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Tree growth, photosynthesis, and the mineral nutrient content were investigated in ‘Redchief Delicious’ scions double worked on seedling rootstock with a variety of interstocks. The interstocks used were ‘Redchief Delicious’, M9, and a range of F. generation hybrids with internodes designated short, medium and long. The long internode graft union consistently produced more growth and dry weight per tree than the other interstocks. The ‘Redchief Delicious’ interstock had an unexplained negative effect on leaf, shoot and new root dry weight. There was no effect of interstock on photosynthesis initially (56 days) however photosynthesis increased with shorter nodal interstocks after 111 days. There were significant differences in scion and interstock bark elemental composition due to interstock combination. However, leaf composition varied slightly among the different interstock combinations. Manganese levels, independent of tissue type, did not vary between interstocks. 相似文献
以2个磷高效玉米基因型6112、6060和2个磷低效玉米基因型6105、6128为材料进行试验,研究了低磷胁迫下不同磷效率玉米基因型生物学指数、根系分泌物指数、叶片活性氧清除酶活性(SOD、CAT)和叶片丙二醛LP/P的差异,其结果是:磷高效基因型的生物学指数、根系分泌物指数和叶片活性氧清除酶活性比磷低效基因型高,而叶片丙二醛LP/P比磷低效基因型低。表明磷高效基因型比磷低效基因型具有较强的低磷忍耐能力、分解吸收磷能力、活性氧清除能力和自我修复能力。 相似文献
Wolfgang Merbach Annette Deubel Andreas Gransee Silke Ruppel Anne-Kathrin Klamroth 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(2):119-138
Limited fertilization adapted to plant demand is of high economical and ecological relevance. This requires a reliable analysis of plant available P, based on knowledge of phosphorus dynamics in soils and P mobilization by plants. On chernozem-like soils, as well as under dry conditions, the double-lactate (DL) phosphate extraction methods apparently do not adequately reflect the P uptake ability of plants. This paper summarizes rhizosphere processes that affect P availability partly by reference of selected own experiments. Root exudates increased the double-lactate (DL) extractable P amount of soils in sterile and non sterile cultures. Microbial colonisation increased both the exudate amount and the specific ability of exudates to solubilize P. In spite of rapid exudate turnover, DL-P solubility was increased. Sugars released from P-deficient plants increased the P solubilizing ability of a bacterial strain (Enterobacter radicincitans), perhaps by changing bacterial acid production. Root exudates solubilized more P from soil than lactate extracts did. An investigation of physiological processes in the rhizosphere could contribute to a better understanding of nutrient availability and perhaps lead to the development of extraction methods that better reflect the availability of soil phosphorus to plants. Connecting field experiments with basic studies offers the opportunity to better understand plant nutritional processes to realize an effective and sustainable agriculture. 相似文献
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) roots exude carboxylates. While chickpea commonly grows where the topsoil dries out during crop growth, the importance of carboxylate exudation by the roots and mobilization of soil P from below the dry topsoil has not been examined. The study investigates the response of carboxylate exudation and soil P mobilization by this crop to subsoil P fertilizer rate. In constructed soil columns in the glasshouse, the P levels (high, low, and nil P) were varied in the well‐watered subsoil (10–30 cm), while a low level of P in the dry topsoil (0–10 cm) was maintained. At flowering, rhizosphere carboxylates and rhizosphere soil from topsoil and subsoil roots were collected separately and analyzed. The concentration of total carboxylates per unit rhizosphere mass in the subsoil was nearly double that of the topsoil. Plants depleted sparingly soluble inorganic P (Pi), NaOH‐Pi, and HCl‐Pi, along with the labile Pi (water soluble and NaHCO3‐Pi). The P depletion by plants was greater from the subsoil than the topsoil. The study concluded that depletion of sparingly soluble P from the chickpea rhizosphere in the subsoil was linked with the greater levels of carboxylates in the rhizosphere. These findings indicate that chickpea, with its deep rooting pattern, can increase its access to subsoil P when the topsoil dries out during crop growth by subsoil rhizosphere modification. 相似文献
