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一种新型的节水灌溉技术——渗灌   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
渗灌技术具有显著的节水、节能、省工、增产和提高品品质的特点,是发展我国节水型农业的重要技术措施之一,本文较详细地介绍了渗灌系统的田间规划,设计参数选择及生物堵塞的预防和处理办法,建议引进利用废旧轮胎回收的橡胶生产渗灌管的专利技术和关键生产设备,实现渗灌管的国产化。  相似文献   

对“渗灌”的几点看法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近来一些国外厂商积极向中国推销所谓“渗灌管”。我们有些地方也出现了盲目组团出国考察“渗灌”,引入国外样品,自己研制开发渗灌技术和器材设备的苗头。到底渗灌在国外是什么情况,它是不是一项成熟实用的先进灌水技术?这里就我所知道的情况谈几点看法。1我国70年代研究试验“渗灌”的回顾“渗灌”这一名词最早出现在山西省运城地区万荣县。70年代后期,当地群众和技术人员为了解决黄土旱原水源奇缺,农业长期受旱的问题,把粘土烧制成瓦管,再一节节地接起来,埋入地下,机井水通过明渠送到耕地边,经一个个进水池流入地下瓦管。无压…  相似文献   

渗灌节水技术及其经济效益浅析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
对渗灌的优缺点以及国内外研究应用现状进展进行了概述,提出了解决渗灌技术问题(防堵措施)的方法。以喷灌作为比较,分析了渗灌技术经济效益,并对渗灌在干旱半干旱地区的应用前景进行了分析。结果表明:我国目前渗灌技术及其应用水平状况尚处于初级阶段且与发达国家差距很大;渗灌比其他灌溉方式有最省灌溉水,有利于作物生长与增产,水分利用效率高,能耗低等优点;渗灌最大的缺陷是管道容易堵塞,虽然有防堵管道,但造价高,目前只能用于蔬菜和果树等经济作物;与移动式喷灌比较,渗灌虽然一次性投入较大,但在同等折旧年限下,渗灌的净效益更高,比喷灌多10.9%,是更经济合理的灌溉方式;渗灌在保护地栽培、荒漠化治理、盐碱地改良、城镇绿化等领域有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

渗灌技术存在问题与建议   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
岳兵 《灌溉排水》1997,16(2):40-44
简要介绍了国内外渗灌技术的发展现状。采用与滴灌对比的方法,重点分析了渗灌技术性能和存在的主要技术问题。对渗灌技术推广及等问题提出了看法与建议。  相似文献   

渗灌管埋深对土壤硝态氮含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以番茄为供试作物,通过观测渗灌灌水前和灌水后土壤水分剖面以及硝态氮含量的变化.研究了保护地渗灌及其渗灌管埋深对土壤硝态氮运移及积累过程的影响。试验结果表明,在渗灌管埋深为20~40cm范围内,保护地渗灌灌水后土壤硝态氮均表现出明显的表聚特性;土壤含水量与土层深度乘积与土壤硝态氮含量之间存在着极显著相关关系。在不同渗灌管埋深处理中以30cm埋深且渗灌管下有防渗槽的处理,其硝态氮在表层积累最少。  相似文献   

第三讲现代地下灌溉机械设备(三)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
3 现代地下渗灌系统与设备。3.1 特点与应用范围。3.1.1 现代地下渗灌技术。是将微压水通过埋在地表下作物主要根区的透水管管壁微孔(缝)向外渗出,即与土壤毛细管对接.将水分扩散直接变为土壤水.使作物根系吸收利用的先进灌溉技术。  相似文献   

渗管深埋条件下日光温室渗灌技术初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用微孔渗灌管,在埋深为35cm的条件下进行了田间试验。处理设40cm,60cm和80cm3种间距,对比了人工阻水层的效果。并对控制性分根区交替渗灌进行了初步探讨,结果表明,渗灌管深埋灌溉造成的深层渗漏量比较多,设人工阻水层能够提高灌溉水的利用效率;渗管间距在60cm时灌溉水的利用率最高,分根区交替渗灌对渗灌管深埋条件下的土壤水分剖面的影响不明显,渗管深埋时田间实际渗水速率与试验室内测定的渗水速率很接近,且随压力水头的增加呈幂函数增加。  相似文献   

在不同的水头压力条件和出水历时条件下,通过实验室内试验和温室内试验,测量节点渗灌管每单节管的出水量,利用均匀废公式,分别按照单节管和单位长度mm计算渗灌管的出水均匀废,同时考虑管接头部位的粘合与否的区别。试验结果表明,渗灌管总出水量与时间不成线性关系;水箱压力水头对渗灌管出水量影响显著,但对其出水均匀度影响不大;渗灌管按单位长度出水量计算各点源的出水均匀度明显高于按单节出水量计算各点源的出水均匀废;等等。  相似文献   

