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不同白菜品种对锌的响应及锌利用效率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用盆栽试验研究了白菜[Brassica campestris L.ssp.Chinensis(L.)Makino]4个品种对不同浓度锌(Zn 0、1、10 mg/kg)的响应.结果表明,白菜的生物量及体内锌含量随锌水平的增加而增加;但白菜品种对锌营养反应的敏感性不同.地上部锌含量、锌积累量和锌吸收效率均以日本华冠(J...  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanisms of tolerance to zinc (Zn) deficiency and Zn toxicity in the root of apple trees, the apple rootstock Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd seedlings were selected to study the responses of organic acids to Zn homeostasis in roots under low Zn (0 μmol L-1 ), adequate Zn (as control, 4 μmol L-1 ) and toxic Zn (100 μmol L-1 ) treatments. The differences of Zn concentrations and accumulations in the roots were highest, compared with those in the stems and leaves, when apple seedlings were subjected to low and toxic Zn treatments for 1 d. The concentrations and accumulations of oxalic and malic acids in the roots in the low and toxic Zn treatments increased by 20% to 60% compared with those of the control treatment. Significantly negative correlations were found between the total Zn concentrations and the concentrations of oxalic and malic acids in the roots under 1 d of low Zn treatment. However, contrary correlations were found for the toxic Zn treatment. Meanwhile, the maximum influx rates of Zn 2+ under low and toxic Zn treatments increased by 30% and 20%, respectively, compared with the rate of the control treatment. Both Zn deficiency and Zn toxicity increased the concentrations of organic acids in root after short-time Zn treatment, which could resist Zn stress through balanding Zn homeostasis in M. hupehensis Rehd.  相似文献   

基于前人取得的主要成果,系统分析了从土壤锌有效性到锌在子粒部位的积累主要过程及其控制点,从三方面:1)植株对锌的吸收过程;2)锌在地上部各营养器官间的运转分配过程;3)锌从营养器官向子粒部位的运转过程,总结并提出今后应利用作物锌高效性的种质资源特点,通过传统育种与生物技术方法选育出锌高效积累型品种和合理配套的栽培技术等农艺措施,提高作物子粒锌的含量。  相似文献   

为了探讨旱稻品种(系)间苗期锌吸收与利用的差异,揭示旱稻前期锌反应和锌高效机理,在温室盆栽条件下,对12个旱稻品种(系)进行不同锌水平处理,出苗后35.d对植株锌含量进行了测定,分析了不同品种(系)间锌吸收和利用率。结果表明,品种(系)间对低锌的敏感性存在显著差异。在低锌条件下适当补施锌肥可显著提高旱稻植株的锌含量和植株体内的锌积累量1~2倍,并增加干物质生产量20%左右,其中云南旱稻、秦爱-3混、辽旱109和91B特9-7四个品种锌的相对生物量均大于100%,对低锌表现不敏感;而旱稻7号则对低锌较敏感,相对生物量仅为68%。  相似文献   


Global warming along with the increasing population and fresh water shortages necessitates a specific fertilization programme under water-scarce conditions. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different irrigation and nitrogen levels on yield, growth components and water use characteristics of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. Botrytis cv. Tetris-F1) cultivated in a field for three consecutive years from 2005 to 2007 in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. Four irrigation (Kcp) levels with a drip irrigation system based on adjustment coefficients (0, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25) of pan evaporation were used. Nitrogen (N) treatments were consisted of four different nitrogen rates (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg N ha–1). The following yield and quality parameters were determined: curd weight, curd diameters, number of leaves per crop, above ground biomass (AGB) and curd/AGB ratio. Fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) and leaf mineral contents were also determined to clarify the productivity of N treatments. According to the results; the amount of irrigation water and/or total received water affects the plant water consumption, consequently, crop yield in a field grown cauliflower. The highest yield was obtained in Kcp1.0 irrigation level which represents full irrigation treatment. The excess water applications had negative effect on yield and AGB of cauliflower. Highest yield was obtained at 225 kg N ha–1.

