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Mineralization and nitrification are the key processes of the global N cycle and are primarily driven by microorganisms. However, it remains largely unknown about the consequence of intensified agricultural activity on microbial N transformation in agricultural soils. In this study, the 15N‐dilution technique was carried out to investigate the gross mineralization and nitrification in soils from a long‐term field fertilization experiment starting from 1988. Phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) analysis was used to determine soil microbial communities, e.g., biomasses of anaerobic bacterial, bacterial, fungi, and actinobacteria. The abundance of ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) were measured using real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The results have demonstrated significant stimulation of gross mineralization in the chemical‐fertilizers treatment (NPK) ([6.53 ± 1.29] mg N kg–1 d–1) and chemical fertilizers–plus–straw treatment (NPK+S1) soils ([8.13 ± 1.68] mg N kg–1 d–1) but not in chemical fertilizers–plus–two times straw treatment (NPK+S2) soil when compared to the control‐treatment (CK) soil ([3.62 ± 0.86] mg N kg–1 d–1). The increase of anaerobic bacterial biomass is up to 6‐fold in the NPK+S2 compared to that in the CK soil ([0.7 ± 0.5] nmol g–1), implying that exceptionally high abundance of anaerobic bacteria may inhibit gross mineralization to some extent. The gross nitrification shows upward trends in the NPK+S1 and NPK+S2 soils. However, it is only significantly higher in the NPK soil ([5.56 ± 0.51] mg N kg–1 d–1) compared to that in the CK soil ([3.70 ± 0.47] mg N kg–1 d–1) (p < 0.05). The AOB abundance increased from (0.28 ± 0.07) × 106 copies (g soil)–1 for the CK treatment to (4.79 ± 1.23) × 106 copies (g soil)–1 for the NPK treatment after the 22‐year fertilization. In contrast, the AOA abundance was not significantly different among all treatment soils. The changes of AOB were well paralleled by gross nitrification activity (gross nitrification rate = 0.263 AOB + 0.047 NH ‐N + 2.434, R2 = 0.73, p < 0.05), suggesting the predominance of bacterial ammonia oxidation in the fertilized fields.  相似文献   

Investigations carried out at Field F3 of the Halle long‐term fertilization trials using data from 1974 to 1983 showed that with adequate supply of mineral N‐fertilizer soil organic matter (SOM) had no significant effects of yield. Similarly enhanced SOM did not justify a reduction of mineral N (Stumpe et al., 2000). The studies presented here examine the effects of the SOM differences existing after the termination of those trials in 1986 up until 1997 (then mainly differences of hardly decomposable SOM) in comparison to farmyard manuring with enhanced mineral N application (3‐factor‐experiment). As with total SOM, hardly decomposable SOM did not directly affect yields. The effects of FYM treatment observed at lower mineral‐N levels were compensated for by enhanced mineral‐N supply. The direct effect of FYM (40 t ha—1) corresponded to a mineral‐N supply of about 60 kg ha—1 and the residual effect to about 20 kg ha—1. The differences of the C‐content in the soil at the beginning of the present studies continued throughout the experimental period of 12 years. In addition, significant differentiation has been caused by FYM and N fertilization in comparison to unfertilized treatments. The major finding is that differences in SOM content do not lead to yield differences on physically good soils (chernozem‐like soils) if appropriate compensation by mineral‐N fertilization takes place.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) modelling is a useful approach to assess the impact of nutrient management on carbon sequestration. RothC was parameterized and evaluated with two long‐term experiments comparing different fertilizer treatments in north (Zhengzhou) and northeast (Gongzhuling) China. Four nutrient application treatments were used: no fertilizer (Control), mineral nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium fertilizers (NPK), NPK mineral fertilizer plus manure (NPKM), and NPK mineral fertilizer plus straw return (NPKS). The comparison between simulated and observed data showed that the model can adequately simulate SOC contents in the Control, NPK and NPKM treatments but overestimated in the NPKS treatment at both sites. By changing the value of decomposable plant material:resistant plant material (DPM:RPM) ratio from the default value to 3.35 for the NPKS treatment at the Zhengzhou site, dynamics of simulated SOC agreed with measured values. A pseudo‐parameter, straw retention factor was introduced to adjust the amount of straw incorporated into soils. Using the inverse simulation method and the modified value of the ratio, the best‐fitted value was 0.24 for the NPKS treatment at the Gongzhuling site. This result indicated that retaining straw on the soil surface makes less contribution to carbon sequestration than if it is incorporated. With this modification for straw, the model produced reasonable predictions for the two sites. The model was run for another 30 years with