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甘薯瘟病(Pseudomonas solanacearum)是甘薯生产上的一种毁灭性病害。近年来已在我省45个(县) (市)发生为害,我们于1979年用“普薯125”与“南灰3号”杂交育成“闽抗329”。作者在1981—1984年对“闽抗329”进行了室内抗瘟性、田间苗期抗瘟性、田间小区和全省重点薯瘟区多点重复试验。三年试验表明用66个不同毒力的菌株测定“闽抗329”平均病情指数为7.4,而我省当家种“新种花”达47.7;田间  相似文献   

郑庆桃 《植物检疫》1989,3(5):324-325
甘薯瘟是一种毁灭性病害,是国内检疫对象。1972年传入我县后,蔓延迅速,危害严重。为了控制甘薯瘟的危害,探索防治途径,从1976年起在综防点——仙稔乡洋畴村进行了甘薯瘟病菌存活力观察及  相似文献   

不同甘薯品种抗甘薯瘟鉴定陈信玉,顾云琴,李先南(浙江温岭市植检站317500)甘薯瘟PseudomonassolanacearumSmith是甘薯的毁灭性病害。1991—1992两年,对不同品种甘薯进行抗病性鉴定试验,1992年试在疫区推广应用抗病品...  相似文献   

鄢铮 《植物医生》1996,9(6):9-9
甘薯瘟的简易鉴定方法鄢锋(福建省福州市农科所350014)甘薯瘟又称甘薯细菌性萎蔫病,是甘薯生产上的一种危险性病害。在生产上,判断甘薯是否发瘟,可根据薯株症状,结合细菌溢的检查,进行鉴定。其方法如下:(1)外表症状检查:在苗期,注意薯苗顶端叶片是否萎...  相似文献   

杨沛  苏志坚 《昆虫天敌》2000,22(2):95-96
“虫瘟一号”是我国首个登记应用在蔬菜上的昆虫病毒杀虫剂,是以斜纹夜蛾多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura Nucleopolyhedrovirus,简称SpltNPV)为主要有效成分的商品化杀虫剂,主要用于防治暴食性、多食性的斜纹夜蛾。斜纹夜蛾为害的植物有99科290种之多,在广东对蔬菜、花生、甘薯等为害极大。而且,目前对多个常用化学农药的抗性日趋严重,造成防治工作的困难和被动。  相似文献   

金国生  李玉灶 《植物检疫》1994,8(3):185-186
藤苗药剂处理对甘薯瘟的控制效果金国胜,李玉灶(浙江瑞安市植检站325200)(浙江瑞安市植保站)甘薯瘟PseudomonassolanacearumSmith自70年传入以来,至今已有23年历史。这些年,瘟病范围逐年扩大,特别是1990年,全市瘟病面...  相似文献   

夏威夷甘薯象虫药剂防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在夏威夷,甘薯小象甲[Cylas formicarius elegantulus(Summers)]和西印甘薯象[Euseepes postfasciatus(Fairmaire)]是两种严重危害甘薯的害虫。它们为害甘薯的藤蔓和块根,被象甲为害过的块根,人畜不堪食用。象虫幼虫为害后的甘薯因含有呋喃松节油类似物(furanote-  相似文献   

郑雪浩  蒋学祥 《植物检疫》1994,8(3):184-185
甘薯瘟品种抗性与药剂浸藤苗试验初报郑雪浩,蒋学祥(浙江省乐清县植检站325600)甘薯瘟是一种毁灭性的细菌性病害,列入全国检疫对象。最早发生在两广,1963年传人温州地区后,1974年一农户因买病区的带土盘菜而开始传入我县。20年来由于其种薯、藤苗、...  相似文献   

台州新发现甘薯茎腐病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2015年新发现的甘薯茎腐病是进境检疫性病害,该病是甘薯生产上为害最严重、危险性最大的新病害,在台州已有3个县(市、区)发生为害,一般发病田块平均病株率10%~20%。为有效控制甘薯茎腐病传播扩散,本文介绍了甘薯茎腐病的发生分布情况,描述了病害各生育期症状和为害特点,提出了加强植物检疫、与非寄主作物轮作、培育无病种苗、适增磷钾肥、防积水以及化学农药浸种和喷雾预防等综合防控措施。  相似文献   

