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Alterations in serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in ponies with experimentally induced liver disease were investigated. Hepatocellular damage was induced, using a nonlethal dose of carbon tetrachloride. In a separate group of ponies, obstructive jaundice was induced by surgical ligation of the common bile duct. Over a 6-day period, blood samples were obtained from ponies after treatment with carbon tetrachloride and for 12 days in ponies subjected to surgery. Serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations were unaffected in both groups of ponies, except for significantly (P less than 0.01) high triglyceride concentration in ponies of the ligated group during the second postsurgical week. This increase was most likely attributable to anorexia observed during that period. Hyperbilirubinemia was observed early in ponies of the ligated group; most of the bilirubin was of the conjugated type. Using electrophoretic and ultracentrifugal methods, serum lipoprotein alterations were detected only in ponies of the ligated group. Increases of very low-density and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations and decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration were found. Although no changes were seen in total serum cholesterol concentration, a redistribution of lipoprotein cholesterol was observed in ponies of the ligated group. Similar alterations in lipoprotein distribution have been found in dogs, rats, and human beings with obstructive jaundice and cholestasis. The association between serum lecithin:cholesterol acyl transferase activities and these lipoprotein alterations remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

A significant decline (P = 0.047) in serum antiprotease concentration was detected in dogs with experimentally induced acute pancreatitis. Decreased serum antiprotease concentrations, similar in magnitude to those documented in the experimental dogs, were present in dogs with spontaneous, acute pancreatitis. These findings suggest that significant amounts of proteolytic enzymes escape into the systemic circulation during acute pancreatitis in dogs. These circulating enzymes may be involved in the extrapancreatic complications of acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Serum concentrations of immunoreactive pancreatic polypeptide (IPP) were measured serially for 7 days after experimental induction of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis in dogs by infusion of oleic acid into the pancreatic duct. The mean serum IPP concentrations in dogs with pancreatitis were increased significantly (P = 0.013) for 96 hours after induction of pancreatitis. Providing food at 108 hours resulted in significant increases (P = 0.032) in mean serum IPP concentrations in sham-operated control dogs compared with dogs with induced pancreatitis. This was attributed to cephalic-phase release of IPP due to a conditioned response that resulted from feeding immediately after each blood sampling. Mean serum IPP concentrations returned to base line more quickly than did mean serum amylase concentrations in dogs with pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Acute pancreatitis was induced in 6 cats by infusion of oleic acid into the pancreatic duct. Clinical changes included fever, tachycardia, and variable degrees of abdominal pain; vomiting occurred rarely, and diarrhea was not noted. Serum lipase activities were significantly increased through the 4th day after the surgical operation, although amylase activities were significantly decreased during most of the acute phase. Serum calcium and phosphate concentrations were decreased significantly on the 4th day after surgical operation. Hematologic alterations included normocytic, normochromic, responsive anemias, but changes in WBC values were not statistically significant. Evidence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after induction of acute pancreatitis was not demonstrated in any cats during the study. The results of this study indicate that increases in serum lipase activity are the most consistent and earliest indicators of acute pancreatitis in cats, but that more sensitive methods of laboratory evaluation should be sought.  相似文献   

Serum and urinary biochemical changes were recorded in 5 ponies in which acute tubular nephrosis had been induced over 5 days with mercuric chloride and potassium dichromate. Serum osmolality, the serum concentrations of urea nitrogen, creatinine, sodium, potassium and chloride, and blood pH and blood gases were measured daily for 14 days or until humane euthanasia was performed. Levels of the same substances were quantitated daily in urine. In addition, routine urinalyses and determination of urinary gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity were performed on each sample. Changes in the values of the urinary variables preceded alterations in the serum value of the same substance by at least one day. The first notable abnormality detected was in urinary GGT activities. These changes occurred up to 6 days before the detection of azotemia. It was concluded that acute equine renal injury could be diagnosed earliest with biochemical testing of urine. Measurement of urinary GGT levels represents a means by which proximal tubular disease in equidae could be diagnosed in its developmental stages.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10, specific pathogen free lambs were injected with a long acting oxytetracycline preparation at a dose rate of 20 mg/kg either 24 hours before or 24 hours after exposure to an aerosol of Pasteurella haemolytica. When compared with the response of similarly infected but untreated lambs, the effect of pretreatment was to postpone the appearance of clinical signs of pneumonia for four days and the deaths of five lambs for five to six days post infection, by which time seven untreated lambs had died. Treatment 24 hours after infection caused a rapid clinical recovery which persisted until six days after infection but two treated lambs died seven days after infection. Lung lesions in the group treated after infection were significantly less extensive than those in the untreated lambs.  相似文献   

