecular tests and by biological assays on tobacco and potato plants. These tests largely confirmed the predominance of the PVYN group and, within this group, the prevalence of recombinant PVYNTN, with 81.4% and 70.4% in 2003 and 2008, respectively. The percentage of PVYN-Wilga (PVYN-Wi) increased from c. 6% to 17% between the two years. PVYO was detected only in 10.5% and 4.9% of all molecularly analysed samples in 2003 and 2008, respectively. The persistent predominance of recombinant PVYNTN in Swiss seed potatoes indicates that this strain group is now widespread, representing a considerable threat to Swiss seed potato production.  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic cv. Folva potato plants expressing the coat protein gene of potato virus Y strain N (PVYN) were produced usingAgrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation. Forty independent transformants were selected for resistance screening. Four clones showed complete resistance to mechanical inoculation with all the five PVY isolates tested: the PVYN isolate from which the coat protein gene was derived, two PVYO isolates, and two PVYNTN isolates. Two of the fully resistant clones contained only one copy of the transgene, demonstrating that it is possible by genetic engineering to obtain highly virus resistant potato clones that can also be useful in future breeding programmes.  相似文献   

A total of 258 Plant Introductions (PI) belonging to 69Solarium species were evaluated in the greenhouse for their reaction to the tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y (PVY N). One hundred and thirty-one (50.7%) of the PI accessions produced mosaic symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Local lesion and veinal necrosis symptoms were observed in 19 PI accessions (7.3%) and a variety of other symptoms were observed in another 11 PI accessions (4.2%). Only 97 PI accessions (37.5%) were symptomless carriers of PVYN. PI accession 473505 ofS. sparsipilum and PI accession 498021 ofS. brachycarpum developed local lesions and veinal necrosis with PVYN, but necrotic spots and mosaic with PVYo. Common mechanically-transmitted potato viruses A, S, M, and X did not interfere with PVY symptom development inS. sparsipilum andS. brachycarpum. Thus, PI 473505 and PI 498021 can be used as indicator plants for specific identification of PVYN. PI accession 472819 ofS. chacoense developed local lesions with systemic spread in PVYo, but without systemic spread in PVYN. Thus, this can be used as a differential host plant for PVY strains. Two PI accessions ofS. stoloniferum, PI 160372 and 161171 were immune to PVYN.  相似文献   

Soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura), an exotic species first discovered in the North Central region of the United States in 2000, is a competent vector of severalPotyviridae. Soybean aphid has high fecundity and produces alatae (winged morphs) readily, characteristics typical of proficient virus vectors. When soybean aphids were exposed toPotato virus Y (PVY)-infected potato plants and then clip-caged on healthy potato plants in groups of five or as single aphids, PVY transmission ranged from 14% to 75% across all experiments. PVYo, PVYn, and PVPntn strains were transmitted by soybean aphid.  相似文献   