近几年来,甘薯天蛾[Heres convolvuli(Linn.)]在淮北地区连续为害,安徽阜阳专区从1961年起,四年当中有三年大发生,其为害程度是愈来愈重。仅1964年受害面积占总甘薯面积的50一80%,有的被吃成光杆,甚至把嫩茎都吃掉,造成严重减产。 甘薯天蛾在淮北地区一年发生三代,第一代幼虫盛期在6月下旬—7月上旬,第二代在8月中、下旬,第三代在9月下旬—10月初。以第二、三代虫口密度大,为害最重。  相似文献   

我国甘薯脱毒种薯种苗繁育存在的问题及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张振臣 《植物保护》2020,46(6):10-13
病毒病是甘薯的重要病害, 种植脱毒健康种苗是防治病毒病?提高甘薯产量最有效的方法?近年来, 我国甘薯病毒及其传播介体的发生呈现出新的特点, 传统的脱毒种薯种苗繁育体系不能满足当前甘薯生产的需要?本文综述了当前我国甘薯病毒的种类及危害现状, 分析了我国甘薯脱毒种薯种苗繁育中存在的问题, 对规范和完善我国甘薯脱毒种薯种苗繁育体系提出了建议?  相似文献   

甘薯是重要的粮食作物和食品加工及工业原料。我国是世界上最大的甘薯生产国。病毒病是甘薯上的重要病害,目前世界上已报道的侵染甘薯的DNA病毒主要归属于双生病毒科Geminiviridae和花椰菜花叶病毒科Caulimoviridae。近年来,双生病毒等DNA病毒严重影响我国甘薯的产量、品质以及食品加工产业。本文简介了甘薯在我国的重要地位和种植情况;具体介绍了侵染甘薯的菜豆金色花叶病毒属Begomovirus、玉米线条病毒属Mastrevirus及杆状DNA病毒属Badnavirus的病毒特征、分子变异、分类现状和检测方法。结合甘薯生产的实际情况,提出了目前甘薯DNA病毒研究中存在的问题及思考。本文旨在为我国甘薯DNA病毒病的综合防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

In a previous study, we found that a 70% aqueous ethanol extract of the fresh aerial tissue of Geranium carolinianum L. showed antimicrobial activity against the pathogen causing soil rot of sweet potato. As the appropriate time for cultivation of sweet potato and the growing period of G. carolinianum do not overlap in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, the fresh aerial tissue is available in order to control soil rot of sweet potato. Thus, we examined the control effect of fresh aerial tissue against soil rot of sweet potato. The various trials (a single repetition of 20 m2) were performed in fields that had undergone 8 years of continuous cropping of sweet potato at Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, Horticultural branch. After harvest, when the disease severity was evaluated by determining the necrotic area of the storage root, the incorporation of fresh aerial tissue (5000 kg 1000 m-2) into the soil was considered to be highly effective, with a protective value of 75.4. This result shows that G. carolinianum could be used as a biological agent for the control of soil rot of sweet potato.  相似文献   

近年来,病毒病在甜樱桃主产区的发生呈上升趋势,制约了甜樱桃产业升级和发展。能够侵染甜樱桃的病毒种类中,樱桃小果病毒1号(little cherry virus 1,LChV-1)导致樱桃果实缩小,彻底丧失经济价值,对甜樱桃产量影响较大。LChV-1通常具有潜伏侵染的特性,在樱桃苗期难以通过症状进行判断。同时,多数品种对LChV-1敏感,因此该病毒的早期检测对甜樱桃的生产尤为重要。传统的病毒检测手段需要专业仪器,不能满足田间快速检测的需求。本研究获取了LChV-1外壳蛋白的多克隆抗体,并研发了一种能够准确检测LChV-1病毒的胶体金免疫层析试纸,确定了胶体金的最佳抗体标记浓度为0.24 mg/mL,检测线最佳重组蛋白浓度为0.25 mg/mL,质检线最佳羊抗兔IgG抗体浓度为0.04 mg/mL。运用该试纸检测只需10~15 min,检测时间短、成本低、结果容易判断,可用于田间快速检测。本研究为樱桃小果病的综合防控提供了有效的监测和检测手段。  相似文献   

