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  1. Shrinkage was measured on sections of the woods of Artocarpusintegra, Canarium zeylanicum, and Acer pseudoplatanus.
  2. Shrinkagestresses between rays and fibres were demonstratedby dryingradial strips of tissue containing rays on one sideand fibreson the other.
  3. Strains developed by these stresses were removedby dissectionof the rays and fibres, which decreased the radialshrinkageof the rays and increased that of the fibres.
  4. Thedifference between the radial and tangential shrinkage ofthefibres was reduced, but not removed by separation from therays,and this inherent anisotropic shrinkage of the fibresmust constitutean important cause of the differential shrinkageof wood.

FRY  G.; CHALK  L. 《Forestry》1957,30(1):29-45
  1. The specific gravity was determined for the individual ringsof twenty-three 13-year-old stems of Pinus patula grown in Kenyaand also separately on the early and late wood of six rings.
  2. Significant correlations were found between specific gravityand both ring width and age ofthe ring from the pith. The effectof ring width was slight with more than six rings to the inch.
  3. A comparison with Turnbull's data from South African treesofthe same species confirmed his results only in the firstninerings from the pith.
  4. The mean specific gravity of theearly wood in five rings was0.368 compared with 0.469 forthelate wood. This high valuefor the early wood and the smalldifference between early andlate wood was due to the thicknessof the walls in the early-woodtracheids. Similar thickwalledearly-wood tracheids were observedin Kenya species of Juniperusand Podocarpus.

RENDLE  B. J.; PHILLIPS  E. W. J. 《Forestry》1958,31(2):113-120
The relation between rate of growth and density has been examinedin fairly wide-ringed Douglas fir (Pseudotsugo taxifolia) andCorsican pine (Pinus nigra var. calabrica) grown in the southof England. A comparison between wood formed early in the lifeof the tree and wood of similar ring width formed later hasshown that the latter is invariably denser, indicating thatthe higher density of older wood is due to an age effect ratherthan to diminishing ring width. It is concluded that after acertain age rapid growth can produce wood of reasonably highdensity. This confirms that Turnbull's findings on widely spacedexotic softwoods grown in South Africa apply, with reservations,to trees grown in this country under conditions where rapidgrowth can be maintained.  相似文献   

LEYTON  L.; WEATHERELL  J. 《Forestry》1959,32(1):7-13
The growth of semi-checked Sitka spruce (Picea sitcbensis Carr.)on heathland has been stimulated to different degrees by theannual application of litter of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.), Corsican pine (P. nigra var. calabrica Schneid), Lodgepolepine (P. contorta Dougl.), Japanese larch (Larix leptolepisGord.), and Sitka spruce, at rates corresponding to normal plantationconditions, following an initial heavier rate. Foliar analysissuggests that the response is at least partially attributableto the influence of the litters on the nitrogen nutrition ofthe spruce and differences between litters appear to be largelydetermined by their total nitrogen contents. In this respect,Japanese larch, with an annual needle fall generally greaterthan that of the pines and a higher nitrogen content, offersthe best promise as a nurse species for spruce.  相似文献   

LEVISOHN  IDA 《Forestry》1956,29(1):53-59
Observations by the late Dr. M. C. Rayner on a field experimentand the results of subsequent pot-culture experiments demonstratethat the soil activity of mycorrhizal fungi can improve thedevelopment of forest tree seedlings (Picea, Pinus, Betula)before actual mycorrhizal infection takes place. Further experimentsshow that ectotrophic mycelia are capable of stimulating endotrophictree species (Fraxinus excelsior, Cbam?cyparis lawsoniana, Robiniapseudacacia), i.e. that these ectotrophic mycorrhiza-formersbring about growth stimulation of the plant although no infectionis formed at a later stage. It is suggested provisionally thatat least some ectotrophic mycelia, Boletus scaber and Rbizopogonluteolus, may influence seedling growth by attacking soil organicmatter and liberating ‘nutrients’ from which thehigher plant benefits.  相似文献   