The water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency values increased with decreasing irrigation rate. However, lower Kcp coefficients resulted in lower total yield. The FUE in irrigation treatments showed linear increases from non irrigation to full irrigation plots. However, excessive irrigation caused a decrease in FUE. It can be recommended that the Kcp1.0 crop-pan coefficient with 225 kg ha–1 nitrogen application can be used to achieve the highest yield for field grown cauliflower in the Eastern Mediterranean coastal region of Turkey.  相似文献   

Under Zn deficiency, some major deficiency symptoms were observed on rice plants, i.e., reduction of young leaf elongation and development of necrosis on the expanded leaves. To clarify the former phenomena, the physiological role of Zn was studied from the standpoint of protein synthesis (Kitagishi and Obata 1986; Obata et al. 1994, 1996) and metabolism of auxin (Takaki and Arita 1986; Domingo et al. 1992). In contrast, the direct cause of the latter phenomenon has not yet been studied.  相似文献   


The main objective of this work was to determine whether nitrogen-use efficiency was affected by the application of different forms (iodide vs iodate) and dosages (20, 40 and 80 µM) of iodine, to ascertain the influence of this trace element in a biofortification programme in lettuce plants. The parameters analysed were root and shoot biomass, nitrate concentration, and organic and total nitrogen as well as those defining nitrogen-use efficiency in plants: total nitrogen content, total nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen-uptake efficiency and nitrogen-utilization efficiency. In addition to decreasing shoot biomass, iodide treatments reduced leaf levels of nitrates, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen content. Iodate treatments did not affect the concentration of nitrogen in its different forms. The application of iodide caused total nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen-uptake efficiency to decrease, iodate application improved the latter. Both iodide and iodate applications significantly improved nitrogen-utilization efficiency in comparison to the control. The results obtained show that iodate application rates of 40 µM or lower significantly improved all nitrogen parameters analysed, making it possible to increase lettuce productivity and quality.  相似文献   

【目的】探究油菜NO3-的吸收、分配和对低氮胁迫的响应及其氮利用效率,为理解油菜在不同低氮胁迫下相关生理变化及其氮素利用效率提供科学依据。【方法】以常规油菜品种814为研究材料,采用砂培试验,在正常供氮水平(10 mmol/L)和低氮胁迫水平(3 mmol/L、1 mmol/L)下,研究油菜的根系特性、蒸腾作用对低氮胁迫的响应及其氮素吸收效率,并研究油菜NO3-的运输分配与同化对低氮胁迫的响应及其氮素利用效率。【结果】与正常供氮处理(10 mmol/L)相比,低氮胁迫处理(3 mmol/L、1 mmol/L)的油菜NO3-含量、全氮含量均显著下降,但(NO3-)叶/根、(全氮(%))叶/根显著升高,植株根系干物质重、根系吸收面积均显著下降,但根冠比显著升高。油菜植株在低氮胁迫下气孔导度和蒸腾速率显著增加,一方面促进植株对NO3-的捕获,另一方面也促使更大比例的NO3-分配在植物的地上部分,但植株的水分散失加剧,水分利用效率显著下降。低氮胁迫处理油菜根和叶中NR、GS活性与正常供氮处理之间的差异不显著或有增加,其叶绿素含量、光合速率均显著下降,但光合氮素利用率显著升高。【结论】在低氮胁迫条件下,油菜植株的氮素和干物质累积均显著下降,但NO3-在植株的地上部分分配比例的增加以及光合氮素利用率的升高促使植株的氮素利用效率显著提高。  相似文献   

Permanent raised-bed is an alternative planting system for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in rain-fed areas. However, this system in monoculture conditions produces lower yields compared with wheat in rotation. Our objective was to estimate these yield differences as affected by nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE). Wheat in monoculture and in rotation with maize (Zea mays L.) was evaluated for eight years (2002–2009) with four N rates (0, 40, 80 or 120 kg ha?1). Yield response to N in monoculture was consistently lower than for wheat in rotation. Yield reduction in monoculture at low and high N rate was 81 and 99% attributed to NUE out of which 70 and 82% was due to the uptake efficiency (UPE) and 30 and 19% to the utilization efficiency (UTE), respectively. Total N uptake proved to be the parameter that needs to be improved to enhance wheat yield in monoculture.