Leanne Peixoto Lars Elsgaard Jim Rasmussen Jørgen E. Olesen 《European Journal of Soil Science》2021,72(4):1879-1884
Root exudation of sugars,amino acids,and organic acids by maize as affected by nitrogen,phosphorus, potassium,and iron deficiency 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Lilia C. Carvalhais Paul G. Dennis Dmitri Fedoseyenko Mohammad‐Reza Hajirezaei Rainer Borriss Nicolaus von Wirén 《植物养料与土壤学杂志》2011,174(1):3-11
Root exudates play a major role in the mobilization of sparingly soluble nutrients in the rhizosphere. Since the amount and composition of major metabolites in root exudates from one plant species have not yet been systematically compared under different nutrient deficiencies, relations between exudation patterns and the type of nutrient being deficient remain poorly understood. Comparing root exudates from axenically grown maize plants exposed to N, K, P, or Fe deficiency showed a higher release of glutamate, glucose, ribitol, and citrate from Fe‐deficient plants, while P deficiency stimulated the release of γ‐aminobutyric acid and carbohydrates. Potassium‐starved plants released less sugars, in particular glycerol, ribitol, fructose, and maltose, while under N deficiency lower amounts of amino acids were found in root exudates. Principal‐component analysis revealed a clear separation in the variation of the root‐exudate composition between Fe or P deficiency versus N or K deficiency in the first principal component, which explained 46% of the variation in the data. In addition, a negative correlation was found between the amounts of sugars, organic and amino acids released under deficiency of a certain nutrient and the diffusion coefficient of the respective nutrient in soils. We thus hypothesize that the release of dominant root exudates such as sugars, amino acids, and organic acids by roots may reflect an ancient strategy to cope with limiting nutrient supply. 相似文献
低磷胁迫下马尾松无性系磷效率性状对氮沉降的响应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(13):1800-1810
Liming or adding organic matter may improve productivity of soils receiving phosphorus (P) fertilizers. This study assessed the effectiveness of amendment of acidic soil with limestone and organic matter on growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), corn (Zea mays L.), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with different P fertilizers. These crops were grown in a greenhouse to evaluate superphosphate, bone meal, and rock phosphate as fertilizers and calcitic limestone and peat moss as amendments. Superphosphate was the superior P source to sustain crop growth, limit deficiency symptoms, and enhance P accumulation. Bone meal was less effective than superphosphate but exceeded rock phosphate in these capacities. Rock phosphate was better than adding no P fertilizer. The amendments of limestone or organic matter singly or together had little effect on growth, appearance, or P accumulation. The availability of P in the fertilizers governed the growth responses of the plants. 相似文献
AbstractA column experiment was conducted to investigate the responses of root growth and phosphorus (P) efficiency among sweet potatoes—JiHei1 (JH1), NingZi2 (NZ2), SuShu11 (S11) and SuShu17 (S17)—under low P and normal P conditions. Root growth was inhibited by low P in root length and surface area across diameter classes, except for in S17. The P absorption was influenced and led to variations in P content among organs. A high correlation was observed in root dry matter (DM) and P uptake. The tuber DM declined among genotypes under low P, and different P efficiencies were determined. A higher phosphorus utilization efficiency was observed in S11 and S17, suggesting that more P was needed to maintain their normal growth. Physiological efficiency and phosphorus utilization efficiency were significantly positively correlated with the tuber DM, indicating that low P limited the growth of sweet potatoes. These results benefit the production and breeding of sweet potatoes in response to P deficiency. 相似文献
