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营养液栽培条件下,以番茄(品种,合作906)为材料,研究CO2施肥与4种不同养分供应强度的交互作用对番茄幼苗生长及其叶片中的碳、氮浓度与碳、氮比动态变化的影响。结果表明,在不同营养液养分浓度下,CO2施肥能增加番茄幼苗生物量的积累,提高生长速度;增加番茄幼苗叶片中氮、碳积累量与吸收速率;而且对CO2作用效果的响应随营养液养分浓度的提高而增加。在所有处理中碳、氮积累量与吸收速率随生育期的延长呈上升趋势。说明在番茄育苗后期要增加施肥量,而且在CO2施肥的情况下施肥量增加的量要大。CO2施肥对生长在不同营养液中番茄叶片中的碳、氮比在不同生长阶段的影响是不同的,但在同一CO2浓度条件下,番茄幼苗各个取样阶段均表现为碳、氮比随营养液浓度的降低而增加。对番茄幼苗碳、氮积累量、总干生物量与生长时间的关系研究表明,氮积累量、总干生物量与生长时间均符合二次曲线变化。  相似文献   

Effects of forest management (thinning) on gross ammonification, net ammonification, net nitrification, microbial biomass, and N2O production were studied in the forest floor of adjacent untreated control (“C”) and thinned (“T”) plots in three beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands in the Swabian Jura (Southern Germany) during three intensive field campaigns in the year 2004. The investigated sites are located less than 1 km apart on the slopes of a narrow valley. Due to different exposure (southwest, northeast, northwest), the three sites are characterized by warm‐dry microclimate (southwest site, SW) and cool‐moist microclimate (northeast site, NE; and northwest site, NW). Measurements at the NW site covered the second year (13 to 20 months) after thinning, and measurements at the SW and NE sites covered the sixth year (61 to 68 months) after thinning. Mean gross ammonification varied insignificantly across the six plots (range: 37.5 ? 31.2 to 51.0 ? 10.5 mg N (kg dry soil)–1 d–1). The SW site was characterized by very low net nitrification and nitrate (NO ) concentrations that were not significantly different between control and thinned plot. In contrast, for the thinned plot at the NE site (NET), significantly increased mean net nitrification (2.3 ? 1.2 mg N (kg dry soil)–1 d–1 at the NET plot vs. 0.4 ? 0.2 mg N (kg dry soil)–1 d–1 at the NEC plot) and mean extractable NO concentrations (43.9 ? 22.8 mg N (kg dry soil)–1 at the NET plot vs. 4.1 ? 0.8 mg N (kg dry soil)–1 at the NEC plot) were observed. The differences in net nitrification and NO concentrations across the research plots were related to differences in the forest‐floor C : N ratios: net nitrification increased exponentially below a threshold C : N value of about 25. The results of this study indicate that the forest floor of the warm‐dry SW site is very resistant to N loss triggered by thinning due to high C : N ratios around 30. Under the cool‐moist microclimate of the NE site, a significantly lower C : N ratio of 22.1 at the thinned plot (control plot: 26.7) coincided with significantly increased net nitrification. Thus, different responses of net nitrification to thinning under different microclimate appear to be triggered by different C : N ratios. Nitrous oxide production was mainly governed by forest‐floor water content, and since differences in water content at adjacent control and thinned plots were low, N2O production was not significantly different between adjacent control and thinned plots.  相似文献   

沙地土壤C∶N∶P比对早期植物群落物种多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示土壤碳∶氮∶磷(C∶N∶P)比对植物群落物种多样性的影响,以宁夏哈巴湖国家级自然保护区内沙地植物群落(沙柳群落和油蒿群落)为研究对象,调查计算了沙地植物群落的物种多样性,测定了群落中土壤C、N、P含量,分析讨论了土壤C∶N∶P比与沙地植物群落物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明,分布于流动、半固定沙地的沙柳群落其土壤C∶N∶P比对物种多样性的影响不显著,而分布于半固定、固定沙地的油蒿群落其土壤C∶N∶P比对物种多样性的影响显著。这说明沙地植物群落生物量不断增大的同时,枯枝落叶增多,土壤C、N、P显著增多,较大的土壤C∶N比与N∶P比与不断增大的物种多样性有趋同变化,因此,土壤的C∶N∶P比能够影响沙地植物群落的物种多样性。  相似文献   