Abbreviations: NUE: nitrogen use efficiency; UPE: uptake efficiency; UTE: utilization efficiency; Ns: nitrogen supply; NDVI: normalized difference vegetation index  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important food crop in the Guinea savannas of Nigeria. Despite its high production potential, drought, Striga hermonthica parasitsim, and poor soil fertility particularly nitrogen deficiency limit maize production in the savannas. Breeders at IITA have developed drought- and Striga-tolerant cultivars for testing, dissemination, and deployment in the region. Information on the response of these cultivars to N fertilization is, however, not available. This study evaluated grain yield, total N uptake (TNU), N uptake (NUPE), N utilization (NUTE), and N use efficiency (NUE) of selected maize cultivars along with a widely grown improved maize cultivar at two locations in the Guinea savannas of northern Nigeria. Maize grain yield increased with N application. The average grain yield of the maize cultivars was 76% higher at 30, 156% higher at 60, and 203% higher at 120 kg N ha?1 than at 0 kg N ha?1. This suggests that N is a limiting nutrient in the Nigerian savannas. Five drought-tolerant cultivars produced consistently higher yields when N was added at all levels. These cultivars had either high NUPE or NUTE confirming earlier reports that high N uptake or NUTE improves maize grain yield. The study also confirms earlier reports that maize cultivars that are selected for tolerance to drought are also efficient in uptake and use of N fertilizer. This means that these cultivars can be grown with application of less N fertilizer thereby reducing investment on fertilizers and reduction in environmental pollution.  相似文献   

In view of widespread deficiencies, a long-term experiment was started at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, India in 2007 to identify economically efficient application strategy (full or 50% dose every or every second year) of sulphur (S) (30 kg ha?1), boron (B) (0.5 kg ha?1) and zinc (Zn) (10 kg ha?1). During the fourth year in 2010, balanced fertilization through adding S, B and Zn increased maize grain yield by 13–52% and soybean yield by 16–28% compared to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization alone. Balanced nutrition increased N and P uptake, utilization and use efficiency for grain yield and harvest index indicating improved grain nutritional quality. The N, P plus 50% of S, B and Zn application every year recorded highest crop yields and N and P efficiencies indices and increased rainwater use efficiency with a benefit:cost ratio of 11.9 for maize and 4.14 for soybean. This study showed the importance of a deficient secondary nutrient S and micronutrients B, Zn in improving N and P use efficiency while enhancing economic food production.  相似文献   

用溶液培养法研究不同Zn浓度对玉米缺Zn后恢复效果及胚乳在缺Zn中作用结果表明,不同基因型玉米缺Zn后恢复所需的适宜Zn浓度不同,敏感品种比非敏感品种要求更高的Zn浓度。缺Zn后恢复所需适宜Zn浓度高于正常培养所需适宜Zn浓度,低浓度Zn(0.1μmol/L)无恢复作用(生物量)。带上胚乳使敏感品种在缺Zn、低Zn下受抑程度(缺Zn与供Zn生物量差值)提高,而非敏感品种受抑程度反而减小。缺Zn与低Zn培养时体内P含量提高,胚乳可缓解这种影响。缺Zn后再供Zn可使体内Zn含量提高,而P含量降低,玉米对Zn产生奢侈吸收,使体内Zn含量超过正常供Zn水平,表明缺Zn后植物对Zn的要求提高。0.1μmol/L Zn恢复对“吉单120”玉米Zn含量无明显影响,但“辽单22”玉米Zn含量显著提高,这表明非敏感品种比敏感品种利用低Zn的能力更强。  相似文献   

Potassium (K) is an important nutrient for watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Matsum. & Nakai). However, there is little knowledge about genetic variations in K efficiency in watermelon. Sixty‐four watermelon genotypes were grown under conditions of ample (6 mM) and limited (0.1 mM) K supply in a glasshouse. Thirty‐eight wild genotypes (C. lanatus var. citroide) and 26 domesticated genotypes (C. lanatus var. lanatus) were cultivated hydroponically for 30 d. Shoot dry weight, shoot K concentration, K uptake, K‐use index (shoot dry weight / shoot K concentration), relative shoot dry weight (shoot dry weight under limited K / shoot dry weight under ample K), and relative shoot K concentration (shoot K concentration under limited K / shoot K concentration under ample K) were determined. Significant differences were observed among genotypes. The K efficiency was classified based on a medium‐efficiency interval which is equivalent to the 95% confidence interval of the mean relative shoot dry weight and relative shoot K concentration. Genotypic data above or below this interval were classified as either K‐efficient or K‐inefficient. We identified eight K‐efficient genotypes, of which four were wild types. Thus, wild watermelons can be used in breeding programs to improve the K efficiency of domesticated watermelons.  相似文献   