DAY  W. R. 《Forestry》1958,31(1):63-86
The paper presents fully evidence to support the following conclusions.
  1. The living bark of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) maybe expected to be infected with a microflora which containsboth fungi and bacteria and which may sometimes include Dasyscyphawillkommii (Hart.) Rehm.
  2. The necrotic areas which constitutecankers can be found tocontain a similar flora including Cytosporaabietis Sacc., C.curreyi Sacc., and Coniotbyrium fuckelii Sacc.This flora mayinclude D. wilkommii but it is not necessarilythe most abundantnor is its presence necessary for the developmentof larch canker.
  3. Inoculation experiments at Mynydd Ddu, wherecanker and die-backof branches is severe, with the above speciesof fungus, showthat inoculations stimulate extensions of deadbark. Under differentsite conditions and in a canker-free plantationat Southmoor,similar inoculations only produced extensionsgreater than thoseobserved in control treatments, where thetrees inoculated hadbeen partially girdled.
  4. A mass of myceliumof the usual species inhabiting living larchbark may, undersuitable conditions, have an influence whichfavours cankerextension but some special stimulus, of whichthe conditionof the tree may be an important factor, is neededto enablethem to influence the living bark of the host adversely.Muchmore careful study is needed before conditions which accompanycanker development are accurately known.

VAN DER KAMP  B. J. 《Forestry》1969,42(2):185-201
The stages in the formation of Peridermium pini lesions aredescribed. The hyphae of the parasite were septate, uninucleate,and intercellular, with unbranched haustoria penetrating allphloem cells and xylem parenchyma cells. Lesion extension occurredby apical growth of the hyphae along the outer edge of the functionalphloem. The hyphae stretched unbroken across the active cambium.Active centripetal and longitudinal growth of the mycelium occurredin the resin ducts of the xylem, the hyphae commonly reachingthe pith. Spermogonia were produced in late summer and fall,aecia appeared in spring. In lesion xylem, tracheids were shorter,rays taller, more numerous and wider, but ray cell height remainedunchanged. Fusiform rays increased in number and size and verticalresin ducts increased in number. Changes in xylem tissues didnot become evident until two to four years after invasion ofthe cambium by the mycelium. Invasion of the secondary phloemresulted in an increase in number and size of the longitudinalphloem parenchmya cells, while changes in phloem rays were similarto those in xylem rays.  相似文献   

WEATHERELL  J. 《Forestry》1953,26(1):37-40
Experiments on podzolized heather moor at Allerston Forest haveshown that a heather mulch applied around checked Sitka spruce(Picea sitcbensis Carr.), Norway spruce (P. abies Karst.), andLawson cypress (Cbamaecyparis lawsoniana Parl.), or more simplythe elimination of living heather by surface hoeing, producesimproved colour and vigour of the trees. It has also been demonstratedthat the addition of a nitrogenous fertilizer to checked Sitkaspruce can, at least temporarily, alleviate the condition ofcheck.  相似文献   

CHALK  L.; BIGG  J. M. 《Forestry》1956,29(1):5-21
  1. Equilibrium in the moisture content of the stem appears to bereached at a given percentage of saturation rather than at apercentage based on the dry weight, and this method of expressingmoisture content eliminates many of the fluctuations apparentwith the latter.
  2. Summer moisture content in Sitka spruce (Piceasitcbensis, Carr.)was highest on the site with the highestrainfall and lowestwith the lowest rainfall. It decreased inlate summer, suddenlyin Sitka spruce (in August) and graduallyin Douglas fir (Pseudotsugataxifolia Brit.).
  3. There was asharp moisture gradient from cambium to heartwood,the saturatedzone being very narrow except on the wet Sitkaspruce site.In the Douglas fir it appeared that water couldbe withdrawnfrom the layers just behind the transpiration streamfasterthan it could be replaced, leaving this zone drier thanthesurrounding layers.
  4. Lateral root pruning in Douglas fir ledto the drying out ofa narrow strip of tissue in the stem.

