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This study evaluated the performance of three soil water content sensors (CS616/625, Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, UT; TDT, Acclima, Inc., Meridian, ID; 5TE, Decagon Devices, Inc., Pullman, WA) and a soil water potential sensor (Watermark 200SS, Irrometer Company, Inc., Riverside, CA) in laboratory and field conditions. Soil water content/potential values measured by the sensors were compared with corresponding volumetric water content (θv, m3 m−3) values derived from gravimetric samples, ranging approximately from the permanent wilting point (PWP) to field capacity (FC) volumetric water contents. Under laboratory and field conditions, the factory-based calibrations of θv did not consistently achieve the required accuracy for any sensor in the sandy clay loam, loamy sand, and clay loam soils of eastern Colorado. Salt (calcium chloride dihydrate) added to the soils in the laboratory caused the CS616, TDT, and 5TE sensors to experience errors in their volumetric water content readings with increased bulk soil electrical conductivity (EC; dS m−1). Results from field tests in sandy clay loam and loamy sand soils indicated that a linear calibration (equations provided) for the TDT, CS616 and 5TE sensors (and a logarithmic calibration for the Watermark sensors) could reduce the errors of the factory calibration of θv to less than 0.02 ± 0.035 m3 m−3. Furthermore, the performance evaluation tests confirmed that each individual sensor needed a unique calibration equation for every soil type and location in the field. In addition, the calibrated van Genuchten (1980) equation was as accurate as the calibrated logarithmic equation and can be used to convert soil water potential (kPa) to volumetric soil water content (m3 m−3). Finally, analysis of the θv field data indicated that the CS616, 5TE and Watermark sensor readings were influenced by diurnal fluctuations in soil temperature, while the TDT was not influenced. Therefore, it is recommended that the soil temperature be considered in the calibration process of the CS616, 5TE, and Watermark sensors. Further research will be aimed towards determining the need of sensor calibration for every agricultural season.  相似文献   

A simple irrigation scheduling approach for pecans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pecans are a major crop in New Mexico's Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV). It is estimated that New Mexico is responsible for about 21% of the world's pecan production (Lillywhite et al., 2007). Currently, approximately 12,000 ha of pecan orchards at various stages of growth consume 45% of the area's irrigation water. Pecan evapotranspiration (ET) varies with age, canopy cover, soil type, crop density and method of water management. Intense competition for the LRGV's limited water supply has created a serious need for better water management through improved irrigation scheduling. Annual pecan ET ranges from as low as 500 mm to as high as 1400 mm. Diversity of the pecan crop coefficient (Kc) and ET makes the task of irrigation scheduling for this crop very complicated. Using remote sensing technology and field ET measurements, a simple relationship was developed to relate crop coefficient and ET to canopy cover. This relationship is then used in combination with climate data to calculate daily and weekly water requirements for each orchard. The difference between annual ET values estimated from canopy cover and values measured with an eddy covariance flux tower ranged from 2 to 5%. The average ratio of estimated monthly ET values over measured ET values was 1.03 with the standard error of the estimate ranging from 10 to 20 mm/month. This methodology provides a simple tool that farmers can use to schedule irrigation of pecan orchards. Even though the methodology was developed for irrigation scheduling in the LRGV, it can be used in other locations by transferring the reference crop coefficients using Kc-GDD relationships.  相似文献   

An irrigation study was conducted to determine the effects of implementing different irrigation practices on growth and yields of papaya plants in south Florida. Treatments included using automated switching tensiometers based on soil water status, irrigation based on ET calculated from historic weather data and a set schedule irrigation regime. The study consisted of two trials (2006-2007 and 2008-2009). Water volumes applied, plant height and diameter, leaf gas exchange, leaf petiole nutrient levels, fruit yields and fruit total soluble solids were measured throughout the study. For both trials, significantly more water was applied in the set schedule irrigation treatment than in all other treatments; historic ET and soil water based treatments received only about 31-36% of the water applied in the set schedule irrigation. Trunk diameter and plant height per unit water volume applied values for the set schedule treatment were significantly lower than those from all other treatments during both trials. The set schedule treatment in both trials also had the lowest crop production water use efficiency (CP-WUE); CP-WUE values among all other treatments were generally not significantly different from each other. Soil water and historic ET-based irrigation methods were identified as more sustainable practices compared to set schedule irrigation due to the lower water volumes applied while maintaining plant nutrient content, growth, photosynthetic rates, and fruit yields for this production system.  相似文献   

