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Addition of organic matter (OM) to flooded soils stimulates reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals, thereby mobilizing associated phosphate (P). Hence, OM management has the potential to overcome P deficiency. This study assessed if OM applications increases soil or mineral fertilizer P availability to rice under anaerobic (flooded) condition and if that effect is different relative to that in aerobic (nonflooded) soils. Rice was grown in P‐deficient soil treated with combinations of addition of mineral P (0, 26 mg P/kg), OM (0, ~9 g OM/kg as rice straw + cattle manure) and water treatments (flooded vs nonflooded) in a factorial pot experiment. The OM was either freshly added just before flooding or incubated moist in soil for 6 months prior to flooding; blanket N and K was added in all treatments. Fresh addition of OM promoted reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals in flooded soils, whereas no such effect was found when OM had been incubated for 6 months before flooding. Yield and shoot P uptake largely increased with mineral P addition in all soils, whereas OM addition increased yield and P uptake only in flooded soils following fresh OM addition. The combination of mineral P and OM gave the largest yield and P uptake. Addition of OM just prior to soil flooding increased P uptake but was insufficient to overcome P deficiency in the absence of mineral P. Larger applications of OM are unlikely to be more successful in flooded soils due to side effects, such as Fe toxicity.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对红壤性水稻土磷素及水稻磷营养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】合理的土壤磷素管理对作物生产和环境保护具有重要意义。南方双季稻田土壤磷素特征及磷素吸收信息相对缺乏,本文利用江西省稻田土壤质量演变定位监测试验为平台,系统分析长期不同施肥措施下土壤全磷、磷活化系数及水稻磷素吸收量的变化特征和全磷与磷盈亏的响应关系等,为指导磷肥合理施用提供重要科学依据。【方法】从1984年开始在江西省南昌市进行长期定位试验,设置8个处理,分别为不施肥对照(CK),PK、NP、NK、NPK、70%化肥氮+30%有机肥氮(70F+30M)、50%化肥氮+50%有机肥氮(50F+50M)、30%化肥氮+70%有机肥氮(30F+70M)。早稻施用纯N、P2O5和K2O量分别为150、60和150 kg/hm^2,晚稻分别为180、60和150 kg/hm^2。早、晚稻施用的氮、磷、钾化肥均分别为尿素、过磷酸钙和氯化钾,有机肥分别为紫云英(N、P2O5、K2O含量分别为0.30%、0.08%、0.23%)和腐熟猪粪(N、P2O5、K2O含量分别为0.45%、0.19%、0.60%)。除30F+70M处理,其余处理均为等氮磷钾设计。于1984-2012年每年早、晚稻收获期采集秸秆和稻谷计产,并于晚稻收获后,测定土壤全磷和有效磷含量。分析土壤全磷、磷活化系数(PAC)及早、晚稻磷素吸收量随种植年限的变化规律,研究土壤全磷含量与磷累积盈亏的响应关系。【结果】经29年连续试验,NK处理土壤全磷含量以每年4.6 mg/kg的速度下降,而含磷化肥处理土壤全磷含量升高速率为3.3~19.4 mg/(kg·a)。有机无机配施处理(70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)升高速率平均为16.1 mg/(kg·a),是施NPK肥处理的4.89倍。施磷土壤全磷含量平均增至1.07 g/kg (2010-2012平均值),较初始值提高了1.18倍。不施磷肥处理土壤磷活化系数(PCA)由试验初始的4.24%下降至2.5%左右,施磷肥处理则均显著升高,其中有机无机配施处理平均升高至8.51%,平均年升高速率是施NPK处理的2.89倍。早、晚稻磷素吸收量,施磷肥(PK、NP和NPK)和化肥配施有机肥处理(70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)均显著高于CK,提高幅度分别为29.9%~124%和28.6%~103%,均衡施肥(NPK、70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)磷素吸收量显著高于不均衡施肥(PK和NP)处理,前者平均分别较后两者提高了38.7%和32.9%。早、晚稻产量与磷素吸收量呈极显著线性正相关关系,每吸收磷(P) 1 kg,早稻和晚稻产量分别可提高115和106 kg/hm^2。不施肥(CK)条件下,土壤全磷变化与累积磷盈亏间无显著相关关系,施NK肥处理土壤中每亏缺磷100 kg/hm^2,土壤全磷含量降低6.0 mg/kg,施化学磷肥的3个处理,土壤中每盈余磷100 kg/hm^2,平均提高9.3 mg/kg,而3个有机–无机配施处理,土壤中每盈余磷100 kg/hm^2,平均增加63.3 mg/kg,是无机磷肥的6.78倍。【结论】无论是单施化学磷肥,还是有机无机配施均有效提高土壤全磷含量及磷活化系数,且在等磷量投入条件下,有机无机配施较单施化肥的效果更优。建议减少中国南部红壤性稻田土壤的总磷输入量和提高有机肥施用比例,以改善粮食生产和保护环境。  相似文献   

