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1 祖国医学脾及其功能 祖国传统医学认为,脾位于腹中,其主要生理功能为主运化、统血,主肌肉四肢。开窍于口,在液为涎。其经脉络于胃,与胃相表里。机体的各脏腑、四肢百骸、筋肉、皮毛,均有赖脾的运化,以获取营养,故脾为“后天之本”“五脏之母”。脾主运化的功能,主要包括两个方面:一是运化水谷精微。  相似文献   

现代兽医学认为脾是体内最大的淋巴器官,位于血液循环径路上,还有造血、贮血、滤过血液,以及参与机体免疫活动等功能。而中兽医则认为脾的经脉络于胃,与胃相表里,开窍于口。其主要生理功能为主运化,统血,主肌肉及四肢。中西兽医脾的概念、功能、范围并不一致,存有较大分歧,至今未达成共识。近年来,学者们临床与实验相结合,  相似文献   

37例牛前胃弛缓的证、病结合诊断初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文提出了以中兽医辨证分型与西兽医辨病相结合的方法,对牛前胃弛缓进行综合诊断。具体做法是在中兽医辨证分型的基础上,再按西兽医的诊断方法对体温、脉搏、呼吸、可视粘膜、粪尿、血象和瘤胃内容物的pH值、纤毛虫数、生物发酵等进行检查或测定,然后对二者加以综合分析。共收较系统的诊疗病畜37例,其中,原发性前胃弛缓19例,继发性前胃弛缓18例;脾虚腑实型前胃弛缓29例,脾肺气虚型前胃弛缓8例。初步结果表明,脾虚腑实型前胃弛缓与脾肺气虚型前胃弛缓比较,在体温、脉搏、呼吸、口色、粪尿、血象及瘤胃内容物的测定等方面,均有较明显的差异。其他型前胃弛缓,因病例数少,未作统计。所见瘤胃积食、瘤胃臌气、创伤性网胃炎等继发的前胃弛缓,据其临床症状、血象变化、瘤胃内容物的测定,均属脾虚腑实证的范畴。  相似文献   

中兽医称牛前胃弛缓为“脾虚不磨”“脾虚胃弱”,该病是牛消化系统较复杂的疾病,发病率高,危害严重。尤其是原发性前胃弛缓,初期呈现轻度症状,往往不引起人们重视,迁延日久,病畜脾胃功能进一步降低,气血大亏,则继发宿草不转或百叶干等前胃疾病。笔者临证20余年,运用中医升脾降胃的机理,自拟开胃进食散治疗牛前胃弛缓60余例,取得较满意的疗效,现予报道,  相似文献   

1)从中医角度来分析,猪发病率高、治疗效果差主要是脾虚胃燥所引发的。脾与胃以膜相连,位于腹中,一脏一腑,互为表里,为机体气化升降的枢纽。脾主运化,胃主受纳,脾为胃行其津液,升清降浊,输布水谷之精微,为气血生化之源。胃强脾健,则水谷气盛,精神足旺,气机畅和,先天得养,后天得济。另外,脾还有益气、统血、主肌肉、主四肢等重要功用,脾胃还能使糟粕腑气自大肠传导、输化,以化腑浊泄毒热,故称之为“后天之本”。  相似文献   

为了解脾(气)虚证与自由基反应的关系,我们对16只大白兔(其中健康对照组8只,脾气虚模型复制组8只)于制造脾气虚模型前后两次采血,进行血浆丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量测定。结果表明,脾气虚证组中血浆MDA含量显著高于实验前两组健康家兔,脾气虚证与自由基反应有关,脂质过氧化损伤是脾气虚证的病理基础之一。  相似文献   

脾虚证,在家畜疾病中颇为多见,临床上常因脾胃升降失和、脾胃气虚、脾胃阳虚及中气下陷等病机的不同,而有不同的证型。为了探讨“同证异治”或“异病同治”及其规律性,我们实验观察了益气升降法、益气和胃法、脾肾兼顾法和益气升陷法对脾虚证的调理作用,以及对家兔脾虚模型的某些生理、生化指标的影响,现将结果报告于后。  相似文献   

口疮又称烂口、口炎,以口腔粘膜出现溃烂、红肿及口内流涎为特征。多发生于夏秋季节。现代兽医学中的口膜炎属此范畴。1病因病理气候炎热,劳役过重,饲喂热料,热邪郁遏于脾。脾开口于舌,脾热则生痰,痰热互结循经上炎于口;又脾胃为表里,胃热蒸于口而发疮;诸经实热皆应于心,心火上炎则口舌生疮。此外,脾又为后天之本,脾气虚,气血化生无源,口失濡养,或肾虚不能制阳,则虚火上炎亦可成疮。机械性损伤,如草料的芒剌、尖锐硬物以及疫毒感染等,也是引起本病的重要原因。  相似文献   