简要介绍了国内外渗灌技术的发展现状。采用与滴灌对比的方法,重点分析了渗灌技术性能和存在的主要技术问题。对渗灌技术推广及等问题提出了看法与建议  相似文献   

不同节水灌溉技术的节水机理试验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据甘肃省特殊自然地理条件,对于喷灌、滴灌、渗灌及波涌灌几种方式下,小麦和玉米两种作物的灌溉节水机理进行了对比试验研究,分析了不同节水灌溉方式下这两种作物的节水性和生育动态。试验结果表明,在降雨、灌溉水量和前期土壤特性一定的情况下,在喷灌、滴灌、渗灌及波涌灌几种节水灌溉技术中,渗灌的节水性最好,依次为滴灌、喷灌、波涌灌。小麦和玉米在渗灌条件下产量比滴灌、喷灌和波涌灌都高,小麦渗灌产量比滴灌增加7.6%,比喷灌增加13.1%,比波涌灌增加22.4%。玉米渗灌产量比滴灌增加1.3%.比喷道增加6.3%。  相似文献   

We compare the net present costs of two approaches for managing irrigation-induced deep percolation under border-check irrigated pasture: (1) conversion from border-check irrigation to sprinkler irrigation to minimise deep percolation and (2) installation of a subsurface drainage system to extract excess deep percolation under the existing border-check system. Results for a dairy farm in northern Victoria, Australia, show that conversion to sprinkler irrigation is the more cost-effective approach. The net present cost of the second approach varies across an irrigation landscape, depending on the most suitable subsurface drainage and disposal system that can be used for a particular location. Where an aquifer is high yielding and of low salinity and thus drainage water is suitable for reuse on farm, tubewell drainage and farm reuse of drainage water provides a viable alternative to conversion from border-check irrigation to sprinkler irrigation. Where tubewell drainage or farm reuse is not feasible, sprinkler irrigation is more cost-effective than border-check irrigation with subsurface drainage.  相似文献   

渗灌就是采用地下供水方式对农田进行灌溉。其基本特点是工作压力低,供水流量小,次数频繁,能精确控制灌溉用水量,只湿润作物根系附近的土壤,具有节水、节能、增产的效果。而在农业上用磁化水灌田,可使土质疏松,加快有机肥分解,刺激农作物生长。为此,全面、系统地介绍了磁化水渗灌装置的组成和磁化水渗灌的优点。  相似文献   

为了揭示北运河流域农田氮素的渗漏迁移特征,为该流域水资源总体规划和非点源污染综合整治提供指导,以北运河流域武清区为研究对象,采用改进的SWAT模型对16种不同灌溉模式下农田氮素的渗漏特征进行模拟分析。结果显示,随着污灌次数的增加,氮素渗漏量也相应增加,但3次以下污灌,其变化不明显。在污灌次数相同,且连续污灌或者污灌间隔...  相似文献   

Irrigation management for groundwater quality protection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Deep percolation flow below agricultural and can transport nitrate and pesticide residues to underlying groundwater. Irrigated agriculture in dry climates can also contaminate groundwater with salt from irrigation water and with trace elements such as selenium leached from the vadose zone. Groundwater contamination by agricultural chemicals can be minimized by using best management practices (BMPs) for crop production (including low-input sustainable agriculture or other source control) and for irrigation. Irrigation systems should be designed and managed for zero or minimum deep percolation during the growing seasons to keep fertilizer and pesticides in the root zone as long as possible. At other times, irrigation efficiencies can be lower to produce enough deep percolation water for leaching salts out of the root zone. Because of spatial variability and preferential flow, however, some deep percolation and movement of chemicals may still occur, even if the irrigation efficiency is 100%. BMPs should be developed to minimize such deep percolation flow.  相似文献   