A 12-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different tillage methods and fertil-ization systems on microbial biomass C,N and P of a gray fluvo-aguic soil in rice-based cropping system .Five fertilization treatments were designed under conventional tillae(CT) or on tillage(NT) system:no fertilizer(CK) ; chemical fertilizer only(CF) ; combining chemical fertilizer with pig manure(PM); combining chemical fertilizer with crop straw (CS) and fallow (F). The results showed that biomass C,N and P were enriched in the surface layer of no-tilled soil,whereas they distributed relatively evenly in the tilled soil,which might result from enrichment of crop resdue,organic manure and mineral fertilzer,and surficial developent of root systems under NT.Under the cultivation system NT had slightly greater biomass C,N and P at 0-5 cm depth ,significantly less biomass C,N and P at 5-15 cm depth ,less microbial biomass C,N and equivalent biomass P at 15-30 cm depth as compared to CT,indicating hat tillage was beneficial for the multiplication of organims in the plowed layer of soil.Under the fallow system,biomass C,N and P in the surface layer were significantly greater for NT than CT while their differences between the two tillage methods were neligible in the deeper layers.In the surface layer,biomass C,N and P in the soils amended with oranic manure combined with mineral fertilizers were significantly greater than those of the treatments only with mineral fertilizers and the control.Soils without fertilzer had the least biomass nutrient contents among the five fertilization treatments.Obviously,the long-term application of organic manure could maintain the higher activity of microorganisms in soils.The amounts of biomass C,N and P in the fallowed soils varied with the tillage methods;they were much greater under NT than under CT,especially in the surface layer,suggesting that the frequent plowing could decrease the content of organic matter in the surface layer of the fallowed soil.  相似文献   

Conservation crop residue management increases soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, nutrient cycling and availability and improves soil quality. This study was conducted to evaluate the amount of residue biomass, residue carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio, residue carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), and residue N fertilizer deficit (supplemental N fertilizer requirement) from crop residue decomposition in long-term no-till production. Aboveground aged and fresh residues were collected in spring 2011 and fall 2012, respectively. Results showed slightly greater residue dry matter weight in aged residue than fresh residue. C:N ratios were wider in fresh residue than the aged residue. Both aged and fresh residue also showed wider C:N ratio in the corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation (66.6 and 64.4, respectively) and narrower C:N ratio in the spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-alfalfa-corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) (45.6 and 35.7, respectively). Individual fresh crop residues showed narrower C:N ratios for legume and cover crops than non-legume crops. Analysis of potential supplemental N fertilizer requirements showed greater potential N requirement for the fresh residue than the aged residue.  相似文献   

通过野外调查分析,研究了波动水文情势下,不同水分梯度带小叶章地上构件C,N,P含量动态。结果表明,各构件TC含量随时间波动变化,常年积水带大于无常年积水带;TN和TP含量,总体随水分的增加而减小,且生长季内含量逐渐下降;3种元素含量总体均为叶片含量高于茎和鞘。构件C/N常年积水和无常年积水两种情况下随水分增加呈现不同变化规律;C/P随水分的增加及生长过程的推进而增大;N/P总体随水分的增加而增大,生长季内均呈先增加后减小的波动变化。随水分的增加,小叶章质量下降;生长季初期,各水分梯度带小叶章生长均受N限制,而后期无常年积水区生长受N限制,深度积水区则受P限制。  相似文献   

