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That crop rotation may be a valuable means of reducing pest populations has been shown in field-grown rape. On an isolated area of about 800 ha, preliminary observations showed the beneficial effects in containing Dasyneura brassicae Winn. populations by substituting spring rape by winter rape. It appeared to be more difficult to control Meligethes aeneus F. and Ceuthorrhynchus assimilis Payk. through crop rotation but, with an improved trapping system and surveying of populations, the prospects are encouraging. Possibilities of combining crop rotation with integrated control are also examined. 相似文献
The dissipation of quinalphos on the main and spring crops of cauliflower sprayed at a rate of 250 g a.i./ha was studied. The residues of the insecticide were estimated in the samples taken at various intervals by using gas-liquid chromatography and the TLC-enzyme inhibition technique. Quinalphos residues took about 7 and 4 days to reach a level lower than 0.25 ppm on the curds of the main and spring crops, respectively. The oxygen analog of quinalphos was also detectable, in negligible amounts. About 95% of the insecticide degraded on the cauliflower within 8 days. Repeated applications of the insecticide did not result in any build-up of the residues. 相似文献
通过对作物抗虫性概念、利用历史、应用形式等的论述,表明作物抗虫性作为一种可继续挖掘的害虫治理方式在害虫综合治理中的重要地位及深入研究的必要性。 相似文献
European Journal of Plant Pathology - Beschreven worden de eigenschappen van een virus, behorende tot de groep van “turnip virus 1”, dat in 1949 ernstige schade in stoppelknollen... 相似文献
田间试验结果表明,吡虫啉200g/L可溶性液剂、毒死蜱30%微囊悬浮剂、氟虫腈5%微囊悬浮剂3种种子处理剂对北方春播花生地下害虫均有较好的防治效果,且对花生生长安全,其中吡虫啉200g/L0可溶性液剂表现最佳. 相似文献
神农架属于典型的立体小气候特别明显地区,海拔高、低显数大,境内最高海拔神农顶3 105m,最低海拔下谷乡396m.在长期的生产过程中,农民总结为"高一丈、不一样,阴阳坡差的多",形象说明了区内气候多变,而森林覆盖面积大,植被丰富,虽作物播种面积小,但品种多而全,播种时节、生长周期、收获时期间隔期长,为各种虫害的生长繁衍提供了丰富的食源,为多种病菌越冬越夏提供了有利场所. 相似文献
随着改革开放的不断深入 ,特别是我国进入WTO后 ,农产品的出口不断扩大 ,但出口受阻也不断增加 ,如拒收、退货、索赔、终止合同等现象经常发生 ,其最主要的原因就是农产品的农药残留过高 ,达不到无公害农产品标准。近几年来 ,各新闻媒体报道的陕西苹果问题、浙江茶叶问题、山东蔬菜问题等等 ,都是因为农药残留超标和受阻。发达国家在我国进入WTO后 ,为了保护本国利益 ,设置了很多的技术堡垒 ,最明显的是下降农药残留限量 ,如果我们的农产品不与他们的标准和要求接轨 ,我们具有出口优势的农产品就很难进入国际市场。那么从国内来看 ,北京… 相似文献
襄樊市是一典型的农业大市,位于湖北省西北部,地处南北过渡地带,是全国十大夏粮主产区和20个地市级大型商品粮基地之一,同时也是农作物病虫草鼠害的重发区。常年病虫草鼠害发生面积达到200万hm2以上,因病虫草鼠害造成的损失约20万t,直接影响农业增产、增收和生产安全。1襄樊市农作物病虫害防治工作现状1.1主要农作物病虫草鼠害发生及防治概况秋播作物主要病害:小麦条锈病、白粉病、纹枯病、赤霉病、叶锈病、油菜霜霉病、油菜菌核病等。秋播作物主要虫害:麦蚜、麦蜘蛛、小麦粘虫、油菜蚜虫等。春夏播作物主要病害:水稻纹枯病、稻瘟病、稻曲病… 相似文献
1有害生物发生概况1·1发生面积据统计分析,全年农作物病虫草鼠发生面积33·29万hm2。其中水稻5·1万hm2,小麦1·35万hm2,棉花6·76万hm2,油菜1·87万hm2,蔬菜7·28万hm2,农田杂草6·76万hm2,农田害鼠4·17万hm2。1·2发生种类及程度我们对8种农作物69种有害生物进行系统监测,综合平均发生程度为中等发生,其中水稻、油菜、柑桔、梨树、杂草等农作物有害生物为中等偏重发生,蔬菜、桃树、害鼠为中等发生,棉花、小麦为中等偏轻发生。监测69种有害生物中,主害代大发生的有害生物:水稻有稻纵卷叶螟、第5代稻飞虱,梨树有梨瘿纹,柑桔有粉虱、锈壁虱… 相似文献
The crop of broccoli in tropical regions is of great importance among flowering vegetables; however, the yield of this crop is severely impacted by climatic variations that can cause floods. In Tunja, Colombia, a study was carried out under greenhouse conditions in which the tolerance of broccoli plants to prolonged waterlogging was evaluated. One group of plants were kept under waterlogging conditions until most of them showed severe symptoms of chlorosis while another group was grown under regularly drained and watered soil conditions as a control. Waterlogging caused the death of 20% of the plants, reduced the height of the plants by 42.9%, the thickness of the stem by 42.1%, the foliar area by 87%, the chlorophyll content in the leaves by 96.6%, and the total dry weight per plant by 79.9%. The absolute and relative growth rates decreased by 80 and 24.4%, respectively. Waterlogging also prevented flower production and caused a 23.7% increase in the accumulation of biomass in roots but reduced it by 24.5% in leaves. Likewise, the net assimilation rate fell 72.3% when waterlogged and the values of allometric variables which express growth were altered by this stressor. Consequently, it can be inferred that these plants have a low tolerance to waterlogging; however, the most severe impact caused by waterlogging was the inability of plants to develop flowers. The lack of flowers is devastating due to their economic and commercial importance of broccoli, and they are the primary justification for the cultivation of these plants. 相似文献