Agarose-gel electrophoresis was used to study isoamylases in tissues and sera of healthy dogs and the sera of dogs with experimentally induced acute pancreatitis. Three or 4 isoamylases were found in the serum of healthy dogs; they were numbered 1 to 4 with respect to their degree of anodal migration. Peak 4 isoamylase, the slowest migrating (most cathodal), was the major isoamylase fraction in sera and tissues of healthy dogs. Peak 3 was identified as a pancreas-specific isoamylase. Absolute total serum amylase and total isoamylase concentrations increased significantly in dogs with pancreatitis compared with values for control dogs (sham-operated). The relative increase in peak 3 isoamylase was greater than that seen with total amylase or the other isoamylases. The decrease in total serum amylase and isoamylase concentrations paralleled each other; however, peak 3 remained proportionally high longer than did total amylase and the other isoamylase fractions. These findings indicate that measurement of peak 3 isoamylase concentrations may be of diagnostic value in dogs with suspected pancreatitis with normoamylasemia and in dogs with extrapancreatic hyperamylasemia.  相似文献   

Vitamin E deficiency myopathy (white muscle disease) was induced in 14 suckling lambs (2 experiments; 7 lambs/experiment) by addition of cod liver oil to the diet. Disulfiram, an antioxidant, was administered orally once each day to 8 of the 14 lambs at 2 different doses. Serum creatine kinase (CK) activity was measured weekly for 5 weeks. Increased CK activity was evident in some lambs beginning at week 3. By week 4, serum CK was abnormally increased in 5 of the 6 nontreated lambs (ie, disulfiram not given) and in 4 of the 8 treated lambs. The combined disulfiram groups had significantly lower serum CK values during the study (P less than 0.05). Serum alpha-tocopherol, measured on samples from week 5 for lambs of experiment 1, was significantly higher in treated lambs (P less than 0.01). Microscopic examination of the vastus lateralis muscle indicated that the most severe lesions, consistent with nutritional myopathy, were seen in nontreated lambs. Therefore, disulfiram may have an antioxidant effect in lambs with vitamin E deficiency.  相似文献   

Serum bile acid (SBA) concentration was determined weekly for 4 weeks in dogs with experimentally induced hyperbilirubinemic liver disease. Obstructive jaundice was created in 6 dogs by surgical ligation of the common bile duct, and hepatocellular jaundice was created in 6 sham-operated dogs by administration of dimethylnitrosamine; 6 other sham-operated dogs served as controls. Serum bile acid concentration increased rapidly after bile duct ligation (from 0.6 +/- 0.1 to 69.2 +/- 15.3 mumol/L at 3 days), peaked at 14 days (247.8 +/- 54.1 mumol/L), and then gradually decreased (179.9 +/- 27.1 mumol/L at 28 days). Serum bile acid concentration in dimethylnitrosamine-treated dogs increased more gradually to 38.9 +/- 10.7 mumol/L at 28 days, at which time the serum bilirubin concentration was comparable with that of bile duct-ligated dogs. Mean total SBA values in bile duct-ligated dogs were significantly (P less than 0.01) higher than those in control and dimethylnitrosamine-treated dogs at days 3 through 28, with no overlap of individual values. Serum bile acid concentration at day 28 correlated positively (P less than 0.01) with cholestasis and bile duct proliferation observed in liver biopsy specimens, but did not correlate with necrosis or inflammation. Serum bile acid concentration also correlated positively (P less than 0.01) with serum bilirubin and cholesterol concentrations and with serum alkaline phosphatase and alanine transaminase activities. Results of the study reported here indicated a relationship between SBA concentration and cholestasis in dogs; extrahepatic bile duct obstruction resulted in the highest SBA values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to analyse serum concentrations of four different positive acute phase proteins (APPs): C-reactive protein, haptoglobin, serum amyloid A and ceruloplasmin in a model of experimentally short-term developed obesity in Beagle dogs. All APPs were quantified by commercially available ELISA methods and C-reactive protein was also determined by a highly sensitive time-resolved fluorometric assay. There were no significant differences between APPs concentrations at the beginning and the end of the study in groups of dogs that increased their body condition scores. In addition, dogs with body condition scores of 4 and 5 did not shown significant differences for any of the acute phase proteins studied compared with control dogs of BCS of 3, with exception of a decrease in haptoglobin. It was concluded that overweight induced in the experimental conditions of this study does not produce a significant change in acute phase proteins.  相似文献   

Serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT = GOT), alanine aminotransferase (AlAT = GPT), and total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) have been investigated in newborn calves, pigs, and lambs. In the two latter species the LDH isoenzyme distribution in serum was also studied. Blood samples were taken at frequent intervals from birth to 48–72 hrs. post partum.Calves and pigs were born with very low serum enzyme values, whereas lambs showed a picture more similar to what has been reported in human infants. In all species a marked temporary enzyme increase occurred during the first 24–48 hrs. This elevation was found not to be due to colostrum feeding, since a parallel increase was found in starved animals. Possible regulating mechanisms are discussed.The LDH isoenzyme pattern proved to be more stable than total LDH in the early post-natal period.The percentage isoenzyme distribution, however, showed characteristic differences from that found in adult animals of the same species.  相似文献   

Golden retriever and Labrador retriever muscular dystrophy are inherited progressive degenerative myopathies that are used as models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in man. Thoracic lesions were reported to be the most consistent radiographic finding in golden retriever dogs in a study where radiographs were performed at a single-time point. Muscular dystrophy worsens clinically over time and longitudinal studies in dogs are lacking. Thus our goal was to describe the thoracic abnormalities of golden retriever and Labrador retriever dogs, to determine the timing of first expression and their evolution with time. To this purpose, we retrospectively reviewed 390 monthly radiographic studies of 38 golden retrievers and six Labrador retrievers with muscular dystrophy. The same thoracic lesions were found in both golden and Labrador retrievers. They included, in decreasing frequency, flattened and/or scalloped diaphragmatic shape (43/44), pulmonary hyperinflation (34/44), hiatal hernia (34/44), cranial pectus excavatum (23/44), bronchopneumonia (22/44), and megaesophagus (14/44). The last three lesions were not reported in a previous radiographic study in golden retriever dogs. In all but two dogs the thoracic changes were detected between 4 and 10 months and were persistent or worsened over time. Clinically, muscular dystrophy should be included in the differential diagnosis of dogs with a combination of these thoracic radiographic findings.  相似文献   

The haematology, histology and ultrastructure of day-old broiler chicks subject to experimentally induced hypoxia during incubation were examined. Some birds were allowed to reach five weeks old before examination. All the red blood cell parameters, namely, haemoglobin, packed cell volume and red cell counts were raised significantly in hypoxic birds compared with control material and the results closely resembled the haematological profile of young broilers with an ascitic syndrome. By week 5 these parameters had returned to normal. Morphological changes were seen in all the organs examined from day-old hypoxic chicks. The lungs showed much congestion and large numbers of granulocytes were present in hearts, and testes. In the livers, hepatocytes contained enlarged mitochondria together with a reduction in glycogen content. Congested lungs were seen at five weeks old but recovery to normal morphology was observed in all other organs.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus was inoculated intratracheally into five 1-week-old lambs. Three of the lambs responded clinically with fever, hyperpnea, and listlessness. Pulmonary lesions consisted of multifocal areas of consolidation, with necrosis of individual epithelial cells of the airways and accumulation of necrotic debris, macrophages, and few neutrophils in terminal airways and alveoli. Pulmonary septa in affected areas were infiltrated with numerous macrophages and lymphocytes. Viral particles were seen as buds on epithelial cells and free in bronchioles and alveoli.  相似文献   

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