K. Korkmaz H. Ibrikci E. Karnez G. Buyuk J. Ryan A. C. Ulger 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2094-2106
ABSTRACT Phosphorus (P) deficiency and low P-use efficiency are induced by soil properties, especially in calcareous soils, which are dominant in semi-arid regions of the world such as the Mediterranean region. Alternative approaches to P fertilization involve exploiting plant genetics in order to achieve more efficient use of P by the growing crop. Accordingly, in a greenhouse pot experiment, we evaluated P-efficiency in wheat genotypes grown in typical calcareous soils in southern Turkey. Ten common local genotypes were grown in six soil series for eight weeks using five P application rates (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg P kg?1). Dry matter (DM) yield and P content were significantly increased by increasing P rates, with significant differences between soils. Some genotypes performed better under P stress because of better P utilization efficiency. Shoot DM was the most sensitive indicator of genetic variability under P-deficient conditions. Genotypes classified as efficient-responsive (Adana-99, 1014, Golia, Balatilla) had above average DM yield when P was not added, and responded well to P applications; efficient-non-responsive genotypes (Firat-93, Seri-82, Genc-99, Panda) had below average DM yield, but responded to P applications; inefficient-non-responsive genotypes (Fuat Bey and Ceyhan-99) had below average DM yield; and no genotypes were in the inefficient responsive category. Such P response categorization is needed for better breeding programs for nutrient-use efficiency. The study may aid in selecting P-efficient genotypes in low-P soils, especially where little P is used. The use of P-efficient genotypes should be seen as complement to, rather than a substitute for, chemical P fertilization depending on local conditions. 相似文献
Phosphorus (P) deficiency in soil is a common spring wheat production-limiting factor in Montana. In a pot experiment, three groups of spring wheat genotypes based on source (association mapping, 2016 off-station, and nested association mapping) were grown in 5 (P5) and 30 (P30) mg P kg?1 potting mix conditions and screened for P deficiency tolerance. Plant height, tiller and head number, grain yields per pot measured were significantly different between P5 and P30 conditions (p?<?.05). Spring wheat genotypes: Unity, Peace, Vida, Reeder, CLTR 15134, ONeal and Fortuna yielded more grains, and equally took up more P in P5 conditions, revealing some degree of P deficiency tolerance. The genetic variability identified in this study for grain yields and P uptake could be used in wheat improvement programs for selecting genotypes with low P tolerance in P deficient soils as well as in organic spring wheat production. 相似文献
在田间筛选试验的基础上,利用两个磷高效(181和186)、两个磷低效(153和197)玉米自交系,进一步研究了这些自交系苗期耐低磷能力差异及其与根系生长的关系。结果表明,在低磷胁迫(P.5.78.mg/kg)下,所有自交系玉米地上部重量、初生根重、次生根重及磷累积量降低,但磷高效自交系181和186受影响程度显著小于153和197。在试验所处的玉米生育时期(6叶龄),磷对所用自交系的初生根及次生根数量没有影响。比较181和197的根系形态,在低磷胁迫下,磷低效自交系197的初生根侧根长、轴根长均显著下降,磷高效自交系181则下降幅度很小。而且,低磷使181初生根的侧根/轴根比值、根长度/根重比值较高。说明低磷胁迫下,181自交系可以将根中的有限的养分及干物质作更合理的分配,促进细根的生长,从而获得较长的根系。 相似文献
Keitaro Tawaraya Ryota Horie Akiko Saito Takuro Shinano Tadao Wagatsuma Kazuki Saito 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1138-1159
We applied a metabolite profiling technique to investigate root exudates under phosphorus (P) deficiency. Oryza sativa was grown in culture solution containing three P levels (0, 1, and 8 mg P L?1). Shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates were obtained from 18 and 23-day-old plants and their metabolites were determined by capillary electrophoresis/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Eighty, 90, and 65 metabolites were identified in shoot extracts, root extracts, and root exudates, respectively. Sixty-three to eighty-four percent of the metabolites were exuded to the rhizosphere. More than 33% of the metabolites in the root exudates showed higher concentration at low P than at high P. On the other hand, only 14% of the metabolites in the root extracts showed lower concentration at low P than at high P. These results suggest that rice roots actively release many metabolites in response to P deficiency. 相似文献