the modified parameter values and current average climatic conditions for different fertilizer treatments at both sites. The results suggested that the NPK application plus the addition of manure or straw would be better management practices for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Six of originally eight long‐term trials in Halle (Saale), Germany, are still continuing. Five are situated at Julius‐Kühn‐Feld, an experimental station launched by Julius Kühn in Halle in 1866. Apart from the Eternal Rye trial established in 1878, those are phosphorus, potassium, lime, and organic fertilization long‐term trials, all being launched by Karl Schmalfuß in 1949. Other long‐term trials have been terminated, but data are available on the effects of nitrogen fertilization and the physiological reaction of fertilizers. Another long‐term trial in Halle (Adam‐Kuckhoff‐Straße 17b) investigates the influence of fertilization on soil formation from loess. Up to now, the major results are as follows: 1. Changes in soil‐ecological properties due to fertilization and rotation were only evident after 30 years, and new steady states sometimes took 70 years to occur. 2. In the long term, the C‐ and N‐contents of the soil largely depend on the amount of hardly decomposable organic matter applied with organic fertilization. High mineral‐N doses, with consequent high crop and root residues, increased the humus content of the soil. 3. Mineral fertilization can replace organic fertilization in terms of sustainable yield capacity provided equal nutrient amounts were applied. 4. The high P‐supply ability of the soil in Halle could not be explained by traditional soil analysis methods of calculating plant‐available P. With some restrictions, the same is valid for K. 5. At the experimental site, soluble salts (nitrate, sulphate) accumulated in the subsoil. 6. A regular lime demand of central German chernozems could be proved, especially in case of low soil organic matter (SOM) and physiologically acid fertilization.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the effects of long‐term fertilization and cropping on some chemical and microbiological properties of the soil in a 32 y old long‐term fertility experiment at Almora (Himalayan region, India) under rainfed soybean‐wheat rotation. Continuous annual application of recommended doses of chemical fertilizer and 10 Mg ha–1 FYM on fresh‐weight basis (NPK + FYM) to soybean (Glycine max L.) sustained not only higher productivity of soybean and residual wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop, but also resulted in build‐up of total soil organic C (SOC), total soil N, P, and K. Concentration of SOC increased by 40% and 70% in the NPK + FYM–treated plots as compared to NPK (43.1 Mg C ha–1) and unfertilized control plots (35.5 Mg C ha–1), respectively. Average annual contribution of C input from soybean was 29% and that from wheat was 24% of the harvestable aboveground biomass yield. Annual gross C input and annual rate of total SOC enrichment from initial soil in the 0–15 cm layer were 4362 and 333 kg C ha–1, respectively, for the plots under NPK + FYM. It was observed that the soils under the unfertilized control, NK and N + FYM treatments, suffered a net annual loss of 5.1, 5.2, and 15.8 kg P ha–1, respectively, whereas the soils under NP, NPK, and NPK + FYM had net annual gains of 25.3, 18.8, and 16.4 kg P ha–1, respectively. There was net negative K balance in all the treatments ranging from 6.9 kg ha–1 y–1 in NK to 82.4 kg ha–1 y–1 in N + FYM–treated plots. The application of NPK + FYM also recorded the highest levels of soil microbial‐biomass C, soil microbial‐biomass N, populations of viable and culturable soil microbes.  相似文献   

An essential prerequisite for a sustainable soil use is to maintain a satisfactory soil organic‐matter (OM) level. This might be achieved by sound fertilization management, though impacts of fertilization on OM have been rarely investigated with the aid of physical fractionation techniques in semiarid regions. This study aimed at examining changes in organic C (OC) and N concentrations of physically separated soil OM pools after 26 y of fertilization at a site of the semiarid Loess Plateau in China. To separate sensitive OM pools, total macro‐OM (> 0.05 mm) was obtained from bulk soil by wet‐sieving and then separated into light macro‐OM (< 1.8 g cm–3) and heavy macro‐OM (> 1.8 g cm–3) subfractions; bulk soil was also differentiated into light OM (< 1.8 g cm–3) and mineral‐associated OM (> 1.8 g cm–3). Farmyard manure increased concentrations of total macro‐OC and N by 19% and 25%, and those of light fraction OC and N by 36% and 46%, compared to no manuring; both light OC and N concentrations but only total macro‐OC concentration responded positively to mineral fertilizations compared to no mineral fertilization. This demonstrated that the light‐fraction OM was more sensitive to organic or inorganic fertilization than the total macro‐OM. Mineral‐associated OC and N concentrations also increased by manuring or mineral fertilizations, indicating an increase of stable OM relative to no fertilization treatment, however, their shares on bulk soil