Potato Virus Y (PVY) is one of the most devastating pathogens threatening potato production worldwide. It is a RNA virus that is disseminated by aphids in a non-persistent manner. Regular application of mineral oil on potato fields is known to reduce the number of PVY-positive tubers in post-harvest testing. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not well understood, but it is hypothesized to influence the virus-vector-plant relationships. Here, we present data from greenhouse and field trials that shed light on the effect of mineral oil on local and systemic accumulation of PVYO in susceptible Shepody and Russet Burbank. The data suggests that mineral oil did not influence PVYO levels in mechanically-inoculated leaves nor tubers of plants with a secondary infection. However, a reduction in systemic PVYO levels was observed in mineral oil-treated older plants but not in younger plants, suggesting that mineral oil inhibits PVYO movement in an age-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Summary Water-filled yellow trays sited in a potato field were used to catch different species of winged aphids. The catches, enumerated weekly, were compared with the spread of potato virus Yo (PVYo), detected by bait plants of tobacco and potato, during the growing season for four years. The first detection of PVYo, at about the same time as the first catch of winged aphids, varied from the middle of June to the middle of July in different years. In three of the four years,Rhopalosiphum padi was the dominant aphid in the beginning of the growing season and, presumably, it was responsible for the early spread of PVYo in those years.Aphis spp. andMyzus persicae generally appeared later in the season and wingless aphids on the potato leaves were not common before the middle of July.
Zusammenfassung Der Infektionsdruck durch das Kartoffel-Yo-Virus (PVYo) und das Auftreten geflügelter Blattl?use verschiedener Arten in Kartoffelfeldern wurde in den vier Jahren von 1978 bis 1981 untersucht (Tab. 1). Der Infektionsdruck wurde durch junge K?derpflanzen in Form von Tabak und Kartoffeln (Sorten Bintje und King Edward), welche w?chentlich der Virusinfektion im Feld ausgesetzt waren, gemessen. Die geflügelten Blattl?use wurden in gelben Wasserschalen (YWT) gefangen, ungeflügelte Blattl?use wurden an 60 zuf?llig ausgew?hlten Kartoffelbl?ttern ausgez?hlt. Die erste Entdeckung von PVYo und der erste Fang geflügelter Blattl?use koinzidierten; dies erfolgte in den verschiedenen Jahren zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten von Mitte Juni bis Mitte Juli (Abb. 1).Rhopalosiphum padi war die dominierende Blattlaus am Anfang der Wachstumsperiode in drei von vier Jahren, in denen es vermutlich Ursache für die frühe Ausbreitung von PVYo war.Aphis spp. undMyzus persicae erschienen in der Jahreszeit generell erst sp?ter. Ungeflügelte Blattl?use auf Kartoffelbl?ttern erschienen bis zur Mitte des Jahres nur selten.

Résumé On étudie la pression d'infection du virus Yo de la pomme de terre (PVYo) en relation avec la présence dans un champ de pomme de terre de pucerons ailés de plusieurs espèces, dans le cadre d'un essai conduit durant 4 années entre 1978 et 1981 (tableau 1). La pression d'infection est déterminée au moyen de jeunes plantes de tabac et de pomme de terre (variétés King Edward et Bintje), qui sont exposés chaque semaine dans le champ à l'infection virale. Les pucerons ailés sont capturés dans un piège à bac jaune, et les pucerons aptères sont comptés directement sur 60 feuilles de pommes de terre, choisies au hasard. La première détection du PVYo et la première capture de pucerons ailés co?ncident, ce qui a été observé à différentes époques de plusieurs années, de la mi-juin à la mi-juillet (fig. 1).Rhopalosiphum padi a été le puceron le plus abondant au commencement de la période de croissance, dans trois des quatre années où il fut présumé responsable de l'extension précoce du PVYo.Aphis spp. etMyzus persicae apparaissent généralement plus tard dans la saison. Les pucerons aptères sur les feuilles de pomme de terre sont peu fréquents avant la mi-juillet.

Potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Monalisa) showing superficial necrotic rings typical of Potato virus Y NTN (PVYNTN) infection were collected from commercial potato fields in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). An isolate named IAC-PVYNTN was characterized by sequencing 822 and 836 nucleotides from the coat protein and P1 protein coding genes, respectively. The IAC-PVYNTN was observed as a European/North American recombinant isolate closely related to three Eu-PVYNTN isolates that share an alternative recombination site in the coat protein cistron near position 144. Therefore, the IAC-PVYNTN isolate may represent a novel recombinant variant between PVYN N-605 Swiss (European) and PVY O-139 Canadian (North American). Cluster analysis of the P1 sequences found IAC-PVYNTN in the sub-cluster of Eu-PVYN/NTN/N:O. This study supports previous evidence of a common origin for PVYN/NTN in Europe and Brazil.  相似文献   

