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Public Health is defined as an interdisciplinary multilevel approach that deals with questions of preventing diseases at the population level. In this context, this paper focuses on vector‐borne diseases as an important threat with an increasing impact on human and animal health. Emphasis is laid on an integrated health approach (‘One‐Health’ initiative) as it recognizes the interrelated nature of both human and animal health. The importance of vector‐borne diseases to new and emerging diseases in Europe was demonstrated, for example, by the recent outbreak of West Nile virus infections in Greece, Northern Italy and Hungary; the spread of Crimean‐Congo haemorrhagic fever virus across Turkey, south‐western countries of the former USSR and the Balkans; the dramatic increase in hantavirus infections in Germany in 2012; and the dengue virus outbreak in Portugal in the same year. This paper provides a systematic approach for the analysis, assessment and governance of emerging health risks attributed to vector‐borne diseases by using a holistic approach developed by the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC), called the ‘IRGC Risk Governance Framework’. It can be used by decision‐makers and general Public Health authorities in order to evaluate the situation regarding any specific pathogen or Public Health risk and to decide if additional measures should be implemented.  相似文献   

Trade in animals and animal products has reached global proportions and so too has the threat of infectious diseases of veterinary importance. The Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines, published by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), contains chapters on infectious diseases that may cause various degrees of socio-economic, public health, and/or zoo-sanitary consequence. These chapters cover the major diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, poultry, lagomorphs and bees. A number of factors are considered when qualifying animals and animal products for international trade including epidemiological, clinical and testing parameters. Of particular note and relevance is a strong international movement to standardize the test methods and reference reagents in order to promote harmonization of testing and facilitation of trade. There is message here that is directed to those of us involved in the development and application of test methods for infectious disease diagnosis. Serological test methods have been and still remain the mainstay of diagnostic methods prescribed for trade. More than ever, there is a need to observe and apply international guidelines for the development and validation of serological test methods. There is also a need to develop international standard reagents for use in the calibration of test methods and the production of national and working standards. In the future, veterinary diagnostic testing laboratories involved in trade may also require a form of international accreditation unique to their specialty. This presentation describes the current developments in international standardization of test methods and reference reagents.  相似文献   

Disease and health management in Asian aquaculture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Asia contributes more than 90% to the world's aquaculture production. Like other farming systems, aquaculture is plagued with disease problems resulting from its intensification and commercialization. This paper describes the various factors, providing specific examples, which have contributed to the current disease problems faced by what is now the fastest growing food-producing sector globally. These include increased globalization of trade and markets; the intensification of fish-farming practices through the movement of broodstock, postlarvae, fry and fingerlings; the introduction of new species for aquaculture development; the expansion of the ornamental fish trade; the enhancement of marine and coastal areas through the stocking of aquatic animals raised in hatcheries; the unanticipated interactions between cultured and wild populations of aquatic animals; poor or lack of effective biosecurity measures; slow awareness on emerging diseases; the misunderstanding and misuse of specific pathogen free (SPF) stocks; climate change; other human-mediated movements of aquaculture commodities. Data on the socio-economic impacts of aquatic animal diseases are also presented, including estimates of losses in production, direct and indirect income and employment, market access or share of investment, and consumer confidence; food availability; industry failures. Examples of costs of investment in aquatic animal health-related activities, including national strategies, research, surveillance, control and other health management programmes are also provided. Finally, the strategies currently being implemented in the Asian region to deal with transboundary diseases affecting the aquaculture sector are highlighted. These include compliance with international codes, and development and implementation of regional guidelines and national aquatic animal health strategies; new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and new information technology; new biosecurity measures including risk analysis, epidemiology, surveillance, reporting and planning for emergency response to epizootics; targeted research; institutional strengthening and manpower development (education, training and extension research and diagnostic services).  相似文献   

