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针对食品类研究生创新能力培养中存在的问题,从加强过程管理、改革培养方案、改革课程体系、强化科研能力培养、提高学位论文质量、扩大研究生选择导师的自主权改革导师队伍建设、重视研究生实践能力培养、重视培养质量、重视生源质量等方面进行了分析,提出了食品类研究生培养机制改革的思路,从课程体系建设、导师队伍建设、研究生综合素质的培养、完善研究生淘汰制度、加强学术道德规范管理等方面进行了阐述,对提高食品类研究生的培养质量具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
当前我国水产品冷链的物流与供应链管理短板凸显,造成我国水产品冷链断链频发,腐损浪费严重且流通成本高的流通难题。将物联网技术集成运用于水产品冷链建设中,有助于破解我国水产品流通难题,补齐物流与供应链管理短板。本文从分析水产品冷链三大应用主体--政府监管部门、冷链节点企业以及消费者的功能需求着手,构建了集成冷链上下游企业多个信息平台和物联网应用系统的水产品冷链物联网集成体系框架,分析了该体系的运行机制,同时设计出了物联网技术全方位应用于水产品冷链各环节的实施方案。 相似文献
At present the contradiction between the supply and demand of the commercial real estate becomes more and more acute. There are two sides of unbalance, one of them relates to the total amount about the supply and demand, the other relates to the structure of them. Either of them can block the circulation of the market and restrict the development of the real estate if any inconsistency happened. The most important reason, which results in the disharmony, in the author's opinion, lies in the inefficiency of the price mechanism in real estate market. 相似文献
加工谷物早餐时,挤压膨化影响产品的感官评价、膨化度、糊化度的因素是多方面的,研究了原料成分、挤压膨化操作参数等因素的影响,主要考察物料含水量、机筒温度、螺杆转速、进料速度等参数对产品的影响。以膨化度、糊化度为考察目标进行了试验,最终确定最佳挤压工艺参数为:物料含水量16%,机筒温度设置为第3组,5个区温度分别为:80,90,110,130,165℃,螺杆转速为140r/min,进料速度为30r/min。 相似文献
詹明君 《农产品加工.学刊》2010,(7)
分析了我国农村金融市场的现状,指出了存在的市场竞争缺失,市场风险大,金融服务不足,信贷产品与农业生产不符,农村资金外流等问题,并有针对性地提出了放宽市场准入,构建多元化金融机构;完善金融服务功能,增加金融业务产品;建立农村资金回流机制,减少农村资金分流;建立健全农村贷款的抵押担保机制;加大对农村金融机构的扶持力度等解决问题的措施。 相似文献
食品专业工程实践教学改革研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实践教学是工科专业培养创新型应用人才的重要教学环节。针对食品工程与科学专业工程实践教学存在的问题,研究探讨了工程实践教学的培养目标要求。按五大课程系列、三大板块设计了工程实践教学体系,围绕新体系探讨了工程实践教学的内容要求及考核评价,以构建适应工程教育方向的工程实践教学体系模式。 相似文献
为分析三农微观层面存在的主要矛盾和系统地提出完善措施,笔者通过实地考察、举办座谈会等形式,深入调查三亚市崖州区的三农现状及焦点,收集和分析崖州区的基本经济数据。结果表明:三农问题是在自然条件和社会条件综合作用下所产生的弱质农业、弱势农民和薄弱农村的矛盾集合,主要表现在农业系统复杂多变、政府行为全局性不强、农村经济社会管理存在瓶颈、农民问题棘手而艰巨、农村金融不健全和基础设施与公共服务薄弱等。通过分析完善了农村治理“三维一体”和谐结构,提出三农微观系统运行机制,并建议地方党委、政府需要充分运用和发挥国家政策的作用,在三农微观层面深化改革,优化和整合资源,针对问题出台一系列的办法和措施,改善三农内外部软硬环境,调动各方积极性去具体化解三农矛盾,帮助实现农业增效、农民增收和农村发展。 相似文献
Credibility mechanism is the corn stone to ensure the transaction in the market economy. By the one-time game and repeated game models, the article explains that the message can be easily spread, and the bad businessman can be punished, and in the repeated games, credibility mechanism can develop. But the characteristics of the tourism market cause more difficulty in developing credibility in it. According to the problem, the authors make some suggestions on it. 相似文献
吉林省玉米产业的运行机制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
吉林省由于区位因素、资源禀赋造成玉米成为吉林省农业不可替代的主导产业。玉米生产又出现销售难、收储难、农民收入增长难,摆脱这种状况的现实的选择是以玉米生产为基础,构建一个全方位、系列化、具有多重产业关联度的玉米产业框架,建立合理的玉米产业运行机制,提高玉米产业的运行效率。 相似文献
食品质量管理学是高等院校食品相关专业开设的一门专业课程。为了培养符合社会需要的高素质创新人才,通过对食品质量管理学教学方法进行改革,激发了学生的学习兴趣,培养了学生实践能力和创新能力,有效地提高了教学效果。 相似文献
结合工程教育专业认证要求,通过对“食品工艺学实验”课程的师资队伍、教学方法、教学内容、教学组织形式和考核方式教学改革的探索,提高了学生的动手能力和学习积极性,培养了学生的思维方式和学习意识,有效提高了课程的教学效果。 相似文献
Positive Research on the Market Reaction of the Execution of the Shareholder Structure Reform Scheme