A total of 1000 anther-derived plants was regenerated from tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes. Capacity to undergo androgenesis was analysed in 41 potato cultivars and 7 clones grown either in the greenhouse or in the field. Of the 48 genotypes, 33 produced embryos and 23 regenerated shoots from embryos. Anther-derived plantlet production was determined in genotypes 86110, Agria, Calgary, Escort, Helios, Idole, JO 0982 JO 1432, Kainuun Musta, Kardal, KE48, Matilda, Nicola, Petra, Pito, Rustica, Stirling, Torridon, Ute, Van Gogh, Vebeca, Vento and White Lady. The highest number of shoots (24 shoots/100 anthers) was obtained from cv. Calgary, when anthers were isolated from field-grown donor plants. Incubating anthers at 28 C, rather than at 20 C or 24 C, enhanced embryo production in four genotypes tested. However, shoot production was improved only in cv. Pito cultured at 28 C. When anthers of cv. Petra were cultured at 28 C for four weeks, followed by reduction of culture temperature to 24 C, a high rate of shoot production was recorded (14 shoots/100 anthers). The ratio between dihaploids and tetraploids varied among the anther-derived plants of the different genotypes. The number of dihaploids was highest in potato clone JO1432 (100%) and in cv. Calgary (93%) and lowest in cvs. Pito (21%) and Torridon (6%).  相似文献   

Summary The long-term maintenance of phytopathogenic viruses on potato and tobacco tissue culture plantlets was investigated. Several strains of PVYN, PVYO, PVX, PVA, PVM, PVS and PLRV have been kept in a tissue culture type collection of viruses at the Institut für Kartoffelforschung Gross Lüsewitz for 1–3 years. The serological and biological activity of cultures established in vitro of PVYN-D 884/Solanum tuberosum cv. Ackersegen, PVYO-1427/Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun, PVX-Erstling/Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun and PVX-Erstling/Solanum tuberosum cv. Arkula was proved.  相似文献   

In order to make a first approach in the identification of the genetic diversity of Potato virus Y (PVY) in Argentina, 46 PVY isolates from different potato growing regions of Argentina were characterized both, biological and serologically. Five of them (ST11, RCA5a, RCA6, RCA14b and SSF6) were selected for further genomic analyses. Four genomic fragments containing hot spot regions of recombination (HSR) reported previously were sequenced in each isolate and compared to PVYN (CS434575.1) and PVYO (U09509.1) reference genomes looking for genomic recombinations. Isolates with one, two or three recombination points were identified among these, including the two strains considered typical PVYN (RCA5b) and PVYO (SSF18) used as controls. This is the first report of the presence of recombined PVY in Argentina using a combination of biological, serological and molecular tools that shed light on the genetic diversity of PVY viruses in this country.  相似文献   

Surveys during five consecutive years in four main seed potato-growing areas of Tunisia revealed large differences in Potato virus Y (PVY) incidence. Infection rates at harvest ranged from up to 19% in Cap Bon and in Jendouba, to 31% in Kairouan and 48% in Manouba. However, infection rates were very low across the country in 2003 (1–5%), except in Kairouan, and rather low in 2004 (4–10%). Secondary infections in plants growing from imported seed potatoes were assessed to be 1–6% depending on region and year. Serological analysis of a first set of 90 samples collected in 2004–2005 revealed dominance of the PVYN group (90% of the total number of PVY positives). A second set of 44 isolates from samples collected in 2006 was further analyzed with a combination of serotyping, indexing on tobacco, and RT-PCR tests targeting four genomic regions (5′Ntr/P1, HcPro/P3, CI/NIa, CP). Thirty-five of these 44 isolates were typical PVYNTN isolates, with three recombination junctions in HcPro/P3, CI/NIa, and CP regions, respectively, whereas no recombination junction was identified in the genome of five isolates belonging to the PVYN group. One additional recombinant PVYNTN isolate was recovered from a mixed infection with a PVYO isolate. Only three PVYO isolates were recovered from the samples analyzed.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is one of the most economically important viruses affecting the potato crop. Several strains of the virus, including PVYO, PVYN, recombinant isolates; PVYN:O (PVY N-Wi) and PVYNTN and several variants of PVYO have been reported from North American potato-production areas. The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer, is a colonizer of potatoes and is considered the most important vector of PVY. The objective of this study was to measure the population growth of M. persicae on potato plants infected with different strains and genetic variants of PVY. The initial population of ten winged adults of M. persicae was allowed to develop on a potted plant for 12 days. Results clearly indicated that infections by different strains and genetic variants of PVY did not influence the population growth of M. persicae on potato plants during this period.  相似文献   