The effects of high crop load (unthinned trees, 22-23 fruits cm−2 of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA)), commercial crop load (3-4 fruits cm−2 of TCSA), and no crop load (all fruitlets removed) on maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS), trunk growth rate (TGR) and stem water potential (Ψstem) were studied during the fruit growth period and 20 days following harvest in fully irrigated early maturing peach trees, Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, cv. Flordastar. Even though crop load did not affect plant water status, the MDS and TGR values increased and decreased, respectively, as a result of the crop load effect. In this sense, for the same Ψstem value, there was a linear increase in MDS with crop load, with a slope of 6.6 μm MPa−1 per unit of crop load increment. The effects of environmental conditions on daily MDS values were also dependent on crop load, suggesting that MDS reference values should be obtained by representing the relations between MDS and the climatic variables (daily mean air temperature, daily mean vapour pressure deficit and daily crop reference evapotranspiration) for a given crop load. The constancy of the relation between MDS and Ψstem across crop load underlined the constancy of the elastic properties of the bark tissues.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess crop water stress index (CWSI) of bermudagrass used widely on the recreational sites of the Mediterranean Region and to study the possibilities of utilization of infrared thermometry to schedule irrigation of bermudagrass. Four different irrigation treatments were examined: 100% (I1), 75% (I2), 50% (I3), and 25% (I4) of the evaporation measured in a Class A pan. In addition, a non-irrigated treatment was set up to determine CWSI values. The status of soil water content and pressure was monitored using a neutron probe and tensiometers. Meanwhile the canopy temperature of bermudagrass was measured with the infrared thermometry. The empirical method was used to compute the CWSI values. In this study, the visual quality of bermudagrass was monitored seasonally using a color scale. The best visual quality was obtained from I1 and I2 treatments. Average seasonal CWSI values were determined as 0.086, 0.102, 0.165, and 0.394 for I1, I2, I3, and I4 irrigation treatments, respectively, and 0.899 for non-irrigated plot. An empirical non-linear equation, Qave=1+⌊6[1+(4.853 CWSIave)2.27]−0.559Qave=1+6[1+(4.853 CWSIave)2.27]0.559, was deduced by fitting to measured data to find a relation between quality and average seasonal CWSI values. It was concluded that the CWSI could be used as a criterion for irrigation timing of bermudagrass. An acceptable color quality could be sustained seasonally if the CWSI value can be kept about 0.10.  相似文献   