Although most studies have indicated that biochar can boost rice (Oryza sativa) growth, the material may also suppress it, depending on ratios of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and available N to available phosphorous (P). The current study sought to examine the impacts of biochar on rice growth and to identify underlying mechanisms. A pot experiment was conducted using two soils of high (3.05%) and low (0.54%) organic carbon (OC) content, mixed with 0, 1.5, 3, 6, and 12% biochar and planted with rice. Rice growth components, five rice tissue nutrients, and nine soil properties were measured. The results showed that the response of rice growth to biochar rates could be described using an exponential-growth function in high-OC soil but an inverted U-shaped curve in low-OC soil. In high-OC soil, the 12% biochar rate led to the greatest total biomass, increased by 47%, whereas in low-OC soil, the 3 and 6% rates exhibited the highest total biomass, increased by 44%, compared to the no-biochar added soils. Biochar elevated the C:N ratio from 11.5 to 39.1, with an optimal range of 20–30 corresponding to the highest rice growth. Biochar declined the ratio of NH4-N to Mehlich-1 P, causing N deficiency. In brief, high biochar rates may suppress rice growth when the soil C:N ratio exceeds 30. The applied biochar rate should be considered based on soil properties typically OC and N content to obtain the C:N ratio between 20 and 30 for optimal rice growth.  相似文献   

Soils from 38 German forest sites, dominated by beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) were sampled to a depth of about 10 cm after careful removal of overlying organic layers. Microbial biomass N and C were measured by fumigation-extraction. The pH of the soils varied between 3.5 and 8.3, covering a wide range of cation exchange capacity, organic C, total N, and soil C:N values. Maximum biomass C and biomass N contents were 2116 g C m-2 and 347 g N m-2, while minimum contents were 317 and 30 g m-2, respectively. Microbial biomass N and C were closely correlated. Large variations in microbial biomass C:N ratios were observed (between 5.4 and 17.3, mean 7.7), indicating that no simple relationship exists between these two parameters. The frequency distribution of the parameters for C and N availability to the microflora divided the soils into two subgroups (with the exception of one soil): (1) microbial: organic C>12 mg g-1, microbial:total N>28 mg g-1 (n=23), a group with high C and N availability, and (2) microbial:organic C12 mg g-1, microbial:total N28 mg g-1 (n=14), a group with low C and N availability. With the exception of a periodically waterlogged soil, the pH of all soils belonging to subgroup 2 was below 5.0 and the soil C:N ratios were comparatively high. Within these two subgroups no significant correlation between the microbial C:N ratio and soil pH or any other parameter measured was found. The data suggest that above a certain threshold (pH 5.0) microbial C:N values vary within a very small range over a wide range of pH values. Below this threshold, in contrast, the range of microbial C:N values becomes very large.  相似文献   

赵洪猛  王慎强  赵旭  汪玉 《土壤》2022,54(4):682-690
为探究土壤碳、氮、磷领域的国际研究现状及发展变化趋势,本文对1990—2020年Web of Science核心数据集中的7 757篇文献进行可视化分析,利用Citespace软件对关键词、共被引文献、国家、机构、作者绘制科学知识图谱。研究结果表明:国际土壤碳、氮、磷领域研究经历平稳期、缓慢增长期及快速增长期3个阶段,目前处于快速发展阶段。土壤碳、氮、磷领域在研究方向上经历了养分和产量管理到环境质量监测与评估,再到以微生物和土壤质量管理为主要方向的转变趋势;对农业中添加有机物质、生物质炭等部分替代化学肥料,降低农业碳排放,减少农业面源污染研究积极推进。中国在该领域发文数量最多,有力推动了土壤碳、氮、磷交互研究的发展,国际间合作交流密切;美国发文数量第二且中介中心性最高,在该领域影响力最强。目前,以土壤微生物过程耦合土壤碳、氮、磷计量比为主要的研究热点,研究分支大幅下降。  相似文献   