Seedlings of six cauliflower cultivars ( Brassica oleracea convar. botrytis var. botrytis ) were assessed for resistance to a Danish isolate of Peronospora parasitica , under controlled conditions. Resistance, characterized by restricted sporulation and necrotic dark flecks at the inoculation site on the cotyledons, was expressed in the hybrids 9306 F1, 9311 F1, and the open pollinated cultivar Perfection. Testing of the parent lines and F2 generations of the two resistant hybrids suggested that resistance was a dominantly inherited trait controlled by a single gene. Inoculation of the cultivars with seven isolates, from different geographical origins, showed that the resistance was isolate specific. The two hybrid cultivars expressing cotyledon resistance and two hybrids expressing susceptibility were assessed for adult plant resistance under field conditions. The AUDPC (Area Under the Disease Progress Curve), based on disease incidence and severity, revealed significant differences between the cultivars. At harvest, the cultivars exhibited significantly different levels of defoliation and curd attack. The cultivars 9306 F1 and 9311 F1 showed high levels of resistance in all assessments, whereas the two cultivars exhibiting susceptibility at the seedling stage, 9304 F1 and 9305 F1, also exhibited susceptibility through the adult plant stage. Thus, the resistance exhibited under field conditions resembled that identified at the seedling stage under controlled conditions. The results suggest that cotyledon resistance similar to that described could provide resistance throughout the adult plant stage, including curds. 相似文献
病虫草害是影响我市主要秋播作物健康生长的重要障碍因素,秋播作物小麦、油菜田间杂草、旱地以茜草科的猪殃殃(俗名锯拉草),石竹科的繁缕、牛繁缕(鹅儿肠),豆科的大巢菜(野豌豆)、小巢菜(麦豆豌),十字花科的碎米荠、荠菜(地菜),玄参科的婆婆纳等阔叶杂草为主;沿河水田以禾本科看麦娘(棒槌草)、早熟禾(冷草)等禾本科杂草为优势种群; 相似文献
为了探讨外源水杨酸(SA)、油菜素内酯(BR)对花椰菜幼苗生长及抗旱性的影响,以花椰菜品种雪峰为材料,采用盆栽法,于幼苗第4片真叶展开时,分别喷施不同浓度SA和BR溶液,并进行干旱胁迫,清水处理为对照.结果表明,一定浓度的SA、BR处理均可提高壮苗指数、地上部干物质含量、根冠比及净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和叶绿素含... 相似文献
荆州是农作物病虫草鼠害的重发区和常发区,病虫草鼠害是严重制约我市农作物优质、高产高效的重要因子之一。据统计,2009年全市农作物病虫草鼠害发生面积338.13万hm2次,因病虫草鼠害造成的损失约16.5万t,直接影响了农业增产、增收和生产安全。正确认识我市农作物病虫草鼠害防治工作现状,提高病虫防灾减灾意识,增强抗御病虫草鼠害的能力,减轻病虫为害损失,确保农业生产安全,是农业可持续发展的重要环节。 相似文献
The oilseed rape cultivar Cresor was resistant to 14 isolates of Peronospora parasitica derived from crops of Brassica napus in the UK. Segregation for resistance to one isolate among F 2 plants and F 3 progeny of crosses between Cresor and the susceptible cultivars Victor and Jet Neuf indicated that resistance was controlled by a single gene. There was evidence that genetic background and environment could influence the phenotypic expression of this resistance. Two sexual progeny isolates derived from a homothallic isolate of P. parasitica avirulent on Cresor were completely virulent on this cultivar. This suggested that the parental isolate was heterozygous at a matching locus or loci for avirulence and demonstrated the race-specific nature of the resistance. 相似文献
结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata)简称甘蓝,是我国重要的蔬菜作物之一.甘蓝根肿病是由芸苔根肿菌(Plamodiophora brassicae Woron.)侵染引起的一种世界性真菌病害.近年来,该病在我国的发病面积急剧增加,造成甘蓝产量和品质大幅度降低,选育抗病品种成为防治根肿病的重要途径之一. 相似文献
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The effects of different cultivation systems on disease incidence and severity in oilseed rape were investigated on two sites in Schleswig-Holstein in the... 相似文献