Automated residential irrigation systems tend to result in higher water use than non-automated systems. Increasing the scheduling efficiency of an automated irrigation system provides the opportunity to conserve water resources while maintaining good landscape quality. Control technologies available for reducing over-irrigation include evapotranspiration (ET) based controllers, soil moisture sensor (SMS) controllers, and rain sensors (RS). The purpose of this research was to evaluate the capability of these control technologies to schedule irrigation compared to a soil water balance model based on the Irrigation Association (IA) Smart Water Application Technologies (SWAT) testing protocol. Irrigation adequacy and scheduling efficiency were calculated in 30-day running totals to determine the amount of over- or under-irrigation for each control technology based on the IA SWAT testing protocol. A time-based treatment with irrigation 2 days/week and no rain sensor (NRS) was established as a comparison. In general, the irrigation adequacy ratings (measure of under-irrigation) for the treatments were higher during the fall months of testing than the spring months due to lower ET resulting in lower irrigation demand. Scheduling efficiency values (measure of over-irrigation) decreased for all treatments when rainfall increased. During the rainy period of this testing, total rainfall was almost double reference evapotranspiration (ETo) while in the remaining three testing periods the opposite was true. The 30-day irrigation adequacy values, considering all treatments, varied during the testing periods by 0-68 percentile points. Looking at only one 30-day testing period, as is done in the IA SWAT testing protocol, will not fully capture the performance of an irrigation controller. Scheduling efficiency alone was not a good indicator of controller performance. The amount of water applied and the timing of application were both important to maintaining acceptable turfgrass quality and receiving good irrigation adequacy and scheduling efficiency scores.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to develop the relationship between canopy-air temperature difference and vapour pressure deficit for no stress condition of wheat crop (baseline equations), which was used to quantify crop water stress index (CWSI) to schedule irrigation in winter wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.). The randomized block design (RBD) was used to design the experimental layout with five levels of irrigation treatments based on the percentage depletion of available soil water (ASW) in the root zone. The maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of the available soil water (ASW) of 10, 40 and 60 per cent, fully wetted (no stress) and no irrigation (fully stressed) were maintained in the crop experiments. The lower (non-stressed) and upper (fully stressed) baselines were determined empirically from the canopy and ambient air temperature data obtained using infrared thermometry and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) under fully watered and maximum water stress crop, respectively. The canopy-air temperature difference and VPD resulted linear relationships and the slope (m) and intercept (c) for lower baseline of pre-heading and post-heading stages of wheat crop were found m = −1.7466, c = −1.2646 and m = −1.1141, c = −2.0827, respectively. The CWSI was determined by using the developed empirical equations for three irrigation schedules of different MAD of ASW. The established CWSI values can be used for monitoring plant water status and planning irrigation scheduling for wheat crop.  相似文献   

A great challenge for the agricultural sector is to produce more food from less water, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions which suffer from water scarcity. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of three irrigation methods, using effluent versus fresh water, on water savings, yields and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE). The irrigation scheduling was based on soil moisture and rooting depth monitoring. The experimental design was a split plot with three main treatments, namely subsurface drip (SSD), surface drip (SD) and furrow irrigation (FI) and two sub-treatments effluent and fresh water, which were applied with three replications. The experiment was conducted at the Marvdasht city (Southern Iran) wastewater treatment plant during 2005 and 2006. The experimental results indicated that the average water applied in the irrigation treatments with monitoring was much less than that using the conventional irrigation method (using furrows but based on a constant irrigation interval, without moisture monitoring). The maximum water saving was obtained using SSD with 5907 m3 ha−1 water applied, and the minimum water saving was obtained using FI with 6822 m3 ha−1. The predicted irrigation water requirements using the Penman-Monteith equation (considering 85% irrigation efficiency for the FI method) was 10,743 m3 ha−1. The pressure irrigation systems (SSD and SD) led to a greater yield compared to the surface method (FI). The highest yield (12.11 × 103 kg ha−1) was obtained with SSD and the lowest was obtained with the FI method (9.75 × 103 kg ha−1). The irrigation methods indicated a highly significant difference in irrigation water use efficiency. The maximum IWUE was obtained with the SSD (2.12 kg m−3) and the minimum was obtained with the FI method (1.43 kg m−3). Irrigation with effluent led to a greater IWUE compared to fresh water, but the difference was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

A new decision-making software tool for sprinkler or drip irrigation scheduling and monitoring, was developed at the request of small scale sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) farmers in Reunion Island (France) facing variable climate and soil conditions. Based on a simple water balance simulation model coupled with a comprehensive set of decisions rules, OSIRI was designed to provide farmers with targeted advices on discrete units of irrigation and for simulating scenarios of irrigation systems to optimize their performance. An optional procedure of direct adjustment by farmers and a system of controlled irrigation rationing are proposed. To meet the producer needs, the number of input parameters is adapted to the rather limited data availability, and the recommendation sheet is user-friendly oriented. Field data confirmed that OSIRI simulates very reasonably well actual evapotranspiration and drainage below the sugarcane root zone. Also, OSIRI allowed to save about 30% of irrigation delivery on a 140-day period as compared to the currently used crop water requirement method (respectively, 165 and 240 mm of water), without significant decrease in yield (respectively, 102 and 101 T ha−1).  相似文献   