为阐明不同灌溉和施肥模式对水稻磷吸收和利用效率、稻田土壤磷形态转化特征的影响及其对土壤磷素有效性的贡献,该研究以杂交籼稻中浙优1号为供试材料,设常规淹灌(Conventional Flooding,CF)、干湿交替(Alternate Wet and Dry irrigation,AWD)2种灌溉模式,以及不施肥(CK)、常规尿素(Ureal,100%PU)、常规尿素减氮20%(80% of Urea,80%PU)、缓控释复合肥减氮20%+生物炭(80% of Control-Released Fertilizer+Biochar,80%CRF+BC)和稳定性复合肥减氮20%+生物碳(80% of Stable Fertilizer+Biochar,80%SF+BC)5种施肥模式,对比分析了不同灌溉和施肥模式下水稻产量、磷吸收效率、稻田土壤磷有效性及土壤磷形态变化特征。1)与CF相比,AWD灌溉模式下80%CRF+BC和80%SF+BC处理水稻产量显著高于100%PU和80%PU处理(P<0.05);2)AWD灌溉显著增加了成熟期80%SF+BC处理水稻穗部磷累积量,且80%CRF+BC与80%SF+BC处理水稻各器官磷累积量、磷吸收效率与磷肥偏生产力均显著高于80%PU处理;3)AWD灌溉显著提高80%CRF+BC和80%SF+BC处理土壤有效磷、无机磷、有机磷含量与磷活化系数,以及土壤各形态无机磷和0~15 cm 土壤中活性有机磷(Moderately Labile Organic Phosphorus,MLOP)、活性有机磷(Labile Organic Phosphorus,LOP)含量,且其含量均显著高于两组尿素处理;4)相关分析表明,土壤中稳态有机磷(Moderately Resistant Organic Phosphorus,MROP)、LOP、MLOP和Al-P是土壤有效磷的主要决策因子,O-P(闭蓄态磷)和Ca-P是有效磷的主要限制因子。通过适宜的水肥管理提高MROP、LOP、MLOP含量可能是提高土壤有效磷的潜在有效途径。AWD灌溉模式下,生物炭配施稳定性复合肥/缓控释肥能通过调控土壤磷形态转化和磷素活化提高稻田磷有效性,进而提高水稻磷吸收累积和磷素利用效率。研究结果可为通过不同水肥管理模式提高水稻磷利用效率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

依托湖北武汉、重庆北碚、湖南望城、湖南祁阳、江西南昌、浙江杭州6个水稻土壤肥力长期定位试验历史样品及数据,分析和讨论了土壤有机质含量变化趋势及对施化肥和有机肥的响应差异。施有机肥提升土壤有机质含量显著高于施化肥的效果。施化肥NPK处理,6个试验点土壤有机质含量都呈现提升趋势;但是,有机质平均年增量、有机质累计增量与累计有机肥施用量的比值都是逐年下降的,固定施肥方法提高土壤有机质含量是有限的,最高达到平衡点,施化肥的有机质含量的平衡点低于施有机肥的,土壤有机质含量提升不仅对施有机肥有响应,而且与累积产量也有一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