We studied the effect of crop residues with various C:N ratios on N2O emissions from soil. We set up five experimental plots with four types of crop residues, onion leaf (OL), soybean stem and leaf (SSL), rice straw (RS) and wheat straw (WS), and no residue (NR) on Gray Lowland soil in Mikasa, Hokkaido, Japan. The C:N ratios of these crop residues were 11.6, 14.5, 62.3, and 110, respectively. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey of farmer practices, we determined appropriate application rates: 108, 168, 110, 141 and 0 g C m?2 and 9.3, 11.6, 1.76, 1.28 and 0 g N m?2, respectively. We measured N2O, CO2 and NO fluxes using a closed chamber method. At the same time, we measured soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm, water-filled pore space (WFPS), and the concentrations of soil NH+ 4-N, NO? 3-N and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC). Significant peaks of N2O and CO2 emissions came from OL and SSL just after application, but there were no emissions from RS, WS or NR. There was a significant relationship between N2O and CO2 emissions in each treatment except WS, and correlations between CO2 flux and temperature in RS, soil NH+ 4-N and N2O flux in SSL and NR, soil NH+ 4-N and CO2 flux in SSL, and WSOC and CO2 flux in WS. The ratio of N2O-N/NO-N increased to approximately 100 in OL and SSL as N2O emissions increased. Cumulative N2O and CO2 emissions increased as the C:N ratio decreased, but not significantly. The ratio of N2O emission to applied N ranged from ?0.43% to 0.86%, and was significantly correlated with C:N ratio (y = ?0.59 ln [x] + 2.30, r 2 = 0.99, P < 0.01). The ratio of CO2 emissions to applied C ranged from ?5.8% to 45% and was also correlated with C:N ratio, but not significantly (r 2 = 0.78, P = 0.11).  相似文献   

【目的】不同丛枝菌根 (abuscular mycorrhizal,AM) 真菌菌种 (株) 因其分离地点及宿主的不同,其生理发育与生态功能差异显著,尤其是土壤养分状况对其影响更明显。研究不同土壤磷水平对 AM 真菌侵染宿主及生长发育繁殖的影响,以及不同 AM 真菌对玉米生长及氮磷吸收的影响,可以深化了解 AM 真菌与土壤磷的关系。 【方法】采用盆栽试验,以玉米为宿主植物,土壤灭菌后分别添加 0、50、200、500 mg/kg 4 个水平的磷营养 (P0、P50、P200、P500),并分别接种 6 种 AM 真菌,以不接种为对照。测定了 AM 真菌侵染率、丛枝丰度、孢子数、菌丝密度、玉米植株氮磷比 (N/P) 生态化学计量特征,讨论了不同土壤磷水平与 AM 真菌生长发育间的关系,以及 AM 真菌对玉米吸收利用氮、磷的影响。 【结果】在 P50 条件下,AM 真菌的侵染率、根内丛枝结构、根外生物量 (孢子数、菌丝密度) 显著高于不加磷 P0 和 P200 和 P500 处理,而且 AM 真菌侵染及生长发育指标在高磷水平时,显著下降。不同磷水平处理下,不同 AM 真菌对玉米的侵染能力及生物量存在明显差异。在 P0 和 P50 条件下,接种 G.m 处理侵染率达到 75%,菌丝密度达 240 m/g,显著高于其他五个 AM 真菌。AM 真菌 C.c、R.a、C.et 的菌根侵染状况及生物量次之,D.s、D.eb 最差。在高磷 P200 和 P500 条件下,仅有 F.m 真菌处理的侵染状况及生物量最高。在 P0、P50 水平下,接种 F.m、R.a、D.eb 显著降低了植株氮含量;在不加磷 (P0) 水平下,接种处理均显著促进了玉米植株中磷含量的提高,在 P50 水平下,F.m 植株磷含量显著高于不接种对照;在 P0、P50、P200 水平下,接种 AM 真菌处理降低了玉米植株中 N/P 比,且不同菌种间存在差异,接种真菌 F.m 处理的 N/P 比明显最低。 【结论】土壤添加低量磷 (50 mg/kg) 更适合 AM 真菌的侵染及生长发育,也利于菌根效应的发挥。侵染能力及效应以耐高磷菌种 F.m 最好,然后依次为 C.c、R.a、C.et。在适量磷条件下,接种 AM 真菌能够调节植株体 N/P 比达到平衡,改善植物营养状况,促进玉米生长。  相似文献   

