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A new method with which to calculat the displacements of beams and frames is presented. The areas of tending moment diagram of beam or frame and the slope at the origin of the elastic curve are treated as some rotatable vectors with this method. Angular displacement and in-line displacement can be calculated by using the projection and moment of these vectors. This method can be used to calculate displacement of the bar and the bar syttem ( including three dimensional forms. ) , which made from linear or ncnlinear elastic materials. The cross section of the bar is changeable.  相似文献   

The secant rigidity is used for the are-length method to solve the nonlinear finite elements problems. The advantage of this method is unnecessary of calculating the initial resistance term caused by the incremental step. The computational work is less and the programing is easier as compared with initial are-length method. This method can be widely used to solve nonlinear problems.  相似文献   

In this paper we explain the method of the measurement of the wormwheel profile error with the three coordinate measuring machine. We first establish the wormwheel theoritical tooth profile equation according to the gear engage principle, then write the computing program and calculate the wormwheel theoritical profile, next analyse and calculate the error of the gage head interference. At last, we work out the measuring program and get the wormwheel profile measured with the three-coordinate measuring machine.  相似文献   

It's a historical inexorable trend that the development of architecture is synchronistic with the social economic and science and technology.Dwelling also faces new transformation with the passage of times.This paper makes a systematic analysis in theory,method and conception.It includes four parts,they arc cataclysm of living requirement,al-ter of general conception,the renewal of composition method,and the exploration of new style.  相似文献   

A method for coupled analysing plastic deformation of rolling workpiece and elastic de'formaticn of rolls is developed. The interaction of plastic defo rmation of rolling workpice and elastic deformation of rolls is considered. The couple is formulated by setting up force equilibrium equation at the interface of the rolling workpiece and tne rolls. The plastic deformation of rolling workpiece is treated by the rigid plastic finite element method and the elastic deformation of rolls is treated by the boundary element method. The rolling presure, perunit. forward slip, neutral from angle obtained from coupled analysis are lower than those obta-ined rigid rolls. The results obtained from analysis show that the analytical accuracy can be heightened using the coupled ana-ytical methcd dveeloped for treatng rolling3proccss.  相似文献   

This paper presents some ideas of graph theory which are led int(?) structural matrix analysis. The main contents of this paper are the principal points of the graph theory, the computative principles of the node method and the mesh method.  相似文献   

The distribution of human footsole pressure are measured with the shadow moire method and the force-displacement transducer array is designed,the latter of which is in the form of extension springs,one in every 0. 49cm2. Because hundreds of transducers are arranged in the area of the footsole,the pressure distribution of the human footsole could be exactly responded.  相似文献   

This paper presents an optimization method for solving the boundary value question of a differential equation on the basis of the trial-and-error method and the optimization method. As compared with the differential method, this method has some advantages such as quiker velocity at count, higher precision(especially at the boundary points) and can be widely used.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the metod of optimal design of municipal water distribution,The main points are the theory,mathematical model,program frame figure and example in practice of the optimal method of hydraulics.The program is applicable to the design and calculation of the pipe network in a city. It gives a simple and convenient calculation method for multiple-scheme design and scheme cmparison of water supply system.  相似文献   

将大米包装后进行微波处理,探索微波处理对大米的保鲜效果,采用正交试验优化微波保鲜大米的参数。以大米含水量、微波功率、处理时间为自变量,大米表面霉菌数量、米饭质构、糊化特性等为考察指标,采用隶属度分析法对大米品质进行综合评价。通过分析得出各因素影响的显著性依次为:微波处理时间水分含量微波功率;微波时间、水分含量对大米保鲜有极显著性影响(P0.01),微波功率有显著影响(P0.05);大米微波保鲜的最佳参数为:大米水分含量15.5%、功率640 W、处理时间60s,此参数条件下大米品质的综合评分最高,为0.9160。  相似文献   