为了消减冷浸型中低产田长期浸渍、泥温低、土壤有效养分低等障碍因子,通过田间小区试验和动态取样与室内测定,研究了不同有机无机肥配比对冷浸田土壤肥力及水稻生长的影响。结果表明:与复合肥处理比较,复合肥与40%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的土壤磷酸铁盐和磷酸钙盐含量分别提高11%和17%,复合肥与60%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的土壤磷酸铝盐含量提高44%,且磷酸铝盐、磷酸铁盐和磷酸钙盐占无机磷总量的比例提高,闭蓄态磷占无机磷总量的比例降低,促使土壤中难溶性磷向易溶性磷转化,提高土壤有效磷含量;复合肥配施60%(N)生鸡粪处理的土壤松结态腐殖质占重组腐殖质的比例提高1.9个百分点,紧结态腐殖质占重组腐殖质的比例降低4.6个百分点,土壤活性有机质含量提高14%,土壤阳离子交换量提高11%;复合肥与40%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的土壤真菌和放线菌数量分别提高33%和28%,复合肥配施60%(N)生鸡粪处理的土壤细菌数和微生物活性分别提高160%和19%,水稻磷、钾吸收量分别提高5%和111%;复合肥与40%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的早、晚稻产量分别增加8%和42%,复合肥与60%(N)生鸡粪配施处理的早、晚稻产量分别增加6%和31%。有机无机平衡施肥是适合于冷浸田水稻增产的施肥方式。  相似文献   


Sandy soils are usually dominant in tropical monsoon regions, due to the high weathering potential associated with high temperatures and precipitation. The organic matter content of sandy soils is low due to low clay content and high microbial activity. Therefore, soil management practices that alter the soil organic carbon (SOC) content may be important for the sustainable management of crop yields. Thus, the present study investigates the distribution of rice yield and SOC content under different land management practices and analyzes the relationship between rice yield and SOC with pertinent management practices (manure and fertilizer applications). The soil horizons from 0- to 40-cm depths were collected in each layer to measure SOC and soil properties at 64 sites. At each sampling site, farmers were given questionnaires and the record book for the standards for good agricultural practices of farm owners were gathered to assimilate information on rice yield and their practices during 2010–2014. The mean rice yield of the whole crop year and SOC were 2.93 Mg ha?1 and 47.09 Mg C ha?1, respectively, in the irrigated areas, and were 2.38 Mg ha?1 and 32.08 Mg C ha?1 in the rain-fed areas. Significantly higher values were obtained in the irrigated areas (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between rice yield and SOC in both the irrigated areas (R2 = 0.72, p < 0.01) and the rain-fed areas (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.01); however, the slopes of these regression equations were significantly different. In both irrigated and rain-fed areas, manure should be applied every year, with an optimal application rate of N, P, and K fertilizers being selected. The combination of manure, fertilizer, and increasing irrigation facilities the maintenance of SOC levels and substantially increases rice yields.  相似文献   

低分子量有机酸对土壤磷活化影响的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
研究两种低分子量有机酸(柠檬酸和苹果酸)对土壤磷活化影响,并用修正的Hedley法测定土壤磷活化前后磷组分的变化。结果表明,低分子量有机酸能持续活化土壤磷,活化强度随低分子量有机酸浓度的增大而增强,并且柠檬酸活化土壤磷的能力强于苹果酸。低分子量有机酸能促进作物有效态无机磷组分(H2O-P和NaHCO3-Pi)的释放;同时还促进有机磷组分(NaHCO3-Po和NaOH-Po)的矿化。在低分子量有机酸浓度达到0.5 mmol/L以上时,其对土壤磷组分的活化量的顺序为:NaOH-Pi HCl-P NaHCO3-Pi H2O-P,即铁铝结合态磷 钙结合态磷 作物有效态磷。低分子量有机酸活化土壤磷的过程中伴有大量铁、铝释放,且铁或铝的释放量与磷活化量之间显著正相关(P0.05)。说明铁、铝结合态磷是低分子量有机酸活化土壤磷的主要磷源,并且其活化机制可能与铁、铝结合态磷的螯合溶解有关。  相似文献   