Microbial activity and nutrient release are known to be influenced by organic matter properties,but it is difficult to separate the effect of C/N ratio from that of C/P ratio because in most plant residues both ratios are either high or low.An incubation experimeut was conducted to investigate the effects of reducing the C/N and C/P ratios of slowly decomposable plant residues (young eucalyptus leaves,mature wheat straw,and sawdust) to those of rapidly decomposable residues (young kikuyu shoots) on soil respiration,microbial biomass,and N and P availability.The C/N and C/P ratios of the former were adjusted to 15 and 89,respectively,by adding N as (NH4)2SO4,P as KH2PO4 or both and residues were added at 10 g C kg-1 to a silt loam.Soil respiration was measured over 21 d;microbial biomass C (MBC) and available N and P were measured on days 0,7,and 21.Compared to the unamended soil,addition of kikuyu increased cumulative respiration 20-fold,MBC concentration 4 to 8-fold,and available P concentration up to 4-fold,whereas the increase in available N concentration was small and transient.Cumulative respiration and MBC concentration were low in the sawdust-amended soil and were not influenced by reducing the C/N and C/P ratios.Cumulative respiration with original wheat and eucalyptus was 30%-40% of that with kikuyu.Reducing the C/N ratio alone or both C/N and C/P ratios increased cumulative respiration and MBC concentration 2-fold compared to the original wheat and eucalyptus,whereas reducing the C/P ratio had little effect.Throughout the experiment,the available N concentration after addition of residues with reduced C/N ratio increased in the following order of eucalyptus < wheat < sawdust.By independently lowering the C/N and C/P ratios,microbial activity was more limited by C and N than P.However,lowering the C/N ratio of very slowly decomposable sawdust had no effect on soil respiration and MBC concentration,suggesting that other properties such as concentration of poorly decomposable C compounds limited decomposition.  相似文献   

贝加尔针茅是我国内蒙古草原和东北松嫩平原草地生态系统中的主要植物群落。本文通过模拟大气中CO2浓度升高和土壤干旱研究了贝加尔针茅C,N的积累及分配的影响。结果表明:CO2浓度升高使根和叶的生物量显著增加,土壤干旱使根和叶的生物量显著减小;C,N含量随土壤湿度的增加而显著增加,且在高CO2浓度下的C,N含量高于环境CO2浓度下的含量;从C,N的分配看,在叶中的含量显著高于在根中的含量。大气中CO2浓度升高对C,N积累量的增加减轻了大气的温室效应,且这种作用随着土壤湿度的增加而加大。在高CO2浓度下,贝加尔针茅根和叶的C/N比随土壤湿度的增加而减小,但在当前环境CO2浓度下并未表现出这种变化趋势;贝加尔针茅叶的C/N比远小于根的C/N比,叶的营养价值更高。  相似文献   

This study assessed the respective roles of biochemical quality and N content of plant residues on C and N dynamics in a soil. Both 15N- and 13C-labeled oilseed rape residues (roots, seedpod walls) combining different biochemical characteristics and similar N content or the same biochemical characteristics and different N contents were used as amendments. These treatments were combined with two levels of soil inorganic N to ensure that decomposition was not limited by N availability. The soil was incubated under laboratory conditions for 134 days. Soil amended with residues of similar biochemical quality (i.e. the two pod walls) displayed similar C mineralization dynamics when the initial N availability (residue+soil N) ranged from 1.7 to 3.2% of residue dry matter. The roots showed poorer decomposition than the pod walls, lower cumulative C mineralization and greater accumulation of root-derived C in the >50 μm coarse fraction of the soil organic matter. The N content of the residues influenced mineral N accumulation in the soil with a lower net immobilization of residues with low C-to-N ratios. Adding an exogenous source of inorganic N had no effect on C dynamics but modified the remineralization kinetics of the previously immobilized N, suggesting changes in the microbial community involved.  相似文献   