Many developing countries face significant health burdens associated with a high incidence of endemic zoonoses and difficulties in integrated control measures for both the human and animal populations. The objective of this study was to develop and apply a multicriteria ranking model for zoonoses in Mongolia, a country highly affected by zoonotic disease, to inform optimal resource allocation at the national level. Diseases were evaluated based on their impact on human health, livestock sector health and the wider society through affects on the economic value of livestock, as well as the feasibility of control in both the human and livestock population. Data on disease in Mongolia were collected from various government departments including the Mongolian State Central Laboratory, the Mongolian Department of Veterinary and Animal Breeding, the Mongolian Ministry of Health, Mongolian National Center for Communicable Diseases, the National Center for Zoonotic Disease and expert opinion from a workshop with a number of Mongolian Government officials and researchers. A combined score for both impact of the disease and feasibility of its control was calculated. Five zoonotic diseases were determined to be of high priority from this assessment (i.e. ovine brucellosis, echinococcosis (hydatids), rabies, anthrax and bovine brucellosis). The results supported some of the findings for high‐priority diseases (namely brucellosis, rabies and anthrax) from a previous priority setting exercise carried out in Mongolia in 2011, but also identified and ranked additional animal diseases of public health importance. While the process of model development was largely Mongolian specific, the experience of developing and parameterizing this multicriteria ranking model could be replicated by other countries where zoonoses have substantive impacts on both animal and human health.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the status of infectious diseases that are serious for animal health and have adverse economic effects in Mongolia. Data presented here are limited due to the lack of published or other easily available documents. Foot-and-mouth disease continues to cause substantial economic losses as exemplified by the outbreak of infection with serotype O PanAsia lineage virus. In the case of the 2001 outbreak, a 65% reduction in export revenues was recorded. In order to ascertain the free status of Mongolia from rinderpest, sero-epidemiological surveillance has been carried out since 2001. In 2004, Mongolia was certified free from rinderpest by Office International des Epizooties (OIE). A sharp rise in both animal and human brucellosis incidence has become a serious problem. Rabies and anthrax remain endemic with occasional human cases. Other prevailing infectious diseases are contagious pustular dermatitis, contagious agalactia, enterotoxemia and pasteurellosis. The current programs for the control of infectious diseases in livestock in Mongolia lack a definite policy that would enable rapid implementation. A large-scale surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and management of appropriate preventive measures are urgently required in Mongolia.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of infectious animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, Newcastle disease and avian influenza may have a devastating impact, not only on the livestock sector and the rural community in the directly affected areas, but also beyond agriculture and nation wide. The risk of introducing disease pathogens into a country and the spread of the agent within a country depends on a number of factors including import controls, movement of animals and animal products and the biosecurity applied by livestock producers. An adequate contingency plan is an important instrument in the preparation for and the handling of an epidemic. The legislation of the European Union requires that all Member States draw up a contingency plan which specifies the national measures required to maintain a high level of awareness and preparedness and is to be implemented in the event of disease outbreak. This paper describes the main elements to be included in the contingency plans submitted by Member States to the European Commission for approval.  相似文献   

Timely reporting of animal diseases is fundamental to the detection of emerging threats, rapid and effective outbreak response, and ultimately the health of both animals and humans. In the United States, each state has the authority to regulate reporting of diseases. While past research has reviewed reportable human diseases, the research on reportable animal diseases has assessed only veterinarian knowledge and understanding of law rather than identifying the actual statutes and regulation that exists. Therefore, this article reviewed the statutes, regulations, and online reportable animal disease lists from the 50 states and District of Columbia to describe the legal landscape of animal disease reporting. The findings suggest wide variation in state animal disease reporting requirements. Three hundred and forty distinct diseases, agents, and categories were identified, with only 15 diseases being listed by 40 or more states. States typically require reporting of animal diseases within 48 h. Substantial consideration needs to be given to the implications of these variations for rapid and effective animal and zoonotic disease detection and reporting in the United States, particularly in light of One Health initiatives and international obligations.  相似文献   

常见畜禽疫病已达到成数千种,且很多病毒有变异、多发的态势,增加疫病防控难度。需要针对畜禽疫病发生现状,采取有针对性的控制措施,最大程度上降低畜禽疫病发生率。该文结合凤阳县畜禽疫病发生现状,并提出相应的疫病控制对策,旨在降低畜禽疫病发生率。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The domestic animals/wildlife interface is becoming a global issue of growing interest. However, despite studies on wildlife diseases being in expansion, the epidemiological role of wild animals in the transmission of infectious diseases remains unclear most of the time. Multiple diseases affecting livestock have already been identified in wildlife, especially in wild ungulates. The first objective of this paper was to establish a list of infections already reported in European wild ungulates. For each disease/infection, three additional materials develop examples already published, specifying the epidemiological role of the species as assigned by the authors. Furthermore, risk factors associated with interactions between wild and domestic animals and regarding emerging infectious diseases are summarized. Finally, the wildlife surveillance measures implemented in different European countries are presented. New research areas are proposed in order to provide efficient tools to prevent the transmission of diseases between wild ungulates and livestock.  相似文献   