OC and N decreased. Mineral fertilizations improved soil OM quality by decreasing C : N ratio in the light OM fraction whereas manuring led to a decline of the C : N ratio in the total macro‐OM fraction, with respect to nil treatment. Further fractionation of the total macro‐OM according to density clarified that across treatments about 3/4 of total macro‐OM was associated with minerals. Thus, by simultaneously applying particle‐size and density separation procedures, we clearly demonstrated that the macro‐OM differed from the light OM fraction not only in its chemical composition but also in associations with minerals. The proportion of the 0.5–0.25 mm water‐stable aggregates of soil was higher under organic or inorganic fertilizations than under no manure or no mineral fertilization, and increases in OC and N concentrations of water‐stable aggregates as affected by fertilization were greater for 1–0.5 and 0.5–0.25 mm classes than for the other classes. Results indicate that OM stocks in different soil pools can be increased and the loose aggregation of these strongly eroded loess soils can be improved by organic or inorganic fertilization.  相似文献   

Repeated application of phosphorus (P) as superphosphate either alone or in conjunction with cattle manure and fertilizer N may affect the P balance and the forms and distribution of P in soil. During 7 years, we monitored 0.5 M NaHCO3 extractable P (Olsen‐P) and determined the changes in soil inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (Po) caused by a yearly dose of 52 kg P ha—1 as superphosphate and different levels of cattle manure and fertilizer N application in a soybean‐wheat system on Vertisol. In general, the contents of Olsen‐P increased with conjunctive use of cattle manure. However, increasing rate of fertilizer nitrogen (N) reduced the Olsen‐P due to larger P exploitation by crops. The average amount of fertilizer P required to increase Olsen‐P by 1 mg kg—1 was 10.5 kg ha—1 without manure and application of 8 t manure reduced it to 8.3 kg ha—1. Fertilizer P in excess of crop removal accumulated in labile (NaHCO3‐Pi and Po) and moderately labile (NaOH‐Pi and Po) fractions linearly and manure application enhanced accumulation of Po. The P recovered as sum of different fractions varied from 91.5 to 98.7% of total P (acid digested, Pt). Excess fertilizer P application in presence of manure led to increased levels of Olsen‐P in both topsoil and subsoil. In accordance, the recovery of Pt from the 0—15 cm layer was slightly less than the theoretical P (P added + change in soil P — P removed by crops) confirming that some of the topsoil P may have migrated to the subsoil. The P fractions were significantly correlated with apparent P balance and acted as sink for fertilizer P.  相似文献   

In previous studies, the rate of soil carbon (C) sequestration decreased with increasing age of post‐mining soils. It was also shown to depend on plant biomass and earthworm bioturbation. Here, a soil transplant experiment was used to determine whether this decrease is caused by soil C saturation or other factors (such as bioturbation and litter input). Soils collected on 15‐, 25‐ and 50‐year‐old successional sites, dominated by willow (Salix caprea L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth), and on a 50‐year‐old site reclaimed by the planting of alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) were placed in plastic boxes that were accessible to soil macrofauna. The boxes were buried in the 50‐year‐old reclaimed site and supplemented with either alder litter or successional (willow and birch) litter. Soil C content and soil C fractions (hot water C, particulate organic C, particulate organic C bound in aggregates and C bound to mineral soil) were studied. After 1 year, the C content increased by 2–5%, but there was no effect of soil source or litter type. For all C fractions, the relationships between change in C content and initial C content were described by bell‐shaped curves. Easily available C fractions were saturated earlier than more recalcitrant fractions. Despite these saturation tendencies in individual soil organic matter pools, the soil was evidently far from saturation after 50 years of soil development. The decrease in C sequestration with soil age previously observed for this soil was probably caused by a decrease in litter input rather than by C saturation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil‐quality assessment provides a tool for evaluating the sustainability of alternative soil‐management practices. Understanding the effects of the long‐term use of chemical fertilizers on soil quality is essential for sustaining soil productivity. The cumulative effect of a 17‐y‐old chemical‐fertilizer application on integrated soil quality was investigated in the surface (0–15 cm) and subsurface (15–30 cm) soils of a soy–broomcorn–millet cropping system with an experiment design of two factors with three levels for each factor. The treatments were N0P0, N0P1, N0P2, N1P0, N1P1 (local farmer' fertilization strategy), N1P2, N2P0, N2P1, N2P2, and a control NF. The objectives were to describe and quantify the effect of continuous applications