Field evaluation of surface irrigation systems play a fundamental role to determine the efficiency of the system as it is being used and to identify management practices and system configurations that can be implemented to improve the irrigation efficiency. This study evaluated the performance of an ‘improved’ traditional small-scale irrigation practice at Adada, a representative small-scale irrigation practice in Dire Dawa Administrative Council, Eastern Ethiopia. In order to determine numerical values of performance measures, certain parameters were measured/observed before, during and after an irrigation event while farmers are performing their normal irrigation practice. These parameters include: irrigated crop, irrigation method, stream size, cutoff time, soil moisture deficiency, and field size, shape and spacing. The results showed that the irrigation water applied to a farmer's plot during an irrigation event/turn was generally higher than the required depth to be applied per event. Since the irrigation method used was end-dyked, the major cause of water loss was due to deep percolation. The deep percolation loss was 32% in sorghum, 57% in maize, and 70% in tomato and potato fields. The type of irrigation system used, the ridged irrigation practice and the poor irrigation scheduling in the study sites were the main problems identified in the management and operations of the schemes. The following corrective measures are recommended to improve the system: (1) farmers should regulate the depth of irrigation water they apply according to the type of crop and its growth stage, change the field irrigation system and/or configuration especially for shallow rooted row crops, to furrow system, (2) guidance and support to farmers in developing and introduction of appropriate irrigation scheduling, and (3) future development interventions towards improvement of traditional irrigation practices should also focus in improving the on farm irrigation systems in addition to improving physical infrastructure of the scheme.  相似文献   

Numerical evaluation of subsurface trickle irrigation with brackish water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, an assessment for a proposed irrigation system in the El-Salam Canal cultivated land, Egypt, was conducted. A numerical model (HYDRUS-2D/3D) was applied to investigate the effect of irrigation amount, frequency, and emitter depth on the wetted soil volume, soil salinity levels, and deep percolation under subsurface trickle irrigation (SDI) of tomato growing with brackish irrigation water in three different soil types. The simulations indicated that lower irrigation frequency increased the wetted soil volume without significant increase in water percolates below the plant roots. Deep percolation decreased as the amount of irrigation water and emitter depth decreased. With the same amount of irrigation water, the volume of leached soil was larger at lower irrigation frequency. The salinity of irrigation water under SDI with shallow emitter depth did not show any significant effect on increasing the soil salinity above tomato crop salt tolerance. Based on the results, it appears that the use of SDI with brackish irrigation water is an effective method for growing tomato crop in El-Salam Canal cultivated land especially with shallow emitter depth.  相似文献   

保水、保肥性极差的风沙土广泛分布于和田地区,为探明滴灌条件下其灌水定额与深层渗漏量的关系以及确定适宜灌水定额,为和田地区设施农业的科学灌溉提供理论依据.以和田风沙土条件下日光温室萝卜地为研究对象,设置了5个灌水水平,开展定周期、变定额的灌溉试验,同时利用深层渗漏仪监测地面60 cm深度以下的深层渗漏量,分析了深层渗漏量...  相似文献   

Water saving in irrigation is a key concern in the Yellow River basin. Excessive water diversions for irrigation waste water and produce waterlogging problems during the crop season and soil salinization in low lands. Supply control and inadequate functionality of the drainage system were identified as main factors for poor water management at farm level. Their improvement condition the adoption of water saving and salinity control practices. Focusing on the farm scale, studies to assess the potential for water savings included: (a) field evaluation of current basin irrigation practices and further use of the simulation models SRFR and SIRMOD to generate alternative improvements for the surface irrigation systems and (b) the use of the ISAREG model to simulate the present and improved irrigation scheduling alternatives taking into consideration salinity control. Models were used interactively to define alternatives for the irrigation systems and scheduling that would minimize percolation and produce water savings. Foreseen improvements refer to basin inflow discharges, land leveling and irrigation scheduling that could result in water savings of 33% relative to actual demand. These improvements would also reduce percolation and maintain water table depths below 1 m thereby reducing soil salinization.  相似文献   

采用埋深 1 0 cm的微孔渗灌管对日光温室晚春茬生菜进行了渗灌试验 ,并与沟灌进行了对比。结果表明 ,晚春茬生菜采用渗灌有明显的节水增产效果 ,与沟灌相比可节水 1 9.0 %、增产 1 5 .4 %。通过与栽培措施相结合采用渗灌成功地进行了生菜的定植。渗灌管浅埋灌水可以使表层土壤较快地湿润 ,并达到蔬菜生长所要求的水分 ,同时显著减少灌溉水的深层渗漏 ,提高灌溉水的利用率。温室生菜的田间蒸散量与温室内的蒸发力有直接关系 ,生育期内的日平均田间蒸散量为 2 .0 8mm/d,比沟灌温室内的高。  相似文献   

The ability to determine irrigation performance parameters for a given set of hydralic variables facilitates optimum irrigation system design without requiring field trials. Relationships between several irrigation management parameters, specifically application efficiency, distribution uniformity, runoff and deep percolation, are presented. The field variables inflow, border length, time of cut-off, slope roughness and soil infiltration characteristics, are input variables for determining management parameters. They are applied through the use of dimensionless curves of runoff and equations of the ultimate distribution of infiltrated water. An example to illustrate the use of the developed relationships and dimensionless curves is included.  相似文献   

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