The risk of zoonotic disease transmission when handling livestock or animal products is substantial. In industrialized countries, the classical zoonotic diseases such as tuberculosis or brucellosis are no longer in the foreground. Latent zoonoses such as salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis can cause serious disease in humans and have become a major public health problem during the past years. Since animals infected with these pathogens show only mild transient disease or no clinical signs at all, new concepts in the entire production line ("stable to table") are necessary in order to avoid human infection. Two emerging viruses with zoonotic potential--avian influenza virus and Nipah virus--have been found in Asia in 1997 and 1999. Both diseases had a major impact on disease control and public health in the countries of origin. In order to cope threats from infectious diseases, in particular those of public health relevance, a combined effort among all institutions involved will be necessary. The proposed "European Center for Infectious Diseases" and the "Swiss center for zoonotic diseases" could be a potential approach in order to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Canine vaccination--providing broader benefits for disease control   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the broader benefits of canine vaccination to human and animal health and welfare with an emphasis on the impacts of mass dog vaccination against rabies in countries of the less-developed world. Domestic dogs are the source of infection for the vast majority (>95%) of cases of human rabies worldwide, and dogs remain the principal reservoir throughout Africa and Asia. Canine vaccination against rabies has been shown to dramatically reduce the number of cases in dogs, the incidence of human animal-bite injuries (and hence the demand for costly post-exposure prophylaxis) and the likely number of human cases, primarily in children. Further benefits include the mitigation of the psychological consequences of rabies in a community, improved attitudes towards animals and animal welfare and reduced livestock losses from canine rabies. Mass vaccination has recently been used in the conservation management of wild carnivore populations threatened by transmission of rabies and canine distemper virus from domestic dog populations. Vaccination of wildlife hosts directly may also provide an option for mitigating infectious disease threats. The development of integrated control measures involving public health, veterinary, wildlife conservation and animal welfare agencies is needed to ensure that control of canine diseases becomes a reality in Africa and Asia. The tools and delivery systems are all available--all that is needed is the political will to free the world from the ongoing tragedy of these diseases.  相似文献   

The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, founded in 1910 by Friedrich Loeffler, the discoverer of the first animal virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, is the oldest virological research facility in the world. Beyond viruses, its area of competence has significantly expanded since its foundation and now also covers bacterial, parasitic and prion diseases of livestock, poultry and aquatic animals. Presently located at four sites within Germany (Insel Riems, Jena,Tübingen,Wusterhausen) the tasks of the institute as delineated in the Animal Disease Act encompass research on infectious animal diseases including zoonoses, import/export examinations, epidemiological studies in case of outbreaks of notifiable animal diseases, acting as reference laboratory for notifiable animal diseases and nationwide quality management of diagnosis of notifiable animal diseases. It is obliged to publish and maintain up-to-date diagnostic regimes for notifiable animal diseases, and it publishes a yearly report on animal health in Germany. With the increasing importance of infectious diseases of animals, in particular those potentially harmful to man (zoonoses), the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut will be moving into new facilities including laboratories and animal facilities up to the highest biosafety level at its main site Insel Riems on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.  相似文献   

施马伦贝格病是2011年11月首次在德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州的反刍动物中发现的,由布尼亚病毒科正布尼亚病毒属的新成员--施马伦贝格病毒引起的一种新发动物传染病,主要危害绵羊、牛、山羊和野牛。作者对新近发现的施马伦贝格病的发生历史、流行情况、临床症状、病原学、流行病学、病理变化、诊断方法等作一综述。在欧洲施马伦贝格病疫情蔓延迅速,严重危害反刍动物健康,威胁畜牧业生产安全,已经引起欧盟和世界动物卫生组织的高度关注。中国是农业和畜牧业的生产与贸易大国,且中欧农产品贸易往来频繁,应保持高度警惕性,适时采取必要的限制措施,严防这种新发动物传染病传入。  相似文献   

从2007年起青海省海北州继续以农牧业增效、农牧民增收为目标,认真组织实施各项畜牧业生产措施,使全州畜牧业生产保持了又好又快的发展。为了进一步推进海北州畜牧业的健康、可持续发展,建议该地区继续推进国家级和省级产业园、科技示范园创建工作,推动藏羊、牦牛、饲草产业化进程;突出抓好藏羊、牦牛、饲草等特色产业,做大做强“名优特”新品牌;深化大数据在畜牧业生产、经营、管理和服务等方面的创新应用;加强与科研院校产学研合作,重点做好“草、畜、种”等领域科技成果转化及推广工作:抓好疫病防控和产品质量安全。  相似文献   