扶脾散具有健脾和胃,扶正固本的功效,能增强机体的抗病能力,是中兽医的传统常用药方,记载于《牛马病例汇集》一书中。据近年来我们在临床上应用和观察结果,扶脾散对耕牛饮食伤胃,脾虚不磨和脾虚泄泻等病效果较好。为此我们进行了扶脾  相似文献   

正反刍动物(牛、羊等)的胃为复胃,结构比较复杂,在饲料、饲养、管理、利用及护理不当的情况下,往往会引起前胃疾病,降低其生产性能,给农牧业生产造成损失。中兽医学的特点是辨证施治,在反刍动物前胃疾病的治疗中采取中西兽医结合,根据中兽医理论进行辨证施治,往往能取得良好效果。1中兽医辨证施治1.1证型分类根据中兽医辨证论治的特点,可将反刍动物前胃疾病概括为脾虚不磨、胃腑食滞、气滞腹胀、津枯胃结等4种证  相似文献   

The number of donkeys and mules throughout the world is stable, and awareness of their use and concern for welfare, pain recognition and treatment are receiving increasing veterinary interest. Therefore, accurate information about anaesthesia and analgesia in donkeys and mules is important to ever more equine practitioners. Since donkeys are physiologically and pharmacologically different from horses, knowledge on species specific aspects of anaesthesia and analgesia are very important. Mules combine elements from both donkey and horse backgrounds, leading to great diversity in size, temperament and body type. Physiologically, they seem to resemble horses more than donkeys. This review highlights the current knowledge on various anaesthetic and analgesic approaches in donkeys and mules. There is still much information that is not available about donkeys; in many circumstances, the clinician must use available equine information to treat the patient, while monitoring carefully to observe for differences in response to therapy compared to the horse.  相似文献   

The large intestine of 10 cows was examined from the right abdominal wall with a 3.5 MHz linear transducer. The cows were then slaughtered, and the organs were re-examined in a water bath. The caecum was visualised from the middle region of the abdominal wall. It ran caudo-cranially, varied in diameter from 5.2 to 18.0 cm and was situated immediately adjacent to the abdominal wall. The lateral wall of the caecum appeared as a thick, echogenic, crescent-shaped line. It could be visualised as far cranially as the 12th intercostal space. Although its junction could not be identified, the proximal ansa of the colon was recognised on the basis of its anatomical position and its diameter, which was smaller than that of the caecum. The spiral ansa of the colon and the descending colon were situated dorsal to the caecum and could be identified by moving the transducer horizontally along the abdominal wall to the last rib. The spiral ansa of the colon was situated ventral to the descending colon, and its walls appeared as thick echogenic lines. In a contracted state, the spiral colon had the appearance of a garland.  相似文献   

Effects of age and diet composition on amylase, trypsin and chymotrypsin activities in the pancreas and intestinal contents, pancreas weights and body weights were determined from birth to 56 d. A total of 120 pigs, five to seven pigs/litter from 18 litters, were slaughtered at birth, 14, 27, 29, 31, 42 and 56 d. Litters were allotted to dietary treatments (corn-soy, A; corn-soy + 20% dried whey, B; corn-soy + 5% lard, C) and offered these diets as creep feed at 14 d. All pigs were weaned at 28 d, placed in elevated nursery pens and fed their respective diets. Total activities of amylase, trypsin and chymotrypsin in the pancreas and small intestine increased (P less than .05) with age. Both trypsin and amylase activities, measured per kilogram body weight or gram pancreas weight, were low at 29 d in the intestine and increased to 56 d. Pigs on diet B had the highest level of trypsin and chymotrypsin in the intestinal contents (P less than .05). Trypsin activity in the pancreas (units/kg body weight) was lowest (P less than .05) for pigs on diet B and highest (P less than .05) for those on diet C (units/g pancreas and units/kg body weight). Amylase activity (units/kg body weight) was lower (P less than .05) in the pancreas for pigs on diet B than for those on diets A and C. Pigs on diet A had lower (P less than .01) intestinal amylase activities than those on diets B and C. Enzyme activities in the intestinal contents and pancreas were low following weaning. In the pancreas, activities decreased at 31 d.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ethological studies are important means to evaluate the behaviour of small laboratory animals (mouse, rat, guinea-pig and rabbit) and their housing conditions. At any rate, the only sparse range of body expressions, the smallness and preference of night activity of these animals and the erratic occurrence of essential behaviour patterns make the investigations more difficult. On the other hand, the standardization of laboratory housing and the genetic definition of these animals turn out to be favourable. By this way, behaviour-environment-relationships are suitable for evaluation. Taking into consideration methodical and biological restrictions, the specific activities such as fight, relaxed resting behaviour and play as well as unbalanced behaviour patterns and stereotypes can be taken as means of evaluation. Particularly in mice and rabbits, upright position and space consuming activities will be possibly restricted by cage sizes.  相似文献   