HUMMEL  F.C. 《Forestry》1952,25(1):19-31
Several subjective and objective methods of sampling the averagevolume per tree in first and second thinnings were tested instands of Sitka spruce (Picea sitcbensis Carr.), Norway spruce(Picea abies Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Corsicanpine (Pinus nigra var. calabrica Schneid.), Douglas fir (Pseudotsugataxifolia Brit.), and European larch (Larix decidua Mill.).Altogether 7,000 thinnings were measured at Fernworthy in Devon,Thetford Chase in Norfolk, Forest of Ae in Dumfriesshire, andKinellar in Aberdeenshire. The subjective methods, consistingof visual estimates and the measurement of groups of trees selectedas appearing representative, tended to give biased results nomore precise than those obtained by the objective methods whichare unbiased. The objective methods tested were random groups,systematic sampling by trees, and systematic sampling by rows.The systematic sampling by rows was the most satisfactory incombining a reasonable degree of precision with simplicity inexecution.  相似文献   

JOHNSTON  D. R. 《Forestry》1956,29(2):154-168
The paper describes the methods used in the field and in theoffice to determine the standing volumes and increments of 100-and 130-year old oak in the Forest of Bere, Hampshire, duringworking-plan revision. The figures obtained show that the standingvolumes and increments of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebe)are considerably higher than those of pedunculate oak {Q. roburL.) on the three sites investigated, namely, clays, sands, andgravels, while for both species sands appear to be the mostfavourable and gravels the least favourable soil types. Therewas little difference in the mean values for increment and standingvolume between the 100- and the 130-year old pedunculate oak.  相似文献   

杨树溃疡病经常在幼树干部形成大溃疡斑,造成枝枯和死树。以胸径下病斑面积与树周面积的比值计算的发病程度(X5)与胸径年生长量(Y2)之间呈显著相关。通过回归建立了三个品种不同病情下的生长量模型:美×559:Y2=0.15406+118.52194/(102.9113+X^25)加杨:Y2=-0.4136+278.32113/(133.0115+X^25)小×黑:Y2=-0.08487+110.16972/(131.4548+X^25)三个估算模型经数学检验合理;坐标曲线符合植物病理学原理,可作为该病病情分级和生长量损失估算的参考。  相似文献   

DIMBLEBY  G. W. 《Forestry》1953,26(1):41-52
Both pine (Pinus sylvestris L.).and birch (Betula pubescensEhrh.) usually invade after a fire, the invasion reaching greatestforce after 3 to 5 years, then falling off rapidly probablywith the return of the heather (Calluna). Pine seedlings onlygrow vigorously if their tap-roots reach the pan, when secondaryroots are developed extensively. In birch the tap-root is notwell developed, but secondary roots spread vigorously sendingdown sinkers to penetrate the pan. Regeneration of birch ishelped by rotten stumps and roots which its mycorrhizal rootsexplore. The root forms are compared and contrasted and thefindings compared with the work of Laitakari and Erteld.  相似文献   

JONES  EUSTACE W. 《Forestry》1958,31(2):163-166
Acorns of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) will not tolerate prolongedsubmergence, but those of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) survivevery well in regularly changed distilled water or tap-water.Survival is considerably worse in basic river water; the differencefrom tap-water is likely to be due either to the greater activityof organisms promoting decay, or to the prevalence of loweroxygen-tensions in river water. Storage in water under suitablycontrolled conditions might be a useful practical procedurewith pedunculate acorns.  相似文献   

EDLIN  H. L. 《Forestry》1965,38(1):91-112
A theoretical discussion of variation in summerwood and springwoodcontents among conifers. Three methods of measuring these, bycross-sectional area of logs, by dryweight fibre percentage,and by nominal specific gravity, are compared. High-summerwood tissues have a nominal specific gravity of 0?45or over; low-summerwood tissues have a specific gravity below0?45. All conifers have a low summerwood content in their juvenilewood or core wood formed towards their stem-tips. In Pinus,Larix, and Pseudotsuga the summerwood percentage increases markedlywith age, but only in the outer layers towards the butt; inPicea, Abies, and Tsuga similar increases occur, but high-summerwoodtissues are seldom found. Within any species, and for any particulargrowth rate, low-summerwood tissues are characteristic of regionsof high relative humidity where summer water deficits rarelyoccur, such as high altitudes, far northern latitudes, and themaritime climate of western Britain. High-summerwood tissuesdevelop where summer temperatures are high, with associatedstrong sunshine, low relative humidity, and frequent summerwater deficits. High-summerwood tissues have greater strength in compressionand bending, relative to volume; but low-summerwood tissueshave greater strength relative to their weight. Low-summerwoodmaterial has proved satisfactory for most structural purposes,and for the manufacture of several kinds of artificial board.Its technical properties for the making of many types of paperare excellent, provided high resistance to tearing is not required.Likely summerwood content should guide planting programmes andmarketing policies.  相似文献   