A field test with the traditional rotation of paddy rice/upland crop (wheat) was carried out on a paddy soil derived from red earth to elucidate the effect of organic manure on the phosphorus adsorption-desorption by soil and its P availability. Soil samples were taken from different treatments at rice harvesting stage and analysed. The isothermal adsorption of P by the samples fitted very well with Langmuir equation, and hence, the parameters in the equation, i.e., maximum adsorption (qm), constant related to bonding energy (k) and their product (k × qm) could be used as a comprehensive index to characterize the potential P adsorptivity of the soil. Organo-inorganic fertilization and organic manuring could decrease qm and k, while mineral P application had little effect on them. The isothermal desorption of P was significantly correlated with initially added and isothermally adsorbed P. Part of P added was fixed, which represented the P fixation capacity of soil, and organic manuring could obviously lower the P fixation. The content of soil available P had a significant negative correlation with qm, k and fixed P. It is concluded that organic manure could increase the P availability of paddy soil derived from red earth by decreasing qm, k, maximum buffering capacity (MBC=k × qm) and fixation capacity.  相似文献   

长期施肥对塿土磷素状况的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用塿土12年长期肥料定位试验,研究了不同施肥方式对耕层土壤全磷(TP)、有机磷(OP)与有效磷(Olsen-P)的影响。结果表明,施用化学磷肥提高了耕层土壤TP、Olsen-P含量,但并未提高OP含量;对照与磷钾处理的OP含量有降低趋势。当基于含氮量施有机肥时,土壤TP和Olsen-P含量大幅度提高,也提高了OP含量,但OP/TP比率在降低到一定程度后维持在一个较为稳定的水平;即使施用有机肥的处理,磷素也主要以无机形态累积。土壤Olsen-P与TP或两者的增加量都呈显著的线性相关,塿土TP每提高100 mg/kg,Olsen-P增加量约为20.8 mg/kg,且单位土壤全磷增加带来的Olsen-P增加有随施肥时间降低的趋势。在土壤Olsen-P含量达到一定水平时应考虑减少磷肥用量。基于有机肥中磷素含量来推荐有机肥施用或延长其施用的时间间隔,将有助于减少由于有机肥施用带来的磷素大量快速累积。  相似文献   

In recent years, the abuse of chemical fertilizers has caused numerous environmental problems, such as soil acidification and compaction. Replacing chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers can effectively alleviate these problems. However, the effects of alternative organic fertilizers remain unclear. To explore the effects of organic fertilizer substitution on rice yield and paddy soil physicochemical properties and bacterial community structure, we conducted a 5-year experiment using different proportions of organic fertilizer substitution in a double-cropping rice field in Jiangxi, China. Our results showed that replacing chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers can reduce soil acidification, increase soil organic matter content, nutrient contents, and enzyme activities, improve soil physicochemical properties and microbial community, and enhance soil metabolism. Appropriate organic substitution also had positive effects on rice production. These findings enhance our understanding of the effects of different alternative organic fertilization methods and have important theoretical significance for the promotion of the use of organic fertilizers in the future.  相似文献   

Soil microbes and phosphatase enzymes play a critical role in organic soil phosphorus (P) cycling. However, how long-term P inputs influence microbial P transformations and phosphatase enzyme activity under grazed pastures remains unclear. We collected top-soil (0–75 mm) from a grazed pasture receiving contrasting P inputs (control, 188 kg ha−1 year−1 of single super phosphate [SSP], and 376 kg ha−1 year−1 of SSP) for more than 65 years. Olsen P, microbial biomass P, and acid and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activities were measured regularly over a 2-year period. Pasture dry matter and soil chemical properties were also investigated. Results showed that long-term P inputs significantly increased pasture dry matter, total N, and the concentrations of NO 3 –N but significantly decreased soil pH and the concentrations of NH 4 + –N. Total C was not affected by P fertilization. Although Olsen P significantly increased with increasing long-term P inputs, microbial biomass P was similar under P fertilized treatments. Long-term P inputs decreased acid phosphatase activity but increased alkaline phosphatase activity. Microbial biomass P was similar across seasons in the control but decreased in spring and autumn while increased in summer and winter under P fertilized treatments. Acid and alkaline phosphatase activities were significantly affected by season and followed similar seasonal trends being maximum in summer and minimum in winter regardless of P treatment. Correlation and principal component analysis revealed that acid and alkaline phosphatase activities were significantly positively correlated with soil temperature and significantly negatively correlated with soil moisture. In contrast, Olsen P and microbial biomass P were weakly correlated with environmental conditions. The findings of this study highlight the intertwined relationship between organic P cycling and the availability of C and N in soil systems and the need to integrate both soil moisture and temperature in models predicting organic P mineralization, especially in the context of global climate change.  相似文献   