Blood and urine samples of 180 dairy cows from 12 herds were examined. Sodium and potassium concentrations were determined in erythrocytes, whole blood, plasma, urine, and glucose concentration in blood: the interrelations were compared. Sodium and potassium concentrations in erythrocytes were 85.15 +/- 11.45 mmol/l, and 25.93 +/- 7.81 mmol/l, respectively. A statistically significant relation was found between sodium and potassium concentrations in erythrocytes (r = 0.3467+++) and the content of electrolyte in blood cells and in whole blood (Na: r = 0.5336+++; K: r = 0.3561+++). No statistically significant relation of intraerythrocyte concentration of both electrolytes was confirmed with respect to the other characteristics (sodium and potassium concentrations in plasma and urine, and glucose concentration in blood). In the conditions of routine laboratory diagnostics in clinically healthy cows, determinations of intraerythrocyte sodium and potassium do not broaden possibilities of evaluating the metabolic state of these electrolytes and cannot be used as the characteristics of energy insufficiency. The cannot replace the analyses performed in serum and urine.  相似文献   

本文应用Fortana—Masson嗜银颗粒染色法研究了貉、蓝狐、银狐的胃及十二指肠内嗜银细胞的形态分布。结果表明:三种动物胃幽门腺中,嗜根细胞数量最多,呈锥状,嗜银颗粒较粗,密度大、染成深黑色。在胃底及胃贲门腺区、嗜银细胞数量少。在十二指肠部嗜银细胞呈蝌蚪形,嗜银颗粒细,呈黑褐色,密度较小。嗜银细胞的分布密度在三种动物中具有一定的差别。  相似文献   

The rate of flow of fluid from the caecum and from the large colon was measured in four Shetland-type ponies fed a hay diet. In two ponies with cannulas in the caecum and at the origin of the right ventral colon, a continuous intracaecal infusion of a solution of chromium EDTA was used and samples were obtained from the cannula at the origin of the right ventral colon. Based on four determinations, the liquid flow from the caecum was 54.2 +/- 1.89 litres d-1. In the other two ponies with cannulas in the origin of the right ventral colon and near the end of the right dorsal colon, a continuous infusion of chromium EDTA was made into the right ventral colon and samples were obtained from the right dorsal colon. The flow rate towards the end of the dorsal colon was 49.4 +/- 1.25 litres d-1, based on four determinations. The capacities of the caecum and large colon after death were 7.0 +/- 0.8 and 17.7 +/- 3.7 litres, respectively.  相似文献   

The maximal conduction velocities of compound-action potentials in the proximal and distal parts of the saphenous nerve were determined by averaging potentials evoked and recorded through needle electrodes. Antidromic, triphasic compound-action potentials unipolarly recorded from the distal part of the saphenous nerve were of the same minimal latency as potentials having 4 phases which were recorded bipolarly from the same site. However, the unipolarly recorded potentials were of greater amplitude. Monophasic compound-action potentials were recorded through bipolar chlorided silver electrodes from the surface of fascicles of the distal part of the saphenous nerve. The maximal conduction velocity of these potentials was in agreement with the conduction velocity of compound-action potentials of the distal part of the saphenous nerve which were evoked and recorded through subcutaneous needle electrodes. The specificities of the stimulating and recording sites were verified by recording before and after the saphenous nerve was cut between the stimulating and recording sites. Mean conduction velocities were 62.3 +/- 2.0 m/s for the distal part of the saphenous nerve and 66.3 +/- 2.2 m/s for the proximal part of the saphenous nerve. Reflex-evoked muscle activity was elicited in the ipsilateral tensor muscle of the fascia lata and semimembranous muscle after electrical stimulation of the saphenous nerve through subcutaneous needle electrodes. The effects of various stimulus intensities on the latency and duration of these reflex-evoked muscle potentials were determined.  相似文献   

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