In this paper,the united method for determining shape function is extended to higher Serendipity soparametric element with variable nodes,and the general formulas of shape functions for the element is obtained.The formu-las show great superiority for the Serendipity isoparametic transitional elements.  相似文献   

In this paper trial functions of the second Tchebychev's polynomials is used with Cantorovich variational method in energy functional of thin plate. Bending deformaion of rectangle plate under even loads or concentrate force with several bearing and critical pressure in buckling is resolved. Though the first similar is used but calculations indicate that this method is simple and exact in engineering.  相似文献   

The producing mechanism and developing law of the temperature restraint stresses on the layer-face of photoelastic model with variable elastic modulus are investigated with experimental studies and theoretical analysis, and the stability of the fringe figure of the restraint stresses or the fixedness of the restraint is verified repeatedly with the experiment. Thus the single model method of eliminating the influence is put forward, and the formula with superposing of fringe parameters of the method is given. The single model method is of great importance to eliminat the influence of the restraint stresses on photoelastic modelling with variable elastic modulus for soil and rock engineering and improving the experiment accurcy.  相似文献   

A ring's muJtibody discrete model is discussed in this paper. The ring's plane geometric nonlinear vibration equations are derived. Compared with the finite element and lump mass methods, this method is better. In the last pa it of the paper, the eigenvalues, the first 9 modes of the ring, the geometric nonlinear dynamic responses of the ring are calculated.  相似文献   

板栗空棚严重影响燕山板票的产量.产生原因与土壤中缺硼有关.通过早春施硼肥可使空棚率由85.53%下降到2.43%,产量提高7.7倍.但花期喷硼效果不稳定;人工辅助授粉和增施氮、磷、钾肥料及浇水对降低空棚率均无明显效果.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method of researching; the site dupleface dynamic balance of machine rigid rotator, namely duple test weightmethod is presented. Weight the new method against the existing method,namely single test weight method [1], both the efficiency increasing and theenergy-consumming dicreasing would be forty percent and over, with thebasic points of vibration theory, the formula of calculating weight andposition of the duple face dynamic unbalance of a rotator by means ofapplying the duple test weight is developed in detail. The method in handll-ing distinct bearing form is also discussed. Rightness of the new method isproved out by the living example of the simulant contrast testing carried outn the dynamic balance test machine and the site balance for a rotatorsystem of motor.  相似文献   

In the paper, the process of determining the degree of graphiti-zing of metallurgy coke with X-ray diffraction method was discussed. The extrapolation was used in order to obtain the interplanar distance. of (002) crystaloface of metallurgy coke. The finding showed that the dmax. wasn''t 3.44A, butO4.31A. A rational formula which could be used to characterize the degree of gra-phitizing of metallurgy coke was found.  相似文献   

A numerical enthalpy method is proposed for solving the multi-dimensional phase change problem by coupling the enthalpy and the moving boundary. Its basic feature is to sepasate appearent and latent heat terms by transforming the standard enthalpy relation and to couple them into the latent heat term by introducing the idea of phase change rate between the axes and simultaneously to correct the heat flux of the inflowing/outflowing phase change control volume element , so that the accuracy of numerical solution is improved and the moving boundary can be accurately followed.  相似文献   

This paper briefly introduces Patankar-Spalding Method, which is systematical, active and widely applicable in numerical heat transfer and fluid flow. The corresponding dependent variables, diffusivities and source terms for the general differential equations under all circumstances are explained. By using this method the calculation of two-dimentional Poiseuiue Flow and Couette Flow compared with exact solutions are proved to be high precision. with two-dimentional path-flow in the heat convertor intersification devices as an example, the tilted method is used with FORTRAN 77 programming, and the calculation is done on a SIEMENS 7570c minicomputer.  相似文献   

Based on Karman's nonlinear foundamental differential equations, the new method combines perturbation method with integral equation method is forward to solve nonlinear bending of a clamped circular plate on Pasternak foundation under a concentrated load at the center. This method is simple and easy to use. The numerical results show that the present solution is reliable.  相似文献   

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