有机物料碳和土壤有机碳对水稻土甲烷排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于30年水稻土长期施肥定位试验,在保证原有定位试验正常开展的前提下,将部分化肥处理变更为有机肥处理(或反之),通过观测一年水稻轮作周期内不同处理甲烷(CH_4)排放通量季节性变化,探讨不同肥力水稻土中外源有机碳及土壤有机碳含量对田间CH_4排放的影响。结果表明:施化肥处理和有机肥处理,水稻土全年CH_4累积排放量范围分别为1.73~4.72和35.09~86.60 g·m~(-2)。有机肥处理改施化肥后,田间土壤CH_4的排放量显著降低;化肥处理改施有机肥或有机肥处理增施有机肥后,田间土壤CH_4的排放量显著提高。外源有机碳的输入量是田间土壤CH_4年排放量的决定性因素,外源有机碳输入量(x)与水稻土CH_4年累积排放量(y)之间满足直线方程:y=0.087 7 x+3.265 7(R~2=0.965 9,n=21)。土壤有机碳同样也是影响稻田CH_4排放的因素,在不同有机碳水平的水稻土上施用等量相同化肥或有机肥,土壤有机碳含量高的水稻土都更有利于CH_4的产生。单施化肥稻田土壤CH_4排放的最主要碳源是土壤有机碳,有机碳含量(x)和水稻土CH_4年累积排放量(y)之间的指数方程:y=0.162 4 e~(0.162 2 x)(R~2=0.940 6,n=9)。有机肥可促进土壤有机碳分解释放CH_4,土壤有机碳含量相同的条件下,高量有机肥比常量有机肥的土壤有机碳分解比率高0.65%,等量相同有机肥但土壤有机碳含量不同的条件下,土壤有机碳分解比率无显著差异;同样,土壤有机碳也可促进有机物料碳分解释放CH_4,在常量有机肥或高量有机肥处理中,土壤有机碳含量高者比低者的有机物料碳分解比率分别多出3.57%和2.34%。  相似文献   

In most arid and semiarid soils, naturally occurring phosphorus(P) is a major yield-limiting plant nutrient. In this study, to investigate the effects of organic(OP) and inorganic P(IP) sources on P fractionation, a calcareous sandy loam alkaline soil was fertilized with OP and IP fertilizers at low(80 mg P kg~(-1) soil) and high(160 mg P kg~(-1) soil) application rates. Three combinations of OP and IP(i.e., 75% OP + 25% IP, 50% OP + 50% IP, and 25% OP + 75% IP) were applied at low and high application rates,respectively, followed by soil aging for 21 d. Soil samples were collected after 1, 2, 3, 7, and 21 d and subjected to sequential extraction to analyze soluble and exchangeable, Fe-and Al-bound, Ca-bound, and residual P fractions. The soluble and exchangeable P fraction significantly increased up to 24.3%, whereas the Ca-bound fraction decreased up to 40.7% in the soils receiving 75% OP + 25% IP and 50% OP + 50% IP, respectively, compared with the control(receiving no P fertilizer). However, the transformation of P fractions was influenced by aging time. Addition of P sources caused instant changes in different P fractions, which then tended to decline with aging time. Change in soil p H was the limiting factor in controlling P availability. At high application rate, the OP source significantly increased soil P availability compared with the IP source with soil aging. Depending on P fractionation, a proper combination of OP and IP fertilizers, as long-term slow and instant P-releasing sources for plant uptake, respectively, may be a sustainable strategy to meet crop P requirements in the arid and semiarid soils.  相似文献   