of chemical fertilizer through soil‐quality index (SQI) and attempt to offer an efficient and appropriate nutrient‐supply strategy for the local region. Following 17 y of chemical fertilization, the SQI increased markedly in the studied soil layers, and soil chemical indicators changed more significantly than physical properties. The soil‐quality indicators in the surface soil layer were more variable and sensitive to fertilizer application than the subsurface layer. The indicators that sensitively responded to long‐term fertilization could be classified into three types: soil‐fertility indicators (soil organic matter [SOM], total P, and available N), soil‐texture indicators (clay, silt), and soil‐structure indicators (bulk density, mean weight diameter [MWD]). The simplified indicators (SOM, sand, available N, bulk density, and total P in the surface soil and SOM, MWD, and silt content in the subsurface soil) preferably reflected the status of the integrated soil quality as influenced by continuous fertilization. Among the fertilized treatments, the combined‐fertilizer treatments maintained a higher SQI than the single‐fertilizer treatments in the surface and subsurface soils. The N1P2 treatment maintained the highest SQI in both soil layers, followed by N1P1 treatment. However, for the slope cropland, given the relative costs, soil resource, and environmental protection, the traditional treatment of N1P1 may be the optimal fertilizer treatment in the local region.  相似文献   

A calcareous and clayey xeric Chromic Haploxerept of a long‐term experimental site in Sicily (Italy) was sampled (0–15 cm depth) under different land use management and cropping systems (CSs) to study their effect on soil aggregate stability and organic carbon (SOC). The experimental site had three tillage managements (no till [NT], dual‐layer [DL] and conventional tillage [CT]) and two CSs (durum wheat monocropping [W] and durum wheat/faba bean rotation [WB]). The annually sequestered SOC with W was 2·75‐times higher than with WB. SOC concentrations were also higher. Both NT and CT management systems were the most effective in SOC sequestration whereas with DL system no C was sequestered. The differences in SOC concentrations between NT and CT were surprisingly small. Cumulative C input of all cropping and tillage systems and the annually sequestered SOC indicated that a steady state occurred at a sequestration rate of 7·4 Mg C ha−1 y−1. Independent of the CSs, most of the SOC was stored in the silt and clay fraction. This fraction had a high N content which is typical for organic matter interacting with minerals. Macroaggregates (>250 µm) and large microaggregates (75–250 µm) were influenced by the treatments whereas the finest fractions were not. DL reduced the SOC in macroaggregates while NT and CT gave rise to higher SOC contents. In Mediterranean areas with Vertisols, agricultural strategies aimed at increasing the SOC contents should probably consider enhancing the proportion of coarser soil fractions so that, in the short‐term, organic C can be accumulated. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in grain yields and soil organic carbon (SOC) from a 26 y dryland fertilization trial in Pingliang, Gansu, China, were recorded. Cumulative C inputs from straw and root and manure for fertilizer treatments were estimated. Mean wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yields for the 18 y ranged from 1.72 t ha–1 for the unfertilized plots (CK) to 4.65 t ha–1 for the plots that received manure (M) annually with inorganic N and P fertilizers (MNP). Corn (Zea mays L.) yields for the 6 y averaged 2.43 and 5.35 t ha–1 in the same treatments. Yields declined with year except in the CK for wheat. Wheat yields for N only declined with time by 117.8 kg ha–1 y–1 that was the highest decrease among all treatments, and that for NP declined by 84.7 kg ha–1 y–1, similar to the declines of 77.4 kg ha–1 y–1 for the treatment receiving straw and N annually and P every second year (SNP). Likewise, the corn yields declined highly for all treatments, and the declined amounts ranged from 108 to 258 kg ha–1 y–1 which was much higher than in wheat. These declined yields were mostly linked to both gradual dry weather and nutrients depletion of the soil. The N only resulted in both P and K deficiency in the soil, and soil N and K negative balances in the NP and MNP were obvious. Soil organic carbon (SOC) in the 0–20 cm soil layer increased with time except in the CK and N treatments, in which SOC remained almost stable. In the MNP and M treatments, 24.7% and 24.0% of the amount of cumulative C input from organic sources remained in the soil as SOC, but 13.7% of the C input from straw and root in the SNP, suggesting manure is more effective in building soil C than straw. Across the 26 y cropping and fertilization, annual soil‐C sequestration rates ranged from 0.014 t C ha–1 y–1 for the CK to 0.372 t C ha–1 y–1 for the MNP. We found a strong linear relationship (R2 = 0.74, p = 0.025) between SOC sequestration and cumulative C input, with C conversion–to–SOC rate of 16.9%, suggesting these dryland soils have not reached an upper limit of C sequestration.  相似文献   