Despite the extraordinary success in the development of anthelmintics in the latter part of the last century, helminth parasites of domestic ruminants continue to pose the greatest infectious disease problem in grazing livestock systems worldwide. Newly emerged threats to continuing successful livestock production, particularly with small ruminants, are the failure of this chemotherapeutic arsenal due to the widespread development of anthelmintic resistance at a time when the likelihood of new products becoming commercially available seems more remote. Changing public attitudes with regards to animal welfare, food preferences and safety will also significantly impact on the ways in which livestock are managed and their parasites are controlled. Superimposed on this are changes in livestock demographics internationally, in response to evolving trade policies and demands for livestock products. In addition, is the apparently ever-diminishing numbers of veterinary parasitology researchers in both the public and private sectors. Industries, whether being the livestock industries, the public research industries, or the pharmaceutical industries that provide animal health products, must adapt to these changes. In the context of helminth control in ruminant livestock, the mind-set of 'suppression' needs to be replaced by 'management' of parasites to maintain long-term profitable livestock production. Existing effective chemical groups need to be carefully husbanded and non-chemotherapeutic methods of parasite control need to be further researched and adopted, if and when, they become commercially available. This will require veterinary parasitology researchers from both the public and private sectors to work in close co-operation to ensure 'sustainability' - not only of the livestock industries that they service - but also for their very own activities and enterprises.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in horses, along with economic costs and broader impacts associated with the loss of members of a species that generates income, acts as a working animal and is a companion. Endemic diseases continue to challenge, emerging diseases are an ever‐present threat and outbreaks can be both destructive and disruptive. While infectious diseases can never be completely prevented, measures can be introduced to restrict the entry of pathogens into a population or limit the implications of the presence of a pathogen. Objective research regarding infection control and biosecurity in horses is limited, yet a variety of practical infection prevention and control measures can be used. Unfortunately, infection control can be challenging, because of the nature of the equine industry (e.g. frequent horse movement) and endemic pathogens, but also because of lack of understanding or motivation to try to improve practices. Recognition of the basic concepts of infection control and biosecurity, and indeed the need for measures to control infectious diseases, is the foundation for successful infection prevention and control.  相似文献   

The contributions of John Vercoe as a scientist and research leader to animal production research and extension for the beef industry in tropical Australia are briefly reviewed. John Vercoe was honoured in many ways for these outstanding contributions, for his executive roles on national and international research organisations and especially for his contributions to international efforts aimed at reducing world poverty by exploiting the opportunities available from improved livestock production in developing countries.  相似文献   

在养殖业生产过程中,动物疾病防控是非常重要的工作,防控工作做得成功与否,事关养殖业成效,直接影响养殖户经济收入,做好动物疾病防控就显得尤为重要了,本人认为要做好动物疾病防控工作,就从平时日常管理做起,建立一整套完善的饲养管理制度,为畜禽提供优异的圈舍环境和优质的饲草料,做好防寒防暑措施,落实动物疫病防控措施,增强动物个体抗病能力,就会有效地降低动物疾病的发生,尤其是传染病发生都可以避免;即使发生传染病,也能及时得到有效控制。在大规模养殖过程中,我们要把重点放在做好饲养管理,确保各项生理指标健康,增加个体抗病能力,从而增强群体抗病能力,而不是忙于治疗个别病畜,否则会因小失大,会使动物疾病防控工作完全陷入被动局面。为此不难看出,动物饲养管理和疾病防控工作有着密切关系,本人通过调查研究、查阅资料,对动物饲养管理与疾病防控的关系进行探讨。  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis causes severe economic losses in livestock production, particularly on the Northern American continent and more recently also in continental Europe. The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether the recently emerging outbreaks were due to a particular clone or strain of M. bovis or whether these outbreaks are due to multiple infectious strains of M. bovis. The study is based on the analysis M. bovis isolated from cattle of herds with outbreaks of mycoplasmal mastitis or pneumonia from geographically non related parts of Switzerland. M. bovis isolates were typed by insertion sequence (IS) element analysis based upon ISMbov1 and ISMbov2 southern-blot hybridization. We observed a strong divergence of M. bovis strains among affected herds which mostly were herd specific. This argues against the assumption that a recent infiltration of a particular clone of M. bovis is the cause of the perilous emerging outbreaks. The study suggests that transmission occurs from animal to animal most probably via milk.  相似文献   

Institutional possibilities for improving co-operation in European animal production science is reviewed in this paper with emphasis on the situation in Western Europe. The paper is based on an address presented at the 25th annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production in Copenhagen, August 1974. Activities of international organisations such as FAO, O.E.C.D. and E.E.C. in the field of agricultural research co-operation are mentioned as well as experience from formal co-operation between Scandinavian countries. It is argued that personal contact between research workers is of great importance, if the establishment of joint research programmes across national borders shall be a success. As suitable areas for international research co-operation, the new research areas with an urgent need for establishing a professional identity are mentioned. The importance of speeding up development of standards and methods so that weights and measures can be undertaken uniformly and meaningfully is underlined. It is suggested that the E.A.A.P. journal “Livestock Production Science” is likely to promote international research co-operation if the journal will undertake the function of providing information about possibilities of co-operation within animal production science in Europe.  相似文献   

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