The actual irrigation water demand in a district in Sicily (Italy) was assessed by the spatially distributed agro-hydrological model SIMODIS (SImulation and Management of On-Demand Irrigation Systems). For each element with homogeneous crop and soil conditions, in which the considered area can be divided, the model numerically solves the one-dimensional water flow equation with vegetation parameters derived from Earth Observation data. In SIMODIS, the irrigation scheduling is set by means of two parameters: the threshold value of soil water pressure head in the root zone, hm, and the fraction of soil water deficit to be re-filled, Δ. This study investigated the possibility of identifying a couple of irrigation parameters (hm, Δ) which allowed to reproduce the actual irrigation water demand, given that the study area was adequately characterized with regard to the spatial distribution of the soil hydraulic properties and the vegetation conditions throughout the irrigation season. The spatial distribution of the soil and vegetation properties of the study area, covering an irrigation district of approximately 800 ha, was accurately characterized during the summer of 2002. The soil hydraulic properties were identified by an intensive undisturbed soil sampling, while the vegetation cover was characterized in terms of leaf area index, surface albedo and fractional soil cover by analysing multispectral LandSat TM imageries. Irrigation volumes were monitored at parcel scale.A reference scenario with hm = −700 cm and Δ = 50% (corresponding to a mean actual to potential transpiration ratio of 0.95) allowed to reproduce the spatial and temporal distribution of the actual irrigation demand at the district scale. The spatial variability of the crop conditions in the considered area had much more influence to assess the irrigation water demand than the soil hydraulic spatial variability. The proposed approach showed that, under the agro-climatic conditions typical for the Mediterranean region, SIMODIS may be a valuable tool in managing irrigation to increase water productivity.  相似文献   

Olive is one of the fruit tree species for which measurements of the trunk diameter variation (TDV) has shown a lower potential both for monitoring water stress and for scheduling irrigation. This is particularly true in the case of old, big olive trees with heavy fruit load. Fernández et al. (2011, J. Environ. Exp. Bot. 72, 330-338) observed that the daily difference for maximum trunk diameter between deficit irrigated ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees and control trees growing under non-limiting soil water conditions, termed DMXTD, is more sensitive and reliable for detecting the water stress of the trees than other widely used TDV-derived indices. However, they considered their results as preliminary because of the lack of replications. The aim of this work was to evaluate the usefulness of the DMXTD index for detecting plant water stress in an orchard with 12-year-old ‘Arbequina’ olive trees with heavy fruit load. The performance of DMXTD for detecting water stress of the trees was compared to that of the signal intensity for the maximum daily shrinkage (SI-MDS) derived from the same TDV records. Results showed that SI-MDS was not useful for indicating the water stress of the trees. On the other hand, the dynamics of DMXTD mimicked those of the soil and plant water status. Four instrumented trees per treatment (replicates) were enough to reduce the uncertainty of the TDV measurements to a reasonable level. Our results show that DMXTD is a useful index to detect the onset, and severity, of water stress in mature ‘Arbequina’ olive trees with heavy fruit load. They also suggest a potential of DMXTD for scheduling low frequency deficit irrigation strategies.  相似文献   

Increasing pressure on water resources in Spain is forcing farmers to move from flood to pressurized water application. Initial recommendations for this upgrading require soil survey information, especially in areas prone to soil salinity. In this article a 3158 ha soil survey at a scale of 1:25,000 is presented. Soil series are split in phases based on the texture of the surface layer, slope, and salinity. Available water holding capacity (AWHC), to a depth of 1.5 m or to a lithic or paralithic contact, texture and coarse components in the surface horizons, and salinity mapped as discrete soil units are combined to develop a regional soil suitability map for irrigation upgrade. To minimize soil erosion and salt mobilization in the soils, our recommendations are: (i) maintain and improve flood irrigation on 296 ha, (ii) develop standard sprinkler irrigation on 2261 ha, and (iii) move to high frequency sprinkler irrigation on 601 ha. This research demonstrates the importance of soil survey as part of the decision making process for upgrading the regional irrigation systems.  相似文献   