Soil flooding increases phosphorus (P) availability due to reductive dissolution of P‐bearing Fe(III) minerals. It is, however, unclear whether such processes also act in P‐deficient soils of the tropics that have large Fe/P ratios (dithionite‐ and oxalate‐extractable P and Fe). The objective was to identify the extent of P release induced by flooding in such soils and the soil characteristics involved. Six topsoils (0.4–5% Fe) from rice fields in Madagascar were incubated aerobically and anaerobically for 66 days amended with factorial combinations of (0, 50 mg P/kg); half of the flooded soils were also amended with 1 g rice straw/kg prior to flooding to stimulate soil oxygen depletion. The release of P after flooding was measured at day 40 with 33P isotopic exchange, which detects both changes of labile P (exchangeable P) and changes in P solubility. Flooding increased labile P concentration in soil compared with aerobic soils by 1.4–60 mg P/kg, effects being significant in 6 of the 12 soil samples. Rice straw addition further increased the labile P in 5 of the 12 flooded soil samples by 2–27 mg P/kg. The release of labile P by flooding increased with soil oxalate‐extractable P concentration. Flooding combined with rice straw addition can increase the labile P in soil, even in soils with large amount of Fe; however, this release in unfertilized soils is likely insufficient for optimal nutrition of rice plants when evaluated against critical values for P solubility.  相似文献   

实验室培养条件下,研究了有机复混磷肥对石灰性土壤无机磷组成变化的影响。结果表明: 1)单独施用有机物料对提高土壤速效磷含量的影响不大,但施用磷肥,无论是磷酸一铵化肥还是有机复混磷肥,均显著提高了土壤速效磷含量;施用有机复混磷肥提高土壤速效磷的幅度(67.5mg/kg~80.4mg/kg)高于施用磷酸一铵化肥处理(62.3mg/kg);有机复混磷肥中有机物料的含量高低对土壤速效磷含量的影响不大。2)单独施用有机物料具有提高土壤Ca2-P含量的作用,且明显提高了Ca8-P含量,但对Al-P、Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量影响不大;施用无机磷肥和有机复混磷肥,显著提高了土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P含量,而对Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量的影响很小;与磷酸一铵化学磷肥处理相比,施用有机复混磷肥对Ca2-P含量影响较小,但明显提高了Ca8-P含量,Fe-P含量也表现增加的趋势,而Al-P含量明显降低,O-P和Ca10-P含量的变化则没有明显规律;有机复混磷肥中有机物料的比例高低对土壤无机磷组成变化的影响没有表现出明显的规律性。3)施用磷肥引起速效态Ca2-P和缓效态Ca8-P的变化最大,其它形态无机磷的变化相对较小。与磷酸一铵化肥处理相比,有机复混磷肥处理Ca8-P的变异提高幅度增加,而Al-P的变异提高幅度减小,其它指标库容的变异幅度与之相近。4)施磷处理土壤速效磷含量与土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P含量呈线性正相关,相关系数分别达到0.9888、0.9867,而Al-P、 Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P与土壤速效磷相关性不显著,磷肥施入土壤后,土壤无机磷库中Ca2-P、Ca8-P的变化对土壤速效磷含量的贡献最大。  相似文献   

Soil organic matter effects on plant available and water soluble phosphorus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) has been shown to be a suitable initial indicator of P loss potential from agricultural soils to surface waters. In addition, several agronomic soil tests have been evaluated as environmental predictive tools. The objectives of this study were: (1) to evaluate the modified Morgan soil test, used on acid, high-aluminum soils of the northeastern United States, as a predictor of water-soluble P and (2) to determine the effect of soil organic matter (SOM) on the ability of both DPS and soil test P to predict water-soluble P. The soils were divided into three SOM classifications depending on their loss-on-ignition contents and analyzed for water-soluble P, modified Morgan soil test P, and oxalate-extractable P, Al, and Fe. The relationship between DPS and water-soluble P showed a change point at about 15% DPS, as did the relationship between DPS and modified Morgan soil test P. A DPS of 15% corresponded to about 14 mg kg−1, a threshold above which water-soluble P could be expected to increase more rapidly with additional P loading. The slopes of the regression lines of water-soluble P as a function of soil test P were 0.050, 0.036, and 0.021 (mg water-soluble P kg−1 soil/mg soil test P kg−1) for the low, medium, and high SOM classification groups, respectively. SOM level had a less significant effect on the relationship between DPS and water-soluble P. Higher levels of SOM were associated with higher levels of oxalate-extractable Fe and Al and, therefore, higher P sorption capacities and lower DPS values, resulting in less P in solution at all soil test levels.  相似文献   