Ryegrass was grown under conditions of low N, low P, or high N and P nutrient supply in an atmosphere containing 14CO2 and then incubated in soil supplemented with or without N or P fertilizer. Determined in fresh plant tissue, the persistency of residual labelled C after 6 months was in the order low-N plants>low-P plants>high-N and-P plants. The addition of N conserved C, particularly when there was additional P present. Hydrolysable labelled C (12M/0.5M H2SO4) showed similar trends. In analyses of freeze-dried plant tissue, the main effect was also the increased persistency of C from low-N plants compared to high-N plants. The addition of N fertilizer increased the persistence of plant residue C, but only with grass containing low P. The addition of P fertilizer had no effect. In freeze-dried low-P plant tissue, sampled after 1.5, 6, and 12 months, the conserving effect of adding fertilizer N was confirmed. The addition of P, in contrast, enhanced the rate of decomposition. After 6 months, about a third of the C remained, and after 12 months, about one-quarter. It is concluded that P, whether intrinsic or added, can increase the rate of decomposition of organic residues in soil, but there is a strong interaction with N, which has a predominant influence. The effects of N depend on the form it is in. Increased intrinsic tissue N can increase the rate of C loss, whereas added inorganic N can decrease the rate of C loss during decomposition.  相似文献   

秸秆的质量,特别是C/N是影响秸秆分解速率和养分释放的重要因素。在秸秆还田条件下,如何科学合理地施用氮肥是秸秆利用和优化施肥研究的关键问题。本研究以秸秆还田施入碳氮的C/N为切入点,于2012—2013年通过田间试验(设秸秆不还田不施肥、秸秆还田不施氮、秸秆还田施用无机氮肥调节C/N为10∶1、16∶1和25∶1以及秸秆还田施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1处理),研究秸秆还田不同氮输入对小麦-玉米轮作田土壤无机氮、土壤微生物量氮、酶活性以及作物产量的影响。结果表明:1)在C/N为25∶1下,施用有机氮肥和无机氮肥对土壤无机氮含量无显著影响;在施用无机氮肥的情况下,C/N越低土壤无机氮含量越高。2)秸秆还田施氮提高了土壤微生物量氮含量,但是各秸秆还田施氮处理之间差异不显著;秸秆还田不同施氮处理对脲酶活性无显著影响;秸秆还田施氮提高了FDA水解酶活性,并随C/N降低呈升高趋势,施用无机氮肥的效果强于施用有机氮肥的。3)秸秆还田施用无机氮肥显著提高了小麦和玉米地上部生物量,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为10∶1和16∶1相比于C/N为25∶1提高了小麦和玉米的苗期和成熟期地上部生物量;施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1相比秸秆还田不施氮对地上部生物量无显著影响。秸秆还田施用无机氮肥提高了作物产量,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为16∶1产量最高,而施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1有降低作物产量的趋势。综合以上结果来看,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为16∶1较为合理。  相似文献   

Afforestation is recognized as an important driving force for soil organic C(SOC) dynamics and soil element cycling.To evaluate the relationships between soil C:N:P stoichiometry and SOC fractions,soil C:N:P stoichiometry distributions at 0–200 cm soil depths were analyzed and the contents of SOC fractions were evaluated in 9 typical land-use systems on the Loess Plateau of China.The contents of light fraction organic C,particulate organic C(53,53–2 000,and2 000 μm),labile organic C,microbial biomass C,and dissolved organic C decreased with increasing soil depth and were higher in afforested soil than in slope cropland soil.Compared with the slope cropland,different vegetation types influenced soil C:N,C:P,and N:P ratios,especially when C:P and N:P ratios were significantly higher(P0.05).Moreover,SOC fractions at the 0–10 and 10–40 cm depths were particularly affected by soil C:P ratio,whereas those at the 40–100 and 100–200 cm soil depths were significantly affected(P0.05) by soil N:P ratio.These results indicate that changes in SOC fractions are largely driven by soil C:P and N:P ratios at different soil depths after afforestation.  相似文献   