Saline sodic soil with a high content of soluble carbonates is one of the important agricultural soils on the Central Indo‐Gangetic plains and elsewhere. Conventional reclamation procedures using gypsum application followed by vertical leaching (GC) is uneconomic; high ECe and precipitation of applied gypsum, reacting with soluble carbonates, reduce the efficacy of gypsum in these soils. This paper reports results from a project designed to evaluate reclamation by irrigation of the ploughed soil and turning of soil with a power tiller followed by flushing of standing water after 24 h, a second flushing after 7 days and subsequent application of gypsum and vertical leaching (GF2). Average rice and wheat production after GF2 significantly increased (25 and 62%, respectively) over the conventional practice. Compared with conventional treatment, GF2 significantly reduced the ECe and SAR of the soil and improved physical properties such as ζ‐potential, dispersible clay content, water stable aggregates expressed as MWD, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Split application of gypsum between flushing (GF1/2 and GF2/3) gave similar results to GF2 in terms of soil amelioration and crop production.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on a silty clay loam soil (Typic Haplustept) to evaluate the effect of farmyard manure (FYM) vis‐à‐vis fertilizer and irrigation application on the soil organic C content and soil structure. The fertilizer treatments comprised of eight different combinations of N and FYM and three water regimes. The results indicated that the application of FYM and increasing N rate increased soil organic carbon (SOC) content. Addition of FYM also increased the percentage of large sized water stable aggregates (> 5 mm) and reduced the percentage of smaller size aggregates. This was reflected in an increase in the mean weight diameter (MWD) and improved soil structure. The organic carbon content in macroaggregates (> 1 mm) was greater compared to microaggregates, and it declined with decrease in size of microaggregates. This difference in organic C content between macro‐ and microaggregates was more with higher N dose and FYM treated plots. The effect of residual FYM on MWD and organic C content of the soil after wheat harvest was not significant. The effect was less in deeper layers compared to surface layers of the soil. MWD was significantly correlated with the SOC content for the top two layers.  相似文献   

Data from 147 field trials were collected to study the influence of straw incorporation on soil potassium (K) under an intensive rice–oilseed rape rotation system, while pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of rice straw incorporation on soil K availability. A significant correlation was observed between the soil available K and the relative yield (RRY) and the relative K uptake (RKU) of oilseed rape, with R2 values ranging from 0.07 to 0.08 and from 0.10 to 0.11, respectively, when data were fitted to a logarithmic equation model. In approximately 30% of trials, RRY reached 90%, while soil test available K values were below the critical limit, indicating that soil K values at the time of sampling (within 1 week of rice harvest) underestimated the actual soil K supply capacity. The pot experiment results showed that soil available K was affected by straw incorporation and soil type in the fallow period. The NH4OAc‐K and NaBPh4‐K concentrations of soils increased at first, and then, plateaued after 28 days. Straw incorporation significantly influenced the critical soil K concentration, which is important for making accurate K fertilizer recommendation. These results suggested that straw K should be seriously considered in making K fertilizer recommendations. Extending the sampling time from 1 to 3 weeks after the harvesting of rice to stabilize the effects of straw incorporation may help achieve a more accurate evaluation of soil available K.  相似文献   

Biochar addition can expand soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and has potential ability in mitigating climate change. Also, some incubation experiments have shown that biochar can increase soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents. However, there is no direct evidence for this from the field experiment. In order to make up the sparseness of available data resulting from the long‐term effect of biochar amendment on soil carbon fractions, here we detected the contents and stocks of the bulk SIC and SOC fractions based on a 10‐year field experiment of consecutive biochar application in Shandong Province, China. There are three biochar treatments as no‐biochar (control), and biochar application at 4.5 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B4.5) and 9.0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B9.0), respectively. The results showed that biochar application significantly enhanced SIC content (3.2%–24.3%), >53 μm particulate organic carbon content (POC, 38.2%–166.2%) and total soil organic carbon content (15.8%–82.2%), compared with the no‐biochar control. However, <53 μm silt–clay‐associated organic carbon (SCOC) content was significantly decreased (14%–27%) under the B9.0 treatment. Our study provides the direct field evidence that SIC contributed to carbon sequestration after the biochar application, and indicates that the applied biochar was allocated mainly in POC fraction. Further, the decreased SCOC and increased microbial biomass carbon contents observed in field suggest that the biochar application might exert a positive priming effect on native soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