[目的]分析栾树、樟树根系分泌物在菲胁迫下的变化特征,为筛选抗多环芳烃污染树种,进一步开展植物修复多环芳烃污染提供科学依据。[方法]设置3种菲处理浓度[L_0(CK, 0 mg/kg);L_1(100 mg/kg);L_2(1 000 mg/kg)],通过盆栽试验的方法,对栾树、樟树的根系分泌物中总有机碳(TOC)、全碳(TC)、全氮(TN)含量及根系活性进行测定。[结果]①随着菲浓度的升高,栾树与樟树根系分泌物中TOC与TC含量均呈下降趋势,TN含量则呈先升后降的趋势;②随着菲浓度的升高,栾树和樟树根系的总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积总体呈下降趋势;③3个处理水平下,栾树根系分泌物中TC,TOC,TN含量均高于樟树,且栾树根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积也高于樟树。[结论]通过菲胁迫下栾树与樟树根系分泌量和根系活性的比较,表明栾树相较于樟树对菲具有更好的耐受性。 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(21):2555-2567
Phosphorus (P) is an endemic soil constraint to crop production in rainfed semi-arid regions like the 1.82-Mha Pothohar Plateau in Pakistan, where we monitored the P status of rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and determined crop responses to P application by broadcast and banding methods. Nutrient indexing of young whole shoots and associated soils revealed severe to moderate P deficiency in most fields. In a 3-year field trial on P-deficient soils, grain yield increases were 130–233% with broadcast and 175–239% with banded P; fertilizer requirement for optimum crop yield was twice as high for broadcasting than banding. Fertilizer use was highly profitable, especially with banding, and increased both available soil P and organic matter. This comprehensive approach of soil–plant nutrient indexing and selective field trials provided a rational economic basis for P fertilizer use in rainfed agriculture and serves as a model strategy for stimulating crop productivity in developing countries. 相似文献
Eligio Malusà Marco Antonio Russo Chiara Mozzetti Adalgisa Belligno 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(2):245-258
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of phosphate deficiency on enzymatic activities and on compounds of the secondary metabolism linked with the production of root exudates in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants cv. ‘Bianco di Bagnasco.’ Phosphate deficiency induced a decrease in root total soluble phenolic content, but also caused an increase in total soluble phenolic content of exudates. Alteration of phenolic production was paralleled by increased activity of L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and decreased activity of chalcone isomerase (CHI) in roots. Two isoflavonoids daidzein and naringenin, have been detected in roots; they are considered signal molecules in the chemical trafficking with soil microorganisms. Naringenin content was reduced by phosphorus (P) deficiency, due to lower activity of CHI, the enzyme responsible for its biosynthesis. On the other hand, daidzein content was higher in –P plants than in the control. The results are discussed, considering the possible roles of phenolics and flavonoids in plant-soil microbe interactions and rizosphere modification. 相似文献
Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings were grown under a factorial design to measure biomass accumulation and P, Na and K concentrations of plants, with 3 different ectomycorrhizal fungus (EMF) strains (Boletus edulis, Xerocomus chrysenteron and Gomphidius viscidus) and two P treatments (with or without extra P). Growth and mineral nutrition of pine seedlings were stimulated by three EMF under salinity stress. Na concentrations were changed and plant K and P concentrations were increased significantly by EMF. Adding extra P made no difference in accumulation of seedlings biomass, and did not assist element absorption of plants. Although three strains of EMF can all enhance the tolerance of pine seedlings to salinity stress, they may utilize different mechanisms because of different performance in absorption of elements. The increased P and K accumulation and the balance of ion concentrations might be due to the enhanced tolerance of EMF-inoculated plants to saline conditions. 相似文献