甘薯茎腐病的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
甘薯茎腐病是由达旦提狄克氏菌Dickeya dadantii Samson et al.引起的细菌性甘薯病害,属于我国新发生病害,其蔓延迅速、防治困难,严重影响甘薯的品质和产量,已成为我国南方甘薯产区主要病害之一。文章对该病症状、病原菌分类、致病机制、全基因组测序概况和防治措施等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Sweet potato has been grown in Hungary for the last three decades, and its popularity is increasing among farmers and consumers. Its production is hampered by pests and diseases due to poor agricultural practices, such as the use of virus-infected propagation materials. We tested the presence of 15 viruses by PCR and quantitative PCR in 110 sweet potato plants collected from seven regions in Hungary. Seven viruses in single or multiple infections associated with a wide range of foliar symptoms were detected: sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV), sweet potato virus G (SPVG), sweet potato virus C (SPVC), sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV), sweet potato virus 2 (SPV2), sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV), and sweet potato pakakuy virus (SPPV). This is the first report on the occurrence of the begomovirus SPLCV in sweet potatoes in Hungary. The infectivity and identity of these viruses were confirmed through bioassays (grafting to Ipomoea setosa) and sequencing of the PCR-amplified sections of their genomes, respectively. Due to the necessity for virus-free sweet potato propagation material in Hungary, virus elimination was carried out successfully in five out of six genotypes important for Hungarian farmers using heat treatment and meristem tip culture. All five viruses detected in the plants before heat treatment were removed except SPPV, which persists after heat treatment. Production and strict regulation of virus-free sweet potato propagation materials are recommended to avoid exacerbating the virus situation and protect Hungarian farmers from further losses.  相似文献   

A new sweet potato disease was discovered in Ethiopia. The disease mainly affects the stems and petioles of sweet potato and the name sweet potato stem blight is proposed. The pathogen is a species ofAlternaria, for which no definite name has been found so far. Sweet potatoes were most susceptible, tomatoes were slightly susceptible, and muskmelons and chilli peppers were resistant. Thorn apples and onions showed slight to moderate symptoms, butAlternaria was not reisolated from these two species. Although all sweet potato varieties tested were susceptible, there were significant differences in sensitivity.  相似文献   

甘薯地土壤线虫群体分布规律及取样方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在5年连作甘薯地,于甘薯移栽前和移栽后的不同时间,调查甘薯穴中和穴间、株间和行间以及各样点不同土层线虫的群体数量。分析明确了植物寄生线虫和非植物寄生线虫群体的水平分布和垂直分布规律,提出了研究和了解甘薯地土壤线虫发生动态的调查取样方法。  相似文献   

Over 1000 cherry trees, as rootstocks, nursery sweet cherry or ornamental cultivars or orchard trees up to 7 years old, with or without galls, were examined to determine the effect, if any, of crown gall disease on tree growth. No clear, consistent differences between healthy and galled trees were found. Healthy 1-year-old F12/ 1 rootstocks were smaller than their galled counterparts but the reverse was true for 2-year-old sweet cherries and ornamental cultivars. The mean girth of non-galled 6-year-old trees of cv Schrecken was greater than that of galled trees from the same orchard. Detailed records on two sweet cherry cultivars, Napoleon and Roundel, revealed some differences in growth rate in the early years between healthy trees and those with various levels of galling at planting, but these differences were not sustained. Irrespective of gall status at planting no correlation was detected between final gall status and ultimate tree size. The data support the view that there is no consistent effect of crown gall on cherry tree growth and that the adverse appearance of affected nursery material is the main problem with this disease.  相似文献   

8%甲哌鎓可溶性粉剂对甘薯生长发育、产量及品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
田间药效试验表明 ,连续两次 (间隔 15 d)施用 8%甲哌可溶性粉剂 15 0~30 0 mg/ L,甘薯蔓长增长明显减慢 ,且浓度越高 ,增长越慢 ;甘薯产量增加了 12 .2 %~ 16.0 % ,在供试浓度范围内 ,浓度越高 ,增产越明显 ;室内生理实验表明 ,与对照相比用甲哌处理过的甘薯可溶性糖含量、淀粉含量无显著差异 ,说明甲派对甘薯品质无不良影响。  相似文献   

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