LEYTON  L. 《Forestry》1955,28(2):147-151
The application of a heather mulch in a heathland plantationof Lawson cypress (Cbam?cyparis lawsoniana Parl.) has over aperiod of 8 years more than doubled the height of the treescompared with untreated controls. Analysis of the current foliageof trees from mulched and control plots reveals considerablyhigher concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the former,indicating an increase in the availability of these nutrientsto the trees presumably from decomposition of the mulching materialand the suppression of the competing heather vegetation. Muchof the beneficial influence of the mulch must however be attributedprimarily to better moisture conditions, particularly duringdry periods when the superficial roots of the trees are otherwiseliable to desiccation.  相似文献   

RICHENS  R. H. 《Forestry》1967,40(2):185-206
This biometrical study is based on a collection of nearly 500leaf samples from every ancient parish in the county. Most ofthe elms could be assigned to one of nineteen groups, 9 of U.carpinifolia, 1 of U. glabra, 2 of U. procera, 3 of putativeF1 U. carpinifolia x U. glabra, 3 of U. carpinifolia with suspectedintrogression from U. glabra, and 1 of U. carpinifolia x U.procera. U. glabra is indigenous. Most of the U. carpinifolia appearto have spread out from six centres of origin, mostly near thecoast. These elms are very similar to forms now occurring innorth-west France, and it is thought probable that they wereintroduced from there, possibly by the settlers responsiblefor the Red Hills salt workings shortly before the Roman occupation.One group of U. carpinifolia came from Cambridgeshire via theEssex branch of the river Cam. Of the two main populations ofU. procera, that characteristic of south-east Essex is believedto have come from northern Kent, probably from the Hoo peninsula,while the group found in south-west Essex is probably a laterintroduction from further west. Hybridization between introduced U. carpinifolia and nativeU. glabra has occurred on a very large scale and putative F1hybrids extend in a broad band across the county from the Hertfordshireborder to Suffolk. This hybridization most likely occurred duringthe clearing of the heavily forested part of northern Essexin pre-Conquest times. Subsequently, back crossing occurredbetween these hybrids and U. carpinifolia. Occasional hybridizationalso seems to have occurred between U. procera and the othertwo species. An outline of the probable history of the elm in eastern Englandas a whole concludes the paper.  相似文献   

MATTHEWS  J. D. 《Forestry》1955,28(2):107-116
Records are collected of beech masts (Fagus sylvatica L.) forthe period 1921–50 and these records are compared in atable with the temperature, rainfall, and sunshine figures ofthe 5 months, May to September, of the preceding summer. Itis shown that there are significant correlations between thesize of mast and (i) July air temperature and (ii) July sunshine.Other factors affecting mast are considered and in particularthe damaging effect of spring frosts to the flowers of beech.  相似文献   

RUTTER  A. J. 《Forestry》1955,28(2):125-135
The paper, which is in two parts, examines shortly a numberof measurements and dry weights of young crops of Pinus silvestrisL. and Picea sitchensis Bong. (Carr.) and concludes that, atany time before the canopy is closed, dry weight is more closelyrelated to basal diameter than to height.  相似文献   

WARD  E.; DEANS  J. D. 《Forestry》1993,66(2):171-180
This paper describes a simple method for the quantificationof total non-structural carbohydrates in coniferous tissues.The method is based on a water extraction procedure and thequantification procedure utilizes p-hydroxybenzoic acid hydrazide,(p-HBAH). Results are compared with those from samples of knowncarbohydrate content and with an alternative established butlengthier procedure. There was good agreement in all comparativetests and the method is now routinely used for carbohydrateanalysis within the UK Forestry Commission.  相似文献   

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