Increased phosphorus (P) efficiency is needed to sustain agriculture productivity on soils with low available P. Significant differences were found among Brassica cultivars for growth, P utilization, and remobilization under P deficiency (see our companion paper, Aziz et al., 2011a). To identify the possible mechanisms of P acquisition from low soluble P compounds, four cultivars (‘Rainbow’, ‘CON-1’, ‘Dunkeld’, and ‘Peela Raya’) were selected to ascertain the relationship of their differential P acquisition and growth with their root length in soil and with organic acid release pattern in solution culture experiments. For this purpose their growth and P acquisition from phosphate rock (PR) was compared with calcium di-hydrogen phosphate (Ca-P) when adding uniform dose of 100 mg P kg?1 soil separately from the two sources. Biomass accumulation, root length, root fineness, plant P uptake and ash alkalinity was significantly (P < 0.01) different in plants of all the four cultivars when supplied with PR or Ca-P in soil. Minimum biomass produced by ‘Peela Raya’ grown with either P source was followed by ‘CON-1’, ‘Dunkeld’, and ‘Rainbow’ in ascending order. Shoot dry matter production had a significant positive correlation with root dry matter production (r = 0.85, P < 0.01), root length (r = 0.59, P < 0.05) and root P uptake (r = 0.95, P < 0.01). Cultivars varied significantly for organic acid secretion in solution culture experiment. Higher quantities of secreted citric acid, malic acid and tartaric acid in solution culture experiment were measured for ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Dunkeld’ cultivars. Efficient performance of these two cultivars for growth and P uptake was associated with their longer roots and more secretion of organic acids especially citric acid. 相似文献
Environmental stresses are one of the most limiting factors in agricultural productivity. A large portion of the annual crop yield is lost to pathogens (biotic stress) or the detrimental effects of abiotic‐stress conditions. There are numerous reports about chemical characterization of quantitatively significant substrate fluxes in plant responses to stress factors in the root‐rhizosphere system, e.g., nutrient mobilization, heavy‐metal and aluminum immobilization, or establishment of plant‐growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) by exudation of organic anions, phytosiderophores, or carbohydrates into the soil, respectively. The hormonal regulation of these responses is not well understood. This paper highlights this complex process, stressing the involvement of phytohormones in plant responses to drought and phosphorus deficiency as examples. Beside ethylene, abscisic acid (ABA) plays an important role in drought‐stress adaptation of plants. This hormone causes morphological and chemical changes in plants, ensuring plant survival under water‐limited conditions. For example, ABA induces stomata closure, reduction in leaf surface, and increase in root : shoot ratio and, thus, reduction in transpiration and increase in soil volume for water uptake. Furthermore, it supports water uptake in soil with decreasing water potential by osmotic adjustment. Suitability of hormonal parameters in the selection for improving stress resistance is discussed. Auxins, ethylene, and cytokinins are involved in morphological adaption processes to phosphorus (P) deficiency (increase in root surface, e.g., by the formation of more dense root hairs or cluster roots). Furthermore, indole‐3‐acetic acid increases root exudation for direct and indirect phosphorus mobilization in soil. Nevertheless, the direct use of the trait “hormone content” of a particular plant organ or tissue, for example the use of the drought‐stress‐induced ABA content of detached leaves in plant breeding for drought‐stress‐resistant crops, seems to be questionable, because this procedure does not consider the systemic principle of hormonal regulation in plants. 相似文献
不同磷效率小麦对低铁胁迫的基因型差异 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
用营养液培养方法研究了不同磷效率小麦幼苗对低铁胁迫的基因型差异。结果表明,低铁胁迫(-Fe)对磷高效基因型小麦生长的抑制作用显著大于对磷低效基因型。低铁处理下,磷高效基因型81(85)-5-3-3-3、Xiaoyan54和Taihe-5025的植株地上部干重平均比正常供铁(+Fe)处理下降55.2%;磷低效基因型Jinghe90-Jian-17、NC37和Jing41平均33.0%。低铁胁迫显著降低了磷高效基因型小麦的叶片叶绿素含量,3个磷高效基因型的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素a+b含量分别降低了35.6%、35.3%和35.3%,磷低效基因型分别降低了16.8%、7.7%和11.9%。低铁胁迫对小麦的根系生长、根系吸磷量和磷利用效率均未产生明显的影响,但显著降低了磷高效基因型小麦的植株地上部吸磷量和根效率比。与正常供铁的处理相比,磷高效和磷低效基因型小麦的地上部吸磷量和根效率比在低铁处理中平均降低了55.0%、54.9%和32.5%、36.4%。磷高效基因型小麦植株体内积累的磷量明显高于磷低效基因型,这是磷高效基因型不耐低铁的主要原因。磷效率越高,对低铁的反应越敏感。 相似文献