The physical properties of a Luvisol derived from loess near Bonn, Germany, under different long‐term fertilization treatments were examined. For the investigation of the impact of farmyard manure (FYM) on soil strength at the mesoscale (100 to 300 cm3 soil cores), undisturbed samples were taken from two different depths (10 and 40 cm), either with no fertilization at all, with full mineral fertilization, with FYM only, and with both mineral and organic fertilization. We investigated hydraulic and mechanical parameters, namely precompression stress, pore‐size distribution, saturated hydraulic and air conductivity, and calculated pore connectivity. Long‐term organic fertilization resulted in significantly more and coarser pores which in addition were more conductant and mechanically stronger by trend. Mineral fertilization also increased pore volume by trend but not pore functionality. Mechanical strength generally increased with fertilization by trend, however, was reduced again when organic and mineral fertilization were combined. Nonetheless, FYM led to relatively higher soil strength as the FYM‐treated plots with lower bulk density attained similar soil strength as the unfertilized but denser plots and thus supported the soil‐improving impact of organic amendments. The subsoil physical properties were rather unaffected by fertilization, but were dominated by texture.  相似文献   

The 4‐year application of pig‐manure compost (PMC) to crop fields in Jiangsu significantly increased organic‐C and total N concentrations compared to chemical fertilization and control treatment. To identify the soil processes that led to these changes, 13C cross‐polarization magic‐angle spinning nuclear‐magnetic resonance (13C CPMAS NMR) and dipolar‐dephasing nuclear‐magnetic‐resonance spectroscopy (DD NMR) were conducted on soil organic matter (SOM) fractions separated by wet‐sieving and density fractionation procedures. This allowed characterization of the SOM quality under three contrasting fertilizer regimes. The results indicate that PMC application can alter the distribution of functional groups and improve alkyl C‐to‐O‐alkyl C ratios compared to chemical‐fertilizer treatment (CF). Alkyl C contents were increased from macroaggregate fractions (> 2 mm) to microaggregate fractions (0.05–0.25 mm) for all treatments, suggesting that recalcitrant material accumulates in the microaggregate fractions. The O‐alkyl C contents were decreased from macroaggregate fractions (> 2 mm) to microaggregate fractions (0.05–0.25 mm) under CF and PMC treatments, while no consistent trend was found for the control (NF) treatment. The alkyl C‐to‐O‐alkyl C ratios in macroaggregates were lower than those in microaggregates, indicating that the degrees of SOM decomposition were lower in macroaggregates compared to microaggregates. In all aggregate‐size classes, the amount of organic matter appeared to depend on the fertilization regime. This study provides useful information regarding the buildup of organic material in soil from long‐term manure‐compost enrichment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates effects of cropping abandonment and perennial grass growing on soil organic C and N pools and aggregate stability, by comparing soils under native grassland, crop cultivation, perennial grass growing and cropping abandonment, in degraded cropland at a sub‐alpine site in north‐western China. The pools of total and particulate organic C (115 and 37 Mg ha−1) in the 0–30 cm soil layer of native grassland were reduced by 31 and 54% after 30 years of crop cultivation. After 4 years of conversion from cropland to perennial grass growing total and particulate organic C pools were increased by 29 and 56%, whereas 4 year cropping abandonment increased particulate organic C by 36%. Rapid increases in total and particulate N were also found in perennial grass growing and cropping abandonment soils. The native grassland soil and soils of cropping abandonment and perennial grass growing had higher carbohydrate C concentrations in the 0–10 cm layer than the cropped soil. The rapid recovery of particulate organic fraction and carbohydrates in the re‐vegetated soils were probably due to higher plant biomass inputs and lower organic matter decomposition compared with those in the cropped soil. Aggregate stability of the 0–30 cm soil layer was significantly decreased by crop cultivation but showed a good recovery after 4 year re‐vegetations. This study suggests that reduction of soil organic matter and aggregate stability under crop cultivation may be remedied by cropping abandonment or perennial grass growing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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