With the 41 samples of the second Shareholder Structure Reform companies,this paper analyzes the stock market abnormal fluctuation in a given event window,and tries to find out the reasons which result in it,and whether the companies'consideration scheme matters.The result of empirical research proves that the execution of Shareholder Structure Reform has apositive effect on the stock market.What's more,the stock consideration ratio and cash consideration ratio have a significant effect on the companies' stock,which is going up along with the increase of the ratios,but the additional promise is not so significant. 相似文献
根据国际工程教育专业认证的要求,以培养工程技术能力人才为目的,对"食品工艺学"教学的师资队伍、教学方法、教学内容、组织形式和考核方式等进行教学改革的探索,以提高学生的学习积极性和实践能力为目的,以培养学生的思维方式和学习意识为目标,最终提高课程教学效果。 相似文献
基于工程教育专业认证的要求,对四川轻化工大学食品质量与安全专业在近年毕业设计发现的问题及不足进行探讨,结合笔者的经验,对几个方面提出了针对性强、可行性高的改革措施,对该专业在工程教育专业认证的要求下,建立适合学校特点的培养措施提供帮助。 相似文献
食品工程原理是粮食工程、食品工程等专业的一门重要的专业基础课。作为一门工程基础课,工程素质的培养和强化是教学的首要目的。概述了该课程的特点,结合教学实践及河南工业大学食品工程原理课程教学的现状,提出了进行该课程教学改革的几点思考。 相似文献
The development of socialist market economy brings great chances to the urban construction. However, utilitarianism and blindness in urbanization show deficiency in idea of environmental design, system and public participation. To resolve this problem, a fair system of environmental design with healthy system of examination and approval, post occupancy assessment with public participation are discussed after analysis of Chinese environmental design. 相似文献
This paper analyzes interior transaction cost before the reform of separation of network operations and generation, and making electric generation market competitive in power industry, and market transaction cost in complete power market with the theory of transaction cost in china on the basis of the actuality and characteristic of Chinese power industry,then the describtion and the scalar comparisim are done between two costs by curve and mathematics. Based on the economic theory,the authors analyze the compare result,and come out the economic term of separation of network operations and generation in power industry, that is to say that there isn't economic reason when the electric plant lies in the phase of scale reward increasing by degrees,on contrast,when the electric plant lies in the phase of scale reward decreasing by degrees,the reform should be done step by step. 相似文献
CHEN De_qiang 《保鲜与加工》1999,(5):34
On the basis of quaility accident cases in engineering, this paper presents the necessity of establishing the mechanism of regulation standards on engineering quaility for whole construction work. This paper compares the technology standards with regulation standards on engineering quaility, puts forward the idea of regulation standards on engineering quaility for whole construction, analyses and studies the procedure norm, accounting system, management mechanism,auditing supervision and risk forecasting technique on engineering quaility in entity related with whole construction, under consideration with the reality of interaction relationship on engineering quaility and engineering financing in our county, finally ,explores and illustrates the positive appoarch which is used for establishing the mechanism of regulation standards on construction engineering quaility. 相似文献