Drought and fresh water shortage are in the way of sustainable agriculture development in the North China Plain. The scarcity of fresh water forces farmers to use shallow saline ground water, which helps to overcome drought and increase crop yields but also increases the risk of soil salinization. This paper describes salt regimes and crop responses to saline irrigation water based on field experiments conducted from October 1997 to September 2005. It was found that use of saline water causes the ECe of the topsoil (0–100 cm, Cv: 0.196∼0.330) to be higher and more variable than the subsoil (100–180 cm, Cv: 0.133∼0.219). The salt load rapidly increased, notably in the upper 80 cm and especially during the season of October 1999 to June 2000. It was concluded that the maximum soil depth to which the soil was leached during the wet season was about 150 cm. The relative yields of winter wheat could be ranked Fresh Sufficient (FS, 100%) > Fresh Limited (FL, 91.80%) > Saline Sufficient (SS, 91.63%) > Saline Limited (SL, 88.28%) > Control (C, 69.58%) and for maize FS (100%) > FL (96.37%) > SS (93.05%) > SL (90.04%)> C (89.81%). The best irrigation regime was Saline Limited for winter wheat and maize, provided rainfall is sufficient. The experiments confirm that saline irrigation water appears to be economically attractive to farmers in the short term and ecological hazards can still be controlled with proper leaching.  相似文献   

Water saving in irrigation is a key concern in the Yellow River basin. Excessive water diversions for irrigation waste water and produce waterlogging problems during the crop season and soil salinization in low lands. Supply control and inadequate functionality of the drainage system were identified as main factors for poor water management at farm level. Their improvement condition the adoption of water saving and salinity control practices. Focusing on the farm scale, studies to assess the potential for water savings included: (a) field evaluation of current basin irrigation practices and further use of the simulation models SRFR and SIRMOD to generate alternative improvements for the surface irrigation systems and (b) the use of the ISAREG model to simulate the present and improved irrigation scheduling alternatives taking into consideration salinity control. Models were used interactively to define alternatives for the irrigation systems and scheduling that would minimize percolation and produce water savings. Foreseen improvements refer to basin inflow discharges, land leveling and irrigation scheduling that could result in water savings of 33% relative to actual demand. These improvements would also reduce percolation and maintain water table depths below 1 m thereby reducing soil salinization.  相似文献   