Mulches can improve soil properties, but little is known about nutrient availability in mulched soil that contains plant residues and the effect of mulching with manures. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of mulching with high or low C/N organic materials, in which low C/N materials differed in decomposability, and the presence of wheat straw in the soil on plant growth and N uptake, soil N availability and microbial biomass N within about four months after mulching. Three organic materials were used: mature wheat straw (W, C/N 80), young faba bean shoots (FB, C/N 7), and sheep manure (SM, C/N 8). There were eight treatments differing in amendment methods (mulching or mixing with W or both) and mulching materials (W, FB or SM). Treatments that were only mulched with W, FB or SM are referred to as m‐treatments. In m/s‐treatments, after W was mixed into the soil, W, FB or SM were placed on the soil surface as mulch. Two other treatments included an unamended control and soil mixed with W. Wheat was planted 0, 35 or 70 days after mulching (referred to as 0, 35, and 70 DAM) and grown for 35 days. Faba bean mulch increased shoot dry weight, shoot N uptake and available N compared to wheat or sheep manure mulch, particularly in the m‐treatments. Shoot dry weight was higher in m‐treatments than corresponding m/s‐treatments with the same mulch type. Shoot N uptake was higher in 70 DAM than in 0 DAM in all treatments and 0.3 to three‐fold higher in m‐treatments than the corresponding m/s‐treatments. Microbial biomass N was higher in 0 DAM than in 35 and 70 DAM in most treatments and up to two‐fold higher in m/s‐treatments than the corresponding m‐treatments. Available N in m/s‐treatments was two to six‐fold higher than m‐treatments in 0 DAM, but differed little in older mulch ages of W and SM. It can be concluded that compared to soil with only mulch, mixing of wheat straw into soil reduced plant growth and N uptake, particularly in the early stages of mulching (0 and 35 DAM). However, the presence of wheat in mulched soil may provide a longer lasting source of N for plants and reduce the risk of N leaching from rapidly decomposing low C/N mulch due to greater microbial biomass N uptake than only soil with mulch.  相似文献   

黄土高原西部针叶林植物器官与土壤碳氮磷化学计量特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了系统地比较分析黄土高原西部针叶林植物器官与土壤内碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量变化特征,选取位于黄土高原西部的甘肃省天水市、甘南州、定西市、兰州市和武威市5个地区的针叶林为研究对象,通过对乔木各器官及土壤不同深度的C、N、P元素含量及其化学计量比的分析,探讨了5个调查区针叶林生态系统化学计量特征及其相互间的相关性。结果表明:植物叶的C、N、P含量较其他器官稍高,其中C含量达到511.97~538.66g/kg;5个调查区中武威地区的植物干、枝、根的C含量显著低于其他4个地区,分别为425.0,400.58,400.55g/kg。针叶林干中C∶N在地区间差异达到显著水平(p0.05),其他各器官内差异不显著;甘南和兰州地区的针叶林各器官间C∶N差异显著;针叶林干和根中N∶P在地区之间存在显著性差异,兰州和武威地区各器官间N∶P的差异达到显著性水平。5个调查区土壤C、N、P含量及其计量特征的差异主要存在于上层土壤(0—30cm),而较深层次土壤在各地区之间的差异较小。针叶林干中C、N、P含量两两之间均存在显著相关关系,而在针叶林叶中仅N与P含量之间存在显著相关关系;土壤表层(0—20cm)中C与N含量之间存在极显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

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