农作物N素利用效率基因型差异及其机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同农作物N素利用效率基因型差异主要与N素吸收效率和生理利用效率有关。根系N的吸收动力学、根系形态、吸收时间是影响N素吸收效率的重要因素;N素生理利用效率与N的同化、转运及光合作用、C转运效率等生理过程有关。分析农作物N素利用效率基因型差异机理对提高N肥利用效率,降低N肥损失,充分发挥N肥在农业生产中的作用,降低农业生产成本和保护生态环境,促进农业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) is the ancient and most important cereal food crop of Ethiopia. A set of 20 tef genotypes was investigated in field experiments at three environments in Ethiopia to estimate genetic variation in nitrogen (N)‐use efficiency and in characters related to N accumulation as well as their relationships to grain yield. In each environment, genotypes representing both widely grown landraces and recently released cultivars were grown under three N‐fertilizer rates (0, 4, and 8 g m–2 N). In grain yield, modern cultivars were superior to landraces, whereas in other characters, differences were less clear. The variation in grain yield was significantly related to the variation in total grain N and total plant N. Grain yield weakly correlated with N‐utilization efficiency and N harvest index. Broad sense heritability was higher for grain yield, total grain N, total plant N, and N harvest index than for N‐use, N‐uptake, and N‐utilization efficiencies. The contribution of uptake efficiency to the variation in N‐use efficiency decreased from 75% to 55% and that of utilization efficiency increased from 22% to 43% at the 4 to 8 g m–2 N‐supply rate change. This study clearly suggests that tef N‐use efficiency would be increased by selecting genotypes with greater uptake efficiency at low N‐supply levels.  相似文献   

Xylem sap plays a major role in long‐distance transport of water, nutrients, and metabolites. However, there is little information on the behavior of metabolites in mineral‐deficient xylem sap. For this reason, the time‐dependent changes in selected metabolites (amino acids, organic acids, and soluble sugars) from tomato xylem sap in response to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), or potassium (K)‐deficient condition were investigated. Tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) were grown hydroponically in liquid culture under three different mineral regimes: N‐deficient [0.5 mM Ca(NO3)2 and 0.5 mM KNO3], P‐deficient (0.05 mM KH2PO4), and K‐deficient (0.5 mM KNO3), respectively. Xylem sap was collected at 10:00 am after 1, 5, 15, and 30 d, and the selected metabolites were analyzed with liquid chromatography. All N, P, or K deficiencies led to a substantial increase in metabolites in the xylem sap. The predominant amino acid in the xylem sap was glutamine and, interestingly, all mineral deficiencies resulted in a substantial amount of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA). Additionally, organic acids (citrate and malate) and soluble sugars were strongly increased in all mineral deficiencies, and, in particular, the level of shikimate was greatly affected by N deficiency. Based on these data, it is necessary to clearly elucidate an unknown event taking place in xylem loading in a variety of environmental impacts, and we are now studying to expand our knowledge on metabolic and proteomic responses using GC‐MS and LC‐MS.  相似文献   

Widespread Zn deficiency for rice crop has been reported from different parts of the world, including India. To correct such deficiency, Zn is often applied to the soil as fertilizer. Its concentration in soil solution and its availability to crops is controlled by sorption?–?desorption reactions at the surfaces of soil colloidal materials. The objective of this study was to compare the availability and relative effectiveness of Zn from Zn-EDTA and ZnSO4 sources by applying different Zn levels to a calcareous soil in field experiments through soil application. The uses of Zn-EDTA also increase the yield of rice dry matter yield and grain yield. Regarding maintenance of Zn in soil, it has been observed that the amount of Zn content was recorded higher with the split application of Zn-EDTA as compared to ZnSO4 with the simultaneous 26.1% increase in the yield of rice.  相似文献   