以覆盖黑垆土土壤为材料,研究了不同用量有机肥对土壤磷素有效性及不同形态无机磷含量的影响。结果表明:在陇东旱塬黑垆土上施肥能够增加全磷、有效磷含量,有机肥增加效果更明显,且随有机肥施用量的增加而增加。无磷肥输入的氮肥处理区,活性较强的Ca_2-P、Ca_8-P、A1-P和Fe-P含量都有所降低,而较稳定态的O-P和Ca_(10)-P含量则有所提高。与CK相比,有机肥处理随有机肥用量的增加,Ca_2-P、Ca_(10)-P、A1-P含量表现为增加,而Ca_8-P、Fe-P、O-P则相反。同时Ca_2-P与有机质、有效磷显著正相关,与p H值显著负相关。因此,在本试验条件下,从有效态的Ca_2-P和难溶性的Ca_(10)-P含量变化来看,在施等量氮的基础上配施农家肥60 000 kg·hm~(-2)更有利于活化土壤磷和减缓磷吸附,从而提高磷素的有效性。  相似文献   

[目的]磷吸附–解吸特性对土壤磷素有效性和环境流失风险有重要影响.研究长期不同施肥对黄壤旱地磷吸附–解吸特性的影响,可为黄壤区合理施用磷肥提供理论依据.[方法]供试黄壤肥力长期定位试验位于贵阳,始于1995年.设有对照(CK)、施氮钾肥(NK)、施氮磷钾肥(NPK)、单施有机肥(M)和有机肥化肥配施(MNPK)5个处理...  相似文献   

为探明施用磷肥对湖南稻田土壤有机磷组分的影响、有机磷组分的季节变化及其有效性,以湖南省5种不同母质发育的稻田土壤为供试土壤,通过盆栽试验,研究了稻田土壤有机磷组分的施磷效应、在植稻期间的动态变化及其生物有效性。结果表明,施用磷肥可以使土壤中活性有机磷得到较大的增加,而对活性有机磷、中稳性有机磷和高稳性有机磷影响较小。在施磷和不施磷条件下,土壤有机磷的变化主要是中活性有机磷,而其余3种形态有机磷在水稻生长期间几乎保持不变。不管土壤是否施用磷肥,土壤有效磷与有机磷总量总是呈极显著相关,说明土壤有机磷的确是植物可以利用的有效磷源;在早稻生长期间土壤各形态有机磷的生物有效性的大小顺序为:中活性有机磷中稳性有机磷高稳性有机磷活性有机磷;在晚稻生长期间土壤各形态有机磷的生物有效性一般随水稻生育期不同而不同。  相似文献   

土壤有机质对有效磷及水提取磷含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解土壤有机质对有效磷与总磷、水提取磷与有效磷关系的影响,采用田间调查的方法,对洛阳市郊主要农田4种土壤耕作层土壤进行取样调查,并采用常规土壤测试方法,分别测定土样有机质、金磷、有效磷和水提取磷含量.根据有机质含量(高于或低于16.0 g·kg-1)把土样分成两组,对两组土样的总磷与有效磷、有效磷与水提取磷分别做相关关系分析.结果表明:与低有机质土样组相比,高有机质土样组有效磷与总磷相关方程的斜率较大,水提取磷与有效磷相关方程的斜率较小,这一趋势在以Olsen法和Mehlich-3法测定有效磷时均相同.表明在缺磷环境中,有机质增加条件下,虽然磷的生物有效性降低,但有助于在土壤溶液中维持相对较高的磷酸根浓度,这可能是由于磷的周转加快;随着土壤磷含量增加,有机质增加有助于更快提高磷的生物有效性,但土壤溶液中维持相对较低的磷酸根浓度,这可能有助于减轻农田磷的渗漏流失.  相似文献   

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