R. Sigvald 《Potato Research》1984,27(3):285-290
Summary The relative efficiency of 7 aphid species as vectors of potato virus Yo (PVYo) was investigated. Winged aphids of one species were released in a net cage containing PVYo-infected potato plants as a virus source and healthy young potato plants as test plants. After 35 hours the glasshouse chamber was fumigated and the young plants tested for PVYo by ELISA at 10-days intervals.Myzus persicae andAcyrthosiphon pisum were the most effective vectors, infecting 26 and 25% of the test plants, respectively.Aphis fabae, Aphis nasturtii andRhopalosiphum padi infected only 1–7% test plants.Sitobion avenae andBrevicoryne brassicae did not transmit PVYo. Relative ‘efficiency factors’ are suggested from these and other results.
Zusammenfassung Um die relative Wirksamkeit einiger Blattlausarten als Vektoren für PVYo zu untersuchen, wurden Versuche in den Jahren 1980 und 1981 durchgeführt. Geflügelte Blattl?use einer Art wurden in einem Netzk?fig (Bodenfl?che 1 m2, H?he 0,5 m) ausgesetzt, in dem gesunde junge Kartoffelpflanzen und als Virusquelle PVYo-infizierte Kartoffelpflanzen standen. Die K?fige befanden sich in einem Gew?chshaus mit künstlichem Licht als Erg?nzung zum Sonnenschein. Die durchschnittliche Tagesl?nge betrug 17 Stunden (16–18) und die durchschnittliche Temperatur 25°C (16–18°C) 35 Stunden nach dem Aussetzen wurden die Gew?chshauskabinen ger?uchert und die jungen Kartoffelpflanzen in 10-t?gigem Abstand mit ELISA auf das Vorhandensein von PVYo geprüft. In ungef?hr 90 Versuchen wurden folgende Blattlausarten getestet:Myzus persicae, Acyrthosiphon pisum, Aphis fabae, Aphis nasturtii, Rhopalosiphum padi, Brevicoryne brassicae undSitobion avenae. Als wirksamste Vektoren mit Infektionserfolgen von 26 bzw. 25% der Testpflanzen erwiesen sichM. persicae undA. pisum. Weniger wirksam mit 1–7% Infektionserfolgen warenA. fabae, A. nasturtii undR. padi, w?hrendS avenae undB. brassicae PVYo überhaupt nicht übertrugen (Tab. 1). Entsprechend diesen und anderen Ergebnissen werden für die 7 geprüften Blattlausarten ‘Wirksamkeitsfaktoren’ vorgeschlagen. Die h?chsten Faktoren wurdenM. persicae undA. pisum mit 1,0 bzw. 0,8 gegeben. Bei den anderen virusübertragenden Blattlausarten liegen die Wirksamkeitsfaktoren zwischen 0,3 und 0,1. Die Zeit zwischen dem Versuchsbeginn und der Auffindung von PVYo im Saft der oberen Bl?tter der Testpflanzen betrug ca. 4 Wochen. Wenn PVYo mit ELISA in den Kartoffelbl?ttern entdeckt werden kann, ist die Konzentration wahrscheinlich hoch genug, um den Blattl?usen die Virusaufnahme durch kurzfristige Einstiche in infizierte Pflanzen zu erm?glichen und es dann auf gesunde Pflanzen zu. übertragen. Diese Ergebnisse scheinen mit denen von Beemster (1979) übereinzustimmen, wobeiM. persicae 4 Wochen nach der Inokulation PVYN von nicht inokulierten Spitzenbl?ttern aufnehmen konnte. Betrachtet man die Gefahr der Virusausbreitung, so ist sowohl die H?ufigkeit als auch die relative Wirksamkeit der verschiedenen Blattlausarten als Vektoren für PVY wichtig. Darüber hinaus spielt die Zeit von der Inokulation bis zu dem Moment, wo die Pflanze wiederum als Infektionsquelle dienen kann, eine bedeutende Rolle. Für die Entwicklung von Prognosemethoden w?ren bessere Kenntnisse über Virusvektoren, vor allem für nicht-persistente Viren, sehr hilfreich.