Identifying genotypes of high nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE) under contrasting N supply is a way of improving N economy of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea Czern &; Coss) under different soil fertility. A field experiment was conducted with 22 Indian mustard genotypes grown under normal and limited N supply conditions to investigate the genotypic variations of NUtE. The genotypes ranking to NUtE was different under normal and limited N supply, however, seven genotypes (RH 1222-28, RH 1301, RH 1117, RH 601, RH 1053, NRCDR 2, RH 1441) were identified as N-responder under normal N supply, and N-efficient under limited N supply. The lowest seed yield reduction (<20%) under limited N supply was recorded in RH 601 (15%), RH 1301 (17%), RH 1215 (17%), and DRMRIJ 31 (18%) compared to normal N supply. Among these genotypes, DRMRIJ 31 and RH 1215 were the highest seed yielder (>3.0 t/ha) under normal N supply and RH 601 (>2 t/ha) under limited N supply. The linear regression analysis showed significant and positive relationship between N uptake and seed yield. Whereas, N uptake and utilization efficiency showed negative trend and decreased with increase in N uptake beyond 120?kg N/ha under normal N supply, and 60?kg N/ha under limited N supply. NUtE was positively correlated with seed yield under both normal as well as limited N supply. These results may be used to identify the key associated traits, and to isolate target genes for developing varieties/hybrids to harness better N economy.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si)‐induced cadmium (Cd) tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated by analyzing Cd uptake, growth, and physiological parameters. Silicon treatments (0.0, 0.2, or 0.6 mM) were added to 6 d–old seedlings, and Cd treatments (0.0 or 5.0 μM) were added to 20 d–old seedlings. Parameters determined included: maximum net CO2 assimilation (Amax), stomatal conductance (gsmax), and transpiration (Emax) rates at varying intercellular CO2 concentrations (Ci). Also measured were chlorophyll fluorescence, growth, and Cd‐uptake parameters. Results showed a Si‐induced inhibition of Cd uptake. However, 0.2 mM or 0.6 mM Si treatment concentrations did not differentially inhibit Cd uptake or differentially alleviate Cd‐induced growth inhibition, despite a significant increase in tissue Si concentration due to 0.6 mM Si treatment compared to 0.2 mM Si treatment. Additionally, photosynthesis and chlorophyll‐fluorescence analysis showed that treatment with Cd significantly inhibited photosynthetic efficiency. Interestingly, the addition of 0.2 mM Si, more so than the addition of 0.6 mM Si, significantly alleviated the inhibitory effects of Cd toxicity on photosynthesis and chlorophyll‐fluorescence parameters. Our results suggest that 0.2 mM Si could be close to an optimum Si‐dose requirement for the alleviation of toxicity symptoms mediated by moderate (5 μM) Cd exposure.  相似文献   

The oil crop safflower may have a certain production potential under low‐input conditions (organic farming, developing countries), where the putatively low nutrient requirement is highly welcomed. However, current knowledge regarding the nutrient use efficiency of safflower as compared to similar oil crops is limited. It was thus the aim of this study to determine the potassium (K) use efficiency of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) as compared to sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Safflower and sunflower were cultivated with increasing K supply in a mixture of equal volumes of sand, nutrient‐poor limed soil, and perlite in 5 L Mitscherlich pots. Both species responded strongly to increasing K supply with respect to growth and yield. Safflower out‐yielded sunflower at low K supply, while at high K level, the opposite was observed. Both species accumulated similar amounts of K in shoots at low K supply. Only at extremely low K supply, safflower took up more K than sunflower. However, achene yield of sunflower exceeded that of safflower at optimal and high K supply. Safflower utilized absorbed K more efficiently than sunflower to produce achene yield at suboptimal K supply in terms of both efficiency ratio and utilization index. The efficiency of a crop to use supplied or accumulated K for dry‐matter and achene production was interpreted in terms of Michaelis‐Menten kinetics, specifically addressing the shape of the yield response curve. Indeed, the efficiency of safflower to use K for growth and yield, analogue to a low Km in enzyme kinetics, was higher than in sunflower, while the K supply or K accumulation required to initiate yield formation in safflower was significantly lower. Similarly, safflower had a lower external K requirement for achene yield than sunflower at low and optimal K supplies. It can be concluded that safflower represents a low‐input crop and outperforms sunflower on soils low in available K. The data analysis also reveals that using just one efficiency indicator is usually not sufficient to adequately describe the K efficiency of the crop under consideration.  相似文献   

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