The usefulness of continuous measurement of soil and plant water status for automated irrigation scheduling was studied in a drip-irrigation experiment on plum (Prunus salicina Black Gold). Two levels of water restriction were imposed at different phenological periods (from pit-hardening to harvest, post-harvest) and compared with a well irrigated control treatment. Soil matrix water potential (soil) was measured with granular matrix sensors (Watermark); and short-period trunk diameter variation (TDV) was measured with linear variable displacement transformers. The Watermark sensor readings were in reasonable agreement with the irrigation regime and showed a good indication of plant water status across the season (r2=0.62), although they were a better predictor of stem water potential (stem) in the dry range of soil. Nonetheless, the most important drawback in their use was the high variability of readings (typical CV of 35–50%). From TDV measurements, maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) and trunk growth rate (TGR) were calculated. Their performance was also compared with stem, which had the lowest variability (CV of 7%). During most of the fruit growth period, when TGR was minimum, MDS was higher in the less-irrigated treatment than in the control and correlated well (r2=0.89) with stem. However, after harvest, when TGR was higher, this correlation decreased as the season progressed (r2=0.73–0.52), as did the slope between MDS and stem, suggesting tissue elasticity changes. Later in the season, TGR was better related to plant water status. These observations indicate some of the difficulties in obtaining reference values useful for irrigation scheduling based exclusively on plant water status measurements.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of applied water and sprinkler irrigation uniformity on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growth and hay yield in a semi-arid region. Field experiments were carried out in 2006 in Varamin, Iran, on three plots of 25 m × 30 m. Each plot was subdivided into 25 subplots of 5 m × 6 m. Different irrigation depths and sprinkler water uniformities were obtained by various scenarios of sprinkler nozzle pressure. In each plot, applied water was measured at 250 points (125 points above and 125 points below canopy) and the soil water content of 40 cm deep below soil surface was monitored at 25 points, each in the center of a subplot, throughout the irrigation season. The results showed that sprinkler water and soil water content uniformity varied between 66-78 and 88-91%, respectively. The findings revealed that soil water content uniformity was around 20% higher than sprinkler water uniformity. The irrigation uniformity below the canopy was estimated to be 2.5% greater than above the canopy, and canopy-intercepted water could account for 11-15% of the total seasonal applied water. Evaluation showed that alfalfa leaf area index relies more heavily on farm water application uniformity than hay yield and crop height. The experimental results illustrated that water distribution in sprinkler irrigation systems has a direct effect on alfalfa growth, hay yield and water productivity such that the applied water reduction and the increased sprinkler water uniformity led to an increased alfalfa water productivity of 2.41 kg m−3.  相似文献   

Using a correlation between trunk diameter fluctuation (TDF) and stem water potential (SWP) it appears possible to determine water deficit threshold values (WDTV) for young cherry trees. This correlation must be based on a significant effect between SWP and at least one variable associated with the vegetative or reproductive growth of the trees. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the effect of several irrigation treatments on vegetative and reproductive growth and the SWP of young cherry trees; (2) to determine the correlation between TDF and SWP, and; (3) to propose a first approximation of SWP and TDF water deficit threshold values for young cherry tree plants. The experiment was carried out between September and April of the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 seasons, in Quillota, in the Valparaiso region, central Chile. The irrigation treatments consisted of applications of 50% (T50), 100% (T100) and 150% (T150) of potential evapotranspiration (ET0) over the two growing seasons, using a randomized complete block design (RCB). The effect of irrigation scheduling was observed on: apical shoot growth rate (GRAS), branch cross-sectional area (BCSA), canopy volume (CV), annual length of accumulated growth (ALAG) and productivity. This effect showed that the T50 treatment caused lower SWP (measured pre-dawn), vegetative growth and productivity. The fruit quality variables (cracking and size) were not affected by the different treatments. Combining the vegetative growth, productivity and SWP results shows that the water deficit threshold value, as a first approximation, is between 50% and 100% of ET0, and therefore the critical SWP for defining irrigation frequency should be close to −0.5 MPa. Upon applying a post-harvest drought period (14 days without irrigation), a linear correlation was determined both between SWP and maximum daily trunk shrinkage, MDS (R2 = 0.69) and between SWP and trunk growth rate, TGR (R2 = 0.57). Using these correlations and the SWP reference value, reference values were obtained for MDS (165 μm) and TGR (83 μm day−1), which would permit automated control of water status in young cherry trees.  相似文献   