Résumé En 1980–1981, des expériences ont porté sur l'efficacité relative de certaines espèces de pucerons en tant que vecteurs du virus PVYo. Des pucerons ailés ont été lachés dans une cage appropriée (surface de base 1 m2, hauteur 0,5 m) sous laquelle des plantes atteintes du virus PVYo sont placées avec témoins sains. Les expériences ont lieu sous serre avec un complément de luminosité par éclairage artificiel. La longueur moyenne de jour est 17 heures (16–18) et la température moyenne +25°C (16–28°C). Après 35 heures, une fumigation est réalisée puis des test ELISA sont effectués à 10 jours d'intervalle sur les jeunes plantes. Environ 20 expériences ont été ainsi menées et les espèces de pucerons testés ont été les suivants:Myzus persicae, Acyrthosiphon pisum, Aphis fabae, Aphis nasturtii, Rhopalosiphum padi, Brevicoryne brassicae etSitobion avenae. M. persicae etA. pisum sont les plus efficaces vecteurs de PVYo, contaminant respectivement 26 et 25 pour cent des témoins.A. fabae, A. nasturtii et R. padi le sont moins avec 1 à 7 pour cent de plantes contaminées etS. avenae etB. brassicae ne transmettent aucunement le virus (tableau 1). Des facteurs ‘d'éfficacité’ relative sont accordés aux sept espèces de pucerons étudiées, en fonction d'autres résultats et de ceux-ci. Les plus élevées se rapportent àM. persicae etA. pisum, respectivement 1,0 et 0,8. Des facteurs compris entre 0,3 et 0,1 sont donnés aux autres espèces de pucerons transmettant le virus. La détection du virus PVYo est réalisée 4 semaines après la mise en place de l'expérience, à partir du jus prélevé sur les feuilles supérieures des plantes testées. Si le virus est détecté par la méthode ELISA dans les feuilles des pommes de terre, la concentration du virus est probablement suffisante pour tester les pucerons au niveau de l'acquisition des virus à partir de plantes déjà contaminées et leur transmission à des plantes saines. Ces résultats semblent corroborer ceux de Beemster (1979), oùM. persicae pouvait acquérir PVYN après 4 semaines à partir des feuilles supérieures non-inoculèes de plantes préalablement contaminées. La fréquence et l'éfficacité relative de différentes espèces de pucerons en tant que vecteurs de PVY sont importants à prendre en compte dans le risque de transmission du virus. De plus, la durée entre la contamination et le moment où la plante de pomme de terre peut agir comme source d'infection est un facteur important. Une meilleure connaissance des vecteurs des virus, notamment des virus non persistants, serait très utile à l'avenir, pour développer des méthodes d'avertissements.

The complete sequence of CF_YL21, a Potato virus Y (PVY) isolate from Solanum tuberosum in China, was determined to be 9718 nucleotides in length, excluding the 3′-terminal poly(A) tail. The viral genome had a single open reading frame of 9186 nucleotides encoding a polyprotein of 3061 amino acids. The polyprotein was predicted to be cleaved into ten functional proteins by three viral proteases. Sequence analyses indicated that CF_YL21 shared 97% nucleotide identity with Wilga5 (PVYN-Wi), and two putative recombination signals were detected in the P1 and HC-Pro/P3 regions. Phylogenetic analyses, Bayesian Tip-association Significance (BaTS) test, and multiplex RT-PCR assay confirmed that the isolate had the similar molecular and genomic structure with PVYN-Wi, a PVY strain formed by recombination between PVYN and PVYO. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the complete sequence structure of PVYN-Wi strain from potato in China.  相似文献   

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