Florida is the largest producer of fresh-market tomatoes in the United States. Production areas are typically intensively managed with high inputs of fertilizer and irrigation. The objectives of this 3-year field study were to evaluate the interaction between N-fertilizer rates and irrigation scheduling on yield, irrigation water use efficiency (iWUE) and root distribution of tomato cultivated in a plastic mulched/drip irrigated production systems. Experimental treatments included three irrigation scheduling regimes and three N-rates (176, 220 and 230 kg ha−1). Irrigation treatments included were: (1) SUR (surface drip irrigation) both irrigation and fertigation line placed right underneath the plastic mulch; (2) SDI (subsurface drip irrigation) where the irrigation line was placed 0.15 m below the fertigation line which was located on top of the bed; and (3) TIME (conventional control) with irrigation and fertigation lines placed as in SUR and irrigation being applied once a day. Except for the “TIME” treatment all irrigation treatments were controlled by soil moisture sensor (SMS)-based irrigation set at 10% volumetric water content which was allotted five irrigation windows daily and bypassed events if the soil water content exceeded the established threshold. Average marketable fruit yields were 28, 56 and 79 Mg ha−1 for years 1-3, respectively. The SUR treatment required 15-51% less irrigation water when compared to TIME treatments, while the reductions in irrigation water use for SDI were 7-29%. Tomato yield was 11-80% higher for the SUR and SDI treatments than TIME where as N-rate did not affect yield. Root concentration was greatest in the vicinity of the irrigation and fertigation drip lines for all irrigation treatments. At the beginning of reproductive phase about 70-75% of the total root length density (RLD) was concentrated in the 0-15 cm soil layer while 15-20% of the roots were found in the 15-30 cm layer. Corresponding RLD distribution values during the reproductive phase were 68% and 22%, respectively. Root distribution in the soil profile thus appears to be mainly driven by development stage, soil moisture and nutrient availability. It is concluded that use of SDI and SMS-based systems consistently increased tomato yields while greatly improving irrigation water use efficiency and thereby reduced both irrigation water use and potential N leaching.  相似文献   

The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the main productive regions for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) in China. However, water-saving irrigation technologies (WSITs), such as sprinkler irrigation technology and improved surface irrigation technology, and water management practices, such as irrigation scheduling have been adopted to improve field-level water use efficiency especially in winter wheat growing season, due to the water scarcity and continuous increase of water in industry and domestic life in the NCP. As one of the WSITs, sprinkler irrigation has been increasingly used in the NCP during the past 20 years. In this paper, a three-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the responses of volumetric soil water content (SWC), winter wheat yield, evapotranspiration (ET), water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) to sprinkler irrigation regimes based on the evaporation from an uncovered, 20-cm diameter pan located 0-5 cm above the crop canopy in order to develop an appropriate sprinkler irrigation scheduling for winter wheat in the NCP. Results indicated that the temporal variations in SWC for irrigation treatments in the 0-60-cm soil layer were considerably larger than what occurred at deeper depths, whereas temporal variations in SWC for non-irrigation treatments were large throughout the 0-120-cm soil layer. Crop leaf area index, dry biomass, 1000-grains weight and yield were negatively affected by water stress for those treatments with irrigation depth less than 0.50E, where E is the net evaporation (which includes rainfall) from the 20-cm diameter pan. While irrigation with a depth over 1.0E also had negative effect on 1000-grains weight and yield. The seasonal ET of winter wheat was in a range of 206-499 mm during the three years experiments. Relatively high yield, WUE and IWUE were found for the irrigation depth of 0.63E. Therefore, for winter wheat in the NCP the recommended amount of irrigation to apply for each event is the total 0.63E that occurred after the previous irrigation provided total E is in a range of 30-40 mm.  相似文献   

初始含水率对涌泉根灌土壤渗透特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索初始土壤含水率对涌泉根灌过程中湿润锋运移和土壤水分分布的影响,合理确定灌水技术参数,配置了5种不同初始土壤含水率,采用室内土箱模拟试验方法,研究了土壤初始含水率对涌泉根灌均质土壤水分扩散的影响.结果表明:涌泉根灌条件下,初始含水率对湿润体形状的影响不大,对其大小有明显影响;土壤表面湿润时间与初始含水率呈递减关系,土壤表面湿润半径、湿润体水平与垂直距离的增长速度均随着土壤初始含水率的增大而增大;土壤初始含水率越大湿润体内水分分布越均匀;试验拟合的根据土壤初始含水率计算地表湿润半径、最大湿润体水平半径与垂直深度的经验公式,计算值和实测值之间误差较小,整体误差分别为0.63%,0.4%,0.83%和0.59%,0.12%,0.73%,可用经验公式推算涌泉根灌土壤水分渗透参数,作为涌泉根灌系统设计依据.  相似文献   

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